Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 13, 1914, Image 4

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lit tin matter of tin application of
U P Omy and other foi n county
mini, it wn otdcred tthit V Ci
Jncktoti. Fori cat ,. Ayei ttn.l J. M.
lbikct cntiMttute board of county
roml viewer to meet At Minim on
111 li Feb.
In the mutter of the application
ot L S. Miller anil others for a
county road, it vut oulereil that I'.
(.; Jwek.-on. F. 1.. Sappuurton anil
K. 11. Oary constitute a boanl of
i outity roail viewers to
Nehitleui, 11th February.
I Klniet Scovell -
iWill Smiii 1
F A Kineiy
1 II.
Fred .mldi.ch..
1" lv Allen
S O Thompson. .
in Hecueu
II I. Snppiuctou
ileurv Hensou...
F Mrueby ....
A Knimlaiif
M l.eni
C Kitiicr
C Hiieklet.
meet at
1 l.tinclcy
I r
i :o
i to
.a ;o
;t to
3 (VI
- ft)
tl 10
S M Wlnteliouse. bonds for
assessor. clerk, stirvejor
and tux collector
Jones A. Uuudson, tnrcli
1. H Kantpt, uuutilinir Heals
lesideuce during small
A 11 Springer, burying horse
Kd lludlc. auto lure
A 11 (Jayliird, bond for O G
Tillamook Mutual Tel Co
Miks Warren, am wing jury
V K'tiodes, do
Thso Jacoby. do
K W Munley, drawing jur
list and iiistice ca.-f.. ..
C King, drawing juiy I st
G B Lamb
lillantook F.leetric I. ig.it Co
D K Ciooilspeeo. woo.
Tillamook City Water Woiks
0 Ct I'arker. inrch
Fred II Minieli, wot 5c
King A. Smith, inrch
Alex McN.ur . o, inrch
S M Kei ivn, examining insane
1 C llolden. current evpetiaes
Tiluiuiook Herald, printing..
Cloverdale Courier, printing
Nehulem V.il ey Reporter.
H.irthold llarg Co, supplies
tor surveyor's otlice
A F Coatsl.uinber Co, lumber
Jess Kenneth, auto hue
i'ucitic I'clephone Co . . .
J U rnonipson, trip? with
lil.iss - I'rudhoimne Co, prist
ine anil supplies
Glass A. 1'riiflliommeCo print
inu tor surveyor
CilnrsA. I'rudhoinmeCc print
ing anC supplies tur treas
urer Glass A. I'nidhomiueC .pri.t
inn. blanks, regieter-, etc,
for clera'ff and shentT sof-tkc-r-
C lassvV I'rudliomine pnntii-g
lor county attorney's ot
(ice ... ....
H..roUl Kpplett. piling wood
M j Gerscui, rent
County Poor
Geo W 1'helps. inrch 11.10
'1 lilxmcok Meat Co. inrch 3,15
W L uhidweli, mrch 2 17
K.i & Co, inich 11.40
Wona-- anu ..mines.
L I- oiti. ,.ie rjoier 15.03
G uii.-i, trip lo Aeh.tleiii lj-OJ
. -.i c, i:inii
C.U...1." i .-..-.im's, livtry ;BJ 25
Ci-nst i .. .V Musi e Co,
.i.:eris Niri.02
Kruiulatif ..
F ll.iliucr . ..
Sam Mather . .
Geo W Phelps
!j W Thompson
K'oail District No,
There lliiugen
Amas Vaughn . .
Marion Darby
I'ete tliuigen
Alwin Mlum
Kd Mlum
Vulin Mi-own
KUXl J!'1'" lJlum
7.30 ? ''T.'"'
Ikc Oiuck
Peri) llu-uon ....
Joining Procti'i . .. .
.rl.ini lii-i:i
K'.'lli.l Kllllll
It HJol.iisou
Mill Miuth
IC : Jlutsjn
1'iauk M.itser.
