Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 08, 1914, Image 2

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    ft ,
Che Cillamook Berald
C. 6. Cromblcy, Editor
lucd Cwlc J Ulcck Cuctdjy and Friday
0. 1. C SWINE.
Some hlce voone pic. tth
for sale. Herd hoaded 'T y I'f
31I00, has proven hirnlf a Ktcat r
in. Donaldiaw,
R. F. I). No. I. I'lllampok
Dr. L. Si. Hewitt
El. J. Claussen
I. omtnm-iul lltiildiiig
Km. and OrH
Pmhcron Stallion Liberal.
Entered a se.-ood-.-ljw matter Mnv 17. 1010. at tho yt uincc at Tillamook,
Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1SW."
m'Wfuit'rinv i sn a vihk is auvanTMI
Tho Perrheron Stailwn IJMMl im
.Oft 'ported July. by Iunaw.
i Wayne, III., awl owned by the
-W1 Ulwral Howe Co.. of TUUhmx. ll
1-Wuml t Iteam. Tueian. ItevonUW.
.tfi It - : 1... ' .. T,t1.aill AM Pfl
. - r - - ... - - .it miir sua bihi " - -
DlIX) .... .v. i . . k. - l - I .
'""rr . - r: dat ana wmi oi ne
flee on
Jldvcrtls'uitf Hates
' egal Advertisements
. Ilnl Insertion, per line f
Kaeb suhecquent Insertion, line
Homestead Notices
" Timber Claim - 10.00
i Kneh saWmjuont InserthMi, Unc
' UejiohitioRs of oniloloiKe ami
Unigo notice!, por line
J ltiHinM Si Professional card, rati.
W IK.iil-v Advertisement. rr Inch
Notice, per I in ... .0
Card of thank', pat Hue .0
Local. r line, first inrttoi .7
pUy Ad!. mutlc in Uts oi-ij., .d uw reel of the 1
Monday and Thurday Morn-
Inga to insure publication In :oik- j
Inc Tuesday and Friday taut.
Reasons are imperative.
,. 1). rKKKtN
OfcV la
All V.f 0wil"t
1,4 wy rr
Oilue -l) Tillamook
rillamook - Oro,
To Rc public an Vol r
PR I DAY MAY S. 11)11.
As tb Urm for th primaries draw5 f many of hi patienU; a irnot lawyer
near, then is alwars more or hws dan- I win ninny of hi cv-os ; a eox!
Kcr of an eleventh hour circular bei ng
"jprtinv:" on tie votr for tim mr
lC!e of iniluencinc taem against a can
didate. Thta ii not a fair practice and
a proration of thw kind bould not bo
tolerated. It U indued nnkiod and on
fair to make charge or statement
in retard to a candidate without irivinp
him a chance to 4efei himself. And
it is our opinion that any effort which
may be made to discredit a candidate
at the la.it minute will come to naught,
us it most certainly should.
TilUmooW. Oregon. May 5th. 1911.
the Ta Paver arvl Water Can suck
ers of Tillamook Tity.
For sometime past the Water iVna
mUsion has been seriously conciderin i;
rn.iWint; a reduction in the water rates.
Sjcne of tbe question-; involved in this
matter nre a folloivj. and we wvuld
ask you t-j (rive tnis matter your seri
ous eonsiderat in and advise us what
you would reccomend.
In the early part of 1MB our preseit
water system was put ia at a con of
approximately li,O0O.GO. The pipe
that was pu in at that time was Math
erson Steel Pipe a. d we have been ad
vised by parties who claim to know,
that the average life oi this class of
pipe under ordinary conditions, is
about 15 yearj. If this ia true durini '
the next five or 3i.x yeari we will prob
ably be to a lartje expense in mkin
repaita and the cost of mikhitf th .-se
repairs and the laying of new pipe in j
sections of the city that have been pav-1
cd, will probable be very expeniivs
Samples of pipe that have been in; j '
show that the pipe is buJIy pitted ani 1
also shows a large quantity of rati
scales. 1
TillamoDk City ha oulatan iiijf . - .
