i & Jr 10 Pi J 4 f I. is" 'Ai-. if 1- m m 4 BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON r. ir-'l fr- Micr routr will tw e lnl'Ui.Iu.1 Maj 1 nl VaHl to S,r.o 1! r.i.u.l:.-. Scarcity of ahrcp has caussd J. It. I ''I- n sen ( i t.vk county font dlt t.. i.!t in stocklas his rung. Light) two of the eighty-four nation nl tank of Oreawi have applied for ic-.mbersalp In the federal riwm r i or.on lumber will b used In tl c !truct!ou of the Oregon building at tu San Francisco mi fair, transport id from Oregon mills In Oregon-built M8la. cnator Chamberlain aaka thai the pu !ic lands ewttnn-tiee be allowed to ... imuc Ua ttu in order that the Hopment of ...i-ka max not be re- t..i ud. rofessor C. L Lewis of the Oregon Ac -leoltural eoilegi says fruit men :lt! orsaate to protect tha mau tr and nona but tha 6et grade of fi. li l'. t should be canned or skipped. copt of 01ne Oeosrai.txy. pab ed about SO Mr as;o, ha boi. to Sapertni. ndent of Public In iction rhurcl i.! by w lliam 8wlu of Saleat. ii.prfenuul. Ssnnott haa introdoc i ! a bill for tht- relief of Joe Davla. r lJT, who waa injured at the Oelllo t , !. The bill ciunea an allowance o: la.OtM). Iwenty petition have been placed I:. ?lrvulaUon for solicitation of ! rati rf demandin the recall of Mayor H h. Albee and City Commiatone a Dleck and W. U Breweater ol I'uriland. SHeep men of Pendleton and vtctnltj nre aaked by Deputy Supervisor Wil mi of the Clearwater reserve to pas t their f locks on the range. The pra..a in the burnt over aections la aid to t plentiful , iuker county wool growers antici r l ( better price for their clip this j.:ir than in 1913. Buyer repreent r, the bis eastern houses are already In the field and offers as high as IS cents a pound hate been made. S'.ite School Superintendent J. A. Ch irchtll has Veen requested by the On son Panama-Pacific Exposition coLuaisaloa to take charge of the pre- Iiar.uion and Installation of the Ore-1 County of Tillamook, dated 'at Cham per educational exhibit at the San ber.s in Dallas. Oreuon, the 16th day of Fr: i-lsco fair next year. An initiative bill will be placed tn clr uiation in Hood River county with in ew days providing for the organ 1 :..i . a of bonded districts for the pnr- 1- i - of issuing Ujnds for the insta'la tiu i of public utilities of every char aci. , , .in H. Lfc. .s. state engineer, has r-c- ved from thy director of th Unit pd states geological survey a report that since June 1 last year, when th last previous report was made, S03 Br: re miles have ben surveyed, mak Ir i total of 21.454 square miles, or 2-' per cent of the state. 1 1 e plan to take the cadet regimenf of tie Oregon Agricultural college to the Manama-Pacific exposition in San Fr;-n cisco In 1915, received the unani mous approval of the college council, after the committee appointed to han dle the matter reported favorably on the proposition. Representative Slnnott haa intro duced, a bill which allows entrymen to divide into two periods the five months of each year which they are allowed to spend away from their homesteads. This would enable them to take advantage of work in tho log gin campb in the winter and ln har vest fields in summer. ! On a platform indorsing statewide prohibition, ex-flovernor T. T. Geer , has announced liis candidacy for the republican nomination for governor. He is the 14th gubernatorial candidate in the field. Eight republicans, four democrats, one progressive and one independent, are now seeking the nom ination for governor. , 1 Secretary of State Olcott announces , that, according to the reports received by him, the republicans constitute Cl.CH per cent of the total registered ' voters. thH democrats 25.3C, the Pro-greb.si-es ?, 04, prohibitionists 3.02, so cialists 2.55 and miscellaneous 3.79. The total registration to date Is 53, 899, of which 32,893 are republicans, 13.CCS are democrats, 1301 are pro gressives, 1952 are prohibitionist, 1374 are socialists and 2044 come un der the miscellaneous classification. Announcement has been made that approximately 45,000 acres of land ad jacent to Flora, Long Creek, Monu ment, Decph Creek, Pilot Hock, Knter- prise and fiaker, have been set apart for homehteadliig. This Is classed as .1 . , ... L .... f,fnl.rit-it lfr.1 att.l u'fll hn unl.tnsit (. " " .1... . I . . . . i. .... mi. ini; eiiiarg'iu iiuinenieau am. i uih lanu will be Hfter March the land 320 acres man. creaso his holdings to 320 acres. That Is ho may file on ICO acred additional if he has a ponding entry ou has not mado final proof. made ontry nnd flnnl proof sere? o rr.rnlarld land, hla right Is exhausted and he cannot make another ntry for further holdings. UflAUN h, the Circuit Court u( the M:c ol Oregon, for the County of l'ill:im..ok Marv Winona Whaley ami A. J. Whalev. her htitummi I'lalntitr. vs. Oof elm A Ife lnvi. (irant Dnvis", her huahaml, Annea Annettn Anifevine. Cliarlet Anpevine, her huibnnd. Klian .ln lnvon, William Paw. son, her hoUnd. t atvline Victoria Costello. Thomaa Coatello, her husband, Albart P. Walker, and Annn Walker, his wife, Defendantti. To Cecelia Alice Davis. Grant Davis, her hutband, Anne Annettn Ance vtne. Charles Anjjevine, her htislmtul. Kins .lane Dvon, William Duh.u, her husband. Cnrolipe Victoria Cstel lo. Thomas Coste'ki. her huaband. A I bert P. Walker, and Anna Walker, hi wife, 1 iefemiant. IN TUB NAME OF THK STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the cum plaint fiUl aair.st you m the above ent.lleJsuit .h - s't weeks from the date t. . :. -t .-i-ncath.!. hereof in, ' ,nf ' rr"n" c-kruln- tic Hi.tA ..;... HWRALI. the date'oj; 'h Pontiff, mtty become pur of ai. -,.H..S-tu. t-mif thr aoth dav .iJ nkr:that upon such of Fcbrujrv. lU ; ami if you fail so to sale Ik-ii made the .henir (Kit tht appear aud'ara. i. for ant thercf purchaser thrre. f into the leaslon tl-e plai.-tiffs will ;i.e a d-cree .aln ,f ln prem.es ; ami that plajntlir st you a folk,- . tiv wit : Adjudir.ni; i hvo W!C1 " turxkn re0uf a to that the pUintuf. Mary Winona Whn-1 lht. c,,.urt m m meet, richt ami lT. and the dtfei dai.t. Cecelia Alice Davis, Afrnvs Am tta Angivine. hlita Jane Dawson. Caroline Victoria t'.wtel lo and A Inert P- Walker, are each the oner of an un-.iVidetl one-sixth m i lerest in tee of certain real property situated in Tillamoi k County. Oreiron. anu (iescribed as the southwest quarter ai the nortneast quarter and the aouth ' east quarter of the northwest quarter ' section four, m Ti wnahip live south of s K.i nice ten west of the Willamette Mer idian, exept ti e acres in the north- eat r. r:.er tf said tract ; that a ref eree be t'x.ii U us bv law provided. tb.a the ptvperty t e sold in the manner provided by law, aid th proceed of said sale Hirtribi ttd amonir the owners uf jaid proptrty, ti-wit: Mary Winona Wnaey. Cecelia Alice lvis, Axns Annetta Angevirte, Ehra Jane Dawson. Caroline Victoria Costello ani Albert s P. Walker, accrdin to their resnec , tive shaies. after the coaU and dis , bursements of this tuit, the cost of reference and the liens appearing atrainst the prupertv have been paid ; ami for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served tijvon you by publication by order of tho Honorable Webster Holmes, Judge of the Circuit jreuruary, ivu E. J. Claassen. Attorney for PluintilTs NOTICl: l:OW PUIJLICATION. (Publisher.) 