'Is INS r"; i Hi It Issued Cwlcc a lUcck Crombuy editor Cucsdav and Frldav Enters as send, matter May 17, 1010 at the ,t office t Tillamook. Oregon, iimior mo nci i SflCKIl'TlOS $1.50 A Advertising Kale YKAR IN AUWNCH ' ciml Advertisements 1'irst lnrtion, per line - ! Kch subseciuent Insertion, line Homestead Notices Timber Claim Notices, per line C.irvls of thank. per line Local., "or lino, first insertion .10 .06 ft. 00 10.00 .06 .tVi .7 Knoll subsequent insertion, line Resolution of t ondolence and l,odgo notice. vr lino Business t l'rofosionl curds, mo. nUutav Advertisement, per inch ALU Oisplnv Ads must K in this of fice on Momiav Ami Tlwrwlny Mrn inir to insure publication in follow - ... I t,-!.l..t. 1H.M ing lliesiliiy nmi rnm, Reasons are imperative. .0ft 1. 00 issues. FKIOAV MARCH l. HU- SPARKS FROM UNCLE RUBE'S ANVIL. us the rule of rectitude, although It ni rfht seem to contllot jwtth my name, "Trusting in Kiclien ami Trufdlng in Goo1," is the Sunday School lesson for today the tlrst of March. We mny he able to know what wo think of this question, but olbly the true source of our blessings ha not been learned ; hence, possibly It might I txj well ut hear the other side o it. i With pence to "IV or Crump," but more ponce to tl.o one that hasn't c I tjulrotl that name. I ii m yours sincerely. P. J. CrtMik. TELLING THE l-ORTUNL OF TWO OREGON COWS Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis. Ore , Marvh . "Y.-u uiuy be able to keep n dog for a pt that does n't my for lis livunr. but ! cmnot tillord to kep a cow that does not pay for her Ivinig." VhU is whnt Professor VV. A. Harr. individual that can lift ws alove the rmtiv thimw of sordid life ami help no to plant our feet upon the nck of Kk1 j ynttwj Statw timl (olle Uxtumdon reason ami fair juaRemem. ; w,irfcer. HMH Kria ami ooys in n m- . . . I ... . ... i. II... usih. uhit ; n iMtrarett: ! .vt,.,... rt mini' muxl Lhinit hvr .ItiMtrutl irlub circular. Iim iui i "It's tobacco rollei up in a little pnp-1 jn (-wrvnj!S tht poibly sumo of th Bx tension division of 'h irern cr with fire t one end ami a boil boy . tbm mit not b0 out of place in Uti Agricultural Ooll( rtw ftrt pc i article. 1 am proud to say that I have contain a pietur of iwu eow. ono oi tell me 'What's m, enemy in Tillntiiook County that' wMeh. TrofeMor Harr telto . return has a rieht to he such with any wan- gj jan.SS wvrlh of milk arnl butter for .,i n iimtirtcalion : . worth uf feed, ami the othr re- u ! aKu .,-..,v -.th irfeet free turned. $13. worth of mi k and at the other." Thats Rood, now smoker" "1 guess it's place whore they cot ....i i cnmV.i o thov can stand it Uil- ter for S-to.NJ .vorm oi iri. wwm ' keopint?. he y. "xave us lhoe facts' "A whole community can have re cords kept on their cows by placing Uabcock tenter m th w!kmI hwiso ivhcru the milk can be lifted for butter , fat, after havinn been weiiche,! by the k, un.1 irl t home. For five or six oene- '. 7. w to better in the other world (dom. If a man ceU drunk and kill anoth- J K,rst t took in the Short Course at cr man, who pays tha expanse of the the CVillege and must ay it was ti trial, the town or the eoontyT If the boneSi that 1 should Save liked to county why not give the county some snnr0 with several people whom I of the license blood money to help pay . know in Tillamook. Ihe ext ns-o Thank to IVof. Lunn and his We see C'.nsitierable in tne papem tjf existence: ami a ho u sixty iwu eiRht-btte letter i large t. o. u aeia indition i Tsu..iuvir hwnt phickena for lb record Kur ten or more studrnU a .v.. nrlii Whv not av nrnm.wun--i t..Jiiv i four dozen enr. botllo tester win cive (1 i kiiT VWJ t '-f- - ; V ww-k j " something about how to improve the Bllj til risinur. When you want Rood m.