Km nk Dye
N J Dye
C D'ye
W J 1 limes
George Kobiion
John Pohl
V J liiriiuo
a 73
a. to
VtltXI t
a 87
27 W
3. .It
a 23
KI.23 !
i 07
17. M
28. 12
12 M
10. i;t
2 50
ill 25
17. 1.!
tt 70
10. CO
A U '"reebur 0 25
2. o
. Sj
118 23
In. CO
Uuij ti. . in....uiery, etc.
Jim '.. ,.soi.. i -linu
A r vo.t i.iiuiber Co,
l iserMros, piliutr
Nn-uri A: Co, inuioer
Ii -Hi IJenson
A. ex McNair Co, mrch.
M roi. Biai.cn. i:d, v.'crk
W'u. lidue, fe t .- uon'.n..
11 50
va 70
.21 12
;rj io
40 u)
Dan Nichols
V Donaldson
' W 11 Mntney
Komi District No.
Geo I If ili; c ur
Tom Kellow
Ward Supptturton
Lloyd Kellow
( i 'nle Kellow
K l. ItltstOU
1'iiU LfrlH-'ft
li M Heilmejer
John Heilineyer
I.ee Lyster
k' B McCiuy
, K'oy V. ociis
' J ml Wootl.-
. K K Cross
IMiCros- '.....
Grvavide Kellow
aril Snppitiuton
Iv J Kellow
T Kellow
I' S Hdwards :
' I'lvyse.- Kil-wanls
Leioy Kdwnrds
Victor Learned
K A Co-linui
J H Cochrnn
Ilenrj Gould
Chas Keudle
T U iiiiu
s M Murker
S K Games
Lewi.- Myers
I. s IliCAinuii .
li A Ijine
n NonUtroin
11 Toll!
Oscar Carver ,
J C Trent
T Ward
D S Trent .
T Trent
Geo Svines
I. S. II. Kolhermel. Nw 11 u(
Nw i, hccIIoii 8, tp II mirth,
raiuii 7 west, containing 0
ucics... ...
3.-'albtitca Jacob, Sw H,
less Tract sold, hccUoii U,
tp I south, raui;o I' went,
containiuc HM act cm
IV Walbiuua Jacob, Ni I of
Nw i), section 22, tp 1 south,
tunm 0 west, containimr 40
act c. Tract No 222, section
22, tp 1 south, mimel) west,
containinir 20 .xcres
7 -C. II. Mnirintil. 8w M.
section 11, tp 2 south, nut ire
I) west, coutaOiimr 140UMU)
act en
8 Marie Mouse, So I. section
10, tp 2 Miuth. rane 10 went,
coutiiiiiimr UO acres
0 (1. A Graham, li i of V J,
scclion 20, ti;i south rnnire
7 west, ct'iitaiulmr 1C0 actcs.
10,- M. C. Anion, S J of Sw I.
section 3, tp :i south, runue
0 west coutaiuiiur 80 acres
It. Laviua Ccates, lot 2. block
7, Garibaldi
12 D M Smith, lot 2, liloch
11. Bnj litv ...
13. John McNei ny, lot I, block
14, Mav Cltv
II M M. Miuorth. lot 1
avil 2, block 50. Ccntnil u.ltl.
Max Citv
13. L M. Moioith. lots i:i to
10. tiiclii Mny: blocV Cen.
tnO add. May C ity
71 10
IX 17
27. tX)
:i. 13
I i:i
I i:i
UV Thomas C oates. lots 7 ami
. block I', Thajer's add.
Tillamook Citv 12.117
17 - L. J Lamb, lots 1, 2, a, 1,
3. 0, block t. Millet's add.
rill.iniH.ik i-py IO
IS. F. I Sappinctoii lo( II
tux! I. bio k 12, Still well's
add rillatiioik City .... 0.21
II t'lt!N.UIA,
8h-rilf an 1 l't Collector of
Tillamook County t)iei;on.
