Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 30, 1913, Image 3

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    f t .
r;uii mtf thinner.
I.. t lil n.lr U. Mn.t lllir,.!.,
hnhi U III Portland UtU
ill, f (.mihnldl wn n Htct
lain I it t to T, II. tioyne'.
Mm (llMilll t.
iiI i-f hxwImk tlmm. Cull Mrs,
J(. I'liono 21 W.
n'li, I ii Irlinr fur ewur ami
. rV Mutual phntw.
I' twcy u Ixton rMling r
A l.'flft till
I. a few nrt ela farm morl-
X,' am.. I unl Hank.
l, a of llriiver WS n Tlllil-
,, , Vlnt'if Monday.
iv wniiu ytwr work wi
,v- ,iMra H.iittW,
I' IloUoiilif CaMtwMI Wat
hnpiwr tm Moods),
l-ait mi tint tln turn)
I If. I National Hank.
I .. i
- i HMVII wn 1 W ITT I
fl'u week with Id. brflthtiM
..1. I . I.. -i
r - - - -
ami i4V)r Mr altO wwxl far
wf JuMnoli y lht III ta
til Imj r'ily fur Out County
It J '
A i'l h. it, rKtmntttg wiUU
f.r M Kmjulw of VlrKtt
frank ltiw.
I. ic J Honor at Iho Old
ivi-ln-ll, iiwy mo Wo -o
f.'f I ho ttmttoy.
M Uy wan(c Kati. Jel I
ti'r rnit. Mwiwer irfnrr
I, . II.. flit. IlllMtnnt.
M Kuntnpft uf Mooter, at-
t - Ma.ohlf Imttaltatton holil
t Saturday 'Voiilht'.
Mt"l It, Terry, tcaclnsr af
S i ,t!. iwhjIIi uf luwn. a B
bupjwt Monday,
iil .f i urn in Mftxwir build-
in t Huitabtp far two nlf(?
ltl.tJ ('r '" M,U"M,,' W,Br,M ,IMV" '"""""I H'elr col-
' l'K studlt; to llmlr homo In (iiirllmMI
ICm Ctly uf Wliimlur, ullijicU-.l hi "I"""1 'I'" Xinnn vncdtlyn wild lliolr
MiiMlt liLtnllhtltui ,t(1 ,, i Kiitur- l"i't'. Ml M. MIIImi in (.irol i.t
Mm OM KinUli Kiirlirn
I.miiinm l)ru Atom l tint plhcii to kjI
hI ftMHl, til tittiKoimlilii irli''.
Mlm (Jrett
llii- 0. A. (J. iiml her lirotliur itt tliu IJ.
of 0, Hoth niu wiill known linro.
'Mm ti'iirliiTd In lint Jornl ncliool livo
nil Inft for Hie WlllMinuttu Vnlley to
ii"inl tlin tiiillilnv Min I i.nr. ti,..
IllHiliminti. wlm U nrlt.nl llhl la l.l I.... 1..,. t .. W..WI
I.. . .1 III. i . . ' hi. mi iii'lll'J in PILMIIIII-
i... l i i i i ' ' "lM,l- vllltt, mihI MIm ClnrVtt kmiihIii thu VIICII-
lnK tin. hvlliUyn N( (ha ),w l. t will, ,or vml t Hl,n,n. MIh
'Mini will , n Hrn,Hl iIhimu nl tliu V,'r,m W1h ninl Ml. thl Wooil
0nrn Hitiii Tlllwiinyik, Nttw Ynnt ,",v" l" Allmny. wlmro limy will
Viln.Uy uvnniui;, l)c. ait. j v,11 IMr. ox-!rlncl)iil of tint
Mr ami Mia u. -i.,i. ..I 'MHi'ioook nrliouU, mid mi tinclu of
.nr, mm ,Mr. ,,uk A. tkliultx will m(m ti.,,.,,11,,
VHtMilHin Mr. mtd hUt. Mwnr A.