000.00 water bin Is dra.vin 6 par ce it
interest that are dje in 19J5 At the j
present time, the A'ater Cjrnoiiision
has a sinking funi to apply on thea I
bonds of about J2J5. 000.00.
The Revenue from water consouers,
at the present time, am unts to anout
SiOO.O) per m-nth a.nd tha inc jtij fr.j n
taxatiun amounts to 12)0.00 per ye4r
and durintf the past year we have raids
necessary extentioas and hive been
able to place $5,000.00 or i-7).00 in
the sinking fund.
.Notwith-tmdinK the condition of the
system we are in. -line i to thi.ik thdt
we could m ike a reduction in ths wat -.'
rates 01 at leaat 10 per cent thru.n
out the City placing the mini-nun rate
Would ak the tat piyera an 1 witr
consumeri to iv-j this miter tn-:r
serious attention inl aubnlt siaa
toni at our regular meati.nrf 1 1 be held
on Moniav. May 11th at thr: City H!l
at 7:30 .clock I'. M.
Kespeetfully submitted,
Tillamook Water Commission,
W. G. Owight, President.
prwaehor must have converts ; ami a
Rood man to truKt county matters with
should not only be a man of integrity,
but have business ability to make '''d
in hi own nifnir. If Frank is elected
I am not Wkm for a job as I am ! I
fat am! laay. but my hat is oil for
George E. Chamberlain, Frank Owens.
Crenshaw, and Ore con Dry.
If you can't possibly vote for thrse
rnen cet bcy and N"ote for a dry st te
and may vour butter fat continue t
Crow tn price as Vmz as you use tK
money for schools, roads, church- s,
beautifying and improving the bann. r
cocnty of tbe state
As ever,
C. H. Waymire.
Dr. Jack Olson
KKSIt'KM lINtl-r
im-r IUum a m p. m.
OJtlfrlloHi BuilJJnjt
It. th It".
ii. I.. OICK .V M)N. I'ivj..
L4ll PtH
I lie Swinr I'rlto lt Hvrryonc
IUi l.ootrJ in the Commrrcial Hide-.
Succrrdinj IH. V. J. 5hitp.
IX'kr Itw
lblrt lr
lilldutook Count v Hik Hldj.
ll4h l'tv.
I,. I.' 1 m.
I K 4 JO r. m.
Irorti ' unltl 4 iMrV
Attomcy-it-Uw and!
I .ind Office Husin.s
I'tllIiK HlllHK
J. t. REEDY, D. V. M.
Presbvterian Cburcb Notes.
10 a. m. Sunday Scool
11 a. m. Morning worship and ser
mon by pastor. 1
3 p. m. Union Temperance meeting '
at the Methodist Church. Address by
P.ov. Sam G. Betlis.
II - a 'V
' t t 'he he
r J t,. i lit
a a
).r .f
1 i' cers ' lire r
J .slice N t If.-1.-, . a
Paid Ad vert sncnt
t.Y KiS Hl AN
Geo. H. Winslow
.rr'itsKV at 1 AW
IC..li Mi
"rilUniook. Orrgon
K S' tll'SKI I'. Mr
Ux-tnl in HuiUii'i? Funnrrly 0-cudcl
ly 1 rl t'a(Uf.
I'uk.c.I Oii &n.l Utl riU!m
ljul A.iatiit When Itcjurl-1,
H m
To tbe Voters of Tillamook County.
I uih to announce to the Republican
the cow-boy voters of Tillamook County tlwt I -
' a canilidate for the office of Justie f
? p. m. A Union Temperance Rally frl,f . , . ,., ,,., 1 .,
in the Chriatian Church at wnich an ' May. If nominated ami eleted I Mill
address will be given by Rev. Sam G. ' eondnet the atT.iiM of my olFice with
Bet lis oc of the most ykuent and j 001 ur fvor.
stirring speakers in tbe state of Ore- w- Stanley.
goo. Let the whole city of Tillamok .
,uJ vw, tn r. i 1 .1 . 111..,. I It us t,. 1 . . J - , , M.. ...
I i OWJ UllinmiHl- III. .714
Attorney at 1.4 w
Office In Commercial Building
rauitct ami Paper Hunger
Cmi tracts Takcti
l!tiuwito I'tiniishctl,
Ml Work C.iinrniitml,
Tillmaoiik, Or.
