Y Uty Lots ourc hoice or 1 w t prices and terms you may never iP 1 X 7 A i have ottered iou again. Let us dose you on at least one of these lots Now-TODAY Still Well Park, King and G Godspeed's , Addition Do vnu Ltiow that people who work for money seldom ccmnui;tt any money? Do you know thnl Uie ontv K-oplc who jret rich are the people who make their money work lor them? Do 'tiu know w btt im ht absolutely safe Investment in all the world i-? It's what the richest iitmi in town kevon buying, bttymjf. buying, vear nfter venr. with every surplus tlollnr he enn get hold ofreal estate of coutwr It1 the only thm that eannnt i)uni up. dry up. blow up or run away. Xow take that ten dollar of yonr, or thfU twenty or that hundred and put it now into the one absolutely safe investment on entth Ileum now to take your dollars out oi the millions .f dollars of interest on prntfre pnrileipate to the Rrcatwil extent you can in the surplus money that j,re- to some men some wh. re every lime thin country iwrenun it popu lation by a million people. Ask an man who isn't worrying where hi next month' rent i coming from he know.;. Make no your mind. Stop this endless toil and let the money you have been working for, begin working for vou. Get land. OLLIE WATSON Tillamook's Lending Subdivision Agent Insurance, Loans, Rents 1 UUU 1 it 1U JF. 1 ag. LtgigaaiiracffSiggeBB i RETURNS BY PRECINCTS IN PRIMARY C0?,7EST o tuial t lirrrs l.iir to le h 1 1 a'l"ii! q ! the end of June. S. x 5. E ? , -i c - -v v: -- 1 P n - 5 5 5 Wheeler 50 19 40 52 55 Wilson - 4 0 4 4 3 Union 20 9 14 13 18 Trask 11 5 7 11 11 TillaTiook 55 15 50 57 A Sunnymead 26 16 16 23 23 Stillwell 34 S 27 35 30 South Prairie 59 33 31 53 -.1 Sandlake 15 9 7 12 14 Kockaway 26 6 29 28 20 Netarts 15 6 11 It 15 Nehalem 103 13 9(1 99 99 Neskowin 24 6 18 21 25 Maple Leaf 52 ll 13 52 17 KilehU 29 9 22 29 27 Hoquarton 59 33 34 56 56 Hebo 33 16 26 35 31 Hays 60 23 51 63 62 Goodspeeu 40 7 38 39 39 Garibaldi 33 15 22 35 31 Foley 36 15 22 33 31 Fairview 46 16 31 40 43 Cloverdale 77 25 61 80 71 Carnahan 19 5 15 17 18 Blaine- 13 4 8 10 9 Heaver 33 9 24 33 32 Hay 59 17 51 55 57 Bay Ocean 12 3 8 II 12 Little Nesturca 23 4 25 35 32 Total .... 1082 357 837 1055 1016 r z y i tr. S 5 r r -2 3 2 S 13 5 7T 7: O 11 0 9 3 3 1 8 7 0 3 o 21 1 9 8 24 1 3 3 13 7 12 12 4 0 1 23 7 19 2 30 6 30 18 5 10 10 19 2 6 17 6 4 3 17 3 10 6 35 IS 16 33 12 27 14 17 16 11 4 25 21 33 24 16 9 30 42 13 2 9 9 2 15 10 0 1 o o 3 0 12 1 5 0 46 o 12 17 1 5 5 0 11 9 3 11 0 1 6 18 0 1 2 10 0 25 3 11 19 5 16 10 5-1 12 18 17 14 8 25 14 20 16 10 31 5 5 12 0 10 7 32 O 11 10 30 Is 21 11 13 17 5 52 12 30 II 41 29 41 27 15 19 31 47 15 7 22 16 3 14 6 1 6 3 27 10 16 9 8 0 6 18 25 12 11 28 19 40 23 7 15 35 26 13 4 28 24 2 20 3 55 2 17 10 32 It 13 48 7 23 8 77 3 42 15 26 20 25 15 26 19 8 63 7 6 6 32 7 18 c 3 51 o 13 1 35 13 18 18 8 31 6 93 6 13 4 29 17 31 19 10 9 5 48 7 7 21 23 6 27 Reports made- at the meeting of th St.ii grange showed that ii nun parts of tlit state oun women Her ' thrown out of implo) went by tin 1 operation of the minimum wage and ' i eight hour law. I The SusanvHIc mining claims in the f Greenhorn district of Grant cotfnty . are making a good showing ns pro ducers. A tuov'ctnent ha s been started in Lincoln county to establish tnini- f tnuttt iirntrt rtf tifr timtitli (ir 0 ' teachers. .j2 President Sproulc of the S. P. Co. J sail! there must he a change in public ,n ' sentiment before railroad construc tion will bckjiti, nud the factories ami 0 10 1 1 mills can operate and employ labor The Pacific Northwest sent out 8 53.w",3S rtnt shipments in totj. 2-1 1 Thtc Catholic cathedral to be rrec 17, ted in east Portland will cost building 40. and ktouius, $1,000,000. The Knights 2t' of Columbia will erect a club building 31 1 to cot $100,000. 