Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 27, 1914, Image 2

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    Cbe CsIfamooK Gerald
C. G. Cromblcy, editor
Tud Cwlcc a Week Cuodav and Frhl.iV
Entered as sivoiiii-ela. mnttiTlMav t". 1V10. at tha jMit otllco at Tillamook,
Oregon, umlor tho net of March 11, 187."
Jldvcrtisltui Rates
T eenl Advertisement
l'irst Insertion, per line J .10
Each subsequent insertion, line ,0ft
Homettmt Notices - &.M
Timber Claim - 10.
Notice, per line ... .05
Cards of thanks, per lino - .OS
Locals, 'ier tin, first t-wrrtton .7J
Bach subsequent itmortion. Hue .OS
l.'ua.tlnti.m lit" rmwlnlvnce ant)
l..klirt! notice). 1HT ino .f i
Uuini rnfisionl onrds.ino. 1.00
tMoUv -ViveM-wnenl, por inch .V
ALL li;-vitav Avis must bo in this of
fice on Monday ami Thursday Morn
ings to insure imblicntlon in follow
ing Tuesday ami Friday issues.
Reasons are "imperative.
To thr Voter of Tillamook County
' 1 hereby announce myself as .iudl
(ilntn or nomlnntiKii at llio I'dhhUim
I heM May IP, llU, as a Ueji.iblica-i. for
the olllce of County Jude. If nomi
nated and elected. It will be my ondea
vor to serve the people, of tho whole
County to tho best of my ability. I i
in favor of mhI roads, ami ImIIov that
they shotihl be constructed vs tth repaid
to tho future need. It will lw my
Hliey If eteeted. to us strict womimy j
In tho otouditute of the puhll funds i
of the County.
A. M. Ilarv.
To The Votm of Tillamook County
An Open Letter
Having Iwn urKod hv st many of my
ft lends, I hereby announce imni-lf as a
candidate on tho Uupubhctin ticket for
County Sheriff at the coming primaries.
! If nominated and elected I will at
tend to my (hilitwHS requited iy law t.i
veterans claims, due for ue ami loss
of hore in Uao Indian wars of Oreic"".
a debt contracted by the Orecnn Ter-1 tho btjst of my ability without fiar
ritnrvnnd stntwlin unpaid for over favor to nono.
fifty years. This bill tossed the IIiHWa!
but was killed in the Senate, but a i
; similiar bill became a law in tho ses- j
'sionoflSlS. NEW I. 0. 0
tt ton i tut ii mw .mi' i ntAtinn urn) nit
mv uwn cusk, t un uitm n mic . - -- . .
tnct have never written. telegraphed th Wells r'arRO and Pacitie Express j the season took idae!lat le
or asked me to become a candidate for m a rwWii.m ' evenimr In the dedt.- tti'mTms'cw' Odd
C ncress. However, believing in the
Hundreds of people living in every !
i .. !H h... A w f r hi i.n ...jniial 11 1.1. f
LUU h til ... 114 -UK. cwivii.i fc-.v-
Knintctt M. Halex.
One of the tmut important cveiitsof ;
The Distance Between
.of exprea rates.
Both theae auits ; relww nan aim iwuuiuig. -itus evi iu
nnneinle that if a mm want anvthing ' a;aa In 'nw f th.. hii. i waa to have taken i lai e Inst J.-i-niHrv, ,
the best wav to get it i? to go out af- p,,, reduction of twenty per but wa poatfHmtni on account of the j
ter it, and not wait for it to come to ' eent WM miKe in thc Oregon rate. ; f tormy .weather.
hi:n, and holding to the doctrine that! During my term as Regiater of the! A large delegation of Ull l-Vltown
U'icr our form of government it is no tnd oftleel worked for the revision and Rebekann from all part .f the!
