Sale sweeps ON OUR SWEEPING COMPOUND IS OUR LOW PRICES 2M Which makes Our Store the Bargain Center of the City TH lfs Our Own Way of Doing Tilings, distasteful to some especially certain competitors but pleasing to all those in need of clean, classy merchandise at reduced prices. We are not handing you a few baits i?1 with a big "holler", neither do we have to call on' "Webster" or "neighboring ads" to impress upon one and all the fact that there are no reserves or hold-backs, or that every article and every original price have been cut. or Special Sale and Efforts to Please Will Continue Until Saturday Evening, Jan, 3rd Until the iast second of time is ticked off, and as true and faithful as the Gold Btnuls ol Uncle Sam, will you find as doing just as we advertise. Our Entire Stock at the Mercy oi Low Prices. Never Will Mortal Man, Firm or Corporation hand you Merchandise of Merit at a lower price. Never will up-to-date Clothing, Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, Dress Goods, Gloves, Blankets Shirts, Sweaters, waists, Collars, Tics, etc., receive a deeper cut. Gome i the Sale thai Sets the Pacs and Staggers Competition! ERVICE AFETY ATISFACTION YOURS, ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, A. A. PENNINGTON TILLAMOOK, OREGON THE HOME OF FASHION'S BEST f i ILL. L H Baihe In Comfort Your cold bathroom can be warmed casilvand nuirklv hv nifnn! j -a j " j - - - J, Sr.iottgt.i-ss ZJ A Jll tlrl You'll wonder how you ever got alontf without it. Easy to move from room to room. Easy to light and take care of. Can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Will last a life " 'wvv4 lit ynxiu v4 blue enameled arums. Ask to see it at your dealers. Standard Oil Company SAN FKASCISCO etc V j i i ILL For Best Results Use Pearl Oil rr r j 3 fto -E BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Tho county court of Jackson county has levied 3 mills for road purposes. The fiftieth annual meeting of tho Oregon Historical society was held at Portland. Tho river Is open again to navigation aftor having been sealed up by a shoaled bar for over a month. Senator Chamberlain has Introduced a bill to protect the dignity and honor of the uniform of tha United States. Tho following Oregon postofflces havo boen advanced to the presides t'nl cliiEs: Haines, salary $1000; Su thcrlln. ?I100; Wlllaiulna, $1000. A score of poor children of Eugene nvru ulvflu a Christmas treo aud a din ner by the Gamma Phi Hetas sorority of girls at the university of Oregon. A herd of Gfi Arizona goats has been shipped from Corvallls to Sonora, Texas, the goats bringing an average of $17 each. A total of 144,000 will be paid pa trons of the Creswell co operative can nery as the proceeds of the first year's operation, Enterprising physicians In cortnln "dry" sections of tho. state are aiding materially in the violation of the Inw, according to a statement made by Governor West. Governor West says there will bo no special session of the atato legis lature to fix up registration laws. Hp says a littlo common senso will rem 'dy the trouble, i'Vd'ral Judge Drnn fit th3 ' 1 1 State rourt at Portland will nuuitx-r certificates of Chlnvse In order that tht-r- hnil not bv nny violations of Ike Immigration Itwi. Klectrtc railway service birtweoti Mt toll us ami I'rinevlll in central Ore gon Is a proposition being worked out by the business men and m.ishmuu of that section. Having receive! complaints regard In? the discipline at Worn Point, Sn tor Chamberlain has Introduced resolution for an Investigation of the academy. As sort of an afterChrUtiims cele bration and final wlndup for the year of 1013, the MuzamuH are pinning n ski trip to Mt. Hood, leaving Portland Iwcembor 27. to tx gon five da1). The scarlet fever epidemic In Union has been brought under control by lif-altli officers. No nsw cases have ben discovered