Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, February 10, 1914, Image 3

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    fire- ,fi
ataman ir
t . i t I .i I- .......1
Ivu ttin nyni rntniiy luunwiio 10 no wm mini mu drug
IllIM'U IMlf1irtUI Iri IHUIl Wi ll iVMirrv.
v X
ini uiiirnr.
Mir M. Sec Shnl
t Mill I I
nil ni iiiu 1 1 n 1 1 1 if l j n
in of Nclinluiii, wm lit
rhor for iwur and cnt
Hunt phono.
ir of Nrlmlom. wba In
Vnluiittini Crtl nt 'I'll-
tm Iwrn it l'urllMixt vl
u in tint r frulilorm now on
II tho Toilur.
'f Mt-Ju wa In the city
.Um,'0tf first dun farm inorl
k',Ttooli County Hank.
i ..... . .
(in oi .moiiiit, in irnnri
hero todny.
un on llrl clntn farm
lrl NailuiMt Hank.
of linrltmldl, vn In
of but week.
Hi; n In la trntuuclliitf
rllunil till week.
f for rent. Jonua' apart-
Mtli St. mul 1th Ave.
uf Clovcrdalo wwi Til-
M visitor on Monday.
K. Htrnmiliun l trnn-
In Portland tliln weak.
mic IIIiik, the nuw ilruic
nioti mid cure of utKirtlon
nt CIouuIk.
Krt a in oi thu Christian
i'jjlvo a piny nl tlui church
'Tom Wniklim, of tint I1.
HijoyiiiK n tun dtiyi vneii-
rnrimin ;i iouk ruic unn wo
ifor mul Klvtt you f 1.S0 oncl
Jllrf chIvuh.
iiinr for thu promm of
hu KiVt'ii nt tlio IIIkIi
llorluin, March Oth,
horn to Mr. uml Mru. It
;,of lllnlnc on Siindiiy. Dr.
i thu iitlciiilliii: phyMlclun.
locoum w t tliu 0(,l) KK-
rltli your nuxt py chock.
by chm-k. You'll know
rthu inoiiuy wrut nt thu unit
bntl by looking ovur thu
niluinouk County Hunk.
mi don't kill your ciiIvuh, hut
irinv (.iiiriKtoiiMun mm nu win
ut them uml pity you thu
ill price.
IcHlrltiK uituruir dvcorntlni;
alntiiiK uml pupur hiincliiK
I F. S. Fonl mul Son. Onlura
r n lit otllro will rcciitvu prompt
Hull phonu 17.
ivent Trouble
th your cows hy
Usin Our
rbolic Compound
fly in jukI around
ic in and let us give
)u full instructions
iov to use same.
Reliable Druggists
i lluy your Valnntlnu cril at the Til
, Imnook DrilK Store.
I (;intn 1 1 urltnun, who him been con
lliuxl oi thu Tillamook minlttirium for
tunm tlinu with typhoid fuvor, l nuw
Kulnlnt; qultu rupldly.
Thu annual Uanee of Km TlllamiHik
IIom'C'o,. will ho held at Iho Cominor
rliil Club riHimn on the uvciiIhk "f I'vb
ruary 21 t.
Thtt United Artlimnn Knvu a party nt
thu Commercial Club riKimn on Satur
day ovmilni;. Soiiiu Cil couplim were In
ntlqndnncp. Tlmui irnunt roporl u
11 in? tlmu. Anothur party will bu kIvoii
In thu near fuluro.
I.udy with ftvu year old Iniy wlhi
to nccunt work. Would taku ponillan
an houi(ik;cx;r, Addrcm Mm. C. K.
Snyder, Tillamook.
Am Hi Itolilniioit, nt ono time drug
lt nt'thuJ. S. l.mnar drug ntnre, but
now county elork of I'olk county, wn
tnarrledon Tueinliiy of lt week to
Ml IvnGrncu Hurtonof IndoHindence.
Mr. Itohlimou win wutl and favorably
known here.
For Sale: Two Huff OrphliiKlon and
two Silver l.nced cockurvlii from Myeri
I Hro., of Portland. Sea Jem F.url. the
chicken man.
J. S. I.omunn, contractor of 11111
buro, nccoinpauiiHl by Wm. Hurnouith
of thai city, arrived In town on Mon-
day. Hu li here looking over the
proiipecU of eciirint; nomu coulracU
for thu building of nonin of our roads.
