GENERAL PANGHO VILLA III yB drying N kept as near llnl degrees as possible, although If the nlr circulation Is good tho berries will stand as much a IPO degrees. Tho toiiiporttluro at the Tim ni-.iiMii lrriL:iilim roiicrcs will .' ., . . .t tlnUli need not bo higher than IW do " " mong -ne iarg. i K'"" ,"' r" i- BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Thr Loganberry (Continued from r'irst Page-) is tho practice at tin present time moot in Portland tor Us Ihl.,: annuiil of Mf (i0t,i ,.oli lny working some. ! rreos, Put under somo ooiidltiom II the draft I good It nmv stfolv l" Increas otl to ISO degrees Tho maintenance of fnlrly high temperature ut tin' start mul n strong draft through tho tunnel are two Important factor in tho pro tluotlfin of gnl dried loganberries and will shorten tho t Into of drying vory A new portrait of Villa, lender of the Northern Mex'co. Grn-ral Pancho rebel army In Brief News of the Week Tho Canadian house of commons voted down a bill to abolish title. For the first time sine the civil war tho enlistment complement of the United State navy Is full. The Jim Crow law of Oklahoma ' , uphold by the United Stale district . court of appeals, at St. I-ouis. Warning;- against operations of swindlers by promotion of worthies stocks- in so-called radium mines in Colorado, are sent out by United States postal inspectors. Twelve hundred sheep died Instant ly on the trail from Rhyotite to Raw hide. Nevada, a result of drinking cy anide solution from a milipoml of n minins company. Witnesses for defense In the govern ment's buit to dissolve the United States Steel corporation, in New York, te tified that there was no price agree- meut. They said competition fixed prces. i The sixth National Corn exposition. sos.v;on. rrldity tutu Miuninj. OI,.. u,,t noon hut more often Tho First National Ha.ik of Morrill (tttf ; or . I o'clock In tho afternoon, In applied for membership In the jjome pick only every third dav ami ti. w banking system. B ; work all tiny. This Is often governed V S t'Ken of Oregon City has for (,,, needs mid capacity of tho dryer, nu.'y announced himself as an Inde when t lieonmo evident in our Investl- tio-uli .it candidate for governor of Or- L.Htiniis that there was a relation ho- egoti ' tween tho time of day the berries were 'materially. u .inn 1unl.1v. if llurns. will b mi. I thidr atiDoaranoo af-1 The Mulshed product " ' . . .. I il... ........ .-'.II.. 1 1....- ..... I an Imtopondont candidate for United ter ilryinc. experiments were carnou moei m'm ir mj. v , States senator from Orosnn at mo out to determine in what way ami to, ami -imn. wm j n... , . what extent the results were atrected. Kroui thiseoH'rlments it wat found that berries picked early in tho mom Im; not only dried heavier than those pieketl either at noun or late in tho afternoon tuit rotaininl their form much K'ttor. This dlirerence'is duo largely to the drip which is much more notice able on those pickiii when warm ami soft. It was frttin-l that the ollVct of the host becams notioeablo as early n II a. m., or even sooner if tho 11111 was vory warm. The limit of softness was ivn reached ami after that lime no further chanRe was noticed. There are two types of baskets or ho.u tueil at the present time, neither of which is ideal ;Fhe Michigan hal lock, a squarti Ik with a raised Uit torn, is the bettor. They cannot Bbe piled cUroly ami ilry out more readily. The tin-toped baskotn is undesirable U cnuse the loganberries cause the tin to rust badly and then since they are made with slupim; shies they may bo piled when ompt ne within the other very closely. This does