Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 26, 1913, Image 2

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    tU Ctllamook Berald
. e. Cromblcy, Editor
Issued Civic a lUcck
Cticsddv And Friday
Kntaml as second-class matter Mv IT. PJIO. at tho it ottko at Tillamook,
Oregon, under the net of Mnrvh 3, UTO.
scRscRtrrtON si.rm a vkar in advvnck
IJidvcrtlsina Unlcs
rir;t Insertion, per Hi- - $
fth aaharauent lrrtin, lin
"-raste" Hctlc
-Matt C'lnw
M-t'ifx, rr
Cr f thank ,vr " n
ljwnhi, -r line, flint itwrti.
; tineh aubaauuiuit insertion, lino .IV
' Kwoluttoiw f Condolence and
1 I notlw, per Hoc A
1 Bualnesa .ft Profv-saional card?, mo. 1. 00
w l!i i-tv -v.iwrt.sement. per men ,w
Ji lS ALL tiil Ada mt iM
T fir on' Monday ami Thursday Morn-
Inirs to inawre juibMcation in follow -
in Tttfiaday and lMday lsuw.
7 Keaaora ara imperative.
it- ttlfiear a wvdl as Democrat t-tl team won fir' in tho specific
itit-MtV rmonrata haw jttMaatl cUiw: I. M. C. AndersoM, of Drew-
f r- re ' ill trat haa bveo nee d bv pj, oo; (Mr. Andre-son tried for
lb wHi.Krjr rr Thia aeems firt place in sheep, IV? ) Neil C.
ra --jr ar-irv 1 vi f th fact that Jnmitun. Shorthorn heifers. 'Ji: and
fx 'fibli. oartv had compwi con-. , K., Peery. fat steers. US.
txol of all brancne of oar government Th 0. A. C. team last year with
far years. Why did not the Repuldi-, five clnse made a total of 1715 point
esn party rive u relief louj :wro The j quivmPit to 2063 with 6 classes,
answer it wy Tha Interests have ; which i iS point below their latest
always had too tiro a crip upo'i thereof. Ami the high mn 1 hut var had
CI. O. P. 1he Republican rrty haa j but l6 Mints to hi m'.'t, a aRtdnst
been lone on promises but -nirhty short
.-0 far a- ctual accitinpiiahincnta have
bon etneorned. It i our opinion that
the peopi will take tittte stock in K
tniMican pcomie for some time to
Thi week't Headlight container laa
ccaf thai wuaM he considered be
maU) thedirfnity of the ntvwt uncon
veitlonal nc;japcr In the UJVd
State. Some think Mr. Baker aaed
the expression in question in an en
deavor to carrv o-jt hi usual k d n
tactic. We -lo Tt wir?y this iHfw, j
however. We conaiier it an exhibition :
SOt pnnts muiic by .Mr. t'e ry. Ai"
laat year thero wore StsO potnia
betwoen the hihiKU nmi tho lowest
martca us rooiprtal I'.h tho OS p)int.i
dilleiunce this yuar.
The other momborsof tho Oregon
U.n irere Georse K. Johnson nml !.
.v. Uitiuteitii. of Enterprise.
w4tnbe, was nlternatu.
.'he meat inspector it mine caeuty, t
Mtatl not like hint.
tin maketh 1110 to hou otit thj flica ami
covr ine s.ius tife mill.
of pore icmoranco. It haa been quite l He showetft me the meat I shall aell.
evident on many previous occasions j nmi that I shall not.
that Mr. Bake-, at times, netrlecic to
confolt hia dictionary, and we believe
thit in regard to hi lateat "break"
he has iicaio dooe to.
Vea, verily tho I scrub the ico-box
tu ice yearly, he suyuth it is rxit r.U.in.
He kicketh if I keep Iioks in the ba-k
yard ami saycth it is unaunltary.
It smelleth of my suaifw and heav-
eth it in the slop barrrl, evi
it be but slightly sour.
lie dftnandeth that 1 use not th! Inrnyx
awi ninnimiio for nunge, i
And he speaks in hitrsh tone if 1 (lis- j
obey him. !
People Iii tho (Mows
Cnnllnnt Hnuipolki. ev papal H-re
Wry of atatr, tliwl at Home
Tho board of dlraetora of tho iUi
alnnntl Imnolxill club refueed to ratify
Onrry llorriniiim' inl of Joo T1Wt
to llrtHikhn for JM.0O0
K I'roaldeut Tnft UUia that b
by moons of dlot ottd avoid Ina 1i k
doclora be Im redwrod Ida oiaht
ovor Tl pound. II wolha
Two thq.ua.1ml Chlotino omcn. at a
tlMia liioetinR, axprraaed tbolr wrath
at the forced realitnrtlon of Klto Klasa
YouttK a ittparlUtMdont of achind
Kraniia J. tlenay announced ihat if
(Jovornor Johuaon beeanie a candidal u
for United Statoa senator, he hummlf
would bo n cnudldnto tor Kovornor to
siiocood Johnson.
