m 1 i'. World Noted Sculptors Produce Marvels In the Plastic Art Superb Decorative Statuary Fast Form at the Panama-Pacific tcrnational Exposition Assuming In- h It. US li . i i bp ! J j 1 I k mkL PKOimUOrs work of sculpture are now Mm? completed III the sculp tural warhonos of tho Psnmna-Paelth International EtpeUlon. Many of them have already lone boon tlnl-died. The works are rv marksble for lumi-ery iunl xlmT and for lnuty of conception. Not for misiij- year will the world be onahl.nl to on Joy so mnnolou col lection of tho works of contemporary sculptor. Tin World's rolumhlan Ex position at ("IiIcmso Orst provtsl that tlu irr.tost tnWnt uilsht to employed to produce even woik of tonipornry value Since then morv and more attoutlo lias K-on clvon at each succe.sllns' o position to sculpture as a form of ileoont ti.'ii. and now the Panuu Pacltle International Kxiiosltlon promises to snrpis own I'tiiojiKo's n.itik1tt' display. Vlowlwc tho superb croup ami Individual piece of statuary, tin lltor fee's like a. I.llllputlMn who Iw been transported into a la ml of filml. Some of tho prosit croups are of ooloal dimensions Many of thoe sreat plow of M-ituary will adorn hue' trtuuiplil arehsv anil wIhmi so placed will soom of natural slxo to tho tistier who stands upon th !'-rv of t'u exposition court. Wo pros-out itH)it thN m-o -ome t-'-ivtcnl i v .f . r tho sketch model nml tin etilarcod tlsur. A number of Ainer is l.ir.-most sculptors h.ivo Uvn cuoised In tho prdw. n of theso ttmirn. Anions tho sculptors art? m.iny names widely fciioun n.th in America nml al...;l. Tho list Includes A Stirlluv: I'aldor. actltii: rttvctr of sculpture: Allrt Jncer. Furlo Plovlrrllll. l.iH Lomotil, ltobort 1. Aitkin. Ailolph A Weinman. ls-do. Kontl. F.vclyn Ue-t-trice I.oncman. .Mrs. Harry I'ayno Whltno.v. lkuuln Tddeu. i.utxon ltor-lum. H A. Mao.Noll. .'-imps K Frasor. Charles IV Ituiusoy. U.&i Pat ben it. Paul Man nutp. K. 0. U. Kottu Ctiailos Nolhaus. I. C. Krooth. lU-r'.x it Adams and others. The seulpture of the IMtMttM-l'aflHr Internattomil K.hUIoii will carry out the iK! of the olosltloii In colobr.itlnc the opeulm; of the l'aii;iiim canal The spirit of achievement as exemplified liy Amerii a"s work will Ik ideallxed N hen the sculptor nrtrati to plau their work they hnd a nn Itisplnitlon an uttdenakinc which has appnled to the luinKlnatlon of the workl for centuries Ir the opening of the Panama canal they saw the flnal result of four ivuturles of effort to secure a jwss.wvway hetcen the wonns. Tli- statuary lll repro ilu.v upon a wonderful s-ule the historl- Incidents couuoctrd with the Panama caii.i! Ilcnres of the early explorers of the iHaui. u-roiips synilKdUini; the (Tort to iden- the rocky oackliono of tlw eotiMneiiLs. eouiMsltlon.s deUiusI to vvirltollre occidental and oriental themes, cidossal tvprv'entatlou.s of stnu Kle and achievement, will Illustrate mauy of tin dram itic topics !u.sHimbly ass. la tod with the searx-h for a iiivsiceivay to the Pacific and with tile tluiil buiidiiii; of the canal at Panama. Anr while the sculptors are fast rompWInc their splendid prHhictlons, which reveal the Ideals of sculptors of the present day. other work umui the exDt's'tion is fast pri'res.sins. When the sates of tills. America'. Panama cann. ce!elntiou. swlna "vn to the "Hd on Pel. XI p.l. It will In upon a fu"y cfir' U-ted and ptr'istetl ieiaile the ttiui: of the greatest Interna tior al celt.-f.nUdn that tie wjr.d has ever lche!d Oopyr.eht, 1013, by thu Panama-Pa 'Hi. lntrnutuiiu hxpusition Co. "SUNSHINE" AND "SPRING" AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC IN TERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. THE larce croup at the rlslit Is Spring." by Purio IMc-i-lrrllll. one of the r.j.n in tlie i "..i! ( tin- l" ur .-.-. sun at the Panama Paoiilc Int.-ni .tloiiid Kxp- -lti-.n. San I'r n.-lx- i. pij." At the left U "Suiishlue," by A. J.itfti-rs, who bus iieated a companion Utue, "Itain." r C W9 s.ja'S CopyriBht, 1913. by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. "NATIONS OF THE EAST" AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC IN TERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. THIS Hupcrb Broup of Htntunry In a model of tho "Nation- of tho EiiHt," which will Hurmuunt the Arch of Dm HlxIng -Sun lu tl Court of the Sun and .Stars nt tins PunMimi-l'adllf International ICxpoKltJon at Snn Fran-iico In 1015. IIuuiIIiik from luft to rlht, the lluuren are iih follown: 1, Arab ShelU: 2 and 8. Noro KervItorH; 3 and 7. MolnunineiliiiiKi 4. Arab Kiileoiior; (the .jleph.