Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 12, 1914, Image 4

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Salem, Oroeon. May 11.
Railways Co., part of tho
the ITnitett Wo. tho timlewlitniM vetor rojIdlitK in vminus part 01 i hik, i mm ...
Hill svstom 1 Tillamook counties, nctm as a couiiiiiiuh m roirwniMinr c. ,
h- lvn msikintf show iiu- tlurimr llio , Judicial PlUtli't of llrcuolt, rospOi'UUII
jtnst week of rovemios on tho t.innton Hurry H. Holt for the Kopublicim Homing
ami Portland lino, ajkiiu; an increaso Wo are each personally acquainted wittj
of fares from five to ton cent, on tho 1 lievo thnt his hitfh character, ability nml
round thst it costs nine cents to haul tionnllv "oil fitted candidate for this imrh
n nnssonper between those two point., j 31 yours old, has had mi unusually wide o.
Marion and Clackamas counties nn- u.itintf frvm tho State Normal School in
hoklinp mad Kind elections. May 15. j tional work in Polk and Yamhill countie.
thnt will, if carried, result in OKpondi- nt of Yamhill County when hut 'it yr
tures of over a million dollars" on hart! opposition. His training for the law, w!
surface hihwavs. . was bvcun and carried on under the diro(
Tho Cottao Grove Co-oporative ! "ott. now on the Supronio Itonch of this
Creamery will ask to increase its cap-j has been actively associated with Oscar
ital stock to StO.iVO and enlarge the legal practices in tho state and has part
pant. I widely diversified cases than most youttif.
The business men of Canby are try! this length of time. His success has b
inc to establij.li a ferry across the ' every admirably titled to till the position.
Willamette. j heartily recommend him.
Fanners ami fruit growers of tho
state generally are organiiing against J. U HOSKIN'S.
the proposed eight hour law. State Senator, Nowlwrg.
Arrangements have boon completed ( C. P. CiKltLlNKK,
fir the construction of 27 mile of log-. Master Mtch, S. F. C. A W
ging road out of Sutrerlin toward Coos j Pallic.
Hay. O. A. MACY. F. L. ritri.I.l.VOEH.
The Catholic will build a church at Mgr. Spuk!ing l.br. Co. Indepcndejice. Merchit'. Yamhill.
North Hend in connection with their W. K. ISl'THKKKOKl), I. K. HKO K.
hospital there. Supt. of Schools. .McMinnville. Murehant. Carlton.
The Southern 1'ncific will UuiM a CALVIN HUAIH. J. K. IVIK.
mile naming track at Mohawk Junc- Auditor Hrigliton l.br. Co.. Hrighton. Merchant, Sheridan
About two thousand dollars has been1 Fanner. Cloverdalo.
subscribed to establish a pottery plant; H. V. AI.LKY.
at Molalla. j Farmer, Nehalem. (I'd. Adv.)
State Ldbor Commissioner Hotr has zt. . Z
not carried out his threat to nave the i
State officials placed under arrest for
not introducing the Bight Hour law in j
state institutions. j
The S. P. & S. railroad is consider
ing I'tiilding a new line from the John
Day river to its new terminal at the
mouth of the Columbia if better busi
ness condit'ons warrant the
turo it Oreeon.
K. It.
Mayor. FatN City.
JAS. uqusoN,
Supt. of Schauta, l)ytn.
Merchant. Wiltumti.it.
A rew company has been formed at
Newport to put a modern halibut Ash
ing sclu.oner on the banks north of thai
li. my if said to be the onlv im-orti-i
t (.r.siact not manufactured in
Or. ..-. .
Tt e Lebanon Sand and Gravel Co.
has installed a lot of now machinorv
for a modern plant at that city. j
. W. Cotton is heading a movement i
for a farmers co-operative cannery at j
(ireham and the Brownsville plant,
may be moved there. j
The farmers do not appreciate sell
ing products on a falling market, to
pay mrreaiing taxes, to shorten the i
work day of public employees to eight
hours. i
The wed indu;try of eastern Oregon'
is nassir.g through a season of the
gre-test activity, prices going as high'
as r.int'iut it -ents. !
