Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 30, 1913, Image 1

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    " 3
iG!I5llOULAT,ON of" Any Paper in Til la moo
Tillamook, OuiiGort, Dkckmiiku 30, 1913.
NO. 98
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(TSTl 'Mason and Star
Lodges Install
New Masonic Lodje Room Scene of
Ltree Gatberhj of Masons, tbeir
j Faailiei and Frisnds. Dec. 27tk.
, On Saturday evening. Dec, 27th, thu
Slue I.bclec, Royal Arch Masons and
Ution In the now Masonic lodge roam.
There- w large attendance of Mas
ons, their faml'Ies nnd friends, there
ielng about J60 or more persons pres.
Wish ,Yqur:i very happy New Year and
thank you heartily fWyour business-As one of
your New Year's resolutions, trade at Italtom's
The )U)i0c o( Hart Scha liner & Marx Clothing,
Stetson Hats, Florbhicm Shoes, Nemo and Ajn-
; aim
erican Lady CorSets, ivayser Silk Gloves
Hosiery. Ladies Home fournal Patterns unci
I;, old MerchandMd' :
PR&ttfejTORY -.fiMJS;
ftsferts Wednesday, Dec. 31st.
possible minimum; to eloic our lines l winter nWcluimlise, to tnnlce our stock
ttltow as fnr t possible the tciist ciitiiiit ol last year's oods that We may
open our tfpriiiK Hues of merchandise t the reaiest possible advantage. To
do this vvc will sell joods for the next ten days, during stock taking, at
prices that have never been paralleled in this county, lor instance, ail Ladies'
Suits at price
EXTRA SPECIAL: For the flrit week In January, double gold bond trading
stamps with every 10c. purchase
t gvafirawcggr rm m masu
fjTho Blue Ivalgo, fniitallod their offlc
tsfiratj Attoyficy H. T. BotU acting
aV rostaflintr officer and. Frank kuver-
incv'urtlfjg romfraLjt.
-t.li I. -r'li.. ,.r .i... rti. " t
flficmvb6 wereiiata'lhjd; .',
J 717-' ii'r
It is the aim of this bank to j,dve
"the best banking service possible
and we do it!
Jt is also otir aim to have the
-very bqst wptipnient such as
l'roo! Hanking
f Vault, Hur-
Wur Proof Sale, Modern bale
Deooslc U'.wcr-'and we
them. t
, Jilolern Fire Vn
JKooiii, Fire Proof
til Hoc Proof Safc.w
mat receipts from the national
ia of Wnohlnifton nnd OreHWV lur-
he put four months utnountod to
820, an lncroo of 17 por cent
recalpta for tho wmo period last
the two million trees to ho .plant-
I tha natloiml oreata of Montonu
ortharn Idalio during tho prosunt
yaar, onwhulfhuvo hiuin vet, put
ill and tho raat will bo put 111
A thorouhly up-to-dnto sawmill with
u ctipncltyvof (Mi.OOO board feet day
linn boon otected, on thu Bouth const of
Mindanao hluiid. U la of Amcrlcnn
make throuhout, and uses tho modern
hahdsAW, This is only ono of suvornl
such nillU In tho I'hlllpplnoB.
It Is prodiutcd that westorn yollow
pino will furnish nn cxeollont aourco of
turpontlno us tho southern pino bo
cornoa oxbuusted.
Whllo thoro uro llvo hoinlocka in tin?,
Unltud Stutps, only two nvo of ny
coinmcrolnl Importance, common hem-
OrfKon Awriculturnl CoHcrc, Cor
'vnllis, Ore., Dec. . Only about
three-fourth of the eiri that uro
' purkod in crates at Iho store as thev
ciMtie from tho farm arc fresh, Of the
I roinnirtdcr alwut three-fourths aro elass
leil us stale, most of tho others arc
' crdckel and dirty and a sinallu,r num
j berrotlen. This is tho ' average con
Klition of a crnteof cRgs such as are
, found in tho mnrkct in various prirts
of tho United States, aceonitiiK to tho
Invi'.Mtlnutiiiii:! mado by the IJ. S.
Departuiont of Agriculture
l'urhaps tho cgx in Oregon aro not
quitu bo bud us that, at loast not al
ways, but they aro fur from what they
should be, When tho ckijs aro pucked
of mixed lots just as they aro brought
in by farmora und poultrymen, the
numt)er Of okjis in ouch of thu four
clusscs at certain scusons, as found by
carnitine nt tho Orcffun Station, is
about as follows:
Fresh oRjra 2M, stulo ere;s 65, craqW
cd or dirty efrirs 31, rotton 2. In per
centages tho valuos in tho abovo order
uro 77.B, lli.e, ndn,
Tho condition of tho otfa in tho
markets is ascertained by candllner.a
process that under scientific market
methods would bo' attended to by tho
producer. Hut aa lon as no better
prices arc paid for ruded. nnd strictly
frerih ol'cs than are unid for mixed lot6
just so InnK grading before nitirklnn'
'will not bo done.
