Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 01, 1914, Image 4

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From Hoard 'a Pmrytiuin:
The loworlWRof the titriu" ha result
ed in the importation of simiio foreign
but tor, as would naturally lc expected.
This, nt first, caused some tino:winea
anion t; dealers in Witter, who ooulil not
forseo tho otent to vhich foreign but
ter would bo imported in tho future.
This fiIiiiir is responsible for tho ro
cent Huctuntions in the prices of but
ter. Farmers nmt everybody else should
remember ttmt there is still a tn of
2 conts per pound on butter. Ailili S
to this tho railroad and stonmthip
charges for transportation, we find
that the American producer h a pro
tection of about -4 cents a pound Vtn
should bo sutliciont to oiTset tho di (Ter
ence, in the cost of labor in foreign
eountrios. In Kurnpo women and child
ren porform a great deal of the outside
labor, which reduces the cost of pro
duction considerably in these eountrios.
The greatest advant ige. however,
that the Kuropoan farm t Im. over the
American farmer lies in the fact t'it
he receives much more butterfat jer
caw than the American far nor does
This i only natural whe 1 nvo co.isi.Kt
that the European farmer give m e
thought and care to the ftedinR, and
breeding and ceneral welfare of his
livestock. In other words, he is mak
iutr dairying a businefs instead of a
mere side issue. 1 think I am safe in
saving that he gets from one-third to
one-half more butterfat per cow than
the average American farmer dues
.My Arm conviction is, nevertheless,
that when the American farmer turns
his attention to dairying seriomly an I
once realizes what tho problems are. li
will devise some mean which will en
able him to produce more cheaply. He
will never put his women and children
to work in the rieKK lie will meet
this kind of competition by more hu
manitarian methods, and by the appli
cation of skill and science to atrrlcjl
lural and dairy problems.
Even should another political party
eome into power s-oon, it is doubt: ll if
we will ever a train have a much higher
tariff on dairy pioducU. We certainly
cannot expect to have a taritf of 6cenu
pound on butter as we have had up
to the present time.
A certain amount of competition is a
(rood thing. It stimulate?. The dairy
min is much like the man on a bicycle.
He a 't Und still. He hag eider got
to go forward or fall over. I believe he
will gj f jrward.
T!'e quality of the European butter,
t u:: us a whole, is superior to Ameri
c terter. This is because the Euro
I?an fmef not only gives more atten
U t feeding and breeding cattle, but
ho alto takes greater care of the milk
and cream that he se.nds to tho manu
facturer. And the manufacturer of
butler is like the manufacturer of any
other article. His finished orjduct de
ponds for its quality on the kind of raw
material used.
The cjuntries from which we may
expect competition are New Zealand,
Australia, Argentine Republic, and
Siberia. '-Voile some butter has been
imported from Denmark, 1 do not look
f ir mjeh butter from that country.
Tho ::nih people already have estih-
traie with Great Britain. The
h.ne are very fun 1 of go d
to eat and they an; one of tK
"st onvJmers of butter in th
. Tney demand a very fine irr.i .
of fresh lnnih. 2,01 I boxos fresh Ar
gentine, ami 23 paekiiRt from South
ern Kunuw.
The Paiih butter coots .1IJ cent ,
delivered in Now Yotfc. So. then' is no
money in the importation of butter of
this ipialitv.
Last luno.W. IHr-of butter were
brought into this country through San
Francisco, 2 lbs. in July, ami MV lbs.
in August. These, of course, were
sample lots of butter. In October tM.
200 lbs. were imported, in Novem
ber .tl5.StO, in December asi,al. and
in January 74l. IM lbs. This butter
oi.sts from & to 30 cents per piund.
The great bulk of this butter came
Irom Now Zealand when our market
broke. Kvorvono who iniHrted this
nutter has rout money on It. not only '
because of the drop in the prices, but ;
because some of the New Zealand but-!
ter which was stored when the prices
went down, turmtd tlshy. As a result,
dealers who had contracted for further I
shipment, sent them on to England,
profering to lake their losses over
there rather than keep it in this country
! lui-ex1". J far with foreign
j buttt-: .svH.vU thtt the lowering of
i the t. trill may hnve the same etrect a
J opening up tfato that have shut out
water from a low plnce. The water
rushes in with a tremendous velocity
that looks for a while as if it would
sweep everything berore it; nut on
the turmoil sulfides mid the water
falls back and finds it own level.
Most of the foreifn countries were
verr anxious to test our markets. They
have tested them and so far without
much success. I expect to see condi
tions readjust themselves very soon.
