Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 27, 1914, Image 4

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Lawyer and General Husinews
He b.i divided to timkc lit home
itb .md hit opened an nillcr- in
1 i!lniii.k HUnk. ndioitiian the
CuMiiiiervnil Club nwin, wbetv be
in it! nil to cull mul net m'Uiitti'l.
Mr. Viriull 1 tiNo cxfiTt
nnouiilmit nitil will bundle book
Kocp-.nK. nudttitii: book, oollectinir
luvomitri. Ac
In hi. cciicity a; cetterul conn- j
8t-br, lit lurer experience in tbr '
tiiiiiia world und lu- ability will
m.inc him 11 valuable iiiIvIhiu to ,
buim men end i-crtutiot,
iiNoin (ysttftimtiKimr. nilvi'itiititt '
ut,d enlHrifi c uty bii-dtie or in ,
rii'lling or btmnir'n liJiii-t ; he
b.w hnd ob.tra'e n attorney, ?rcie-,
t.itx mil mjn.iiter, nijo publicity
,iud itiidittiis: (or buinc" lini--..
b.ink. wealthy men ami cotpor.t
Ipih. A- 11 inwyer tv wi.l trtve
eiv.i.tl intention to os.uuinini; and
p.um ot- tvnl ctntc titles. - well
.1 the title. nil ' v.ihie ol any bmd-in-.
or proucr.y for sale o trude.
Mr Won-all iV of timtitre vents
a -id wide experience it: the law ami
hiwmejtf world, after a eoilemiite
.lii.'ation. he trrnd'.mted in !"
wilb ela!-.- honor? fr m the In-'
dc-outtiticrt of Indinnii I'fuer-i .
he has certificates to pr.u-.u-f inw if I
flie biiibc.-t court- in I--'l;.m.i low ,
CVtfomiii and Oregon. !! -petit
many years in me niw i" iun.:iin.,
wbere'he hud a well r..tied tcpnl'
tun as a Inwyer I'.-litiet.m and
business mati of laie .I'liir :
some H yen's tiiro he prnniotel 1
Monk iimlTm! Co., in Xev Mexico,
.iirl vtt it- president and maniurer
for t"-, ear-. until his removal t'
(. :hu 1 n'in'aiul later to ureiron.
Aered hi- re.-ons for Jrciitittir in
Tillamook, he -teted that he iveour
nued the wctidertul future of thi
county and state, that he w.- tired
of the sham-, hypoency. iiiiiuo
ra'itv. irn.t't and" commercialism,
ti e "(W'll'r above the n an. f' tin
l.HU' 'ties tii.it he U'vevl the . .ne
tu r t f sm d'er tn ns.
Kncwii'ir that Mr. Utrrnll had
bei 1 li. no 1 flicc . nil i. '.her
wtrf . e . -k.-'! I mi 1 he expected
lc fk 11 mi a. oil. ie or other
l-i r , .r- hete. Ins rtph i.is "I ocnif
an nnirst ois ai- a plain ctizeii, not
to fttt'iKte or tr to rur thinsr. not
to at-riiine tc leadership in any
lim s. but to follow wrd tOHsxirt the
oliei citizens here in developinir
th" res( urces of your entity and uv
wi ro and iictior to aid otht-rs, who
hiiv been here longer, in building
up vuid aiKertisin? jour city and
in iirv
a sii;all
I co not claim siiperinrny
win. 1 have lived lontr
to recotrni.e that 1 am hut
atom on earth, I hope by
lit v eneri
y ana wlijitever 01 anility,
cdiii'j'tion and experience I may
have, to merit the esteem and pat
rniwci: of the citizens of your
count), thnt I may be enabled to
live and be of vise toothers to assist
in ever) wv in my humble manner,
in making Tillamook County lartrer
iu population and wealth, and its
citi.enship better in its business,
home, i-chool and church life."
Ati a lawyer .Mr. Worrall will
hpecialize in a irrneral advisary
way. ever keeping in mind that old
leirnl maxim " the best advice to a
client in to keep out of court, but
once in court to win," "Contractu,
the nettling of entates, wills.,
deeds, guardianship, Ac, will be
given my best and most conscien
tious attention, alwayn remember
ing to make only audi reasonable
charges as will not be a burden
upon anyone, rich or poor, and a
W(piarc deal to all "
Mr. Worrall i a 32 Degree Maaon,
a member of the Grand J-odge of
Klku and was formerly a J'ast
Chancellor K. of P. Iodge and the
J.O.O.R and Ked Men.