-nti. India; 0, Tibetan Lniiiiii P. Monuollim Hoisemnn. TJni four pefletrinii iliues aro by A. Btlrllua; Cnlder, the wiuestilans by l.uo I.uiitclll uud the clepbuut and eumel and thulr rlderM by Frederick 0. It. lioth. 'f C'opi ifcHU 1313, by ho P.tit.iniA I a itt tut- it'al nnl I p !tion Co, FIGURE OF ENTERPRISE CROWNS HUGE TRIUMPHAL GROUP AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO. 1915. aNve ptioti.gruih cj'pre.-nt "Knterpruo." n dettll of tho fl scuipturnl croup, tin "Nntliui of the Wt!." tiih will cr-wu j the Arch .f the Settlne Stilt at the Panamtt Pmitl'- litleMiatititial Kx position. San Francisco. 1PIS ThUs arch 'lll In on the m site side of the Court of the Sun and Star- to the Arh of tin. Itlxlns Sun. crowned by the composition "Natloiw of tho Kul" The croup "Nutlou of the West" Is deslstied by Meri A Stlrllui: t'aUlor. I.t Lentelll and Frcderh k U It Itoth. -gr CopyriBht. 1313. by tho Panama Politic lut-rnattia.tt Kxpomtio.-t Co BEAUTIFUL OREGON BUILDING AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SUN FRANCISCO, 1915. OHPfiON. the first state to select and d--ll- nt a site at the Pannliln Paclllc International Exposition, wn nlno the llrt t nt-etpt do slcns for her state inilldlni; This very lnleretiu structure, neighbor to New York's ureat buildup, has been di-sUmsl In the chaste spirit of the gulden of (!r'ei-e'H archltei-ture It will he I .Mi by ".'."ill feet and designed on the classic line of tc-thlnua' Partln uou. The o umn.s. which (Jreece herself modeled In marble from previous exemplars In wood of n more ancient nrchllei lure, w.111 revert to the orlu'tual aiul b of timber hrnucht from Orcsnn's forostrt. Th'-y vrlll he live feet In diameter nml forty feet In hclunt. Not "lily will tin uiati-rl.ils which will be pin e." within the structure be OroKon'n products, but the ma terials of which the state palace will bu constructed will come from Oro Hon'.s viiHt resourced. elf. r LU?r5 a. ' -..' Copyrmht, 1013, by thu Panama-Paolllo Inlurnntlitnul Exposition Co. SUPERB STATUARY FOR PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. THE Illustration nbovo hIiowh houiij of tho eolosHal works of hciiIii tuio to be Ht In tho vast courts of the I'linamii-Paclllc Interim llounl Expohltlon nt Kan FrniK'lKco In li)l,l. At tlio left urn men of a Tibetan i.mna and nn Arnli Hlmlk which will be in tho Kroup "Nations of the East," over tho Arch of th UIkIiik Hun In the Court of tho Huu and Slurx; next Is "HuiiHlilnA" and nt the HkIiI Is "Kulu." A. JneKWn, Furlo Plcclrrllll mid A. HtlrlliiK Cal.ler are the sculptors. . C' l Vtmht. lU, tr h Pnoiri'irt . i Inn' ""ml KiMUwt 0,1 PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION BY NIGHT N ItiltT i. risctho of tho IMiisi-m I'dcltl.- n'i"nit(illll Kit lllsj in Mm I'r.itn !.. In pil At id ht ltli liUttllt "III tm f,.rn I lit- . .( etslt..li tit) III' t Uld The llxtlltl n. h i m l ti t t'iti kntdn rt pla . I It . ' . 1 Ctfe?itf s --si Vi iVsj fopyriaht. UI3 by Urn -n.tMi4 t a ! lot, ml .)! , .ilon C A MARVELOUS SETTING FOR SCULPTURE AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 1915. THE dominium; nrc liltrcturnl rmture of tin .... .'Hon the siipeih Tower of Jeiteli. wbh-h will coRiumnil tlm outh eulriiue of th finirt or Sun and stun, nt tlm Puii.iui,i l'n nit- lutriiiiUoiml V.u IHMtlilnit lu San I'muclsco lu ItU.V This tower, 430 fiH't la helitht. will liuve a bane one afro III extent. The iintei ni.l -mv uptt . i lu terraces, Klvlns way nt Inst to a group or ilyuie Hiip-rtuu u ;lol. typirylu the world. Tlm rei-iitisl titiie of iiriuurtsl honminen rtnd of nxplnrilN or the tx ism will Ik tmeil on lie tuwet. with h, wtli II rttatu ury. iniinil paiutlui-s and unxalcs. Ml! It.. Iiule. nbably beu .ti, u, .Messrs ruir.-ro .v llnstiifjs. tinhitevts lu elder of thu Pun Amirlu.ui t-. positluii at lliirfalti In lll.ll, are the uivh'ti-cts. CopyrlKht, 1013, by thu Paimnm-Pacino laiernutlonnl Exposition Co. TWO NOTABLE PIECES OF STATUARY AT THE PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915, - .... ... . 9 w b nn' niiniHn' I Til II ..1 aa ....iia i mini; i iiiirriui i lumii rjxiiouiiiMii um hmifi in ii...L t.u.. in... niwnii in llll'on Trll iiiu" triUlmw. At lliu luft Is "Uiiln;" by AlbeK Jik-kits. axliin tlmt n in n companion to "wunsiiino," uy the winio sciilptor. nrnu niiintlnir tho Court of iho i'mii He-ison i.. .u ...ui.. ....i" , -. , " llll K(MII ll 1)1111111 JIHI- Bceslhe cnuiel with Its .MolininniisluB rlikr ki by Frederick (). It, Hot. S ' .4"".. ,1.