not allow them to dry out readily ami results in more inouklv berruM the not lime thoy are rilled. A Ikht basket that could bo dipped into boiling water each time it is emptied would lessen the growth uf . moulds vory materially. Inrror uten sils such as pails and psn should never be uud piled up loo much there will be no clr- A tn-' titM onbrry Is liumll.l culstionof air and the berries will mki!1o,1v there is Uil one ru.. nu nl liecome soft and mushy. tempt beinj- tnsde to separate the dif The wiiRon in which the haulinc lsff,,nl .uod nl bad r mixed done shoukl he nmv Id I ultS surinvs nd soki for the sartlo price. While al suite! lu ttie loods it Is to carry. was oi . d..v . r hao c -i French ! 2."'.oiH' for Fr.'nct arm fry e;e. in Dallas, Texas, Tues-, .ill the suites of tho union - it the exposition. nlc have subscribed il. ue in supplying the with 210 aeroplanes, dr of teaching 75 pilots how ! opert. i.iiu The Brlliali pnrlftnipnt assembled th- first o' 'ho week for prora is.-s to '.e an unusually notable ses Si norsl elwtlon uet November Floyd Wl.ou. chairman of tho slat game and fish commission, states Hint the department will save about JSOOi) a year ss a result of moving Its of fices to Salem. T. T. t.eer. a-roornor of Oregon. Is considering seriously becoming a can didate for the republican nomination for go.ernor al the coming prlmarj eUvtum S.1 ur rh.-..-.'.-crlain's Joint resolu t:-.: : 1 ie.1. .jo th" provlstons rssarl : in - t. e m.i!.,.r.s of the umves of Coo federate so.U.trs and sailors was re ported favorably to the senate. Mrs. Joseph Nubbsutn gnve birth at the Silem hospital to a baby January 36. making the fourth bnby of the fain ily bcrn on that date lu as many gen erations. The federal rand Jury will, it is t said. Investigate the business tniusac-! tions of T. R. Sheldon, former presi dent of the First Nationut btiuk of Rcseburjt. The "dry" petition. brtu names of 2i3 voters, was presented to ihu city council at Klamath Falls, asking the quest'on of prohibition to Ue pl.ictJ on the ballot. Two hundred and fourteen native Alnakan school children at tho "1 Indian school bavo telogfaphed Sen ator C-fctttuberlatn their thauikS tor tine the Alaska railroad ball passed. The North IHolflc Fir & Lumber company, which ts installing a big mill at Banks, will put lu an ohctrlc power and lighting plaut for use by tho in habitants of the vtllatiu. Governor West is cousiileriug ac " oepting au invitation of the National i Civic Federotlon to spmik on "I'rison Reform" at a meeting to bo hold In New York city March 6. The O.-W. U. & N. Co. is showing movlnc pictures ut La Rrande, in a campaign of education to show how accidents may be avoided and urging people to keep the laws of the country. The departments of .civil onsltioor lag in both the Oregon Agricultural college and tho University of Oregon should bo rtv lowed to civil on the trays, The berries .liotlld he left on the table only loni enough to cool. This Is especially Im portsnt at night, for It Is then that certain moths dop-lt their eggs. Those hatch In a short time ami the larvae feeds on tho dried fruit As these moths Ily only al night and work only on tho fruit If It is near a light a little care will aid In preventing wormy fruit. From the table the fruit Is plac ed into sacks In which It may be stored although a belter way l to empty ths sacks in a cloan darkened room. If the berries are piled about two and one half feet drop ami allowed to go through the "sweat" the moisture con tent will lu ofpirtlliol ami if turned with a fork or shovel every dayt a very uniform product will be obtain cd. I'ackiu ami Shipping For shipment the hsrrlnt sro packud in 50-pouml bovos wtthmit though there is at least one company that turns live slosm into the dried fruit far a shurt time. Tills hn not ten thoroughly lril out, conse-iusntl little is kown of the ultimate olfect or the keeping qualities of the prmluct. Some drleil bflrrien are oW In cnri-ms bointf especially ndspte-l t- that class of trade which prefers a hlh class , . .1 1.. 