J. T. Conway atid Trouk Itlrhot.
prominent nnil oatnto men of I'ort
land, wro oonvlctwl In tho United
Stnion diatrlut court of iiMuk the nmiu
to dofruud and ovtMottlus n land lot
Mayor Alboo illsmlnuHl former Oib'f
of Tolleo Slover. uo captain of p'
llco, and Cnptoln lllloy, three or
K-ants and aoren (mtrolwen. for con
duot uubocominK an officer Tho die
mtasals are results of cbnrKea mndo
against certain membor of tho do
In a awoeplng declaton. jn which
Mrs. Co wa scotUtngl) crttlctaed.
Judge McOtnu rantel a decre of di
vorce to Pr, Henry WnJdo ('00, a
prominent l'ortlnnd phyalctnn. al
thotiKh Mrs. t'oo had aakod (or the
dlvorco. and held that alt tho proparty
lntolv.nl In tho suit In his.
Aaron It. C'ooley. 47. browor In
Snu Vranclaco, waa arrattd thcrw a
the ntloaetl slayer of Ttiouiin Van IVIt
Sr.. In Curryncounty. Oreon. 15 yeara
ago. It I said bore that the arrrat
may Involvo proutiuont tamlll" in
tills ftato and U'aaUlopton It in
tlmatod that the hotnicldo wa the
outgrowth of a (cud, and that tho
r layer probably was employed to com
rait tho' act.
C. A Kudell. of Tho Daltos. whodls
appeared Inst Saturday, (allow itia tho
iMtutns of a warrant for his nrrt 011
the charge of ha vine misappropriated
funds of tho Mooso Ult;o. of which
he as treaaurer. klltod hlmsolf In a
Portland hand bv mklus poison.
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
Do The Manufacturing
Free NiJes and ttkclul
II sacHasreBsaesajs in tiio.se
t h e
03i-'.' .Wliulein Hay
Brief News ol the Week
on tboutfR
biace our lat issoi the new curruncv
bill has been signed by the president
and bus become a law of the land. It;
will not become edeetive, however,
unui iae urk.-nniw.nua ami ra.cqiwtr , brinooth mv m.nt tn hi. n!!W
necessary for its operation has ben ' inspection, 'wrapped in tree topa. Tho New York .waemUly paased th
provided. Substantial busincas men He turncth it down ami iniatA that I direct primary hill,
ami bankers throughout the length and j ; wrap it in clean, white cloths. j Mnaane'istt atate Krango didwt
breadth of the land are declaring it to Yo"' v,sri,r tho' mine ho Rrew op in ngllt, woman tUtraae at the cloa
be a Rood h,v and the moat important j ?HoZ2!?A and ' J 1 " ' on.
piece of legislation that haa been an- j twelve dollars and n half. ' Kcrulr:cra herr have aent throurh
acted in this country during the paat ', Ue hurls threats ut me if I brin not the nulla oUno 13 I 'S.'.jO lo tho foli.
fifty years. j the liver and "linU." and if I am at home or Chr mm s acrordlnj. t
The editor of the Herald ha inter-1 about nuyin my ml at the.f,r,,rM1 hv ,h, . w v' k
inoniii s emi. no maKctri me orlns; the 1 '
lies ion ice.
mv livers with Koro-' J'uck, tr.e coia:c wceaiy, nas uwn
ene and insiateth on seeing the hides t in over by the Mnw. n SoelnUi.:
there is none publication, nccordln, to a roport
Surely, the wortls "Clean up awl stay from Now Ycrk
clean" will be hurlol at mo all the Th City Council of Indeiiendenc.-.
dy of my life, and I shall live in I Or., ralaod the local saloon llconsv
iL-ur ui me insuecwr iur erer unu ' fiu rnn, nif-n
Nelialcm Ha,tbot Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
PoHUnd Offuci 327 I'jllm nldj
Tin4mook Ofbu, &, V. K. UiU
..: .i 1 1 i . 1 I
V""1 . ,uca,t """.7" w money at the time of inspection.
.e quesHon. rresnieni .ait 01 ineiIk. anointeth mv Uvvts
i-irst .National aays, tnat in his 1
judement, the bill is a ;ood one and
that tue F"irst N'attnnal will take part !
in the new bunking scheme. President ;
Harrison of the Countv Bank, which is '
a si ite twin'-, says, that for the present '
the County Bank will not chance its , ever. Amen.
char er. but that if the new banking 1
law, after a fair trial, demonstrates !
that iu provisions will be of benefit to !
his bank, he will advise coini; into the j
Three names of bsskct ball will he
J played at the Opora Houso on Tunsdny
II.. 'JA.W TL 1 .