Our greatest nov I in America tud
is more co-operation among the agri
cultural interests and greater study
, and attention to general agricultural
j oroblomtt. We are blessed in this coun
try vith excelle.it .il anil climate con
ditions. Our soil in the central west is
adapted to the growth of all forage
plants. We do njt have to use ferltlix-
ers as they do in Europe. Hence, we
can produce food of all kind more
cheaply than they can. if we apply the
same amount of skill and attention.
The European farmer has to give
strict attention to firming in order to
make a livelihood, as their soil is not
as productive as ours. He must maki
the very' best use of hh materials and
he does.
In closing. I repeat thax I do nut see
anything alarmin in the dairv situu
t on. The iittie competition which we
will have will pr jve a healthy stimulus
to our farmers ; it may seem hard fur
awhile, but I believe It will work out
all right in tho end.;
Illinois G. I.. McKay.
i7 i' 1
Ji ' "Tins m it mother,
thok.:HU .U"
S'S5- Supreme
'vjv it,.. --K.i
rv.,....."- .. f jm, 1
lWi a a. )l tn yt
ftr .r,-hlt JiHir
to furlhrr intrv.l'i at.l '--nHMVKrtiii
ihm rr .iuIlly Alhl
KMliVf.M tft ' t-rvl
t-,atl '
l.fk .. l- ' '
,if l i 1
Kit i
The secretary of the treasury In
forms Senator Chamberlain that In
formation gathered from the depart
men's requiring room in tho feuVrai
buil'i at Astoria Indicates that a
tnre-- story building having 9000 fot-t
of xround area will be uecoasary. Thf
cost of such a building, to be brick
faced aid fire proof throughout. ill
U $50,000. Senator Chamberlain will
Introduce a bill providing for the errc
tior of Kiich a building on Uie prnt
tiivt tlii Jtili t n tnan
who x ill rcdiii i' l uxt's
aiul flit down osponsfs
If V . In lit in I r f ct III TIjHc ' '
li.li v ..' rtt'll It , ."lulu, t'.l .'ll "
prim H'ln V"u K tn i"trfni
jtUm .f tin' Smtr Th Suir f i'
t a ruiii'fit inittlutwHi nin ..r thr
il tlir uf'it ill it Kn, m I ircfam
iir !. Ihi'l.lcn i i it 1uiri ii.tein'
..i the ct'tinriE prinur rlci' '. Ch.irlrs Jnhllv
i ill a'k the Lit - ( crrv pervi'i h . I'nric- 'i ' 1 ' "-n
need t.i ha.c uxr rc.iuccd 4iul njicnc ml ilnn I he "til 4
to reduce taxc- and l ut tli ll rtpemr to HHh 'he wnit pninipU
in runmni the State that you Wimld tu'v m lun uiig youi t o btitiiirts
llmv many inttitutmils would run almiij wuh n int teste of upef
atiiiB r.vpcntc frmi year to )rar .' N rnnnv Well, let't reduce
nur tac and cut down o-ur c.xprnwt I'hsrlei A Jnhiu, ul l'atUnd,
i riinnmtf mi that platform and undt on hi plstf(ri t' him ,n
the jub' Start thinVine about tin tmlay'
W ill you elect a nun w ho will cut dnvvn expense and reduce
taxes, or a politician, ax our nct truvernur ' I he uc it clear
Otic will cut dnw n Ute the other wiil gitr )bt to ht political
friends. Whuh dn Villi want ' t'id Adefitement
Mil It. I; Hl.' I'UIU.Ul.VHON.
(Culduher ) MVMI
Dopnilmonl ul llu' lulct lor.
c s I NI ol'KH K 1 I'otlUml,
Mr... . rei-ruair tfl. 1M
... : ..i.k t. tii.t (..iitiifii
I L I. t-e t",l,ro 'ldr It
nil -til ;!l . IVftU'tl. t'lefc'Mtl, llld,
,.r IhrnliUi of N-mber. lit IB,
nli c Mi "hV A-i" StaBMieiil sih
., ,..,;.... N lO0' l laiKhsto Ilio
n. ..I NM- ai. l'v.v,','',,,..,
N.'nh !" I" W"". ilUniMtte
' Mer..bt'. -l tb Uwber U..rHi, mi
,.r the .r..Uin of lh rl "I Jut'" 3.
j,Ti srd sets Miltr) . k"l
the :'ltttl HIm" t !
Ivaluo n..hl he ntwl by o .K.i
WM ..1 that. ptiMuiMit t tueb amill.
I, ,.. the Uil Umlwr UtolwMi liv.