Dated HiIm :trd day of I'eb., lOUl
NO MCI: OP 5lll:RII:l:,5 SMAl
a 73
' .1(1 ! in muiuiineu of u decree of fuiiH.-lotUro
11 23 lino onlor of snle. ami of n writ nf ex
a 12
1 57
a 75
a 12
D onbert At-'ons, imcli Us. -I.J
Geo lledinev' ' mrcli I 73
M A Knoblock lumber 5.12
U:ti Turner 10.2U
T 11 Goyne, deeds 0.00
(ju.-i'i ter.-on. on contract ... 1OJ.L0
A F oats Lumber Co, hull-
b r 1.-0.77
T W Ljst r. dirt 4.?0
Mrid.e Work.
Alva Govs 310.00
1' A lcGiiinid Im iJ
Kd Mrowi:, do l.Vi U)
Carl White, do 12.00
K U Pomroy, do l,Jio
H Hansen, do 114.00
II C Wilt, do 4.3U
Herbert Mutler, do 4 12
E M Petteys, do 4.12
C D Grout, do 0 .17
V S Coates . 120.00
CJeo J Poysky lai 20
h A Jacknon 4b 73
J libbinner 45.0)
W F Cain 10.W
L G Jackson 127..
J C Hewley, truant officer 1 14
W B Alderman, superviEor., 72.C0
J M Maker, rittpervisor Is.O'Ji
h L Sappinton, Hiipervisor... S2.0iJJ
J E Keedy, county veternian- '
ian 35.00'
j c HoidL-n laaail
Ka'.liieen Mills, clerk'a ollice 75.00
Vid.i A Millic.clerk'a otlice.., .7) (X)
H Crenshaw K.3:i
Clint Ki, rieriffn ollice .. 75.00
C A Johnson 100.00
H U.Millio, unsesHor'H ollice 73.00
Jk L Shreve, awHerisor'H oflice 75.00
li L Meals VSi.'Xi
John .Whim, treaBttrer'b of-
lice tt). 57
O G Swenaon, treaaurer'a of
fice 7S.00
W L Campbell.trfaMurer'ri cf.
lice 18.75
W S Muel 83.33
Liliie M Muel, nidintf inanu-
HcriplH 0.00
?lrs. If C Hanson, do 0.00
Mary L white, do...
Homer Mason 100.00
G K Jvdner .
H 2l Fanner.
T E Kpplett..
Hoad DiHtrict No 1.
.b A iVorthir.trton 30.00 Jelinmin.-vH
Will Marber 10.5,frorn the date
o w Aauuacn
John Wall
A Miller
Jim McKimens
Ernest Kebbe
Dick Myers ,
liert kittenhouHe
J M Furrer 23.41 1
Chan Easotn 10.00
A Mlackmore 10.00
Chas Easom, jr
L 11 Kenny
T H Pitts
Gordon PitU....:.,
Letster Pifts
Guy Vedder
J C Trent I IK
)-rel Attolter
W H AtTolter
F A Mauer
A Altenbenrer
M sandui'e
A E Tnir'-rart
Jim Sutton
John Alfolter
Sa:n Bauer
Will Gaire
W A Gaire
Wayne Frankly
Ii A Lane .
