Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 19, 1913, Image 3

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    Coc.il f?jippcn)tifl. I
, of llnlni wm tu town
.r Farmer of Holm b ih
r of Holm wn In Uio eUy
. 1
i . (if Maine lit In tho city
for mi In, flppto tn AIm
lor of HinIok wi In
..f l hit wtnik.
, , ,. imu'H it f Manillafe wm In
, ,. today,
, few flrl ea fari mort
, ii.h.K Cotmlr Hk.
, t iHit U T. II. OnynVa
I. I'll H tHll It,
oic!irt for wr and
.rk, Mutual plaatio.
r Clin, (trotil f lint
(uwii mi Thursday,
i atttM-r '. writing (tutorial
yjl . , lf, W.i Bl WKWRIm.
IB 0 "il" ' - . , "ii
l .1.1..... II-...1.I
(It ,.i'" nMiiinii
i l ... I
ti X ''Him n fi (tuiivii liuw
I,, Umiaday, fur th holiday.
4 , r miff tidbit Kll Mlllj pr.
, . II iMJttl IIWiMHV HI Wm4Kk
1 H. . -1
,,-v r1rt Notuwul Hank.
ijo.. UuIiiom vUit'ir lh flrl of
atv iiinl. Vine maple. Illy dr.
. 1 I .... SI. .1.1. I
5Kk nil imr iir tw "i mi
...... I-
... LI. -..I LI.
fc' f gll wAfl iiw i9 -ll nni ,w
J I -arson iM merolfi. Dr.
Ml (l ftlthdtltfe phylein.
. i I t.i ,
l lairr ratrh Hwllr nrfwr-
1 1 tin and family arrlv! Ui
, . ... ii.il..ili.l. Mi f'lil.m
tUir rharo of Uw milk aui;r fa
Gt t lhaftt will par you lli"
(' i nro fur y"r huU-i, idu.
i t. -,. eirki. i l i ra. rr
liluy I'nul, 40ii of Prank Paul who
llAI l-m. uttrlUIMly ill with MIiih
for .iiiiiii lint n now roMirtnI u w
WhiiImI tn i.,i'Iimik') rtMil(ltlin pti.
mrl'fcir 'I ItUimxik irow)ity. Aililrcmi
JTU. Chiiirli. 316. THUmiMk
I SUt rfiniim Hwdilimi who U iimohlni:
nodr llm-l Hlvar nnlvinl httm on Vi.
ndpy t HfMl tin, (hjIiiInvh with tlm
IxiiH't fvtkt.
A. II. IlurrloAil on S, for
your Jowdry nml llolhlny kimmU.
Will M'Xtruo of Bawllflktt wan In
low ii 1'iurMliiy.
Wwri yon mf mil ChHlinw lio.
IiIbk, iluii'i furuni IrfimnrV Vwriniy
ti. tntp In iumI took unitiml,"
C. It, Murphy, iMnnl. oihI Ijimrivy
Ktrbr of Ulovrilnli wnm In th city
on Tbutwlay.
It Wvmli llyu SkcIi
Ut. I'll k'lnno nny
t)lt. At I09oiialil
)an NicihiU of llrinliwk wm In town
on lliurxlay.
'Hi UkcmiI line of tlno Chlnnwarw
in Ihn cunnly. I'rirei rlKht. I.amnr'n
v'urioty Store. "Dri In awl look
Vhll outihld )al wmk Carl lUUor
lurh torn) a mKir lfor llio nhorl
rMlf cltun il Hid Agricultural CoIIuki
hi ".MrklJhK ef Dulry J'rolueU." Z
I have Uyr for to or lhrMi pr
load, of lluWldln or Jumy hnifdm,
oiUiarytiArHng or two cr uliU In
MiMnif. HrU olllco for In-
fMfin allow.
8am Down of Hay Oily w In town
lilaf. Mp lcavi HatunltiV mornliiK
for Ahlwl whurr Im will M!it tho
winter with elUv.
lr Jolrj ami Silverware a the
vory l(t innV(i, A. II. Ilmrl.
t)i Jlir. in Tillamook Urut; Stro
nrrnwi lrt from JWoirie.
TJw la Invy for Tillamook City l
96 mill matin up follow; School 6
mill; Ciwnly l. Tort of Tillamook 'i;
Uhraryl; Water 2; OoitcrnlJ; roaiU
Thine Uclrtni: interior decoral tig
urh i Kiitii'ir "'l awr haiiulm:
.hoiihl im !" X. Fonl aivl Son. dnlorn
lfl at llcraM ..itirp will rrtnlvr Jirompl
nlliiliMii IMl I'hono 17.
