Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 05, 1913, Image 4

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F. S. Ford
Thr ftfih nniiual rihlMlion of h
tVonon r.utfr mid vt Him'K aao.'ln
Painters and Paper Hangers
Interior Decorators
Give Us a CaII, 13-ll Photic I .
lion Is In .i at J'ortlanil
T!tt mi 1'inl miit! 'f ortifioti
Wm'Iui" aiMMitUin lll tf hrld
In IVrtUnd IVH-embur l
)l.trl.-i tJ. Ttllame. u hasj
n .hiHlhou, bull! mm utonny
raul f a (iiwlal bonillna alUon
Th I'nlk fount flehuel hirr
. ULV ML.. !
i nnm lnt has tH fwmd and UK
L-u ,rvA. iPm breakfast ra a uood
may be enjoyed on even the cold
evt mornings if your liome is equi ty
ped with a
It takes olT theehill and makes the
room warm, cozy and comfortable.
And it is so convenient too for
heating the bedroom, bathroom,
nursery ami sewip-j
rH tn. Can't smoke
l)w:.n't smell. lnc.
pcnsic, cvDnomic-.il.
ror Best Results
Wc Recommend
Pearl Oil
Dealers Everywhere
Standard Gil Company
S n wctsco
unlocked, o-v no to it -a a svtim
mcccipc iv DDirr of r,,W!y- Thee the g'tvernmcnt
U-O-AUt l. BKItr shoold iUef buiM ...J B.im.1!i&Ur
Olbr SubjuU
An enNrged wrii'j of nn -.!
There i only one ptssibto standard Employers' liability art for rti'ro '.
by which to determine eontroversiet All-tviation comtiti'm v.irrni.ij. g
between the United States and other employment of sea wen.
nat ma, and that is compounded of
thet- t-o elements: Ojr own honor
am! our obligations to the peace of the
wot td.
There can bo no certain prospect of
peare in America until General Huorta
Uui surrendered hia -iuurp; 1 authority
in Mexieo; ur.tit it is "under too,! on all
follnwin low wnter mnrk to a
point on ai I low water murk 10 Ch
eaat of hrw bet ni I K.U 1 A- 2 pro
( longed, toenre aouth un line paralle
with anid lint' betvvern loU I A 2 chi
diaUnt therefnm fo the i.mth Hue of
an id lot I. thnre W on S line to lot I.
. to the S VV ir thereof ft lie eontnln-
in 25 scrM nr or leaa.
I Alao, All repairing wharf prlv-
tletfea of whatever nature pertaining
I to aai l da. land, lean right of 'vajf to
aaid I'ac. Ry .S'av Co to an id tm tend
i leaa right of way to aald lae Hy & ,S'a
Webater Hlmr, Receiver, to El
more Packing Co. in and to alt of
Block 4, in Town ol Nahalem.
War. Deed. Claua C!iritener. A wf
to C E llaak SEI of SKI aee 22 V a !
C. D. C K. Dre ft wf to Kat.i- U uVr Jl.
(ioen& Jlyrtlu O. Mill & Chat. J. I.. R. Atnbercroinbio Jt w( to Irn (5.
and i Uorri, tr8Ct 15 ft y ' 3 ft en blit 11 Lance lot t blk t 'Ihayer'a Addn to
Furnished by Pacific Abatract Co.
Q. C D . Mrs. J.-nimi Kirk t
Cheater A. MeC.hee Admr. Kt of W'm.
Curtiaa Dc. SW of SEI of SA'i
bar.d-j. indeed, that auch nretended ' 30 T 3 s R " 3 re or
.'(.varnmenws will not be countenanced ,e e5tcPt amU tracta, $1.
or dtf.ii' with bv the government of ih.. C. l. C. K. DreAr ft wf to Katn-
U' itt-i! 'ntt-s. i
By a little everv dav his now
prestiif - are crurnbliaif and Lh .1. ! Thayer's Addn to Tllamojk. 1
ar. uvea. ii. .i. wuajna to .M. W.
lapae is not fur away. Wo shull not, i
I !..... I... WI A . I. 1, '
'I illoiauok City, $10.
I Articlwi of Incorporation, of TIIIh.
