Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, June 02, 1914, Image 2

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    Cbe Cillamook ficrald
C. 6.
Tsstictl Cll'iCC .1 lUccU
Cromblcy, fcduor
- . CucsJnV mttl Prlil.iv
lr-gon, unaer ine ac i .u
srpscRirnox Si.m A vkvr in APVXNCfc
:JIdcctlis-itin Kates
' eeal Advertisement
rrt Inm-rtion, per hue
Bach tut sequent IriMrtwn, line
Hotncteai fHc
" Timber Claims
Node, per lino
Card of thn-kt. r line
Local. r Uiw. first insertion
' ir.-K uhiuuant insertion, lino
, Resolutions of rondoletic and
1 Ixidge notie, per liw -.
' ! Bittitwat A rWlol earda. mo. I 00
. DtauUtv Advcrtitonwrrt, per inch .
U.I. Display Ad utb
fie on Monday and, Thuraday
n tarns ntiblfeation In folw-
i5 Tnlit and Friday itW.
Rtatont are imperative.
L. 15. Hewitt
to inspect ''l Pnturt. sueh U
I-iiik th interest he w'S'
mi-i packing home.
Cortland contractor n by'
fMtl, executing the l'iHHKM Hal
Silicrton Masonic lodge ha " I r. ! OrtW . Vltiirh... U.Ukme.
os t'Koi' nu J'MVMH IAN
t .til I liom
1. J. CLAU88EN
M,t iciusi AnvnuAT
(, .ihiiiuiomI HtultlniK
TTIttPAY Jf.NB 13,
CorT ' (
it? ;;'. i
Ju"t" ' 1
eating 'mi-'t,
;! lead of other great
tl OiaiTit'Txl Match
lssiK-d tin- follow m! to
, 'C'oi'-'"' "fi"S ,rt
t'! tti 't tho corH-
n iratn 1 - f"C mtoxi-
anJ ..!! ofiu-er shall
refuvc fivi I-" nifn n- '.r known '"
pc.'i U
5oi r
t -.i
il. -.-." M rr ..ml mori
nn.hns nt th.U "hixut-"
.-t anyl .lv.
, .i
rrcu!cnt Wilton
n Anti-tmt bill
'!. him m;!i a proviMon -!
ibor fr -i profcution lir.
hcrnun .,ct Notice lo tff.s
i Ucn trw on Rrpresep-
f M..;!jiui. spoketn-.fi
in the house. H
i!i..t neither t'.c
U-.tiler in con
.. .i clear to grant
o !i.i"!i shall be
i ' under the
is in keeptnc
;i v' DomocrattC
! ;rt ilexes lo
i hnsr.istr.ilt' n's policv
' niatter may cott the
;,..r: nuny labor votit
v scr, th re i no qnes
&t st.-.nd taken it
ir and will in the tunt-
ming up of things add to the party'
It i
will it it
der :
tat iv
ot .
nv. '
ar ii
wr.h Pi.rt
Oi I
in '
iunif i! th 1
-he t'la
(as 5
1 i.-
,t Ubo
H! tlli i'.
ti nor
. i- . l their
:.:.m -h.it 1'
. j m lionet'
vis: law. T' i.
j 'Ut o.
1 !
: t:
At the present moment the mert
..ml harlor bill under eontider
stoii b the cotnmtttee on commerce,
-nd it has been under contiaeratutn
tor veiks. Tht ntcesMtAted the al
ntot dailv attendance ort the eotnmit
x c or stti-tiintiU.' ifssiont by eJ
ator Chawhcrkun. at is very well
kiwn. Oregon hat a trentendaut
,i,o to the river and harbor bill,
i. .. I..,.,-,! thxt ovrrvtbintf of real
ti ij-ort ince that hat been put into the
' ill will be allowed to tav there, but
I'.isai pointed senator tWm other
, siaie mav prevent the full apreHrta
' is from beinR allowed. Jwtt at
mi .is the senate thall have put it -s;
of Approval or disapproval on the ;
...rious itetnt of the bill, The Journal .