I'rr.lan Jvory Toilet Spin, Clothr. and Hair llnuhc. OomU. CNail
Jtulfi llaiul Mirrors Manicure &)U aixl riUllll7rll I'lccol. "U". i
Mllv fc- like U for a t hrHtma. proont. the nut a(ipro;lalcl proitml Koini:.
np I . late In ovcry rpct.
me ,ifdpUonl kkI valur In I'hnto Alt.um. all prlp. '"t Cnr
AIN, i, larn ail mnall all .t) v ail price, a nlco lot :f AuiK'r.iph.
Jwt Hio (htriK f'i" yountf folka.
All now Uxk. up in ilatu, fopyrihli m l roprlnU, tok of RiKvlJreaU
(nit. .mo ami llw M t '" "l'lV rw. For tho chlhlrun ami
err.wi. um, In fart, for tho who hi family.
llr.t anaiirimrnl vcr nhowii In Tillamook from If to $i.(H) a box.
Kil eifu imwl lw c-n to Ih apprciuitl.
Tin, mom pprroiall kihI limit tuoful ift fr tlil tlorMt:ono.
Himviiik' Unrk.. Mirror Stno-U. ...mothluu vory uwfnl. ami U n lnH"K
Klft l i oarlv nml lnr:o a.itorlmimt.
l:ar Strop nml llawm. wo a.dl n. Kuarmit. hhnvln Mur and
llru.li, ,t la l,,.al to Iniy our hrunhra n thoir l.rltl will not cumo ouU
A man dooOiot um, anylhlnt: moro than n ijoo.1 pockut knifn. Our
kliivra urn mlxruntciMl. ... .
U, man amoko and ho I cmlout-d. (lot him nl j x f our
Xrr.aa Cltfur ..mi l.t him amok,. uw,,y I.U Inmhhu On, l -f''J
U-rlUll'iiNi lHt of all. WoaUo Imvo om nlro Amtwr Hit rron.1.
Br . Kir Somo Amhor C..r -nd C.? rutto Hoi era Cmm, In
M ,t u. .how yuu our llu... no tn.ubl.. to nhow. A amH tray ml.U to a
niro auioko,
Ili'Xt.ll I'oii uro KUiiriintrwl, aold on trial, U't ul(,. on mirth
con,; Vl. Z "Ihurl. A cm to lino of ndvort.ned Fountain IM..-.
Thoom, lout Oift K ka I Hn.,l fn Jm
that luata n llfctl.no and Ih umdul, lot uh Hhow you our nleu co.nph.to lino.
(Imuilno HU..I Unlhor H HnK. --'..do lo .vo h.tvIcc-, l.unthor Music
Holla, Crd Cnim. I'ur-rt mid l-t utuihet h-nthor kikhU.
A n.ro froM. box of C.ndy i. r,rl..lnly nlro to .Ill tlml -loekhw.
Our Urn. Ih K.mr..nt,-,;,l fr.mh. and . bct ......wy N-
A ...r,. ..HHor.mont of fancy 11 Ijardn X...M -j;;;
your Xm.m Stlckorn, Sonh, TIuhcI (V.nl. huwy t r'ci y.i"A
MlccnSnnw, Firo Proof l-Vdoona nnd other .... dm-or..tlo.. enrly.,A
InrKo iiHHiirlmoiit to pick from.
A nice pnckuKo of Forlun, ''";XMn.t.S
unlcoKlft. WUlmv..-.n.0thl..K im etwl nu
Tllhunook hoforo. Our purMmc ro J. l ' " , tor
morn, U.ui.,.wl.y buy othowT Vtolot Duh-o Ih oui luiulur i.
SiitUfiiotlon or iiioiuiy rofundwl.
(lot nuninu whom tho wholo f.unlly en Ply, Itmno. for llttto folk-.
Ink WoIIh, I'npur KiiIvch, h.por W,dhtH( C Btlrk.. lot of nice
llronxu Wnru.
Com. r,y .d look over i-SK:
thing for everybody. Let us solve your m
CLOUGII. tne Reliable Uruggisi.
Aladdin Lamp for uhlo liy IWwiill,
thu tailor, In Maiiorilr jK,
!!"f!'rf X'Hir Xmni irifta
eall at Jonklna Jnwolry Mori .iinl wot n
Klft Unit will lait ii hf 1 1, nu.