I'ront jmrt of toru In MimmuiIc build
ing for runt, Sullablo for two nice
olhYe ruotna or store, itonmibort; Hros
Mr, anil Mn. A. A, Hnrluw of Mor
Kan, Utah, frlumln of Mr. und Mm. T.
It. Monk, arrived hero on Thurmlay of
litut week lor a few days vlnll. They
I'ift for home this morning. Mrs. Monk
went wild them n far an Lit Gramie
whuru she will visit hor puruntn.
teel your pnHir from beiui; lust or
deslroyeil. $1.00 per year. TILLA
The C. H. or the Chrlmlun Church
will liivti n Valeutiiiu Haskul Social at
thu church Friday Kvu. Feb, III. Thure
will bu a program in thu Auditorium
mid game in thu gymnasium. F.very
IhkIv is Invited to attend. Ladles please
bring buskeU. The program begins al
Dr. Wendt ICyuSpecIa
I lit. Fitu ghiKsea any
itiyle. Al reasonnblu
Chas. Kunxu and Jack Kupp return
ed on Saturdiiy from their trip into
Washington whuru thuy went in quest
of blooded llolsteln cattle. They re
wrt thai thuy found price pretty high
mid that they mny llnd it neeensnry to
go cunt in order to get what they
want al rensoniiblu prices.
lilght room house, with pantry,
toilet and hath, south half of block 15
Thayer's Addition. 105x140 feet for
siile, on paved h trout. Will sell for
WiCKJ. ICnquIro nt Herald olllco.
Tliu luiliuH of thu United Hrothren
Church will i-ervo a Inncli from 1 1 :U0
n. in, until 7:00 p. m. on ViilentineH
day Fub. 14th, ut thu 1'nlin Cuffu
building A hiiIu of usuful and
handy articles for thu homo will
n Ino bu held in connection with thu
lunch. All nortttof good things to uut
will bo served well worth thu prlcu
25 cuntri, Hu Hiiro und tiilco In thu
lunch anil vialt thu tmlo with your
l'ny nil bills by check Including your
tnxua. Ita tho U,USINKS3 WAY.
Tillamook County Hunk.
) 15, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c )
C 60 Wtt .... 45c
100 Watt 80c
C 150 Wall .... $1.20 C
J 250 Watt .... 2.00 J
l'rotcil I.iiiiipx fio It Urn.
I We deliver Inuum In any part of
1 tin- city Tclfjiiione n. We ilo v
I wiring at tltc lowest prices eon- J
KlulciU with kimmI woikinaiililp.
y Llfflit k Fuel Oo. Mgr. (
If you want your orchard pruned
drop mo n card. Satisfaction K"rn
teed. Wm. Htulvnir.
A llatoglla ami Jon. Carmo of Tort
land, hurt been In this city and vicin
ity durlnfc tho tnni two day looking
over thu Ituntlon with a view of buy
log land sultnblo for tho raising of
veguUblcN and small fruita. We bu
Hove thU lino of Industry can bn made
to pay vary well horc. Thoy will brnvu
for l'ortlnnd Wednesday morning, und
expect to return here, In another month
II, A. Miles and wifo of Woods, ar
rived In tho city Friday on thulr way
to Portland. They loft out on Satur
day morning's train. This Is tho first
trip Mrs, Miles has been outsldu tho
county since she camo here twnnly-fivo
year ago, While In tho city Mr. Miles
called ut the Herald olllco nnd discussed
road matters to sumo extent, Mr.
Miles believes in permanent road build'
lug. He thinks that It would be who
to begin al thu county seal and build
i much cement road in each direction
as possible each year, using only a
small amount of money for upkeep of
tho outlaying roads. Ho believes that
a good cement road is the only econom
ical road to build, and that money
ofton wasted in an endeavor to cover
too much territory with other kinds of
roads, Mr. Miles does not believe In
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
ll. Ore.. Feb, 0. "I think dairymen
should uo moru ensilage hero in Ore
gon," said Mr. Wllhycombe, director
of the Oregon Station, in addressing
an association of dairymun. "Our cli
mate Is moist in winter and dairy cows
chould not he made to "land outside In
thu storms. Vol they should hnve
their foragu feed und you will llnd the
silo an economical means of supplying
"As to thu silo construction I would
recommend the stave type whom lum
ber Is plentiful and cheap. It will
prove sutlnfactory and cost much less,
under these conditions.
"The silo should be built high but
not too largo around. If too much sur-
fucc of tho ensilage Is exposed it will
poll. Thu most satisfactory size does
not exceed 10 feet In diumcter, but for
20 cows It may bu 12 fcut. For more
than 20 cows it is belter to build an
other silo thun to incur the risk of in
creasing tho dlamuter. Il la cheaper
as well as safer.
