Cbe-"tiilamook fierald C. G. Issued Cu'lce o Week Cronibley, editor Cucsdav and FrldJV Entered n joeoml-elrt. matter M 17. l'J0. at the olllco :t Tillamook, Oregon, under the act of March 8, ISTi'. si'B-RirTuis si. so ykak in ai vsvh Jldvcrtislna Hates t ecal Advertisement First Insertion, por line - f .10 Each nutwooihpnt insertion, line .06 Homestead Notices S.'V Timber Claims - - - 10 00 Notices. per iine ... .05 Cards of thanks, per line - .OR Locals, nsr line, first insertion .7J Each sulvMNjuent insertion, lino Resolution of ' oiulolenco and (.odgo miticof, per lino Huslnew X lrofisional ranis, mo. DiapUy Advertisement. tr Inch jvi.I. nianlav AJ mut bo In thi fice on Monday and Thursday inps to insure publication in intt Tuesday and Friday Reons are imperative. .Of. .0 l.(W .! of. Mom- follow-issues. Tl'KSPAY FKKKIAKY 17, uu. Real Estate Transfers. "THE MISTRESS OF FERNI.EIC.il GRANGE" A Drama In Throe Acts. Will ho played in the Academy Hall, Feb. IS. at elKht o'clock p. m. Also the In dian Drill. ' Admission ttfte White Wyandottes A Specialty The In-st that i-nti ho hml in tin- stato Ivcc hntoh int. 'J 00 lor lf. Hooking ! orders lot sprint: delivery.! A lew Cockerels lor sale at ! $ 1.00 each Lot me supply you. Correspondence solici ted. S. Son veil. Nelmlem. part bee (Cortinued fmm First Pagel r 14 P.uir Healtv Co to Lillian M I.a'kC. lot 3 blk 55 Bayoeean l'ark.10. i Walter K Anderon. et al to Alfri Jt Vircinta Belle Reynolds, part of 2$ T 2 S K 9 W, except j acre sold to School Dist. No. 12.J2300, Patents. U S to William C Hutchins, lot l and part Sec 6 T 4 S K " W, 50.44 acres. I' S to Newton 0 Davison 2 T 2 S R 9 W. 160. I' S m Wmtnn O Davison. iart Seel 22 T N K 10 W 160 acres. Milker is as near pure as it can be pro- I' S to Philhp'.M Coiulit. part See lduead. The Sharpies Milker arr-ing- j ou so inai an siaoie air is i'ciu 1 from nil contact wun tne miiK. nncn i a ray of sunshine falls across your I room it make plainly visible the dust ou-. ! laden air, -voile the air in the rest of Chas , , , . , ( I the room appears to do pcriecuy ciear. j Ir eveiy stable the Hir is laden with bacteria ami from every one of these ...L.IL. . .1... .:lt. ot.nl.i m.Lini.td , n r 1 1 I- . . - V O C 1 CM'WCH llliii ""uit m.v.nv.-. 131 IV ft j KIIM1 HI Oft - 3 W. J400. Mtir. G E Aldom to W S Cone, lot i 1,11. in P,,ll..rc ,Un in Uav Citv S'.HVl ,. ' .. count of 325 at milking time Ullive a: .i iravis 10 i mainour, i , . . . . , , 1n . ,, , count of 10,000,000 30 hours later. Countv Bank, lots 10 and II blk 11 A, . . ti-n . u . t:h i-wvi ' NDW Mr. Dairyman does not your A Miller s Addn to Tillamook, 300 . ' J . , . . . sene of duty call on you to do your AUo personal property. J . , , .. ... . A U t-. .t i part towards cleaner, purer ami better Alta smun to r. r Surrey, a oi ioi . 1 and all of lot, 2 ami 4 blk 15 J C Bew-1 ,f. 'n"l"ja tf S " , , . Mechanical Milker. It not only pev s aaun to Day vii), ww. i , . . - t i. , . w'n n .: u. - n . duces purer mil but brink's content John Dav to G Dwmht, 2i a tract) ' .... in the James Quick DLCT1SR 9W, i $30. Sabra Olds & husband and Geo Old & wf to Shute Savings Bank. Hills-1 boro, S12U0. part Sec 10 11 T 2 S R 9 i There is only one way to obtain clean milk and that is to eliminate the source of the contamination. Filtering is un-j i satisfactory and dil!lult to accomplish, j yy. McWitt the purtwe. for either i thov do not destroy the irerm or the ruin the milk in doing so ami in either j i cne no one cares to use milk ttiat is i ;' full of dead thine. J j Prevent dirt ami bacteria from ct-' ' tine into the milk awl it