John Kedbertr
Win Kedberir
O C Kedber;,'
John Heilineyer
Kotit Fnrkner ,
Carl Curl
Lifter Forkner ,
Abe Mays
Stanlev Keddaway
Geo Heilineyer ,
G W Wallace
Fred Lyster
Kobt Lyster
Martin -ihoultson
Fred Dunham ,
J H Holyate
Chas Wooley, Jr ,
J W Heriter
ecution issued thereon out of the Cir
cuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for
Tillmnook County, tn the cn thuruiti
pemlini: whfrein Clay Dnniel it pluln
litT nimI J. I) Jones ami Mary V. Junes
nra ilefeinlii'its, wnich itet-r- iv en
tereil on the 7th day of Jununry. l'J14,
anil the nid execution ami order of
rIc whs issued iHit of Maul court under
lis seal on the 27th dtiy of Jununry,
1014, 1 hnve levied uHn the followttu;
liescribeii rrnl mtnte siumte in TUU
imK)k County, Oregon, to-wit: All of
the Northeant quarter of the SouMionl
mutrter of Section 30 in 'Inwiwhiti 3
south of IUn ! Went of th' Wilhim
eltu -Meridian, in Tillamook I'ounty,
3.12 Oreiron, save and o.xce t the following
27.1.0 j decribi tracts, to-wtt: Unit, that
30.00 part of il tract lyinij Knt of th
a 75 center of Itcuver t'reek ; Second, A
1.23 certain tract 9 ruda sKuinre herctofiro
3 75, sold to the United Brethren Church nt
12..m ! Beaver, Oregon; Third. Tn.il certidti
3 ',; j tract tnid out and plutled aa tint town
l.(A)Of Beaver, himI will, on Monday, the
75.tv2ml day of March. 1014, at thu i."url
13.7.1 ' himae door in i illaniiKik, 'itv. Oretron,
IO.Ou l the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. cill nl
public auction, to th- Inchest bidder,
for cash In IiiumI, thu mud property for
the purpose of satisfying a.nd execu
tion, order of tnle anil decree, together
with ihe contM tirid exponaea of thu
sale. Said dt ree i for the recovery
a. 12! by pluintill from the defonditnlM the
8.37 I sum of $.317.05. with ir.tereat at nevcii
per cent tier annum from January 7th,
1914, anu for the further sum of
S11S.00 costs ami attorney 'a fees.
Datitl this Jununry 30th, 1911.
Sheritr of Tillamook County,
2. IJ
4 tXi
5 10
O.ixi :
12 10 1
13 12 i
10 (Is I
10 37 i
10 31 !
4. 13
17 02
10 25
10 01
2 50
1 25
10. OJ
In the Circuit Court ot the State
ot Oregon, for the County
of Tillamook
F. It. Heals and Clarence Tilden.
$IWO.0O niul Intercut thereon at tho
rato of tl tH'r cent per luuiiint from tho
mh day o July. IIUO:
Thai tint iluomUnta. Alva Mcvel mid
Marian llnrrla, and all pornoin eUhii'
Inir by. throiiuh, ur tuuler Ihom, or
either of them, utiitieut to Hi
etilloii of aald inorlKKC MH,n
pretnl.ica, either na oncuinliraiicera,
iiiorlKNUeea, ptirchaaern. ur ut'ierwUe.
iiiay ho hnrrcil nml foiecloacd of rtll
rlhta, claim, or liilercata In or to
snitl mortKiKl preamlnea. aavltu; only
their statutory rlk'ht of redemption ;
That the defendant, Frank Klroth.
or the plalntltra, may become pur
chaser at aald aale; that upon atieh
aalc heinir uinilc the ahorllf put tho
purchaner thereof Into the Hiaaeaalim
of tli premlnes; and that iilalutlir
have auch othr and turthur rollef a to
the ciuirl tuny eem meet, rlicht ami
Thu aummonn la aervitl upon you by
thlicatlon thereof by order of thu
lion. Homer .Maiton. Cminty Judtje of
TilltiuiiKik County, Oreiron, In tho ab
sence of the lion. Woiittor Holme,
JuiIro of tho Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for tho County of Tilla
mook, which order la dated the 1th day
of February. It'll, and i to he pithllali
it! once each week for at eonaeeutlve
week, or aeven connecullvo luo, tho
date of the tirst publication thereof
belnc; the t!th day of Kehruary. 101 1,
and the date of tho laal piibllratlnn
thereof beint; tho 20th day of March,
Dated February 1th, 1914.
T. H. (loyno,
Attorney for I'laliilllfa.
Delinquent Tax List of I,a8t Half
Payments, 1913.
This advertised list of delinquent
taxes, for thu year of 1013, in in pur
suance of an act of the State Leyirt-l.-iture
which is embodied in Chapter
-lii oi me Uf.tNr.KAJ. I.AWH OF TIIK
urn 3i:s-io.v.