..id-t iU be infonncd what awe
- h.. attended the eifortt of Sen
,s,'t i'h:.snbcrlain to tecurc frTi con
s the appropriation which the
.! i oninecrt ask, and the eom
1 .rcul boiliet of the ttate desire, for
ic improvement of the ttate't water- ,
' a s,
. . !J .1..
it ;-! re necessary io rcmiira it
eopte of the northwest that itwat
s-. tutor Chamderlain who introduced
i"u- Alaska railroad bill, who manag-
I the bill on the floor of the senate,
Ih made a speeeh in support of the
bill that was a masterpiece of re
search and comprehensive informa
tion about Alaska, its hittory and re
sources, and the necessity for the
construction by the government of
a railroad to open up the retoureet
i.f the territory and enable the people
f the Pacific coast to get at the rich
stores of coal, copper, gold and other
mineral in the interior That this
.ailroad is to be built now is duc
-ttore to the efforts of Senator Cham
berlain than to thote of any other
uian save President Wilson.
V. hen it is considered that Senator
' hamberlain, in addition to being
-airman of the committee on mili-
iry affairs, belongs alto to the coin
nittee on agriculture and foreatry.
impropriations, c-mm-ree, public
(ands and testitoriet, it is really tor
prising to ikid that he it usually in
his teat in the tenate chamber when
the tenate it in session. He answers
.tore roll calls, it is believed, than
uy other senator. The senator's
iotest friendt have marveled all
through this session at his powers of
.-n durance ami capacity for hard work
but he has kept up well and, indeed,
as declared that he has felt exceed
;i;j!y well despite his press of buti
. e and, at times, lack of sleep. To
:hosc who may think bing in con
gress isjust .n- round of enjoyment,
!';s short rrcit 'l of nnr man's duties
cm civc but a very inadequate id'a
of what it really means to be a ser
vant of the pcopli in the upper hour
i congress.
i .. .... ..r thf ,'neuon oi
,lor brik lilije ami ottice tmirwnn
The Workingmen's I oitiMti"
,u, vihieh strips employers who t
ttur to come ttmlet it operatlotts f
all deieoee. .e into effect July t
The Mooe lodge of lUntlon will
eonsltuei a two "to"i brick halt too
ti too ti-et
1 i,t .ted woik in the new court
,.lts.- at KU-nalh ball will wal -,
r ' ' by thr Nrtbrt Str I
, iui.!t,n Xttatn' anl InrtOgta
V o, of Portl .m! a id VnetUr i i
, .! . v a lat-;v U-i'. at Uoltl CtWt'
; . i'es frtrv Sumplei,
litli-r ami roote flrntt an
jij , i t i -wit wooil block
tin i i. i. mi n-ad out of Portland.
.uiu- vlU imiuairkt tl'
be a leatur of the tegon etMbii as
tn pa-.wma KxpAaitton.
Eugene nmnufaeturer at ptglinlne
for a tate ide exhibit of d
tregon produett.
The past week the street Of Bakrt
were lighted lor the fimt trm from
the munieipal plant.
labor utiir-n ar piekttfc)f
Home Telephone Company beetm
man and ttomen have been cm
ployed who ar not membtra of tl
union, and the company replies that
ninety per cent of its business conn
from cttUen who do not belong t"
R A I). rKRRl'lo
mttlOKNT inTia?
Offtit m Htuigeon Htdfl.
All Work '.uanWl
rilltimHk n"
Dr. lack Olson
offli-e Hour trw u a. m t ft p.
Oui!ffHw, BJWit
Roth Phone.
DtMth:t. i
,t .staled tbe Cowgwml !W..
SutttUm Ur. P. J. Sfcwi' 1
AO Work 0r'si. IMh '
Otlk. Unmi i 4 JO p. m.
