Fur Si A livtimkvr' machine, pn.rlrly w, )y A AUt.i.l)ifi.f j Local Hitppetiitifls, J Munijlci (2.1X1 (Mir M, Hi Hlinnc. Arch Myer ami Herman Panicr of Ili-bo uro In the city. ' 'llwni will tut 11 Kfiiiid ilanro at the Opera lloiuf, Tlllaiiinok, NW Vi-iirn P.V" , WcilliiiK.liiV IWDMIMlf, Ore. .tint. rCSp) Dr. lw it I'tmwr, thu well known cyj tprelallftte of IVtlaml, Or., will In? lit tliu Hnt, f-'EVvS FilSK 0: R CAPITAL New, Currency Law Most Im poriarrt Financial Measure I ALEX, M'N.AIR & CO. Mr. i.ml Mm II. I, llrcot.m f Hit famwu llrootmi f.rliiK iiHiir Ctovor dale, wiit Cliritfu nt ttm home of HiMtr JttURhtir Mr. Gl&ud ChrUhMMtm ( Im i k, aiirtlotieiir V KinitniilHtt of llnvtf li In tint MS JKJli M A WA KI7GH&N RANGES and MEETING STOVES (, I K uril I upeiidlnit tit Ulblar m l- Aladilm oin and nuiinliiM tcr jih i i rem mm (o I. by IHwnll. I In. tailor, In Almonte Passed in Years. !fl, . Wilt alttut II Tillamook, Monday. Tui'Jay and Wotl. milK. i .h. u limilHtie. (3Iim fl(t,tit hwiny, ami Sen U3 for Prices Dcforc'Ordcring Elsewhere II fkf M . lht4 lloilwsu o( Portia! U -. . .1 . i .. . ,. . ti . ic ni wir num. nr nim .11 r. J) M . .ry to Lcuin on flrl rln farm II. h . , I ft. . . . wuli Til I monk fHwM, airwK miariijr decoral nti esfmiwtew, wvi Know tiieir tltl Mill Httlllntf klul lUMir IiiinIiu. tki'a,ftfthlw lit all ll l.iiiika i,.i. a few fltl iw farm inort. ... ........ . " """ "-- j. , .. . i'. n. tomi oral mm. Onlfr ywr yw a most irwrmtjrw search w ih many yi inimumiamv iMflK. tafl t UomW will utenlir-protniit ln hrUntirir lumnlnmlw, ..! rfofin undur W Klim fh h m tr nlttillHi. Illl plinim 17. whim liiy prerlU kImwiw, It 'h with of tit romrv : I i irnorUfl lo Urt bitilar at ' .i.-iii. .. ...1 ,.i..,.i..i.. . . Mr , ,.tMrllf IVtlnd l VltU. """ - r.., .umrr. ,W n..ra, . , nK kt mm, HIm.,i l.yiu, HumUri "'"T wt n.l nlv Wtid tiHu.1 U., mgiol rrv Jnk. uudor Ko B,. if- w.M Jm , work m, mwk ,tttW(i u- of U. your yw. If y. ilu iiol rwl .r.mi,ti.l mtwrvl-fcin.. !(,iwi. Aldrw H-r-ld. ii.. 11-..1 .... i- o a Kin' Ihity moil pilivly will not NtUonnl bank srn coiniM-llw 1 Uy ailllwullw, th.il.ilry rh. ''"'"- "j t " ; from lmu Ui hmue. Oirintilt thein tit On natilrilar aviinlni' thn C.tlv M nr. .... ... ., -..in .. , . .. ' - iuo ihuiji 1 naiiMMJK. ijijn 1 ion.;ui inn .t.il 1....-.. ,i,M .. i on tha ,in(u ii .iiii,. it it (I..., .,.!..., tiiii,. f viiiw w v'i ui vr,viiiiiu mj UrU mwl i Uklim rr. uf Ihttn t Vtlnl. Oro. Th will w In 'niln ni(x)h cvuty thrni inontlie. I'rcibvlcrUn Church Noln. Natlonnl Ixinkn urn caintielM to Join mud MUtii iHinks aro r itiltt .! to If llioy hrlnK tliuJr rvrorvii ritqutr muiilx up lo thn itati'lnrd nut (or na dowil hankH und luhtnlt to national I itiamlBaUonti. I I'uliltc owimmlilfi of the Mock of tho ) roUjonl rKcrvo bnnkn In imrnilltnl oq u cuiiii oiiouch lianka do not Join In us)' illatrici lo jirovldo a capi'ul ktocH of M.000,000. In nuch event thf af I t ttk MS4BH f IlKllHf MMM lllln BMtfrlM 11 iainln f imo5 nn ltririna of hy iwylitj; xiom ami for mlvurUtitiE. jv.tiaiHl i UlHh at U Iwmo f ItU j J0. Itlwltlar who ruHli on ihn bf timr Vic.k, I llonfj HoKr mneh oulh of town cut l ur ti: A niM nmV Ur. urn hi font tut pvrly tuU inurnlni;, t. 1 A. ,ll.terr. Midi.MUlnPfiro( M. (wllr.lrir. Dr , (() h frj(nMm.