Amopget Mr. Ayorrall'M many
referencen we arc Jltirmitted to ipiote
from the following le-iding men of
the nation :
Kx.I'reeirtcul Talt i "He it a law
yer and biisinenH man of larffe ex
iK;rience." Vfce-l'rei'ident Marshall ? "He in
a man of excellant buaiuem ability
and sterling character."
Kx-Oovernor of Indiana : "Any
trust afHigned him will be honestly
and capably execnled.'
Champ Clark, Speaker ol Con
, iresa: "lie is a gentleman of
Ifieat ability, experienced an a law
yer and banker and speaker of re
U.S.. Senator Kern : " I have a
personal acquaintance ol '& yearn,
he in a lawyrr of ability, worthy of
respect and conlltlence."
c.-nTtrr Currv. former congreHH-
man und Governor of New Mexico :
" Ife was prominent in buaicesa,
tMilitica) and banking circles in our I
atatt, an honorable, high minded (
I'resideut and Cashier, 1st Na
tional Hank of Hluomington Ind. :
" He didbusinesM with us '41 years,
bis reputation A 1, a live wire, a
leading citizen and lawyer of ability,
whom the public may safely trust."
Tom Taggart, leading wealthy
eitizs.ii of ind. : " Alter living in
Indiana Vfl yea", . leaves with Ihe
retictt and coonJLMice of everyone
who knew bun."
Mi. Worrall hss siinilnr U'llots
Iroiti tniut coiiKfT-smeu. I'.i. sen
atois. state ollU'ers, including two
eon tcssmcn ftoui Culifot uia. whetc
he hist fidod. Siife con inn to us
Inst fall Mr. Wotiall has made
friends id all acquaintance- he ht
aectleuinib conduct and ability
mill wi' :tc ceitain the citiens ot
this coitn'N will join u 111 w-'c 'in
ing him and will encourage him bv
giving htm a poitiou of our busi
ness. (1'nui Adv.)
Nai.ircne Church Services.
2:00 P. M. Sunday cuH)l.
:i :00 P. M. Preaoliing Servleo.
7:;k V. M. Prewcliii c Sorviec.
Prayer iiieetitin on Tuesd.iy ami
Friday evenings.
II. J. Pontiu.
lit the Circuit Court of the 5tntc
of Orctron, for the County
of nilnnivok
Marv Winona Wlisloy iitwi A.
J.'Whtdey, her huAmtiil.
Cecelia AIK' lvia, Grant
Unvis, hor lia-I .tnil, Anea
Annetta An-evme, Charles
Aneevine, lier la'..-lHmi, Kllza
lane Dawson, Wdlinni Paw
son, her husbainl, l.nruliue
Victoria Costelio. Ttioimis
Cotello, her tunt:i: d. Albert
P. Widker. atui Anna Walker,
his wife, ZZZ
To Cecelia Alice Pavis. Grant Davis,
her husbiird, Acnea Annetta Ange
vine. Charles AtiBevine. her huslmiul.
Khs Jane Dawso:-. Willism Dawson,
her husband, Caroline Victoria Costel
lo. Thoiims Custeho. her husbnid. Al
bert P. Walker, ami Anna Walker,
wife. Defendants.
You and each of you are hereby
.(Uirtit to aptear and answer the corn
ij.aint till against you in the above!
ti t tied suit withi 1 six weeks from the
: e of the first pui lieation hereof In
'le ill.LA.MOOK HFKALD. the date
f publication beu g the LMth day
t Klruarv. IS1 1 ; and if you fail so to
appear aud arswer. for want thereof
! e pliiirtitTs will take a decree again
st pu as follows, to-wit: Adjuiluing
t at the plaintitl. Marj Winona Wha
ev. ami tl.e defendants, Cecelia Alice
Davis. Agnes Annetta Angivine, Eliza
atie Daw miii, Caroline Victoria Costel
10 and Alien P- Walker, are each the
.vitr if an undivided one-sixth in
irit 1 tee of certain real pro(erty
1 tuated in Tillamook County, Oregon,
ut j iltscribed as the southwest quarter
if the northeast quarter ami the south
east quarter of the northwest quarter
stcticn four, in Township five south of
V inge ten west of the Willamette Mer
idian, except live acres in the north
tai corner of said tract ; that a ii f
tree be apoirted a bv law provided .
that the property be sold in the inani.er
provided by law, ar.d the proceeds of
said sale distributed amere the owncit
of said propcrtj, to-wit; Mary Winona
Whaley. Ce.-elta Alice Davis, Agnci
Annetta Angevine, Eliza Jure l)awoi.