1...111,... fiii-1 t-les With those facl hi IV Keeping mum """" - - " "u h lit..... .....t 1... I.iLmii I l.i.l lltllirnllHlllM IiimI In or IM minutes, iiipj hii " .-r---- "-"iisu from the helling walor. Illle.l, ami s.i,(. 1 msmifacturo of loganberry j,f, ... ...11. 1.. I.. I...,,... II... rnuilli I lilt IllvifllllUlltl llf II.- .... ml s OUICK V as lionioie in ni'tiiv ...t 1 . -- -r - - "tv kim dost results. , ; .... t'erta In v. It Is not 111 ire 11... riiore are a ., of ways ..1 wn n, , , ,,, M " " iiisi iiiiissi iiinv 1111 uiiuiHtvii il""' ' it 1 At . ' . ' . . 'iioiiioos ui iiarri'sti iif. imo.. . ' . . ', . . ,, 1 101 eva Hirwtors nun neiur mK,j, 11.011 v used mot i.kI to warm tln bor- , ' ..... . " ' a. r nroimriiiir tup iiriii iwrrv i ir " 1 , ...... .. - logellior w ill tho lllln iic'Ioh ti thoroughly maeorallng them, allow thy ... H llliro 111 .IIRIU vil i"-J n- 1 , ...... H, ,,r,.l1l.l.l.. ...1. "'""h "i"i- ' "it.-, it" 1I1JIU1. Notice lo Conlrncturt, Jul made of sugar sacks or Imlllar mater" 1st. The horrid ( should not he healed sIhivu degrees at this time for there Is danger of the llavor hetng sxili hy taking Up s blUer taslo from tho pulp. The addition of water Is not nccesiary since there Is siitlleloiit Juice to prevent scorching. Soino pressure will he reoulrinl at the last hut even 1 hen there Is cousldorahle JUIco 1 1,. 1 1' 1. 1. tl..- .lw.,11 IJl Ml lla lillll-tt III I illnllliuik I I. f. . 1 ... . ..... .... ... . .. ,i. . .1 . . .1..1.. 1... . 1 1111 wr itviiiif kin -. tiny I a per ecu. 01 1110 tovai weigui vnn i pc .... , . . ....., . .. ,' ' j-"" , tune oiKiHd ami read r.o h UJ ..... I.J. Mr..l.lllMlllral 111 M Ht ti. k Krilil nrrsaes IllaV bo llseil In (Used ol ' ' ... vl - ---- I - ... - f . 1 ....l.!.,!., T. I I ....... .1 ... ii,.. .. .1 lliwtl' I'njltl'H VI. Ittntll'Mit, 1 u!f, .1 4 ..... - a I. . I..k. . 1 a . ... . ..... " ropiireo lor ooiaiumg a - .opcw ; n( me mmitii or sunt iiii, hi(t .1.. . 1, 1.. .. .1. ... if .i i i.- I.. ii, i ,iii..i.. . ..I.... 1 1... I I. .i. 1 .in. nr.,.. I l limiin ll wip f 1. ......i .. .1 1,1 1- 1. .....1 ..ut. - ..i-.. - 1-1 u - ' - 1 uavs suer wnirn lite swsni i .1 . 1 1 ..11. ..1 1 . . . . ,-innir.i nun nimrrsc-l ill in4 fourt or Hllsmmib tiiuitr, Itir nil- iiiu titt iiiii'iirici rni a r..,.i If..., I -I i,.Ll... 11. v t 4 ltl,l4 I .4,'.. 4,4 "4MI4 I. If on River, ,11 Tltlniiimik ( 1 even. , iii .p-pu,,.! ,y ,, 't lull in ' Cmift nf 'I itlaiiKHik t .111 1 I.. ..... , .. 1.1 .,. .. . . for -v.,,. If fl.- l,.,rri .r I "'" first glance it woukl appear Imprneli berries which melted and run together Springs that are too still" are 11s bad as f1 l" sttemp; to form urales. If thosp no springs at all. If stitf sprint? aru ordinarily required some addttionnl weights will be needed when a light uf sugar sack ami only a few putimls prensed at one time. When u press Is Used the berries lined not he Iwatad, but after using itururato.1 can tx pUc- nl lit llio pro ami tho Juire attracted Tliern will tia a llltlo loss Juice ohtsln. h withmil heating, mil the lUvir will t better. The Iwrrles should bd pUoetl lu the pre In layer .villi a plnee uf Heavy C4livas hetweeit Uwin to aid lu draining out the Jic. Wnnri ..i; quantlUe uf Juice ar to be pre nut a eider prea will l founl helpful This type of nrotM cuo tie usssl If it l lined with sugur sxestn.' or a dusible 1 tilickneh. of chostsw -Ijih. If a h..U i crate is to he pres.el at ina hum. the j herrioei shuuk) 1 niaerstud ami plstml J 111 tna press lit U)on ai,.it litre ut- , ches deep, a thin layer boar I hwin used tietsstten trie lj)ri. With those hand prvsssts the amoaiit uf juice, will, run as high as 76 .r cm I of the tuts I : weight ami m ilsHlhl with umt of l.,e hrstruulic prone en higher percent' f agea might he obtained, j llortie thai have hewn picked and niter 1110 a contract niw me mirni siiRaciory to Me 1 jun . (tllrrsl liy law t he bid are to cover the rlti.- the right of way ami ofiii!( 44M.ll. n ,.. I,. 1. . . ...... . . , ... " . . .r 4 . . . . ,ti ,, 4-44'. 4)4 I If ' flans nisi nH-eiriraons etsl 1110 unire 01 me ouniy I irt ,j itm.ik i.iiuiilv. llrnati... i, rii city. Tim (tiiunty t'uurt rrservr li, to rniect any and all liH 14... ,1 111., 1.. ... I J I 11... Nutkc to CoiUriuinrt. (toslni tmli oi!.l..: 1 1 ttourt of TiiixiiiKik it. fof the pfiMtc ii!i ( Vr Hugh) t!reck road, ('..Uhly, Olegii... wi tr the C.-uMli! lot.rt uf T ! tjr. Hfegufi. at l r.ttl.e 1 ily. Uivgun, no or lr liy nf February Ivilt, t , M. und at thai liinr c riach bd Hall lw B- .fi rvrllAiil cheek made pa, a'' nimk t'liuniy. for ai - at l,st 5 Jx-r eeit .f il.. 4 Old, which shall iw f i t allu4t 10 staml for a white in a fairir i-uuld be s..rte.l out It woo hi improve eoo ,,ae wl give a higher -rcnige Cnty lnra.4f an awnr 1 the Bppsarance of tho product vsry mnuf u,a- ( )foasl osit as mmi a 'all fail, eglr l p.cke.1 This is the same a. a.hnviug d mX ter", 1 thft herrlvs to heconie Umioughly n,-c .mi nle a tuieiv Ui.-ui 1 '! i Ir- I i t 1 K Owl load is to be hauled. With proper csrc, 1 tertally. Since In iikmI cnvM such her loganberries may bo hauled six or eight' r, ,l'"l together in soled mssnx it miles nntl suiror little or no injury. w"ulJ P-sihle to sopnrnte ihurn jmnee fully-rl(M. berries plekoil from Uw lw fuurt t.i.-l ;.. Some covtjrii g should bu usml over iho UY passing inem over a screen coarse cane ami nrtusml util at ususn aJv itu, ' n woi aie in losds. especially if tho hauling is uooo sllow the single borrttra t.s du.a rMulLa. I- juice over dusty rttnda. If the berries unco '' mrougn. 1 n morn imoortaiii part s,w u, ivor 1 mil so rjuo.1 from Iwiorne dusty thoy etinnot be clesnvtl ' -he grading is that vhieh has tit dn green berries as from In better riw.i euorl. u-1 th mlit II! I i. n.1 r,.p I hit i. W..II i.a ...i t 1 . . . . . . . 11. ,.4.. .4M.I . .. 1 tl.. . ...... ... i , - - - ......... - - - - - . , j uiiiu w 11 1 111 iiiui uiuaiitflHi 1 . t ...... - ------ - - - --.- - hi " .. - - . in. ih iv... .k.. iIia .....IL., fa.- ...... 1. ........ . 1 r iMiien tit tho t .iniilv I irr. .1 1 " I 4t4 IIMII MV.W 4 WTHI'I IIW IH1 Wl 1 . f. .. 4. , eiin.ta 11.1a a i..i i.f..!.... i.,.im i 4..u '.- -- .I I - - 444. 4r. I.fl .1.1. ' 4,, T , r 4. . ... ... . i w ' "Si u -av, or ,44. ntm.),,), , 44. 4 4.44.1 jivl ;uildllg tide i it. 41 - to ami mako nn umluslrnhlu dried product. Evaporation Ing would suem to Im "when Ibey are . time ami there seems to tn no need for grading, wo must rumumUtr were orueren eiiuuuiueii uy tne uoaru 'talmr ni-t.wl wi.ll.. i... . I... ,-...,1 t... of higher curricula. i tlrl commonly used for ' " "f " 1,1 0 U u 0'"li ("f . ... .... " . ti ennrUnn f imni u. .i Iril Ingiitiberries is strong at this iae imersiuie L-oiiiuierce comrnis sion. The home rule, the Welsh' ..i.. .1 ... ... while thov eive oimkI nsulls In . ' aiwii Huuuuiiiivu iwiii iney win give . ' - ( . nt bill and other Croat i. , . o . . . instances, ns a rub" thov are far (rom .cl"l-li" ucm lUB UU OCHjiui l.HIIC.t rOBOIUllOU . -- , ,.