Iirr.i iwrt.iwl th tlHtber r.lllttll
th' Url ' bl mill pplieoiil vl
,.rTef rttisl f'f U'lrt f bl' pdl
esni ' ! " eUUme-M " t" "t'
.U .f , tll. blu ltn H,gl,f
.l Kr.emrr, t! U"l "lltee, nl
v fi!il. nr-"'
A ir-"' bblt to ite.l
ih,. t.i,rK-hM bofr iMtry. or lUlo
. . -irl a")r ll before iwlwhl If
t'y Mil 4 a vff.Uittt ttkl(t ll
,., ih t .(. atUa-'x wlilrh
, ,M .irfrst the mnltt
II. I lligby,
Ill the CmiMly Cotiit l llie llc
of ()trt'ii. lor I lllnmuok
Count) .
r. m.ttcf i.f tti estate of IUW
, ,rufw'l knnwn At Unity
I I r . flf n
i I I k, 4wwl
A ih toriwl lw lt
, , tl bj th abe rnl
, 'ftnnlrtt (
rf . sll p'e ke'"if
. . i l lh ello mUtmmid nlll
. ' r cnv If me Hh lh pfPt-"f
- . thin i ttftih f rtMn lb
' " noii.o at ihm oltWe of
vu. it. hol t Kigali
. I rlland. UrtMuM, or t
" -trrvUI lit Mine. THai
!.dv.i st Tillarswot. OrK, tM
l iij nf AoriU 191 1
LA M B - SCI I R A mi R ( X ) Al 1 A N V
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. Wrjt
For Governor
of butter a . I iiro -villn to pay for it
This Denmark is at present supply.,
to them. There seems to be no reH-j'
to expect the Danish will ive up th.
p -Stable mirket to send all thi-ir i. it.
ter to this country.
It may be safely stbted that the im
portation of furoign bi' cr into th.
country will not effect our best fjr.i
of butter, as this will be superior t
the butter sent from the othc-r -r
ries I have mentioned. On tKt: I-, I
am inclined to believe that the lit' t
corni)et;t:ori wo will get
stimulate our people so that .vn v. .1
produce more butter and better t,ut'-r
in the futarn than we have ev. r dr.t
in the past. We need not expect to be
swamped by nny reat invasion of fur
ei(n butier. Only a curtain iimoun. of
butter it produced in the world and a
certain amount of this is required for
homo use. If all the butter made
should be sunt to the United States
there would be a butter famine in
every country, which would have seri
ous nsfuhi. Hence, I cannot see any
thing Hlrmin-; in the dairy situation
tt the present tirnc.
Up to date there have arrived in New
York 1,181,522 pounds of butter; 1179
casks carne from Imdon, 52 from
Liverpool, 1J0 from Hull, 12 from
Havre, 2000 from Copenhagen, .119
from Hamburg, 5 from Kotterdarn, 13
from Trieste, and 10 from I'alenno;
also 5,9(17 boxes from London, 0 boxes
from Li crpool, and 2,011 boxes from
Iiuenos Aires, making a total importa
tion of 0,930 casks and 10,980 boxes.
The caski average 125 lbs. and tho
boxes 5G lbs,, which makes the total
1,481,522 lbs. It is- also interesting to
note that of the imports thus far 5,837
caskb weio Siberian butter, mostly last
Bummer'h make and of low grade; 7,907
boxes wore cold storago Australian
butter bought on the London market,
1,001 frcHii Now Zealund, 1,035 casks
$65.00 Range for
The Best ol Values
Ranges $:S.OO Up
If You are Looking for a Specially Good Article at a
Reduced Price Give Us a Call.
ALLEN PAGE, I?rnl Street X, ;,r
He voted against the new lax law and
itands for the reduction ol taxes, Payable
Seml-Annually, without penally. Econ
omy, Efficiency Dignified law enforce
Hxecutor's Notice.
NOTICES is hereby given that wu
William M. Ladd. Charles U. Ladd,
and Newton McCoy, liayo been ap
pointed executors nf the CHtutc of L
H. V'frgel, deceased, by tho County
Court of Tillamook County, Stale of
Oregon, All portions having claims
against said estate oro reipiired to pre
sent them to us at the Tillamook Coun
ty Hank in tho City of Tillamook, said
County and State, with proper vouch
ers within six mouths from the ditto
hereof. Dated this 17th day of April,
II . Ii. Nicholas,
Attorney forlho Kxucutors,
William M. Ladd,
Charles K. Lwdd, t
Newton IVcCoy,
F0'vu'r. of th , H,
Virijol, iKctwiht' i.