-ral conditions of the town--? If w' fartn fowls remember C. J. Crook haa . ill et rid of the saloons we will itu- thoce Rhode liland Keds. prove the towns tonfoki. he Oregon Manufacturer Conx rea If yon want to make unhappy homes, ; wttS nijo R fenture it the College that widows and orphans, blight the intel-. one s-nK personal betterment couM lecti of th- youn(t, All our insane a-y- tillord to mi. Aside from the lums and penitentiaries, erect gallows- fnct tht it is ceriainto result in great tee-ted an enough, twelve- better snimfae- The entire eo,u!pm-nt will cost ten to otRoteen tlollur for ouch e- for the m.irderer-s and damn tne OTnicn(. COod to manufacturer ami S'vjls of men, just vote to license the public alike, it is equally certain that saloon. it w til help to overcome prejudice an i Will the women of Ureifon in this ; unfair judgement. It meant to me a their first chance to show their love of , noble le&wn in lo at; to Home and home and their boys by the bailout, do' Stute, the rignt arid proper relation oo bv votine the licensed saloons out ; which should exist between Capital of Oreeon next November? We hope the women of O.-etron will show themselves to be superior to mnnn mon in vrkfinc ffr STx tfv mt?n in place of voting the party ticket regard-, and physical atmoaohere or U puce less of the man's character. ' There ia one moral L-.rt.inty; th it Every Kood man and woman should ny boy or girl attending ?hool in Cor roister and vote this fall. There wt II j valli will And the doors of every Leson.. -estiond of vif-I importance; cnurcn open w meir w to us ti v te upon. Fathers and uv.tf lion, from school." The. circular eonlainn d'reetion for making the teat and a list t the neees sary ejuipment. t he instruettoni aro acconiDanu-d hy many illustrattoiw of apvaralus and inethtKl. und by d 'tailed plans for carving on the work during sclul vacal'ona. The liulletin is listcl as Kx tension series No. 1 nnl may be had by addressing It. I), llolrul. K.xtenaion director, at (.'orvallt. To the Republican Voteu of Tillamook County ami Labor, and consequently the set ; ting of higher ideals in Individual life. ; There arc several TillamooKers here. und ail seem to bo enjoying the rue ital ers savt vmr noys by voting right. Some -till try to make the tariff a politica. --U-? when most all sensible people ofa.t parties have decided that the time has come for free trade on some thtnifs and not a very hish tariff on any thing. The U. S. has reached the point where she can compete with the world on ncirly everything we need. There are b'ta few little gim let headed two by four newspapers who advocate a high turilT, unless it ia a paper owned by some trust who advoc ates it to feather their own neat. Kut the common people, the farmers and laborers, of nil clashes are getting their eyes open to the facts that high tariff is what mokea the rich richer, and tho pour pojrer. So they are speaking and will be heard. UNCLE RUBE t COMMUNICATION CorvallK Ore.. Feb. 28, 1914. f (! tor of the Herald, De..r Sir: As I rcehl! some f '.he pleasant ex r riem- which wif; anil I enjoyed in Till.-m County a'i-1 cainr our bles-Hi'i-" yv-r t sji r ''. ! i."fh done veri!. van thu-. -es that rt. ., . -, n naught but bhadow, have returned with the light of a new day and brought on wing, of light, the hope that perhap3 we may. help some one else who might think themselves oppressed iy misfortune. Allow rne to say right here that here u one misfortune that I see that . pan he easily r ; u Jed; (that i8 the tax mlsfort'i ij.j 1 1 at right vested in ' county autn 'tici that makes it possi-! ble fnr tne withdraw thousands of, dollars fmn circulation at one time or i nnd a good wnolesomo weicime to the social ani in-itructive entertain ment that goes to m ike good and ue-: ful men and women. Ami I wish to say further that their presence in the ' churches U a blesding and a benedic-' tion when the heart is right. I have personally n cliss of Sunday Sshool boys of the age of eleven to thirteen . yean, and I am proud of the privilege ' to refrain from doing anything that would give n false conception