San Frar,cico advertises the lowest
tax rates of any city from Stoekton to
New York and is getting many factor
ies. The grading crew on the Willametto
Valley and Siletz railroad is working
as far west as Hoskins.
The ma je-in-Lane county exposition ,
was a erc-at success, and concluded
wit. a n.adt.-tn-Uregon b.inquot Satur
da : itit at the 0-b. rn hotel in Eug-1
Tie Inngshoreiren's strike to force 1
re.-' . it.oi, of tho ir'itfht ciieokcr's
ut .or. at Portland .r.ed a failurei
when passengers cancelled their tickets
on the vessels affected on account of
the delav.
1 Work has commenced on a new brick
j building for the Courier at
j I'oseburit people are up in arms at
t thti fhrtkAf nf fuivrnnr W.Mt tn rinnul
expendi-, constru,.ljon 0 (Mirraeks for the Sold
ier s tiotne provided oy uie last
Kids hav been taken for the eon
truction of the the public docks at
The Great Northern railroad has
liroulit to New York nxt V A
nntlonal requl.m thor i plannml. a
memorial ertlc typically American
Tho leaden cakt. oach anv eloped
Oregon j iu Star, snd gtrtpe. m lw the
btera and shrine at which the country
will mourn.
placed orders for ten million feet of
lumber and 1003 refrigerator pars.
Twohy Broa. were the lowest Udders
on the Columbia highway through
Clntsop County.
Oil lands are being taken up very
S rapidly in Malheur county ami many
' wells aro being developod.
j It is proposed to hold a Umatilla
i countv manufacturers' exposition ut
Pendleton some time this summer.
Polk, Yamhill and Washington coun
ty have united to put crude oil on the
main roods in the county to get rid of
tho dust nuisance.
The Cottage Grovo Leader agk.
"What's the matter with Oregon,"
and then answers its own pics lion t
saying radical fever has about run it
course and the reaction is ready to .-e'
ll I .
: I
Mltchel'j Atull.int Sentenced.
.Ww York Michael (' M t..r y.
who on April 17 shot at Ma)or M t h
I and wounded Corporation t'oum-ll
Frank 1. Polk, was sentenced to M
tea an Asylum
Last of All th: Cre.it Gettysburg Lead
ers Succumbs.
Ne York. General Unnlel K Sick
lea -lied at hla home here Mis wifn
was ut his bedsldo at the end Mm.
S.cKles. ho bad been eatrauK ! from
her husband for more than a i urter
of a emry, went to the nea-ral's
hou rhm h M Informed l" was
ljitm and took charge of tho tirrans
mnrs for hla care. She r mal ied
near his side and watched by hi in un
til hts death.
Th final reconciliation was broiiKti'
about largely through the effort of
their son, Stanton, It la said.
Ueneral Dnil l.'djtar Sickles, who
wax born In New York City in It;,
was the last of the great command' rx
who fought the Battle of OettysburK
The Beach Beautiful
But Recently Put on the Market
Now is the time to buy
l oVi'i HI'! CI1 is liic'ticl '"i tl't ftrt'iuc Ntiulhcrly cud of the HuVOCrflB
Spit, about one ami o.u- hull tml- Iim tho Hayticcmi Hotel. A mK n
cstitiK trauip up one of the pit iucut boa-hes tm the t'OUM.
I.oiva BtNU'h has thew a.lvaulnK'f! over otluv tVMirts: The Muf ts ot
u-.l.l owius- u the shelter ul Cac Mwirn. which also lirtiaU all u U,c wu
ii. r ...... ... , . "
s.Mithwcst wimUso taut none oi uic irmuir "lorm.H m wmicr ate kit. Th;
pioperty lies hih enoujjh above the letrl ol the ocean to cliiuiaate all (nn);w
ot .!. intake fro in the moi exttvuic IukIi water. Thu I'amouM Mawum-i HouV.
v.it i will run within one (itmrter imlr ol thin property ami tit linu ' .
f t i i I I t . .
lettil a luaueil to part til inc oeacu. vnpc .miim mkui.ihiiiic h Wttt4i
all easy Wttlk f Uir lot..