'f lis taxed on the following adver
tised real property, flitnated in
Tillamook County, Oregon, became
delin(pient on Monday, October 7th,
1U13, and are tiubject to a penalty of
ten per cent, and intercut at the
rate ot i per cent per annum from
Monday, April the 7th, 1013, until
they shall have been paid, any dny
lifter the expiration of hix months
after the tnxeH charged auainHt the
are uelin-
? ! following real property
;.JZ quent, the bheriff is autbnried
w.tw , wi ..i
77 40 4-;"""v I'umuii iiiiiaini
(io (io M,l"cMiioii, io iBBiie to inein a cer
v,' Ililicille of delinquency, upon pay
inent of taxea, penalty, intereHt and
I com or auvertiuinir. Cert i cate of
Hhall bear intereHt
of fMHlft.rwi iin(l
WJi deemed at the rate of fifteen per
- i" ClJt tui tllllllllll.
1. C li. Mi.tfirinln, S " of Ne
J and N i of Se i. ectlon
22, tp 1 north, runjfe 0 went,
containing 100 acren $2,125
2. -J. P. MuirlnnlH, SeJ4 of Nw
', Ne of Sw' umlW of
Se i, Bection 25, tp 1 north,
range 9 went, containing 1(W
eren jjO.25
.1 lv V. Marcene. Sw 1 of Ne
Va, W Vi of Se i and Se of
Sw Va, Hection 8, tp 1 north.
f'-nKe 10 weal, contuinitiL'
100 acrea , ,, 28,00
20. Ot)
a 75
1 25
S. 12
l.ai '
Alva Hevel, .Miirian Hurrl and
Frank Ekroth, Defendant.)
To Alva Muvel, Marian llurria. and
Frank Ekroth, the abovo named defen-
unt.s :
Or OKKGON : You and each of you
are hereby requited to appear and an
nwer the complaint filed ii(ainm you in
the above entitled court and huit, on
or before the last day preacriheii by
the order for the publication' of thix
summons heretofore made ami filed
herein, and if you fail ho to antiwcr,
the plHintifra will, for want thereof,
apply to the Court for thu relief pray
ed for in their complaint herein, to
wit: For a decree forceloaint: that certain
mortKj;e executed by A Men L. John
son and Elduni V. Johnson, his wife,
mortpKorn, to and in favor of (J. H.
Ward, mortk'UKcc, which mortKHKo
wuh duted tho 4th day of March,
1910, and waa recorded in tho office of
the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
OreKon, on the 5th day of March, 1910.
at tRe 517 of Hook "P" of the He
an da of Mortca for aaid county,
and conveyed real property situated in
Iillnmook County, OreKon, described
as follows, to-wit:
The east half of Ihe southwest quar
ter and the southwest quarter of south
east quarter of section 19, and tho
northwent quarter of northeuaf. nimrir.r
of section 30, In township 4 houth of
rane 9 west of the Willamette Merid
ian. That the lands described in said
mortKaKe be sold and the proceeds of
such Bale he applied as follows ;
First. To the payment of the costs
and disbursements of this suit and the
expenses 0f aaid sale and tho sum of
I22G.00 attorney's fees to Im allowed
u e piuinuiiB anu the defendant. Frank
Second. To tho payment to said do
IrTjfe1' F.rank Wrath, of the sum of
1500.00 and interest thereon at tho rate
of 10 per cent ter annum from the 12th
day of Aui 1911;
tihUdV. TS ih.tt l,BWent to the plain
tiff, t . R, Heals, of tho turn of $300.00
and interest thereon at the rate of 6
per cent tier annum frnm () '7ik
2fJV,ne' i9,10' n(1 tho 'urther sum ot
W77.58 and interest thereon at the
rate of 6 ner cent nor annum mm tu
9th day of July. 1910. leaa thn mim tn
be naid to aald dnrniwlmit PrunU ft.
roth, at aforesaid ;
l.out.,' To t,12,!:Vment to tho plain
tllf, Clarence Tilden, of tho ium of
lit the Circuit Court nf the 5tnte
ol Oregon, tor the County
of Tillamook
Otto W. NeUun,
J. I). Swank. Kvva Swank, Stule
L Youtitr. J. D. Morris. Halph
Glloapie. Alic Iv. Ontchel, 0. II.