of life and our intended relation to it. . There are many vile habits which a j man or woman may practice .in 1 exist, j But to live our life, .neniw to have a fair start, and also to appreciate the ; seriousne;-e and the reality of it. Any j father or mother that cannot see nnd fill the short-comings and lack of op-' Krtunity in their own lives, and desire their children to be more than they are or ever could be, are not right in the J true sense of living. Wo bad the experience while in Tilla mook where mothers and sisters refus ed to allow younger members of their families to attend Sunday School, nnd no intelligent reason was ever given fur thi line of conduct. I hereby announce myself ir a can didate lor nomination lo the olHce of Conty Surveyor, on the Republican ticket, at the coming Republican I'n inaries. If nominated and elected, I will duct the affairs of my o'llce to th i-et cf my ability. With my engineering training and oxpriene I feel eatable of handling lite work connected with the office; usoecullv the road wur. which is becoming mure important than ever before. Signed, U. (i. Jackson. The Distance Between WHEELER And Nehalem City Is less than 2 miles. Hctween these two towns there is more traliie than between any other two towns in the county lo cated hut that distance apart. Yet to drive a team from Wheeler to Nehaicm you would have to drive over 10 miles around through the valley. A aion road heiween the towns of AVhcclcrand Nehalem should he built at once and thus eliminate the waste of time and money occasioned hy forcing traffic over a 10 mile haul instead of over a two mile haul. We believe work should be started on this project at once. Nehalem W&thot Co. Wheeler, Oregon i OWNERS OF WHEELER PROPERTY i To tlie Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby a-nounce that I a-n a can didate fur the nomination ( Shrrilf ,ti the Democratic Tickrl at the trnn.ir M in May. If electel I will perfur.n the duties of inv oIlW lo the oet of my ability without fear or favor. Kespvrtfully. N. J. Myers. To the Voters of Tillamook County I hereby announce myself as rardi date for nomination at tne Primaries held May 15. 191 1, as a Republican, for the ollleo of County Judge If nomi nated and el-cted, it will be my end-a-vor to jiorve the people of the whole County to the beat of my ability. I u n in favor of good roads, and believr trwit they xho'ild constructed with regard lo the future need. It will lie my poli-y if elected, to use strict economy in tne expenditure of the public funds of the County. A. M. I lure. To The Voters of Tillamook County (laving been ur 1 Lv sa many of mv j friends, I hereby announce myself as a pan,IIHnt4k fn (hit Tlriiil,limiri tiflL'.tt fn Th. re appeals to be only onu proper ; County Sheriif at tho eomini! nrimar- les. If nominated and elected I will at tend to my dutbm hs required by law lo tho best of tny ability without fear oi favor to nono. Signed To the Voters of Tillamook County ' I herehy.a'inounrB myself m a 1'an- jdidal' for re-election to the Oilier f j County Treasurer, of i'ilUrrio' ' un ' tv, Oregon, subject to Ihn Kepo' h.-.in I'n-iuries to be held May IM'i. I'Jll U. 1. Ilea Is. To the Voters of Tillamook County 1 hereby announcu mynelf n a can ilidate for the Ollic of 'Kinty Clerk, for re-c lection. iilijM-t to the Urpuh- ' lienn I'rimaru-a to be hell M.iy loth. I'Jll. Verv r iii-rlfilj , J . I ' llol.llMI. Tillamook Bak3rf Bread FOR SAi.K AT All GROCERS co ire lor ti,e man or woman wno as pires to do right, and help others to do right; hue to the line and let the chips fall where they will, and thus make correction possible to the one in error. When people go wrong it seems surno time that there is scarcely u limit to their degredation. How much more wholesome the man or woman that is truly laboring for the best intcrc3tH of humanity and are willing to do it to the limit. i'ossibly some people will call this