Willi Modm
FMrni.hnl ... -..t
Hlt. I-I .U,U iftiK
IT IUMII.hr.l Ik,, ' "T
(tuna r..Rir ,i.,.iT.,f,Bti
noiich 01 "onTr
j..i 1 ... ' .a"it5B
in ... i . ..
the llutnlK I l . H - t .
... ...... , , , , r
AT A I I. i.Koct
paigning for the "Out to Win" Oregon
Dry measure to be fobmitted to the
Oregon citizens next fall.
D. A. MacKenzie, pastor.
UnitiJ Brethren Cburc'j.
. Sunday School-10 A. M.
j Morning Worship and Sermon 11 A.
M. Sabject, "Goi's Love Bestowcsi
. Upon Us."
1 Evening Evangelistic Service 3 P.
I The closing days of the conference
year are upon us. I;t as make these
; the best days and this the best year;
j best in attendance, in interest, in fi-
J Members are expected, strangers are
' welcomed and the public are cordially
invited to any or all of these services.
ii. r . White. Pastor.
Nazarene Church Services.
2:00 P. M. Sunday School.
3:00 P. M. Preaching .Service.
7:30 P. M. Preachirg Service.
Prayer meetings on Tuesdayand
M. J. Pontiup.
15, 25 and 40 Witt, 25c
60 Watt .... 45c
100 Vitt . . . eoc
150 Vatt .... $10
250 Wat - - - - 2X0
f'roitrd 4c I!itr.
Wc drlircr I.m to njr j,Mrt or
thr ctj Trlr(iioc ... Wr do
wirmr it t'.c :wc.t ricr. coi-
utrnt wlJ. ;fjal vrorkrnAn.hiji.
Tllliaatk Sloe trie .
LiXt & Ful Co.
Hillsboro, Ore., May 5, 1011
EdittTTil!a:.ock Herald:
Alt my wife is feeling a little better
today rny thoughts wander over the
hills to Tillamook. I assure you I have
nothing but good will for all my old
acquaintances, but as there is to he
Primary hlection soon, I shall take
the libi-rty .0 say Frank Owens is rny
choice for commissioner. Not because
he Is the only good man running, !ut
because he htt io;no qualities to rny
mind that especially qualify hirn for
the place. First his age is in his favor
the young men Life before them un
tainted with the past age of old fogy
ism can well he trusted with the inter-
. . c . ... ,
uai ui ur coimiy, j.roviueu mcy nro
younn men that have made good, lirst
of nu-iu! t'hai-ucter, tecond in possttf
sion of industry and buBinesa ability to
mahc a success of his own affHlrs,
Faar.k Owens, just an orphan boy has
the eMU'em of the man who raised him.
He ban tht confidence of every niun fie
has worked for or done business with
nd he has carvrd himi.elf out a nice
h imo all ir. I he country where he was
raifcod ar,d ih a young man yet. I be
lieve he h ns much interested in tho
wcl'uri! n 'o4,ity 11 h (my man nr;d
will no ii-. i: you elect hirn.
I never Iv.i "i jiucn nut I have
(treed that good doctor must cure
Democratic Candidate For
Frederick Iiollistcr believes
the only logical solution of
the lirjuor problem is Nation
al Prohibition, and his plat
form pledges him to work
lor it.
Frederick Iiollistcr is not
a "trimmer," he does notj
shape his platform to catch;
stray votes. He upholds his
convictions and declares him-. ,? The n of Cwnty
self for
National Prohibition
To tbe Voters of Tillamook County
i e-indi
d.it- for nomination at the Primary
held May 15, as a Republican for th
oil ice of county commissioner. !f
nominated and lected. it will Im ' .
erwleuvor to serve the people to t .
liest of my ability. .Mv exerionce
m building roc roods as well n-i hand
ling the iiteam roller the la.t 3 years
give me an iiMight that will enable
me to serve lhe,"people and save the
eiwnty money.
A. A. Imlah,
Cloverdale Ore.
