Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 09, 1914, Image 1

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    nSSl 1 1 1 BBS) I y-v r-k J SKV fvv
id 1 M
issued twice a week-tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
TlM.AMOOK, OKKttOX, January 9, 1011.
NO. 10 L
f irl Sr TSr i
ji sSil 1X1 mm I SU.kiiJl
It is the aim of this Imnlc to ivc
the beat banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also out aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern l?ire Proof Hanking
Room, I-'ire Proof Vault, Hur
jlur Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit MoNes ami we have
i i r . i
mem : Loai : Lime : dhck
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
i.. i nr i i: i ri l-i u i u a ui-.i
r. v iiiiii niriiiimr iiiiii -Ti. i i w 1 1 r.a iiiiii .111 s a - . 1 1
riLLAMOOK Clay Works
t. ...... .....a. l.a.iitiifl 11 y.f tv,l- .i.k1 I. .,,,
V lllltt. I f. i II llllllll.ll a1lll HI IMI-I IIIIII llllllll
le ready for the market at the following prices:
Located ( miles south of Tillamook on main
traveled road.
Are You Constipated?
ikes' Cherrv Svruo for Your Couch.
ri WMI I1MMH I I I M IVIf H 1 SV I IMPIri ir
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Brick, Etc.
Railway Transporta
tion Still Crippled
Wc Will Have to DcycnJ on the Boats
For a Tim. Elaorc Brian Cargo
of Mccbandise. Pat Due
Next Week.
now open
Ktillwny trniiRftortntlou
Wheeler and Tillamook l
ii ft it noiirl v a week's tin un. hut from
Wheeler to Timber thu truck in In bad
Iimki' bridge being out unci slides and
wunhouti being In cotinlilurnlilo num
Iters along tlm way. It lit thought Mint
trhnaKirtntlon on thu railway will bo
crippled fur the nuxt three week. It
depend ii great dual nn to whether wo
have any nioru bud torm before thu
proyiit trouble hnvc been disposed of.
1 he tfiniwriiry bridge ha been con
struct' d In plncu of the one washed out
near Heaver.
V will now have to depend on thu
boats for frulgut. The Elmore arrived
hero on Friday with n lnr;e cargo of
Hour, feed und other inurchnndiite nnd
left on return trip to Portland thU
morning. 'Hie I'nUy In expected here
from Portland pent week, loaded with
general merchnndine and mail thnt has
been held over nt Cortland.
We receive) our II ml mail since Inst
Saturday on Friday. The mail will
now go ttnd come gver thu south routo
three lime n Work.
1'ontmnsicr IJnker received on Thur
dny the following; eotnmunlciitlon from
Chief Clerk Itimd of i'ortlnnd:
Poult-muter, Tllhimook, Ore.
Tcnixrry nioeuK''rorvice nulhor
ed between Willnininn "tid Hebo
three lime n week. l-nve WilU
mlnii ThurKilny und Snlurdny, llebo,
Fridny und Sundny, nfter which will
leiive Wllliimln.-i .Mondity. Vedneduy
mid Krhlav, lleho, Tuesduy, Thurnday
mid hntunlny. Dlapntch nil mail vU
U'illitmltDi until further notice.
A. S. It nnd.
Chief Clerk Hnilw.iy Service.
Chief features of
New fedcra.' Re.
serve Act Here
Presented" fed.
cral Kcserre
Board of Seven
Members to Su
pervise Hanking
System of the
. u OII,
Clglit to Twelve
Reserve Banks
to Be Establish
ed In Various
Parts of the
land Enacts
Money Reforms.
With Regard to
V.. T. Wntkini, local express iij;cnt
for the Well FitrKO Co., t this plnre,
Informs u thnt after Fibnmry I, the
uxpreioi rntea will be reduced twenty
live per rent, nils will e done to
compete with the imrcels Mat. We
unilerntiind thnt thfs will ennble the
exnreuft conipnnieK to successftillv
compete with the pnrcelM post on abort
IiiiuIh, nnd Hull on Iodk eastern hnuls
the expresN rules nru uven lower thnn
nru thu pnrcelH ost rules.