will neither . be necessary to try to take it out nor to kill the i:erms ami leave them in. j Milk from a Sharpless Mechanical , Kes OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND Sl'K 'EON Otwtetrieal SHcialist Both Phones . and Ollico: Whitehouie Resilience. TILLAMOOK ORE. I) K A D l'HKKINS KKSttiKVT DK.NTfiT Olliee in Siutkicon Midi:. All Work C.imiantrr.1. ril.LAMOOK. OR1T.ON T 3 N R 9 W, 1G0 acres. Power of Attvs. Lawrence Oswaki , Griffin to W F Hallpwell. Chas Pearson to W F Hallowed. Application to purchase land. Pearson to Ore. & Cal. R R Co, land in Sec 31 T 3 S R 7 W. J400. Lawrence Oswald Griffin 'o Ore. & DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Has Located in the Commercial Bldg., Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp. All Totk. Guirjnlcd. Ikith Pbonrs. Ofilce Hours: " to 12 a. m. multiply uverv few minutes. They are wonderful reproducers. At I a recent test, milK mat nau a uacieria find I to -1:30 r. in. Orn Evfnltic Irom ' until 3 o'clock Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST OHke Hours Irom 9 a. m. to f p. m. Oddfellows Buildinjt Both Phones. es pro- J. E. REEDY, D. V. M, ; ment and a ijrcnter net R. profit. F. Zachman. VETERINARIAN (Both Phontal Tillamook Oregon i FARMS FOR SALE W. H A Brooks to E S Snellin, lots 7 8 blk 10 Park Addn to Tillamook City. S175. James W Hester & wf & H A Kinua man & wf to Shute Savings Bank, land in Sec IS T 3 S R 9 W, 1G0 a $2000. Tillamook Lodce No. 94 I 0 0 F to Tillamook Citv, Besr. at NW cor blk 4 Thayer's addn to Lincoln, thence E 101 1-2 ft th S 105 ft th W 30 ft th N 25 ft th W 7 1-2 ft tn N SO ft to bei:. 52500. Release of Mt?s. W S Gregory et al, to Peter Erichson et al, release "f mtu W pc 104, cov lots 3, 4 and land in Sec 17 r 2 S R 10 w Carl Fisher to Anna M Morton, re lease of Y 41 covering lot 3" blk 17 Seaview Park. Part. Release of Mtg. Otto W Nel son to Margaret E Vessey et al, lots H, 16 and 17 blk 15 Sand Lake by the Sea, $30. Miller Murdoch to Margaret E Ves sey et al, loU 33 to 10 inc blk 7 Sand Lake by the Sea, Assgt. of Mtc. E P Currey to Sol lie Smith, assigns mtg in bk Y pg 127-8 cov ten a tra?t sec IS T 2 S R 9.V $350, F R Beats to Tillamook Countv Bank assigns mtg X pg 254 cov lots 5, 6 blk 3 Hays addn to Tillamook City, also Cesttel mtg in bk C pg 570-1, l.hattel Mtgs. A O Jackson to Tilla mook County Ban, personal property, $1000. L ri Johnson to C E McAlpin, mtg cov livestock due on or bt-loie 0 mo. $100. L S Jon niton to C E McAlpin mtg cov livestock due on or bufore 12 rno. $100. Probate In the matter of the Estato of Wallace Yates, deed. Transcript of proceedings from Polk Co. Ore. cov 5a, off N end of lot 25 Sec 0 T 6 S R 10 W. 1 Estate of Jennie F Gallontine, deed. Agieement. Pottor-Chappin Realty Co. to Arthur Louden, lot 27 blk 32 Bayoeean Park, $600. Miami LbrCowithP R & N Co. Agreement extending time of former agreement bet, I,br and RR Co regard ing ii-nil at Ilobsonville, 103 acres, 4 acres slashed, land lies fine. Houst- lj miles to store, P. O. school and church. On good graveled road. Price $30 per acre, $500 cash, and balance on the best of terms. 50 acres. 15 in cultivation. 3J miles to tewn. Price $32 per acre. $500 cash, balance on best of terms. 