To the Voters of Tillamook Countr
I hereby announce myself as n can
didate for nomination fur the office of
Countv Coroner on the Republican tic
ket. If nominated and elected 1 will
endeavor to adminisister tho otllce with
economy and elficiency
Dr. S. M. Wonnt.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
1 hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of the orflre
of County (ommiaaioner, on the Re
publican ticket at the primary in be
held May 15, ami should I be nominat
ed iind el.'Ct.Mf will futuMVn. . ... ..,..
j the perilo of the county to the best of
rny auuuy.
Frank I.. Owens,
Cloverdale, Ore. '
To the Voteri of Tillamook County
I hereby announce myself im i can
didate for the Ollire of Countv I'lerL.
xor re- lection, subject to the Repul
lican I'rimanea to tie held May loth,
Very respectfully,
J. C Holdrn.
To tbe Voteri of Tillamook County
I hereby announce myself as a Can
rlidale for re election to the Olll- e of
i.ouruy .irierill or Tillamk County.
Oregon subject to the Republican
choice In the Primaries to he held May
irl. ir.tf '
..Jill, lill-. ,
H. Crenshaw.
To the Voters of Tillamook County
I , 1 hereby announce myself as Candi
date Jor nomination for the offir.. i,t
County Surveyor, on tho Republican
r .. . . . . .
11 uominaieu and elected, 1 -lull at
an times endeavor to administer the
ouice wun elllciuncy, accuracy, and
Robh L. Shreve,
To Tie Voteri of Tillamook County
Having been urged by so many of my
fficndu, 1 hereby announce rnvm-lf as a
candidate on tho Republican ticket for
County Sheriff at the corning nriniar-
If nominated and elected I will nt
tend U my duties us required by law to
uiw uem 01 my anility wltnout rear or
favor to none,
Emmott M. Hales.
To the Voteri of Tillamook County
I wish to announce that 1 urn a can
didate for the nomination of coroner on
the Republican ticket at thu primaries
in May. If nominated mid elected I
will psrform the duties of rny office to
thu best of my ability.
Or. W. C. Hawk
Foist Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lota;
$2.80 in Twenty Cord Lota.
.I.. . . .
Jt.- 1 llr-A
' tfl
Atlorix-i ' Sdi,j
TULmook Tltk
AbxtrAct Co.
I. AUt u, S !
JiurvrT g IsnnxiM
TH.t.AUoolv, it
To The Voten of Tillamook County
I hereby anu.ur.rr rni-tf i a ran
diddle in the Ke ut-lo-ri Primary fr (
the ollW n f oi 1 , ('.. nmianoirwr to
1)11 the uneioirrd term -f i. K hi J tier
F. I.. Sappinglon.
To the Voteri of Tillamook anJ Yam
hill Countirt.
I announce myarlf a eaiulidaU for
tile oliVe of joint rrprrnintali .i- tif the
two countie comorttuig ihe Knur
teenth Rrprrwntativ Dittrul in the.
Stute of Itrrgon, .utijccl to the mffli
nation of the Democrat party at the
primary on My I5lh, P.I14.
If I am noinmatiNt and i-lecUnl, I will,
during my term of Serve the
people of my ilmlnet t., the l t of my
ability I favor gn.l rod, vnforrv .
rnent 01 ull laws, ami in iv"'t the
Governor power U, veto .ingle item in
appropriation bills I belie.- in 4 re
trunchfriei't aling every line ,,t e
penile, except the ai-tual riee..,i-. it,
the conduct of slate aCairs. lielievu
in the prohibiting of thu nunu fai lure
ami sale of intoxicating liqu.,r, .mly
for initdi.-al and chemical purp.nr
"Honeaty, Keonorny anl I'r.,. r.-..'-is
my motto. Upon iheio prim-iplei. I
Uml. If you want such a one Ui rep
resent you, I am at your rervire
R V. Illaloek.
Heaver, Tillamook Ij,., Oregon.
To the Votm of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself 10 1, candi
dal.! on the Urpuhlirau ticket nt the
primaries' U, Im held May l.'.tb
for the olflre .if Cu.inty Coinu.islone
for the unexpired two years lorm. If
ii'Miiiiniieii nnu elected I Willi
"'"" r-'onorny, ciiicieney and Pub
licity in ull i ounty miitlers. I would
furthur Ntato that I have made plee
to no ono and my future course will 'be
governed by the wishes of the people.