I aroline Victoria t'ostello anj Albert
P Walker, according to their respec
tive shales, after the costs and dis
bursemei ts of this suit, the cost ol
reference and the liens appearing
against the property have been paid,
ami for such other ar.d further relief
ts to the Court may seeai just and
This summons is served upon you b
'iublica'.U'n by oruer of the Honorable
Aebster Holmes, Judge of the Circuit
ourt of the State of Oregon, for the
. ounty of Tillamook, dated at Chant
ers in Dallas, Oregon, the 16th day of
February. 1011.
E. J. Claussen,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Delinquent Tax List of Xast Hnlf
Payments, U'13.
This advertised list of delinquent
taxes for the year of WW, is in pur
sita'ice of an act of the State Legis
lature which is embodied inChnptir
.15 of the Gknkkal law ok t hi;
1011 Ska-ion.
The taxes on the following adver
ttsed real property, situated in
Tillamook County, Oregon, became
delinquent on Monday, October 7th,
lUKt, and are suiijeet to a per.uuy 01
ten per cent, and interest at tin
rate of 12 per cent per annum from
Monday, April the 7th. until
they ahall have been paid, any day
ilfter the expiration of six months
after (lie taxes charged against the
!ol owinir real iirouerty are dehn
quent, the Sheriff is authorized
upon demand of any person making
application, to issue to them a cer
titicate of delinquency, upon pay
ment of taxes, penalty, intereat and
cost of advertising. Certificates of
Jelinciuencys ahall bear interest
from the date of issuance until re
deemed at the rate of fifteen per
cent per annum.
1. U. ii. ?lbginnis, r Yj 01 JNe
i and X i of Se i, section
'St, tp 1 north, range I) west,
containing 100 acres .. .. $2. 12T
I.). V. Miiginnis, Seji of Nw
', fie V ot tw "t and vt Yj ot
Se i, section ', tp 1 north,
range 0 went, containing 1IS0
acres 'Jti.&'i
X K. F. Marcene, Sw I of Ne
Yi. W Yt of Se t and Se t of
Sw Vi, aection H, tp 1 north,
range 10 west, containing
100 acre 28.00
4. S. li. Rotherniel, Nw Vt of
Nw ', section n, tp .1 north,
range 7 west, containing 40
acres 7.7.')
ti. Walburga Jacob, Sw i,
less Tract sold, section lb,
tp 1 Mouth, range 0 west,
containing 100 acres ii.'Jf)
0. Walburga Jacob, Ne i of
Nw Yt, section ti, tp 1 south,
range 0 west, containing 40
acres. Tract No '1, section
'JSl, tp 1 south, range 0 west,
containing 20 acrca 71.4(1
7.-C. H. Maginnis, Sw ,
aection 14, tp ' south, range
0 west, containing 1M41MO0
acres 1:4.47
H Marie Ilotise, Se i, aection
10, tp 'i south, range 10 west,
containing hi) acrea .. 27,00
tf.-O. A Graham, K of W4
hecimn -0, ,) ,.,,11.11 Hinge
7 went, containing acrea. 3,45
10. M. C. Annm, S 4 of Sw ,
seilion . tp :i -outh. mime
west containing S m tes . . li
11 Lavlna Coutcs, lot block
7, Cnuibaldi t'-,,
l'j II t Kinltb tut 2. block
11. Iluv t itv . . .. l-i:i
13. John McNeun. lot I. block ,
II. I lav City :,
U M. I. llo.orth. lots I !
aud 1!, block .. Cetitnil add
llavCtty LCI
15. -I.. M. llootth. lots W to
UV including block t'A Cen
tn.l add. Hav City .4 '-.,
Ul Thoiuas Coates. lots 7 und
8. block IS. Thayer a add.'
Tillamook Citv .7
17 L. I Lamb, lots I, 'i W. I.
tV block t. Millet's add.