-)lc pUrei,M the utock la j w W Injured , ,0 n m' ,,0uiltlo. iicitod to for cb tV.ili. Itiuli and Jihm IIui'Ij'1 Wltwr, ti... l,...l...i..,l c...i... ...i i. ' ''idlvlilunl. l,ut thn vnllne tit thin ittock s . j . .......j ...11 imping ngnir.i in - - " U in ( Ih" WitauJi KlfBf. wt Tllla. i Or. l,,cndl m oallcil u Ulalno on ( uri;t.,tf ntK .rMjujt M.Mj uur irmar j will lo iluei In tke hands of covorn c Milit vtam t.xlay, VmJntily U) Ircsl Jnlo Kine Iho dt.rinrtmnt I a mwlol. The nlult ' "sent rniruomttt!ti on thu board of Slime Unit, Vi inail, IM fir, I Mn" M "' SJr ttml Mr- irtmhum an-l uilhnronU of tho churfh dlrw-tora of hc rotionnl n'crT bank . . t " .t ' 'T"pr lit ( 1 " mlMM I Hr v w t jr ,HV VIIU114I lUmweV nitil tAy llr ulnb w-l far I ,5n w" Iroatctl for litw! ' ,M U,K ti) ,tlytHi .(, Bd,,t ni,c !- 8 io Hhrt-lit, : imlmwiitii; rnuinl by n run IV imil which '.1 taa t fill 1' hi lif (hit r atir n SVr ww h. B poilOou us I lh W rtm l hi. kn. , Mornlni? it-rvln. at 11 a. m. Sonnon: r.r ,tr IH I'ortl! ! Boallng tho .M. Ui Atairon mnl n elilmi I "At l"? parllnK of tho iluyit. ti ) mill lb- lm fnllta. awl Uwrlnol HmnliwiV. Umk tln train The rvunlntr mrvlrc at 7 rf will ron- t . .ale i 1, p txtmuliK Ult ' b'-r.i Tuotday fir Ow Orclirl. Or.. 't ' " ot am.,:. Tl.i pii.tflr c. ,Ui0 fur M Kwuilw af Vlnrtl i ti'y wllt v'11 "l u,n of W'" i,xvnl e"",'t' w'th ImMwm. TrMk ltirr Mm. Andnfti'n rMn for a month, the onln nnl ii.ao of nlx-jt n ilou-n Mr Aritamtifi neroinimn 11 ilium to "' Kruu uyn n 01 me cnurcn, anoi , ...... Ht Uln who U aUndlnif mIkw at , ' ,"t'',,,u,, awnwmj iumn w ' .... , wi "laku tin the flack" durinc Oio . . . TillamutL' rrturtililL' to llfiiikx'k tliu ffvnrai in uut.fl nyinnr win do hupk "Y ' . ... . W uiti.ll Unlnmlt I p.nduii; tJ, ,i rrlurnliik w iieinha-K mo ',..,, ti. ! chnnKlnK bu.ln.-aa condition of each Y .1.1.,. wW, n.U.k fri.n.l. ! ,w',owmK."',y-. ' hi, will .Un mnrf-r nu,l.,r,. ! ; thl will Rive th bank, a place . . . .... . In lm Imniiffj l now utf " , ' yAi. R.-l Miy Wanll h'.b. lt l , ' . Ti'Co'ne aivl iinloy n pWiniiar.t Snmliv ,k Jairr r.nrfc. Hwtr nrrfnrf .,.,...,...,.,,.,, f(M ,, .-vonlnK of mmr ial afury. StnKra tt IVIwr JfK-k anil MXV Jim. nwl May Make Farm Lolni. Th "ni'w law will make little direct chfinKo In tho operation of the proaont natlonnl iMnki. except to allow thimi to loan a certain amount of their funds upon farm mortgnKi-f lt eulef purjiopn la 10 add a new piece of ma oblnory to the bankliiK ayatom that Inn-) of t lovefrtale, (Kt Clirt.tina UttM lcni' I otnr in Uif elty. Uratil i"UJ'f will pA)' )tw thn lliijh' til r j.n pfiew fr ytnir bhhw, pfllt., fr, r-.llMrr. ek. nlil hra. ele. W. C, Trwbhy ami fainlly of 1 . k 1 Jlay t ity ,-nl l.tiftattnu. uav wim j. ; ,,0,nn ,r n J.. JCne ami family In 'titu uuy. 1 l'ftmt part of tur In Mawmlr bulM-' lite f..r rf't. Sultalilo for two nle n'tlcp rmi'r PXutv, ItiMpntKjrK llrm. n,i leaini'r Mlimifri left on Wmlnn- . . . i.i ...i. 1, in tn city are inviiiai ui aiienu nil tne The ll,K,r will be made of cement. An , of (hU church. mldltlm, b x it, UI U iHillt .m tho l)u,,ahl MwK-iitle. MluUter. front. When remwlehil ami cvrnptntnl tho holhllni: will b. 05 f'-. I day f li :t r I'urllatnl. She crnel It) if rhemo UnWo other inorchan- )i. Wetait Uyc8wl ut. FiU Kla.ea any nyte. At reaumablc tr'ce. Ilnwanl Orww. who U a-itwrlnlan- tic t .f ihn Athena .rlnHil I arwmlltiK t' e h haaya in tht f ''y Hh thi home f -Ik. KraiV Holme. a I wife ami ehlMnw 1 1 Salem nrn vUltliiK t he home gf Mr Holinei' hrotiior Jtiilne llolma In ti i. rily. V I). Small hmi aninn men micaum! " rlearltur an acre of laml adjaeent to t' e Fccney llreemor foumlry. prepnra. t ry to future if wia. I Sherman Swank, flouring mill man of Attnuvllle. acfompanieil by hi. wife aid ilauuhter 1. here vi.ltlnK at the ,M. (VhmIH, aral Ho.enlmru tu.w Mr Kwank I. a man of rem- .lilorahte mean, anil la lookim; over) our city with a view of Inventing. He I I. much lmprretl with condition ' here. J At a metltK t the council on Mon. ilay nlwht. the fol'owliu: nliwn keeper. were srantol ncene for the c.muinj: It. J. Step- ' Christian Church Notes. Tin? church where all are always ; welcou e. ) 10 A. M. Hlhlo School. nlacc for you. II A. M. rreachini; by Itev. V. DlKKlnnof Walla Walla. Waih. 2iU) I'. M. Junior l.mleavor. G:30 I. M. Cnri.tlan Kmicavor. 7:30 1. M. Htereonticnn Lecture Itev. W. A. t)ltfi:ii. .bowing the work it fl.r ll.n,.L...t..nt A iiAiif.intirifi nf thf cnurch In IM care for the ns;ei anil or- A kx1 A. by ... ... ... .1. . ...1. 1.. . .y.lem wnlel, w lain on 111c ihiiih mi further eon.lilorntlon. The npjillra tlon. for electric lluhl and Kiwor fr.in fhl.ea were aUo laid over for further con.Uleratlon. t hrUttna. wa. celebratitl by the dif ferent church orciinltctlnn. of the city by the coniluclliiK f Chrlalmaa pro ,:rnm ami the Kivlni; of ijlfta. Mot Of the churche had well decorated . Tl... M I Church liiiliveriHl it HIM-n, . iiw . . 1 ... ,1,.. ,f n ahiti decor- .... ore.enii iiwih wo am prepnriM, ,0 .a. ,o,c , . wU Tu. p,r. term loan, on lmprvrl farm anil n ( n(u, chriHlIllH l-tml liana ami - . . riiA program aim wen u' 1 .1 1 1 11 , 1 il... I teil Clover J. Hartley aim who m schwil whro MUi Katie sncem u-ucn Cal , vialtnt at the Immu of Mr. Man- vrar: W. J. Melhem, hen. P. K. Ktnter, 0. W. Colfmni phnna. Mr. Olk'rtlns i secretary of an I K. F. Uauahlln. The Warren Cw the Northwetcrn llenwolent A.socia alrtictton Cj. l-.eenlil u bill of J4f.-; (on of the Chri.lian Church. You are Tl'l.tlt for the payment of our newer welcome. It. M Joki, I'untor. United Brc thern Church Notei. e them nromntly Tru.t Company, Hay Oily. Sun lay School 10 A. M. Morning worship and sermon by IVmor at 11 A. 'I. Subject "The Old and ihu New." IJvonlnu Service anil Sermon at 7 :80 P. M. We welcome all ti thoa services. II. F. White. MRS. I EE LYSTER ILL ... n 1, in'ii whs nreimreil audi trfl 1...,, I.vter of Hoinldek wa Ibv'h rnntiir. Mta. S M Weudl, thl , ..rum wiih carried out. tnken m-rlniHlv ill on Saturday. Or. week. They left oil Wialnewlay. . w( bothered with two paira of 1 tlinvitt of TillnmooU wni called and Henry MeKlnlev "f thin eity and , Cii) i( Uutc Tllim(M,u Mon-1 pronounced it a case for iinmodiato op MiM I'lora Phllliim. formerly "f tlila.k" , u'..,i,,..ml,.v. Dec. '-".Ith eratton. Mm. I.yster wna runhed into ntv but of Inteof CottiiK. Oruvc were ,,,.. iAmo ,, ml' Tillamook lo Or. Uoals Hospital. marrleil at Cottnisn Orovo the Ural of I .ritrllor rthow 'y H"3 InvMMo hi-1 hore Or. lioals and Or Hewitt oper tne weeK I . 1 ...1 ! .1. l.l..u vi.il to Hl'll liolh mm, " i.ive,v .n.winy wanta n.ca. wo.,.. ,.,.,,..,. .... ..... - . , ((.