Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 02, 1914, Image 4

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Your choice of 1 00 City Lots
have offered You again
Let us close you on at least one of these lots Now-TODAY
tiliwell Park, King and Goodspeeds
Land Is Best Old Age Insurance
V..u never hvurti i a :crty owner who h.ul to be supp.. il bv his eliildivn. '. ,iu: ami yet a Im of Inmt. The only UliK it WtH Ittiep jrOu out .
ila poor house. I'tople who own pioperty can't yet in there. You never I; new a in. in with a corner lot beiiuf ujportl by the Htttte. A lUttn
unt ;un orojrnv, even hii lo obey the will ol his own ehililren. Hut when he owns pi opt rty Ins children lrjitt worrying tthout his will.
little u ili ol your own toclav a little will power a little will pown nnint coining old aye? Come niul buy ome projcrtv ami let it, work lot
YU thtT you have ten dolhirs or a hundred, you can be a property owner now, a man who will haven jjotully income of' bin own. A man with a
11 -n ram that will bent nit the endowment policies ever innde. For here, with tin olliee the unfcty of your present i of jtil a mneh import mur t
as the certainty ot your lu. ure is tu us both. We always ha ve in mind that when n man buy teal ctntc of n once he i tfoinj to hi? it ctiittiiiiti
more the nay ln poektbok u i!l peitnit it. Act now. Act hete, here the safety of our prenent is miule a twin to the certainty of your future.
Tillnrr.ook's Lending Subdivision
Agent insurnnce, Loans, Rents
Todd Hote Bldg.
In the County Court ol the Mate
of Oregon, for Tillamook
In the matter of the Estate of Joseph
V. Cochran, deceased, late of the
Cour.ty of Ashland, State of Wisconsin.
.v.tice is hereby given that the u- -dersigned
has been duly appointed by
tht; said Court, administrator with the
will annexed of the Estate of Jiepn
V. Cochran, deceased. All pers.-ns
having claims agair st said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to
me, with the vouchers properly verifi
ed, at the office of Thos. Coates, Corn- ,
mercial Building, Tillamook City, Til
la:. ook County, Oregon, within six
months from ihe date of this notice.
Administrator's address: 445 Sher
lock Bids-. Portland, Oregon.
Dated and first published this 5th
day of May, 1914. i
Administrator with the will ,
annexed of the Estate of '
Joseph W. Cochran, dee'd. I
ii.d ..ay of August,
sum of $100.00 at-
e-at and
at &O.00 ;
to SHtl-
d decrees
rl ol -did
! and Mary
ri !.'. II
Administrators Notice to
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon f-.r Tillamook County, hs ap
pointed the undersigned administratrix
of tne estate of James S. Gray, deceas
eo, a-d any and all persons having
claim" against said estate are hereby
retired to present the same, together
win the proper vouchers, to the under
signed at the oflicie of T. H. Goyne, an
attorney at law. in Tillamook City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date nt this notice.
Dated May oth, 1911.
Ruth It. VV. Gray,
Administratrix of the Estate
of James S. Gray, Deceased.
T. U. Govne, Attorney for
annum fr in tin
191.;. U.e further
torney 's fees ; anj
disbureneits taxed
anu corrrimrdtnif rre
fy the Ji:i j'icjrri.ert'
(.y the sale of U v real r
Uef.T.Jar.t, D. F. (J.-.:-;..
J. G oidstetd, r. rior: !'.. r
NOW, I lih.hr FoKK, in oider to
satisfy the said judgments and decrees,
I will, on the 2oth day of June, 1914,
at 10 o'clock a. rn.. at the front door
of the Cour.ty Court houfe in Tillamook
City, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand,
the said real property, which is situat
ed in Tillamook Countv, Oregon, and
i rrore particularly described as fol
lows, to-wit:
I-ots 5 and 0 of BJock 12, in Sunny
side Addition to the" town of Hay City,
Oregon; also, Lots 12 and l.'l of Block
7, arid Ix)U 4, 5 ami 0 of Block 8, all in
Bar View Addition to the town of Bay
City, Oregon.
Dated this May 19th. 1914.
H. Crenshaw, Sherilf
of Tillamook County, Oregon.
feet to ire place of begi' t n,
H. Crenshaw ,
1 illar ook '"u. , t " t g i ,
Datid Ma !.:'. 911.
