Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 01, 1914, Image 2

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    imt Clrrk -.1. C. HoMm. Hot. ai
. . . i
ShvrilT II. rnHWw anu r.ninw
Kales. Rep. ; N. J. Mtyuro. IVnt j
bounty TrwuWMr H. ,U Km It. J
Count v Murvtts W. Ii.
TT- . M . . . - V . -v ... ,5
6. Cronitolcy, editor
l.5HCl CWiC .1 WccU e CtiCStt.iv .inn itih.iy it p. Wilaon, R. U surorew .
. Austin. Rrp.
..-i.i... m.fi..r IT. 1010. Ht thv tMt oitlco at Tillamook, ; Coroner W. 0, I lawk S. M.
' W cmll, Hep.
j Cmintx Cumiw tl"iMir P. U 8P
! piiiRiun ami 0. F. Tbotupwn, Hop-.
.06; two year; K. I . Ower, A. A, Iwlsh
! uml F. I. Welsh, dam., four jwtg.
j.iii.,o( ti Peace awl i)htrit.
. .... ... a t v
A.aJl !l'U KvN
oosieimai Ml','tB',,
H.ltb I'lx-f"
Res. and WKitenou. Kwidem'.
J . Claussen
l)i;r i hcM ICU AliVOKAT
Coinin. ivi.il liniltlinj:
Oregon, umtcr the not of March 8, 1S7V.'
Jtttvcrtlviuf? RJtCS
eeal Advertisement
Fir! Imvrtion, pr line - ;
Ba.h ul.ouent Insertion, line
Mo,TU!l't .-otieea
7 T'mhcr Claims
Notices, i or ti"c
Cards f thanV-a, per line
Local-. "r 'w insertion
Uaeh subsequent insertion, lino
', Resolution of orakderwe and
1 tAtr notirot. per lino
'rt Riwitw.v Professional cards, mo. LOO
06 Diaplay Advertisement, per inch .lift
ALL Display Ads must be in thlt of
,0 P fico an Monday and Thursday Morn-
in to Insure publication in ioiio
I F W. Stanley : ni Oiatriet, Frank
j Taylor, Hep.
in Tuwrfav ml hrumy
Kemioiw are imperative.
V u.utit i-o unfia.
II. V. Allv anu I
I'ort of NVImlam
I r.ptuo.icnn Voter .
FRIDAY MAY 1. 101k
in r'T
tho ir
tr -;t 1 ;
price t
ami Ai
i inn i. 1 1
th avt
tic hl of calamity ' stop to Bikor'a attack
t soilin forth County ntalty valuo.
t tf irvt riuotion in j
on Tillnnwok
o. wo have taken the . the HHrtt it knoc kinc TiliaUKwk
u'.iKsu- u to what UwiOunty. This ia a flne innu ian't it
tl. ,vas irmn r April 18jv.ya? Will you Und for it?
i.il.V Ounnif April. Wia,
Inhotintr fir Bxth ami Hawley.
CO tinoo
v 'ii (o
hc ieist 1 -
April tiLI.
por rH'unJ.
t!' mtnth
for ;xvi-ij. t
The Headlight, to ahow tho fallacy
of misleading ndvertiaino; am! ,ht air"
! talk, published in iU last nearly
! a column of sarcasm, taker, from an
I othor paur and aitnl at Tillmo k.
!IM-,t take the matter t-' oni-l
.iv overa' r-.'j ms wnv
eheee h 4'i- r th.tT u.,ial thH year,
and the .irt i fiib-' l-ie ureal
i.nilr.ioi tht Pa.-iri.
kr .- : ; wir.-ity f meat
'l t f r inst:no. 'n Vre
th .jf tho f ')p i!.itnn is
f! i- : t';e su I a"'! pmiue
t ojt while tht .'thee tne
,rn iu!a!i:i :s o:.ijHk:e1 in
,ntr.. -c'i 'inc ru:lroad
m'-onr.!.', etc. As"i then of
iiryt ;.-i is -t il j r-'tt-cul
: Celeron; inr."'rt du
.'" :.!l tmi i; turn into
i t . t a', exit t.
t' a when the season ai-
oiaks tl iuts are
.o'lit I t'on wttti eheeso.
tv..it thi t r e- of cheese wiM drop.