I believr, be obliged to alter our policy , Nt,klM ,oti, ! blk 56 itockaway inook County Light it I'ower Co. K. C.
of wat. nful waitniit. j iacb. 10. Wagner; C. ii. Davenport & I). I).
r,.rrr 1 War. Deed. Nancy A. Middauich to . Wall.icu. Incorrat4r.
i ir . , T L . i t , j Bllft M. Haalt lot IS bU 25 N-halem' War. UMI. C W. Cotrea & vv f to
I take leave to beK that the whoh tu, pwk. ht 2 Rlk m.h.i... ri. r v. r. .... , ... J .1 V
enerL'V and attent on of thR m. h.. i ' "v"' o oi k i nayer a
- - - - - ... t
A lin t I.incoi,,.
R. E. Davia & wf to I. II. C. Piahar, 1090.
tjll II IK la Mt 17 OA C. ILL.- I
luuwuMira mi it ne rurre.iey oil!) i
till the matter in hnallv disnoit n' !
r 1 r
nurai Lredi s , thp Sea. tu)
What they (the farmers) need and I War. Deed. Webater ll jlmaa. Re-'
should obtain in leKialition which wili civer to S. Klinore & C ) Ei of Nfc'i, '
makt their own abumiant and substan- r SB and lot l Sec i T'Z K V. 10
now Tillamook City,
tial cn-'lit resources available as :i W. (except tbi't part pl-ittud aa the
foundttio.'i fur joint, co;icurted local Town of N'elialuui, lj acres aolil t.i
actioi. ir their own behalf in getting , Scno,)l Dit 30. Tillamook, Co.)
the cai it-il they mut use. ; 31000.
We must add the means by which the ! Also Corn, at a pt. where see line bet
firmer may make his credit constantly . & 23 T 3 N' fi 10 W interse U
and easily available and command lf't l ii' blk S in Town of Nehalem then
when he will the capital by wnich to j 'loan line of blks I & 5 248 ft. to N
support and expand bis business. halem liiver to a stake 2 ft North o"
The Truils Whist's wharf, thence N 20 K 3.1 ft to
I t'ink it will be easily agreed we 10 a ,ot '"r"'ly owned hy:. I'jo, th.m
bhould let the Shtrman anti-trast law
. . . . I shall take the liberty j,k 18 loU 2 a 4 r' 7 & 8 blk 11 bardly drag about, alioul
ireasing you on it in a tpecial All of blk 15, 10. Town of Nehalem. M' ,,rln'" oxpcrlenco.
?e at a later than this. Also. All tide lands fronting and' Sh,
atand, unaltered, as it is, with its de
batable ground abuut it, but that we
should as much as possible reduce the
area of that debatable groun l by fur
ther and more explicit legislation; but
nhould also supplement that great act
by legislation which will not only
clarify it but alio facilitate its admin-
mir n anu maKo ii tairer to all con
of addressing
Direct Nominations
I urg ; the prompt enactment of log
islation which will provide for primary
elections U roughout the country at
which the voters for several parties
may choose their nominees for the
presidency without the intervontiun of
nominating conventions. '
The Philippines
At liwt, I hope and believe, we are
begin tii.g to gain the confidence of the
Filipino peoples. Hy their counsel and
experience, rather than bv our own,
wo shall learn how best to nerve them
and ho soon it will bo possible and.
N 70 W along line of said lot to li.n
betwerr sec-t 1 & 23, thwe S on nid
Sec line to liegtnning eonfau.tng
arrets more or less in lot S-.c T 3
N It 10 W.
A lt all of blocks 1, 2, 3; and lots 2
& 1 and WJ of loU 7 & blk 5; lot 1.
2. 3, I, 7 & 8 blk 0; all of blks 7, 8. 0.
10; Iota 1, 2, r., 0, 7 & 8 filk 11; Lots 1,
2, 7 & 8, blk 12 ; lota 3, I, f,, 0, 7 & 8
Masonic Brethren,
A full .'ttteiid.-uiee is requested
and all vittiti brothers are cor
dially invited.
