Tli SB. 7KW. flOWW f ., : i V- m uwtz n two - i i Jf. Wf-ull, J How About You? , .ilr I l''""! and .Hlnif haa aimed. irfl ...ik tlwr bun. an li fi llml by or lwaj l )Ml the , ir O acdi ijuyy ') 9 9ww " w w .,mi (or klr won id ibg- rf, wh In ill a MM" i oh, bc m,kl for IhOH. rtd hwiwwr. lUtlil(, to iim rm HMKl . r Bunk, i H.waof Wfcsl t a hK joon ' r mm on ty A total, Till j ft Sl'cUllil, Hiun fllf,. 41 mblr rf. (;u4,4,rf lllRT tewing lfmr,t,1B1i f,lT ,M " -..y trm., ( fmr bom. pilno and l'. a. Llnehor-k. Mt.r. The Whit I Klnsf of .wmK kib. enllM. Vibrator and rotary abulUc iyiea, i or Mk mi e.iy uriw t Jot.,, ilnudaon Kumuu,, i. Wm. IChermar. ,,( Napa, cl utr.rel in U, my Saturday. Mi. f6brni.n 'ho wm formerly . mkbut of thia .!, d-.. not find the climate of Hup ry are.abl u him, and for UiU reaaon ha haa ma4 Um tri bach hm fur h UimAt o hl haaKh. Twii! iwrl of iur In Maaonir bulb I Inir (or rant. Kullabla or iwo nler mr room or aiora, IluMntwrx Mrm. Und for aula ; 0, , j nr Ml ami Iraru or Iba flare ol W acrwi, linowfl a tb;Prtr Rrant pla. Kn- qulr. of V. Jarob. Tillamook. 0n an an-ownt wilh lh OL!) Ill; .' I.I ABLE with ymr rwit fiay rbfk. Fay all bill by thV. You'll know jwat whare lh monay wmi at tlio oml of Uhi mofiUi by loohlnt; ovar llio coaeka. 'fillaiWHik ('tniv Ilwik. tairymm, don't ltn u f,T. Ulmntf finr. J am not buyini: HmW ywar ordr for frutl to Uiv t I can handle all yoa hvr wmm rntH t'alp. ffyiiU 4oHvrHj ; X 26 to 7$r mora than irfh III ttai of i1 ,I . ' rMp.V HI.MHtll-H nasi; hi:siiii: u NVAI.'H KICMl'.HII'M HI .... l hip lurking , KiMly ihhhI! for 4. W will m ylad to halo tin Pt.tif M.nt.u-.ilfn jut! "-lraeiti around." AMAR'S DRUG STORE! Ifaiarting II. Ilutlor f l, y r.iy buiii in to it Uida) Morn. RrNnal ami wf fl on Htt. dy for few day t In Pari Und. Man wanta ny kind t work leaitf . to ub eUy, ;ilkinjt . C j MHI, Bat Ciy. I. (UMmi of tba fWvl Cnoo H kim haa liawA in Portland during Um bail ak. Harrlg' Bargain Stoie 0iK,it; K,' (;rnn A Few Of The Karxaini for April MjIcIi'j jr lj 4e Lj(ll-i Mtnlln Gwm O&c Divri 30 I'll). VU 2 lor 15c t-dy Hot 15e lUrrcU 10c lUby SIhi 30c liiby Knllf SicqoM 40c Jliby l.lfti 15c I'trncll Vil. LiCf 25c dot We Keep the Standard Patterns. tn any part of th nty. Hall ohona U. Ir Karron ratwria Ui birtii of b-j-lo Mr. and Mr J ark Kobtaon irn Kr4j iat A mmt Uea m rawntity U Mi to Lwmnv R, Millar of Cum? Cooitty and Mata feurl of thka rouniy. Fmr Axlr fcwlnf tMltii, Oars, Vtvutun tnf, Cet Boat, Banjo, MaMtolin, Uuitar. Flrt and Kir 8l tV. Tb H'naal Ra pair Hbvp. Aiijriwy Talmajfv ratirna4 on Sttn anybody. I all mm up. Aodraw Cbn tanoto, Tillamook Craamary. A8ArKIKPUSIT BOS will pro 'wt your patwr from bving loat or daatroyvd. W.OO par yaar. TILLA MOOK COL'NH UAR. Um aani'menih'y mralinj( of ("or Into W. K. C. H'ti bold tn Artttan Hall laat Saturday a'tcrnoon, with a i;xwl attandanc of mombcr and (. A. K. vatarana, who arv honorary nuitiWn of tlie wiVf. Mr. Flaug of Bay City and air. laWdun wr miliata-J -I ill!" V (, i'iIj il .