Mra W. (J. Kluic la ropoitod to he
rlouly III,
My atock of aolld kui and flllod Jow
olry In now ronipio and ready for
your imimrtion Jnnklnn Juwolry aloro.
What iaouIiI nlitato your ludy morn
than o.io of Ohmo vanity rtn, Jonkln
liaa thinii In alorlliy, M and (Jurmiin
A on of John InirMm llvlnc rwrth of
(own cut hi- foot iiuito aurlotnily with
n eiuMriil movijii Triiihwlay. I)r. lion Ik
wii callwl lo dr lh finit,
Simrlttl prle.H on ChrUtiriHa Candy.
Mann froth ilailv til Hih tfkm. ft
tUmnt wimi of (Join hHtro.
Hie MHMina will hold thylr llrat
mol.nir In UnOr nw hall tliU tvnnlow
and tomorrow rvuninK Th Chaptnr
will moot tonight ami tint lllue Uniu
Salonlay nvonitii;.
Wo aro irimrid in miiko aorno long
torn, lolinn on Itniirovml furoia nml In
irliM Uiiiio promptly. I'lmt Hiink nod
ininl tjiniiany, May City.
Chat. Wooluv of Ilpavcr was In tint
cltv t'"lay. Ilo rorontly niturnod from
a trip lo Alaaka whuro hu hail bvun
working In a aalmon oannory durlm;
llu, aummor ainl iM.rly fall, Ho ruixirta
loU of flah.
3 llw, lari;u, faney, now K.iKllh wal
Iiuta for 60c. A fow Ijx' choico KIiik
atiplna loft at Jl.lM par box. Tillamook
.mranllp Vai.
Tho alouumr I'lmoro la oxportil In
iMirl tomorrow. Shu loft on Monday
laat for 1'ortland. Shu will tako iiIkiiU
! IWX) caatm of rht;'o to rorlland on her
I ncx I trip out. Thu i u liiro hl(
; moot for thin timv ofthf your
j Tho Hay Cltv l.tvory Company wnnU
lo aril sumo of lla horaot, l.arnoa and
Initio at n Imrnaln, aa thoy aro nbuut
lo ouy an uuloinobilo. Ki.(uirc al tho
Itav City I.ivory
I Mr. (ioo. Kli.'or ccouipanlt'l by her
; molhi-r Mia. Sturijion. Iff Ion Monday
j for ICalacnOu whoro tiny will romain
for a t.mu afltir which Ihoy oxja'ct to
uo to mjIiio ainni;a for tho lunotU of
j Mr, Klkwr'a hvallh, alic u alllictcd
with rhoumatlam.
A l.inobark, tin; piano man, who
carrleo a Koocral line of pinnor, mall
llvatrillliciitli, ahcrl IllUHC, folloK, i!tc,
iHct to rocolvo u now lot of -mall
InatrumcnU by Sutunlay. Voti ahould
tvp t.n'iii. Ho has n limttod nmount of
old lime aom; Uniks to five uwny.
Flmt como. ftrat aorvod.
A rliablo youni; man want n iol
Hon un n Kood dairy farm. Ilaa boon
, worVuiH f tnonlha on dairy In-fore. A
Ho.: homo at d n tdarc where ho run
lour i tho dairy hunlnoioi proftrrod
jilKiM- hiijh wajjo- Adilrcaa Job. Kiopon,
Jr I". aiolhro. iilla.nook.
On '1 uojwlay ovonintr, while in an In
toxuatiHl condition, Jim Hodyfolt, fII
down a to,'i atalrwav leading into tho
rrllii of the Mulct Tillamook, alriklnn
Ilia head on tin- co.ncnl IliKir. He waa
lakto to tho Koala hnnpilnl where bo
haa alnco Im'o.i III a acmi-conaciniln con
dition. Ilia condition la conaidcrod
iUito aorloua.
One of the boat rvaidoncra in Tilla
mook C'liy for aalo. Fivo acre tract,
p.od aix room houae, other noceaaary
ouilitn.iiN on place, amull or
rhanl. llarKaln. Term aecured on nji
plication. See T. J. Hnrrl Sr. Tilla-mook.
Quito an Intoroallnt; law Milt waa
IrlJd heforo Juatlco Stanley on Tues
day. It waa a caao wherein W . II.