21 acres, 5 or 6 in cultivation. Some oak grub pasture, line grass, fine soil. Level. Not a foot of waste land on it. 2J miles to town, J to school. Price $135 per acre, $200 cash, and your own terms on balance. j 41j acres. No. 1 buildings, 29 acres in cultivation, 4 miles to town, 1 to1 school. On No. 1 level graveled road. , Price $1000. $1000 cash, balance 5 years, at 6 per cent. R. F. D. ami lei-1 e phone. I hvu any kind of a place you want, on the best of terms. Write for free price list. I am a farmer myself ; no town land shark. It will cost you nothing to see my bargains. C. 0. Burges3, Sheridan, Oregon, Route 1. CARD0F THANKS. The ladies of the United Brethren Church desire to thank the friends and patrons who ho ge-ierously helped to make the dinner and sale on Valentine Day a comnlcte success. Mrs. h. R. Lar.sen. President. JOHN LELANI) HLNDEKSON AtlorncyaMdv Abstracter Tillamook County Bank Rldg. T. H. G0YNE Attorney-at-Law and) Land Office Business. Opposite Courthouse Geo. P. Winslow ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Tillamook Block Room 202 Tillamook. Oregon El- J . Claussen Lawyer I ) ivi'Tsc 1 1 i-:r A d vo k a t Commcrciitl Huildiui: The Distance Between WHEELER And Nehalem City Is less than 2 miles, lktwccn these two towns there is more traffic than between any other two towns in the county lo eateii but that distance apart. Yet to drive a team from Wheeler to Nehalem you would have to drive over 10 miles around through the valley. A vuioii road between the towns of Wheeler and Nehalem should be built at once and thus eliminate the waste of time and money occasioned 1)3' forcing traffic over a 10 mile haul instead of over a two mile haul. We believe work should be started on this project at once. Nehalem Harbor Co. Wheeler. Oregon (OWNERS OF WHEELER PROPERTY .A .t coc tt ' IT 111' t-( Lt IV M. Inn I if ' Sidnry K I lrii(lcrn, l'rcn, Surveyor John l.rlunil llrmlrrrfon. Sec- 'i rrtnry Trcnu., A tlui iioy-nt Lnw, Nntrnry I'ulilic Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. I.w, Abntr:irti, I -n I I'Xn'.c. Survryin, InMiirnnce. liotli I'liiir.i-H. TII.I.AJIOOK - OKCOON. GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Commercial Building Notice of Appointment of Administrator. ' rnte of kIi jkt cent per annum Nlnco ScptcmlK'r ltth, 1312, j on flvo certain priitnlry imtr, I made, otcrutril and dellvi'rtsl hy A. II. I It II L it In nlnltitltr tin Krrnr I 111. lot" I for ililfcronl nuinn ifi;reifitiiif llfi.lUR) mm lor win iiirtnnr mm of IIVH) uttor liev' fem, ninl for ttm rot mid di l'Ur:i!c(il nf tliiit unit. 2r.d. That tlml crrtnln moitt'WKC mailc, cxirutcd iind dnllv;r-d by dc fvndsnt A. II. ItuKcr nnd Evn Itumtr, hi wlfp to pluintllf em Si-ptt mhcr Utti, 10 nrrurr IW pnymrnl of flVf cor ( lain promtMury notr for diiroront mi kki K"'i'K iu,yiv. uniiNi nop-tomlx-r 1 Itli, 1012, it ixl iMtiiriiiK Intorent at lh rato of lx wr runt (Mir nniitini, lie MiljudKcd to Ik a Hen prior in time and ntiwrlor In rlk'lit to tho rlnlm. In tcrt'nl nnd lli-n of nnld defendant Otlion Ciii'liariilln. (Mum Cnrluirxlu un.l b'.l. I ward .1. .Sclmfcr. A. II. Riilmt. Evn menu that plaintiff havn judn dodrtci hy tho irlcra of the Uti ll'lrt court for urh dotlelpncy i tfto lliirutMlant, A. II. ItUlMT. 5tli That thf defendant ami of them, ami all iwruuvi .lalmin.- claim liy, through or lltnler llicm rnch of llmin r aijud)rl to hr rlu'ht. litis. Inlxrr.l i,r lUn uirtKKed rral property amiK'ht W lori'Clyurd herein, or anv imrl tfiftr ami tnat each and all of them t ti evvr lurrrd and forecloil ami en)i en from etiitiK out any rlht. in Intnrrat or claim In or to the Pm any part then-or, oxcoptlni: onl; atatutorv rltht of rnlntnpllon. 