Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 19, 1913, Image 2

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    Un tillamook Rerald
C . Cremblcv, Editor
Issued Cwicc .1 iUcdt Cucd4V and Frld.iv
1 nigral a Mt-ond-cl.ti. n.ittr Mav IT, UU. it tV p.t o'Hoo at Tillamook,
On-pm. undor trw -t f V.irvh 3, 1S7". "
Sriiv.Rimo SI 50 A WAR IN AOVVNlK
: JtiU'crtistnn Kates
! pc1 AdvrrtKvnent
First Iramini. yor Hw - S .10
Eah utrai!ont Inwtion. line A'
I' 'itwiScnl Notic - R.n
Trnber n.iim - lOOO
Nf!'-e!. pr line - - .,,-R
Card of thank? . pr line -OS
Locale, wt tin. firt inwrtlon - 7
Earh titwptnt inrtion. litwt
Kaaohitiona of ondolrw nml
(y1rt noOt, pr I in
HwWwitft lYnfwiaionalfttnte.uio.
f!(!' ivcrtKwnvnt. nr inch
V.L linl AA miirt b In this
fi on Mondat and Thumlay Mom
ine to inur publiontion in follow
in IWday and Friday lwu.
Reason Br imperative.
S. fcmtrts for next yar in ithr LEGUMES PLOWED UNDER
the Arwrwan or the Kaiional tWull SUPPLY MUCH NITROGEN.
League ''ill bimd with player who.
don,.t(rre not to uc intosicatinj: Owipm Agricultural Coll. Corval
lir'.i.r in the courw of the awwon. i ,it 0fv k iRth. 1913. "A heavy
Icivp of vetch or crimson clover turned
The brewer' own (tores thow thtumkr , , strifn mnnUTV .flfonta more
prohibition doe prohibit, for in tieene pitu, matter than the nam
5 tat es the per capita consumption of Rmount of tUbl manure." aH Pro
Infer i about twenty-Bee gallon, in fewor ,j u s0lK.,r, aronomiat of
prohibition state it w only one frllon. th ort:n Agricultural College. "The
jpreen crop is likewise more free from
disease Kermt and weed seed than the
stable product. It is cbavr. too, if
the cewt of Inbrv i.i considered. Ami
; its effects in producing acid in the
soil are but littlo creator than thoto of
, stable manure.
The word cornea from Dresden that a - .. ncy ru, whether cucd by
Woman. Frau Boehf. hai invented 1 the t,ihle nuinarrt or lh eien manure.
The membership in total ahstir-ence
swities in Germany irereBMM 'rm
2:5.0S; in 112 to 332. 4SC in 1913, a irain
of 7. 121. Over a thousand Roman
Catholic priests are among the n tmber.
powder which, when exolodVd in shell
used in war, will put to sleep all the
soldier enemies near it. The expkwive
stuff emit a jtk which stupiftes for
several hour all who inhale it. The
Prussians are making actual teats of
the narcotic mixture, and if it prove
etlictive the next war may be a match
ed sleeping combat.
In spite of President Wilson's opti
mistic view, as expressed in his me
saze, that the waiting attitude of the
United States in regard to Mexico will
fee Huerta eliminate! and constitution
al covernment restored to that unhap
py cou itry, warclouds continue to loom
ominously in the horizon. The dictator
Huerta continues as bold and defiant as
ever; and only two days after the
president read his message, the lower
house of our congress by unanimous
vote passed an emergency bill autho
rizing the president to raise a volunteer
military force "in time of actual or
threateninc war." This bill in-
tnay call for the use of lime. Certain
it is that if lime is to be ued it may
well be used in connection with the
ereen manure. The piesetu prices ol
quick lime make its use almost prohi
bitive, but it ouht to be possible to
secure ground limestone at reasonable
prices in the near future. There are
mountains of limestone in Southern
Oregon, and it is hoped that companies
will be organised to grind the rock and
put the product on the market in t me
for next season's crops. Ordinarily
not more than S3 per ton can bo pntj
for ground limestone, if it is a rotit
able investment. H-Jt the acnl-forming
action of green manures is not ncrious
enough to deter us from using these
great soil builders, while awaiting a
lime supply.