The express rules per ton from New
York, have been reduced from $14.00
to $10.15, nnd from Chiem,'o from $12.00
to S1UH), nnd other rntes ucconliiiKly.
Thu rules vittv nccordini; to distance,
the express compiiniea bavlnc: thuir
territory divided into bUicks, by mnp
nlnjj thu country off by strm'Kht lines,
liistend of thu zone division, into winch
the country is divieed by circles, which
the unreels post is workinir under.
Fnlrvlew Grmio No. 2?J held their
ruKUlRr.niectiiiv nnd iiuuuiil instiillntioii
of oIlk-eiM on Thursday, Jim. 8, 1914.
The tnoruiiiK was spent in funeral
routine of business, and the discussing
of the betterment of the (irmie for
coming year, nnd every onu seemed to
bo willing to assist in mnkiuir 1914
moro clllclent and prosperous than any
of its precccdintr years.
At noon a recusa was called and all
patrons participated in their usual good
dinner. After dinner the mooting was
called to order.
Deputy State Master, Ed. Worthing
ton, not being ablu to be present,
Ailolph Tinnemtot, n past Master of
thu Grange, wiir asked to take his
place, nnd installed the following o Ul
cers; Mr. Kmcat Herring assisting:
J. H. Dunstnn, W M; Sid Anderaon,
U 0 ; Koso Crawford, I. ; Frank Hester,
S; f). Hillings. AS; L. S. Maynnrd,
Chap; Mrs. Frank Hester, Treas; U.
Maxwell, Sec; Ed. Donaldson G K; N.
E. Hurton, Ceres; Myrtle Holden, Po
mona; Minnie Maxwell, Flora; Crystal
Dunntnn, L A S.
Tillamook, Ott.
TIIH fiilernl n-w-rve act In now n !
p:irt of the law of the land
I With l're:ileiit Wilson xluna
ture t. the new (Jbum-Owen
i'ltrriMKv leform bill the country look
fornnrd to the practical woiLIhk out
of the net The law Ik In pun ux fol
An act to provide for the establish
:i.-lit of federal reserve b.uil; to fur
nUli nn elnH(l" eurreucy. to afToril
meant or n-ui-.iiuiitlui;
i I'll IIt. to es
. .Ii.UIi a inure ef
I iM-1 I v e Kilper
il-iinii nf liuiiUim:
in the t! n ted
S t a t ex ni-d for
other p 'n"'e.
I'hnt th- nhort
:ille i.: this net
mIi.iII l.e the "fed.
er.il u-yerve net."
Si-e. A Mi Kill
a- pnu-tlcble ,be 0, ,
MS'ivtitrv or the
tr...isury. the sen- T,,K I'":mk.st. ,
retary of nsrletilttitv and the conip-,
tndler of the '-urrency. acting ns "the '
riKi-rve bank orpuilziUlou eoinnilttee.'' .
.shall desluiiule not less thnu elKht nor 1
more thnn twelve cities to be known ns
federal rexerve cities, and bhtill divide
the continental United States, exelud
Al.iska. Into districts, eneh district
to eoutalu only oue of such federal re
n-rvu elites.
nnu rimy tJe tmnnemir on tno ow
of the federal rexerve bank by tbe
chnlnunn of the bojinl of dlrectorn or
such bunk.
Should the subscription of stock by
brink und the public Ik? Inadequate
the Kovernment Itself may snbscrilM
for xti'W. Stock not held by member
tiatikx shall be voted by Class C Ulree
torn only.
To Tk Title of Prlnclpl City In R
erve District.
The nald eoinnilttee shall mipervlsc
the orgnulzatlon in each of the cities
designated of a federal reserve bank,
which Hhnll Include In Its title the
inline of the city In which It is situat
ed, as "Federal Iteservo Hank of Chi
cago." Under regulations to bo prescribe! by
the organisation committee every na
tional banking association in the Unit
sl States Is hereby required and every
eligible bank In the United States nnd
every trust company within the Dis
trict of Coliimblrt Is hereby authorised
Regional Inttitution Empowered tc
Eotablith Sub-Qanks.
N federal re.ierre tnnk nhall con
nienee lnilii"is with n ulrcrltKs:I rap
llnl Uv In aimurnt than St.OOD.O0O.