8lmlt nm Mm. W. I)uth..r m.. "!" Invltjillonn Uiuetl
Vwr' day, i '
,. , ,, .., youni-r pooiilit iiml wild Imr lit Urn ruit-
llowm.1 l)rw, MM (Jrnt)a Wwttf. ,c .unllo ll nlKht nml roW.mUrf tl.
I'rmwji ll.ptw nml ML, ,,rt 1HWWm , flU mll1()r A ff)8
iJITd "l V'MW f '"ll.tlmi.prll Urn
f Xirtni Uftt, whon uneli rmcmlir-
TImwo inlnrior IteorMt!ni I M jy ' f1 Kirk. Aftur Urn tlUlrlhii
'I'lin-n tvirloiKJn of ClirlMlmiiH Irctig
linvti Iiimiii Hhljipitl from MolAlIn to
l.on Anut'lr 7rf" vtfirtt i U 10 f-jt
lilltli mill HtrU f:r (iirrlftl 1200 Iri-f
Tim flriit rHrirmil of liroomcorn vir
riiiMMHi out of JtHsfjiriliif r;iinty wtiit
to Adlilmitt, wlmro It will U infinufnc
(ur'l Into liroomn.
I't-tltloiiH nro Itt'liiK rilr:ltl nt
Mt dford for Km ricll of Mnyor I'ur
din mill vvwry iiiuiiilmr of tint ally
Mcfvuiily-fivq c1lliin of Mr.Mliin
vlllit, who Imvi) orgulr.wl n military
eoii!iny, Mrt to l inmlo iwrt of tlu
nntlomil nrd liy onlor of Adjutant
Myrlm ImmU n KiMflly riuniHar of (Jannrftl 11iir.
Clilxenti of ()rnnt I'mkh inlopicd r
olulloti chIIIuk on tJio count) fujrt
to hdijmI (lit C mlH nil Ux lt y .i ,
to tint oily of CrwitB I'im, Uu- ot,jc'
bflliB lo wt tliu city 107.000
Tliomftx It. 8hnr)i1iui. tx on xi'tt
ueh n iiiliiUti nml mHjr liaiiKtni: ,lon of I'l"""""" Knm mihI rofnuli- of il.c. nrt National tinnk of Ilvef
itwim . v. s, KHn ,. it. Orilnm
mil M llurolil aiUcc will rticwlvg prompt
aiiciuiuii. Mall plwnu 17.
Por Jlslo: I'metrfally imw lloiu
mint; ton IVI" wrltvr, prle tf..(W. i0
tlown flinl Kir iiwnili, to r.i)n.
ttilt puny. V. Vnn (irvn, lliu 1 10,
It. J. Kofli. of Union, On., i vl.li.
I Bl tltif IWttlH of hU M0 I- K Willi.
Mr, Koli I nl ttnjityliij; vtnit with
ltr inatlmr Mr. Jnliri Dlek nvl .utom
Ituvriitm nml Snli'nn Dick of I'lir'lnixl.
'Hid Wauum Itrliof Corim met in
I. U. 0. K. hull Snliri)tiv nflfrxtofi.
Utiv pbimIIiUIu, M. Itclo Julimuiii wn
lnltlnlr.1. Hnxi imun,. will Im hold
Jan, 10, wht InoUlUtiuti of tilllct'M
w iki plnee fulk wi by a lMriiit,
for nil iiioinuorn nml thoir fnnilllBji.
Itfv. WoUr, (Muitor uf Uio ,M. K.
Clmrfh. nml Krud J. I'onl neeompmi
I ll hy hIpvuh mamlM'ni of tint KnluliW
I of Mr UhkIUiii, mt order rocontly or
I cmtUnl aiiiufti; Uh' ly of llio Muth-
ollil .Sun-lay HhtHl, hi kill to N'uUrU
on Mitmlay, rottirnint; the uamo tlay.
Tlioy lo Mnwll I'fcrk, frtun which
wint thoy nw many itca lion nml had
rl tIMI V'lllW llf HrtVvml ft tl I f 11 nl nctl.