Tin; County ( unit met mi bruluy
when tin: following bid were
opened :
Dav d KtitgcrnKiigiMic AtkiiiHini
TilkimookJIIny ConHtnifliim Co.,
Hall Slough U iIhiui K'ivei road
I illiiinnok liny ('(iiiHtrin liuii Co.,
HCi'tioii D, W, S. Cdne 1001I
A. AihIiII, IlotiO-Clovenl tie ron,
I IC. Iv. C'roHM A: Son, iCIovcnlalc.
Helm rood. rg.-.-
C. Wi-IIh, l.eaeli U Co.. Hii;h
road, Hdition I lo 12.
I The 1)1(1 of A. AiMtill, lor the
llclio-C lovenliilc rood fririj $fj,hll
wiih rejecled. Jj
I The hid ofC. Wi-lln, l.eaeli At Co.,
for the Mlggr rood, for$i:S CO, being
'the lowcul hid, wiih ncroili-(l.
The bill of Tillnijiotk hay ( on
HtriKlion Co., lor the Hull Slouch
road, in tho hum of UV-'W HO, wan
The hid of David ImtgiTH, for Hie
ICugeiit! AtklnHoii roml, ioi' 5,4-1 ,53m. 30
r.'iiH iifci:p.l,
The hid of tho T; , (,ok May
Coiihttuctloii i. i ,
roiuJ in lh"
Notice to Contractor!,
moors ..ftiIJ 1fj
llll.iUl n. .
Hlll soiri.ta,,,.1
...... ..... ""
........ ., m
for hut. TW vr.
MilliKa St
inliici. it, r It. t . . . .
Tb ptMUtrfcl . .
.1 j... "I
IIIMIIC lulr (a .
ttm tw. t.Li, i. ii ..
rolrr 'r.a ..
lo tni. It. .
Horn ft it x n4,,,
l(liti.wj .. t-.,.t. .
" iiomij Uij
it.. . .
Ill W' nf).
HOii! II..' !
JttlH O J- B.l..,
Healed biiln addremed it, ti... p..
Court of Tillmrook County, Oregon for
Me cotiHiruniion or the Cmmtv Knr
buildlngn at Tilli.mook Cily, Orogon, 1
win no recoiveii ny t, County Clerk
at lllfl Olllco ill tint C.illrl linn.
County, on (.before tbo Ihowr of 10
o'clockJA. M May Intl.. 1911, ,m( )lt
ttuch time opened midend. i
Lach bid miint ,c nenimpanied by' a '
Certined Check for SICMl mado"' "pny,,,,
to l i lamook Counly. (la, S ,
Hhallbo forfeiled to the counly , ' '
thu award is mado and the 1,1,1,1 ,r 1" '
fiiHcs, iieKleetH or fails for i, por,,, r
five i avH after t u, ..u..r,i i 1 ."I
enter Into a Contniet ,!
satisfactory lo the County, 1
IMi.tis and Hheclllrat ,)(m ,lro , ,
ho County ( ferk's ()!,,, I1IM , "
hoo lfoof.1 . K.KlrHi.i.hHn.ArAu.c"
In Tillamook Cily, Oreeou " ,,"'u tl
The County Court reserves thu r,,i,,
to reject any and all bidH, K"1
..'1y,fiM,,.)r "f, ''""",v t3f"irl." Dated
llin .'iOlhday of A i. ul, Ud. 1
V -I.. i lirvt- . tht
C..,iii i .mi ill riliujw (oMnty,
iirr-fii will r( rll lJ? )l
ririli 11 f I'of.t ol WtNrtt. Ul l
Uim irl tnl tilrl IH ll t"
inrtil .il lh t'ifl IUmir, tlt t
rr. rnrd t Ihr i HHly rnri nl I'll
i iii.,m.V .otitklt. till iti trlufir til ll
.1, lull. it th "ir tu
.i . I V. a m, &il m.l l Ihj rll.
n Until. I'll. Aider I'lt WaU, Kltil
. I tf, inrhc tn tnirU, tlln
r.) mi in ' ritt III Html Uny l
iv i j lull In ntt1
i ii .ulr I' r I. ibln lifll ti rrMH
r-t i - ruin tutu rttnirocl iiiti t
in iiu ilv ttMirt
ttir I e,itnt t tMirt r'li tlir
, tt.'ln ! r(it any otI nil Irttt.