Lillaiuook t itv . ... IdO
IS--I-". I Saipiimton lots II
and I. bio k L Stlllw ell's
adil I'illiniiok City ... "'-'
II ("ki.nsii .
Slo'iit! aiivl Ta Collector of
Tillamook Count Otegoti
Dated this Mid dav of Feb., h'l.l.
(Publisher. I 0;W0
nepnrtment of flic Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland.
Oregon. February 21, I'JU.
NOTICE is hereby g'ven that (uitllleb
Fiintnel, whivse pitollico address it
111 V Ht 1. Sit P.lrf 1,111.1 On-i-ilM llill.
on the i'htrd dav of November, WW.
lile in ttn . otlice Sworn Statement ami
Application, No. IM'AM), to purclmso the
NEt of NWL Section 21. Township 1
v-....!. 0 in v..ji U',H.,i.i.,if..
M.irnlk.iti hhiI tfi.t lunhiir ttinrtHlfl. mi
ller the provition of the act of June 3,
lf.s. mm nets ainotHiatnry, Known ns
the "limtH-r and Stone Law," at such
value hs might be fixed by appraiie
incut, ami that, nurtuiinl to such atiph
cation, the land timber therHn have
been npnraised. the timber estimated
ifcVi.aKl iH.nnl feet at 'JO per M. anil
the html &tt: Unit niiil upplicunt will
otTer final proof 111 suptnirt of hi appli
cation and sworn statement on the '20th
day of May, I'JU. before the Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Ofllce, at
I'ortltunl, tiregon.
Any person is at liberty to prtito-t
this purchase lofore eatrj. or initiate
a contest at any time before patent U
sues, by filing a corr"tHrated althiuvit
in this otlice, alleging facts whieli
would defeat the entry.
II. F. Higby.
in pui-uance of a decree of foteeloHiire
ami order of Side, and of a writ of ex
ecution issued thereon out of the Cir
cuit Court of the StHte of Oregon, for
Tillamook County, in the emo therein
pending wherein Clay Daniel is plain
titr and J. D. Jones and Mary P. June
are defendants, which decree was en
tered on the 7th day of January, Wit,
ami the said execution and order of
sale was isMico out of said court under
its seal on the 27th day of January,
Wit, 1 have levied upon the following
described real estate silunti- 111 Tilla
mook County, Oregon, to-wit: All of
the Northeast quarter of the Southeast
quarter of Section 30 in Township 3
south of Range 1) West of the Willam
ette Meridian, in Tillamook County,
Oregon, save and exce, t the following
described tracts, to-wit: First, that
part of said tract lying East of the
center of Heaver Creek : Second, A
certain tract !) rods square heretofire
sold to the United Brethren Church 111
Beaver, Oregon; Third, That certain
tract laid out and platted as the town
of Beaver, and will, on Monday, the
2nd day of March. Wi t. at the Court
house door in Tillamook, City. Oregon,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. sell at
public auction, to th highest bidder,
for cash In hand, the said properly fur
the purpose of satisfying said execu
tion, order of sale and decree, together
with the costs and expenses of the
sale. Said detree is for the recovery
by plaintiff from the defendanLo the
sum of I.S17 U5. with interest at seven
per cent tier annum from January 7th.
1914, and for the further sum of
fl 18.00 coats and attorney a fees.
Dated this January 30th, Wl l.
Sheriff of Tillamook County,
In the Circuit Court ot the State
of Oregon, for the County
of Tillamook
F. R. Beats and Clarencu Tilden,
Alva lievel, Marian Burris and
Frank Ekroth, Defendants
To Alva ilevel, Marian Hurrls, and
Frank Ekroth, the above named defen-
OF OREGON : You and each of you
are hereby required to appear ami an
swer the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled court and suit, on
or before the last day prescribed by
the order for the publication of this
summons heretofore made and filed
herein, and if you fail su to answer,
the plaintiffs will, for want thereof.
. M I. - '
appiy 10 wie xour. tor me reilel pray-1
d for in their complaint herein, to
wit: For a decree foreclosing that certain
moriR-ape executed by Alden L. John-,
son and Eldura P. Johnson, his wife,
mortgsgors, to and in favor of G. II.
