REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished by Pacific Abstract Co. IVfd. Scott Meshit. Uiv. of Hat 1 I'k of Cliirion. I'm. to M. M. Kaufman rir; f co 80, 180 acres : p.trt of sue il. V.'O acre : prt of i?c S T I X I! " V. m acres ; part f sec 4 10 nrros ; jwrt of sc 0, SO acres; All of sec HI, tilrt m'res; part of soo 10. 440 acres: t xtl of see S emit. &0 acres ; part of s.v 17 T 1 N K 7 W. 100 acres. J57S0. .t Claim. John Keese CatnpMl wftoMM Kaufman, all richt, title i t in rt of sec . 40 acres ; part of s v h, $0 noros ; part of sec 9 SO aero : J.o aero in sec !; 110 acres in see 10; 1:M acres in sec 22: 100 acres in sec SI ; W acres in sec 20 all in TIN K 7 V W M. 5(M. V.r Deed. G A Hoover wf to Mr Iielle Murphy, tract at Woods sec l;i T 4 S R 10 V $10. O V Korvik & wf to Alexander Dully let 4 tlk 10. Whieler, $10. i V. Korvik & wf to Alexander Du 1U . lot 7 blk 10 Wheeler. J10. B. W. K bion & wf t Iroh lUtr (JiOk X Honrictt'i Bnrdiek lots 3 snd 0 blK SO Millers addn to Tillamook City. $500. Talent. U S to Wm F Vincko lots 3 & 4 ami Ki of SWJ sec IS T 4 S K 7 V lvSU acres. War Deed. William F Vineke to C ive A Bailes, 1RS.91 acres sec IS T 4 S R 7 W, J 1000. Pucia J. Dey to Grover E. Hart. 15. 04 acre tract sec 31 Tl S R 9 W beinn tract 5 "A" of the Hunt Farm parti- tir,; j4?oo. ij iit Claim. Chas R Hunt to Grovor K Hart, (same property as last des cr v I) ami tract adjacent thereto, between said tract find Trak River. tsr. G. A. Edmunds & wf to Tilla mook City, a corporation. E 10 ft lot 7 and all lot S blk 2 town of Lincoln. n..w Tillamook City. (described by metes and bounds.) term 2 years. Mechunics' Lien. Percy Sheldon vs. Wm Oleson & wf tract and improve, merits known as the Oleson Residence in Norton's addn to Tillamook City. Patent. U. S. to Lillie M Bayton 160 acres in sec 34 T 5 S R 10 W. Deed Fred L Withee & wf to Geo A Withee und 5 int in SEJ of N'Ei and lot Sec 6 T4 3 R 7 W. $600. Geo A Wituee & wf to Wm. J'setak 80 4 acre.-, in sec 0 T 4 S R 7 W $10. l.inmc M. Andrew & hus to Security Sav & Trust Co und l int in Ej of El sec 12 T 3 S R 7 W, $10. Patent. U. S. to ilons Sund 40 acres in sec 15 T 1 S R 9 W. $1. .iKreenent. j Cnison to F R Be pari of sec 15 T 1 S R 9 W and t ... in Sec 22 Tl S R 9 W. Quit Ciaiin. State Land Board to J. J. McCormick tract in -ee 21 T 1 N R 1 W l.einff tiue lands. SI. J J McCoru ;ck to Webster Holmes un ; in tortioi.iir lands $1. Mtj. C. E. Rvynolds & wf to Tilla m a a. City lots 5 & G blk 21 Thaver A.idn to Tillamook. $500. '.Va' Deed. Cnas W Mend & wf to V r Gnlp lot 3 blk 32 Wheeler, $10. .W'stuccu Lodge No. 114 I. O. 0 F. tj -'rink Ovens 1-3U 41 and 47 Blk 2 j. O O. F. Cem'ty, $.3. Henry Diehl& wf to N. J. Berns 1 & 2 blk 10 A. A. Miller's Addn ti Tillamook, S1250. J . G. Balmer & wf to N C Hansen 20 acre tract in sec 2 T 1 N R 10 W al so 20 acre tract in sec 2 T 1 N R 10 W. Mortgage. Grover K Hart and wf to Lucia Day 15.91 acres, in sec 31 T 1 S S 9 W being five "A" in Hunt Farm partition, mtg fur 2 years. $3000. D L Van do Wiele & wf to W. S. Cone lots 5 & G blk 1 J as Fuller's Addn. to Tillamook, $1150. NEMALE.M VALLEY NEWS. Fr ' Reporter: Dr. Hamilton was called to the home o' C. 1,. Alley to adminis'er medical t ' itment to Clyde Alloy who wan se ver ly burned on the face by the explo s. j.i uf a gasoline lamp. The boy is re covering very nicely and no serious consequences are anticipated. G. II. McKimens will