"Oregon has many plants which will
till tho silo profitably. Clover U u
tandard silage plant mid makes a
splendid product. Should it develop nu
order let it get it triilo ripe, passing
the rtago for good hay. Don't cut il
too soon.
Corn is an ideal silo filler, and may
hu grown for sllagu in mnnv pnrtit of
Oregon. It must he well muturcd or
the ensilage guts too sour.
'Hut if you ennnot grow corn suc
cessfully never mind iilxiut It; thcr(
are other plants which will fill the silo
On account of leaving for Idaho
uhoul thu 20lli uf th.ii month I will sell
al private uale my ho.Hehold furniture
also other articles iu follows :
Two bed room suits, nearly, new; 5
rockers; Hiinitary couch; 12 dining
chairs, (5 of them new ; 1 now ft foot
dining table; 1 dish clipboard; 1 kit
chen itieun; I kitchen tablu; 1 nuw
sowing machine; a i'licifiu Itoynl range:
I lieater; I top liuggy with now pole;
n nearly now plow; wheelbarrow;
shovels; f irks, hues, rake; 50 chickens
and othur articles.
Jason i'owull.
Three miles south of Tillamook.
Qf tho Into copyright books. Buy n
book for $1,50, exchange it ns often
nud iik many thins us you wish for 10c
n change. If you wish to withdraw.
keen your book.
A Dranm In Threo .Acts. Will bo
played in tho Acndemy Hull, Fob. 24,
ut olght o'clock p. m, Also tho In
dian Drill. Admission 25c.
Siilney K. IleiuleiHon, PreH, jN
Surveyor. d
John l.ehinil Ileiiilcraon, Sec- g
retnry Trenu., Attoiney-nt-
I.nw, Notrnry Public P
Tillamook Title and 8
I.nw, Abstracts, K'enl Iintute, j
Surveying-, Inimrntice.
J Until J'liont'H. f
TIM.AMWUK . . OKIitiO.V, '
Abstract Co.
I A white blackbird lum been seen nt
lColtiw:o (Jriivo, It In declared, Tho
bird resemhlta It follows In overy
way excc.it In wilor.
The ICiigene cosmncrctal club plsna
to raise 7000 for uso In continuing
activities of tho club for Uio ensuing
Keprenenlfttlvo Lnfferty has Intro
duced Senator Chamberlain's bill ap
propriating U',C0Q,000 for n dry dock
on the Columbia river.
The First National batik of Tilla
mook ami tho H'iboro National bank
havn applied for membership in th
new federal banking uyst'iin.
Tho onion crop In tho Sherwood dis
trict this ynir will net the growers
more thnn I7M00 and tho return from
hops will m WO.OOO,
An Oregon man sent tho treasury
department 25 cents "conscience mon
ey" to repay tho government for use
of u cancelled threu-cent postug
etiurip 40 years ago.
Deputy Htnte Treasurer Jlynn ciU
mates that 11,000,000 In unpaid war
rants will be outstanding when tho
taxes for thu year become available
In April.
Preliminary arrangements hnvw
been made for u ranchers' Junket early
In March from Medford to North Yaki
ma, Wenatchee, Hood Itlver and other
or- '. ird conters In the northwest.
Tho report on tho practicability of
crentlnir, ft great jiower site at The
Dalles will be ready for the next tcs
lon of the Oregon legislature, accord
ing to State Knglneor Lewie. A proj
ect engineer will be selected.
Representative Hnwloy has Intro
duced a bill authorizing the use of
the rcvenui-K of Cruter liko National
park In defraying the cot of the park
tusiuagement and for Improving roads
and trails within the park.
Corporation Commissioner Vntso
has cancelled the permit to do busi
ness In tills state of the Investors
Building & Trust company and tha
State 'Deposit it Mortgage company,
of I'ortland.
Oregon will get I11C.000 less trom
the Indian appropriation bill than was
recommended by Secretary of the In
terior Lane In hU report of December
1. The appropriation of J 15.000 for
the addition to the assembly hall, Che
maw a school, was Included In tho cut.
The war department informs Sena
tor Chamberlain that army transport
are limited by law to currying person
connected with the federal or Insular
service and cannot bo rented for th
transportation of agricultural college
radcts to the 1'anurnu exposition.