-l.. ...,, -,,,,- 1 i. OP to investia-ate th sti trust fr.,ii.i meal lor cither prunes or loganberries. ; ' - ' rfchr.t, .lot.. ,,r i,4.nri,,. Somo are so loosely coristnirted that a nounced later. Because hu claims Oregon as his measures will come co:itrov-r.-iu for action The house of delegates of Virginia ; parsed the bill requiring tho governor to make formal request of J. P. Mor-, g-.i., of New York, to return to the reords of Fairfax county, the will of Mrs. Martha Washingtou, stolen from Fairfax county court house during the cl-. il war. The document now is at the Morgan private museum. i Thirty-one thousand farmers and peasants marched at Stockholm and encamped near the palace. K1n5 Gus-' Une addressed tho gathering when they demanded a larger navy and pledged themselves to make the noc esi-ary sacrifices to raise the monoy. ! The fanners and peasant are exer clsed over tho possibility of a clash with Russia. ; People in the News Monday was widely observed as the centennial anniversary of the birth oi Samuel J. Tllden, the emlnont states man and democratic candidate fot president In 1876. liecause the blank furnished hei names "It" and "him," Or. Anna How ard Shaw, president of the .National "Woman's Suffrage association, refuses to place a valuation on her personal property. In an address before the Connecticut Bar association ex-I'resldent Taft de fended the Judiciary, declaring that demagogues wero responsible for the attacks on the present system. .Mayor Kolph of San Francisco, and other city officials, publicly burned opium, morphine, and smokers' lay outs, valued at more than 125,000. Th' goods ht'd been accumulating since May, 1912. W. H. Scott, general manager of the Southern l'aclfic road, has been named as successor of K. K. Calvin, vice pri-s ident, In charge of maintenance, opera tion and construction. Superintendent Reed of the St Cloud, Minn., reformatory, Is said te have boon selected as successor tc Warden Wolfor of the Minnesota state penltnntlnry. Heed -wua formerly hoaii of the Washington state peultentlarv at Walla Walla. The Shackleford bill, under whlcl the government would distribute i'J5, 000,000 for good roads among thr stuto conditioned upon a dollar lor dollar appropriation by each state, was passed by the house by a vot" ot 8V to 42. real resUIenco Jnlo Oronich, serving time In federal prison at McNeil's :s land, denies Jurisdiction of any court outride his own district in mutter of proceedings to forfeit his citizenship papers. At the Eocond meeting of tho logan berry" growers of tho Willamette val ley, held at Salem, the 100 growers present voted to effect a permanent organization for the purpose of (level oping the loganberry market and ad vancing trie interests of the growers In every way possible. Representative Slnnott's bill to nu thorize the secretary of war to detail two army engineers to work with en gineers of Oregon and Washington and the reclamation service In evolv ing a plan for the development of the Celllo Falls power project, seems to be meeting with favor. Hereafter it will be unlawful to work any woman employe more than 54 hours a week, and employers will he required to pay experienced women workers not less than $8.25, and Inex perienced workers not less than $G a week. This Is the ruling of tho state Industrial welfare commission. A movement has been started In Polk county to prevail upon the coun ty court to employ a general super visor over