BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Orruon Vprlru'tural colics1 Ufat rd i!n Multnomah t'lul) in (ho dual trnrk mwt at v'onalllf liy th ncoro ol 73 , to S7V Pacific t'nlxerttj defeated the Vnl verstty of Puget jJound In the annual debate at Forest Grove by a unani mous deois-lon of tho Judces. Itetuenn W0 and 7t00 I-ane county pchool children and their parents par ticipated In the educational rally day evetvioe In KuRene S unJtty Priton will bo tho tun tenet for hun dreds when the lth annual t'nlon Livestock show will be heM In that city Juno 4. 5 and . There "111 bo nires and band concerts. Tho pirls of the 1914 ercduatlnc aro establishing a precedent in that the expensive icraduatlon Jros coat Is to bo limited to JS. Atter nn Inspection of tho hopyards of Salem, Louis Lachmund. daaler In hops, said that the 19H crop would be from SO to 14 par cent leas than last year's crop. The conteM by the forest aerrlec apalnst Hercules Santolne, oo- In Portland, for a horasted In Joseph lne county, has been settled in favor of Santoine. Representative Hawley has applied to the board of engineer for permis sion to extend tho wharf at Port Or ford, damaged by rough weather. The board will make an lnrostlcatton be fore jnnou.-.cine Its decision. Dr Wtthycombe received TSO out of ji total of S73 votes cast for all candi dates for covernor In tho city of Cor vallis He received la li precincts heard from out of tho 22 In llonton county 94-t rotes of 1179 votes cast for all candidates for covernor. Senator Chamberlain has Introducer! a bill araoadlnc th act to anthorl: construction of a dike on Olalla slouch authorizing the construction on foun dation already laid or farther up the stream of a dike with a cnte for pur poes of navigation, the plans to bo approved by the secretary of war. The Indian appropriation bill, re ported to the senate, contains tho fol lowing Oretron amendments: Appro priation of $100,000 to purchase live stock, farm implements, seed, etc., to enable Warm Sprincs Indians to be come solf-supportitiK. Fifteen thou sand dollars for an addition to the as serably hall at the Chemawa school. An offer of SoO.OfH) was refused by Mrs. Mel la C. Brown. Eugene woman inventor, for the patent obtained three weeks aco on a tsnnitary milk cap. The offer came from Denver capitalists. She Is preparing to place the article on the market. Instead of slipping Into the top of the milk bottle, the cap is convex in shnpe and slips over the top. The Pender murder case, famous In Columbia county for its two long trials is soon to be argued again, this time before the supreme court. Pender, on a second trial, was found guilty at St. Helens last January of killing Mrs. Daisy Webrman and her infant child. and was sentenced to be hanged in March, when an appeal stayed execu tion. The postofftee at Amity was robbed Friday night. The robbers entered by means of skeleton keys. The safe was opened by nitro glycerine, the charge used being heavy enough to blow the aafe to piece and to move the front wall of the building, which is a frame one. outward two Inches. The robbers secured about $100 In money, but left other valuables. Including stamps