( mmr, fiO l"-Mllin hi 1 h""J to .filUomo oflta hor.ea. hnrntu mI ; ti"B wni , eatch ,r,, rHin huuKlea ,,t .. ImrKHtn, UwV f" ! , or rolm, Iipiir'. All one aolid t . buy an automobile, hnquiro at mo j chlr(,0 covuri e. Ilav Oltv MviTV 1 (,ro C(IHl of oxamlnatlon, framed and Mi, nertniiln MeKlinmena pimHetl j . Thee t!iinninlee their jrlassoH ! VXttmliM I to kW entire aatlHfaetlon whether they HIT WOri 111 l mtl'lim " 1 , riirUtniHH ilv with the home Ii'lKH 111 Nviiali'iu. r 35c for any old Hot Water Bott! if vou buV a two-year- guaranteed Bottle, $2.00 or more. cost 12 M or more Komemiier 1110 date. Score of referenced, hock-burkTwedding On Tuemlay Mr. Chan, llurko of Olovei.lalo arrived In this city from Seattle, where she had been attend ttf the wo.ldliiK of her daughter, Edna ated on her '"ithoul delay. Mr, l.ee I.vMter in well liked here and her many friends are much relieved that he is how safely on the mend. DANGER AFTER GRIPPE Lies in Poor Blood, Cough and Worn-Out Condition. Hand Made Logger From French and Domestic Kip Gzsrren Green CALL OH A X. PENNINGTON kc'veacent I to convert quickly their asset Into caah In time of need and that will brlnR out new federal currency when It Ik ueeded, and retire It when money becomea "cheap." Houte and Senate Dill. Differ. Wide .inferences oxlted between the form of the bill parsed by the nenate and that panned the house sev eral month ago. An analysts of the senate bill by Senator Owen and ltej reaeniative Glass, chairmen of the conferees, showed 42 points of differ ence between the two houses. Among the more Important differ ences, M'ttled by the conference com mittee were the followinR: The minimum capital stock of each regional reserve bank was fixed at t, 000,000, a compromise between the $3,000,000 minimum of the henate bill and the J&.000.000 minimum of the houae bill. The senate's provision for "from eljcht to IS" regional banks was ac ceut.-d by Uie house In place of the minimum of 12 fixed In the house bill. The mnate provision that each mem ber bank must subtcrlbe for stock ot the regional bank la its territory equal to 0 per ceat of the member bank s c-.pltal and surplus was accepted b) the house to replace Its own provision that the iiubscrlption must equaJ 5 por cent. Aside from completion of tho cur reney legislation confess dropped all otlu: prohloms in anticipation of the flrbt actual recoes R'.nce April 7. Bell and Wcatsrn Union Separate. Altorney-Guuera! McUeynoUls has nnnouucod an agreement between the Bovurnment and the American Tele phono & Telegraph Co.. which will prevent lltipitlon to dissolve tho cor partition uuder the Shermi.n anti trust law. Itrlefly, tho ncmeineiit provides that the corporation fihall dispose promptly of its ltoldlnRS in the Western Uulou Tolesrnph company t-o that each cou corn shall bo entirely independent. Tho company agrees hereafter not to acquire control of other telephone companies and where control of tele phone companies has been acquired but no actual physical union affected, to submit to the Interstate commerce commission and the department of Justice the cohUe It Is to pursue. AttoruoydenerJil Mclteynolds told friends that scores of the Independent telephone companies In the United States were ijrntifled ovor the agree ment tho so-called telephone trust has Why buy ft Hot Water Bottle and take the risk of gettiiiK old stock, when we will stand bnelc of cur goods? Qrlppe, pleurisy, pneumonia are Greatly to bo feared at thlB