Open Kvwinf lo-m ? 4 'UkV
Altoniey-al-l-a oA
L.tnd Oilt. i- Btistn.-ss.
ti. I . IMi K U M'N.
I lie Snilie I'iko to liscryoitc
JOHN 1 1 1 WO III M)l KS0.N
Ml - lit I an
vIisticM 'rr
lillftniotils (otiut lltinU Hltl(.
I .x, . .. 11 Alt t
Willi Motfcfi
Give UuTfj
Ci MCI liiii,...
- iv. 1111
I UVV. I A I I ...
kii i ij i h i nil
I Co Aiiitl...i. i .
INltiol ,
I i i.
'lunctii .
i., ;... . in.
... . .. Vft.t,.s
... ... ., . , um
01 0
' - AH.
wr aiul it
Geo. F. Winslow
Arii'itsi y i
ruui"'t itu
U..1.1 .sr.-
I w
. k
v m i ,- a 1 1 f it
th HHMitf. i ,y JJ K
IUI1. Irl
Washir-K'on. May 30. The neces
sity of making every precautionary
; reparation that human judgment and
i-xpericnci- can suc2eti for potsible
war, U adding very, largely to the re
sponsibility and anxiety of Senator
Chamberlain in his capacity as chair
nan of the committee on military af
fairs. Already one of the hardest work
ed men in congress. Senator Cham
berlain I:-. found that danger of war
brought to light a number of thingt
which imperatively demanded correc
tive legislation. Even the usual ip
proi riation bill for the war depart
ment rcjiurcd that its preparation be
mad- v. ith an eye to usual comlfion-;
snd traordinary expenditure. Fu-n
tl.cri was the naval academy bill to
scrutinize, prepare carefully and tteer
to its final passage on the floor of the
v n.ue. Still more important and of
a peculiarly timely interest was the
volunteer bill which gives the president-
pvwer to call on tbe states for
the rational sniard. In case of for
eign war the national guard will be !
calh-d out, firtt for border pat role j The Eugene creamery has been
and u-iard duty, then in case of need , sold to tbe farmers' creamery atso
and r it has become somewhat ciation, and they propose to double
ea"nd by actual service conditions, ' the capacity of the plant,
it m.".y be employed abroad. And Sisters of the Good Shcpard of
volume. r, independent force, will Portland will erect a $125,000 build-
not 1 c:.iJd until the regular army ing on Albina avenue.
ami ti" imittia lave been utea a lui-
ly as possible.
Portland, Ore. May jo, (Special
pile driver and other heavy maeln
ery 10 uid itt instruction of 0
terminal dock for the Hill tyv.m
and municipal docks at Astoria h.r
hrn rrrriveit bv the contractors U
will do the work and the firtt pit" j
will be driven neat Wednesday 10 a, lllljmooK
tart for both project. The contra. .
tors announce thai at least too r :
will be at work within the nest '
days and that from start to fuus'i ,
the work wilt be pushed with all p
sible tpced. The total cost of ib-
first unit of the Astoria aliinicitalj
Docks will be uo.ot and it is
preted that it will take not less Uw
ijo working dav to complete t!" ,
job. I
The Port of Columbia Comim f
cial Club ha arranged to celebrate
the beginning of work on the two
dock systems by an old fathiottol
basket picnic during the afternoon, j
speeches by prominent men an t a ;
banquet at Astoria in the cveni'U' '1
it eapected that prominent oib 1 !- t
of the Hill system will be prea- i d j
take an active part in the celebration j
The Government drerge Oreu"n. i
which hat been operating in thr '
Yaquina River for several tnont-.s. ,
has completed a channel from T"l ! -'
to the ocean and the first ocean try
ing steamer hat been docked and
loaded at that port. The steamer
Handon , of San Francisco, loaded a
cargo of 600,000 feet of lumber for
the California city and will hcreatfer
... , . . . . , . ,
.nunc regular trip ociuan ine (j,tfr (r
ports. It it estimated that the new I "...i ...