d s rrace to reek an office at th hand ,K ,ut.u iatMi KW. i the interest! county were present and it ts estimated i
of tl e oeoplc. I therefore d. sire to say ar the hona Me hotwsteadera who that there were all tokl muro than ftuU'j
th it after due conjii kratioa a j with-' W(r(, gjjjj t tle the wild land of people in attendance
tat any mental reservation or un iitf ! ft.mi nr-narmt anA kd introduced ! Judge Galloway, deputy grand mas
ii'j iwe. hare decuied to tveome a .i. . a i ii.. nk. rinitl ir nf ik (innd txlin of Oreennv ron Q
i n tilt: ?trnv oikj wwas i - -
;i c. ididate for Conr'css on tbe Rcpah-) gute , bill providing for an annual ducted the dedicatory services, fie was I
h-a ticket at tVe coning primary jjs months leave of absence, for the asaisted by tirand Marshall T. R.
t lee ion. purpose of giving the homesteader an Monk and (.rand Heralds J. C. Helden.
IU ing a strang - 1 1 many of ycu, at opportunity to earn money with which 1 H. Crenshaw, John Atfrhim and R. I,
the mk of being ii . i sn egotist, I t. live on while improving his home- Shreve. J
ning to toll y j s tmethiig about ! stead, and to allow tho-e who had Judge Galloway made the addrem of '
... ii I . . . . . t . . 11. ..4 - ffILi..l K. ,nn.
i-iva ir in order that . .iu mav ie aik eniwren oi scnooi aire an opnorianny "i v.t.ni.K .
t i f rm an opm'ou us t whether I am to send them to school This resulted ny H. T. Botta who gave a very sp
as ell qualified fur the position a , in the five months leave of aosence law. propnate tai.
o candidates who are seeking the( If elected I shall stand squarely and
o"' fearlessly for legislation in the inter-
Fi st. in order not to try to deceive , oi all the people, for the imprjve-
u. Tiu-t sav that I have as many ' wl harbors, for the
Lulu ae the average man, and when , deepening of the Willamette River that
the impaigr, begins to warm up the ; y be navigable from Portland to
ci -er Jeliows will tell you ait snout "k -" j
thom . r-vn fiei .sn i hnvo more and better roa-ls, for the ame
loarrt-. t. t I first opened my eyes in a K of and enacting of our public land
m -Jest . a illing on a farm near Lawr-5 to conform t present conditions,
cn.e, 'las County. Kansas, more.'' tor tn surveying aart clsi-
.century ago. My father iyins qi wc isotw mwr jorai
1 was eight years old, and th1 tbe VMl of Xng and
Oregon with my mother jn ; agricultural Unls may be opened to
-ettled upon a homestead in " seUkment,
! . i Bay country. Two years j If the government shall finally win
mother died, and I worked : toe suit now pen ling against the Ore-
chers and farmers until I was ' gou and California Railroad Company,
It i estimated that ever 500 people
partook of the Iwinquet which was in
deed a sumptuous stTair.
The Old Fellows have every reeeon
to congratulate themselves upon the
completion end dedication of one of
the finest halls and buildings in the!
j. state, at a cost of $J,0)0
i e
PROiMiiF.rrr bay city girl weds.
Is less than 2 miles. Between these two
towns there is more Ira Hie than between
any other t wo towns in the county lo
cated but that distance apart.
Vet to drive a team from Wheeler
to Xehalein you would have to drive
over tO miles around through the valley.
A vm&on road between the towns of
Wheeler and Nehalem should he built
at once and thus eliminate the waste of
lime and money occasioned by forcing
traffic over a 10 mile haul instead ot
over a two mile haul.
We believe work should be started
on this project at once.
em oaf
Wheeler, Ore
than a
1 ''ar t
i 70
t :e Y
I .r r
c r'
i. t
fi :r
may be opon to tittiQ:nent under the
homestead laws.
S' rv
in 1'
M t(
it A
the '
t "- ,
the .'
propn '
of bu. .
locks at
ln of '
the -i
ruonev i
en, going to the public schools I shall do at! in my power to kaep
; toe winter months. ; these land from beiiu placed in the
m 1876 to 1833. I worked Jin the I reserves, and work to the end
. 1 tk.t ,1... .. . ) .,wiMlt-iiMl la. I
ig camps, on tne stcic range ami VI,C "
amboating. Fr m 1833 t 1k9h,
ountv clerk of Lincoln County.