I l) onlrr l Mm I .nl I Uf1
, J C Mtu jtiyn,
' cntt citi w
j Ihi'c.l nl fl, iwtl,
' Notice tu CuiitraClnrjk
!W bid miOrrtoatl U Uu I'mjntjr
i'..utt ,,t TiiiHiwh t'M. itir.
f..r tt.r ptutMMvd rxn Itufl loi nf n w
li..i. t the County KtuuJ bwH.,i I ll
tt.ik lUy I'lly it, Ttllan'k t'ovn
I'.. "fr.r. frwn Hall A tun eh la Uw
'..!. Ilitcr HihU. will lw rnrutvxl
in '.tir ( uutity Curl of lillmik
l'''!'1!. it ItiBttft lii Tllti..-.k "It jr.
'.' i.f !fif the With lat M,,.
1-iU. ,. the hour uf in .. k A M
m.d t urh tiniB r,wrl ! rrad,
K. h I nl Itiuil j rriti ,,.ir. lij, a
rrrtitlCTl rjnnk mmU iwtl.t t TilU-
moult itnty, for n mt-unl r.ml la
t irtti j per rent .u tlx- amount lit
urh tod, hirh hll t f..rfntd to
tli- ( nji.tv lit cm tho mmt m matin
' .1 theti, l-kif thll rrfi .r ,rl(l Dr
il for prad n( Avt !) nfltir lh
wrt I until, in i.ter i- i runt roe I
I nwl fiU- bond ntrri,,f j- 0
l oort ro. iiri h u,
i b bhU urn to i-vr ihr . lnrir g of
I I riKbt uf ty n. frrtin ami idae
u i r..ilvtfl t tmildlns mwndain
. - (f..tn Statinn 6 pltM 60 to 8U
'.'ilen l i,( Out THUmiuV.IU Cltj
" -l All work to m eumjiltotl by
I'lui ami fwctncationa nr.. on & at
tU t-l'. of tb County CWrK of Tllln
in..,t tuciv, iirfuh, in TlllMtiMMih
'. f ' twjnty (..or roatrrvtw tho
riirt.i t . rrji r i any an.j all hid.
I ir,,, .no, day ( Ajirll. 1011.
J. C lloklon.
Countir Clork.
j'ii"t i" l l i ,il on Auil :. IUI l.
I.il I'liidirNtiun May II. lull.
Notice to ContriictorH,
Sr.ili .l ,, H n,l,j,tf(lB , ,, ,.
t "iiii ( itiirt i.i i il'um.M.s, ( ,.V
' Mbn IiIIhidoiiIi ll.i y City K. ,,
r. in tl.i- N.th . , i 'hIohko
Ml " 'htiiiii-.. tit
ll "III Itrl ,,l (M ..iiir.. T,,
I "I 1UII. Ill ,.', h, A N
"'I ' f !.., ,.,.IM.. ,, , ,
ii "lflirl ilicrl, . p'.ynhl.
. ' ( ""'!. fot.i.i i.mo.im
Mil lr-i .1 ,.,. ,.,., , ,
, W,,", '"
.I m..,.v,',,,,k' "r1""- ' "'
U!e,i 'V ,'"" l"lhertio.l
Ide ii lioiiii ' """ nil,rl ami
n lioild MiitiHfui loi y to Ihr Coiii!
" ' r-,iiif ,.,1 ,y ilw ' 1 ""
I he Iiih hi,. t(1 , v , urlll,..,
in n,,,r( "" "Jiwy ft
( n.J. "' '""-nicllim f ii
; " i.'. t win., .....I
on each (.. " "." wmn
lH;.k(to he i.iuipl,.,,,,, hy MwM
1 "!" mill Hurt iil. Mtf....
Ill I In. ,.lil.... , -:--" mil ill.
e ... Urn ,.iii j ' "" 'Munin n ui Ol
i'IlIii i l""M lOHerveM llin
! V (lOIDH.S,
'"i-idicnto, k ,r,'!i,),vi,M,;,,,
Jr. iM'n
P4HIIW ! r
In r4 d
tK ; .
mt is i
t. . llHl I '' 1 I l a
tlteKufi i. t ii.r
li '-I I ' vr
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ll ' ' ' t
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LV.tinly . 4tm4
til It Ml' . r I J
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am tr.linl. ! I I
Tlir I. id. .
..I llir I . '
I, ,i rliui,
fli.ll '' '
I .S Mil .
. .- t, i
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lut"l I'tlbli-
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by U10 illri" '
UtMrnD. '
May ItMb. I '
0.1 awl f"fl
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(ttacirVlMl tin-
nil biiln.
Dnttl tbl "
I Ot
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.i,..n.,.i iIIhi r It rv w
thin country l u,i w
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. ... , . .,.1 rirl HO"" -
iriMlllinn nun ' -
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or ynani. .nu
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