D. F. Tliornpmtn
To the Votm of Tillamook County.
Zl hereby
didiite for the nomination f sin-rUr on
n..i y" r tl, ( 0(1 ' will perform the
duties of mv o I en to 11,.. 1,.... ... ... .
ability without four or favor.
N. J. Myern.
To the Voteri of Tillamook Counlv
I I hereby aunoiiiir., myself ,1H (;.
lidate for re-ek-dlon In the Olllr , f
County Tieamrer. of Tllhunook Vlou
IV. flrnrrntti m. . ,...1 . .1 .. .YM"
Primaries to he f,.,ld .i . JKtla.'iaiV.
. I.. Renin,
Mill and Timber For Sale.
I will sell
Will tithe nil riuiIh of building contr ti furd
inu AuiiiU-t. tunil drawings for tl ".mtc
Intel v fn-c ol cliariic. Will uivc f tc lotia
losiibli' Iiiuii-m on mill work and tJ'cr Ikj-jI
iui' umu-iml. Mr. Sirnnahan is in ntil.ntunfl
iijint Im inn it v kindn of umtcii.d u.tuinKW'
tlu- t-tiiM itu'timi of bnildiiiL'S that 1 1 l Kil
tiu- Intal inarlict.
Give him ;i call - conKulUtion And building
free at All times. Next to Todd Hotel
b: H U 1 1, Jl Alt II W Al
See Ua for Pricca Before Ordering Eliewhert
upon hoi cnai on or mnnv
' frfenH. U v.iii.rU.. .1... ..........
tnv t.i " i .
Yellow FIr.W mi i '. ... ." " .Ul
Hoilem 48 Inch ' T ""?.' 1
I.. , ... , . ' ' . Ill U A II
.TIllflllH ll I mil. .. ..!
oi rny ' ln-;h sawi; i.: , . .
Improvement of all Waterways ' f '"ted i promise on i-vhoriIcuI end f,.r i
Puh r anrfc fne Mm. Mil., wr.e ii ;n, t ""iv ' e'vo t
Fald Adwtlaemont.: I u riw,!KP'
mmj V.HV, uatw
, or adJress
'lie Atlna
Ii I'l.rru r;. 2 r.fi
"in't naw; I
i'i"hiiio; one
' bind; nhoiit
Vlll Mill
' ell
' ' (in on
Tillamook Clay Woi
We have now a limited supply of hi ck iimNj
tile ready for the market at the ollovin l'"
BRICK, - . $10.00 PER THOUSAND !
Localfrl C. .i.;i..., ...... n. ..c t:m ,., nil lU
... ., ii,., v.,-, niMllll UI I IIUllii"1'"
traveled road,
run LOIiir. i.jl
Tlllamoek! Qro. 1 ' 'Uy.
To the Volcn of Tillamook Conaty
I herehy announcn mu..ir uu n
ih o lor noinlnntlnii nt thu Prim atrlltat
'Id May r, ,,,4, M Ht,(tJ ,lUo-n. for
the office of County J1Ulu. If m,m.
n.ite.1 a,l uecU.d( (t w b
-ooiio ineniiitof my nhlllty, , ,
" i roiiiis, am be nv. a,.
sno ii, ho coMructuil ,vti, 'rrgaH
boiicv .rr l, , "''t'l" nnirr J '
r twii ."ni'ii'. li;"- re0,,or..y which Ih Inau. '
of ui iw ' t,lro ,,f lf,t I '''! fumfi ! er before.
Til- ienul.licnn Voteri d'
r Count
I herobv announce mjff'J'j'J
illdatn for n m.iitxil; '," 'jd
County Hurvej r, -. m
... lw. emu 11! Inv 1
niarlea. . ,.i,j.I
".. . ua
If iiomlnnteil and
duel the .(Tnlri. 'ZM
at traliilnir il ' r, ,10
H of handlliiR tin wrr I
A. la. Mais,