road construction In this county. It Is estimated that the em ployment of a competent man to over see and direct all road construction and maintenance In Folk county "will save many thousands of dollars. Probably the highest prlco ever paid for an apple tree was tho $600 which was paid to an Oregon fanner for n 13-year-old seedling which grew In a fence corner on his farm. The worth of tho tree to tho purchaser lay In the fact that It yields ripe apples every month from May to November, the fruit being rich in quality and prodl glous lu quantity. The people of Oregon will be given opportunity to recover, by voto at the election next November, the ubc of tldelands In tho Portland harbor. An Initiative measure revoking the (Ido land franchise of 18C2 will be prepared within tho month by Frederick W Mulkey, chairman of the public dock commission. This franchise gave up land owners of waterfront right to utse tldoluuda for dock construc.ion. bring a loganberry plantation into .. ..... ..... In. i nm. A lp..n,tu I...... ..I.. .it 1 ..... 1. .. s large part oi me neat is losl before it, " - "'" """'juiiu lean bo utilized and in nil cases -we '"""v w'-" n""1 , time is required for the eviiiwrntlnn : l,,r,,ln their attention to tho ovaor- J processes thnn is necessary. Under ! nli"n l,t t,,oir -"' -' output is, j present methods this ranges from 21 to Kol"K ' increase vrv rnjildly. With I Irf hours. However, by shortening the lhU tll,,uk'ht in mind is this not thu ' tunnels and increasing tho draft it Is ''h'"-l -"- - hegin working for hot ' not only possible to dry loganberries in .iKT r,,ll'nK ''"'I packing? I in ... I p. I .. i I....:.. . I. .. ' W.. .I.....I.I I.... ....I it. i .. I. iu iiiuiirn uui. in uijiaiii it ic.i'r j 1ru miuuin 1 uuhtiiiuui ii i i i iirtjii. oy appearing dried beiry.than if dried -he uxperienre of tho prune growers, more slowly. They waited too long to improve thoir There should hu plenty ot room near ' "t processing and packing, thu upper end of the tunnels for storing 'ric,', ''roppeil and thu prunu Industry the crates of berries an they come in'81'" "hovva 1,10 direct of the slump from the field. .They should he piled so ' w,,lc" f"'-vud. This was duo not to that the air may circulate freely about "vur-produciion or to p wr distrlhu them and should not he allowed to ,,1,t l" -hu I""" ti illty of the stand more thnn 2-1 hour after pickini'. I fr,li- iLsolr- The very fact that this As a rule, the sooner they are trayed -MU'-Hty was so unreliable miidii dried tho better it willgbo foi them. The l",",-'4 undesirable product from travinir table must be cori.-enient to ltho buyers' standpoint. It is Im tho crates of berries and to the upper i l)r"lmlllu hut in fact quite possihlo for . .. . . . . ' '. .1 .1.1.... ... 1 .1. I! I ' end or ine tunnels when the drying lu 'i'i' mu urieu process begins. Plenty of ventilation is desirable for this part of the dryer but windows aml'doors shojM he pro tected so that thu direct rays of the Th, County Cuurt r '.r t'. to rojeet any ami all Imi- lstrsl this Ulst day of J; ut). II J. I . Ilol.lcn C.iunty i Ifk Notice In, tl ..l. il.l.l . .. .. 4- that have sl.w-,1 in ihu ImlkKks until I mouldy will yiuhl n Julee which ts not ', ursle.iir.iblc, but In fact rather pteaslng j to the taste if carefully sterllltod. The most co.nin'.n melhml of prnpar- I log tho Juice u u buvurage I to add mca.uro of sugar to oach three maasurns of Juice ami heal to ill'. de- i grccs, being careful tu remove It f mm i u!"t of Tlllanimjk t'oun y, Oitrw ...... . . .... ' 11.4, ......,.1 ................. . ...1 III.. I. ..t.l l,..r.... II !..