U. T. I'.o.u.v, W. M.
C. Ii. Thomjimvv. Secretarv.
Will Find Help in This Letter,
OTorvrorkod, run down, "fagged out"
women who fed an though they could
Bhould profit by
vory wonk.
ubuitini? abovn il...JTiii imri. run-uown conumon. X.iro wan not
Also, liog at cor of .Se.-s i, B. 32 & Worh "T,nB' cmjM not Moop was
33TPS2&3NU 10W, then,e W on nalTto"
line bet sees B& 32. 0.13 cha. thence S. , ;onfiIlItw ym 00 w tw h
16.22 chs Ui liny shoae, thence N fll U. Flelans, without bonout. I read of
7ch thence N&6' (', 2.05 cha thunco N Vfnol helping oomo (no In a similar
31 K 5.13.clm thuncf! N !M dog K 5.25 condition ho I began to take- It, and It
elm thence N 58 deg K 1.75 chs thence ' simply did wonders for me. I galnod
N 30 dog W 1.50 chi to lino bet hccs ,n weight and I am now la bettor
& 83 thence W 7.51 elm to place of bog "''a" Htronger than over. I can
cent 15.21 acres (var 21 dog 11) " not find words enough to praise
. .:!.. , vlnol." Mrs. W. If. Drill, naclne. Wis.
and priv.le ;a North & in front of lot 2 ' . ''Til"'1?. 0f WOmon a.ml. m(.'n who ! braoo (ill the rod
i..,m,,i,M 1n w ,.i.,.n.... r "" ioiJiKiy wihik anil s CKiy owe
in sec 1 I J N It 10 w extending from ' .,,,. ,H..n. ,,. , ,.
line of ordinary low tide to the channt-: wonderful Htrength'creating effocta of "'""!:(l"(, I" imlto the sportltm
of tho Nehalem River. Vlnol. Wo guarantoo Vlnol to build '"tresis of Oregon In 0ih, central
body to olffiotivoly securo nneilod leK.
iBlatlori, (o offset Uio caiuii.ry jntT--,ii
. id rnminorclal flshliig Intermits
and to ai -: ro oml dlbtrllmti,.., ..i
rtr-t tc.n'ns la lo h bW laiinUy.
v. v M ThnWHn. an hlWtiit
nt tn rhranthsum ho t Cr i
i uauiH a pah ptnJt "muw" th!
M'- Jt' Wttawt" flowar j
vt ihf rity atetion. ! m tar is
A-t.!'i.i nil) Tot" on ta ( and dry ,
lr '.oiMtln, a an annual custom II
i t new tlrv
i t ui of $10 to 10. Klamatb
K fc v voixd to bond I ha rltj foi
c r .u . . of raUIng Mtnnay foi
bulidri? a nw etty hall.
Tb- tlrenna ATteultttrJ tdltwunj
he ma li- -lans for a tour of Wlllnm
Mta i'!ier and aatrn Orraon during ,
the hoitday saoaoo.
Too lwatMdihth aapual WMetlnj ,
of tha Oregon HortlcoMural oetj J
will b hold l Ih Portland publl
library Hm-amlMr 10-19
. T. NfehoJa of UMlaw boMt oi
Uartag txwa shariff ta oragon 1
twar ago Ha ftrat rl Ot
tim mm a provisional govvmwant
d was ftral lted ta Juna, UK
Ssmitor Laa baa lBtrodur4 n Joint
WioVtrtkm for the preliminary aiam
(motion Mid aurvy of the WIHan.oiti j
and ''it!mota rtot from Portland .
oi:v'rlng a iroek'a sarrh in ih
aii.- of tr DlUf mtumlalns rthsnft
t'-lny of Wljtir eotntt? has
Ettfott Mack Vatsgttn, and rturnHl hint,
to Koaait oa a ehargo of bouitraam 1
Albert H. Stoa was drownrd hc-!
tho pet power boat Oron Wolf I j ,
tomatt titrtla In the Wtthmn run I
nar Portland, while going at a rat
of nor than to mile an hour Juhr
E. Weli aad Orth Mathlet arapd
With th aaaunuteo that not h
(ban too lotegattta from all ?eeUoti j
of th at: woold ha lo atieodaaca
tlal'orata preparations wnrtn mtd foi
tb comcsareUil snooting bald la Hum
hurt Tours lr
A ywtr's lnarcratlo In the pit.
at Albany Is the record of Albert a
cock, eanvcte of viotattng Inrat t
Uon ks. Ul tsa he gets relv
aa mult of on appeal. h will ha t
ritat&ln Is Jell a eoaalderabla tloit
Twntjr-n farmoro of fntrl Or
goo bava booa KtvM packets of dm
hind alfalfa eod soffiriont to plant
oie acre, th offltala of the Orrgoi
Trunk railway soaking to tmnirtt
lha poaalbil!tts of thla particular Mm
of frl.
