Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, April 28, 1914, Image 1

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    KV Jop
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'.I.AMOOK, ()Hl;oN, Atylt, 28, 101 l. "
NO. 28
0r v
.LA 1
r r e e
MRr. Grccery Dept.
r'r..ii ,
i I 'i tlm
u1 ""'' .. ii
nt ,mik(. rml
Mf h.
la i . ' nv. ok
I b"hi,v' r" -d un.
I...I ,. I'l.i.OWl
JJ"1""".' " be eirU11.
Itlll'i I il lr rm.nril
OF ril.l.AMOOK
I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING
AMiNmMm ruitLic to call and make
Safety, Security, 'Service.
Ro "1 ;r.rinc and Borax
. ,,hS FOR 25c
. ,
i v H I L.L.. PROPS.
I ... I'FA liOlhAI'OTHIihU-:
TU.t.A.MtxK.. oui o
10 Dishes to be Given
e in and See the Dishes We Are Giving
Us On the Telephone.
J'U ikt hlil. in iN.rtlaml. Cnu sdl High Patent Hard
!FIour - -.i-IIin.r in I'urtlaiiil ;it s" (
Highland Brand, Hard Wheat, $5.00 bbl. $1.30 sk.
Pure V Lite Brand, Hard Wheat, $5.40 bbl. $1.40 sk.
Ray &
to the Hlluaiiou.
ArKontlim, Itruzll and Chile hvo ox
.. I. I Umlr Kood olllcon in no omlmivor
U. nr' t'-.ilo the mutter, and thuir pro
poanl hu been iiceniiteil. However,
our Kuvornmenl Htill continuen with
uiiabatoment to prepare for war.
Vera Cruz Ima heoii placed under
im.rtial law, ncd Kodornl nml elty oin-ployet-H
uro renumlm,' dutlen, und tlm
tuilmnlM Imvu been reopened.
! A late illnpatcli from Montoroy ntutOH
that American CoumhuI Hi.niia bad buen
Good Roads
Boosters Meet.
Sara Mill, Good Ro.l Man. May Be
Here In Junt. Much Interrit
Taken In Move.
Um Tillamook County Cxxl ,mu
Homier Club met nt the (.iiiiii..,r..ii
Club room .ill Monday tivmilmr
dUrtuaml matter relative to the work
winch they h.v.i In ,iM. Tlmno tiro
aotlt wttre J. II, Utinatun. PrMlilnni
M. T. Ilntla, ihntwry ; Dm ,.f town
member wore Mr. Clnwiin of ny.
,htn; w. 8 Omi nml J. (. Hotorth
of Hay City, nm Kfrtnk Howe ut Ne
AllltML' flllllo uf th(l tlllllLM .llrlM..l
w the attitude uf the llmhermon to-1 WW Oregon live In Incorporated
want Umtlhtg th county. Mr. ('mm! ,,,,,,,!, 'ilpvimj only nitnttUth of nil oilr
ntaleit that while on Into trtn to I'ort
! lend he had tnlkl U. rcimnttivc "l""r V"lxtliv Mr. Manning re
uf Mmnl of th big umber owimrn, tur'mi Wi'ortlhml till. inofiin..
I wl tlmt lliwy nil !iriiiil to Im In fay j r '
j or of Uimltntc. Tl.rlr (trKUioont Iwloif It 1 .ti't--l thfit ood xorlfirn?o.l
; that It wn lwmlixl tho, rounty ami Itjt r"'l liifiiilorn, IneluJliiK Mr. Stiinucl
. lh roa.l work In toruw eenlraetfl tlmt j ItHI, a iron.l liull'lur of InUrnu'lonnl
j ouU iivv nt lti from t to .10 rcimltitfoii. will ilnliwr l.lrii.M t
! per ent in Urn comttrtiHon o( our ! t'' lojSo of tlm county on tlm ul.
! rwut ami itimt wonlil nave tlm Jwt uf uiul.
MtW Ut wil Mrv ih wi.l mul l'rrv,Jf"iHltiiicu hn lumti Imuti with
' wmikl isju j other itwintip llml aro nlrnmly liull.U
Stun lltll. tlm vihi i.w.1 tmin, ttM i l'fe8"rt,( . to "rrtuti tlmlr
ignifU! bin Vllhn lu vl.lt our
evuftty ihI (iv ut an rt(r- on
tkk.MI t t I . . It
of rmniin it tint huUnI lo Mr
litll It i. thought utat a Jat oi..
tiRHi during the fore Mrl uf June will
I ( r. Hill tliiMtralee 10 letuiv
witri pi'tnti thrown
tt I po.li one of nut iiw4ic iii
tm .urr. for Itm ineetlfiK.