'fieese i.. '.ind iuutevily tiroo to He
ar d poss per pounj later on.
! f u-t t . - fj as !ays ue.-n the case
a-d l t 't e'-o.t-ii.
Last y .r I'lllirriook Courty spent
large sum kouiik out some special
advtrtisr.j; mutter, lhia matter was
porfoetlj rt"i.L,l'.- in-every particular.
It was ora-1cust through the
Coast, t
ami thi
gon, o:i
emrade l
inn tl'it'i
sivths vf
eourfe 1
by h i '
t. the . .
It i-- t
va'ice ii
br"Uht !.'.
iold man. Vnur inability to oe tio
noint in regard to the .trti .e in .iues-
j Hon Krada ua to blivve that if you wore
hit on tne head with a ten tmn I .l.-.u-o
i hammer, you would think it wk a
joke. Thai is if vou survive! tne
j sh ck, and yon uniaabt .liy v .1! I.
" yi . " Mi -(s
1 ' ait.T ittT
Oltue t .Hlmiteoa Hlda.
: Wntk tiwsKtel
i)r. Jack Olson
in1 I.urs 'ivii '. a tu. to P.
ojtirauvei 6wMi
Ifcith rhonea.
1 1 nlut -:.' -) I I tlliiinotilt
lll,MIHk ',l'f'
IFJ M I.Mir x,.
ass .T
With Modern I;.
(ilVft I la . t
SAIISI At llmw
'"" "PHrnliff
Itletila, li,
r rotll. ,. -
PioneerTransferCo.! Tl:ZZ .:
I., l'b k A N. rVi.
lilt? Snid I'tko t r.ciim
h, 1 o. stuJ w ikt CoaMmtal BW ,
Sucrrciiaf Or. P. J. ,'k-
H .V l '..iirt,tJ. " IT)
., tIT. ni.
- M n ,v I ki.JPp.m
t wi i ' f i r ttutt! 9 pVlaiA
T. 11. GOVNE
Attortwy-at-Uw a44
and 0(U' duitii
. . v.Si U.
jUtfX 1 1 1 ANU III MH HsSO.N
m! Im tliv
j A HMMl Oixn'
'"r .ii.
i .
bti n Irr
lill.mwok ( uunt HouK !lll(. j,;'
' r Miti in.
I Ital
Geo. P. Winslow
I iiUis-". Hloeh
j;.. in xti
Tfliamook. OrcRon
lite rn.ni'. t i
nt AiiHK i mh:ui kinu co
V lit h t I' Vlai t
' u-toi h Hi. ' t-i x iir vrpcd
I. I:. KttUY, D. V. M.
Vi.rltLiV WIM
Mr 1. 1.
Prejbvterian Citrch Nolei.
Walter Bak-
U'l ''I
ver .if
li '
t !
t r
1 1
1 A. M. Bible School
er superintendent.
It A. M. Pu'tic Worship awl Sermon.
Th-me: "The Kingdom of God the
ideal world of Jesus Christ."
8 1 M. Kvenin sjrvico. Soil ser
vice and sermon. Subject of the ser
mon : "A Reasonable Social Policy for
Christian People."
All eve.iinr nerviccs for the next
four month bein at 8 P. M.
Rev. A. J. M'jutitomer, D. D. sup
' erintendant of 'ilitoions for tio Pres
bytery, will preach next Nundav at
t'loer tale.
i'he foumiation for the new Preaby
terian church wilt be laid at Roc aay
next week. A neat chapel will be era
ected ibis month. Rv. C. W. Ha; -I).