A new monolithic nilo ha Jttat Ihwi
oomilitel at tl.n Hoi. in Indian school
This Is or-r of th trry fnw tttotiolllhlr
titmriurra cf this claa In the I'nrlfK
northwi m. and l aald to bo on.i of lh
finest In the Uuli.wl Siatoa. The
alructur la about tu feat high antl bai
n capacity of nearly ISO tons of silage
Jndgment for 150 and coata wai
rendered In favor of Milton Carnnoti
of Uenton county, nr.ainst frank Kd
wards, a Portland brokar on a donl foi
the sale of a twain of liorsua mml'i
yoara ao. Sorrlce was had wbei
th" defendant rtornoil to thn tat
after the long nbanncn.
M. V. O'Hbea, profeaaor of sclanrt
and lh art of win tat Ion at tho Unl
veralty of Wisconsin, has bceii sur
cd as the principal apaker for thi
meeting of tbu ttnrn dlvlalon ol
the HlaKi Tiaichera' association, whirl
will he lif Id In Halem l)wmbqr 24 1
24, Inclunlvu.
In pursuance of tho tenna of n con
tract uiittirud Into Iwtwrou tho govnrn
rnaut and tho !axwII Land company
of llnrmlatoii. 8acriiary l.atio tins or
dorad a publlo sale of several luiiulrad
aor6s of laud ombrared within thr
i;mnillla Irrlsatlon project. Tho salt
will ho held at llermistou, on Decern
her 27.
.11 nr . . . ..
.sui uimi iiii imr uoni oi inn aron oi
land held hy the settlors In the first
unit of tho Tumalo Irrigation project
Crook county. Is signed tip umlur con
tracts with thu statu for water, will
tho wor'i ho eoinniencod on tho !)
trlbutlon Hystpm for the unit, accord
log to mi order of the Desert Land
Senator Cluimberlaln speaking at a
liinoheon lo I.allii Amnrlcan dlploinati
said ho believed the United Hlatoi
should make hoiiio adefpiate ropant
tlon to Colombia for Us loss of lerri
tor when ox-l'reHldmit Hoosevelt look
tho I'anamn canal zone away from It
Senator Chamberlain also spoke In
favor of burring Orientals from tin
United Stares.
A movement Is on foot led hy i
Multnomah Anglom club of IVUnud
to perfect an iiHSoolatlon, that will
and gun cIuIih of it.
Tho expressed object of iyl4
Expert House Moving And Pcsil
Kcavy Machinery a Specialty
Prices Right
Well Known and Reliafe
i -izZy
A nobby
Tailor-Made Suit
is always .cmure
W Kat " ,
araitii ,
itSMinaid" 1 1
tjSi si
(ivMl afwl ttui ff!
tl C .!, I.n. . til
f urm-r .S'r" tr ,l.i . . . . 4, p
Our Personal Guarantee
to all Skin Sufferer
Mltlttivnl itcn t il . n ii .
MH J'ii' "n e 'I i. - '
IMI aupwtuuj X ( Xftmvt mo vti
aiatu it i'tii; iitj piu ' i . n
't -t
no wwntti jii (..,!
Jtl.u...( 14 hi ( .j , , . . ii.
M ru. -H viih na-fi t (
) t-u H V IUlfl SH,.i...
'"U;tMM Still"! J'. (II (jXlS.nlU'
JO !J '.tl'MJliI ,.UJ) .uv.u..l
i0 l't. la J..j-mr ,j t ,t
Ol Ot IM tH ptIV J(tUa
Ol -UJ uq tun Sai tli. m ti
n"ii-i'U ilmt tai jn fUttf .)
U MOI U44 wt U pi tmjy
uo nojt auptiou iio4 kw (It "lle
1 i!
I i KlKi
r 4 Kl'
., It ti i
- 9 'l
t .. Kl
itru r
jrto 3111. Hi. ti w
til 3lllaiV am. tt Mil
UU P( U U.t U 1W'I
II 'rttnm S
l l- . i
.tJ.,it V ... ( '
Ul V i
!! H It !
'Mil II1 J '
ft UtJ l ii -!