-MHUJi Kllthm will rv,Th0Utf,nnJ , lc ,rt, ,nucl.
unit fifc-iii, muni HK"i. I
ol Mr. ami
ti (pj.Mlt tr'
l)r VVpiKlt K)()Srla
UU KiU k'tatnr any
lylp. At rumionnlilo
r ytrutj.
Ami alltirnn wun tlto I) ml
i I ivcii ai ma upfa iiifinn
Bl til l lit
1. . ..1 . ....tJ. I
t iirrixr, wno IP a utuiiv hi
rr v of t)rifn. vlltl at
i. . . ... i t
lurinu tint pat wrck
.... M . t
r oi .linio vn, ti. a. jiiupi
way, fr ault on tint X'rJn
l" lr of IttxJKaway. Jou
ClI II Ikl Blul tiflAIJ UV JU1IICU
tirarl, lain of Vancmivpr wit
Uio liolcl IiUIikii III Itay
MitM.. Ill'.tV lllH ItrtIV IVIinilllll
atcly cmturlol by t. A.
iwtmty frlfitdit of Carl llntuir-
I . I . . ... Ik. I
ir mill a jiitaitniii nuriirirv ii-i
thr mriiiion blni; hi thirty-
I'irlhilay, Mr frttihtnont 'irn
and umiii'a nml ulhrr iimtuo-
I'Tii lllltVM.I
Illnrkbiirn of llliilmi, t-'anio to
. ... .. .. ii.. 1....1-...1
..... t I.. il... LiL uf ii li.iri.
I - .1 -...I I.I-
, k .1 . ... I Ik.
.lilllli HIHII t I (l,l rl I . . 1 11.
nmi'il I hit Imiirril tiinnhtr
following ninrrlnuo llroncutt
n 'at. ly Umipil : B. II. Kork
Im Wnlili Hutu nku: ICtlwiinl
l ,.!" .....I ., I'M...... TiIIhmiimiW .
llurriiiKlim and" nrn Hl',n l.
. . . i .
. . . i i
iiiri .mv.i r-J f . i i
... YV .' .T . .
IMJ J . (Ml 1 1 'M1 1 j "iim
t.S l . I LtB . . I... I
iv i.iuiiri'
for any old
Hot Water
ou buy n two-year-
ranteed Bottle. $2.00
or more.
t -vi 1 llf.. i
lie tm take the risk
Kdling old stock,
I 1 1
1 tl
il imr 1111 1 in
I.ati cvriilm; tlm honw
Mr. (tVo. A. hlmuinl wa tin; nconti
of a vitry p!rannt uncial nvnnt. Tint
x-calun wn a party kIvihi by Mr. mid
Mm. Bdmuttd In honor of their iilt'Cu
the MImij MhIxiI and Oraeu IvItnuinU
ot I'af Ific City, who until a fnw yrarn
aifo wnro mlilcnl of this city. About
fifty yoiinc frit nd wrro prrtcnt and
tbo rvcnlmt w very cnjoyobly apent
amid garnet and mutilc. Mc Bd
mund and Hurk miili'rtiih' tnimu very
meo vtK'at miIuk. liofrrnhmrnln wero
norvinl mid a uplondid lime la rcportctl
by all who wore prcnent.
Of Intoroat lo t-vry eominiinlty in
Uio Columbia batiin in !lio coining llf'.h
annual moutint; of Ihu Columbiu nml
Snnku Hivor Wiuorwtiy Aaaocintbot
which will be held In l'nrlliind April
I3 H, lUll. Mm rorlland Cluimher of
fommtircn In ltacklnir the movement
ami il i nxpofteil tin? coining couven
lion u'ill uclliMe till ulhiTi In the nuin
Ixtr of deluk'ntiM ntnloiiililisl iin.l in the
tnH)rtwnce of Urn uubjectii dlcual.