The new law will no doubt develop wj bt. ctcd al ? nn, Wjj.
weak jpon as it is beiotf tried out, but j played by T. H, S. vs. the Ahrr.nt;
taking all things into considuration second came, Junior Class vs. Fresh
there seems to be no question but what raen third , Kme, ;Sutrraettes vs.
it is a ureal improvement over the old ! Amans- Adm.ssmn 25c.
That College student of animal
husbandry are learning to judie and
place livestock with great accuracy is
shown by the cluseneaa of the scores
made by four Agriculture ("allege
teams at the Portland I.iv.; ,t k:. Show.
T'ie Idaho team .von first place with a
total of 2351 4 point out of a pi-iti!r
3000. the Oregon team was sec-jti i wilo
23 p-ji.iU, Wasnint-n State w:n thiri
with 2331 (tointii, and Utah fourth wilt,
2237j points. There w a differ-mc i,(
fiveaud a half points oetvuen the Ore
gon and the Idaho tennis, ond of sixty
five between the highest and the low
est. Points are made by first placing f.jur
animals of one class in order ot their
excellence and then giving orally to the
committee on contetts the reasons for
so placing 'hem. In order to make 100
points the student must U: correct in
ranking the animalt and correct in de
livering his reasons, which must be
done without notes. Should every man
in a team do this without an error in
any one class of livestock, tho team
would receive 600 puints. As there were
nix classes of stock to be judged, each
team would have made 300 on a perfect
The six classes were as follows;
Shorthorn breeding cattle, at catt e,
dairy milkers, dairy breeders, Hamp
shire breeding ewes, and pigs.
The best score by a single member of
anv team was made by Mr. Schnelby,
of Washington State, with GIG points.
The Kecond highest was reached by
W. K. Peery, of the Oregon College,
with 504 points.
The following members of tho Ore-
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Ore., Dec. 15. A hen that pre
duces 65-1 eggs in throe consecutive
! years is a triumph of the brcedeis' art.
I lien No. A. 27 of the Oregon Aicricul
' tural 'Jollege St.. lion, has made this
marvelous record. During the first
year she laid 210 eggs, the second 222,
and the third 202. Like moat of the
other ruiimrkahlo layers in tho cham
pion floc!, she is a cross bnrd hen of
ti; !l irr.d Hock and White Leghorn
breeds, and belongs to the new ctrafn
or breed that is being developed by
Professor James Dryden for increasing
egg production. The value of her three
yeoi s' work, 65J dozen eggs at 2oc. per
in :i is about JI I. The rost of her
food throe years ts about SI 50. This
leave a margin of $U,50 to pay for in
vestment and labor.
Stop That Itch!
I will guutato ru to itop tliat itch in two
No remedy that I have ever sold tor
Y.c-iHmn, 1'sorlanlH, anil all other dlseasQa
of tins Hkln haa Klvtn mora thorough
satisfaction than the
U. D. D. Prescription for Eczena
1 tuararittu this remedy,
from J15r0 to 13000 each, with
the 'limit placed on two snloous a
A teat of the wornnu suffraKn law
In Illinois haa been commuucml In
form of suit filed to prevnnt tho
; election comnilnalonura from penult-
tlnB fcoparato ballots for women and
j to prevent women from voting,
j Dayton. Ohio, the lawst city In the
j United Status to operate under tho
icotnmlsalon manager form of kovomi
ment after January 1, 131', atdoctod
H. .M. Wnite. Cliiclnnntl, Ohio, city
1 enfjineer. a Its city mamiKer.
Kopreseatatlve membora of tho pro
l.rn..e ; rty from ovory coiiKna
uonal district In Illinois met at Chi
tafia, adopted a platform nod Inform
tlly arsreod that Prank O. Allen, of
Mollne, should be the party"H rnndl
date for the United Status senate next
tlbSG. C
tNOIIIIR nil Mtt)
SUM I.Wll'i
15, lit iml 0 ik
60 Vail . . iit
JOO Tall - . - . SOc
ISO Tati .... iJ0
2i0 ViU . ... 2XO
rrt.rlr-ll f (trTL( .,tt
C ItliVrf lAltltL ,, 'ii-r t.AIM
lll-rnt vl(h K'1 1 WorsiiuafUl
Tlllaniooi Electric 1,1
Licrh: i: roi Co. H,'uJ,,,,',
Dr. L. Iv. Hewitt1 Geo. P. Wiosll
1 1
AND .SrjfKoN
O.ntolrirai Hprlallt
Hot I. I'Uoim
Hot, nmi OlHfo; vVhitohasn- Koildntro.
D l'1'.ltKINM.
IJHio II tllUron llidil.