18 11 n 11 :n ,.r am .1... . k i.iiiiiiiiii ui fiiiftiiiy i.s Joan niiiK a 100 room hotel at Hanilon. A :. l.: 1 1 26 J ps!' aiinui 13 uuiu I'luimrn ,jq 1 for l-"ti2ene. Nineteen counties in Oregon will lose $160,308 taxes this year by suits attackottK the O. & C. land Rrant. Litigation has already cost the Mat nearly as much and the lauds are withdrawn from settlement. Corpi'il river coal mines arc making laruc shipments to San Francisco. Springfield is to have fountains on 32 , 25 46, 32 13 3 9I 34 5 1 7 WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW, j Salctn, May 2,s. In the primary I election just held every candidate for j Governor who advocated laws inter- j firing with industries and imposing new burdens on manufacturing was ! defeated. ' j The Coos Hay port commission j Ins closed a contract to complete the , 300 foo( channel into that harbor. J The tirst of the Astorian-San Fran cisco line of. Hill steamers will be lai-nchcd July i st at the Cramp ship yard in Philadelphia. The Fugcne cannery is running on strawberries and gooseberries. The Willamette Pacific grade be tween Lakeside and Winchester is 171 307 499 214 467 653 412 645 578 553 the principal streets. j Wood block pavements made from sowmill butts is a new industry pro being thrown up by a sixty-ton posed in Lane county, shovel. j Construction of the long trestles on 1 M. F. Miller, one of the candidates 1 1'': Hue between Siuslaw and Marsh' for Labor Commissioner, made his field has begun, campaign with pictures of factory Work begins in June on the new buildings in full operation. j Sutherlin, Cose Hay and Fastern j The Washington initii iiuiin wage ! r:,lro:l,b 1 and ciirht hour law for women doe I To1" Richardson, the Portland 1 not apply to the fruit industry as it j Commercial club booster, estimates LONG BEACH The Beach Beautiful But Recently Put on the Market Now is the time to buy LONVi BKACI I is 1 denied 011 the extreme southerly end ol the IJ.ixoccnn, Spit, nlunit one and dm- lwilf miles from the Hnytjcenn Hotel. A li'"i lllUr' estinj,' tramp tip one ()f the prettiest beaches on the const. Loiitf Bench has these advantages over other resorts: The surf i" not so ..,.11 . : 1. 11. . . ... . 1 t. ""'in-.: -o ine snciier 01 uape Alears, which also hreaks all ol the mpi southwest winds so that none of the terrible storms of winter arc felt. Tllf property lies high enough above the level of the ocean to eliminate all la"Kcr of damage from the most extreme hih water. The famous Bavoienn Houlc vard will run within one quarter mile of this property and in time should tend a branch to this part of the beach. Cape MJitrsM.iuht.houae is within an easy walk of our lots. Plenty of clams, crabs, mussels, rock oysters, and tood sea fishing. 0,J hunting ... the mountain back ol us. The beautiful 1,0 NO HI-AC 1 1 sen-enves and famous nate beaches ri-ht at your ft out door. Can You Beat That? You Can't Lots Cheap and On Easy Terms A. H. GAYLORD, Resident Agent. does in Oregon. A cannery and evaporator arc to be erected at Alvadore, j The H. M. Hyllesby Co. will take up community advertising of the Pa cific Coast in connection with each of their 34 plants, - . North Hcud is goint; after a muni cipal water supjily. Oregon has lost 20,000 people on ac count of women not making it pleas ant for newcomers. E, M. Andrews and associates will expend $100,000 borinu; test wellb for oil in Coos Hay coal fields, The Forestry department will con struct a bridge across the Brcilcn bush between Detroit and Niaagara. All programs of radical legislation Salem has raised funds for the an- seem to be off in Oregon, and the recent primaries s. ivcd a waning to politicians to let imluttiics and Imim ness alone in the future. J. A. McKacheru Co., Seattle, have the contract for constructing the first unit of the Astoria public docks, to cost $135,715. The Portland port rominisiiiou has ordered a new tug and decreed that all dredging shall be thirty feet deep in front of private docks, The new Meier & Frank building at Portland is to cost $1,250,000. The steel. superhlriicllou is to be fahrleut ed at Portland. The new high school at McMinn- VlH- l'l cost If 30,000, I ! r.l r of S, I runci, will erect a $o.oi hoM,ita at Kla.uaih 1-alU. ''at city Krl a lmlMciH, lug lO COM $.J0,WM. Hilliboro will erecl ai oner a Car ntgiejibiary bnihllng. The defeat of all candidates w,, U and iimnri,., )t. rccc indicates ,!,; Oregon is com i'.g , . o a more ,;, coudiiio,,. V Inn the ,, frw ,, ,,. , I ,1 -v""" '"'"'Hug at San Fran ro ncx, vef l,,vc b,e shipped. ()l Uic tnul number of ,,H 0gs , 1. . I , sev,, carloads wire "lk II..-. I I ilirrf CiriiU" 1 -. ... 1 ..it cai ' ' t- ... it r J W 1 . M 1 mm wvv ..... . ... I.-.,, en ICCtC" .... I .I.- ill cn' tionateii uy nui i the ICS' .1. , . ,,. -.... tf ." . '. .. , i.irh ran"""-. iit rrtci; 111 mis ia1 0 y, Ilium, that bcloiiHinK t ''lC , c N, Co. on the AIMw lMfc' ianZao ""'""1, iiuili