I which time I studied law ami Having lived forty-three years in
dmitted to practice in 1897. since Oregon, being acquainted with the cjn-
n the active Uitions in every cour.ty or toe aistrtc wnite erepe ic mine, wun lace urwini
and with many jf the people, hirvirig veil, the groom wore the cenventlotuil
worked as lu nberjack, farmed the rich , blaefc. Miss Nettie Smith of Tilla
v alley lands, run an "armstrong" roo- mook acted as brill' maid Hini Mr.
ing machine on the fertile bottoms Manville ItobUon, brother of th-
at Roseburg
On Wednesday afternoon Miss Effle
Jordan of Bay City, was united in
marriage to Frederick C. Robisoe. un
til recently employ! aa life saver at
th Bar View station
The wedrffnst k place at the home
ft the bride pr'nt, Mr. and Mm.
lU-nry E. Joniai, Rev. Jepe of Tilla
mook officiating, the ring service being
used. Juirt prec-wiing the ceremony,
Mis Myrtle LanU sang an appropriate
election, "Ob! Promise e:eli
she plavcJ several wN-ctions op.n '
the piano during th? ceremony. '
The brt'ie waa beautifully gowned in 1
Dr. L. E. Hewitt Geo. P. Winslow
UbU'tncl .Si-Hiiit
Both I'hfines
Res. andOlhce : WhitvhtMiso Reside ise. '
Tn.r-.viMiK ork.
A I l 'ItNKY A I LAW ,
It.. tin
TlUatnook. OrrRon i
V I 1 t. Pkl t I 1 1 1.1)11 III II V
.1 I ill i i ii ilin ill ii i
W i Mkl I U II 1 u U 1 J I
A C-r..u. I , I.
time I have been
resented Polk and Lincoln Co-in-i
the Legislature three terms
, T.anH cfm at B.hr ho where the timothy, redtop clover and ' groonf. ws.r Ijest u.an.
A. Il ?KKK!N
U(hs iii ; 'mm n Hldg,
W ir te (iniiitinlred.
I'll. LA M1 "iK. - - OltgCON
Toil art as . ut
iliiftHj hiiw fti f
tllttMtgh Ihld tr!r.,i f,n
i on may ir
ail tl I.K.I rr.'.l n. ' .
rilltiinook Couniy think Hldo. ;
iirp, in
Uliirimvnt.l n
leut Taft December
g four years,
le a member of the Legislature
3, 1 introduced what was known
car shortage or demurrage bill.
defeated, and in 1937 I again
need it, bud being a meinher of
immitteeon Railroads, gut it in
rated in the Railroad Commisxion
which became a law. At this
session 1 introduced and secured
issage of a lav providing for the
tors,' Parent-Teachers' meetings,
at the same session intr'Kiuced
s Free Locks Bill, which be
fw, appropriating WXI.QOO,
t 'i;ion the Gvcr. nient ap-
. r i ' ...... v . . , ; ! J I J .1 . .
190!) ! a8 K'" sl ";ev nign. Having ; mn-i c neuuinn rKsriamij a iiint-
' walked nearly every mile irf the west , tnoos repast was enjpyed by the wed-
llne of seven of our counties that bord- ding party which composed of the
er and stretch along the Pacific Ocean t following friends mid rehttivi-a in uddi
for three hundred miles, from Clatsop
to Curry, pulled stroke oar in ii Ashing
boat n the mown lit waters of the
mibty Columbia when tie splash of
tie &ivtride and Chinook was music
t the ears of three thousand fisher
men ; double reefed and scudde 1 before
a Looming south wester when the
itorm king woj on and the whVt:an
lion to the immediate family of the ,la L'c,nIr d .l'ic Cominerci.il Bldg.J
O. L. DICK. & SON. 1'rM,
'Hie Same I'rlce lo livcryoiic
c. . it 1. r. i fi
M. Alley. Miss K-nm.- A -'ucrccumX nr. r. J. JJiiarp.
nil rvuii. uujfinwu lin UiHie.