and registered letter, untouched. Between 05,000 and 70,000 acres of land located in Grant, Umatilla, Baker and Wallowa counties have been des ignated by the federal government as subject to entry under the enlarged homehlead act. All of this land is, or Ik KUpposed to be, of Memi-arld charac ter, non-mineral and containing no timber. It will be subject to entry June 1 of this year, where vacant and public. Out for tho purpose of fighting Htate wide prohibition, as a matter of pro tection to the hop IndUHtry, represen tative hopgrowers of the Willamette valley met at Salem and perfected the organization of the Hopgrowers' and Dealoru' association of Oregon. JJo-sld- making the temporary organiza tion permanent, the hnpmen elected a vice president for each of the hop- growing counties, and in those coun ties h county organization will be ef fected for the purpose of localizing the efforts of the association. Marshtleld society la In a hubbub over the "social highwayman" procliv ities of an unidentified member of the local "four huudred." For several months matron and other, who havo uttcae'ed "LOO" gamea, at homes, com pllmonirrle and other similar func tion:, have been missing Jewelry, mon ey and other valuables. The social futic;.c-n8 were attended solely by wo me:: uit! no the credit for the lifting gor ict a feminine Raffles. Two and tv o kii.1 four and four have been put Ic''Mer u:nJ tho losers and othets iiov l.olltvo they have spotted the KiilPy pi'rty, yet thay speak the name only In an abstract way and uientlo' It to tlioca they fcuow won't tWi. ITAFT AIRS MEDIATION VIEWS Ex-Preldent ThlnVs Offer And Ac crptJnce Important Future Step. New York. William Howard Taft . cave hi Oew on tho Mexican situa tion In an address at tho Free Synti- j soguo's celebration of Ptmco Sunday. While the t president oxprometl , little hope that tho pendtn mediation conference would aecompllfh Its lm- mediate purpose, he asitoit that tho J offer of mediation and Its acceptnnce , constituted an Important stop tow aril the future settlement of International disputes in the western hemisphere. "Hut If we are to bo Intoheil In war because of Mexican anarchy, let have it fully understood that o go Into it "In the service of mankind.' as the president phrases It. and not upon j the issue of a mere puttctilllo in naval ceremonial." Dynamiter Must Return to Prison. Chicago. The United Statee court Of appeals ordered :ill the coulctol dynamiters whose appeal for a retrial had been r eo;vl. into custody within tlree s TVy mut report to the war.lon .it l. .irenworth peniten tiary or to the 1' nlted Stntos Marshal of the district, who will return them to prison. Mt. Vernon Is Reshlngled. Washington. Mount Veruou. tho borne of the Father of His Country, Is to have Its fourth et ol shlnsles since It wa? built! In 1743. The man sion was rehlnled In 17S6 nnd In Before putting the fourth roofing : V , shtnr.les wer; rounded at lte J 10 tueKe them co.form to the oris- : . ; ? i:. Primary Notei. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe was elected progressive national committeeman without opposition. Marion county republicans nominat ed their first woman candidate for county office, uhen Mrs. Mildred H. Urook led the ticket for county recor der. The proposed isue of I5G0.OO0 road bonds in Marion county was snowed under by a two to one rote. It having lost In practically every precinct. Miss Iva Harrington won the repub lican nomination for clerk of Clacka mas county. jcua . Jefrey of Multnomah coun ty was the on'y democratic candidate .'or attorney cen"ral and received the nomluatlo.: without opposition. Mrs. Mary Scott, of Sheridan defeat 1 Ira G. N'cison for the democratic nomination for treaaurer of Vumhill -ounty. nr.d to oppose hor the repub licans placed Alice L. Adams In nom ination. M si Adams defeated three opponents. .11 m-n. O. P. He! ' r aiinaied for labor commissioner. Frar.k J. Miller fornill road commissioner. Jchn H. Lewis for state engineer and Ilelph K. Williams for national committeeman on the re- I .:.!.f-; ; -"'ft. Un the mocrat:c ft let H. M. Fs-t-rly is the chosen iii. ional commit teeman. It is probable that Samuel Kvans, of Klamath Falls, has received the dem ocratic nomination for congress in tke second district. COUNTY PRIMARY RETURNS. Following is the result of the pri mary in Tillamook county: REPUBLICAN, National Committeeman. Charles W. Ackcrson ji.i Ralph E. Williams 45S United States Senator. K. A. Booth 871 Governor. James Withycombe 246 fieorgc C. Brovvriell 80 William A. Carter 5.1 . M. Crawford :oo Grant B. Dimicl: ini T. T. Gcer 122 Charles A. Johns 61 Cius C. Moslt 146 Congressman. W. C. Hawlcy 780 B. F. Jones 24; State Treasurer. Thomas B. Kay 778 Justice of Supreme Court. Samuel T. Richardson 103 Henry J. Beau 443 Henry L. Benson 222 T, G. Clecton 416 I. H. D'Arcy 146 Lawrence T, Harris 261 Thomas A. McBridc 50,3 Charles L. Mc.N'ary 480 Attorney General. Gforttc M. Brown 202 'ifjrgc N l;errin 151 Frmk S. Grant 192 J. J. Johnson jfla William 1'. Lord 172 Supt. of Public Instruction. J. A. Churchill 821 Stite Enginier. John If. Lewis 032 L. R, Storkman 237 Commissioner of Labor Statistics, 1 l,im T CMmiok 7-'t , Judcc ol ttis Circuit Court. ; lUtry U Hclt , I tlcn . Holman 4.4" , Kepresrittative. T. U. HanUK-y 0 j County Judce. A. M. Mare ....ioSj ' Sheriff. I Kuiiuett Hales J57 I H. Crcniliuw .57 County Clerk. J. C. HoMrn lo.nv County Treasurer. H. I- Heals IK Surveyor. A. M. Austin 11 U. G. Jck?ou jo K. I- Shrove 4v l F. Wilson JI4 Coroner. W. C. Hawk 4'T S. M. W'ntit 6W County CommUsioner, 4 years. A. A. hnlali 41- Ftank L. Owens fm County Contmissiouer, 1 y.-srt. K. I.. Sappinxton S?S D. V Thompson . Justice of the' Peace, it D'stric: J. 1 lioinpjou ft Justice of the Peace, Jml OWirkt. K. Stanley (7 Justice of the Peace, 3rd District. Frank Taylor Justice of the Peace, 4th Diitriit. J. W. Hutlcr .7 Constable, 1st District. J. J. SpcnCcr J7 Constable, --ml District. William Powell . J4 Constable. 