Ward, mortgagee, which mortgage
was dsted the 4th day of March,
1910, and was recorded in the office of
the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Oregon, n the 5th dsy of March, 1910,
at page C17 of (look "V" of Ihe Re
coids of Mortgages for said county,
and conveyed real properly situated in
Tillamook County, Oregon, described
as follows, to-wit:
The cut half of the southwest quir
ter and the southwest quarter of south
east quarter of section 19, and the
northwest quarter of northeast quarter
of section 30, in township 4 south of
rsnRC 9 west of the Willamette Merid
ian. That the Isnds described in said
mortgage be sold and the proceeds of
such sale lie applied as follows;
First. To the psyment of the costs
and disbursements of this suit and the
sinenses of said sale and the sum of
I22G.00 attorney's fees to be allowed
the plaintiffs and the defendant. Frank
Ekroth ;
.Second, To the payment to said de-
fe.ula.il. Frank Ekmth, of tno "im of
tf.0.1 oil mm, I inleiest t hereon at the rata
of 10 ja-r ce.)t Per annum from the Ullt
day of Aug., ll'll ; , ,
I'htrd. To Ihe payment to the in-
titr, F. R- Hauls, or tlto urn ot fMi
and Interest thereon at tn rate of
iiir cent per annum from the Xflh dav
of tune, WW. and the further aunt of
$lJ.fS ami interest tlisrhn al t ie
rate of tl K'r coat nr annuii. from the
Hth dav of July. lino, less the turn t
be paid to said defendant, V rank Hk
roth, as aroresnld;
Fourth. To the piiyuienl to the plain
tlir. Cliitonco Tildeii, of the sum "f
$1SO0.iM ami Interest thereon al the
rate of tl cr cent per annum from the
ythdajr 0 July. W10;
That the deemlnnts. Aba Hovel and
Mnrlmi Harris, and all imron claim-
till,.!. v- -- ..k...,.
ing by. through, or unler them, or
either of them. ubsiueat to the exe
cution of said mortgage upon said
premises, either a etn'umi'raia'ers,
mortgagees, piirehasers, er ot'ierwlsij.
111 II V
i Imrr.Hl ant lorei'ioswi 01 n
..,..1,1.1 i-l .inn or interests lit or to
said mortgaged proninisos. saving only
their statutory right of ro.leitipi.nn ,
That the ileteniiiUH. r rutin r,im.
or me iiaiiiiiiis, inn; nnn,in- r"
chasen at said sale; that uhiii such
sale being maile Ihe shortlf put the
purchaer lheru,if into the nsetiloii
of the premises, and that plalnliir
have such other and further relief to
the court may seem meet, right nu
this suinmoai m serveti upiui j""
. . .. .... .. it...
uutiltcaiinu tnereoi uy - nier m hi
lion Homer Mason, County Judge of
Tillamook County, Oregon, in the ab
sence of the Hon. Webster Holmes,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon, for the County of I'llla-
mook. which order dated Ihe itn day
of February, I'JU. and Is la be publish
ed once each week for six consecutive
weeks, or seven consecutive issues, the
date of the tlrsl publication lltoreol
luiliiL- the itlh dav of t-obruarv. ll'll.
ami the date of the ll publication
thereof luting the 2t)tli day of
Wl I.
Dated February Ith. It' 1 1.
T. II. Coyne.
Attorney for Plahilllfs.
the Circuit Court ul the Stnte
ol Oregon, lor the County
of rillainook
Otto W. Nelson,
J. I). Swank. Evva Swstik, Suxlo
fc Young. J. D. Morris. Ralph
Cilesple. Alice E. Cetrhel, C. II.
Lewi. S. B. Clay, terge A.
Ilourk, Fuvetla Marble, John II.
Gixlfrwy. O. H. SiMincer, Lewis
Rogers. Agnes Ittmati Itetmer,
C. L. St. Helen, C. D. Roberts,
C. l. Zumwalt, Katie .umwnlt.
JbhnL. Cusack, John Dm', Jano
Doe, John Roe, Jane Roe,
ToJ. D. Swank, Evva Swank. Susie
l Young. J. D. Mrris, Ralph (hies
lite, Alice E. fietrhel. C. II. Lowls,
S. E. Clay, (ieorge A. Ilouck. Fayelta
Marble, John B. (it-lfrey. O. H. Mlwsn
cer, Iaiwis Rogers, Agness Inmaii Rea
mer. C. L. St. Helen. C. D Roberts.