D. of Portland is in charge of the
Why not carry the "Go u Church"
of I
pi i.ievr t ii. i. ! 1 1
"Justice M"l reehnicalstif.
f eai
not to
To the Vuteri pf nilaniooH Conaty.
I wish to announce to the Kupubllrs.'.
voters of TilUm.Kik County that I n
a eandidate for the otiee of J tiatioi '
the Peace for tne So.irU Justice Dii
tnct and do ro to he Humiliated
May. If noinmuted and elertod I w..
corniuot the atTaira of my office witi
out fear or favor.
E, W. Stank.
Attorney l-w
Off ct In CommrcMl Builtltntt
I'.. nt. t ami li5i f intijfcr
i . idtml TnWftt
hi-nuitt tti'nilie1.
All S-rk ; !rnits--l,
Tt.toMiuok. t.
j ji
. 1 L LA V K U
AT M -
.mi:! atk iKa roctilr thai tKa I Ora Irl
th.. u..wii.t.n.i.rfhMn.f "Pirit verv jtay. Ooew a day
h.v,...Mvr.-.ei.e.i.lriHimbsjr of;181 ,to mutfh to mk
u-m-ndaf.-r -.-lie evpic and short ! ChmU"Pe0P,f; u .
h. -nn. i.i.rMMr.! D. A. AiacKenaie. pastor.
-M .-uh-r , for the local paper, to Unjtd jfeUffen Cfturch.
sto it t!K n.atter coi taineo in tne pap-ir-
t-i in r.'" .tr. f-e advertising
n. . liter - t i jt. Wt.ut would a proa
poetive i-. - -tor think of our county
af'.o- re ii .4 s , no of the copies of the
Hi ;i lhrht wht-roi,, nur fine lands
worth thrt; and to ir hundred dollars
jior jore havo titen compared favorably
w ith the htventeen and twenty dollar
per acre lands of Douglass Co. ; wherein
our real estate dealers hive been com
Sur.day School 1) A. M.
Morning Service and Sermon 11 A.
H. Subject "Whit is that in thine
Kveninir Serviee and sermon S P.
M. Subject "The Mmlern Esau."
All are corJially invited to tiiuse ser
vices. II. F. White. Pastor.
To tfie VotcrJ of TilUinook Counly
t h reoy announce rnysvit as e indi
dale for Humiliation at the Priman
held May la, as a ReHiolienn for tru
.itr.o of eoitnty eummissiuner. L
I'o.iuimted and ofeeted, it will be m
endfavor to aerve the people to th
"est of my ability. Mv experlene.
; buiMiir n' roads as well at htHi
linf the ateatn Ml'er the $ yr 1
mve me an inienl that will enabli
;r.e 1 1 servo the 'people and save tho j
county money.
Kespoctfully, f
A. A. Imlah.
Cloverdale Ore. j
To the Voters of Tillamook County
I hereby announce mvnetf as a can
didate for nomination for tite office of
Countv Coroner on the Republican tie
keu If nominated arid elected 1 will
endeavor to adminisister the office with
economy and ethcii ncy.
lr. S. M. Wenot
To the Voteri of Tillamook County.
1 hereby ai.rMuiice inynelf as a m
didate for the no-nutation of the atVi e
of County Commissioner, on the
publican ticket at the primary to be
noil Mav lfi, and should I ! nonnii.t-
ud and clccl.-.l will
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Corrl Lola;
$2.80 in Twenty Cord Lots.
Sl.llir ,
Attorir) . ;f,
TUl.nnnf.tt Till
Abstract Co.
I.. A'
ttl.t A .
pared to a band of thieves; awl where-j ONE FLYTRAP IN EACH BARNYARD i thepUpl" oV' county to thr'lx"
in the markets of our products are de
cried tnd a general tone of pessimism
Hniversity of OreRon, Kunene, April
zi.--frwes not lor tne greatest nurn
prevail,. The ceunty. the different of fll(Mf but fof the gwteil ,,
commercial bcaes of the county and , ,,f rtylesil)ejW ghouM ivun in 0rtt.
our reij mme men nave aeni om
mv ability.