. 'tiatoi,
.tM J ".(
J'.U H B j) ,
JAojmi 4 '
44f.i jnero .
tfl pun f" '
tlUnMHtfc Itr
Events Occurring Tlirotighotil
tlio Stato During llio Pasl
utah cl'tl;:; m
Eleetlon Held Invfllld.
Salem Kvery local option eleaUon
held In the state November t oxgnpl III
towns In which that date won the day
of n regular nlty election. Is void, no
cording to n deolalou rniidirud JikIk"
Wllliiun Calloway of tho Marion coun
ty circuit court In tho suit lirotiglu by
John Htllliiian. repraf!ntlna the sa
loon Interests of Halem. to restrain
the ronuty court from Issulng'an or-
dor ilMclarlng Halem to h ,ry torrl-1 n t'loxen doputluf
ory aa a result of Hie election hold ' tunnel 100 feet
ucru on tiiat date.
llltiKtmm. ft..'
grmi. d. with o i
rides lirHiKli;i: '
l.upox, .Met Iran
ninrn nnines to
ho drove bnrk n I"
Iff In tho I'tnh '
l.opex, who ''
orlme on Nnvrmi.
ehluf of poliet- or
tbai and n fellow
from Hi it depths '
It would coal mm"
thoy "gel liliu."
The men whom 1
ties Douglas II"'
rleli, The shoot ii
h t!K
! . I Oil. '
if ildHi J
i minf
t ti.s t1
i I Vl. M
.ill, t'
. man. dfl
i. lr'H
I ti
smttdgo to niiiok' '
Outwitted a di.
pe begun his cai '
November 21, tho
ooittitles, In mui" ' 1
up tho inlii"' and '
uto the fugitive
Hussions May Locate In Orooo.i.
Alhany.That 25 or 30 Itiuulaii
fnnillles from Northern Mexico ami
Lower California may establish a col
ony In the Willamette valley, became
known hero through two represnniu
Uvea of tho colony, who said they
wen. emissaries sent out to look for
a Hiiliahle locution. After looking oer "'" I'oll"'' Htates
nils sect ion they Went north. 'The
nld that tho Willamette valley m.
PiiiHsed ihem,
, I wff
. ,i Torn '
ifril win
ul'.J ifcM
I r it) m
i. (Is of
ijp.l t l'
, . to tit11
Government WouM r
llaltlinoro. - Hull "
...In.. 4 .., . .
! Also, beginning at bW cor of tut 1 , you up and mako you utrong. If it
A,a,ka sec -1 T 2 N H 10 W thenco N on lino doos not wo glvo back your money.
Tho peoplo of Alaska should be given between lots 1 -2 of said sec mid a ; P. H, For rough, scaly skin, try
the full territorial form of government prolongatlor thon."f- U I Mior cur Baxo Solve, Wo guarantee' It,
and Alajka, us a Btorc-houso should bo mark of Nehalem IJay, tueiitc Ensier.y - .i t
Strawherrlrs Flourish In Winter.
Newport. - Strawberry shortcnlm
tmide with bnrrlns grown and rlponed
In Novnmlmr by Peter Hliennm.
l"iH a farm hoviIii nillim up , my
lewpuri, was served ii Nownort' . ......iv at iar
TIlHIikkglvlnit. Tim,.,. Jm A X I I""""1 ly AMltlll OUIll) t I
"ill iti i
ruwiMirriMs, too, for Chilsluiiis and
new v intra,
f.lcd m
t court 1
..u... ii.. t r i ,1 rou'i--' i
Plllttl Hill 41 lill'l .. .' , ...1
i..... , which IMI
iii' UIIIH II till I'"" rbiM
iinrti.ut.it of limltre nl'W f0 J
i li.r.i.4 h.ifimlihll'il lit hUHlnfl' (
United Htates In Ho i'""' l'm 1
and juiokfigeii of Hu
-- ji
A(1 i n uo"u"
tu .. i.Hii'tau
oO oi "'1
Otnto nuys
Asotin, WbhIi
has boon nwni'i
I IIOV Olin III. Imin.lil I,.
Hi" local btoreii at (wo boxo.t for SIR
crurd Ititoront.
fl.lll.. I, ll..r..M llMU'J
IM 111 II' Fill I " '
week. Now locutctl in Mwnic D '