Sheriff of
tSoticejiof 5lienll's znitc of Re.il
LNOlU I. IS I KItH.i t.lbN, Thai
l y virtue of i.t Kxicution arl Order
of Sale ifsurd out of the Circuit Court
of the Mate of Oregon, for Tillamook
County, dated the 25lh day of April,
1914, in the cu wherein Darnel M.
1'a lor was plaintiff and I.erny I.uirux
ted Ai'dii I.ou.ax were dufur.dnnts, up
on n judgti cnt ai d decree rejOlered in
favor of said plnir.tiff and agniiist uui
I wo ll'in
lrii.r-l therton at, u,rrrrW( ro.,tl,, !fltf w
Frank Kkroth. rr !fr tianlt. utt't
a judgment and derive rcrwitrpd in fa
or of th- iu t 1 1 i. am K.4
Kkrotll. ' r'r li t, alHl (A 1.
said A lw. Dt'tH ami Mart tt'ria.
drfrn mill., an c.udtirn' to I um ot
l'wiiv llurxlml Tl ifly iNrVDf) rl
the ri I.- . f
from Mil- 4lh ' of Marri-, Itflo; the
furtti r kum of JV?).m) attoiiry far,
urd tl e k in of $47.00 cou ard d'
lurrrrrii in i,'d cnue, and im
mNiHiuie m ' N.tiufy U.e atd judp
mrtit iiml d"rn- l ll,.- al of tha rval
fTopfTty hercii iif!. r !i lo-ril rr) (wkin;;
incr to(a:d di feidant. AUn ll.-v t..
NOW, TIIFItKIOltK. in order to
...... i .... i .
mi Hi - ui'funi iii-iKinrnl awl ili-rt't
dffer.dants. sircunting to
drcd and Fifty Dollars, with in lures I I will, on lh- 21th day of J.inr, 191 1, mi '
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per 10 o'clock a. in , at the front door off
arnarn from the Mst day of August, the County Counhouite in Tillttmook '
lfcll; the further sum of $10.00 and ; City. Oregon, sell to the highest iu. j
interest thereof from .March 2nd, 1911; der tit public auction for cali in l.arwt,
the further Hum of 150.00 nttoriiey's the said real property, which is Ritual-
fees, and S1.J.&0 cosls and Uiabunu-- l in Iillainotk ( ounty, Ormiori, aiui
Inmotik l'il. Iit.fn arii j .itlin
auction to tha hik-::--iil I, d.Jrr for r jh
in hand, the said fval wuinlv, wl: rh
t nt..fll.: Ti t . t ,b 4KIll If0.
gnn, and i Bint par " ilarly ilc r P.
a fo!kwa. to-Wil ;
Ml 11, of rttuti 1 l lia ll.r u U
mora or lra ;
. Also, beginning at the iinrlnl
:cort.r of Lha rorthrait quarlvr of tl.c
j soutWaal quarlcr of . li..n 1.1,
' rUdlllDg' lht. c auulfi iO , l,iln. v
ml9 chain; llinc. north 1 rn.,.
; lhanco aast 1 rhaio. Ihcnco n.,rUi IJ
I fhatnii . thrncn weal 10 rn t,
plan of twirimtliiir, a Ira. U a.ill
therefrom, contnltiing'6 acrwajmorr ..r
ments in said cause
me to satis
ili-cTfi- hv tin. n;ili! of tlio ri'.'il iirooiTtv
I hereinafter described belonging to said
Also, 1'ingit miui .
mr of ihp t . W. I lrn.lrn-a I) I
hihi rn itunn inancw outh Jo wiihu. 3o
I'ti or tha north bank of Wilaon
li ver; thertra wral parallel and .Hi fi
d-.iaiil from tli mrth bank of .al.l
nd cause, and commanding , is more particularly ik-scribHl m fo. . , ''r l" "rt-awi county road; llimc.
fy the said judgment ami l-wr, to-wit ' following th cn(r of ruad tu the
I lie east half of tha srHithwaat nu.r. u' ' am i.. W. Mandrirka
ter and the southwest quarter of thi. ' thence naal to the pni f
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
by virtue of an Execution and Order of
Sule i&sued out of t'.e Circuit Court of
the State of 0regn, for the County of
Tillamook, dated the 14th 'lay of May,
1914, in the cause wherein B. II. Hath
away and H. It. Hathaway were plain
tiffs, and the First National Bank of Til
lanuok, Oregon, a corporation, and Al
bert Marolf and Katie Marolf. and I).
S. GooJspeed and Mary J. Goodspeed,
were defendants, upon a judgment and
decree rendered against said defend
ants. D. K. Goodspeed and Mary J.