Tho present method of buying and
' Holllnjr without regard tffyj aluo is un
fit Ir both to tho producer ,and consumer
of fresh euu Shall tho inroducer, tho
dealer or ttie cot sumer.lHKU toe nrsii
wtop to conect the pwaeal unsutisfuct- j
orv niothods of marklnKt' '' ,
LI 4
E. TrombU.. VlX
f. Klbert Clrm, S, U' f
I E. J. Itc?dy: J. D.' .
f E, J. .Shilling, S. S.
It. N. Ilcnkle, J, 3.
M. V. Stlllwell, Tyler., (
Immediately iui tho (rulajlatton of
itt Bloc Jcdtfe o!flcrs,,Wt C; f olraagc,
ith a ftiw'lUttni rmaik nrpsonifs
tho Dido I-Odico, and , Chapter with :
lfe sire portrait of pr. Johnson, at5
Wnf tim ' '' reaiaWilt-. . of.
inii ciiy unu a nevoiea mob; air.
wmnor nia spionmu cnaracLerantt
tbT?anyI thm he had danc"
i or ,Tiso!iry. rrnnK bevernnce re-
sforief to Mr. Tulmaco's nreintation
irho porUafl, spe-SkinRof its wonder
ful likencas to Or. Johnson, and thank
ing Mr. Talmuue for tho beautiful
I' fui o;old plated oval frame. Mr. lair
inline WiLn given u vote of thuuks for
tho upprupriuto and beautiful tl.
which was indeed a fSttink' Rift on
fitting (cc.nsion, the? Chapter of Roy
al Arch Miutiiis of this city beiut; nam
ed in honor of Dr. Johnson, whose
endeavors thirty years ago meant so
much to tho Masonic Ledge of this
The presentation of the portrait wns
followitl by tho installation of the oft',,
cers of Johnson Chapter of Itoyal Arch
Muslims, It. T. Hottj uctinR as install
ing officer and Frank Severance as
The following officers were installed:
C. W. Talmaue, High Priest.
Geo. H. Hdmuntls, King.
K. I). Severance, Scribe,
Curl llnberlach, Sec'y.
0. 1. dough, Treasurer.
The installation of the officers of
Johnson Chanter of Itoyal Arch Masnna
was followed by the instullition of the
ollieers of Silver Wuvo Chapter of the
Knstern Star.
The installation of the Eastern Star
officers was of longer duration and
very interesting. Mrs. Amanda Haber
lach, the installing otlioer, had her
part of the work wo,l committed and
delivered it in ueh a manner ns to
tiring forth many compliments, flirs.
C. I. Cluliirh acted as marshal.
Just before tho installation of tho j
lOustern Star officers, Attorney FI. T. j
Holla on behalf of the chapter present
ed tho retiring Worthy Matron, Mrs
Lulu Crenshaw, with a Past. Worthy
Matron's pin, in recognition of the
faithfulness laid rial with which she
hud performed the duties of her office
during tho past year. ,
The following officers were then in
stalled: Zoo J. Smith W. M.
Curl Maberlach W. P.
Zola M. Shrode A. M.
A'. H. Gaylord, Secretary.
B, J. daujson, Treasurer.
Lola Needy. Conductrees.
Theresa Gaylord, Associate Conductress.
The following poUmnters have late
ly been appointed for points in Tilla
mook county: Harnesdsle, Vcru V.
Karnes, vico Frank Karnes; Hambik,
B. (J. Anderson, v-e ! L. Crook;
Ncskowin, Catherine D. Crater, vice
J. W. Myers: Netarts. Maude S.
Shap. vice J. A. Kiggs: Sandiake,
KWn K. Atkinson, vice Eddie R.
Hayc.; Woods, Everett E. Parker,
vice Wm. It. Robodee ; Oretawn. Vrn.
Redberg; PaeifltsCity, ) wight r! Ed-
miinds; Wllnon, Jas. P. Reeher.
The postmastership of Tillamook
City has not been settled ,as yet. P.
W. Todd, B. p. Umar and W. F. Hak
er, the present incumbent, are active
! Our Weekly
Portland Letter
Work on Uasalilla Project te It
Pushed. Co-operation Aaeaf
Farnen Urge:.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 (Special)
The problem of furnishing, work for
idle men fn Eastern Orejitfn, which la
an important nnestion at the present
time, Is to be solved within a very
short time by the commencement of
actual construcboo work on the first
10,000 acre unit of the West UnutHIa
:xtcnsi6n Irrigation project Orders
eandidatea for the position. Wo under- i . ". T t 1a .t . . 7
stand tnat U. J. Myers and Mr. 'Dahl.,?avc ?cei b' en,.
trean.havo also tendere.1 their appHca- " . t ' . "ut ""'Hr """J
Uoiia.Tor the position. Recommenda-J , "."T, T . ".. - v
tiona fromonrscnators are now in thei;: V- . ,p 7 .
hands of the department officials. , , . ,.