039C0 Department of The Interior. l S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Orecon, February 21. 1911. NOTICE is hereby Riven that Cottlicb Kirr.mel, whose usUIIice andress n 411 E. 9tl. St., Portland, Oregon, did, on the Third day of November, 1913, file in thii office Sworn Statement and Application, No. isafeli. to purchase the NEiofNWi. Section 2-J, Township 1 North, kaniic 1U West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thureon. on- der the prut iions of the act of June 3. i - i . , . . ioi-, mm .leu. aineiHjaiory, Known hs the "Tirrber ami Stone Law," at surf, value as might be rixud by apprain rnent, and that, pursuant to such appli cation, the land timber ll.ereon have been appraUed. the timber cstimaUd 360,0X) aard feet at .20 per M, and the land $30: that said applicant will oirer final proof in support of hi appli ' cation aiwJ sworn statement on tho 20th (lay of May, 1914. before the Register and P.uceher, U. S. Land Ollice, at . Portland, (Jreon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchabe bofore entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent is sues, by filini; a corroborated atfidavk in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. ! H. F. Higby. Register. SUn HONS. In the Circuit Court ot the iltale of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook F. R. Reals and Clarence Tilden, Plaintiirs, vs. Alva Hevel, Marian Rurris and Frank Ekroth, Defendants To Alva Hevel, Marian Rurris, and Frank Ekroth, the above named defen- ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You arid each of you are hereby requhed to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in me aoove eniuieu court and buit, on or before the last day prescribed by the order for the publication of this summons heretofore made and filed herein, and if you fail so to answer, the plaintilTs will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for in their complaint herein, to- WIL For a decreo foreclosing that certain mortKUL'e executed by Alden L. John :.,' ..".'' ,J"n'IS0". nis wire, ""bkui, w ami n avor o 1IF I ... iturii, mortgagee, wtnch mortgage ....... .1 ... - uan-u inu tn (Jay of ft feftV , ho S0lJth W(!flt ' ter and the southwest quarter of south- That the lands described in said ed morlgagu ouvn Biiiu f,n fitiMiiu fi.ll,....i . .. I I ... V. . ' expenses of said sale and the- Mini of faSft.tM attorney's fees to I'- allowed "! ' mlit, Frank 'Seenihi. To the payment to mild do i this minium. is the Mb tiny nf Frdir fcmlnnt, Frank Kkro'h. of the sum of nary, Ull. WW CO and interest thereon at the rate The date of tlm lout iHihllcnllitn la of 10 Hr cent iht annum from the Hilli dtivo Aug.. 1011: Third To the payment to the tiltttit - tiir, l It. lleala. of the mm of J100.00 nml interct thereon at tnc rate of ft jor cent per nnnuni from the f7th dny of Juno. 1910. nml the further sum of 5I77.KS nml interest thereon at the i j rntu of ti per rent per annum from the ,i'tU dav of Jillv. WW. lea.-, tite sum to lis ontd to salil defendant. Frank Ek ! roth, nj forMnul ; I Fourth, lo the pnvment to the plain tiir. Clarence Ttklun, of the mini uf SlUX) PO ami interest therton nl the rate of tt per cent per nnnum frotn the 0th day of July. Ilt; That the defendant. Alva Hevol ami Marian Ituma, ami all persons claim inr by. lhrvurfh, or under them, or either of them, olMpjent to the e.e , culi. m of said niortjrMKC tutn aiiKI pri-mtaea, either as eneumbrnncore, nHrtKaiees, purchaser, or othurwtnu, tnav be barretl him! foreclosed uf till rishls, claims, r intrreets in or to 'nortafc-e.l premise. m oly ,J'- fuuU.r, r"ihl .uf