I'lentv ol'elnni, orah. niu-wl. tn ttcijt, and tooil ea IimIuii
hiintiuu in the mountain hack ol it. The beautilul I.OM,. MlvAt II Keii-cino
ami l.tinotis aate lieaehi. ttK'hi at votn hoat tloor.
Can You' Beat That? You Can't
Lots Cheap and On Easy Terms
A.r;H. GAYLORD, Resident Agent.
,ltj5-V wm BtrttS a 5MAU liW twe
I WILL 61VE$1000
I IRElief f OH'c il P.itoat E;- :r3n? G'iiiJ
NeKIiliE srP.'.IH p
N- Ha.
A.- lUWOB tJM.-'
s- . .
or ,
rthinr Pi.m
u. i?o rnt ac:
trtti rrr 4
tit .um 'i
n Mit: to nosii
j " f
f I II. t t' ft t h I I r I a I
"'l)J UW MMI LIIWUIV iiiii v inilll sWU MtlVI tfll nM
Any Lump in Woman's Breast
Cjk taolilt I
to ,
Address Dr. L MAS. CHAVLEY k CO. ,lrt',V
IlhDL 1 1UIL THIS to S9ca VtllHCDlCEA
e 18 Years
Wilson-McAdoo Wedding Solemnized
Wasliiniclon. Jllbrt KI-anor Man
f-llATIfirJ Uol,'h w,,"on- younn-l ilauxtiter o(
'IL'jMIIUif tlu- prHsiiiont and Mrs. Wilson, and
I William (J. McAdoo, secretary of the
Agree to Armistice 1 ,rt!r-ur- 'wr" arri- " y ?
J . tVwt Mitn rtittm nf I tie. 1tO.. 11..,..
ii'tv yVfttt ttiir t lute I UUaJ,
Address Box 449, Tillamook
Or Call A. E. Doerge, on Mu
tual Phone Between 12 and
I or 7 and 8 p. m.
the soft,
of the
o n t h e
controlling the teat cup
with the upward squeeze
B as it turns an increased pj
volume of clean milk
into an airtight can in a
paying dairy ?
Drop into my store somo duy
soon and listen to it. Sounda
like tho tinkling of bigdtr sj
profits fnlling into the purse
of tho duiryrnun. And that's
m what it really amounts to. pj
Cuts down overhead expense
sj and cuts out drudgery. I
want to tell you personally
the many other things it can
accuinpnsn. m
j Reiusal to
j With General Huerta SaiH
! to Be Cause.
Wa.-hinition. GHnrnl Carranza and
the conHtitiitionalits wur jinictlcally
1 tiimiiiutcil from procetxllngs of the
three Sou'.h Aineilcan envoys who
I !'ave undriaken to solve tlio Mexican
I , .Mbkin li .liiioiiucy.
' I- a telegram to Cleneral Carranza
I :uc m-d. liters announced that In view
j of his re'iiHal to agree to an armistice
I ith t;t-iiral Huerta, they withdrew
j ti.cir invitation to htm to send a per
! soual reprvaetiutive to participate In
fie mediation neKotiatlons.
OeiK-rnl Carranza had Inquired In a
note to the envoys what subjects a
special representative might be nr
q 'aired lo discuss, pointing out that If
'.lie Bennral problem of paclfyln-; Mex
ico were to be approached ho could
not auih-jrize anyone to participate in
the negotiations. He reiterated that
he would consent to mediation only
on the incidents which had brought
about a controversy "between the
United States and Mexico," holdluK
that lie wab the constitutionally chos
en leader to whom complaint about
the insult at Tarnplco and other of-
lenses originally should have been
Secretary Aryan announced that tho
three South American mediators In
ho Mexican trouble would meet at
Niagara Kails, Canada, May 18, to
receive representatives of the parties
to the controversy.
Nazarene hur:S Service.
2:00 V. M. Sunday hclmol.