"The crop to be used as green man
ure should have grown to a height of
20 inches or more, and should yield not
hss than ten tons to the acre. It must
be turned under earl, in April and
thoroughly chopped up and incorporat
ed with the soil by disking, both before
troduced by Mr. Hay, chair.nan of the
committee on military aiTairs; and , an)1 after p0u,in(: jf th . be,t rtt!luW
when it was passed Mr. Mann the P.e- j are t0 be obtained. Otherwise it de
publican leader, declare.! that war be-jcays sowly reea,es iu pant f0, too
tween the United States and Mexico is ; ,at0t and drjw the u
inevitable and that the president is . bo foiuwei by cultivated crops, such
making arrangements accord.ngly-a j ag fK,tato. cort)( rooUi uU a, lhoy
prophecy that .rent uncnallenge.1 bylsecuruthe hjcMl vaIuf frm either
the Democratic majority. It is true ' Kfwn or aUble manure, being what
that when thu bill was pased the out- j may be nj KtMi fewJers
look pointed to the early downfall of, "The actual fertilizinc value of ten
t:;e Hueru regime before thf revolu- i tlna n( -r,.n .. nr ..,,.i,
weigm, h sno-.n oy aiaiysia to be
fl fntUA Mitpn run 1 tVI nrtdnjld
Is anything or anybody more desirable 1 phwphorus 20 pwih. and potassium
120 pounds. The value of nitrogon is j
tionists, without outside interference.
But after Huerta is eliminated, what?
Cltuen.e Tilde . wf to llmtriottu
M. Ultfuonbothnm S5.7 nrtw liv iiictes
X- NmiivIs. vtol 'l S K ! W.:$10.
Henrietta Mnlxd UlggotilHitiiicn to
t'larenco I'lhlen lift I Hero bv mot- t
bounds .c W T : S ' 0 W.'SIO.
rtnifhtim Develonnieitt Co. to Henry
I.. Mnvhew lots I 1 blk M llrlghtoti
Uoach. .Ml
Ollie Alexs-uUr Ooif to I). U Me
Cv ht 4 X ft ik, '.1 Ung llprti'li. $10.
t A. Wo tl.v to Anna Hollo Crocker
lot II. l'i blk" 10 NVahkahnio Muun
tain. 110,
Nehnlem Hay Park Uml Co. to llnttie
K. SVheeler k't 6 blk "N" Neliulem
liny I'arn t.act of ! acre in 8 .V
ITSSIt 10W. $10.
Ktrst t-i I'mat Co. to Presoy
trr' .f .': .nd Waot M ft by 100 ft
In ie at I: -kawas Heaeh, jl.
John K. ILtrter & wf to Klmur Allien
J. C. HoUlen. Hefereeto K. 1). ,m!l
Tide lot I. 2. Ct, 1, 5, 6, 7 A In Still
well' AWn ! town of Lincoln. n
Til Unto. k. 1KV
The Klmore Parkin Co. to Orletla
Kraus kit 2! blk "Imore Park, $10.
Lvtr Hrowne t r-itmuml P. Lter
& wf part of see IT 1 3 S l K W to
acre, jl.
The Nehalem Co to llnry C. Ililkpn
beoh. lot blk 25 Wheeler. iM,
Cbtutle K. Hunt to Heiiim It. Hunt,
tract of 6 aerv-e In See SI T I S It l W.
VL P. Currey wf A r. II Ooytto &
wt to J. J. Ttitapp tract in see IS T 2
S K 1 W
T. KolUnd Frnrr to Lee J. Tittle
pnriof sec 2 T 2 S K 10 W. 10 acre. $10.