3rd District. James Uurkc 9 Constable, 4th District. J. J. Lonccorc g Port of Nehalem. H. V Alley ijo C. H. Wheeler . Port of Bay City. Russell Hawkins 55 Fred Robison 18 W. C. Hawk j. I O floorth j DEMOCRATIC. LONG BEACH The Beach Beautiful But Recently Put on the Market Now is the time to buy tin- Havownn, A short utter. l.uNC. ni-At H iilocitnl on the extreme nnutlicrly end o( Suit, al.out one ami fin- halt imles litmi the Mayoeenn Motel. cstuiK tramp up one ol the ptettiesi iicm-ues . uic iuhm, I.imii: Heneh hiis tlicne mlvantnttes over oilier reorts: The nurt i ,)ot uil.l ow"in; to the shelter ol Cape Menrs, wlueh also luvalH all ,, t,c s.uitliwest wimls so thai none ol the terrible MorniH of winter are kh, th pi.ipertv lies ItiKh enough above the level of the ocean to clttntuittc all (m,KrT it .I.uu.'oic Iroin the most extreme ur water. The faiuotis Ha.Kvati linulc. i will iiiii within tme quarter mile of this property ami in timi iuult n. ten. I .t l.taneh tt this part of the beach. Cape MeuniI.ight.houc m wahm ;m i..v walk f tur lot5 Plenty dI clams, crabs, mussels, rock uhter. ami jooil Hca f I s 1 1 1 ('j huntitti! m the mountain back ol us. The beautiful l,0N(t i 1 1C AC 1 1 Nca.cnn ami l.iinotis aate biaches i ikIu at your ft out iloor. Can You Beat That? You Can't Lots Cheap and On Easy Terms A. H. GAYLORD, Resident Agent. National Committeeman. W. H. Cannon W H. M. Kttcrly j7 United States Senator. Geo. F.. Chamberlain ;(o Governor. Robert A. Miller 17 L. J. Smith ti2 A. S. ilennett 87 G. A. Cobb iS James Manning 54 Congressman. Frc!cricV: llollistcr tw W. H. Mcreilith t.i Justice of-' Supreme Court. Win. Galloway 200 Wtn. M. Ramcy .'. 103 Attorney General. John A. Jeffrey i Judge of Circuit Court. LAND PLASTER LAMK-SCHRAOKR COMPANY Docks .ind Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West R. Y. A. M. X. J. J. C. H. L. F. L. .330 ix Fred S, IJynon O. P. Hoff John A. .Mattson M. E. Mill. r Railroad Commissioner. FVtnk J Miller ' i ' lA P.itlOil ' ...ui jit'isrlnt'.ndent. . 191 . -39') ,.uf, , .217 -557 Webster Holmes Representative. Hlalock County Judge. Hare Sheriff. Myers 180 County Cleric. Iloldcn 11 County Treasurer. Heals 1, County Surveyor. Wilson ,j Coroner. W. C. Hawk 17 County Commissioner, 4 years. Francis J. Welsh is6 County Commissioner, 1 years. D. F. Thompson jj F. L. SaiiinKtou 13 County Surveyor, R, L. Shrcve ?4 Port of Bay City. Fred Robiion 10 Russell Hawkins ,, 7 W. C. Hawk 7 Port of Nehalem. G. W. McKimens , 1 S. M. Hattcrson 1 H. V, Alley , Wheeler 1 1 tvwV uPrcme Sodas XyZ,tvn I j bakl irarn-ITi t ran i.( ,nv kif-.J l ,,V-r- ---t 'liftt 1 1 u. . Itmm .u. u- , ,.- H hi M ' Jt-ir,.. I,, II III tta. '.I.,.trll !.,.. . ... MM , 'L -'L I lit ' -. , ,r 1 C. II. PROGRESSIVES. National Committeeman. Henry Waldo Coe 10 United States Senator. William Handlcy 12 Governor. F, M. Gill R FEEBLE OlU PEOBE Ar Told How to Scittli ami Vijcf lir. mo iittans aci rao? IJW! lea rSe(rey la )ttfi.& tySmlP" ill. if. 1 til - " . ' ' WW. bi ulfirition weak Inol. our dllrlcris tc! tw Irtm Ionic wtthcul all l ti alfpflEthoner and IxxIrtuOiif tt rlt.. . ii .-1... .1. ... repUrw caknea with iirrJL UJ ftflla- lh 1ra tttts and thus prtrronta t'0o" Mr, Mary ly. CdsxVs, y: -ii otia oniy av vu 1nol dona old fondx, I aa tt votild ho unbt la KJfjtr t2 a I .kl.. I that did m o much inM u crn4tor I errr unci In ror !!,'. old pcoplo, and cff4t itt'trt III rnturn ywr money And te'.ni hoaltce at csc. CIIAS I I .IH'i TllUm . f'tr H1N Bllltltkuv rfT fsJKfl Fuller & Johnson Gosoline Engines Can Not Be Excelled . IWtiutllv ail the mnrlmu'rv tiM-.