r.,,J,slnnti?n I "'-'"" This summom h served upon you liy pnblicttion thereof by rder of the Hon Homer Mason. County Judge) of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the ab sence of the Hon. Webster Holmus, Judge of the Circuit Court of lh i?t.it! of Oregon, for the Count v of Tilln- rmx,k. wh.ch onier is dated tho Ith day of February. WW. ami is to be publish ed once each week for six consecutive week, or seven consecutive issues, the date of the first publication thereof being the 6lh day of Kebruarw I91l,i ami the date of the last publication j thereof being the 20th dny of March, ' 1914. Dated February lib, Iftll. T. II. Goyn. Attorney for PlatnUtls. SUMHONii In the Circuit Court ol the 5tnU!"urt 2 Tillamook County. Oregon. of Oregon. lor the County ol Till.'ltlKWlk Otto W. Nelson, Plaintilf vs. J. D. Swank. Evva Swunk, Susi L. Young, J. D. Morris, Ralph tiiiespte. Alice E. Getchol, G. II. Lewis. S. E. Clny, (Jeorge A. Hourk, Fnyettn Mnrble, John It. Godfrey, O. H. Spencer. Lewis Rogers, A guess Inman Hen me r, C. L. St. Helen, C. D. Roberts, C. L. Zumwalt, Katie Xumwalt, JohnL Cusnck. John IVjc, Jane Doe, John Roe. Jane Roe. Defendants. ToJ. D. Swank, Evva SwatiV-, Susie L. Young, J. D. Morris. Kulnli flilo. pie, Alice E. (ictrhel, G. H. Lewis, S. E. Clay, George A. Hoiick, F'ayetla .Marble. Jolin 15. tiourroy, U. II. Silen cer, Ijwis Rogers, Agness Inman Rea mer. L'. L. St. Helen. C. D. Roberts, C. L. Zumwalt, Katie Zumwalt, John L. Cusnck, John Doe, Jane D.mj, John Roe ami Jane Hoe, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF 1 HE STATE OF OREGON. GHEETING : You. J. D. Swank. Evva Swank, Susie L. Young, J, D. Morris, Ralph '.ile.pie, Alice K. Gelchel. (J. II. Le wil, S. E. Cla. Ceorge A. Houck, Fnyettn Marble, John II. Godfrey, O. H. Spencer, Lwh Rogers, Agness In man Reamer. C. L. St. Helen, C. D. Robert.-, C. L. .umwalt, Katie Zum- walt, John I.. Cusnck. John Doe, Jane Doe, John Roe and Jane Roe, defend- ...... I : . .. . i i .. . noLB neiuiii, are nereov ruquircii u up Dear UI"!1 arWvVL-r tht rnintil'imf filial ' herein against you on or before the March. 191 1, at 10 o'clock A.M. and 20th day of March, 1911, that being six ! nt that time i.pene.1 ami read. Each weeks frcm the firit publication of j bid snail be accompanied by a certified this summons and if you fail to appear check made payable tn'nilainook Conn or answer, plaintiff will apply to the ty. for an amount equal to at least fi court for the relief demanded in the per cent of the amount of such bid complaint on file herein to which ref-. which shall be forfeited to tho County erencu is hereby made and which til in casv an award is matlu and the bill made a part hereof, to-wit: for a decree der shall fall, neglect or refuse for a of this court directing and commanding I period of live days after which the said defendants to exercise their right I award is made to enter into a contract of redemption herein by redeeming I ami file a bond satisfactory lo the fcMlfl l.rrilii.Flu V,.,r. II... ..!..;... ir ... (..... .... ..... J ' -. i--"i---j ..li mi- ih.iiiiviii ii(iii . '1!ilnit? ii I " . SUrn ot Twu,vu "lin-. ...v ...,.,. ii,WJ logemei- wun in-1 terest at the rate of seven per cent 1 from the 2itli day of April, 1912, with-' ... iiioo oi ten uays irom me en- try of the decree herein and for a fur-1 ther decree that in the event they or uiuiu inn ou iij reiieem sain pro- perty by paying the plaintilf the sums ' ... ,.-uuU mentioned, inai uiey and each of them bo forever barred and foreclosed of any and all right. , pvTv 11 dre?o.i.?J "'I".','." .?.f.!",y j ........ ..eh iijuuii iney or any of them might have herein and ior bucii omer or lurtner relief as rnav ... . . .. ' to the court seem equitable together with the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollarrf ($250) attorney's fee and lor cost and disbursements of this suit. This summons will be served upon you by publication thereof for not leas moo ni successive WCCKH III till! 'I Hla ' Z1" jng of Section "A" of tf.e G,,r iln Id . ti "J ws vuu Tviiruiur v.ftiirnv itfitui in SILW! ssfiSa njftf To wnsii 1 r T in. ! i? !!r J) in exeunt ItiTJ" 'WW l lutt- ..i.i Work IB rt 7 In Hlttck lf: Lola I, Jl nnd I lit lllook If. aid Ut II and Is In . lllock 1,1 f Iho Mi day of Mnteh. IDll. W-l lh""lor' ' fWt i" 41-18 Pnnnmi iiniunu Wilt;. Purllatal. tlreiton. John lrflaml HomlHraon AtUirneya for Pliilntiir. Ouritmldl-Wticclcr County Komi Notice to Contractors. Sealed hid n..lrred U the CHinty Cmrt at Tillamook County, Dragwi. for the nnned construction of See lion "C of tJarlbaHi-Wherlc-r Count .ltod tn Tillamook. Oregon, from Sta tion In' plus no to Stuti.Mi il'i plus b, will be rr reived ly the County t ouit of I illsmook County, at it odW in Tillamook Ctly on or befote the "A'th ili.v of Marsh, Ul I, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. and at surh tuns opemal ami read. x i Each bid shall lie arcoin, annul by a 'certified cheek miule pa vnntr lo Tilla mook C-ountv, for an amount etpjal to at least 5 i -r cent of lha amount uf such bid, which h(ill be forfeited to ' the County in case award la made ami the bxldur shall refuse, neglect or fall for a pert.Hl of five 'lay ftr which the ih'im i made, to enter into a con tract ami file a bond alifurtufy to the Court as required bv lit". '. The bid are to cover lbs clearing of ' the rii(ht-of-wsy and grading and plac ing all culierta from Station 177 plus 6ft to Station 212 plus 0 of the Hari- baUli-Whoeler County Road All work I to be completed by June l'th, 1U. j ; 1'lam and speclflcstion tire on file at the orrtce of Um County 'Jierk ol I in .k VS la ?i??W LTrlw. ' 'JT: .VTii nT22 7j.i5 Phl fi " ' bl' l,,twl , lh" lth a ot "TV'ML - v I lAion'y t;ierV. County KojiI at Jenkins' Place Notice to Contractors. Seised bid addreM-d lo the C unly t ourt of TillaiiHk ('tninty, Oregon, for the propose! tmprmrment of the 1 County Road at Jenkm Hridgc on Wil- .n Itivvr, in Tillamook I "Unty, Ore- tiin. will In rtmIVn.i tiv 1 h tUHtlt.' at ita omce in niunvok, t ily. oretton. on or before the 20th day of March, ivi s, ai 10 v. M. , at that at 10 V. M., il at that time oiiened and rend. Each hid shall be accompanied by a certified cheek made paynoie tu I iiiamok u:ily. fur an amount equal to at irast 5 er cent of the u mount of such Old. which shall be forfeited lo ibe County in rase an award is made ami the bidder shall ft, "neglect of refuse for a period of live dy after which the award is made to enter Into a contract and Ale a bond satisfactory to the Court a r quired by l..w. The bids are lo rover the clearing of the right uf way and exrsvHtinir a i grading about 1219 colic yards of earth ami install!. ig necessary culvert, Work lo be completed in 00 days. Plana ami specification are on Die ut the ollice of the County Clerk of I lllnmook t ounty, Oregon, In Tilla monk City. TtieJCounty Court reserves the right to reject any and all b da. Dated this lth dny of March 191 1. I i' u..,i- Connty ctark. Locrpahcl County Xoml Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids ndilrokv-d to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, tor tin; proposed construction of Iho l-oerpabcl t ounty Road in lillauiooV County, Oregon, will be received by the County Court of Tillamook County. OrcL'on. nt its olhpi- in 'till II rtli iit t l I ai flriMrnn tin nr lu.fnn. rL. oan, I'Hiin 111 rcquireu ny taw. T,lu bids ar to cover the clearing of me rigni oi way and grading from a point 45.8 feet North 29 degrees. 