Frank L. Owens,
Cloverdale, Ore.
To the Voters of Tillamook County
: imn pamnalirna .ioor-in tn V I I i r I ncrellV Utltiolinci IllVnoll as ll i- ....
thousand trfdollurs worth of advertis- toB F ,lllll,H .,,fMMlr n didate for the OhVe of County (t-
inK matter 4rinir the pat two years. 1 olfv in the Btate ...... ... f'oon. .ubject U. the Kepuh-
iii;ii . riu;iic 10 in; iiem nay loin,
is spending time this week in Albuny : l!l I,
ery respectfully.
which hu beeri thoroughly r liable ii
every way, only to tind tuat now when
we are about to get result that this
lare expenditure is bein c u ituract :d
to some extent by falsehoods, indis
creet ''.d unreliable article published
in the ileadlii;ht. We have it on good
tiu"' li'y that cajdtalists who have
co o i !, d itive-'ng their rnonoy in
Tillamook County on lonir time lonns
havx-been discouragiu fioin investing
here bi-oause of the cry of "inflated
land valu s," that originated in the
mind of the Headlight's editor.
..ir. tiaKer is eiRieavoring to uive a
false impression in regard to the pres
ent prosperous condition of Tillu'nook
county, thinking that ho will make
vote f it Im friends, Mr. Booth, sena
torial Cd idi l.te, and Mr. Hawley, con
rehfcior.al canuidato, havini,' in view,
the wiii.e, a nit ofllco. However, wo
do not think the voters of thu county
will slar.d for tu'.-h a procedure. When
a man will iiA.iah falsehoods, and en
deavor to depreciate real estate values,
and otherwibo injure he county just to
spite someone and make votes for his
political candidates, he should be made
to realize tho consequences which hit)
acts deserve.
J l e Headlight's tactics are a detri
ment, not only to farm values, but
they are a detriment to every business
house in town, as thoy breed a feeling
of uneasiness and uncertainty that
cause people to bo unduly closn in all
mallow, injuring to a certain extent
the natural development of the county.
While the newBpapcrs of every other
county in the state are acting in a unit
for the advancement of their respective
counties, Tillamook county is unfor
tunate in having a newspaper that is
and always has been a "knocker,"
We believe it is high time that uomu
orgaizned effort was mode to put a
To tbe Valors of TUUbj k Coantjr.
I hrrvSv -ut 1 1 . in. If i i).
date fur IN- i. m-.titi.. 1 .f arvriuf i I
the repubh-'JO ti.-t t Umi 1 rimr.
i'l M '. If tMltt'"aleil ft'nl virrtwd it
will be mv aim to l mv li-ie, to the
very In'stof my abilit.
A. M Aust.f
To The Voters of Tiilaaok Cmtotr
I hereby annotn er mvdotf can
didate id the tti-uhll'-r. Primary for
the office of Count) ComttlltiSMMter to
fill the unexpirttl term of tj. R. bJnr !
and Astoria adviaimr flv cauiDaiirns
"It is too early to see what results '' . ..
the numerous campaigns will get, but j To the Voters of Tillamook Comity
the work is going ahead with vigor."1 I hereby announce mvxelf h m r.1(,
said Ur. Hodge. "One flytrap in en -h didate for re election to the Oflic- of
barnyanl" should be the motto of County Sheriff of Iilloiiiook County,
towns where stables are permivteii in- " XU';V.1 u. thu . 'V'"' ''l'.'"''