7th; Thai plalntltr Ixi allowtil U como tho nurchiner al ald tale. Hill! I hat iiiiiinllfT Iimvm ..,1. ... i.n.w n.lVI, nnd further relief m to thin court " " " " sin" in ccm mra l and jiiNt In equity wnru .i. ocniucr. a. ii. uui?or, r.vn : una aiimmona la aervnl ution yva j K'ui!r hla wife. K. H. HenU. nnd lllril , rl?r of Honorable. UVUter lluls . i.. ncaia, inn wire, li, II. Wnnl. (leorw - rruil JuiIko of TlllaiiKMik l i r;,.i.n,.i,t. ....... I. ,. .....i ilii v . n... ...... ...i.i.i. ..... . CLEANLINESS IN PRODUCTION. MILK Tillamook Baker's Bread FOR SALIv AT ALL GROCERS H. T. BOTTS Lawyer COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT. Office 2():;-204., Tillamook Block Tillamook - Ore. Pioneer Transfer Co. G. L. DICK & SON, Prop. Both Phones 'I he Same Price to Everyone TILL AHOOK UNDRK I AKlNd CO K. .V. IIHNKL1C. Myr. Located in HuildinK Formerly Occupied Hy Curl I'ntzliif. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalms Ladv AHHistant When KemieHted. E. N. CRUS0N. I'ainter and Paper HantT Contracts Taken listiinatcs I?iirnished. All Work Gunnintcerl, Tillniuook, Or. The world is beting for cleaner milk. The rnoro intelliKunt public ha taken up the cry of the doctors and bacteriologists and is demanding re Kardless of tho price, u better product. Our National State and City Hoards of Health demand a betterment of con ditions. Condensories have set forth rules by which the dairymen from whom they buy the milk must abide. Every dairyman and dairy supply house is falling in line and are insisting that a cleaner purer milk must bo produced. Milk is a hotbed for germs and bact eria and can never be freed from im purities once it. has been contaminated Foti Foot Fit Slabs $3.00 Per Cord Delivered $2,90 in TenlCord Lots; $2.80 in Twenty Cord Lots. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. NOTK'K la hereby Riven that the undcriiiKned him been appointed by tho i ouiity t;otirt or Jiilatnook (.Jointly, i Statu of Oregon, iiilmtnltttnifnr of the 1 c ntiitu of Jennie T, (lalleiittiii!, doccuie 1 id. Therefore nil pnrnoim having eluima m:iiliiKt Kiiid (Icci.miiiimI, are here ' by notified and required to present tho Hume duly verilli.'il to mu at my olTlce In Tillamook City, Oregon, within alx montha from the dato of thifi notice, I Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, Feliru i ary ICth, 101-t. , C W. Talmage, AdmlniHtrator of the Kiitulo of Jennie T. Oalleiitine, DacM j K. J. ClnusBen, Ally, for Admr. j SUMMONS. 1 In the Circuit Court of the 5tnte of OrcKon for Tillamook County. Montgomery Turner, I'laintilf, vh, A. II. ItUKur and Kva Kugir, his wife, F. U. Heals and Hlnl L II..., I hiu wife, (5. II. Ward, Othon CacharellM and Clara CarhareliH, his wife, Georgo J. Geanuakopoulux, VUl ward J. Sclmfer, and Tillainook f!iinitv l inr.itwit.titu I To Othou Cacharellit, Clarn CachiiruliH, uih who, aim iviwaril .J. Sclinror, Uo fendanU: In the name of tho Statu of Oregon: You aru hereby commanded and required to be and anpoar in tho above entitled court and iiiwwor tlte eomjilalnt filed against vim in thu abovo entitled chuho on or before thu ex piration of Hix weeks from tho dato of the first publication of this summons In the TILLAMOOK IIKUALI), tho dato of thu lirst publication thereof being January mth, IDM, and thu date of the last publication thereof bolng February '21th, VJU, to wit: on or be fore February 21th, 10M You will pleiiHu lake notluu that If you fall ho to appear and answer tho compunt , filed herein, the plnlntlir will apply to thu court for tho relief prayed for and demanded In his com plaint, to-wit: for a decreu anil-judg-rnenL in Ii1k fiivnp urwl fwrfil.iu, ..n Hit hi defendants nnd mich of them, iih loiiows:;, iBt: For n judgment against the Mo. fondant A. II. Kimer for $16,900, with Interest . thereon ut tho I ..ill.!. Oregon, which urir matlu nnd ! on Jan. 10th. llll