i . .' ..: n . 1 "' "i
cnannci mrougn 1 aqHioa nay nas put
not lets than six billion feet of splen
did timber within easy reach of the
Each of the Willamette Valley
counties included in the Willamette
Valley Exposition Association, will
specialize in some particular phase
, of exhibit. Clackamas and Washing
ton counties will feature processing
fruits and vegetablrs. Polk County,
v, ool and mohair: Benton County,
minerals; l.-ne County, timber pro
. ducts; Linn County, fresh fruits and
. vegetables; Marion County, hop and
canned and dried fruits and vegeta
bles. It it planned while each coun
1 ty will specialize along these lines,
no county will be barred from con
tributing good samples in other line
if lliey wish.
As a result of the interest which
lias been aroused in the raising of
corn in Oregon, it it stated that over
J. E. REEDY, I). V. M.
I II. I A.'UIOk l'M)l!.l I AkINO CO.
g V til K I Ur
lawstrd in I'' 1 ' K P' 'mcrljr 1-upMl
lis 1 rt t'atltaf
I'uKfi! )ulf tvt I tol l!itb!u
I 1 ,iti I When Ivct.nclPl.
ill- f ft--
Attorney .it Law
In Commercial Hiiiltlini
Painter ttml I'hkt Hauler
Contntctw Tfthen
list imtt tew i'ltrtiirihctl.
All Wtirk C.untrutu-vtt.
TilUtmook, Or.
mm bkk..
AT Al l. 1 hit
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lots;
$2.80 in Twenty CordJLot.
1 M!l f If . !!,
- lit. t
TUUmook Tltk
Abitract Co.
I, th tm
Itt AWiMiK
But that is not telling all af the ex
tra uork that has devolved on Sena
tor ' ir '. ' .in. As chairman of the
militar affairs conimittet- b- had to
dc't a zt at deal of consideration
to '! arti-lrs of war, which had
no'". - ! : without revision as to
nri 1 fiful consideration. There
wa- - the fortification bill, lo
which the senator gave a great deal
of r.tr ful Study.
to any person ' r-.ing even a
cur- jry acquaintance v.i-'n legislative
work, it would be evident that this
responsibility in connection with the
military affairs committee would be
.. 1 . 1. . 1 1 1 .
1 -,vw atisj ui 111c ccini nas oecn
Klamath Falls will construct a tew- i l J",efl '", ,n'. vtcinuy 01 Ontario.
er system in Mills addition. MOt ' ,n Parinng was .tone wit 1
St.-I for th fir.i in milr. of th, , carefully selected, acclimated a-rd.
ana as ine growers are usrtng tne
most modern methods in tin: cultiva
tion, it is expected the yield will be
the bctt ever turned out in the state.
Over 40 corn cultivators wer- sold by
Ontario merchants in one week.
At Amity, Marion Comm. tlierr
ij.at'.ts I'as and Crescent Lity rail-
:rac! has been bought. 1
Tbe Sjtate Grange condemned the I
proposed eight-hour taw as danger
ous for the farmer and fruit grow-.
cr 01 Oregon.
R..lc In 17. L.n t n lr ,1 t rr pnnifnip.
ton of the Hill railroad terminal at 1 !las received a ncr.i 01 rcg-
plavrl I itrred Holstcin tlairy stock, bought
The Darriner laundrv at Bandon I !n Michigan, and said to be the best
equipped with
will be rebuilt and
;.ui:. rn machinery.
Port Orfard wharf compiany has let
a contract for a large dock.
An important industry the past
sufficient to tett the strength and ! month in Oregon has been the tnatiu-
endurance 01 the average legislator icturv. ol graduation dresses
. 1 1 1.1. T A . . - . 17
who gave any time and thought to
his own correspondence and the reg
ular business of congres. Hut it
looks like only an incidental part of
Senator Chamberlain's dutie.