1-VIIuk tn U tin outline of the nor
pivi.j of the elub at writtrn l.y Mr.
llewifth nml Indvroe.l bv U fl.it:
II 'The TtllRiitDok CuuMirltiMd tlMdaiHr"I lJU ",vy lrll,,lc' IMV '
; tho CfllHf ..f VOol TU IhrtHlrfhoOt thf
; county an.1 t.. either data and Infi.r-
j itmlloii on tho buiklinif mxl munt't
: H.,r of r-A.I.. ll.e r...U U. ImibJ.
...M.wl-r,,.,. ..r u.U el.matr -tc a.
wt-ll a. I..... Ih I I . i.r..v..l.. l!v.. Linda
f..r IiuiMm.l' tin-in, hnving niwty
vi w thp i.'irdcn "t tntiun litif im wll
tllP fin .In ..f tin IrAVfllllkt plllillf
ll-.r.lii. n t-.-ki i-H-rt advice
BXU l'J Tin
Away Free
Away Free or Call
al lH'wiuK ric-cs:
iirroHled and nlaced in jail by the Fcd-
nrnln, but had been roluimed later by
the Heboln, Dm Ui Hie minlrcatment
by tlm Federals the American llmr wiih
torn down mid other diiirediitlonH were
100 acre (rood dairy, fi oil und veifet
able farm for mile, iicludlni HI.Iko
Hunch .Summer HohoK hounu. A Iho 100
lleiicli lotn. I'lirlk'nIarH-Clannie Hide
Co. Hex 110 1'orlliind, OreKon.
Oil Mislay evening, the Commercial
l lub of fill flly elected the following
nlllrnrn flr the unniilng year; A. II.
Syl.ifmrM, . Cut. Wmritll, Hncy. ;
Will HifJlnir( Twit. ; 0. W. Tnlmnw
ami (i0llijiiil(troi, Directum,
After'jfhu election of olllcnrH Mr.
Mutlllllltti Ofltt tit I tin t )tiltmrfi Im jtiirtitl.
i liitni fnfiilii, niri...i .r .............. ......
I "titertni,MnK 10 minute talk, explain-
- ! lo to iiittim t,xtM t his nih.tmu of gat.
I tMi? tlluTounliln from 1 1... olfl.o. i il...
luiiil. Cb)t nlatemout which lin made,
which KlV Umm lltllll 141 to tin.
rvn0 Mf the hls)i mat uf living tin.
peeinllylln Oragon, wan tn tho effect
that oiiMhlr. of tlm peepb, In Oregon
live In iftrtlmd nml llve-alulm of the
- i l"P' tfprnduee fixid product1! for tho
. '' t'"1 Ulvulon of
Komi, the Unltctl Htrttut Depart
iiumt of Atfrlculturo nt Vhlnlon.
til we ifjvicn tin I i-oiiiisiu or lfi'Hw-
towl rAl tnilial.
Tlc i-wli rtw Hint tlm hullillni;
' ft (rrnirin(it rtiml in Oregon In h
"w mm. Tlmt IrntU'r inctliMl nr
c-onlifliijl vtU(. In nther tmrt of
( t)ii eitry Hun lu hum. 'Hint our
rdvl fhif lljjhi muPMiltin, ron.U, whllo
. outtintflV kit ut inonoy to hullil ami
; rohiSltilSRlll not tnil no umlnr tho
! ! ,m' """ Ol Uh r.n.l ItulMinft
nlt l"ce "r
' l'"'''"-
; U '"M," " pn"u,f" ,iBt" nt '',,ml
' ,h" ',,ul' wi" Pl,,,'th ill. c.nclunlon.
! "'"' ' "' 'J
gel the Ikm.oIU ami he
heller proHirod
when thu time
fur inU-lliKeiit nrlion
for iirtiof. rumoa.
Tho chit. In not it "knoekern
ny acme of the Urm. Il la not orKuo
iil to crlttciae any olllclnl or oillclnU.
It ln lievoa in tfood p.irmiin.int roiuU
for r.llain.M.k County, ami nu the liulld
, int; of throe nimli will involve tlm
l aH.fi.in ol lurge aiima of liioiie-y llml
will haw to lie miaed hy tnxntiou, tl.o
ii.tereata of tho ta.xMiy.tni hi. well nn
of the triivellinif public will . heat
ci.naerv.ij hy lillihlltu: the '.mat kind of
r.mda for the leant exiMtmlilure of iiion -
And it believea tit it t ii rouil once built
ahonld be token euro of.
Now, the beat method of buildini;
mid .'iiriiu; for rotuU In whut thin club
In trynik' to Hud out. And in Una neureli
It c-ordinlly iuvlten the co-operntioii of
the K'i.pl.t of tho county.