Offlw Heurs: ? i""!2' u1'
I to I'JI) n ni.
Open. Hvri)lni' from 7 until So'cloct . '
lit the wy froTi San I Uland U
toria, workm! ai deck haril ihhI
taifi on steiiin ami nailing vesseUon our
riv." i. l bays, witn this personal
kiw.yi.-dj;e f Oregon I believe that J
bride: Mrs. I
tia C. Kobison,. 1WI Alley, Marivillt
Itobison, and Sir. A. McMullen nil or
Portland; Mrs. J. O. Itozurth. Mrs.
Luella Nelson, Mr . W. C. rmmblov.
Mrs., Geo. Williams. Mis Myrtl. Itnt
and Mils Nettie Smith.
In the evening th.. Hay City band
. .':tv. i ' J trt ot. TUt-
i -oe fre..' t t he p.-oM.- t,y '
. i T' r;i-!it. 'I'l" (jovn -imetlt
f.uli '1 to a .tjroi.riHtc atiy
.r ti'at purpose, at ti- lJ
,. j serenaded the happy couple niter whicn J
ciip-1 lie weu'img party went to the oi ral
house v..-(. h pillic recoption was
given in tl "ir honor.
The briilu aiaJ ?'ruom wre Uio rcCij,., : . . .1 ' ,.
ent& of many valoahle ami useful gift. , i c rCCrV rv ii as
The bride is fnjst uHtiiimble younlr; tL.L.U I , . U.. V. YI,
-., or purchasing tt,.- oM , ,.,, . u . , M.x. ,
. (f .1 am elected, come and see me.
Heing of rnodost means, vill not be
able-to onlertain you in tho latest
style, but you will be as welcome as
tlW fUftvurc in springtime, and if 1 only
have ii tent on the Capitol grounds,
fk l.itriVt urrlriir will tin fin thil filll'Iili. I
rr. jot .mjiner iwo -iuaru, -conuiiieiii. , :n .o. r .i. I ..., n . .... . ,. .
... aim mere win uo nu biuo neup ou mu ; uiuiuiuiina uuiiuuitH ;u uar VIOW Ilk UK)
upon the (Government mak.ng a l.ke near future. ' '
appropna.,0 , to purchase the locks. Sincerely your.s, ' Mr. mid'MniltobiHon left w after
.Since that tine the Government hh P-, F J()NKS !,ho x ,u ei L tn . t(J
propnateiJ t.s sum and haa tajjerv Jle . . .... ;1artfuti,L ' '' '
lockn ovc-, and navigation on tho ' i . .
Wilfa:V.fte.'" P.iver is now' free to all. f
session I again introdu".-'l a bid con
tinuing the said approtii iatiop of $300,-
;ifijttier two years, contingent
Dr. Jack Olson
OtlVo Uouss Inmi I) tt. in. to S p. in.
OcaJfellows Buildinjr.
Hr.th Phonos.
k. N". Ifl.NKl.T. Mirt
li'Htoil In IIiiiMiiik Purirwrrly Occupied
lly jrl PalxUf.
Fuitfirnl Director nd IJctuwnd Hn;ianR
Lu ly AiMitant Vfiin lloiiuenKil.
wonioe. miring itie jiasl four yrtir
aho has been'einploy'bil a' clerk at tlit
Nelwon store at Uay'City. 'Dus gooin
is ii young mah of jjw-d "imbits, fs 'iri
diMtriiius, and livid in ,li'lgh ustoem by
nil who know hitn. Vo' iindWHl:Cn.l
tnat Mr. itobison will ungngb in thio
w; tl
tooly 'low' priceH.
Kvorest, pni'elical shoe, re-' if..,., i . .