Oilinuro, Mayor of Hay I it y. was suel
by A. J. limit, tailor of l'urtl..nd, tor
tho oavmenl of i. Jfi.'i atllt of clothoa.
Almial the ont.ro olllriiiliiom of Hav
City waa proaenl, and It la Bind that at
litre- clliuaxoa wore reached that wore
Hide' d dramatic. The result of the
trial waa lo the olK'Cl thi.l the defend
mil una ordereil to pay for tho suit of
elolhe-nnd the cost-. Altornoy T. II.
(loyno iicted for tho pl.ilntiir and At
torney S. S. John-on wan employed by
tho defendant.
The funeral acrvlces of Gordon l'ni;o
who died al Tiicoma on Saturday of
la-t week of tuberculosis, waa held at
the Christian Church on Wednesday,
Itov. Jopo comlticllni: the Horvicei. In
terment took plnco nt tho Johu-on
cemetery op tho Wilson Hiver. Deceas
ed leave- ii mother and brother, who
have tho Kyniputhy of ninny friend
bore. J. I., l.i.w-on tho fruit mun, hits
plueed on -nlo home lino i-rnpes itrown
In Spain. Thoao L'rape- -.ro -hipped in
krR-, :t!i iKiunds to the ,v, find
nro packed in ground cork. This
ia the llrvl Mhipmeut of .Span
ish irr.tpeft that has ever been
Hindu to thi- city. Thoy nro shinned
from Spiiin to Now YorK, from New
York to CIiIcbko i.ud from Chicago to
rorlland. from which city thov nro
ilialribtiuied to cities in Oregon. Mr,
Fiin.lturii for tho now I. 0, 0. V.
ball arrived the Oral of tho wck. It
of hihmIvq alylc nnd very beautiful.
Tho chitlra aro nil pluah upholtrcd
nnd uliiah upholstered otlM for -oiit-Ini?
tho ludjjo have boon aociirod. The
total roal of tho ftiftiiluro and carpet
la I2WX). In tho car which contained
tho I. O. 0 F. furniture enmo tho fnr
i.ltoro for tho new Munordr hull. The 1
?!a,nlr hall lornitnro I- of lirat rhiaa j
imiko and flno iIvhikii in oak, leather
Ujiholatored. Tho .lonua Knudao.i Fur-'
nltnro Co of tin city In-tailed tho
fur-iiture at both tho now hnlla.
The Slur Thoatro waa parked last
nlicllt to wilnoaa the piny by the Tilla
mook Dramatic Club ''The Girl fr,n
the flokhm Wt," Wo allndid tho
.day exiKjclim; it porformnnce anch a
local lalnl uiually kivo. I'or lw
hour- wo onj'iyod It, amj frei aafc y.
proiHiolcln It, bv Ioiik ixld- 'he XivX
jiluy ovor tflvon hero. It would bo well
If -omo traveling company K'vi' i
aa (ood Tbero were a numhor of m-w
f.ieo ainoiijf tho phiyora, nnd wo bpi
to ace them more rogularlv m iiluya .r.
future. Mr. Mc(jwull ahould ft' i
liroiid of ihe work done by tho morn
bora of the Club in thla play. Tl.oao
de-orvlni: enpiciul mention are Aa Jack
Delmoro Thu Outlaw, Jim I liner
capital, uivini; tho character tno iIjis'i
ii ml apirit one would expect to find in
auch a dnhin follow. Mr. .lclx)Well
aa tho ShorllT Luko Short Th- man
who never forijlve a man that will
come liotwi'cri him und what ho love- -
u.vca ua a character not only contempt
able, but lo bo feared. T'io liiirt of
Cloy Allium, tho Well- Fartfo detect
ive at played by John Aftrhim, w'aa a
natural and pniuaUikon aludy showing
the dclermmntion of a criminal hunter
lo always run to earth thoae who break
tho law. Sam ilarton, tho ii mender
with whom llotsy i- in love was very
funny aa plnved by Huboit Molchulr a
alxo waa Wan Chin, the laundrvman by
Howard Wolfe. Hat Smith tho Cowboy
playetl by Carl Dawon waa real. Tin
ts more lo Curl's na ural olf and ho
Kbvc u- a character wc nil enjoyed. In
tho part of Itoxey the Ctrl, .'liss Ann
ilaldoman k'livu us a very plcaaant -ur-priae.
I ho -implicit)' and innocence
with which aho handles the nurt, whoro
otherwise ;t would be vulvar, aro very
refroshlni;. She i n now player to us,
and made a very agreeable improsiion.