Lewis. S K, Cia, liorj;e A.
llourk, FayetU Marble, John II.
C-udfrey, 0. II. Spnn-r. tjwi.
Honors, Acutftf Inmnn Heamcr,
C. L. St. lleMi, C. D. Itoborts,
C. L. '.uinwnlt, Kntlu Zuunvnlt,
Ji.hnL Cusnrk, John W, Jitno
Doe, John Hoe, Jnne Itm'.
ToJ. I). Swnnk, Lvvn hwanW, -ui i
L. Youok, J. D. Morri, Kultili (idea ,
pie, Alice K. (Jetehol, G. II. Lewi, i
S. II Clnv, (iero A. Mouck. Fnetta )
Marble. J-.rtM II. Goilfrey, O II Sikh.
cr, LJvia Kojj-r, Aunii tninan ll-a !
incr. C. U St. Helrii. C. D Koberti. !
i', L. Zumwnlt, Kittle '.umwalt, John)
I., t'uaack, J'l.m Doo, Jin.- ()., Juhn i
It'i' anil Junr Hm, livfendaiila
OF Ol'.KC.ON, liUKKl ING :
You, J. I). Swank, Kvva Xwnnk,
Suaie L. Suok, J. D. M.irrn. Itilph
iilmpie. Alice E. (iwtchel. li. i.
Lowis, S. K. Clnv, (;oriu -V. Ht-m-k,
Fetta Marble. Jnh II. Gulf re) ( ')
II. Spvneer, Load It iter). Acm' l
itinn Itoainer. (, I. Si. Ilelt-fi, i D
Huberts, C L. .unr.. ull. Katie V.'im
wall, Jnhn L. CwMik, Joan Doe, J.inc
Doe, John Ho- and Jano Km; "Ji-feiM
anta herein, are heritbv rcquiruu in -Dear
ami niwir thu cuinulioul IHi"l
herein aipumit you mi ur twiri- the
20th day of March, 1911, thai bein aix
week fri m the flrxt publirnti'in u(
this nuiiimorui and if you fail to appear
or aiiawe.-, planum will apply tu the
court for the r 1 1 f liutniuwlml t-i the
complaint on hlc herein tu whirli ref
erence is hereby made and which li
inmle a purl hereof, to wit : for n decreo
of tlin court directing' ntxl commamluu;
said ilefutHiuiila to exurclne their nt'hl
of reileinpiion herein by redeeming
said property from the plaintiff Umii
paying him llio sum of Twelve Hun
dred Dollar ($1200) together with In
terest at thu rule of aevun pur cent
from the 27th day of April, 1912, with
in the jeriod of ten days from thu en
try of the decree herein and for a fur
ther decree that in thu event they or
any of them fall so to redeem nulil pro
perty by tiayhiK the plaintilf the sums
in n hi decree
and each of them hu foruvcr barred
and foreclosed of any and all rinht,
title, interest or claim of any and
every kind, nature or description they
or any of ilium miKht havu herein and
for such oilier or further relief aa may
to the court seem equitable together
with the itiin of Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars (J250) atlornuy'a fee and lor
cost and duhurnctueula of thin suit
This summons will be served upon
you by publication thereof for not lusa
than alx succesitivo weeks in the Tilla
mook Heral I, a newapaper of mineral
circulation published In the City of
Tillamook, County of Tillamook, Statu
of Oregon, thu placu whuro suid suit
la now pundliiK, all by ordur of thu
Hon. Homer Mason, Jinle of the
County Court of aald County and Statu,
in thu absence of thu Circuit Judu
of above entitled court which
said order in dated the Gilt day
of February, 1914. Thu property lioru
in referred to consists of all that cur
tain piece or parcel of land sltuatu,
lyini? and heinit in thu County of Tilla
mook, Statu of Oregon, and moru par
ticularly described as folllow.i:
Lot Number One. of tho North Wear.