1(5 minutes East of angle 21 lo the Htm oeiween .-j. a. ilimpel and William Tohl, in at angle 38 of the Ucrpabel County Road. Work to bo completed In v nays, Plans and specifications are on 111.) at mo omce oi the County Clerk of Tilln - mook County, Oregon, in Tillamook City. . '''t'" 'ty Court reserves the right rujeut any aim an mils, Dated this lth day of Ma March. 1911. J. C. Hidden. County Clerk. (Jiirihnldi-Whccltr County Kond Notice to Contractors. Tlllumonk sitfS kl muled by cer- lJ.hl .wl,.Ich 8'"'11 ' forfeited to the Ulli till! refuse for award In C'inf lllr.t t.iwl 111., u hnnd Hiillsfiictory to the Court tin ro- 'I'Hre.l by law flkia i imii,.w St... I If Oswn l-ik.. ami: Uylmt ""Mh ftr.M Statlrtii TU plus 00 to Htalbm 177 plit to AUo fur Bttullwi XTT.? ' lwvs nml eoveMng road bed i'h la ; ami stone, according U plans no t . flcatlon. All work to b U'""-' uv jumo it, ion. : . Plana awl attrinrtl.u are on Me si tm utile of 1h C.wnly e'k ',f. ' rmmk 0unly. Oigon. in rillaiiiook ( (Hinty re-erre- the riithl l" re l,Ht any nml all bid. Dated t.t th ,W.Uh. IUH. r nu t) County l 'lark. IIukIicv Creek Uotul. Notice lo Contractor"., Sealed bid dtrcM-d to the County Court of Tillamook Cunty. tlrg.i for the prted impftvemeiit t tl llughey Creek rad, m 'itlamk County. Orrgun. will be reenve-l bv thr County Court of rillamo.h. C-m tv. Oregon. l U ofH.-s In 1'llUm.- W t'tly, Oregon, an or before thr iU U-. of March, lllll. st 10 o VI...-K M and at that time opened ail rr.t ICarh bid shall W aceomimiard lr a certified ch-ek mMlr psysblc t.. Itlin rrvook t'ounljr, for an m iunt .-ol at toast & per rent of lb ain..nl ..f vueh bid, which hll Im forfntrd t the County In rase an award i mdr and Hie UUIdar shall (all. neglect -r tfuw for a lrlil of fire d afirr which the awni l mlB to citer tut", a contract a w nw i"i iiuhkihj to th Curt as raqotrrd b law Th bttta are to rvrr the clearing of the rlghtof way, aisl excavating ami grading M7W ruble i anU of earth at I buikting one coneretr and mrtal -ul vert. Work tu be crfut-ioted u. u d Plan ami reinciiori are mt ntr ut lira office uf th t .Mjnty t'krk ( lllk.mook County, Oregon, in TUlo mook City. TH CtxiBky Court rtMervea the right to reject any and all bid Dated this ttu day of March. 191 1. J. C H-tuVn. County CWrV UnilcJ Hrdlirrn Church. The rvtval meeting t ltl! in ( gres. Evangwlut Vt r i i pr-a-s. with increasing per at. 1 . i.'ean.i. the Gosusl that att are msb- I f'- : their runditian before Gud. He mak -a the New- Birth the bas.a of maV. a eepUncc with God il prfr--a a the oily mean uf God's conti-.ticl fa. .r. On Sunday: Honda .-! mji p . m. Morning worship and wtmut. 1 1 o in. Evening Service 7 3D p m. Ward will spk on the subpn-i Fait) and obedience. t All are invited to V ot services. H. I. White. P.tlor Chriilisn Church Nolrt. The rbureh wrverw all are ulwa woleome. I a. in, illble School h gi pine to Kmd an hour Clase for all. II n. m. Preaching by Pastor Sob ject: "The Vicarious Sarrafi.e " 2:) Junior Endeavor. 3 p. tn. A union temperance rally at the Presbyterian Church. .VI.In-. t.y Ror. Mr. Iturn. Dunut fail to attend Oial p. m. Chriftmn Eirdmv-r. 7 Alp. m. Evening Kvai.ge'.ati.- r vice. Subjoct: "Chrlat A) point menl " I'he orillnnncr of llnntitm will be n ImlnUtcfisI at ovo.itng rvic.