., . .... . . choice In the Primaries to be held Miv
side the city limits. Thdre is ito neces- , isu,, 1911. '
ity of having more than that for flies ' II. Crenahaw.
will go as readily into one trai as into,
a dozen. Kach back-yard should nlno To the Voters of Tillamook County
have a trap. KxlormimUion of flios ' ' hereby announce inyaelf a Candi-
should not be made a burdensome mat- 'Aat, ',r B" min" 1 f,J,rl ",n' of
(county Surveyor, on the Republican
"We learnud a lesson from tho ex-! If nominated ami eluded, I shall at
ample of Kugene last year, Kugonu was ' "", l,,ue endeavor to adininiMler the
flyless to a great extent until early
August. Then the fight was suspended
Urgely and by county fair time tho
pests were thick again. Kugonu tiiis
year will keep up the fight right
Ur. Scbafer, head of tho state Uni
versity Hxteimion division, said:
"This is a jear of learning how.
Absolute flyleasness is not likely'to be
attained miring lull nut many towns
will tee a great lessening of flies
August 01 J'Jto there w he common
ties in Oregon whore tho insect will be
almost a novelty."
ollice with
economy. ,
olliciene; accuracy, and
Rosa L. Shrevi ,
To The Voters of Tillamook County
Having been urged by ho many of rny
fiiends, I hereby announce myself aK a
candidate on the Reiiiililicu. ticket for
County S'leriir at the coming primar
ies. If nominated and or-iinl 1 1,1.
.'!" lend to my ilutiexas reipurod by law to
Y the bcBtof my ability without fear 01
tavor to none.
Kmmett M. HaleH.
K. L. Suppifigtoo. 1
To the Voteri of TiHiUiaok anil 'iflm- (
hill Cowitioi.
I announce myself a rai didate f r
the office of joint rspres. rtutive .,f tl
two counties eomori'iing th-i Four
tee nth Representative btunct in Hi
State of Oregon, soiiji ct to thi noun
nation of the Democrat party a! tn.
primary on May I.Slh, ll I.
IT I am tiommatcii ami elected, will,
during my term of oilier mrw tin ,
people of mv dtstnet to the i,..t of my ;
ability I favor good run U. f force .
tnent of nil laws, mid m ivn o,v
Oovernoi (n.wi-r to veto ninio itein.a m '
approptiat.oi. ,i 1 I i.,.'i,-v- wi re-1
treiiehiiicnt u, nt( ,.v..rv lu.e of ex-1
"""iii i'n-n n.e lllllljll I 1 1 1 1 m
the coi.duct of i.ite affairs. I l-.-ptve
in the p'or ibiti ig of the hi.u uf.icture
and sale of iiitoxieatu.g lupiora, only
for ii.ediciil iind cheuuciil p iriHnea,
"Honesty, Oonoiny ail) V'ngmm"
is my motto. JfMn these prinri tiles, I
sUnd. If you want such a one to r i
lesent you, 1 am at your service.
R Y. Hlaloek.
Reaver, Tillamook Co., Oregon,
.'V llie Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce mvself H ,.M,
dato'itim Republican tickut Ht the
prltllHrics to be Vdd Mav I.Mk 101.
for tho ollice of County CoiiimUioiicr
nir uiu unexiireu two years terra. If
iioniiiiiiieii Kli'I uleclcd I will
aland for Kcoi.omv, Klficieticy n, 'uh.
licity in all County matters. I w.,uJd
furthor Ntate that I have made p. dirta
lo no utie ami my future cur,,, will I.
governed by the ,Hhos 1 f the iieuph..
I'. F. Thompiton
Will t.ikr .ill kuiiis nl htjiltlui; vniiti
itiy AkIuI ttit.i! 'It.tv.mH it ;l.
hltflvtttt o! , h.,i;T Will jiivr v-pus-ihl)
tiji'in s nn mill u in It ;ittl .1
ill ill.lUll.ll. Ml Mt.lll.ihittl is in
Mciit hit iii;iii k mi Ik ii iimtt rial 1 1
In-iiiicitiu lt-.tt of litulilitlh tli.i'
t lie Im III ma 1 ki t
Give him a cU con.sullatlon nnd bull JtnR Adtki
free at all Hino.-,. Next to Todd Hotel
t ...j
1 ftjrrf
t.g in I
Son U for Prices Before OrtierinK I'-Ufwlierc
Local Candidates for the Primary To ,,ie Vo,e" of ','illamol County
Election ' wiBh 10 ""''ounce that I am a can.