It rc.iiunl thtit kikhI roinln clulin bu
orK'toUeil in every imiijhborriood in thu
county, where rond ipieatiunn will bo
illncunned mid mm! building mid cure
InvcMllk'ntoil. In thin wuy thu Intereal
will be widenpreiid mid ftre.it k'.x.d will ;
be done.
The eaiupiiiitn for t,'oi.l roa.N ia lurj,'e- i
y it ciiiiimli;n of educnUnn, und one !
in which every eltr.en Hliouid take mi
nctive interiml.
The em of ttooil roinln in dawnini; in
, Orenoii, nml Tillamook County will Im
HMVed much "Kriof" and lnrK niiinn of
, miue if the leanon of road till tilting
Wind upkeep in well learned before.
Hpciidiui; day coiiich.
i Following lire the niimcH of the olllc
ern of tho Tillamook County Cood
; Honda Hoonler (Jluli:
I'rcHideiit, J II. Duuntaii, Tillamook ;
.Sucri-tury, II. T. HoltH, Tillamook,
Tillamook, Ore.
Troopers jWanted
From Tillamook.
GovernorWeil Keijueili Mayor Bealt
I'o Inform TilUmaolt Comity Boy
01 Notion'! Need.
'rim followlinconioiuiili'utliin which
wnii rocontlv ri -ulvo I liy M.iy.ir HbuIi
from liovoru r Wt in nulf ijcp.iii!i
tory :
H-4lt.ni. Urn., April, ilfi, 1011
To tho llimiir.ililo Muytir:
So ninny U'II-m urn ojiiiIiii; t tills
olllcu from IIi'mo who iiro mixlout to
Join tlm C4Vlry Ucuicnwnt now IkiIhk
orKuiurt-l liy l.m iluount llonnitmv, I
mil tukliiK tlm liharty of rmnlliiK you
nvvcml clltion for tho nlcunturct of
tliosu lu your cmiiuiuolty who inny
wth I rn nix. ii lruoi.
.Should Hkmc lil.ink ln roturnwl ly
tliuflo lntcro,tol with n runiiintilili"
nutnlior cf nlijiiiituro, tcm will lio
tiikun to k1 In touch with tlm inrlliM
iiihI nl.l tln'iii lu pcrfoctluic nu orKiinl
xatlon. I WiitilJ Hiirrcinto mtythliiK you mny
do to lirliiK thl
iimltuf o tlm tittonUon
of the youni; iinin In your community.
Your Hlncetcly,
OnwHl.l WcHt.
In compliance with (Jovernor Weal'
ri'iimt, '.Uy or Ileal niakiia tlm follow-
liiK iinu.iiinctfiuont .
To youittf umn who r elii;lble nnd
deairmu of uinlne n oavulrv triwin for
mrvlce In the w5r with Mexleo
I um In receipt of lulUr from l!ov
ernor VMt vncl.nlni; miillun fjir thu
ort;nnlntiun of n cavnlry trnoi)
aorvlce In the wr with MexleO. Thnt
throe Hitlttuita tun v he made nccixalhle
I hnvu iilneud them in the Imuda of the
Heeorder of TIIUmiMik t'ltv, with ollloe
tit City Hall, where they enn he aliriuM
or turned oyer for rlrculntion.
r lliwpecl fully,
I-'. It. IlistiU.
I'crclicron Slnllion Liberal.
l"he I'errlmroi. Stallion I. i tie nil im
arte.l July, 1913, by Dliiilmiur. of
Wayne, III., nml now owmal by the
Liberal llurnw Co , of Tillamook, will
alnml nt llenvor, TuowImvh; t'lovenlnlo,
Wii.iiMluya und nt Tillamook on l-'ri-
inUlav and the real .if the week.
Vice I'reahl.mu, V. C. Iluker. Hlbi
miKik ; I. It. Ileiiln. Tllhimook ; J. U.
Iloxorlh, Ilny Cltv; A. W. Ilunti. Heuv
er; II, I., t'hi.pin, Hinirenn; W, S.
Cone, llav City , I., rf. Miller, Kehnlem;
John N'cUon, liiirihnldi ; Chun. I'.iiy,
t'hivrrdale ; S. U. Heed, Nehiilein;
I'riink A. Howe, Wheeler; Henry Tohl,
'NV,u,l, ",i A"",H v""Khn. Hay Cty;
I'll t I .. n-
i . ... . im en ' . nil...
Qxyaccetaylene Welding
.We weld Cast Iron, Steel,- Bronze,
Brass, Aluminum, Nlckle Steel and
Copper.4 We also weld broken gears,
pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and
build seamless tanks, also do cutting
and brazing.