All Work (iliala Hrr.l
1 11,1. MtK K. OkKOON
list Localrd in Ihr Comracrclal Blclg.,
. .. Suecercling -r. I'. J. Sharp.
All Vt of I OiuMiilml, J,,v pw,i.
Ollltr I Imiru a
lo (iJO p. ui.
Or n Uvrnliiji from 7 until i o'cIikL
Dr. Jack Olson
Ollloo Hours Iro'n 'J a. m. to 5 p. m.
Oddfellows lluiltlinx
loth I hoiiea
Harris' Bargain Store
Opposite Kd'i (ianigc
Is giving a ticket away
with every purchase on
Drawing for the
Beautiful $10.00 Do!!
To be drawn for Christ
mas Eve. Come and
trade here and save
your tickets.
mom 'norirni
I . 1 ' i iOj D IIOKSK I C Dcrrvv r 1 u
bv keeping him In slmbby old Harness J. C. KCLUY, D. V. M.
. -, r """ iiiiiui: ill mo
I best stock at prlcus that ought to
lUllipt JOll.
will not only Improvo tho nppeiiriuiu
of your homo, but contributo to your
safety as well. Mnuy a runaway rould
bo avoided if the old Harness had been
discarded in time.
f Ti'a.iv k Vx
J if
TllUmook. 01
Pioneer Transfer
C,. DICK h SON. rVjJ
i !Mh Phr
I lie Snmc I'rlcc lo Ihrrn
Tll.l.AnoOK I NDHWrAUl
It. ,V III NKUi, Mfi,
l-ocatcd III lltli' ! rg r' .rJKfljOI
II v t r ruui.
1'urtori.l I)ir.lr JUiJtJ
t.a h- Ai' I 'A hn HoT'Ol
roi; sMX.if
n the ("oiin y l irtei in
1 fx.. f t .... .1. fVitftlf.
liwivi i i i ,i. , ,., i wregoii, i ir iinaii'o w
.j.uii uii-inu in rnui Ku,
I irt of th in
nr. m
Four Foot Fit Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord LoU;
$2.80 in Twenty Cord LoU.
rillamook - . Onwoii
lillomook County Dank llldfj.
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Ih where you invest your money.
Tbu Western Ioan ti. Savings Co. "of
Salt Lake Olty.Utah.a tried ami nrov. d
company. s now ready for buslnesH In
Tillamook and Tlllitipook Co, To loan
you money or build you a homo on small
monthly payments, at a low ratu of
interest. Write or see
A. M NAIK, President.
I), L. SHUODK. Vn. ui.i
uoard or Appralsors,
E. M, jiales, F. H. Mlnlck,
K. r. achmnn, K, J, CIiiuhhuii.
i i r ,1,0,,1r'''' Trustees.
John Iceland Hun.
derawn, II. L. HcaU, I
L. C. Smith w. (',. m,.i i
Lawvpr .
uniw O.'J-LMM, Tillniimoh
Tlll(lfo . . (),.,,
Attorney.st.Uw m4
Land Ollfce BuKinesa.
Opposite ConrthoHM
Attorney at I aw
Office in Commercial Building
El- J. Claubsen
DkuVkujikk Advokat
Coiiiiucrc.nl Utiiltliiifer
matt, r of lb" ralnte uf L
Hi:, unnwi, i., I
Wl,..r..- ii. nnilrralirmd "!
lulu uniwilned bv Ui slJt
court, mlmisisUiitor of W ''
thi-rofori', all Tnii ial
ngnlimt lh eatnlc 'f''tw... J
sent tho mum I" Wlu. "7J
'"- .? ; 1 1 lie d
until or mis iiourc
nr.. ii.... I. IJ01-X. Sl
JIMO.-H iiniiiiM, ui - - i
Hiilldlnr, Porlland. W0"
olllro. oiinuiilal HsiMlnftTi"
ti.. 1 ....
Sr V'Tllbunnok. 0
18th of Ui-ct-tidH-r. l'J-
'l'liomH"t:oiit, Atlmln""!
i.. ..... i.. i.nri id the ?
0.TKOI.. for TiIImihiW"WI
nutter or ino latiim"'
am decensetl. .
T i.w . . ,i. liiriilfrnM
duly iippolnl.-d by UvtjA
court, ndmlnlHtrator of
datum iignlimt Hio "J" ,
will present tliusidiifl to 1"
proper voucnui"
fro in the ilnttt of
m. m iKatiinii.
OIIICO OI Jlliuen 'TiL.tlind.
HpaldliiR HiiIMIuK. 1'0X
Tllhiinook City, 0ri'K"ii. .
ii.,i..,i i.i 'rnliiinooK. Oreironi
.IH V U I orr.r lii'i'i ,.i..imii
- 1'li,.imiy I'oiltl U.
m, ,,.-. -