' didatu for the nomination of coroner 011
Bulowwlll he found -the names of XTTZSS
those who have filed petitions for nom- will perform the duties of my office to
inatiori at the primary election on the the best of my ability.
ur, w. u. Hawk.
15th of May for offices in this county:
Judge of the Circuit Court Harry
H. Holt and (Jlen O. Ilolrnan, both of
Polk County, rep; Webster UJ.owo ui
Tillamook county, dem.
Joint Representative 'I', H, Hund
ley of Tillamook county, rep; R. Y,
Hlulnnk of Tillamook county, dorn,
County Judge A, M, Hare, Rep.
To The Voteri of Tillamook County
U0011 Kolicitnlion of inanv of mv
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
CI hereby ao'iouiici, ilui 1 ... ..
iliilate for the nomination of m,...iir
lie I himocr.it Ticket ut tu, ,)ri,rieH
in May If ,..(.e.l will perfor, t le
du es o IMy ollice lo the' hest v
ability without fear or favor.
N. J. Myrra.
To the Voters of Tillamook County
I hereby announce n.yself aH a (,,.
I ' " 'V r re-election U, (Jlflc , f
Lout y'lreamner. of Tillamook Con
V-'-':."tt l'Vil , no nrieil I.. I .V I '.'i i ' ". , jf1'!"!1 I -I
iieciiicu 10 rur. lor tne oiiice or County " " 1,,l"i Ull.
Tillamook Clay Work
liavt- in nv ,, limited suimly (if liiiti. ''f'1
l"i the uinrlcct fit the IoII..miK ""ic1
Loeatrd (j ,;l.s snn,i, ,,f 'rili,,m,wil. mi iii.'H11
- " "i 1 miiMK'"!'
t ni vein I rojul.
To the Republican
Count v
To the Voter, of Tillamook Cooaty
I lirs.I.y announcp mynrlf UH P-l.
to for noiniiiali,,,, (lt 1U .r,IIMrk.H
tf . "y Ir m: to
' . . . . '!,y I' noint. I tlt h.tt. at the comiMg
,u""". "I will bo mv ei.do... niarirM.
Voter, of TiiM
if d
uiu ill l
( 'nun! v SnrViivnr. oil
1 1 1 IllVfl'l
1 iieitiov iiooo 1
illdiito for Humiliation ,tlA
!ooiil o
surveyor on the Kepublicaii ticket. If!
elected I promise an ec muiiiical and
impartial aiJmli.istnitioii. I invito
your 111 instigation a-.ti aupport.
L. F. Wilson,
Ray City, Ore,
H L. IleMii.
rut I.IT nUl
UttU Uvr Pilli
. .......I win
vono srv lllu , ,0 . wlm. I nominatiM a, ,, . f , nn
'Olliily to the lu.ai . r 1 1 ill PI tl H III aim 01 h i - -
lii favLr ,,f ."JHrr,,!-" y "i1' "'.r'' "r "V iilslliey. With mv JJfrt
""'y d.o I J 'l 'n h n,'.,1n.i rV" U"T I ,r,,l,,1',K '' rxl,,',,,i,lfc, nnW
loth,, fnt..r.. . '.'t,"lru.t.',Mi wh regard of handling the work r"in . ,
Hcy Ifel, .tr ,":'n '' "r Hi" iifllpoj rHpeclalir . ir
" 1100 niriiM i.iuin.n .i.i..i. 1. 1. ........ ifii. mure iit ,
' "I thr tlpriiduJ,,
j of tho Csunty,
fl ttf tr ir 1 I- l4....k.iilltr- tlllirt'
f .t , ' ""',"jf t "in 11 in iirrwiitM'i,
ir puiuic fuiiiii oyer before.
A. M. Haro.