Sii-. 3. Kneh federal n-erve tmnl.
khall esrniilbh branch banks vvUli.it
the ftileral reserve district Ju wlmb
It is located and uiuy do so lu the dis
trict of any federal reserve haul,
which may have ln-en injteiidetl
SUih branches sball be or:itetl by a
board of directors under the rules ami
regulations approved by the feder.i.
reserre board. Directors of brauci'
batiks shall possess the same iualiti
cations as directors of the federal re
crve Diiiiks. i' our or saiu ui.-tioi
shall le selected by the ruservu b:Uj
nnd three by the federal resrvu iKKir.!.
and they shall hold otllce during tin
jileisure. respectively, of the pure...
linn!; and the federal reservu boari!
The reserve bank shall designate one
of the dlnftiirs as manager.
Sec. !. L'ikiii the llllug of
certificate with the comptroller of the
currency the said federal re
serve bank shall become, a body cor
porate and ns such and In tho uame
designated In such organization cer
titlcate shall have power
l-'irst. To adopt and usu a corporate
Second. To have succession for a pe
riod of twenty years from Its orjcaidw
tlon unless It Is sooner dissolved by an
act of congress or unless Its franchise
becomes forfeited by some violation of
Third. To make contracts.
Fourth. To sue and be sued, com
plain and defend, in any court of law
or equity.
Oddfellows and
Rebeccas Install
Fint Iutallatioa in New Lodge Ro
Takes Place on Tuesday Evening,
Lur e Crowd in Attendance De
spite InclenMnt Weather
On Tuesday evening the beautiful
new I. O. O. F. Lodge room was
the scene of quite a brilliant event,
the occasion being the joint installation
of both the 1. O. 0. F. and Re
becca officers for the ensuine vear.
J. S. Lamar, Deputy Grand officer
of the lodge. Installed the following
new officers:
Fred Minich. N. G; B. E. King. V.
G ; S. A. Broadhead, Secy; J. C. Hol
den. Treas; Edgar Munson, Van:
Henry Crenshaw. Com; J. S. Lamar,
It. S. to N. G; A; L. McCarty, L. S.
to N. G; E. M. Condit. it. S. to V. G;
E. D. Alien, L. S. to V. G; L. Lucaa,
It. S. S; D. E. Robinson, Chap; Oscar
Swenson, 0. G.
The following officers of the Rebec
ca Lodge were installed Wednesday
evening for the ensuing year: Mary
White, N. G; Bessie Chaffee, V. G;
j Phoebe Snodgrass, Recording Sec;
I Mae Maddux, Finn. Sec; Georgia Sow
ers, Ward; Bernice Lucas, Conductor;
Grace Jackson, 0. G ; Frank Severance,
It. S. N. G; Alice Wolf. L. S. N. G;
Mable Davis. R. S. V. G; Zella Cor.dit,
L. S. V. G; Sarah Warnick, Cnap.
After the business of the lodge was
disposed of, the male members gave
the ladies a surprise in the way of a
delicious lunch, which was enjoyed by
t.Mfli T (i,(,v.l... tta luinnl rf
I rl.l..,. ...Ill.l.. .tn.s. . l'l"'
" directors, elected ns beruluafter pro
after thu passage of this act Its ae- , , u oU, un) othof
c,.ptance of the terms and provisions wwj lwvWHl for , acU to ,ullK.
tlx the penalty thereof, to dismiss such
When the organization committee
shall have deslgutitcd the cities In
which federal reservu banks are to be
organized and Used the geographical .
limits of thu federal reserve districts
every national banking association '
within that district shall be required
within thirty days after notice from
the organization commltteo to sub
sciUki to thu capital stock of such fed
eral reserve bank lu n sum equal to 0
per cunt of the paid up capita Block
and surplus of such bnuk.
Any national bank falling to signify
Its ncccntnneo of tho terms of this act
.within the sixty days aforesaid shall
eeuse to act ns a reserve agent upou
thirty days' notlco to bo given within
the discretion of the said organization
commltteo or of tho fedora I reserro
Should any national buukltu; associa
tion lu tho United States now organ
h'.ed fall within one year after tho pas-
Huge of this act to become n member
olllcers or nny of them as may be up-
Milntel by them nt pleasure and to np
point others to till their places.