I ... , i u. i .... I, . .. " j ouyu oo oaioiing or vnriiinii
AttheiaufoMilonI introlucedai;o.s.rPa,rer''n J3,"au"t ' "ip n sec pif lo uDB romwn,Jor thllt wo
olution to provide for tho amending f wd Ave. Lust, opposite Jones-KiiudKon haV some Paint a'tid Varnish that wu
the C institution, to . allow Iwo.tnen the-, HJ"r mT- r.verosi, o.iranie ursi Mi, olVoring iif extret
right of Barrage. It passed tha , w.irr.iimiisuip arm protnpL service. , Kjng & Klnitl
ia, but received only seven votos " rz :
. . . . . . . I
ir. thfe rjemtte. However, hiiico tijatj
time the progressive voters of Oregon!
havo voted to allow onr.mothern, wives
daughter and sisters the riicht-of ocyuul
sutrrage, and another stako has Been
setj along the line of good government.
During the 100'J session I introduced
c l)ill which became u law, repealing
a former act of tho Legislature grajit
ii'g to the Vil(ameto Valley, ami.
C .'' '.ilroad Company all the tide
and ovi-rilowed lands oh 'the"' Allien,
SlleU and Yariuinji BiiyH. At the
bntri'j session I introdutyid a bill, appnif
priating $100,000 to pay the Indian War
Fotit Foot Fit Slabs
'$3.00 ''Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lots; ,
V $2.80 in Twenty Cord Lots.
(lie th I'lioncH)
. 1 H. G0YNE
f Altorney-iil-Lnw andj
' Land Office Business.
Opposite Courtliouic
f . . m
I'aintcT ,'iml Pnper I tanker
j CoiitractH Taken
lvsl.it nates l?uruisl(,
Alll Work Oiitiniiilcc!, '
Internal (tt
lll .1. tatll .Km. 'fr I frU
. . .... .... . .'.i,. . urn
mis cod llr.T tin.) .-or k t
inn roiniHiy rou tnwl til
lllte Matatls.eM t.n.t . -1. ' i. f
vlih iffoeth,
A promhifnt Ifoiinn J'tr
"My miiitwr. who Is 78 yn 4
" t Ilmilll
and do tnorti thaii !.. tf
I r.onnldi'r II u u t I
n nun 1 1
W hero nti. h fn' li i
H It.doeri nnt ij-.! . y I f
r"iinr your nirc. lb ' d
P. H, If yrti, 1, rn ? t '
axo Bnlra Wo rtiimn i It.
I , I. .1. I r .flit.
f i -Bake
i '
Oilier W2(H; Tillamook
TiJlainook . - r.t L (Jiv.
J - Claussen
DiiU'i'scniiit Advokat '
CommciVifil Hii ilcliiir
Attorney at Law' "' '
Office in Commercial Building
! 01
.--.....:u uwaavw
SMm-y Ii. HoiuJiiiHoii, I'joh, (4
Survcyiir. t J
J0I16 Lclnnil lll.inlifroiii''ifC.V'
rclnry Tiimih., Attuiiicynt. fl
l.uw, Nfilrnry ililf(
Tillamook TIUp ,'inclj
Abstract Co. ' t
(-,. 1 Jr.
I.nw, AbHtnii'tM, Wit KrffW V
tiiiiviiylnir, lnniiri)Mfc, r
li'oth IMioncu V vrW
Tir,l,AfHhlj n ., . OlflKlO.V, yxv
mmmmmmm mmmm
by licuptiiK ' i ii in Hhulu.y Id I11'
Vu ate u lluij; ll,"inus nnult! i
best Hlock m prices Unit
tiimpl ym s
will not only inipnivu tlm upP1,
nf your hurni'. Imt contillnitiv "
iiiifuty.iiB wi ll. Mmiy u riiiiiiwoy.1
I'lfuvqujud If Uc vld'JIiininria1
(linen iuhI In thn.
lll.l AMOOK" - . 10
VOn TflONH fll OtD
t mjt rut, ui.o
Liver Pills