Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 08, 1914, Image 1

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    ISSUED TWICE A WEEK-TllPQnAv tun cnmiv
- ULA ' ION OF Any. Paper in Tillamook County
'iu.amook, Okhoon, May 8, 1DH. '
r.ruin i ma w. a. .
I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING
a so iNvnrs thk public to call and make
Safety, Security, Service.
Vera friu, tiMifi , ronnldernble
l8ff nf Min'rana HllH, ..,! i, Amur!'
M ttlMml nt tm wnler plant lllne
Wle nut lat HalurdHr morning, ac
l4lRS lo n Ii.Hhh iut.Mir.n. which
km! tit aid
A Uemran forpa uttlmated ut from
S0 lo f mm (uarml bejond ihV
EVont3 Occurring Throughout
ti.it Statu During Ui. Paat
President Selects Ex-Secretary
of State Ulncy to Head
I Reserve Board.
! Untie Tallitr After 25 Yean.
.rrnaiMnn.-'Kor 35 yearn Royn h.
Tak an Ocean Bath at Home, We
Guarantee it to be Sea Salt
Purola Line Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction
Sm Salt.J.ryJUAouJWIH.llkcJL.251:.
K I KtX.lt. 111. DHUTSatl'-ONKVl ltllKJ'.
f 1
ti'i-woitt uiian. nni n limiteimtit Krlnkc IH pi H-yd OrlffUh. tin
M4 fcoiicommlaelpned officer hour- ' dr which nnine ho mnrrlivl llntlln J.
tag hH flat! advanced ami pre-! Taylnr. h I'endlelon girl. He learned
Ill ri5 k thai III mother took him
vhen n linby from bin father, a
m damniid (or the Americana
U Mrf.imJr Ubln to minute
Thti ANirlcn iintiiiiiiilr Major
QMHir tnpif hi
Miifi7 r1bt hack nd do not wntj
M of Ihe lm jr.r vominmiUiiiK of
ferer baa upuitwi "
WfcPB f'ttluttei 'Mf Vlli-l and Colonel
LJle, with UMiWt. arrmd :it (lit
waieroraa Uitlun. Major ltun nml
bi mnt nut At all hurt preed.
Tto Mtab Hud contented them
tot ttt a watt.-rim: Hr. coimim
UNI of Ml Mori (Uti four or flvo
fceu. mi rnr. of about 1 WW yard.
wlnlllijr fnrnn-r tif-r H'llpin, Orr,, wnd
KOrr h.nt l hit iiinp o! Ut t -p-fnth'-r.
nfnt cammunicntlan hrtv.'uun fnthnr
ml ton 'flinMlilird thoUciitlty of the
Tlia Ki'rklaVna livr Iono to
So 1r
'fiflfio Jo ntt tho fnthor of thii bride-
groom hi m miiort rniimtu.
; Clk Parrn Ik Proposed.
MTiii!iit(ia.Aii nlk farm l a bout
to b tibl!hnl ut MiirmUtori. J. II.
Ilfalwy. a ?oun, ntloni"y of 1'en'lliton
and flntl iirfli)pnt of thu Hountlup.
who owiin 10.) ncnn In nlfulfn adjoin-
nrrim' ot4r. (JftiMal Kmmioti l
in b(Mttlti ftH" Ci (lover-
nor Kkt nnd lh wbir ciut author)
bat r rvilrxl. Tb Metleun city
tur,i;; (UKCtM t) pfohlliltloti of
hull ami thur iiuln of an ordt.r
to Uwi efiii m Kerr'n lal offlclnl
rruw Mftjor Himm-iI llrmn only oue
iMrt rs lird. , I IK HrmiiAUin, In urRoUntlUR with th
In MCWtanea lth 8rraUr ut Wrr I uovniment for n bund of rlk coi
fUti on bull to hi? ehlppud from Wy.