Quarter () ot Section Nineteen (191 in
. v. i,dkiij iiuwu nuMiii, in ivauife
Ten (10) Wust W. M. In Tillamook
County, Oregon. The same rntains
li Irwlru I'I 1.1 IR tit I "7 Ill ..
j hj. .... .... a, mil. in ui l.llll- I
nie Sand Lake by thu Sea, also known
no ounn i.mku ur inu nua, as now flail
ed ; except the following property
which has been released from the lien
of said rnortKiiifc, to-wll: Lota IU to 22
inclusive In I Hoc 10 ; Lots 5 and (I in
Block 14; Lot 7 In Hlock 14; I-ot 27 In
Block 15: Lot 7 In Hlock 10; U)l 1, 2
and 4 in Hlock 15 ai d Lota 11 and 12 In
Block 10,
Thu date of thu first publication of
this summons is the 6th day of Febr
uary, 1914.
The date of the last publication la
tho 20th day of March, 1914.
W. II. Fowler,
601.2-3-15 Panama Bldtr.
Portland, Oregon.
John Lulaml Henderson
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Exposition Line 1915
And now la the thno to California; I'vn nutdoora
and enjoy the uiihht flower, niul auuuner aiairla. It
i a trip you cannot elfotd tu ml
Ittcludhti: Shata Llmltml TIIK train of tmletn tervlc?
With all ateel up tu-tho-llllnule wpilpmetU.
Train with Standard. IViurUt anil t'hnlr ( ar and uinltitr
aervlce that will pli'c.
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a
trip, quote (area and furnish outing literature on
California's famous resorts.
John M. Scott, General Passenger
Agent. Portland, Ore.
Ami ik r v .
ii 1 1 ti),
lr lilitf
' m" itu rltii- it: iia.
lit, t,rii; ItiqKirUd
f j:o (iriuiatty.
Portlnntl Flotinnir
Mill. C '-d.i.
"r- -rwr i ii 1 1 -1 i rr ur nrmmt
GUILD HALL. FEB. 19 anJ 20.
Member and friend of thu Prcaby
turiau Church will nlve u play next
Thuraday nml Friday uvuiilnj-n the
funuteat farce ovur written, tho old
country achool of 60yonra mj;o In ll.xip
hole Twp., Indlnna. Dunno block,
1it-fM Ullll flMMlHt..tM ,.(.! M.t.t.
rrftuver,1,I,lr!'-'' '-y'' nolhin btU
fun. All for Charity. i!Sc each. Door
open at 7 ;:t0 p, in. "Skulo" IickIiu nl
8 p. m. Don't inlsi It. Come old nml
you on and IntiKh.
JudKu Cal Worrall has chart,"" nbly
nnl3ted by thu luillus of t,a (;ud
which Kuurantuvs a flrl clasa ahow,
funny for all,
Seu tho "4 twins", all sum.) slxe,
null look ullkc, Mia. P.tiitiiutt IIiiIcm,
Mr. I), L. Schiode, Mm. ( , N,
Drew nml Mr. (lcore Iluakfua;
' Hubby," Waller linker. Hu'm ii
t'Oud buy, ace Ilia new attorn i
Mm. HencyMtieklcMrM. C WMIIIcr.
hhe'rt the mother ol tin "Pritir
1 Winn mill MtiDhy,"
T. J. Han hct.
luck Olaou,
4r, Cook
.Alex WitttH,
tl. lluakliiH,
L, P., Ile.vltt
I'. JttikHon
Ivuk'Iiah Hoy
Iriah Hoy ,)r,
Dutch Hoy
ihe "Dunce"
" Siiiurt Aleck, ",...',
Stuttering' (Wrl....MrM.