H1NER & REED At Miner's Machine bhop
No Job loo Din .uiH None l(H Sm.ill
Of running foolinh rinkn with your money? Why be like that
London man who lont JHK) while
1 EEl)IN(i THE
tjTliu money wan in an envelop( in the ai le pocket of bin co it.
J;Tlioiii:litli'Hs of reniilln he put blncuit in bin pockuta for the
elephant to delicately extract with bin trunk, Whun the huge
bciiHt reached thin nlile poi'ket he neatly and expudltfouHly up
propriated both bincuiL ami money, Beemiui:ly relisiiiiiK'hU
$100 MEAL.
It In a nafo winter that the inan'iB now n convert to the chock
In),' Hyiiti in. Had he banked bin money and let the elephant
c at bin check book ho could h ive laiiitlied at th inridteit, for
tlm hank would have Immediately K'iven him unother book, (let
Tillamook County Bank
A Mny-Diiy i'voiiIiik lunkol noclnl In
lo ho ltIvcii nt tho (iiillil'lloiiiio mi I'rl
ilny nvitnliiK, May InI.
An liiturimllni; Miiy-Di.y proirti in In
IioIiik iircpnri'd. Tho Holttotlon nml
crowning of ii Muy Qui'un will ln mi
IntcroiitliiK fiinluri' of tho ovonlii(.
I.MilUm iiro r ti cm 1 1' I to brlnn lnOikctii,
nnil hero, Ki'otlnini-n'wlll he tho jilnco
to nt your Mny banket ntl:tl with
iMiunti'ojiN .m. tlnoK to iint. Kvery
om conlliilly Invltcil. Proxnim lloclrm
nt H o'clock. I'rlro of lidnkcln 7T coutii.
Indigo llolinoN cunvoncd Court on
Moudny. The llrnl eno Ui conui up
for coimliltirntluii w nu tho ctotu Stutu
V. Currey. I of tnlu nL wtm Indlctirl
on tho cliiir(o of pnrliu; money under
fill. ir)U'tiM). linwuvor uh the
trirt uttorney full.) to to Imw ovl-
dunco nii'l win mil reudy for trhil nod
did not MhiiA due illllueiicc, thu crntc
wan illmnlMl. '
lu the ciihu of A. ll.lini.oy nml Tllln-
inoitk ()Unly 1'it'ik v. Mllwuiiktiu
j MochnnlM Itmuruncn Co.. u directed
verdict uKalmtt ilufendiiut wiit yiven in
fnvor of the Tlllnmook County Honk
. for $lf00 nod iuteriMt under mortir'iKce
. oIi.iim. in Iho imticy. ropiosunllnt; it
flonn hy Imnn to Iti.mnjy of W)fi. Court
directed verdict In fnvor of dufemlnnt,
MK'alnnt A. Itnn.ney for coatn. Under
the priHif the iKjIiCy wa remlered Void
by net of ltuintey procuring aubieUent
Imturuncir without conaui.t of the de
fendant lr.dnn.Ml on iiolicy or written
into it, but 'eh net did not render it
v"''' 1,8 tb" THhunook County Hnnk
unuer im aiiiitiie 01 wrei;on ami me
evidence nd.lucnl nnd the turma of thu
In the cane of A I.. Hte.inor v. O.
A. Jncknon, nctluu for dnu.nneji for
brench of contract of mile of llolstciu
dairy ew, vetd'et wa returned In
fnvor of pininliir Stcincr for 168 nml
ctmta, enier of nnle of ttttnchtsd prop
erty. C"e qf lluftl.N'if; V.rJncobiwns din-
out ril.
All Jury raaea hnve been .iMed of
for ihla term .if cniiri mid Jurymen
Willi the i xcepllinre uf Pr. Monk nml
nry lt.i;er were diatmnned,
Sotnc wuily ciiaea which are on the
ducket will he Uken ur in June. In thu
meantime Judue llolmert will, preaide
lit nu nnjourned term .f court tit Mc
Mlnnville, beKinnmc iilnml Mny fith.
Mill and 1'imbrr For Sale.
I will sell my mill Known nt the
Yellow l'ir Snw Mill connintini; of two
lioiler -tH inchen by 11 ft. ; one Atlnn
eiH'ino ltlxW double Mill carrier; i! &(
inchnnwa; Kiaal l-liter cutoiraw; 1
1 1 inch llerlln l'li"riii machine; one
Iioiikcy engine ; li!0 ncren land: iiboul
(1 million ft. of timber. Will fell
for iiImiuI what the timbr i worth.
Will trie terms on part of it. Cull on
or inJdreHH
Frank l.onu,
Tllhimook, Ore.
' ' "O