C. L, Zumwalt, Katie Zumwall, John
L. Cusack, Jolin Doe, Jane Doc
Roe and Jane Roe. Defemlants
You. J. D. Swank, Evva Swank,
Susie I.. Young, J. 1). Morris. Ralph
Cllesple. Alice E. Cetchel. ('.. II.
Lewis, S. E. Clay, George A. Ilouck,
Fayetla Marble, John B, Godfrey, O.
H. Spencer, I cw Rogers, Agness In
maii Reamer. C. L. St. Helen, C. D.
Roberts, C L. '.umwalt. Katie um
wnlt, John L. Cusack, John Doe, Jane
Doe, John Rihi ami Jane Roe, defend
pear ami answer the complaint II led
herein against you on or before the I
'..mil day of March, Wll, that being six 1
weeks from the fir-it publication of'
thih summons and if you full lo appear
or answer, plainlitf will apply to the '
court for the relief demanded In the
complaint on Ills herein to which ref
erence is hereby tniule and which is I
made a part hereof, to-wit: for a decree
of this court directing and commanding
said defendants to exercise their right
of redemption herein by redeeming
said property from the plainlitf U(on j
paying him the sum of Twelve Hun-1
tired Dollars ($1200) together with in-
tercst at the rate of seven per cent
from the 27th day of April, WW. with
in the period of ten days from the en
try of the decree herein and for a fur
ther decree that in the event they or
any of them fail so to redeem said pro
perly ny paying me piainrui the sums
tn said decree mentioned, that thev
and each of them be forever barred
and foreclosed of any and all right,
title, interest or claim uf any and
every kind, nature or description they
or any of them might have herein and
for such other or further relluf as mav
to the court seem equitable tog-cltier
with the sum of Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars (I2.ri0) attorney's fee and lor
cost and disbursements of this suit.
This summons will be served 11 mm
you by publication thereof for not less
than six successive weeks in the Tilla
mook Herald, a newsuanur of iennral
circulation published in the City of
Tillamook, County of Tillamook. State
of Oregon, the place where said suit
is now penning, all by order of the
SVrc;nt?tVdhu SK'
In' 'd9lSrjT&t"SS:
tain piece or parcel of land situate,
tlcularly described as foil lows:
Ixit Number One. of tho North West
Quarter (i) of Section Nineteen (19) in
Township Three (3) south, of Hang
J si k fir a ear at m. . .
in uui ttosi vt. m, in T amook
County, Oregon. The same eentains
Ulocka bi. M, 16, 10. 17 and ID of Ron
nie Sand Lake by tho Sea, also known
us Sand Lake bv the Sea, aa now Platt
ed; except tho following property
which has been released from the lien
of said mortgage, to-wit: Lots 10 to '1
inclusive In Woe t 16: Lots 5 and 6 In
Block H; Lot 7 in Block 14; Ut 27 In
111 I . . m , ... . . ' "
lilock 16: Ut7 lnUlock l6; UU 1, 2
and 4 in lllock 16 ai:d Lota 11 and 12 In
uiocn w.
Th dale uf the lirst publication of
this summons la the Cth day of Febr-
'JM;, f ,,, ,i p(1Mleuto.i 1.
I ho ' V ... 1. mi 1
tl.e Win nay ' , Frnvlsr.
ikll 3 3-PsmH'
wi ,.,, ,,r.
l'..rlliid. On cii'i
John Ulrtial lliaaleto.l
Attorney" f'-r Plamti't
In the Circuit Court f the 5nlc
of Oregon lorlillnittoiik County.
Montgomery Turner. PUInlllf, ;
A II. Ruger ail Eva Rug -r, hl wife,
F R. Heals and Bird U lh'l. M
wife C. II Wsnl. OthonCarlmrells
and ("lata Caflmrells. his wife.