N'ehtttotn Har'ior Co. to C A. Uotl
b.rn lot tl blk 74 Uowe's Addu to
Wheeler. $125.
NVhnlent Co to C A Detburn lot 0
blfc5 Wheeler. flrt
The Nhlrn i) to C A. Dettborn.
lot lOblV S '.s'herler. $100.
Hubert Watt A wf to Oreeo Polch
man lots 1(5, 17 .t IS Blk 0 Iteckaway
Keach, $10
Tillmtook llay Co to Harriet U
Crawford lot 11 bU 10 Ocean Iikc
Prrk. $100
Hrighton Develo ment Co to Robert
O'Mallev & wf lots 37 .ft 3S block 53
Brighton Beieh, $l.
Briehton Dev.'loiiment
J. Cumminga lots 2t
Brighton llcarh. $lfJ0.
Alva Finlcy & wf to J.
vf lot 21 X- 22 hk 7 A
Addn to Tillamook. $1500.
Nannie M. Nclon .t hu to ltren
Sewani, fart of si I ami a 5 acre tract
In oe IT6SK 10 W S5 acrwi. $10
Rrighton Development Co, to Alfrtnl
Swenton lot 3 Blk 61 Brighton Hunch.
"aJ. Wilks.t wf. to JhnW."Mit
tract of 30 acres in sue a T 2 S R 0 W
Leora and K P Currev to J. W.
Hosklns & wf imrt of see II T I S II
10 W F0 acre. $10.
Harriet It. Allen to K. P. Correy lot
1 blk I H. F. Goo.Mpeed's Addn to
Tillam.Kik. $10.
Brighton Development On. to Mac
Knight, lot 23 Blk 31 Brighton Head,
Peter lli-iscl .t wf to B. K Cniwi
lot 3 blk 23 Thayer's Addn to Tilla
mook, $350.
Brighton Develnnmont Co. to John
Helming lot 24 & 25 Blk 41 Brighton
Beach. $W).
!.. A Edgar & wf to Albert & Ber
tha Darny tract nf 60 acres in ec (5
r 2 S R It W, $70 H
Tillamo-ik Beach Co to Ruby J.
Khlers lot 7 blk 21 Tillamook Beach.
John A Brant to Oco. R. McKimens
el hi. loU 9 & 10 blk 3 Mohler.
Bay City Land Co & First Bunk &
Trust Co Tr. S. .V. IVIley Ul 1 blk
20 Bay City. $301.
Lizzie llndley .t &l to N. N. Ktrbv
lot 5 blk 2 Thayer's Addn to Tillu
m'ink, $10.
F. C Schmeltzer and wf to Mvrl
Nelson fwrt of sec I T 6 S R 0..W. 'AO
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
! TI7T7T 17 r
To Do The Mantif acttiring
Co. to Tho.
A 2ft blk 37
Hnley .t
, Miller s
FiMk iMvs and ttM'Iul
I naiSiHM'inrnts Hms(
vvOio ivill luiii i.V
rills ii - -
i li man nlsact uriia
rnir 4mi 4klniln.i Hay
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
PotlUnd Ulllcr. 32? 'iili"X Mi
Tillsmook ()fK, Csrc I' K. lUiU
to take his place? The revolutionist'
seem hopelessly divided under rival
leaden, each with the consuming am
bition to b; at the top. In the north
the Constitutionalists, a they call
themselves, were at first unite.! in
suprxjrt of Carranza ; but Villa, his
leading "general" (until lately a bawl
it chief of the mountains), has had bis
head turne I by his suec. ssei!, and as
aspires to be "It." In the south the
"Zapatistas" insist tiiat their leafier,
Gen. Zapata, shall be president. So it
goes. The excesses ami savagury the
wholesale slaughter and vengeful
spirit, of all parties, would seem to
make any new regime as impoftsible of
recjnition and approval by the United
States as Huerta. It is a distressing,
deplorable, dark situation. Yet Presi
dent Wilson'b attitude of "watchful
waiting" appears to be the host pos
faible. This country can only watch de
velopments and be prepared for them.