It must be remembered that those
senator who do not have heavy com
mittee work think that two or three
hour a day spent in dictating letters
to their constituents, and in sitting
some five or six hours in the senate,
listening to the proceeding and oc
casionally taking part in llit-tn, think
that tlit y are working quite hard
enough for the glory and honor of
their country and their state. Few
of lhi( Democrats can do this, but
there are Republicans who, it is ad
mitted, are not overburdened now
with committee work.
Kcttiniiiu; to Senator Chamberlain,
much of bis time has necessarily been
devoted to the agricultural appropria
tion bill. Many things in this bill
appeal especially to Oregon. There
are -such tilings as soil survey, measur
ing stream flow, agricultural experi
ment station work, seed and plant in
troduction, combating insect pests
and diseases of plants and animals,
protection against frost, and many
other features which, if left out or not
properly provided for, would be of
great detriment to Oregon's fruit and
farming interests. All of these thing
Senator Chamberlain, with the zeal
ous cooperation of Senator Harry
Lane, lias been watching with unflag
ging wakefulness. .
Commenwcalth Day at Eugene con-
,i'br (1 a state industrial survey.
The fi rat piling wa driven June 3
at Smith's Point near Astoria with
public ceremonies, for construction
of the big public dock system.
President Sprouts had one message
wheriver he spoke in Oregon: Open
the mills ami factories and get the
people back to work.
In Linn county a sample of con
crete was laid on Good Roads day.
The entire floating debt of the
state of Oregon, less sinking fund as
sets, is juotcd by a census bulletin
at o.o.) .
Coos county has completed plans
for a huibling at the Panama lixpo.
The State Grange rejected the pro
posed initative law for a fifteen hun
dred tax exemption.
Eugene will spread oil and lay the
dust on ten blocks of principal resi
dence streets.
Lumber shipments to San Francis
co from west coast harbors aggregate
23,80,000 for the first two weeks of
May. Coos Hay sent 5.t7".ooo feet.
The Willipa Construction Company
was the lowest bidder for the Astoria
tidrflat filling contracts.
The sawmills in Cottage Grove may
shut down because they cannot be
operated on small margins of profit
and meet the demands of the work-
mgmen s compensation and liability
The State Grange adopted a reso
lution limiting the power of cities
lot of dairy cattle in Orevoii Tin
herd consists of 18 heifers and one
registered hull. '1 he mother of this
I bull is tii id to have a reconl of 000
pounds of butter fat in a single year.
Cost of the herd, including transpor
tation, amounted to $5,500.
Notice For Publication
N'oticc is hereby given that Lewis
W. Wilks, of Tillamook, Oregon,
who, on June iH, 1008, m.i'h home
stead entry No. 16536, now serial
01539. fr S. K. J4 S. V. !4 . 20 and
N , X. W. A and S. li. 'A X. W. A
Section z), Township 1 south Range 8
West, Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed notice of intention ti) make
final five year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
for the County Clerk of I illamook
County, Oregon, at Tillamook city,
Oregon on the 16th day of July, hji.
Claiment names as witnesses:
Rhoda Johnson, Lewis (. Wilks,
Albert Wilks( and Sidney V. Ander
son, all of Tillamook, Oregon.
II. F. IIIGHY, Register.
h thr 1 (. it r, !! -m
said rilatr af li-trt..
ti'illficd ami rcijtlll'-'l li Ik rrrt:t it
said tllllr aiu! platr, atn t. s.i.-w
cause ll any thrrr It, wbt ui-! Ir-.il ,
account ! not allow rd. ai t -nn 1
mn'.ur discharged, and his bn.l
onersfd .
lasted at I illamook Ofrgon. this
jn day of June, A l iqu
V I. Nippington, Admmiiiiator ot
thr tatr nf Ci W apt'iiikM'.ii, dc
e-isid I
S lohnson and t" V '1 atmagr,
Attrnrs for itintmttatr ,
Will to 1st-till LiiuIm of littililin' cunt' its, I
injl ArcmUviur.il tlruwtnn I"!' : 11 ,,,,l,c 4
lilt rl v It'i-i- it 1 11.. 1 WilltMVi- v.i. l'icl'1
MOHHiliU- hitiis in mill work nnl I'f
, I'M .t. 1 i (IHIUPMi "
ftiiit lot m. iii Kinds tif inattli.ti .ilrrdi,"S
lift, VlH'll III UOII III IJlIIllIIIILr-t L.II - v
the IucmI mat kct.