-. You are rortlially Invited to any or oil i,f Iheso services. ' ZZZ 1ZT" R. I. Jqk'. Pastur.a I'reibvtrrun Church Nolci. J Sunday School and lllblc rlasiea nt j 10:00 a.m. Members of the Adult Ilihle cn urn specially urged In be present next Sunday, lesson topic 'Watchfulness" Luke 12 3:.. in Preaching service ul II a. m. Sor mon themes" I'hc ICsnoncn of a (ienu inn Religious Llfo." How secured7 Not by joining soinfl church. Not bv water baptism. Not noeenaarllv bv n gtxsl reputation among our fellow men It Is a definite personal expeiitmcu of the soul with God It is secured by regeneration or being Urn frnin nlaivu. At j p. m. .Mr. Horns of Portland, represi-niing the "Out to Win" am palgu for Oregon Dry, to whom is as n.gi.co uiu counties of ' amoob .l Lincoln, will speak to the citizens of JiiiamooK. All tho eitucn of 'iil monk interested in a clean, tin ln..l,.t.. moral and religious city, nrr urged lo ou present at iho Presbyterian church nt .'I p. in, Praisu and Gospel scrvlco nt 7 :.'M) p, tn. Subject of address: "The Ncces sltV of a (Jrowing Exjiuriencu in Mod. ern Man's KuIIkIoii." A nursery room, with a corps of nurse girl:., is the latest addition to the Pre.ibytorliiii church. Let iho mot hern bring their babies to church and they will recuivu all necessary mother ly care in thu Guild House .ltirl,.,, n... mornitu service D. A. Mackenzie, Methodist Church Notct. 10 u. m. .Sabbath School. 11 11. m. Preaching. 3 p, m, Junior League. 0:.'J0 p. hi. Hp worth League. 7:.'i( p. tn. Preaching. W. J. Wehcr. Pastor. Nsisreue Church Scryicci. 2:fX) P. M. Hundi.i ur igunDBlr m .... . tu - - - ww v w fj rwm Beautiful WiNl and Ciiliftti - rr lhn olJ. t..Ki.'iil lath .il til, ro.l ! Iiiiui.d ti-ile Wall P.MI4. r W kht, Ttu-UKrut nl hum .illl.l.i n.l tHilr l' are .(fin- t l.r uiiii ' Iii.I.m.ii tr laic .. u.... I LmMinv .Mlllu. u tillrur t.imiit iv. tlx Walt Ho.rd eernt In t .,t.r a4r ' hall ti IMS4 . M iiv.nJ i..mm it".U. t H.i tnusL Mill l II hl- v m--e inn.ir u. icaur i Ji.ui I. .... ua t.r i.uiiai a. Mr ... r New lUuiai r Itsmadat CAN'T CRACK, MUCHir. PUl I LCO niiie at Baoiiair llth.Mf H all k ti U rmtil. atft tf.U'lli-q dr4irtlltMaM I , i J t'iurt; 7t. ...1, llaarl ! a4i l.'e.lwK '.9l..ltlll, II- I .'l k-.UU II P.'ll Mtm4, W(. lint xr, ri "i -.r. . I f Central Ooor I lumbir Co. UMrf NftNl'MUrirt i"fM i 7 !..., AW tltav.lt. ,- 4 k JWff - . sVea r SJ ' I ....(.-tit km v"fi rl.:.le lr.,,.,r f f III It I r ft.,.! farm toti.l llric't p . (, trff 0tt "I Iwt a W (Xin ,o . I 'til a' .i til ' I. : lit i. al . . ' I , i Lit 3 .Mlia ll-t lj I wm- i j if. t :i ,wi t. ii a' i i Im 5pti.i kj yuii, I ha um.) ln.it at I fin t"1 i4m IhI r.l si' io.. Uu.iiji.ihkI un ti Ihf wi aiul Ihf .r . i rlo t twl ll, ImmI t.rutt,. I I rf .k 1 1 1. lL.1 ! I. I... I III tf a-l . 't' I- . 'I I ca- -1-1 .1 t K Tk . i It quirk, aafo rrmrdy f r try niup.cnnkcr rik! bumli uMl tar llai ami CaAt.r ntllMlt. ljf.ll.Mlll I. Ill-l .Ul fill (Ur ill Ul.lif t-tt IMK1II H ranVri ,1 u I 4 lit., rj- T ' IV. M r. .V II Al .UD.aUia. IS... M. A llJtl j lt.d .1Un' llwti um ll., C Unit aa-l Pauhrrl AJ.U.aa D8. IJUll S. SI0,Uf, he, foiM.1 "Olamea' 0llln" TKjTTrji SEEDS win topr fi out 1114 CATALOG aa4 rtAr-TIUta CUIUK titftitg ll leal tj lr llieia l" MaA1 anl I CaiiUna A I.U1J tf a t. aad aLU fnVi. lo fuoi punl- WW A Quarttt ol a Ctn lury ol Surest in MrWi'll NoHhwtitttn GruuxH quail fit $ ui to ?flRTIljiw pu ASK FOU CATALOG NO. i White Wyandotti A Specialty The best that enn he lindl the Htite. lixH for mtf. "P2 00 (or 1f. UW orders for spring deli A lew Coi'la'iels for rifil'l $'.'.()0 t'fit'h Let me sufl , ffiriill (.I I .L . rr m f . w. mill III ?!: M.:.. r.,'"chil K '.vl-e. i it i v iminiLnt oi Hit- rot iucluuivo .u.vday, and you. CorrespoiKleiif 60 J. 1'oilllUH. ted. g, Seovell. Nelinkl 6