521 and the value of all the fertilizers!
contained in the crop is $32, at fertil- ;
izer prices in eastern markets. j
There is enough nitrogen in the ten
tons of clover, or vetch, gruen weight,
to produce 109 bushels of wheat. laOO
bushels of apples, 9.000 pounds of beef.
10,000 pounds of porK, or 130,000 pounds
of butter. The fertilizing elfecU ex
tend through a long period of years.
Aside from the plant food value, the
K.-een manure has nighly beneficial e!
feet on the soil.
Delightful present for everybody
Lamars' drug store.
Furniihed by Pacific Abilract Co.
Parry Loom it arid wf to Albert A. '
Apbley. et al. lots 1 &2 Blk 2 Sunny-,
mead Addn to Tillamook, $1700. !
J T. Gerrish & wf 1 1 Jennie Samuels 1
lot B blk 9 Park Addn to Tillamook 1
City. 50.
Maude Griffith & bus to Victor Land
Co. 5 acres in Sec 3 & 1 V 5 S R 10 W
James N. Whitman & wf to Chas.
F. ami Minnie (i llltn part of Sec. 2H
T A S K 10 W. 10 acres. 1..100.
Edmund Lister A wf to Bdmund Lee
Lister 10 acres in sec 17 T 3 S R 9 W,
Beals Land Co. to Lillian Kvans
lot I blk 53 Beals' Addn lo Lake Lytic.
Florence Walsh lots 27 and 2d blk 30
Manhattan Beach. SI.
W. C. Hawk A wf to Lewis C. II ,'bt
& wf lots 39 & 10 blk 2'A Rocka vny
Beach. $10.
W G. Dwight. et al. U1 Krnett C
Crown lots 5. fi, 7 A s Blk "It" (Cast
Garibaldi, MOW.
15, 25 ind 10 Watt, 3Sc
feC Watt 15:
100 Watt - - - 0.
ISO Watt .... $1.20
250 Watt .... 2.00
!'r!rfl l.iiiMp '.r 1 . s f r .
Wr .IrKrer l.niiii l'i r, n ,.,r
lie i .1 1 T' lr,l,il. .,, w.
wifillfcf at tin- 1'iwc.l iiru-t. i
.mtrtil .illi .i. A'trkm..!..
Tillsac: Electric rt 1
Ltijhr & ruol Co. '
Th" Klwood Creamery t'ompany will,
rc-eive bills for liuiULng an addition
feet Iin T2 feel lo it factory lcatil al
Fjirvicw, Oregon, a (wr plaint nxl
sfi-clflcatlons on file in the olllce of
j ( irl Hiitwrlnch. Till irnwik City. Oro
g m. Bids to bo iuliiiiitt.xl on or be
fore December 2iUh. 1913. Company '
I renorves the right to mjnet any or all '
KIwikmI Creamery Company
Sfi- C
..f j
i (
r v LI
Full of New Ideas, Coming Surprises, Happy Hints, Novel and Desirable Features
You Can Not Find a Better Place to get Just the Right Thing for Everyone
Our New Slock is FULL 01 ATTRACTIONS to buyen who appr.-c-.de Superior and Really Desirable Holiday Gifts of (he
Latcit Design and Ikst Quality
Well Adopted to the Wants and Requirements of our Patrons, Stocked with mast appropriate Gifts, inexpensive Rememberances
and valuable Presenls. If you want the Good Quality, the Right Article and the Reasonable Price inspect our line of
Persian Ivory, the largest assortment in the city, Books that will suit any taste or
fancy, jevel cases, perfumes, toilet cases. Edison phonographs sold on easy payment
plan. Pipes, cigar holders, cigarette holders, fountain pens," bruahes, combs mirrors.