Wullnee K. .Slrtible, nmnncer of the
wnnmurclnl club nl l.ttwlMon, Idaho,
will devoto time I nun Jiiminry
llmt lo the dnte of the nieelliiK to viitU
Inic fill" I" Columbiu Vnlloy nml
in nrounlnt; Inlcrent in u tiiibjurt which
In of Mich vitnl intoroHt to the entire
(I whiff to tbu mimerou.i renun.ita of
the peorU' who v'ito unnlile to Kiiin ml
miiMllHB wn'i Uio pl.iv win hint pro-
' .i.-ited, "Tin' (ilrl troin lliu iiouion
1 U'ortl" will Ifl ropiiittid nt tho Slur
rhontro hy the Drmnnlic Cluh,
nii?hU, Friday nml Siittirdny Jan. Hand
10. The prico of iidmiHsion will bu Iho
minui. 'il nml 'Me. SenU mnv bo ro.terv
t.(l a week In ndvanco without uxtra
clwi'Ki! and the font will bo held until
ulttht o'clo k the nltjht of the show.
Tint box olllco will ho open Mon. Jan.
ftth and every day until tho nik'lit of the
Hhnw from H to & and 7 to U p. in. wnon
HimlM may liu reserved for either nijht.
This tit dime to enable thimo to Hucurc
Hcatu who eould not Bee the hIiow Iio
foru. A number of Hpeo.laltli'H will bo
1tmduVe1l thrmiKli tho play, and nuw
pHturOH botwui'ii ihn acU. Uemrmbor
noVallH, a continuoua performance,
Jan. Old nml 10th. At tho Star Theatre.
From Bxalulnur:
FrimclH Provoat former publisher of
tho HKHininrr, returned to his homo In
thlrt city last Tuesday. Mr. Provost Is
tnkliiK tho medical course at tho U. of
0. and will return to his studios after
thu holidays.
Word hoa been recolved imnouncInR
tho birth of a dauifliter to Mr. mid Mrs.
William I'ottoys,' formorly of this city.
Mr. Pottoys is principal of uw neu-
tiiniilt prtnlomlnntoil till n late hour,
hut, wiib tiidlclttl hy thf Iijuirlr
county (-.rand Jury for obmlnltiK W"
hy lt irt'inao, nml for forgco
J. I), mown, of Arllnslon, hn bt- n
chuwm to Hiiccfttd Arthur V. Swift, ol
llM L Ur u ...... I. n .1... ! l.l
I'l... .!,-... II I..I... f.t-l (......,..,. . wl-su.i
-iivig. rfiiini r.ricKmtn i i,,.il,,Mul
nori nuinmy wcro rurmwei for a
Prom Ueirtcr
Union of
1 UVillMUUMI CC LUU unu fU
HlU lf.f UI..M
jmrl.Hl of alx month, by the City j VxV ,)r0w, of Crlion. hm. h.-,n
luucll la,t PrliUy evening. , , ,,, w
Mt3nr ('tomtit nml Hoodie nre innk- horn catilf nt tho liitflrnnlloiuil live
Inif uxctilmit piottrem In their IuIcIiik : ttock nhow nt CIiIchko. The exhlhli !
operatloiw, havlni: iiiovmI wImjiii 1,000 j In tho larRrnt In Iho ahow. ;
ynrda of din during the paat week. j In tint tiui neanou the Kovernmont I
Mrt. K. I.. Itoctor ami MU Minnie crulnod 260.000 ncnts ot timber- j
Whcflor enlPitalnod a few frlnml nt 'n'1 rtr'i of Ort-Kon. The !
five humlretl, UhiUlmait ovenlni: nt the wf1' done In mntiiro bIt, with I
Hector Hole). 1 tho vIpw of xoIIIiik the timber lo Iok '
II. W. Kloln. J, VV. Tohl and O. A. ! B,MB co,"lt',"- :
Whllf left for P.irtlaml Momiay where I Jck,, "ol vMtFti V :
tl... fnrmt,,- will n...i..u.r .... i.i- I t'irtom fon-rt fire In the past
h0m.tad in Co,!' Vnlloy, Inifore ' "Ma0n' ,hw C0llnK I
ItPKintor II. P. HlRby, at tho U. S.
Land olllrc.