Goodspeed, and in favor of plaintiffs,
for the sum of $600.00, together with
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from the 25th day of
August, 1912; the further sum of
$G0.0P attorney's fees, and costs and
disbursements tuxed at $12.00 j and a
judgment and decree rendered against
said defendants, D. E. Goodspeed and
Mary J. Goodspeed, and in favor of
said defendant, The First National
Uf -.k cf Tillamook, Oregon, for tho
sum of $701.00, u ether with Interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
Notice is herein given, that by vir
tue of an Execution issuer out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, j
for Tillamook County, dated the 21th I
day of April, 1914. in the cause where
in Lern Parker was plaintiff, and Wil-I
liam L. Kiefenbcr and Lillian C. Kief-'
enberg were defendants, upon a judg-!
ment rendered in favor of said plain- :
tiff, Lern I'arker, and against said de- i
fendaiits, William L. ICiefenberg and!
Lillian C. Biefenberg, amounting to!
Three Hundred and Twenty-five Dol
lars, and interest thereon from the 10th
day ot July, 1911, at the rate of 10 peri
cent per annum; the lurtner sum ol
$50.00 attorney's fees, and the further
sum of $13.50 costs and disbursements,
Now, therefore, in order to satisfy
the said judgement, I will, on the Kith
day of June, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. rn..
at the front door of the County Court
house in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell
to the highest bidder at
public auction fur cash in hand, the
real property of the said defendants,
situated in Tillamook County, Oregon,
more particularly described as follows,
Lot 1 of Block 8. in Bar View Addi
tion to the town of Bay City : Lots 15,
10. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 20,
27, of Block 20, in Fuller's Amended
Ad .ition to the town of Bay City (ex
cept right of way 50 feet wide through
lots 2.', 21, 25, 20, and 27, in said block
20. conveyed to tho United Railway
Company;) alao tract beginning CO feet
west and 100 feet south of thu north
west corner of Block 4, in Fuller's Ad
dition to the town of Bay City; thence
south 45 feet, more or Icds, to the
northeast corner of tract sold to Win-
Held C. J'roinbley by deed recorded at
page GiM of Book "17" of Deeds, Ilec
ords ol JiiiiunooK
thei.ee vi'it 200 -feet
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to
of Ke.'ii satisfy the said judgment and decree. I
will, on the 24th day of June, 1914, at
10 o clock a. in., at the front door of
the county court lioij.se In Tillamook
City. Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, the
said real property, which is situated ttij
j uiamooK i.nunty, uregon, uno is mor
particulnrlv'des rd.ed as follows, to-
Lots numijcred .is mid-l iofg.nlock
numbered.'!, in Fullers Addition to
the town of Bay City, Oregon, accord
ing to tho reeotded pint thereof.
Dated May 20th, 1914.
H. Crenshaw, Sheriff of Tillamook
County, Oregon.
southeast quarter of Section 19, ami
the northwest iimirinr of the northeast
qiyirWir of .Section :,.i, all m township 4
outh of range 9 west of Williimvtto
Mr ridlan, in Oregon.
Dated this 2fith day of May, 191 1,
( II. Crenshaw, Sheriff of
rillnmook Countv, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Kcnl
by virtue of an Execution m onor f
-jur: iKBuuu out oi tne circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
County, dated the 14th day of Mny
r.ij.l, In the cause wherein Albert Ma
rolf and Katie Marolf were plaintiffs
and The First National Bank of Tillii
rnook Oregon, and B. II. Ilaihawav
and II. R. Ilathawav, and I). E. Good-
speeu arm m. ,1. (ioodspeid wen de.
Notice of Administratrix
the County Court of the Statu of Ore-1 fendaiits, upon a judgment and 'decree
" ; ...... ii nii.uuii u;iiiiii xiiiij iiorcnOatils I)
pointed me unucmigucu uurriirnnirumx !;, lioodsi d ami M J CikwIu, ,...,i
nf h,. palntn of Albert .1. Glti-h..!! !.. I .,1 I., r... .. .1 ' . ","'Hl,t'!."
ceased, and any and all persons bavin s
claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same, together
with the proper vouchers, to the under
sigrifd at the olllce of T. If. Goyne, an
attorney at law, in Tillamook City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated May 5th, 1911.1
Florence V. Gitchell, Administra
trix of the Estate of James ,S.
(Jray, Deceased.