Llnplnif tiirl .... Mth,
wi iswiiiir i, um litrl Who Like the
iciiciier ... ii rn. . L. Schrode.
.SliiKliitt; Ifiicher ...f. I. Cluiitfli.
Hoy with " .S'timt Hlecil"
C, llnherlncli.
Muny otlieiM,
iiichc liullea Jive in the " Dee.
Htrich," Prudence" iWuuiii,
" Pntieiice" linker, " iliuuiiir" Sur
chetl, " Siimiintlut" Pennlnptoii,
' Salvutlon" SiiihII, " Nancy Ann '
nullum, "Muriar" Severeneo
"hnlly June" Stlllvvell, Klixtt "
The Guild l.ndicH In clmrue of
coHtuiiiert, Nra MiicKeiil, Mrn
Uipt Grout, Mih N O McOee ami
Mm F C linker,
"HIf(Jirl" who liuve beaux nml
liuvc iiilt huIiuoI t Mlaaen McNnlr.
i.V lftJllrJ """It. aH.wJlli, jolin-
....... . ...nv,. I llllltl. llOHHIlt MltVH
ii.w.i Mlllll IIIIVC
Don t Plaster
rt n. . .
.-.-T-i.- -.r -rr -w
a ii m i r j i
i m ij".
All Uenoral Fund Warrauta will be
paid upon nremmtatlon. Intercut :
ceaaea reo, z, 1UI4.
ii tu Ueuh,
County Treasurer,
... .....u
the MUtHtloi, " ,"','l,BU
iji3';'!'!'?1 "r!:'"l'. W-'V WucKeni-.ie,
Fred CliriMieiiMun nml Wiird Hnricti
vuJ".eHl,r,:r ti-'llu'' "DteMiti-.,"
WO lute, '
SliiKe ciirpenler, Iviiiiuctl Hole
school iiiiperlntendeiii. loi.,. i .
"' V
Itautlful Walls
in4 Ceilings
- Iwtler than olit.
filhlnntil llt.
cuit-ara liuurr.l
tir Ihe II ,if tli.tt.
TV .... ... ... . ...
....up.i ..jr uuiiiiiiiu ii.ri iiiiii. Hn.i ri
up aiuo or uuomcnt luuntt.
niari, rciny in n. i t .111,1,11,... nj
k.i. a.m. .n.t 1.- . . . .1 :
n II llitl... N ... .11,1 u
imwin. iiiiurr w mi. raitir fur n ni.
V rili (or Kr tJaup)a,
rr nw Hu f ltmMtllaf
ivu 11 biiu nsavv rilir Iifmrtl. I.alHl
lv..l.u 1.. .. a 7.i ' i.".r -rr
ww wmiwm ayriij a a tiiwmmM. ani;rf
mwaa rMAJiaia.MiJ. All 3
umw aunty
HT aUfm.
fORTLARi. nm
AIm Ualniu.i. l
aittMllU ttxca MalJ I.....
HM Mail UU M (4J u, ,.(,.
tun jiLaui r.mri.n 1 mt
Wantel: an olllcu bov. read
willing to learn AbHtractlnir. "'
IBIU ami Mllrunulni. I u ..alau
buslncnH In Tillamook City. Il
have tho following tiuullflratlon'-
ablu to Hpull well, write a Ki"'
and be fair In flirurus : ami be im''
hk..ul -1 ml lii't
'i inuunvrioua, WIIHMKi "
.1 . , k ... - .A .
..v iiisiimoiiuii, vrairua a,1U."un
to be Increaied from time to tlm'i
ne learna thu inivinuaa .ni iu iiiu
tf......l.. a ,m.. 1 M,., ..A
liiiiiuiru 01 jinarnooK tuio
I ..iHKli tic.liot'l piofcHbor. C Ki.r.,3tructCotnii'inv.
4 John Uland Henderaon, Hccrd