oialnc to Humiier Mr. Italey propom-
to rate u!h miat for tlm market. L'n
iltr lli-i lu th orklual herd cnitot
I5j old for mont. but the Incn-u
from u dotiniillc herd mu bo ucU.
f CrJft on Spit. 3 Aboard
r.'uvn vintj Vln Chairmanship.
joold Ikvich. The SKiiollne achoonrr
ltf.iidolpli, with n crow of four, went
IMti Idim-T't.. N u:.-:i I liaw. j utbott on tin' norm apu oi hobuis
.Irjr farti m tit the le.vi, ri.ii- puny rlnr. Tbo UfttvliiK cmw from linn
Iriu K.'Ht In a lily roiitroMry i,toj) bhIwhI. but wn uuubls to KUe
(r cokuuI of th party ontanUotlon u4t.Mif
fcr otwr olwt.on of .t AiirrvAAori f Tho Il.imlolph tinH a full carno of
Ui lien R. Ornv, ataiv cbatrmnn. tthoaiivry tttvyllch for tho Wodderburn
pr-r9i-4 tils rMlffuatlon for lh wkoWCatca comytny. -hich may be
f.l,-rm..rl'Ih-NiHel.l.-luK .wiwPvf "CaptfftJotnAularwo.li..lnl
ehv-uag Joiph T, fence, nx timyor of romnmnd of thn vcel.
) ,
Mine PUr.tera Drowned.
l'ort .itovimr.. A hiuirh lotidml with
ml! plaM'iiR cqulpm t and manned
by five Midlers was fwjutipfld at tha
mouth of thn Columbln rlvor Corpor
al Klomp" .nd I'rlvnto I'rlco of the
Thirty-fourth company, coast artillery,
wnro drowned. The othtir occupnnts
wore lmu!et from tho water by -the
crew of n yawl which niHhed to the
reacu. Heavy woiiltiur causud thn
Canil To Open Saon.
r.tbama I'lnim re IwlnK matured
und-r the liiainirtton of (iovernor
tittr).'.' i-i.t I'atiatmt rnllroad
'. ,i: r it.. tiitl th- talinl within 10
Free Dishes
500 Dishes lo he Given Away Free
Come in and See the Dishes We Are Giving Away Free or Call
Us On the Telephone.
Hour Iwi ikIwhiotI 2Hc per lihl. in l'orlliind C.'iu High Patent Hard
Wfcut Flour that w sdlinK in I'orllnnil nt S.".HII a hW. nc fnllowinir )riccs:
Highland Brand, Hard Wheat, $5.00 bbl. $1.30 sk.
Pure White Brand, Hard Whcat,;$5.40 bbl. $1.40 sk.
Ray & Company
Road Drc4lon Postponed.
Salem.---J'il wher to spend the
$17r.000 renmlnliiB of the state high
way fund was a problem discussed by
tho Mate, highway commlsnlon. The
o.lKli i'l fund for tho year was about
Ealph c. bacon.
Mgr. Grocery Dept.
17, In connection with tho University
of OroKon aiinimcr ncltool. Kvery at
tention wilt bo paiil tho pHators who at
tend tho conference. I.IvIhk' will bo
muile InoxpciiHive nnilo)ortunitled for
j;of, tennis, cimoulni,' ""'1 trnmpInK'
will bo here. Locturoa In bocIhI ethics
that aro especially adapted to minister
ial iicetlu will bo Klven by Or. Adolf A.
Ilerle, professor of applied Christianity
in Tufts colletfo. I'rofessor P. G.
Voiiiik's BocioloKlewl lectures nro also
commomled to the clerical visitors.
Courses are Prepared for
Teachers of State.
Monmouth. Tim laruest attendance
In it history and an intcreat In tho
modern niothod for inMructlon. un
paralleled In years, are the prospects
for tho It'H summer session of the
Oregon Normal school, announced by
1'realtletU J. H. AcKerninn. The sum
mer term will open on Juuo 2 and
cloi-e July 31.