for a week, and the public schools will be reopened Janu ary 27. Mrs. Mary Krlkson, of Portland, frail and without money, hurled n brick through the window of n store in I.oh Angelas, f.'nl.. In order that she might be arrested and put In Jnll, whore she could get something to ent. Tho state emergency board refused io authorize a deficiency of $60,000 for Immediate use In giving employ ment to Idle men of the statu. Gov ernor West say that ho will make nnother effort to secure relief for the needy. Linn county wlfl expend more than $180,000 In road improvement In J014. The budget of next year's work, which hr.s been prepared and Is being pub lished, and on which the tax levy to be made will bo based, shown thai ap proximately this amount will bo avail able for the Improvement of the conn ty's highways. (Purging that there Is little sem blance to law and order In the city, that the snlnnn (ilmm.nt la I ri fiiit rtf of the municipal government, and that the lives of themselves and their fam ilies are In constant danger, about 55 residents of Copperfleld, Haker coun ty, have appealed to Governor West for relief, The board of hluher fiirrlptila l.v resolution at a meeting in Portland, agreed to eliminate thn rnnrMritt In chemical and electrical onglnoerlng from the curricula of the unlvorslty of Oregon, transferring them to the Oregon agricultural college, and ellm Inato tho courso in oiWi engineering at the agricultural coIUmui and UHKlL'ti It to tho university. A convention of tho C4 roud Biiuor- j visor of lnti rounty will IW I I KuKn-t shortly sftnr the rip r i imHr Isors for I9U an .nu- I 1 January, ant-unllng to plan of lU- county court Th purpuM- of ih I convention wilt ) to onillnM plan: i j road wcrV for the tornlnd r m d t tnakv a study of modem roadmuK. . mothwls. "Til" bill which llprntatlr- Si , nott Introducod to kIvu public Inn ' entrymeu thro years in which to rr tnbllxli a residence on Innil. dimits tin Ideas of many men In Ornmiii. wl. Uhv reprnaoiitnd tlmt tho expnnsi- ' getting established on claims is i: most prohibitive. The bill Is vr carefully drawn and Slnnott !i.iir It will hnve Mi approval of tht row 1 mlttefl aud tha Intsrlor department ' Portland enjoy the distinction o. having tho most prosperous posi" cnvlitK bank In tho United Hiatus, it idinwn by tho annunl report of Mi boanl nf trustntHi of tha postal s:i . Ing4 i"m. recently suit to i-ongress Only 'hr-e cities in the United Htat have larger deposits In their post i snvlnrs banks Minn Portland -N York, Chicago and llostnu, cltl whlch greatly outrank Portland Jn population. as an it tt ronton wnicn tiaseritiii mi lleve will he a rival to Portland's fa mous Christinas swim, the Maker conn try club plans for an open golf lour namriit, medal play, to he staged on Haker links Christmas day. .Marvel I.owrey, aged 16, of Alsea, committed Hiilclde by drinking car bollc acid while In a fit of despond ency over tho fact that she could not havo pleasures tho same as oilier girls, Mrs, J, H. Koherg, who resides on a farm east of Hood' Itlvt r, held up two suspects with a revolver as they were trying to enter the bouse of i Japanese near her home, ami detain ed them until the arrival of the sher iff THE MARKETS. ' WfiS&mm PRESENTS I B' v '' "Olympic" PsncaV.llour ',j Sc t- f JnBasHMHI ,r,t iutrpnnit M . : ji jjBjMRK ,,lr' r,Ji,r!Ully i"iur,s,' mm I'". :i an wamiHaaB n i rt if bb BHaasv Portland. Wheat Club,. 85o; bluestem, fltcj red Russian, 84tL Hny Tlmothf $17; alfulfu, $14, Hutter Creatnery, 35. KKgH Candlod, 40c. T" (Beattle. Wheat niueiitem, 9Sc; club, 84c; red Russian, 83h. Htty-Tlmothjt, $17 por ton: alfalfa. $14 per ton. ' KW 41c. Butter Crsaiaery, 36c. There is no substitute lot Royal Baking Pow der for making the best cake, biscuit and pastry. Royal is Ab solutely Pte Jtncf tbe only baking powder made from Royal grape cream of tartar