Harriet Walker as Het-y Horry, who's
main object is her love lor bam, whs
indeed a surprise, but alio tokos a cruel
advantage of Sam, by having him sit
on a tinkers furnace until ho proposes.
This scene wa indeed funny and vory
well played. Mi-s Baker as White
Fawn, the Indian girl was vory fjood in
a -hurt prt. Toe eeenory and tlxture-
l are appropriate, and taking it all in all,
i we were well pleated and lan aafely
any it i-worth the time and attention
(of anyone to sou tins play. It will bo
. reH.'i.ied agnln tonight for tho last
Methodist Church Notes.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Tioachlng at 1 A. M. Thome
Junior League at 3 I'. M.
F.pworth league C:30 l M.
1'iearhlng. 7::W V. M. Thome "First
Th.iiKs First."
There will bo no moving pictures
Tuesday on account of tho Christmas
I oxercii-es which come on Wednesday
J evening.
w, J. oner.
l.aw-on is a most ontorprisiuir fruit
duuler nnd keeps on bund ns lino nnd
varied .. -took of fruita ns onn bo
found iinvwhoro.
Harris' Bargain Store
Oppoitto I'M's C.trugu
Is giving a ticket away
with every purchase on
Drawing for the
Beautiful $10.00 Doll
To be drawn for Christ
mas Ever Come and
trade here and save
your tickets.
Christian Church Notes.
10 a. n. Hiblo School. A welcome
ncd n place fi r all.
11 n. tn. I'renching bv Pastor. Sub
j, et : "A Savior luni.
2:80 Junior Christian Kndenvor.
C45 Senior Christian Endeavor.
7:45 Special i hrislma- program.
You aro invited to any or all of these
Wednesday nt 7:30 Christ ma- Tree
nnd CnntHta entitled: Chippers in with
Santa Clm.fr.
K, I". Jopo. Pastor.
United Brelhcrn Church Notes.
Tho Christmas occasion will be ob"
served with a tree and appropriate
exercises bv the Sunday School. Those
exercises II bo hold on Wednesday
On next Sumi"', there will bo
Sunday School 10 a. m. Wo have a
Christmas lesson for study. No more
helpful way will bo found for spending
an hour than in the study of this
Christmas lesson; in catching anew
tho Chrislm.u idea una tho Christmas
spirit: Come anil spend it with us.
Morning worship and sermon by Pus
. 1 i. ,n Knliioi-t "The Hirtlidav
i ..i, .. ... .... --j - - -
of Jesus."
Evening service and sermon i MO p.
m. We invito nil to those services.
H F White. Pastor.
Program Committee : Mesdumcs
Huck. I.euch, F.rskino, Wills nnd Miss
Sowers. . ,,.
Soliciting committee: Messrs Mm
Ich, Vorno Haiti, Oscar Swonson nnd
DocoruthiK cominittee: Progressive
Committee to build ship: Messrs
Goyne. Kiskino, Hurry Ford, Juson
l'ovvoll, Hriscoo
Cominittee to buy treat: Mosdanies
Giyiio and Geo H. l.auib.
K. N. HHNKMJ, Mgr.
Located in Huildlng Formerly Occupied
Hv Carl Patzlaf.
Funeral Director nnd Licensed Embalm.
Ladv Assistant When uomiesieu.
jFottr Foot Fit Slabs
$3.00 Per Cord Delivered
$2.90 in Ten Cord Lots;
$2.80 in Twenty Cord Lota.
U MX MM i; Mi Aim W A UK
See Us for Prices BeforcJOrdering Elsewhere
aaaaHaalaaaaaaaaSK M
Hand Made Logger
From French
and Domestic Kip
Gurren Green
Solid Gold and Cold Filled Goods of
The. Very Latest
Watches of all standard makes, Diamouds,
Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Pendants,
Brooches, Scarf Pins with Diamond Sets. Qw
Silver Ware and Hand Painted China will
soon be here. w
A. H. HARRIS, Jeweler and Optician
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
A nobby
Tailor-Made Suit
is always admired!
We have a fine line of choke fab
rics from which to select and will
guarantee you n good fit nt very
recsionable price.
We alio handle Gent' Furnishing
Good, and Reliance Guaranteed
Kain Coat. Give us a trial.
( omrr Store in Masmiii' l!hlg TUhnnouk, Ore
,7 7.V I
my , i ii hi mi i n iiii in