3:00 I'. M. I'rcachinK Sorvire.
7:.10 I'. M. I'renchiiK' Servire.
1'rayer meetings cm Tuewlay
II. J. Pontius.
Notice of
Sheriffs Sale
of Ken
A Jiniiiisirators Notice
Crci itors
1 1
Dm ,'
the County t - urt .f lb Si.iti ..f
r.. n-m i. .......
l oinlcd the uiidf-rmgfitM adnnrmtrtrn
nf the estate of Janim S '.r.iv, dt-. ,-.
l, arnl any nnd all prrmn l k
rlHims Hninsl ni() cstalr ar- t ,-r '
rt-ijiiired U prt-itt-iit th mh r, tn.rt'.i i
with the irc.. r voiii-heri, U. 11.. ,( ,), r
siirm at tbi i.lli -f i.f T. II. (inn. . an
attorney ut law. in TlllimH,k t ,!V
Oretron. within nx months fr. ni ti.p
date of this notice. JCJ
Oatix! May Uu, lull.
Uuth U. W. Ors,,
Adininistralnx i.f the Ktle
of .liurie S llmv ...... i
, , ., ,, ... ft
ii. ii. vione, rtiinrnoy for t
i R. f:.
National Ceremony Planned for Those
Fallen in Mexico.
Washington. Sailors and marines
who were killed at tho occupation of
Vera Cruz will ho honored with funer
al services of a national character on
tho arrival of their bodies aboard the
United States cruiser Montana at New
With all martial pomp and cere
mony, tho hodlen of the dead bluu
Jackets and mnrines, killed In Vera
Cruz April 21. 22 and 23, will be
1 Notice is herein ijven, that by vir
tue of an "execution issuef! out of the
Circuit Court of the State of OrcKon,
for Tillamook County, dated the 21th
(Iny of April, 191-1. in the cause where
in I.em Parker was plaintiff, and Wil
liam I.. Kiefonbcr and Lillian C. Kief
enberi: were defendants, udon h lndi.
ment rendered in favor of said nl.un
tifT, l.em Parker, and attirist said ile
fendants. William L. Pitfcnhcii; and
Lillian C. Kiefenberi?, amounting to
Three Hundred and Twenty-five Dol
lars, and interest tlienon from the lOtli
day of July, 1911, at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum; the further sum of
f,0.0) attorney's fees, and the further
sum of $18.60 costs and disbursements.
Now, therefore, in order to satisfy
the said judgement, I will, on the lath
day of June. 19M, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the front door of tho County Court
house in Tillamook City, Ore(?on. cell
to the highest bidder at
public auction for cash In hand, the
real property of the said defendants,
situated in Tillamook County, Oregon,
more particularly described as follows,
towit: ZZII
Lot 1 of Hlock 8. in Bar View Addi
tion to the town of Uav City: Iits in,
10, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 2. 24, 2fi, 20
27. of Hlock 20. in Fuller's Amended
Addition to the town of Hhv City (ex
cept rihtof way TO feet wide throiii'h
lots 23. 24 . 25. 20. and 27. in said hlA
20. conveyed to the United Hallway
......... I 1 A & I . f r. m
D A Mf.P
$65.00 Range for
The Best of Valua
Ranges $35.00 Dp
If You arc I. ooklnp for a Specially -Good Articl t I
Reduced Price Give U a Call.
ALLEN PAGE, I'ioiil Street iNenr Com t House
Admliii.stnitorS Notice Of -iuil
A. N. Marolf, tlm iirwiersirfned iidmin
istrator of it.u estalu of John cuudc
Marolf. dtcens'-d, ha flh-d with i
tjounly Court his final unbuilt and thitt
the said Cmirt hai lixed Mondav th..
iHth dayof May. . nt iM oV(),,k
A. M. as tho time and the ollico of thi
j curily Judjje of Tillamook Cmnty
rei?on as th.; place for the hcariiu' ..f
the said Until aenmnt, Notlcn h further
iriven that nil persons ai reiiinred to
appear at saiil time and phu-e and show
cause, if any thev can. why th,. jd
iiial account an.l the relief prayed for
therein should not be allowed
Dated this 7th day of April, j
. . . , , A. N. Marolf.