Ceorwe J. Cennnnkoisiulu.
ward J Schafer, an I I lllrtimsiV
CmlidV. Defendant
To Olhon Cnchsrell. Clara Cnclirtteln,
his wife, ami Ivlward J. Schafer. Do
fondants : In Ihe uanin of the State if
Oregon: You are hereby commanded
and reqillMnl to b ami rtiw4f in the
above entitled court nl answer the
complaint tiled ngal.nl you th oh"'"
entltleii caile on or Itefore the ex
pirullixt of lx weeks fro-n tho date of
the tlrst publieattoa of tin umni,"
date of the Iirl puhlieuli.Mi hore.f
being January Will. I'JU atsl the dale
of the Inst lulbllentloli tlmreof l'ltn
February Slth. I'.'U, t" wll ..11 or be
fore February 21th. Wll
You will pleate las notice thai If
yoll fall o to apwar alsl nmwer the
complaint fltcd herein, llio platntitl
will apply to the cam for the rollef
prnml for and demanded in his com
plaint, to-wll for doerro ami JUllg
liienl ll hi favor ami ngalrwt ll f
said dofomlants and each of lllfitl.
follows :
lt For a Judgment agltit the ie.
femlaiil A. II Ru-er for llf'.'.
with Interest UicrcHMi at Iho
1 raie of six t'r cent per annum
luce Septemiwr Ulh, Wl'i !!(
1 on i'.ve eel lain proininnry iwi".
made, executed and delivered by A. II
Kuger lu plalnlilt on Sept. I Itn, Wl'.'.
for tlltlerenl mini ggr?Hif lf.'"".
, and for the further sum if JlfsM tt-r
j nev's fees, aisl for llio el sml d-
I liiirsemcnts "f thin ail
I 2ml : That that certain mortgage
I made, exeeutd ami ddtver,- ,) ,e
; femisnt A. II. Runf nod Kva Rugpr.
! his wife to platnltlf ,111 Seiilr niwr Ulh.
ll'lit. In eeute Ihe payment f nv ci
tain promissory miles fur different
una aggregating $lfi,'."). dsld See
tetnber Ulh, ll'li ami floating Intereil
al the rate of six tier cent twr annum.
1 x adjudge.1 to Iwt a lien prt-.r in l,mr
' ami superior In rlgnl to llir . lal'n
(eresl and hen of said drfemls iti lt.,
1 ('aeharelis, Clara ( ncliarelu. ami El
. ward J. Sclmfer. A. II Roger. Kva
Ivilger his wife. K R. Real, ami Bird
j l- Heals, his wife, G. II Ward. George
J. Gc.itinakoKuil, ami 1llUm..
' County atui each ami all uf thrm in ami
j to the real iruef ty therein deseritH-d.
3rd' That the defemlants aU.ve
named and each ami all "f tliem 'w
foreclosed of and front all right Hti-
and Interest at law or in entity 111 ami
to said real proiwirty hereinafter de
4th. For a decree foreclosing that
certain mortgage made, cxoeuled nd
drlivsrrd by A. H. Rllger ami Kva
! RuKcr. his wife, on Sept Ulh, l'JI2,
j In favor uf Mtintgomery Turner, altve
lialiiiil plaintiff, ill ill ttie following
described roal nroiiertv tn wli:
Commencing al Ihe half mll-s stake
Iwlween sections IT, ami 22 in T. 1 H.
R. '. W. of iho Wll ,Mer , am! running
thence S. M rods to the S. H. corner
of lb' N. W ituartel of seellon 2i,
thence In a northwesterly dlrrclton to
the S. E. corner of the N, W. quarter
of the N. W. quarter of section 22,
K3 2-11 rod, more or less; thence N.
to the section line between said sec.
beginning, containing W acres, mure
or less.
Also the homestead cl
lin of Peter
Brultl being the S. W, quarter of See.
tion 15. T. 1 S. R. lW. of the Will. Mer.
excepting therefrom IV) acres hereto.
fore tleciliil by Peter Brant and wife
to Mary K. Judd by deed recorded at
pagu 1 08 of Hook h of the records of
deeds of Tillamook County, Oregon; to
secure the payment of the said five
promissory notes hereinlKifore mention
ed, for $16,1100, and further decreeing
mat said pritvriy lie sola ss uion
execution si law, and the proccetls of
said sale be applied as follows;
(a) to the costs and exfieuses of
said sale ;
(b) to the costs ami disburse
ments of this suit;
(c) to the payment of the attor
ney fees awarded to this plaintiff:
(t!) to the nayment to plaintiff
of the several sums hereinbefore
mentioned and fur which judgment
is herein prayed.
(e) That the balance, If any, be
paid over to the clerk uf the
above entitled court to ha
disfioaed of aa thla court might
hereinafter direct.