T, II Goyne, Attorney
for Administratrix.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Ren I
by virtue of an Execution and Order ol
Kale issued out of the Circuit Court o
the Stale' of Oregon, for Tillamook
Coimty, Oregon; County, dated the 20th duy of M.
there- tiorth 15' 1911, in the ciiuiw whoivin F. It, RjiI
rendered a.'rainst said
d and M. J.
vor oi the nun r f,,- .i,.
rn of $200.00. logo-.h...- vllh !.,(,.,...
then on nt the rate of rf m.r cent per
aiinurn from the iHlh duv of Juno I'i2
thu further sum of t'100.00 nttoriiey's
. '.ui1.'i(i!MtH an'1 'llthiirseinents tax
ed at$0.:!0; and also upon j,,,.
irent and decree rendered against said
defendants, D E. Goodsi.eed and M
J. Goodspeed, and in favor of said du
fendant. Ihe First National Bank of
$701.00, togolher with interest thereon
IwKinmr'K. ! tracu udd,
6.15 lo'rra, morn or lta :
Alan, Iwginning nt the quart r snc
lion cortu r on tha east lino of iu- ti.,ii
I J, and r nning thence south a chaina '
thenca w.al on ih oiie sutoinlh ..!
lion lino II cbniiia; thvnre north 1
chain; ihuivce hii.i , n.,iro :
north 9chiiltw, to (.he quarter octlon
lina; llionco unit U the plme of b.yin.
ning, coiitiilitlng 20 acre., more 'or
Also, beginning Ml a point 05. 72 feci
Vo1 , lh" "'"tthoiiat corner of tu, C 1
. uenuricKs ). N c M
iinmeu north llll.H f,.t
feet: tluiiipi!
tluuno west
HOllUi ,U) . Z-i feel
thence oust 100 loot; lhanca south lui
feet ; lhnc., cant (W fBl t ,h .,,,.
of beginning, contnining I acres
nmo, ioih lour, ve nni six of Block
Kht. and Lou twelve and .,, , of
:;k seven of Bur View Additi, l(,
thu town of (lay C,iy( Orum,;
, Also, lots 5 and m f Block twelve
Dalo.1 May 19th, 1911.
, , H. Crenshaw, ShiirilT
f Hlhiinwk County, (IregoT
Governor Foe of Senate.
Halnm.-Oovniiior Weal has linlora.
'd resolutions, ndopted by tin. at,...,
from the 2nd day of August 19 Z e' , 7 ' ' ",Vr ,"" """""I"" 'f
further sum of tVM.im attorneys ft., ; , "'" ",,xt Konural .,tioii to
and tho sum of uit)) rtH (i ' I "hollsli the Htntu moiiuIu.
bursemeiits: and
satisfy tlie said dg, .md" i ,. . ,: "
yy uii- nu n oi me rein tironertv hnlo.i,,. i .. . ., . " lw
i'H at oim Unio
i A" ! V vrl
i fcw A .siirpiur li - trti
Bgra of " ' ' 1
M link I'd ' of 1
ck', mi I .' uur I
M dmiler cm 1 PPo I
M pi h to I
I ( lima if yt i
f tJ
ing U Hiiiil iK foiiflHt,"., iV. li "M" ! "m ,M ":' f"oe.
LnerVr..?;'; ' G","1l"-'"'l.'h.trel:i w'-''l WiMl tl,
thj point of ttKnt)wr ; iv"tw
L4W nUh Ui i anu v w. ihw 4
e east 200 1 and Alva ll"yal.
Marian B'irriB tmd
lifter descrlbio.
"n liiienien In nn
U'". ' ' 1 2.el.
lot .1 .. , in . ....
'i'ii o cincK a, im.
y rf
lit I IK
I door of thu County Court huuue, In T
i-i .
t" Dr. Mok for llrst elassjphoto-
WMnc Hu nlw.yH delivers tho
IIUM'II OilIll A f If II '1
..... - , ,,,, .
nv Keeping linn in iu' 0f
W. mil selling iIrM's m
best stock nt pricen ll'"1 m
lumpt you. ,,(.
. i a mi.- II A l!Nh5
M Hl.l .....U'll
...ill . . ..... i........i.. nut iiir "r
win in i, oiuy iiiiiiiw"' .'". ... 'm
of your horse, but cmiirim'";
safety iik well. Many a
be Hvoldeil If Ihe nl'l lliim,"""u
discarded In tune. , , .i
a mmi I I I AM
aaiiHia m w"