available, the work wil) be poshed
straiRh't tbYough to completion and it
is expected Ifciat tbe project will be fin
ished within a year. Under prjsent
Tillamook Count, friends. of Ex-Sen-L
ator lloume, lately 'ttnt to him. atl ,; .,,.,
rVashlogton. a solid gold plate three i ,-ot. J- f;
nches wide and tlye..ncne feng Ulnatn,H anJ M()rrQW co,jnUm
token of appreciation lor the splendid -n-. .nni :.u
service, rendered Lihb. locality, during worfe un!er , own di
A - r . ,, i ijaicr a large pari 01 we worK will De
OronrTheioIlowlnR words-were' en-1, ,-,,, r t
graved upon tbaplatoj , )ntticta bfrered to gcU,cr3 a
io jonauianioourne Jr., mis (Men- t. r.i -At.MiL.i. t j . -
j fn - . i".urnismnTinemen3piovmeni our
,f h iJlPxii is noth4 to be done
ttTaVIntcHfint.aneifaAiirBel J
hk eifar he him In hi.'nalf .oflfctsV A Cbopirative enterprise -Ja. noir
country and particiilarly in jIeve'lopinfiiunJr way )none jfarmind commonityi
upouuaing me wonuenui iaw oi1" "w ,nwi i;t,guy v"1"'
jon and her rejourcea." '.'Present-.copied In msny paftS of, Ojregon, Ir
ed by:
Citizens of Wheeler ajia Nchaien.
By Citizens of Tillamook."
Tho gift wus ssnt hfm in a beautiful
card case upon which his name was
engraved in gold. It is valued at 51S0.
The City Dairy extends a
New Year's greeting, thanking its
many friends for the liberal patronage
of the past year, and wishing them all
h Happy New Year; trusting that busi
ness relations will continue as pleasant
in the future as in the past.
Yours for further service,
W. D. Glad well.
Harricte Sarchet, Chaplain.
Lula Crenshaw, Adah.
Jessie Plank, Ruth.
Blanche Mc Nair, Esther.
Ethel Gaylord, Martha.
Clara Boats, Electa.
Levina Coates, Warder.
Ira C. Smith, Sentinel.
After the installation ceretnofdes
wero over, sixty four of those present
sat down to the hrst tables of the,banv
,quct that had been prapured in the
banquet room. -The tables were filled
twice. Those who had charge of the
workof preparing the banquet are to
bo' congratulated on the success ,of
their part of the evening's entertain
ment. The tables fairly groaned witn
the good things to cat nnd after all had
been fed Ihere wns plenty to spure.
which, for various reasons, difficult? in
ranriielfng farm products has, been ex?
perica,e4nMlC,Io ,4h'wr,w1e
:...!- .i . , tjr ii
uiuiat wuiiiujuiiiiy uivy arc uuiiuih a
packing plant for the purpose of o'ia
posing of their surplus livestock in the
same way the big puckers in Chicago
handles stock. Careful investigation
of marketing conditions has been un
dertaken and toe promoters aroj.assur
ed of an outlet for all products ant! e
hearty ' mUCh higher return to stockmen than
can be secured under present condi
tions. This fact of co-operation in
Wisconsin is remarkable only as re
gards the character of the business
undertaken. In Oregon thero is abund
ant opportunity for the establishment
of co-operative creameries, canneries
nnd even for a number of starch fac
tories. The raw products for maintain
ing1 such industries can readily be pro
duced in enormous quantity, and ap
parently all that is lacking is the in
itiative and the community spirit which
should bo as highly developed 'n Ore
gon as in any other state. We have
some co-operation in marketing, the
Subscribe for the Herald.
Vou the news twice u week.
It brings
results of which have been-fairly satis
factory, but there is profit for the
farmer aijd. benefit to the-community in
the extension of tho policy to a point
where it will unite tho interests of pro
ducers wver a considerable territory
and" which will, to n great extent, do
away with the unsatisfactory market
ing .conditions which, now exist.
Jay Baker the East Beaver cheese
man, was iivhe city Monday, settling
accounts and transacting other busi
ness in'cinnection with the factory.
He brouyjjj; in .the fast load of cheese
6f the season's run.
lock und western heralocfc ruakea tho '
bettor lumber. x
Tho Philippine bwafuot forestry
uses a launch for aarvlea batwajryi tho
islands. Tho U, S,, Forea servce em
ploys several, both1 on inland lukuw mid
In suit water, in Aak,aii.l Florida,
Tillamook, Ore.
On Your Own Account
Have you aqy money In the bank? A part of your earnings ought
to bo placod there, anyway. Everybody can afford to save some
thing, however' littlo. Have a bank account of your own nnd you -will
feel happier, better, more Independent. Make your little
mpnay earn uyrf , und so grow bigger. -Better than hoarding it
where fire " or thieves can reach it. Your bank-book ia a receipt .
and an evidence ft your wlso economy.
Tillamook County Bank
. f
1 - V