-SK ' mi id hiM.t ..i 1 M ir- - In K U-rn. iiiikJi- itf the at pricru thHl ouiflit l- II' i, by ; rrjilf Wf tr , b-t t-k trnpt you. A WHI.LMADK HAUNKS8 will not only improve tint npiw-arHiire of your horn, but contribute to vimit .Is m wrll. Many a ruiiaway cI(ull b avirfic.j if Ihc oW I lame lml 1km n dit- anic .' ii, time W. A. WILLIAMS, IIILAMOCK - - ORIGON Ina a I..I.I ..I ay uk... k i. - . I, day ftXHo a Ulp witaUla. h hvlr ""r , hirn In honor of th following IndliM, " atlvtn. Mn KlUtteraM. Mr I'aga. j Trytfcua X dinnort al tha OU,fif (ViatM. Mr.. nMllwdl Mr. . i -.7 . PUBLIC SALE TliarA U.i)l Vak ai Vtaiklt k. I - . w . "w r. Miaaa. Mary WhIU", Alica !'rry. head of high trra-lf mil-h cows. cn- , ID M"0 UT nt BWT. m .1 I ill.KH Krrn to i ran Ai It. .?'-aa MHiotttr, If tij T. R. !. w In kt i fe !) ihla i rna for aU. V" 3 loHl himWf InvorUan toa ! t for IlllliUro, t-jll rsnrfc9 for , Dy Of. ll.ra ' ' i ml he liu In- 1 iiu-l lolli oniM tiic nrt uf Anrit. . r. of Wtlmn Klvnr i r .if lrnk lfro I !m.l. ' t " nl(t, S S. I'ro l i i. Milnll, i l ft tin mornlm; for i Ihi olilon wiHlilltlk' Mr ttml Mrin. John r .'.".. ti climii ultras n tint of town iK-oplii I t'lnco to ent nl wlilltt xi ilHir to 'I llluiniHik on our in uomcait irtanca ei ai our hi achwl atimaij a Vnnmwtnm tenets on U Um BMtnbvr of Um chool hoard and (hall familiaa on Monday. Can. L Uawlln, houaa noytl, rat Inn and raoillina. Trork. to bundle bay ur , j ilonajr to toon on ftrat cfoaa fsrm mrti;f4L T.rt National Bantt. Pr alt 10 arm rAJich, Sod houw. ttxxJ wator, nna loralion. U'oUld aon aidor town property aa part payment. Call on or ottdma II. A. Ktnnaman, Tiltarflaok City. I'ro AdtniMlon llckat U tho tlm Utoalro with avory II. fe) raah urcb of Kttaull rood at ('lounh'a. Wanted wmricoa of a lbo'"Uthbrtxl bull. lo to buy a thorouktrfd Hoi- lain bull calf, Uoway Orchard Co. . . We Hi iu; ion f TlllartHiwk- ;',;717'r,1'i o..Kyi.f m .1 .May l.l. jmy(IB- vJeillU, .luMay aad tcri.r drrallnB gttft4,y, Wktla hot ho irnactd I"!' loRtB boaw,, nd incldonully anjoyoil our an i Sn. Ordor tpUndnl fUhlrm. i ill rortlvi prompt , . ... ., lnaoet powflVr. death u ehlctn Ilea to b uimkI In IMMU lor mjuimk -. j for anv ue har a g'vl Heo powder li.wrdrd. At l'huh'. ("or Kood dinnor or anylhint In the lino of nrl rla food, rail at th Old Kltrhen. Otoito Unitmrw. lite OM tipanbh Kltchoit l n plurr to er-l Ri tmnUt, 8"-l corvlrc I nJ l-ooi! irrntinant. A lou and lot for mlo "" t.iriiMi. Saa llman & lMn. TiIIh mooK Hay I'lly talunt will out on nt Hay City ntwlhar o.w of thlr inu.inil '! forU. May UU The tltla of tlioir next nltort lit 'Tha 3lnKin School." On Mondny nftoronon tho lrollil . ii,.,iiiwl uirtiroJ a" nf"' . vrniii 1 1 , l.lont. No IIV.W wero loat uui wnania.