season. TO IiroTOIll Knppo iruui " . . , 10 iiu.wii. b 11 ... muilo with tho depnrtmcnt of Justice, Iliirku to J. Thomas Hock. towou oy e.uior v.u.w, . , - in.inn-niient com- '-Mr. Hock is a youn, man of jjood ( na K J - - - oV (hoU8 of mllcs hHhltH amlhasnveri ; lM,l,n advlco la to Ulto Vlnol. our of trunk lines operated by the Bell book ll,ur!.V .0,V.V.!!.. l "ii koo'wn , dellcioua cod llvor and Iron pronara. com,weB. WT" . i.n, To "TlllHinpok County'a , Hon without oil. and get your, moat I lKhly resnected youiw womon iBtroll;th and vitality bade QUicKiy. milBl IMKiiiJ 1 . , , . w,.l. for . . . Al,nrrtn. Mis the vouiV coupl: lon ,M,a -P3 W ThoteddlnK took place on Oocomber went to. nouseae H Government Ownership Proposed. C. I. CLOUGH CO, K at KmeU WHhlnKton. E. N. CRUS0N. Painter and Paper Hanger Contracts Taken i?crii, ,nrrs Furnished. Work Guarnntceil, y Tillamook,' All aud with a aovere cough from which I Buffered for a loug Umo. I tnea dlfforont remedies, but nothlnB seem Dd to do me aay.Kood until I took Vlnol from wulokS I received groat bonoflt. My cownlUU almost entirely aono and I am afrous and well again. Try Vlnol with t,li certainty that If it does not bnflt you we will give back your tnuaay. ( P. 8. Por BcMma of Scalp try our Saxo Salv W Ettarantoo It. (.has. I. qioukh, DruBKlt. introduced in the Iioubo by Uoprosen. tatlve Lewis, of Maryland. The poat office department, If the bill becomes a law, will take over these two public utlUUos January 1. 1916. Tho bill stipulates that the country's teleehones Bhall be operated by th government after January 1, 1915, and that the entire telephone and tele graph business be done oyer govern ,nnt lines. Farmers' tele; hone sys- ! tcais, however, ate exempt "J. For Fine Merchant Tailoring We atoo handle GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND RAIN COATS We have the agency for the Popular Wcrld'i Star Koiiery and Underwear "THE KIND THAT WEARS" Alto the NU BONE Comts Give Us a Call J. WM. ED WALL MEN'S AND LADIF-S' TAILOR Lorrcr Store in Masovic Hlii TilUnnook.Orc. iPiif DELS MAN & DOLAN GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys, Building Blocks, Brick, Etc. ( ALL WORK GUARANTEED OFFICE AT CEMENT BLOCK FACTORY COR. 2ND AVE. EAST AND 6TH ST. BOTH PHONES. Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel 1 With Kollib WatsoxI Both Fhoar: Bell 53 J: Motiul P. O. Box 147 Abstracts on Short Notice by tfce Pacific Abstract Co. L V. EBERHARDT, Manager Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tilbisook County, Oregon TILLAMOOK, OREGON rUllKtll illlli Tlfc.fcJ " 1 , , ...... . . ... . . I..,,., Miaa nn....rnninn nwnershln of telephone W. W. laao u auuiuou"! v... - says: Grippe left me weak, run-down j and telegraph lines la sought In a bill . .....I nn.n.ii tmm which i....i..,.,. in thn housu by Kenrosen- PLUMBING REQUISITES Promptness avoids annoyance and possible increase in the amount of repairs needed. Reliability-good plumbing is a sickness preventa tive. Durability insures full value for your money. Ser vie is all of the above and in addi tion, a sincere effort to please you and carry out your instructions explicitiy. You make certain of getting service when you have us place 'Stand'arcr guaranteed fixtures in your home. 'Standard'' "LORNA" LAVATOBT R. F. ZACHMAINN wiuniiiiii Subscribe for the Herald I I s 1