I retiulren vou tu K)r and amwer tho eomnlMlrt ti agniiul you hrdn. on or bofc re J. ( .IliinflllldlfuillillM i.,w! 1 ill., ..,..L ..i... iMi.Hiini, County nrxl nirh nd nil of tlmm In nl to thu real prorHrrty thrrnln dmrrlhrd. oi . Tl...a .1... .1 .... I . . di i i nil l ifiu iiMicfiiiiniiiH n uiin i iitrniiiHL vim riifrtit i- i.r. 11 nitrned and each and all of them bo plrnllon of alx week from the iA rfiri.f.lllMi.il (if ..Mil f....t ..II il.l.. . nf lit. ll .i ....l.ll.. . i ... and mtereiit nt law or in equity In and ' mona In tho TILLAMOOK IIMtAMI to snld real property hereinafter do- ito.wlt: on or before February 2W nrlluwl I IOI.I J 4lh: For a deereu forecloalng that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by A. II, Ktiirer and Kva Kugur, hln wife, on Sept Mth, 1012, In favor of Montgomery Turner, alxive named plnlntlir, iiori tho following described real property to wit: ('ommeneing at tho half mlb ntnko between sections If, and 22 In T I H H. 'J W. of thoWII. Mor.. and riinnlm) thencu S. W) rods to thu S. K. corner I I I'llOH. 11 Tmiiriin. Jr Attorney for l'lainti-1 CITATION. In the County Court ot the SU" oi urcg.in for the County of ri'lnmook. J.n.t"" mattur of Hie estate of William tiirtlH, deceased, To III Lll " la V IlllliriJtff (ir at.ajlli. fI . I ll . . .I.iSi5",,.r"!!i,..lnii,.rMOir l"'1 l,";,.'Vu N.jliilBKTINO: b,m 16 an 122 H I i r t ne, F ,Z t,,U Tn ut ' orC M,"K,m nKTV' ,noru1l!'10 Ko... furtbu Comity f a..,. ,i , .. . 1 ""l!'?' t t m Court room therwf. Also the IiiiimohIiuiiI ,.t n. Tin...... ..i. 11 . I I .. .. ... " " I Ullir lllllllllHJH 1 rant being he S. W. quarter of Sec I Tillamook on nun in. i. i r. it, pyy. or thoWil, Mer, excepting therefrom 110 acres hereto fore deeded by Peter ilrant and wife to Mary K. Judd by deed recorded at (iiigu lOK of Hook R of the records of deeds ot Tillamook County. Oregon: tu secure tho payment of the said flye promissory notes hornlnboforu mention, fd, for $16,000, ami further ilucruulng that said property ho aold iih upon execution ut law, and tho proceeds of said salu be applied as follows: (a) to thu costs and oxponsoH of said salu; (h) to tho costH and dlsbursu inentH of this suit; (c) to the payment of thu alter noy feeH awarded to this plnlntiir: (d) to the nayinunt to iilaintlir or thu Hoveral hiiimh hereinboforo mentioned and for which Judgment Is heroin prayed. (;) That thu balance, Jr any, b0 paid over to thu clifrk 'or tho abovo untitled court to l0 disposed (f an this court mlgbt liureinafter direct. . - f'V'S 'i'.',"',1 lf 1,10 I'roeeeds of said hiiIo bd insulllciunt to make tho abovo pay. CIlV In tho CotliilV wl Din Ulli .I..,, t Murch.1 ..... .. . -""....I, ..(.jr ,. ..".-i. wi l, at 10 o'clock in tint forenoon that day, then and thuru to show ciiuJ ir tiny tliuro be, why an order slmu" not bu miiilu Htithorizlnir and llcuntni Lllll llllllll(llullt,.M ..f ....l.k .......... . .tflll v.- in oiiiii umiiiu, m - all tho following deitcribed runl propl nrl r In.uiti . I Thu South-west quarter of tho.SouuVl east quartur mid tho South-east qiinrtl "f thu South-wust iiuarlor of .Section I thirty, T. a. S. It. li. Wuut. vvii. Mr. (Less threu tructA dolil) contalnlrl Witness, tliu lion. Homer Mason Jutlrt i mu v-ouiuy unirt or thu Statu w Oregon, ror thu County of Tlllaniook with thu seal of said Court uMUvd, mis e. un nay or jumiury A, l, r.'" Attest: J. Lr. Iloldun, Clerk. Naurene Church Servicei, 2:oo p. :i;00 p M. Suilllliu Scliiml M, Proacliliig Service, 7 ::i0 P. M. Preachli g Horvlco. Piayqr meutlngH on 'i'uosdny I't iduy evunlngM, II. J. Pontius. U t A. T fit to It 1 If I.