- iililu iliiinmjf wa dona, m " l ' bor two cur jnmpo-l tho truck. . i.i ....ii. .uritM llllil win Hiiiiiiwi ,, lllm,H.l'ly .IcuolmlH'; ..thor wu l.m.lo.1 with milomobilw. but wan mil H.-rioiiHly diimmiwl. Hi" r l)(,xl ,., ihi. .hum .llt.-h.Ml wua UmM with rnttlo h.-I.Mimi; to I'.ttorsun Hroa. 1 of I'oroit (in.v.. who i.i.v.. i.i.i.r B.. j hum t I In prorttint aii il.o iiwmlwrH ml u ... the ;i.rlH.lun Church nr. i.lton.l ii in.'iiiuiK, 'fhiirmlny i.rit'riHioii, v Mm. .S.-utLSm-llim;- ,Ncl inmUInc itlnir of IloUtein, Ouorntuy. Dur- ih. ham and Jry. at thu I. It. & N. tation. Tillamook City, Thuriday. TW Tillamook Mercantile Co. Offer ; April 80th. 1911. Thno cows are all lite f-'ollawinj Catt: or Credit. frMn or nint; fresh in heavy flov of , milk awi have umlri;onu Ihe tulufrcu S lb, vrry belt 1,-a for fl.00. otU Tt)rm of nif)ly )jaV), hm.,ll whita paaii. Cc per lb. on bankHblo nolon or two pr cunt olT Raa llam. He oar lb. .forcnah. Ancttonocr, V. H. Hutches. lCoi. GoWon Catc ttakmR Poildr,3oc J pfu0 Lunch. ; ,. raluvi' v.- ruierwin tiro. um for rmit rkn Call on ' r . t M.i.i u l. ll..ll I . l. .t. ' lll'IH IIH-IUIIIHK!" ! the IIU.SINKSS WAY. - iihy iiiuih. Our Sale Is On I'nr (i I. I i i I - " ill lie V 11111; lOUCI Hand Roll Chocolate Per I omul Tun Dun win Fine. l SulUua Kauin. SJr. tUrvcat t?un, hHid whoi.l iluur, ll. k. Kruu irnulatd ui:r (l.tO ewl. Vary ri Car Cola ootlan 'tie tb. ICO Ibak wheal $1.7&. 60 lb k. rolled oau. lr. 80 lb. ak. bran 7ue. 90 lb. ak. MmrUjl.10. Iirge Italixn I'runoa. 9s lb. Banana fc do. I'm nue orwnHnj Or doten. ? lb. .k. I'rurM Barley. 11.10 k. Fancy I'uivapiilr, ' caivi 25c. Beat Creamery butter. S6c aquaro. Nawrenc Churr h .Service. 1:00 I'. M. Sunuo ohool 20 I. M. 1'r.mrhini; Service. 1'. M. I'r.'hchli n Service. I'myer meelinn. on Tuemlay mid Prubiy evenings. II. J l'nntuu. Potest Grovu, Ore. Hon. C. U. Worrnll, attonicy, if in 1'orllnmJ hi week in nttendiince in bankruptcy proerodinKa in U. S. Dis trict Court, ho will also iro to Sulem to look after aome tide larxl titloa ami .it tend to lnninem in the Supreme Court. Mr. Worralls close attention to btiii liesj, reannble charge ami loni; local eXwrienee is ifmnini: for him nn ex luiuive pmctice, which he merits. Hi speooh t the jury in defense of Mr. UruA-ii cliRrtfvil with u stntulory oirunce while drunk, in spoken of by lMe who heard it ns one of the most hehotnrly tenipernnce orntions ever di-liNered in our city, showing deep thought on nleoholism us the ciiinte of crimen inui immnrality. Pn