AdminUtrator of the eHtate of
John Claude Maiolf decnased
Notice ol Shcrill's Sale of Uvul
... ....i...
1 ' will J"''mil IH d.c
me n,m iih v m
inWiilan. ,.,-r.-.. by the ,e ( ,(, reMl
. k i .it r.r, lit f. ... ....i... ...
..... ... .iiiiui
in ,.'..1..1 .. ... ". r.'ii. hi
tho Countv (mini m-.i.
Pun n. V. 'niMintM)K
the L . "UCl',m U,r VHtU
t,, "'!'? ""'"""'.Went
H ... -"'"IWIJSl lUllrt.,r
iiuuriur or n..,.i ....
i, . -
of the
xwwr "' w,""'""ii"i
I'wli'd this 2Mtl,'di,v llf Anrll I'll
II. (.VeniihHW. Sherlir'of
,,u"" i-otiniy, OrcKim.
NOTlClJ ISIIKULijy (il VKN, liiat I "'"ii
by virtue of an . xecutiot. a... (), t.r f L a
Sale Issued out of the Cirrt.u nl . ' '
the State of Oreeon.
v ""mi
" riiiauiiiok
oNnty ;htte.l .he IHth day of April.
vr. ...m ito nuv nuum III mi" nOI'lll- ' lltill A I Vll Hl.ue
Method .t RiB,.0fl(l 0f))0,e War
hll...li.l.li.,..'ih ,,,,, of
Meihodlsl lipueopal Ch.uch In
"iwUng In this city ,,.
I Midi 111 I II II Im.I... ...... ..
'rlf Wllso,,'. ' ..." " ''""il
" "('till III IIUilil ..... i..
n wai Willi
the People of .M0,,."
ttl lllninliir-
ninriv n ihirris
west corner of illock 4, in Fuller's Ad-1 l-ranli h iirull win .(H ",m1
ditlon to the town of Hay City; thence a j r . MlXin-J i0,ll 'V' U,!r"
soul , 4f. feet, more or less, to the v. r of I v I i ! W f",-
northeast corner of tract sold to Win
Moid u I rnmniey tiy deed recorded
Kit roth.
twiil nhiintir
I' li llilanl . um
... .-...
I lh
8"1 or Opium Tr4eed to M,
I ."-jr. wr.-As j rt-.ult
, u'luonu ny 'i(,Wd
paKO G3-1 of Book "17" of Deeds tec- d m n "la iim. mulhl i, ,,,),rls'
or.rs of Tillamook County, o'rcuon; Tw n ty ' tt I t I'l '.. ,0 "U,n "f
thoneo witW feet. !,....,... ....iiV at. hi i. J-V, .. '"'"'fOl i hi ly.kfvun and
- --. . -'I ....v. i-lWII IIII.IHrV. II Ml llil,.rr., ,1.
1 1, mo e or i .is, 10 u poim uue west of the rate if dx our
the nolnt of linflnn Hit tlu..i,.,. i.ui om r-... . . i.. . .
feet to the place of bertlniilnt,'. fnrtJie-' . t m
ii. wmrmnaw, aner t of nm
Tilli.rnr.i.1. I
Dnteil Muy lLtb
bjiii. .
'OiO; t((,
' fins,
. i
iyor. ,
oi I ii v Mt I
et ri'itii ..i.
i:.h ui, . iim' inr
"li upiuill Wllliout I
a i,i
M W IH l TOUl nr.'"-
PsA Surprisn Ho frw r
I coi.uiicr 12 tjiw! I
from six pick; I
airrs of ".Supreme I
M linked cracker ox I
M cakes, and If yur I
M dealer cannot supl'IX I
-mi with a .iiri'rl." I"'1 j: I
f (iiiM.ir.i.i 1-u.wi I
ff Jlrwt lo u. .ml It .will I
t iinrn liy l .rirl l. v' I
. .: it . . it !. -f
Huliscrib for the llrraM.