moralizing. Wait! Let me tell you how I came by it: First I spaded one impose a '. of 25 per cent, it in the hank at possibly 2 interest, and the banker to benevolence by loaning it to the ones ' who produce at 3 per cent per. Verily j this is a wonderful land for its supreme j willfulness, and long suffering utupidi-1 ty. In recalling some of my experiences . with Tillamook, and Tillamook people, j I am reminded of the two canvasses which I made over the county in be half of Uro. linker's paper -and telling I the Gospel of Temperance. J also told the hope and confidence that had I eeu born in me, that Brother liaker would Bland by the temperance cause ! by voice and precept us long as there were two atom? of his body subject to 1 to the Spirit of Lovo and the Law of ' Cohesion, Well, I guess he has. j 1 am forcibly reminded at the present time of the need of idealists, A child will grow to be something of the ideal which he holds in mind; therefore the necessity of pinning our faith to the I and place ! acre of Loganberries, then one and a per cent i half acres of fruit trees, burned the show his brush and sprayed the trees, built two poultry houses and one scratch pen, and three brooding coops, whistled some, sang some, did several hundred Kmmett M. Hales. To the Voter of Tillamook County I hereby announce myself iih Candi date for nomination for the ollici- of County Surveyor, on the Republican ticket. If nominated and elected, I ihall at all times endenv r to administer the olfico with efficiency, accuracy, and economy. Respectfully, Romh L. Shrove, To the Voters of Tillamook County I hereby announce myself as a Can dldate for re election to the Ofllcu of Lounty hnerlir or Tillamook County, Tillamook Clay Works KREBS BROS., Props. W'c have now ;i limitai miujI l luiik ;inl ilraiu tile ready for the market ;il tin- lonviitj4 pru-es: BRICK, - - SI 0.00 PER THOUSAND 3- IN. DRAIN TILE, SI6.Q0 PER THOUSAND 4- IN. DRAIN TILE, $20.00 PER THOUSAND Located 0 miles south of Tillamook on main traveled road. MUTUAL PHONE FOR DFUCATE CHILDf A Mother's Letter to M ,lr i: . ( tKitwr it lJ N J., 47 My thlld rr old. had n bad cold an I ninl rjulln run dnll In 'raill bad Ikh.ii In litis roticlltk for nit eck when I beRRtl fcllW Vlnol It was a wotulrtf .l 'rip child, bn-nklllC tip hnr d i: nod InilldliiK up hrr etrvitf'h ! 1 Imro alio round Vluul a molt lent tonlr for krepine ' I- dlrlis slretlKlh dUrttlK ft Vttiooiiltif! couch " Vlnol U n wonderful tnt of tn worlil iiiunil toiii' b rltml body btllldlliK !el ' P liver oil ami Iron fui Ihe xt ! loro It In n perfectly a ur for dilMrnn. lnti-utlKii II tl imleM mudlcltiu. everyth ' ta 1 nrlnied on verv nncUui'i D- mny know wlml tliey are i llltlo OIIIIH. Tlinrnforn wo link nv rr mio'i a wwik, ulcldy or nlllm; ' .11 vicinity to try Vlnol cm or I. Our Hnxo Halvo I" 'rul derful for I'er.uniu 'o w ( has I Clnugli, t ' u'it other duties and enjojed every minute i Oregon subject to tho Republican of it. And I did one thing and did it ?r!heUi9nthu i'rlmariu'1 to 1,0 ,luM My right; built ono line fence as Btraight i ' ,,t Crenshaw. Foti Foot Fit Slabs $3.00 Per Cord Delivered $2.90 in Ten Cord Lot; $2.80 in Twenty ord Lots. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. TRY SOME Honey Comb Crisps Delicious Get a Bag, 5 and 10c TILLAMOOK DRUG STORE KOCH HILL, PROPS. E. 11. K(5CII, PH. G DHUTSCWi, AI'OTIIliKE BOTH PHONES TILLAMOOK, OREGON SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD, IT GIVES YOU ALL THE NEWS TWICE A WEEK. DM KM' Uiimii a fium lin-1 ..w... ., iMJ 4 muni by keeping him in shabby old H Wo am selling Ih-rneHH inmlf 'I Iii.mI utimL ... .1.... ..Ilir'al ' n III III II I'd llllll tempt you. , A VVKI.I.MADK IIARNi:. will not only Improve tint n"'' of vnur hnrae. but ccinl rilaito I" Hiifety as well. Mnny n riumwsy.1 I'll HVoIllml f t,o d IrH!MHllJ uiHciiruiMi in time, W. A. WILLIAI TILLAMOOK - - OKI mnmiu WU Htff MIX SOU UttUUwPllli