Provisions have beeu made to meet
the retiulremonta of four classes of
htudentB those who have had exporb
unco In teachliiK mul who wish to en
largo their 'professional or academic
UnowledKC, those who are preparing
to leach In tho schools that follow tho
state course of study, those who wlbh
special methods in biiuIps from tho
first to tho elfihth, Inclusive, and
those who wish to take regular nor
mal work with a view to graduation
from the Oregon Normal school, lend
ing to u state certificate without examination.
1 Washington. President Wilson has
hel'oUd the five men, who, toKother
wtih 'to aecreiary of the treasury,
i W. O. Mc.'.ttoo, and the comptroller of
thu currency. John Hkoltou Wllliamis,
arc to compone tho frdoml reserve
board, but Mr. Olnuy declined, helm
U'.u.lhn at his advanced Ke, he la
75, to undertake new rexporifclbllltlea.
I Itai.-rd Oliiey, of UoKtou. .Mass.,
( former secretary of t.itn unde.r 1'rer.l
j dent Cleveland, to be governor of tha
I'oel Morltt Warburg, of New York,
ni'..uer of the hanking firm of Kuhn.
l.oeb i Co.
Hurry A. Wheoler, of Chicago, vlca
pntddeiit of the Union Trust Com
pany of Chicago, and former presi
dent aud orgatilier of the United
States Chamber of Commerce.
W. I. O. Harding, of Hlrmlrigharn,
Ala., president of tho First National
Hank of Illitnlngham, and ouo of tha
leading bankers of the south.
Dr. Adolph Caspar Miller, of San
rranclsco. now arslstant to Secretary
Lane of th- Interior Departmeut, a
member of the faculty of the Univer
sity of California, who Is an econo
mist and authority on finance.
Upon the new board will devolve
the tank of setting In motion the back
ing system of the country through the
12 regional reserve banks already se
lected. They also will constitute the
governing board which will regulate
thu 12 banks and issuance of currency.
Prolonged Session Feared.
Members of the house and senators
fwbbpe terms ari-tf rawing to a. close
arc becoming uneasy over the compli
cations that have arisen In congress
threatening to prolong the session in
definitely. The fear Is general that
little opportunity will be afforded for
campaigning this fall. In fnct, Uiera
nre a few senators who begit. to fear
that the session may drag out through
the fall and merge into tin. regular
session in December. This extreme
view, however, hs not generally held.
It Is evident, however, that unless
lite (.resident is wiping to surreuder
a '-rt of his legislative program, the
ttns-o:i will continue well into the
late summer or full.
Trust Proijrani In House Made Up.
The antitrust legislative program
in the house was made up, when the
Judiciary committee ordered favorably
reported Its omnibus bill designed to
cover the nammli-trntlou recommenda
tions, nnd Chaitiu&n Clayton intro
duced a reholutiou proposing one of
the most ironclad rules on record to
rush the measure through.
The bill is mainly the same as when
introduced lus than n month ago as
a revised combination of separate bills
on holding companies, interlocking di
rectorates, etc.
Woman Suffrage Put Up To House,
House leaders were taken by sur
prise whan thu judiciary committee,
before which the llobson resolution
for nation-wide prohibition and the
Mondell resolution for woman suf
frage had beeu slumbering for months,
wcro suddenly voted out without rec
ommendation and put squarely before
the house. Tho measures propose
amendments of tho federal constitu
tion. Advocates of the resolutions will
now direct tholr efforts ngainst tho
rules committee with n view to spe
cial rules for consideration in the
house, without which tho measures
may rest at the foot of the calendar
nnd be filibustered against indefinitely.
Denver. Absolutn responsibility for
the. fatal battle of Ludlow, Monday.
April 20. wan placed on the (J reeks of
tho striker' colony at Ludlow by tho
military board of the Colorado Na
tional Hoard.