Cth: That If the proceeds of said sale
bo insufficient lo make the abova pay
msuta that plaintiff have Judgment
docketed by the clerk of the above en
titled court for such deficiency against
the defendant. A. H. Ruger.
Ath : That the defendants and each
of them, and all persons claiming or to
claim by, through or under them and
uacn or them be adjudged to have
tfu? oT &m "n oTu, t
'"V r?t lJSthS SIaST tSL
7th :Thst plalntlif b allowed to fcs
com th Wtchuer at aald aale.
th: That plaintiff have such other
nd further relief as to thla court aaay
a. I 1 a. I a. "
, aeem nmi ana juai in equity.
Thla summons la served uoon vou b
order of Honorable Webstar Holme.
Circuit Judge of Tillamook County.
Oregoa, which order made and dated
on Jan, 10th. 1914 requires you to ap
pear and answer the cornnlalnt fllasl
against you herein, on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the data)
,..wv w.r..w.u, ,,s SHIS) SUIB
to-wit: on or lfnro I'shrusr. miw'
01 me urn uuitiication or thla sura
Thoe. H, Tongue. Jr.,
Attorney fur Plaintiff,
Don't Plaster!
Civ Htlr R,
Beautiful Willi
and Ceilings
,llr (Iih oM,
.ij,,.ma lill
aii,i tiiit
r,ut t nim 1
. ... ... ......
,'rl Wll hsr4.
TlteUMiiUi ! li m VW it, f,.
,r utln il "Mi' I r 1
f.oU. a. fui V, Ut'iif 1 I
biin(ai Un.ut.iit liiom.
VH liHsrd r e I ,.,
ciui. nJr In hU lu . ,t o
I.Ul h' ItMIMt t' i4 yJi
flu wmi mi tip - , I
(mHit unuiiii r vi
l - .i at ! UwnU,
rot New MMis f Ncmtalit,
CAN'T Cf1. UiKU. I'UIUtt,
,i.,,.i toa t' tMnl-stui l',T
(.. 1 , ,1,11 l lifli t.l t'Hr-r,
f,lur w , . l,M
J 'l Aw-tf(lM.II- (...
Centf-I Ooof I lumbef Cov,
IU1..1J M.fxa.k j.'
rciiuno, 011.311
. 1 r." . e
, U,.,l M k-.l. V
yM IritnestUtoIr b 'd ift'il
Imnit It Tllct, so. U 1
swollen fl .snt'if M
ltt1mntl tiletslHstsf
Uliirf .Ui Dtt t tub it I
Kills Pain
gltes nulrk rxtlef fe.ta cb'st 1
lli,lt .Itritll.li. It..r tjitlM
Slo.n'if lUr't wUt otitriisifl
H.ti.f trtm HI..MiM
"Mr nwllxr t. um"I on U"
ot .mmii's iJnimsnt, ant sliKub...
tJll .kt l.lUt tfm l..f iVsM
ttam - e. It K li.Xt... Ul
t C.U s4 Cr I
"A Mil tor as it hs.1 (
Ul Si sus lilm Ibtrs tltut-p
tlfoim Kmug 1.1 1,! smitotU7Vl
ul His rr'wtMa tf eufilhi'
it j'; I u.i ,4.. ,
5toi' Ijnlmsul Is lh t1 '
clos In tlis w,VI, t,i .,I(
uf iwitslgls, Tn.s .sttvs nsts sllr
sn.l 1 rstt trutr sr IJhlcws
liXi'"i " -
Ai a nsis. rtiss it., aos. a
Stasia's Insssstsllss MiU4 s
llass Hsl If.
K M i lac, MSI0H.I
-vssmsis vssiiij kJ'.'M
snwni rossr fus
Ussm tU issS si smtt
Ssssf U Msiist sal li
Cmttn-h rsksUs
sasbfsssVs rssst sssnissssa,
MTAOsaMfsrW &
tm W Sasxast as aarvfnj
NerlhiasMltra Crews'
asMsflss aa ta
White Wyandotte
A Specialty
Thelicat tlmtcnn be lifld
the stute. Bl'kh for hatfl
inf;, $2 00 for 15. ()oki
orders for spring dclive1
A few Cockerels for si'f
$4.00 ench Let me mt'
you. Corrcspoiiflemx' solj
ted. S. Scovell. Nchakm
i3? 'h.orsm a fir