id Advertisement. On tlie Siiglx Cost of Living. HK) lb. Sack l' Dlici' i fioliiiwol In rothicc Liiesc oods. Iiev 'ire actimllv n ()c. . I, ci OUGH CO. iimed l" Church, aoth ul ASOIIIIK (HI IN M (HS(1 SUM lMI'.i 14, 25 .uid 40 Wrflt, 3ft 150 Vilt ' " Va 25 Wilt lM rr.ud l-'l' ' v - ; Xlllameolt Elcctrio ,114Wi,ii, ; i.k. i Tnal 00. "if I 'tirr Cant- vSuwir, IUsl Hard Wheat Flour, pur sack. $1,150. K'fx Hams I) Cans of Tomatoes - Cans of Corn 'J Cans of K'oyal Club I'ine Apple (5 Bars of Crystal White Soap K'eular HOC. Tea -Cara Cola Coffee - per i?-l.f0 bbl S.OO' lb. I9e. L5c. , 2vc. line, i - MSc. lb. per lb. 'Joe. FEED SPECIALS : 100 lb. Wheat. 00 lb Sack Hran SO lb. vSaek Shorts 00 lb. Rolled Oats White Oats Mixed Hay, 7fe. per Best Clover Hay, 7fe. ewt per ewt I . SOe. ! $1.20 - 0.")c. , per ewt l.-lo Ton Lots 13.00 Ton Lots 14.00 These are us a call. only a few of our speeial prices. Give THE NEW CASH STORE, TillaiuooL, Oregon F. S. Ford F. J. Ford Painters and Paper Hangers Interior Decorators PRICES RIGHT, WORK GUARANTEED. Give Us a Call, Bell Phone 17. Olice Ground Floor TcxJd UoUl win. K'.i.i ir. W7... Both Phonal 1II 53 Ji Muriul P. O. 147 Abstracts on Short Notice by the Pacific Abstract Co. L V. LfJKRHAKDT. -VaruKjer Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records, of Tillamook County, Oregon TILLAMOOK, OREGON DELS MAN & DOLAX OliMik'AL CliMn.NT COMkACTURS Sidevalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys, Building Blocks, Brick,! Etc. ALL WQRK GUARANTEED OFFICE AT v3MENT BLOCK F ACTOR Y1COR. 2ND AVE. EAST AND 6TH ST. BOTH PHONES. LAND PLASTER LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West OWN YOUR HOME AND PAY FOR IT WITH WHAT YOl' ARF NOW PAYING FOR RENT. Let Us Tell You HOW You On AccomplUh ThU If Yoa Want To Bay or Rebuild a Home or Repay a Mortgage And Desire the Ali of Borrowed Money, We Ak Your Careful Coniideratiot of Ihe Advantage Offered by cer Monthly Installment P'.an of Loan JUST LIKE RENT ONLY YOl PAY IT TO YOUR CREDIT INSTEAD O 1 1-E LANDLORD The Plan of Our Loan Ii The Verv Best Afforded on the Market toJav. Cat We Not Be of Service to You Like We Have Been to Many Ctherr. in Tillamook City. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Real Estate. Collection. Toid Hotel, Both Pl ones. Ma v. ell "2t" 2 faaerger Roac'ster $725 VI T11HKI-; ARE other good n.oior cars but to avoid disa )oiiunient it's bettor to be sure and buy a Maxwell "25-L," then you know cm have the best. Cunningham Auto Co. Sell Miixwcll Motor Curs in Tillamook, Ore. On Stil well Ave. and Front St. Demonstration by appointment Both Phone Jas. H. Hiner, Salesman SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD, PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. Mi