- I. ..II... I I.. ..... -,4..-.. iiiiin.iu, 41.111 .....wiv 14 11,1.1 iMiiii-u, t-u, IHKI1C I ., , . ,;. .. ...... I 114.14 I 4 ,1.11. 4 III, HI! II. I IIIUII1 4. V.. Use till! iHlllleal lllav I i.i H.O.I.WI In. t...-. ' ... .... ..t. ......... I ...4 tin. i,,iL uil.t 11. ... I. .....II I. .-.I. . , . . ' lim. illli.rl.tff- t.f . lnl, I, ..I..... it... I Lu lllht-n ltl Tl t it f-llt? f I..4- .in-. H(.rtio nuiy nit nilCMI in. . . , , . ,( -. -, with l.ol narairii, or n I ...!.! "V H i . ' . .1 u.,u. , . 1 ninw iin'ncii ami reau. r.arn aw IM.ttllfKli. Itf,. til., lu.l i... ....i. ... i i, .. ..... I ...i t... . ...... . ' '4...,4. 4.141 .44.44. 1 Ml.i. I 4 4 41 1 1 1 1 1 l ... ,V B CC7.L I ICW are used In commercial establishments i ''mdo payable to llllamookt atj; lognnborry unless some step aru takoti to guard again. t such an occurence. Loganberry Juice Wllllil till mfinllfiiiMlr. at Ini'mili..-..., .. I... 1...... ! r... . '-J u,, ,, . ,,.. , .,,, '-ju!co has not been taken up to any ex fort should be nut forth to keen the'...... n.. . , .. berries as cool as possible until they arc placed in tho tunnels. Loganberries should he spread on the trays evenly and quickly with a quick twist of the wrist. They should not hu moved when once an thu tray and any attempt to pick out stems, (lower parts and broken leaves at this time will ro suit in fruit more or less crushed. If thu trays arc filled too full or thu ber ries spread unevenly some will dry quickly while others piled up moro be come mushy and dry slowly. Fourteen boxes, or about 10pounds, arc sufficient for an ordinary tray, Ono man should be able to tray from 150 to 200 trays per day. After the berries have been trayed they are placed In tho upper end of tho tunnel where tho temperature Is usual ly about 100 degrees and the tray grad ually pushed alontf until it reaches the lower end of the tunnol where the tem perature Is kept about 160 dogroes. ITie common fault with this system is that during' tho first few hours there Is very little loss of moisture and thu low temperature only causes the ber ries to flatten out and run toget her. To avoid this the tunnels will need to be shortened and tho tufripcraturo of the upper end of the tunnels Increased. The host rcsulln prf uM.ui e l when the tent commercially, thu Inturust In It Is such that a short discussion is not out of place in connection with tho other methods of handling and marketing this crop. It is not thu purposu of this paper, however, to discuss tho dilforunt formulas that have been suggested and tried, but rusher to point out some of the principles involved and thu widu adaptability of thu loganberry. Thu composition of thu juico Itself is such that it is readily adapted to various uses anil tho ease with which it may bo kept olfors many inducements for Its Introduction as a beverage. Recent ex periments havo proven that with pro. per care loganberry juico may bo mix ed with sugar In such quantities that no heating will bo necessary or that sugar and heat may bo usod In combln ations in a number of different ways. If carefully heated the sugar may be omitted. Ono of the most Important things in connection with thu manufacture of loganberry juico is cloanllnuss. All dishes used should bu carefully sturfllz ed beforo may he used so long as the air Is ex cluded. For use this Juice should be mixed with throe times its volutin, of water. As a ooloriiu and flavor for punches this procuration is uncqualcd. An Ico ma In with this Juice, using the Juico of ono orange and ono lunioti unJ a pint of water for each pint of Jiilc.t, Is u very p ihtudish to servo with thu meat course