get a much needed outlet to the county road from his pla-'o f a result of a session with Commissioner Edner at Tillamook City ast week. The project will cost about $3,000 and give several settlers a road t their property. The report in the Oregonian fr m Wheeler last week stated that the nu'f carried logs acrosa the P. R. & N. track at Enright, about 10 miles inland. Great Scott! How did wo miss it? Ev idently the Wheeler correspondent had a nightmare. S. G. Reed and L. S. Miller have a new plan to get a road to Cronen'a d ck. The proposed road will go thru Manzanita Beach and Necarney City and then through U.e open sand fur about a mile before reaching the dock. Tiey propose to make their crossing at Fisher's point. The road may be a good thing for the beaches but there are more important projects that need attention than this happens to be. It may be built sometime but not this .year at least. O, II. Wheeler and W. P. McCluro left for Portland Tuesday morning via Seaside. Mr. Wheeler spent several days in the city looking after his inter ests, also to assume personal charge of tht log driving on the North Fork of the Nohalom river when n groat j-im had blocked that stream at the Alloy placo. This was broken without iniich dittlculty and all tho los aro now safo ly stored in tho roceivlitji boom in lido water. Quito a nutnborof now niombors have been a Idfd to the NVhtilo-n C"iin. r rial Club this woo. d i. t to oTirt.i of several hanl working boottoM who got oxeoedincjy busy an I nulled fo all they wore worth to croato an I 'lorot in tho Club. They expect to nviko a big showing before the wmtor is over. Captain John Bash It vi.ntin with his family in Nehalom. huug boon civen a short vacation from Ins duties as a master of a tramp lumli.-r carrier plying between Gray's Harbor a-ul San Pedro. G rami pa Whooler is thinning serious ly of sending a carrier pigeon t other parts of the world to ascertain if the tlood has gone down yet. We have en joyed two olid weeks of ramy weather already and prospects look very favor able for a continued spoil of ram U is trying on our nerves but. perhaps, wc may live tt.r uh it until spring. I Fred 1d.l .e' . .if Mohler, has been appoint! deput road s ipervis.': ' -r the present year to bo in charge "f the North f,rk ami S nith fork secti m of this ro.i district We behove that tho appointment has fallen into compete t bands and assure the com nunit tint road work will he conducted in an able satisfactory manner, since Mr. addaoh has served" in tiat capacity for several yeirs in this valley. V,'ag-r Worhlp. "There i i.o i.eb wtlilp of na tional gc:iill tU Aiiie.ieu "lei.ii.' uUronit. ' -a ul a i Ht ,m. retui m-,1 umii U"t. "In lit 1-i.u.ii. . ii.-: .u t ' v;u-ru til.- jn.iie ot iru-e ... - "!'. ai to tUe o,...o-er. U-cin'i. 'f ejll m. tolviuuiiiltiiK the top n..;. !i .i.l ,:.l--.-.l. U l;nt the iuost pii'ii.i ii fe.i A.v of tiiix i;r.tkul tttluraCoii i.- .!Bti.t tin- tolU't-s as i:ii (lie owning uf a V w York juitieuce In tutntt. I mim lu-il our lundluily as to the propru t of appear '.Ui: at the opera In mu-Ii a ui.ik,-.liift kiwtuuie a my tmiri-t ttanlnilH' jrTnnt M 'It ilepemN entirely tiiion the com poser you lutfinl to hour, fraiilt'iu.' as her iistouiMiiiig reply. -lor .-.onie our (reent attire uoilld W porfet im proper, but If It Is the great Wagner you are to hear' She broke off. but an expriw.