Mr. and Mr. Ilranner enterlMlned n
few friwmU ChrUtmu- Pvn. A Chrint
tniu Iron, mxl jolly old .Santu Clau
were the principal featuron of enter
InlnmenL, Tho KUeti were Mr. nml
Mm. athurit, Dr. nd Mm. Hamilton
nn4 on Burl, Mr. Zimmerman, Ralph
lireniior, Mr. IVtnrum, Kkln Archi
bald. Mr. nml Mm. Cnthor of Port
land wore nlo KikWt.i.
J. J. StK-ncer was tho recipient of n
lialf 11 cent tin acre for the timber
j holdings outtildo the Rovurnmeut re
I ncrvt'ii.
A mtttitlm; of 100 dnlrymon wag held
1 at Koritfil Crovo to iIIicum coiidltions
, In Ktmernl. Dr. Jannw Wlthycomhe,
1 hAt) of the (txpcrtinentnl station nt
forvallltt, uioku of hrcodlns of tin
tlalry herdtj.
President Wilson has Krnnlod n pnr
dou to Hnrry Hedford, convicted at
Portland hint xprliiK on n chnrijo of
tn I; I n i: liquor Into the Umatilla Indian
rottitrvntlon nml fcontoncod to CO days
hnndtom' ChrUlmns clft from Fred i In Jnll nml to pay a fine of $100.
HniW, former third mate on tho ill- The petition of the Klamath sports-
fated Mlml. 111 the form of a minti-1 men's association tiKnlriEt tho closing
ture hand carve likenens of the vessel j of SpniRiio nnd Williamson rivers to
palnlod In exquisite colors, with the
company's llau n well as the German
rotors and mountetl on a lurk'e U. S.
IU which Is 11 No made of hurt! maple
nnd painted with a raited starry Mold
of blue. It took: Mr. Ilnce six weeks
to make It plcee by piece nml ho cer-
losglnK operations lifts reached Wash
ington nnd been presunlcd 10 Secre
tory lanit by the Oregon dok'Kiition.
One hundroil ami ninety-four re
cruits in three mouths' time Is the
rtcord mHde by the Oregon national
Kunrtl In n cnmpatRii to fill up nil
tiilnly did ttxcelletil work. Il is worth j companies of the guard to wni
CoIiik to nee. Mr. Spencer Ink us 11 1 strength In the lace of tho present
(iellnlit In shnwlntr it to visitor!, o 1 Mexican stttintlou.
don't hositalu askini; him for the privi- j Sample of the first sheet of pulp
lo,;c. j over madfi from yellow fir, and this
' from mill wnm, hnve been received
After an illness of two month?. Mnr- Governor West from C. A. Smith
tin Hart, one of Wheeler's prominent 0( tho C. A. Smith l.ogelng company,
cltlftttnii, iIuhI I ant Tuesday evening. 1 hicli hns built n pulp mill In connec-
llehad been actively engngod in the tj0 w 1 1 1 1 the company's big plant nt
livery business with his brother Frml 1 Mnrnhflold.
Hart, In Wheeler fur the past year and Poultry produces more wealth for
took n grout interest In things that j oreson annually than don fruit. It
pertained lo the uphulldirg and growth
of Wheel jr, having also served as
coiiurilmiiii for several months, suc
ceeding the Into B. I.. Hector in this
Durim; ids stay with us he has pro
ven himelf to be honorable nnd up
right in his hu tines dealings with
everyone. He was hold in high esteem
by all thoie who knew him ami in his
death the community hns lost a pro
gressive nnd worthy citizen.
Ho lonvos two brothers and u sister
to mourn his missing, Frank Hurt of
New York nnd Fred Hart of this place
nnd Mrs. Christine llnston of Clove
laud, Ohio.
Funeral services will bo hold Friday
morning nt 10 o'clock at tho F. U. of
A. cemetery whore tho remains will be
laid to rest.
From Courier:
Harrison llooth mid wife, of Tillam
ook, weroguestsof their daughter, Mrs.
Istur Uay, at Oretown a few days
this week.