of u diutiur. liganborry Juice may bo bottled with out thu addition of sugar If carefully sterilized an I whun surved can bo sweutenod to tasto. When 10 puu:h of 411114,14. ..... II I..I. , iiui giiiiiiii in juico is usml no hunting will ho necessary. In that easu, nowuvur, the press anil all utensils urn pioyou should ho sturillzed and tin. JUIco placed in sturllu bottlu.1. If thl mlxtnro Is healed, euro must Im used to keep it atlrrcd whun adding tho sugar and artor tho tompuraturu lias ruached 180 degrees. If hunted to 200 degruus thu bottles need not hu sealed out win Keop if tightly corked. Using live poiinus or sugar to thu gallon of julcu thu same results wuro obtained as whun using ten. These syrups can bu useu ror sherbets and Ice cream sodas. As a crushed fruit thu loganberrv I not as pleasing as somo of tho other berries for the rather largo coro Is not easily softoncd and dutmcU moro or less irom thu appuaraucu as well as thu smoothness of the product. !.. t A nuiore introducing a new nrmluei .. i 41 ... II . . Ul "'0 r questions that might bu asjted is what prollt could ono run sonably expect? The answer to that quustlon In regard to the loganberry is best shown in a statement of vi...u Ten quarts of juice may bo obtained from a 24 pound crate of berries ami at that rate 4000 quarts per aero would bu a conservative ontlmat. At ono- being used. Onu's hands should bo washed often in clean water half thu prevailing prCl) , "J mm. is as not as can bo usud. Uaro'lhu irross Incum. iM1 ' must a.ways I, us., to prevent th.'bl aC , o" . Zl T'" fingers from coming in contact with half of this would llUr,Mulr,Tf 'i'" tho lusidoof im, bottle, or jars when oxpen.e Slls tl ' ties ,ho(t.rlll,Jo,)llMm,ill grMyr U! ,,t',ho0' 'o;' hu H.iiuiiui eiiai ill at leasl t r of the amount of such bid. w' icK I... ...,.....! a. .. . t 1 award la mnilo ami ihe bidder hiS neglect or rufuse for a perl l . ,i..,d ...... ...i..... ... .....a. ...III'II III.1 I.UM.,1 IT. i..... .. . I .1, II44J. III.. I l VUIIUUCI mill ,l bond satisfactory to tho Court quired by law. rii.. i.i.i. ..... ... .i. . 41. . .1..... . . a ...I...1. I. . . . ... . .. . twucil S A llililiie mid WiluiM Road. thu olllcu of iho Counly Clerk of ...... .1. i . . IH. tt City. 'Iho County Court reserves Ihe to reject any and all hid. County Cleft Notice to Contractors. Healed lllils addressed to the LfUUIL (II I 1 1 III till itL I'lMltilli II for the iiroposed coiistructlon of ..i. w .inriiiaiiii-vYiieuior Road In Tillurniuik rv.ii.iit- ( from Station 177 nlim nr. ti. ttiuiioa J. , ... .1 .,4, ,i.-i.uiveii oy inu v joiirt nf Tllli..r..4b ' i..,m . - ... . ,ii,,n,n 4,.llllll.r, 414' its O'llCU In Tllluiniuil Cite l)r..W in. mo msi nay ot rem 1 1' i t, m in n e (trie (, the A. M that time oiiemul ami Fsdl SIlllll II.. Ilrt4..4a4..u .. I...I 1... .41 .1. I. . ,.-....-.4 ..J UolllltV. for an unwinnt i.misl least 5 IM T 11)11 ( lit tint tam.mli. I nf bid. wli eh ahull In. ,..r..iiu,l tt County in easu awur.1 l nui.lii in- ll lit er shu full n,.l..t . r.,fiit period of five davs after whlcl awaro ih tiimi,. i,. 44..1... 1.,.,, .. in . All "MWI IIIM. 1. .-- an u n auroty Iwml aatlsfschx. tl4,4 I'...... . I k . . tliu .-nun mi reuuirej iv law. III. "...n , tiai'i-wi-wny ami irrau"; p aclng all culvurts from Htstio; iiuh im to atatlon 212 plus (), ' Jarllialdl.Whoehir Cr.mitu Road. . I'lUttu anil isikIll....AI.... ... i.nij nf .... """'"I wiukuii, in Ity, iho County Court reserves tin) to relurt miu utA ull 1,1,1 . . ' -..". "J , ,4 w , , , t.a, temperature of tUv ;bej,'innInK of tliu uaieti mil xtst day of January, J, U. Iio ut's County CIm