-lve shnic of the shoulders tohl plainer than word that It would lie an atTront to his ashes to appnr In anrtlilng but the mict stunning and up to date evening guivn." New York Tribune. When Thanks Wert Given. Many year, aso n notitl chief of th tribe of Ohlppown Indians while hunt ing wounded a deer and followed It for miles. The chase was long and very severe, and the Indian was In the hist stages of exhaustion from fatigue and lack of food and water when he found himself on the top of a wonderful mountain, at the foot of which nestled a beautiful luke crystal clear. From the surface of the lake trout leaped, and ujHm the shore lay the deer he had hunted Here were food, water. Msh and fuel for cooking. Raising hli hand and facing the apt ting sun. the exhausted chief exclaim ed. Nh-pem-lng." which In the Chip pewa tongue means "heaven" or "the place on high." The story was remembered, and the uame given by the Indian was adopted by the white settlers when the present city of Ishpenilng. Midi., was formed. -Ladles' Home Journal. Inexperienced. Ill a boarding house for bachelor Ainuiid.i. a typical "mammy," looked after the guests' comfort In true .south ern style, so well that one of the men thought he would take her away with dim In the summer In the capacity of hoesekeener Toward spring ho way laid her In the hall one day find said: "Mainly, do you like the country'" Maudy reckoned she did. "Would you like to go away with me this hummer and keep house for me?" Mandy was sure she would. "Suppose I get a bungalow. Do you thlnl; you could take care of It nicely by yourself?" Mandy gasped nnd rolled her eye "'Deed, no, tuassa! Reckon you all better got somebody else; I don't know nothln' about takln' euro of any ani mals." Ilarper'H Magazine. Antiquity of Nagging. No, If you are nagged you are not alone In yonr experience. Nor aro the nagged persons of this ago the only nagged persons of any nge. Nagging is an old custom. They tell Us that Adam. Job, Socrates, Aesop, Leonldaa, Mnehlavelll and many more distin guished historical personages were vlc tlies of nagging. Tills, jtvuvcu the an tiquity hut not the wisdom or the respectability of nagging. And If It la (is old as It Is claimed to bo let It crawl away somewhere to dlo. For , come to think of It, nagging Is Just as hurtful to the nagger as It Is to the nagged. So why Injure ourselves foi the purpose of liijurylng some one else? Samson did that, you know, when he pulled down the temple of Gaza and oroke Jils own buck. I tn flier a pool example to follow, eh? Detroit Free Press. Man's Lovo For Woman, "If a mat) loves n woman for her looks he will love her for live years. If he loves her mlud lie will lovo her for tun years. If he loves her ways he will love her forever," And every woman believes when she marries that her lover loves her ways, Kxchuugu. TALK NUMBER THREE ARE YOU A HOME OWNER OR ARE YOU A HOME RENTER?; WHICH CLASS DO YOU BELONG TO? UUw Ms- fiiuU Vsi Uama in I tnrrrlt tann Ho n Kllllrl thP THVAn DO YOU KNOW THIS STORY? ... . . . . . . . . . ... t . t I ' I I . I .l ii M. I I. - ... . .. : . i t ... ... it . i,i t .int .iH.uWii'.iif 1 1 i p i ii tt 1 1 r it 1 1 tt i ii i vi iiiijiiitiifiit'fi uiiiii'i i ii ii i nt it tfi v calthv man todav, if I'd Iiail a little sense wlirn 1 was younger." "Wliv, I can remember when the main street of this here town, was nothing but a cow track, am) ould'a .not the best corner on it for a sou-; and I'm no singer either." ... . . .. , , , .1 i . I i .1. . U ...I I I ...!.... I t in my auto. 1 tell you, boys, property 's the thinj." . . .... . . . i . i i . i i it ii t t "I ' . : .1-1 i , . . . r I .ttKUM I miii tl l? fftlil I hit liCfiti Ltj It i l M.tti 1 miwI inu '1't i ...... .i . .i i i. i i..i,i ii.. wtii. . . t i ... i i. i v. a ... i .seems to know that Hli is passing up IUSehane. Dou'l you know tlmt the property you can tet wvi mi i iMiMMimimn''!' I.. . ...1 i. ...Ml i. . .nr . f ... .. i i . i 1 ti ...... i........ !... :.. : i o n t . 11IIL.IIL ll.i.v Willi, k ....... ...... ,... ...v'... ...,.. i.f ,,, ,,i,,i ,', v ,,,, It, ill i... i. ...... ...... t '.. ,).. ,.i' ......... it.,,, ........ i ... : , : i mm.:, .i .i- over, then call on u. We have just the investment vou ueed u show it to vou. i ! at 1 In very cui lcu nditun pttpirt), dnjoii tin- mimhiii i ntk ,-cnooi i niiorenn riny imumi in jutt; 3 lilo3k trottl the .New High S-hit Kver lot hub 6 fi ot side wall. Nine new huii eii have been but It In tins tract thin leur. Win ;ut our. la the Next? Ur;OISQNHIi;i clMIIIITIOiV Is very choice Kastslde property, in fnrt none better in TilhimooV (My. Thin new platting, in In that trod of lm on the Kant of I'AllK STItKKT to "Lovers I.ane" all if which layn North of the loiinty Itond nnd 'l Inrd Stitct. Kvery lot olterrd just cannot lw out-cUnn.-il in U. City at the prevailing price nnd U-ina. U'e have a numlerof ironpecMvc buers In this property. Pon'tdehn in u liking your indectlon. enrly. Come to thU Olllce and we will It pleArj to give vou further information .i to price and ttrm.i. A chimII rl..,,.c!t ciipio'n v'Aur tl i'i'sci'i"! I mil I 'nut r'n'i c Mi,wl i.,llt I,,. ...... I.. C. ... I... I -I..I .1 .'Minn u J'. ii. ,,i.;vv,..w, ' ... . . ..,v,,,vi.-. v, , r , I i , v lll,;i j ii i vi'l lllli n 1 1) 1 '!. Don't wait, look after your choice of lots before the Choice tire Gone forever. C rxn Alstltitlw AI 1 4" l- r I I Pnef Vrtl If fill amaii i QnAMfl C Mr-iJ... i i nuouiutbijr Miiuvui vwoi) iiiui ' Jf wi&ui iu vvi i auc i a liui i To every lol purchaser, either iu iv or Goodspeeds Additions, who take contracts or deed, the Architect Mr. J. F. Stranahau connected with this office, willjdnuv you your plans and specifications lor a honk , . w - - . -- - - ..... - ' f.j...lfl VMWW'MIII Will k l. II ' MJ t i i .i.ii. t . i . ' I . . m . . . i i-. . . . M' i ti r K'.n p iii.'iiK inrii ik : s ior vnm l'ciiisii umi i . i in; iHruiniimi t- iw-mii.i-. t t ...- t i it r. :i i :t 1 1 m i mm.!.. :.. ! Ii : !..! !...!.. . .1 1 . irom now iuhii .- nn ist, i- 1 mi ilmju .i wccmi muucemeui ld mosc cicsirmir to uiuiil ami LUts Mcri vice alone i.s worth a jjrent deal ior which wo absolutely make no charge, il is froc. ALL l,0TS PRICED. TERMS: 10 per cent cash. Installments: 10:00 per month R0LLIE W. WATSON, SSSk'SS Office in Tcdd Kctel, Cictrd ricor, Loth P. ones, Optn Every Dey end Evir,lrt Ur til IC:C0 C'clcck FireIrturencfc Jr. Ccr.lU ratic n Frocf (orr panic r. Euildirt Jfand cr(t?eLctr.s cn City Frcpcrty. Rentals and Collections. Taxes paid. for Non-Residents. Ten Days Clearance Sale BEGINNING SATURDAY, JAN. 17, I Will Sell Everything Below Cost to Make Room for the New Spring Goods g$15.00 Plumes Going at $7.85 $5.00 Plumes Going at $2.85 $4.50 Hats Going at $2.75 $3.00 Hats Going at $1.25 OTHER GOODS SOLD ACCORDINGLY HILMA JOHNSON SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD ONLY $1.50 Per Year 1 I I