I -itrt l 1 ... k .11 . u . . 1 1 . ftls-. -m. .1 K i 1 1 1 rs I n 17 IJ
WlY l HUH t L.IU tUIinUlltrlllUIi UU WMHMMft
free .it .ill times. Next to Todd Hotel
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
dersigncd has filet in the Conntv
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
his final account as Administrator
of the estate of G. W. Sappington,
deceased, and that the said Court has
by an order duly made, set Wednes
day July 1st, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M,
at the Court House, in Tillamook
County, Oregon, as the time and
place of hearing the same, and any
and all objections thereto, if any
Th Socialiti Party County f 'onvrii
lion will tw held in the eity of Tilla
mook on Saturday the siath day of
Comrades remember Ludlow and nil
turn out and let n do our part in pu.
ting n stop Lo th whokftala tnurdor of
woman arid children.
C. J. lilanchard,
Chairman County CommiUen
Follow U'orkur's, (Irei-itng:
The HVc-ragu wurkor, through profit,
rent and interest, is exploit.-,) tlf fMlf
llfthil of Hie prmlucl of bl labor, hei.ee
it 11 slave, induHtriiilly.
The wife of the working man is the
ulnvu of a hIhvo. The xorbiUnl, eon.
nscaiory uuim of tilliiiiKx.k County
plaent tho ihiiryman 111 tint mono strug.
glu for existjinetf, 1. thtt toiler in t,e
imhistriiil i-eiit.irs.
Ili.vo you pride, spirit, or dosiru Ui
Imi free? Coino to this ineeting and
tjikt; purl in w..tl(ing jour emancipa
tion. ''"i'l Ad. S. Seovell.
Commencing Juno 1st, and eontliiu
Ing for II months our Hpoeml immtner
prices will b; in ..(rcet 0 rord wood, in
two or tntiro cord lots, nmh on delivery.
A 1. spruce. Ilmlm 0,25 per cord, body
llr, hotly heinloek unwed 10 jn,;,
ri.50, vine muplo 4 fool tS.CO, aider
W.25, body sprucu M,2ri. All orders
llllcl in turn us tiikun, mid also sawing
done in routine uh onlem urti duteii.
(Jnltr early mid bo Hiiro mid get your
wood in before hud wouther.
. F. Hunk,
Fuel Dealer.
Yard apdolllre Cor. 4th Aft. and rd
St. Kt. Phone Hull lfl.
42 sr. V IV mm . m iu i 1HI 11' i
s-"-'- v-n lut I ntCS DCIOrC UIUCIIHK fc..v-"
V 7"
Hew tin tt,,
V' Jluplit.ul '
wi'a lecui buWt
ITT t a nirwjr av llfl
lui vi iwiu fi I i nit ..I . ..it.tl.' if In irk W
ready lor the mnrl.el nt the (Hw"lf
n . . . ss 1 1 C 1
unii.iv . ill. I I iu-
. - - - - ... . ..el
j -1 ii. ijhu n ii s si. i s rill ft-r h i iiuf-
4. IN DlR AIM Til r aon rtn oca
Loetted (5 miles south of Tillamook on
tnivolcd road.
Age 18 Years
Addrw. lox 446, Tlll.m.ok
Or Call A. E. Doerge, on Mu
tual Phone Between 12 and
I or 7 and fi p. m,
..'i l.l.lm' IIISIIV
Ing the tumiuer mjfa
will u j7,2Ui
iei.i. i. ..iiaiimiiry
l Ilia i . ' -
W...I.....U from Cb'-
UIVLJI.ri.'- --