Sixth. To prescribe by Its board of
directors bylaws not Inconsistent with
law regulating the manner in which Its
general business may bo conducted
nnd tho privileges granted to It by law
may be exercised and enjoyed.
Seventh. To exerclso by Its board of
directors or duly authorized olllcers or
agents all powers specifically granted
by tho provisions of this act and such
Incidental powers us shall bouecessary
to carry on tho business of bauklu'
within tho limitations prescribed b
this net.
KlBhth. Upon deposit with the trtvu
urer of thu United States of any boiuU
or tho United States In thu mauuer
provided by existing law relating to
national banks to receive from tuu
comptroller of tho currency circulating
uotes In muuu, registered and couutur-
lv,,l.- .,i1r tlm imvelslona horolnbofor . signed as provided by law. equal lu
stwtod or full to comply with any of uiuouut to the par value of the bunds
the provisions of this act applicable rv "'i"'""- 0'"-" uw,
thereto ull of thu rights, privileges an
franchises of such association grauteu
to It under tho national bank act or n&
dor thu provisions of this act shall be
thereby forfeited.
No Individual, copartnership or cor
poration other than a member bank
of Its district shall be permitted to
subscribe for or to hold lit uny time
mure thnu JKMUX) par value of stock
in iiiiy federal reserve bank. Hnch
ntmk shall bo knowu vublic stock
under the hamo cuuditloiis und provi
sions of law which rehitu to the issue
of circulating notes of uatloual banks
secured by bouds of ttie Uulted States
bearing the circulating privilege, ex
cept that the Issue of such uotes shall
not be limited to the amount of ttae
capital stock of such federal reserve
Hut no federal -reserve bank abaU
triuinni-t any business except such as
Is liuiUeutuI uud ueeessarily pruliml
rv t (u ormnisatloa until It baa
a recent communication received
from Areola. Allen County, Indtcna
reads as follows:
Dear Herald:
Please kindly send me a
sample copy of your paper.
A gentleman of your city recently
sent his sister of Fort Wayns, Ir.d;a
large Tillamook cheese. She gave roe
some of it and I must say it
me as regards to taste and
being surely most excellent.
Yours Truly.
Allison Rudisill.
flavor, it
Geo. R. McKimens, Fred Zaddach,
Fred Kabbe."Jr., and 0. A. Lomaien
of Mohler, came to the city last Tues
day, returning to their homes on
Wednesday. They walked to Tilla
mook over the P. R. & N. right of
way, not knowing in what condition the
county road might be. They went back
tt'ith rigs. Mr. McKimens stated that
there were slides on the railroad be
tween Wheeler and Brighton and three
slides between Bay City and Hobson
ville. Mr. Lommen stated that the
water raised on the Batlerson place
until it came into the bam and the
cows were driven up on the big mow
to save them. Most of the hay will
be a total loss. The water has not
been so high in the north end of the
county for 25 years.
been itu.'liorized oy tne comprroirer or
the currency to ommenee business un
der the iirovlslons of this act
Board of Nine to Control Each Reasrv
Every federal reserve bank shall be
couductcd under tho supervision and
control of a board of directors.
Such board of directors shall be se
lected as hereinafter specified and shall
consist of nine members, holding officer
for three years aud divided Into three
classes, designated as Classes A, B
nnd C.
Class A shall consist of three mem
bers, who shall bo chosen by and be
representative of the stock holding
Class I) shall consist of three saem
bers, who ut the time of their election,
shall be actively engaged in tkelr dis
trict lu commerce, in agriculture t Im
some other Industrial pursuit
Class C shall cousist of tkree net
be re. who shall be designated by the
federal reserve boa id. When the aet
essary subscriptions to the capital
stock aare been obtained for tne er
ganlaatlon for any federal reserve
bank the federal reserve beard shall
appoint the Class C directors snd shall
designate one of such directors as
chairman of the board to he Minis!.
Peudlng the designation ef such ehah
nana the ergaalsatlon ceaaHttss
(Continued on page 3)