-l ,, tR. (,, .sc,IM, s th,ti, ,u.,v k.,lriv..l,v , ' s cuKiiie. I.r.lior f, ,lirm Wnvl is vt.(; vcrj- cxcns,vc. thus t ln,,r like a v u l ul rr ,n",, m !ClU""V ,,Mi nost wc , l u,l,u JOHNSON cn-me. l-or.Snle Mv TILLAMOOK SHEET METAL WORKS COMING! Twelve months in months In it duy ! 11 duy I Twelve L. If. McMahan t I Thu wonder who ever did m-v? Congressman. Fred W. Mears Justice Supreme Court. Henry L. liaison T. A. Mcliridc T, J, Clecton , Attorney General. Gcorgi- M, Ilrown Supt, Public Instruction. A. H. liurlon s Commissioner Labor Statistics. O. 1'. Jloff 2 County Judge. A. M. Hare , Sheriff. H. Crenshaw Countv Clerk. ' J, C. I (olden ti t County survti -r, L. F. Wilson; county romiiiif -'. . 1 four years, Frtt'ic'" u ! "wo years, D. F, i livirij yju. "y: It (h romliiK Tl.u eocoannt. or.,.,,-,., the ri,,n Hut liHt what we thli wuv! And noun In our midst It will he Liieh month iU own harvest of KW thlnKH will bear s JuHt think what h fuiist It will ,,.,, 1 WrS"Wm MVP U'M' lH"(:'",'Ur And nnow balls In AuKuhi be H(;Ci. I Hie Ice of old Winter and Hummer'. Hweet cream 1 While fruiU of which od ,nlK,t ov. Inly dream ' In salads entrantrlnir will .....1 1 Tl, wl,. . u,iii l Ti... ' . . '. ''' y browi. lur"c'" lnt". 11 r"" '''"'"'y Tandy "lrC,,,iy Lr(,W" ''llerri;';''1 With HijirHr-canu turned Into candy Vrtablen humblo ,,d vBiYl, In a com-non asuernbly will m,ietj H'ndpSrrrynml ,Un,,,,i,, r,lCul"'' Enr.iiijtit ,, pastry yon' I, ,.f., t and Jii nweet frole,l forms will ,tp1(!(ir. 1Iim 1 ' iniuid much cheer : . .t'l' f u( 1'.. . Vll . ID Ittr 1. h I nnw ' 1 .ihitr - ni.' th piau 1 ' mill and loekr.l '. lM5ltrJ lh. lllllllllllK. Knthlffl : th iuony I" u barn door. Tim limn, nfirr 10 llr.i'ih' limy miKfiai"! an " ' I Imm to llm rnit iri short dtV"''' ''' that he had lirtetrr Iiln iaKiHKrK TI" 1 ,N't-n Ion i-ive till' ' ' llisiiillhaii n t ' limi:liliu nnd K' full nud, wtili lh" In nil dlrrctlmiH I'uraiih nf lh" f"1' ut by n pnKi In ' Hi' .rniiirni 'l filling hlit liuik r in r IS 4 ixc l! I 10 huttf blll)llB . 1 , i'in 1 1 1. ..... II n Ha- - e KIIIUBIV of comfort nMil nay",lh U f0r"l0l('. will brl,,K IJni.Hi.,,1. but Uh ! . hIIuHiik. won, ;ilp,oH and 'Hisn eatablim much weive montlm months in a duy! an ""I'", Krnvu "r endjrlni. I" dBy Twolvo I t 1 iS'' U "C0 lhh '-" -iKht It r& J'"". I" tho evonl,,. b KlimHua'! V")W'-' Wlthnul 1.. 11... ... Si frt la"fr."ftlr" W,u'ru irly i,r ,,te .'" tu"lu i coino I vmi'M .'. 1 . v. I r Wo turn biuu' Vmir imIIk. frlllll WllVlfl) Hiv aIi 11 muni! mi iv IWIl III'MUhMHli to woodit. Ourvlvora 13 Oays at Sea Pld"' ,iii ta llti fii. N. H. At'nr 1 1 - . rlhli miffurlnu III tin tl"' v" . . .i 11 i nt aril, fIVo aiirvivur- i" ateiim.T Colui.iblan were .. . . . . . .1 lit- II V lllll JNurtll MIHIIl'i Hliilmi rnvninin eiitliT fliui-ca- THE MAHKCTS Portland Wluut--nub, WOO; rail Ituraliiii, Hlo. n iturainii, nfu. ... Ilny-Tliiiolliy, H. I,lf"lf,1, ' lluliiir ('rfiiiiinryi .''' Kuiny Ititucli. If'' Oeallle, llliuuloili, rod llii'iiilun, fi!Hi. Ilny-Tlmotby, $17 licr m H pur ion, llu -Crminury, 5iio luti. Hi ,1 k J endof your i.leUe.. u many,