None of the striker testified at tho
Inquiry, their attorney declining to
give any information on the ground
that the Inquiry wiu not publicly con
ducted. The board found that tho "remote"
CJiute of this, as well as all other bat
tles, liea wi'.h th'j coal operators, who
established in an American Industrial
community a numerous class of Igno
rant, lavlcas and savngo South Eu
ropean peasants. Tho underlying
cause was the presence, near l.udlow.
In dally contact, of three discordant
elements strikers, soldiers and mlno
guards all armed and fostering an In
creasing deadly hatred.
The Immediate cause of the battle
was mi attack upon the soldiers by the
Greek Inhabitants of the tent colony
who misinterpreted a movement of
troops on a neighboring hill.
Militia or Guards Accused.
Trinidad. Colo. The fire which dav
ttroyed the Ludlow tent colony on the
night of April 20. causing the deaths
of 13 women and children, was started
by militiamen or mine guards, or both,
according to the verdict rendered by
the coroner's Jury.
f, Portland. '
Wheat Club, 90c; blueateci, a5c,
red Russian, 50c.
Hay Timothy. fl6; alfalfa. J13.
-Hutter Creamery, 25c.
Kggs Ranch. 10c
Wheat niuastem. sTlcy chibTSOc:
red Russian. S'Jc.
Hay Timothy. $17 per ton; nlfalfa,
$11 per ton.
KgS 20c.
Iiutter Crerniry, ZCx..
Good Crop Outlook.
Portland. Reports from vnrloua
sections of the slate Indicate that the
grnln crop of 1914 will be the largest
in the history of tho state. Not only
in there a largely Increased area In
agriculture hut, becnuse of unusually
favorable conditions, u larger thanuor
nml yield to tho acre Is looked tor
iu moat districts.
Thought It Was Medicine Polaen.
Albany. -According to phyelclMift,
Mrs. Lulu Hornback, wife of Erneal
Horubuck. u local reataurant man,
toek a dose of aulphurio ac!4 and po-
taah solution In mlataae lor neaiciM.
She died of corrosive poleQUimfc
iuffcrlng aevoral houra.
Motor Car Returns Grow.
Salem. Secretary of State Olcott
announces th.'.t 57-11 was received In
April as fees for motor vehicle regis
trations, dealers and chauffeurs li
censes, as against $5t50 In April last
I Tillamook, Ore.
Woodmen Select Pendleton.
Pendleton. Pendlot..- has been se
lected as tho place far next East
ern Oregon district eo:r.e-tion of the
Woodman of the Wc;M. which will be
held Mr.y 22. I. I. Boak hetd consul
A the order, is to come from Denver
i attend the sessions.
National Capital Brevities.
Charge d'Affalres O'Shaughnessy
and family arrived in Galveston on the
tender Yankton.
President Wilson ordered the com
plete disarmament of all civilians in
the Colorado strike districts.
The senato defeated the bill of Sen
ator McCumber providing for federal
Inspection aud grading of grain, and
designed to obtain uniformity and
classification of grain.
The public building commission, in
its report to congress, urges tho cre
ation of a federal bureau to have com
plete charge of tha erection of all
public bulldlugs In the country. A
standard plan suited to meet tho needs
of tho various communities, was rec
ommended. Iu anticipation that President Wil
son will spend much of tho summer
In Washington, a large tent has been
erected lu tho flower garden Just
south ,pf tho White House, where It
Is expected the prosldent will transact
much of his business during hot daya
Tho administrations leaders wou an
other point In the fight for repeal of
freo Panama canal tolls when tho sen
ate uanals committee by a vote of 8
to 8 ordered tho house bill favoring
tho repeal clause reported to the sen
ate. The senators urged an addition
al clause asserting American rights
over the canal.
Open an account with the OLD RE
LlAUl.K with your next pay" .check"
Pay all bills bycheck. You'll kjnow
just where the money went at thutmt!
of the month by looking over the
cheeks. Tillamook Ountv BanV.