The bill of Senator Lane amending
existing law requiring vessels bound
for Portland to stop nt Astoria, was
favorably reKrted by the commerce
committee. Thu Inw providing for the
stop nt Astoria Is obsolete and an ob
struction to commerce. It Is pointed
So weak that he could not rnlso his
gun to shoot himself with the bullet
he had saved for his self destruction
rather than starve to death. Wesley
Cnstahl of Nehalem wns found In the
voods some miles from Vemonla by
n party that had been searching for
Tho secretary of the navy does not
bellovo In It. and he says so fearless
ly, but he h.is Just allowed an Oregon
mra to resign from tho navy. This
was a special case, howover, and It
soomed proper to let tho young man
have an opportunity to mako a fair
living for his family.
Secretary Lane has allotted $23,
4GQ.0OO to carry on work under the
reclamation law this year, and of this
total, Oregon receives $1,220,135. This
big allotment oxhausts till moneys now
available for government Irrigation
work, Including tho full $20,000,000
lent by congress several years ago,
but heretofore untouched.
Portland has an unemployed prob
lem. It does not amount to an emer
gency and It Is not so acute ns In
most other cities throughout the coun
try. Solution Is, however, reudered
more difficult by tho closing of tho
city rockpllo. No udequato plan has
been made by any agency to handle
the situation. There are, according
to estimates, 4000 to 6000 men there
who hnve no work.
Instructions to Instltuto criminal
proseoutious against nil tho commis
sion merchants doing husluess in this
state without complying with the law
enacted by tho' last legislature regit
luting their business have been sunt
out by thu stuto railroad commission
to 10 district attorneys in tho state
In tho counties of Multnomah, Marlon,
Umatilla, Josephine, Clatsop, Wasco,
Linn, linker, Jackson mul Latto. Only
one association or firm In tho stato
bus complied with tho law,
A cow testing association has been
organized In the Lewis and Clnrk ills-,
trlct of Clatsop county, another Is
ready for organization ut ScappooBe
und tho work of organizing thu dairy
industry of Oregon la well under way.
Ralph F. Hoard, Instructor In agri
cultural chemistry, nud John R. Lar
son, agronomist, havo boon appointed
to positions on thu Oregon agricultural
collogo fnonlty, and will ttiko up tholr
Uuttct, ,hoM'uc!.i..:.4t; of tie uocoad ,
semoator. '
itfii SUNStT ('
! l040tMfr!MTA I
The Exposition Line 1915
And row 1 the time to tec California; to I've outdoor
nr.d enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer sports. It
is u trip you cannot h fiord to mus
including Shasta Limited THE train of modern scrvic
with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment.
Trsins with Standard, Tourist and Chair Caw and oinine
service that will please.
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a
trip, quote fares and furnish outing literature on
California's famous resorts.
John M. Scott, General Passenger
Agent Portland, Ore.
Ltt Ui Tell You HOW You On Acccmpliih Thu
If You Want To Buy or Rebuild a Home or
Repay a Mortgage
Aoi Dejfre the AU of Borrowed Money, We Aik Your Careful Cooilderatlon
oi the AdvantJ3 Offered by our Monthly Installment Plan of Loan
The Plan of Our Loan Is The Very Beit AlfordeH cn the Market today. Can
We Not Be of Service to You Like We Have Been to Many
Othen, in Tillamook City.
ROLLIE W. WATSON, Imurance. ileal Estate, Collection.
Todd Hotel, Both Phones.
Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel
(Willi Kiiuliu Watmjx)
Both Phones Bell 53 ; Mutual
P. O. Box 147
Abstracts or Short Notice bythe
Pacific Abstract Co.
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
F. S. Ford
F. J. Ford
Paintets and Paper- Hangersj
Interior Decorators
Give Us a Call, Bell Phone J 7.
Since it is a necessity, most
desirable, and will last a lifetime,
isn't it thoughtless not to get it now instead
of later? The durability of 1$nrfnrd"
modern bathroom fixtures make the question
of length of service merely a matter of
whether wc are permitted to install the
equipment now or later.
DocKs and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
To Taxpayer
Taxes are now duo and ptiyiiblo. If
paid In full before April first 1014 will
bo recolved at fuco. AH tax includitiR
half pnymonts romninini; unpaid April
first will bo collected with an Interest
charge- uf one per cent per month un
til September first when all tax be
comes delinquent and un additional pen
alty of ten per cent will bo added.
Please give a comploto list of all prop
erty you wish to pay taxes on when
writing for statement.
U. L. UeaU.
Tax Collector.