Ami a MiiJUlleof Similnr Attractions that Must be Seen to he Appreciated
Come and Look at Our Holiday Goods they Have the Merit ihcy vviH IMeasTou
Our assortment cuntiiinu in ijreitt vuriety the vei-y Intent and moot pIcaHint; novelties f tho oeuson which unnnot full to
meet your recpiiremehta .
For the Right Present for the Kight Person at the Right PriralloniirKight tolls
Do not-fuil to see our eplundid usHortmcnt and take advantage of the Inducements! olfured,
bv keeping til irt In ahabby old lliirnrnv
Wo are nellinn HarnuMa made of the
bent Block at priced that ouifht lo
tempt you.
will not only Improve the iippearanci!
of your homo, but contribute to your
n.tfety an well. Many n riiiniwny could
be avoided if the old Hiirnewt had been
diHcarded In time.
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is wiicrt- you invest your money,
Tlii' WoHtorn Loan A, KiivIiik Co, "of
Salt l.uku City, Utah, n tried mid proved
enrnpiiny, in now rundy for lumhiemi In
Tillamook and Tllluuiook Co. To loan
you montiy or build yon home on mnnll
monthly piiymuntH. 'at u low rnto of
InturoHt, Writu or i:o
A. C. EVERSpN,Loan Agt.
A. M'NAIR, I'rcHlderit.
I). 1 1. SIIUODKJ Vleu IVoalilmit.
Hoard of AppnilnorH.
K. M. UiiIob, I f, u, Mltiick,
U. V. Ziichinuii, I 10, j, ciniiHHun.
Hoard of TruiiteoH,
John I.dIuikI Iluiji
demon, I , j,, on,
L. C. Smith w. Mcfieo.
m m w a m k m v . m i -v aa bb w
Fruits and Confectionery?
t I i I I !'. I 1 .......... ... r
I I .. I I ' . . "
' Notice tliesf pnct'H:
He.st Sun ki.st dnuie, LNie to IUc per 1 ox.
illiniums, Port In iimn :iOc to Jlfic per lo.
Iwtney Spitzenherers $!.;"() per box.
Northern Sp $J f,0 per I ion.
Hnhlwin.s 1 . Ml per box.
V . i . r. i li .... . '
no .soiisneii -'tic per ll., ' IDs. lor .loe. .
Italian Cbestnuis, L'Oe per lb., 2 lbs. lor Hoc.
I;resh roasted peanuts, li lbs. foi 2."c.
I'ilberis L'Oe per lb.
Law-sou's mixture of nnts I fa per Hi.
Mixed candies lf to 'Joe.
Imported Smyrna li'S LTc per lb., 'J His. 4oc
I'er.sinn dates li lbs. lor Ufe.
I'ard dates lae wer lb.
iV'tuey Inn i baskets readv lor tftble to oulcr. "Va
0. - ... wivi win inn.- hi .niiin imi w.."--'
v..an(iy. Tears and (.rapes all winter.
Fruit Palace, Opposite Star Theatre
FRD1W npr r,n. thiam 1 AiU 10(4.
- win a fmt r llif r '
All lli.u.. ...I I. ..... . ll! I , , i ill A.
.... n.wnv. ihi hii cnnne i ni 1 1 1 in in""
I i ... ,.l. '.. 1 1! i . . . t . i . 'ill.. ..iink
iui.w.iwi n i 1 1 1 1 1 oiorc, rilSLOL., i inn in"w" ,
City, will receive twelve music lessons lire ol
liiifir. .....1 i....j .!...! fuv'fl !
eluire. I'nrclmsers may select their own
I'ianos Hold at the regular low prices aiul
easy terms if desired. ' Organs taken in e
These lessons are a Xmas present A'0i
A. Linebaclt's piano store. We invite yo
all to call at our store and select your P"1""
and take advantage of those twelve lessons 1
will give yon.
Store open evenings until 0 I M.
Mutual lMioue