Miss huclle George is hem:' from I r
Portland school to upend tho Christmas
holidays. '
Ed Wnrthington and C. A. Smith
returned today from a short business
trip to Corvnllis.
A tidal wave occurred Tuesday nnd
is reported that at onu time tho wntor
completely covored tliu snndspit in
front of Pacific City.
Miss Uuth Owen who is touching- at
Wheoler, and hor sister, Mls Ava, who
is attending school at Portland, came
homo to spend tho holidays.
N. N. Kirby and his wlfo loft last
Saturday for n tun days vfsit In tho
north end of tho county. Mac Mattnon
Is making choose during1 his absence,
I'lio Christmas tree ami) entertain
ment Riven in tho church was as usual
well nttendod. Tho pwruni ennfp
pro luce half as much as wheat, three
times as much us wool, one and. n half
tlnien ns much as hops, CO per cent as
much ns hay, twice as much as oats,
nnrt G per cent of tho total ngrlcultuml
wealth of the statu.
J. II. Ackerman, president of the
normal school at Monmouth, who
heads the weUrru stale teachers' ns
soclnllon, hns prepared the program
for Its session at Salem Incumber 22
to L'4. The big event of tho secslou
will he the nddruss of Dr. M. O. O'Shea
of Wisconsin.
Deputy Sealer of Weights nnd
Measures Iluchtel has been notified
that In various parts of the state
eords of wood containing less than
12S ruble feet, the number required
by law, nro being sold, and has in
utruoted the county bealors to make
That State Senator McColloch has
no legal right to serve as attorney for
tbo corporation depart incut and the
state Industrial commission, wns the
statement mnde by Attorney-General
Crawford, who, In an opinion, ndvlsed
Stato Treasurer Kay not to honor war
rants for $150 a mouth its remunera
tion for Mr, McColloch's services.
Governor West has announced that
ho will nsk the next legislature to
upproprlato $SC&S.3(. a deficiency In
the uinount expended for tho trans
portation of Union and Confedernto
vetornns to tho celebration of tho COth
nnnlvorsary of tho battle of Gettys
burg. This amount is owed the O.-W.
H. & N. company, and tho original
appropriation, of 5000 has been ex
hausted. With tho hopo of ollmlnatlne somo
of tho 22 saloons of Tho Dalles and
providing for strict regulation of the
places where drink la dispensed, the
city council passed a rigid ordinance
which will become offoctlvo Jnnuary
I, 1D14. Open fronts nre required In
nil saloons, making the bars nnd all
pernons Inside vlslblo from tho side
walk. The amount of the annual 11
moiit school at Porll tud and is tho son rialiiR drills, dluUiguo ami aonRs by CI,I1BI, whcj, saloonkeepers shall pay
tt. .....1 M W II. Pettuvs of this tho children, was apienumiy ronuereu Waa rnlseU from soo 10 jiutiu.
Sue Us for Prices BeforcJOrdeririB Elsewhere
Hand Made Logger
From French
and Domestic Kip
Curren Green
A. A. PENNINGTON exclusive agent
For Fine
Merchant Tailoring
LliJWea Iw'ha nd lelT- fT
We have the agency for tho
Popular World'i Star Hosiery
and Underwear
Also (be NU BONE Corsets
liiz. (Jive Usa CMZZUZZI
l-orncr Start hi .Masonic Bltljf- Tillamook, Ore.
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Brick, Etc.
Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel
.(With Uoulik Wathon)
Both Ffcoaes: Bell 53 J; Mutual
P. O. Box 147
Abstracts on Short Notice byCthe
Pacific Abstract Co.
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
F. S. Ford
F. J. Ford
Painters and Paper Hangers
Interior Decorators
Give Us a Call, Bell Phone J 7.
fiappy new Vcar
to! All
We Sthnnkjfall of our patrons and customers who
have helped us to build up such a fgood business.
"Our Motto: "Satisfaction Guaranteed
E2 or Money 'Refunded. ' '
Hope to see you all again next year also your
Ul Hill MMH
and nil enjoyed thu entertainment.