Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 05, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe Ciltatnook fterald
C. . Croniblcy, Editor
CtiCMi.iv anil Frld.iV
t vmi ii-i; mi: m:in:i:'-; i: ni?
iJVKN that N
tint) drnvt1 fj
iJMiCil Cwlcc a ;ucch
Entered m swd-la,M mutter May I", UUO. nt tha puat o!llce at Tillamook,
O it iron, under llio net f Mnrh 8, tFW."
JTdvcrtlstatl Hates
' real Advertisement
I"irt Insertion, par Hrw $ .10
Ka.'h s-.iW.nwnt Insertion, line. .06
Hi-ri'!it-: d N tiet - - S.-
Timtvpr t"l:m5 - 10.00
Notu-vs, p'r lint- - .OR
Car.i- of lh.r-K, vr line - .05
Locals, -vr lino, first insertion - ."J
Kacb. kuusihiiioiU Insertion, lino ,06
Resolution of Condolence ami
Lodge notice, ht line .OR
RtxiDM Professional finta, nm. 1. 00
ritlae Advertisement, per Inch .S
ALL, Pisplnv Ail must be In this of
fice on Monday and Thursday Morn
ing to insure puVicatioa in follow-
inn Tuesday ami rrviay
KMtr.s are imperative.
I'resident Wilson" mw?f is belns:
well received throughout the nation,
a? Wins the product of a :tnteinan.
Republicans as well as Democrats are
voicirc approval. Mr teems to strike
at tin- heart of thing and would deal
with matters in a most practical way.
Hi message probably does not suit the
ultra c mservativ or the radical, but
the crest middle class, the rock upon
which our government reU, $eeuts
be well nleaaed with it.
then i anv poley a con corn
and the Euro;vau compieatiow which
rntsiim?ts foresee.
"The significant thlnir. however, is
that back in the trad centers awl tho
rural sections the people exhibit a fuel
ing that encourages the executive, and
the renllv remarkable feature of the
NoTU'it is iikkrny in
b virtue of a iiiditment
mud ami entered on tho Hist day of
Octolvr. In a certain omiso pond
ink; In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oroirou for Tillamook t'mniiy, wherein
Rudolph ..trlmmn in tho plniittttf ait. I
James Vernon, Sr. and Jan IW Ver
non ami t li llailloy are defendant
ami by virtuo of n ovWuilou duly Iss
ued under tho Jtideinent ad iLmtw
aforesaid on the IMh da of November
10t3. the umlers' Kited sheritV of Tllla
hvmr Count)', Oregon, on Thursday,
the Uth day of December, 101'L before
the tViri house d r of Tillamook
County, D.v i. at the hour of ten A.
M, of said dale, will ..(Tor for sale an t
ell to the highest bidder for cash In
issue. ! hand the following described real pro-
eri.v. situated in llllamuoK Uounty,
to-wit :
I ttetflnnlng nl a point 91 feet South of
I the Southwest corner of Ithvk i. in
I the town of Lincoln, nqw within the
' corporate limita of Tiltutnook Citv,
" l Oreifon. and running thence South Jtf
Mexico 'f1: thnco Kwat 100 feet; Hume
norm w ieei; ineuco west uu reel to
tho place of boxinnlnt;, heint; the south
half of 70 feet of ttt entiro north oral
of lttock three a; d fur now occupied
by the C. O. U. Laundry.
'Hie foreifotoit .lo 'hall be made, us
by the aforesaidCourt ordered, Hint, to
satisfy a judgment made and entered
in tho above entitled I'o'irt and cause. '
in favor of said itUuttifT Ktidoltih lcb-
man, icnt said defeivianta, James
amj Jane Poo er'ton for !
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
To Do The Manuf acttiring
tdent Wil.-on has the confidence of his
political opponents us well as of his
political supporters of the paU. Tho
KecarJ-Herakl correspondent hits been
able to collate many of the these let
ters, and it is tho purpose here to pre
sent a few sample excerpt, taken at
random, as tending to toil a story that
hardly requires comment.
situation is that such is the public at
titude with respnrt to a new president i Vernon Sr.
to, burdened with unusitallv important the sum of JGi3S with interest thereon
I proulonw of a charactor that ordinerilv I"1 the te of per cent per an-iuu t
u .: li. from Jantiar.' 7th. 1013. and tho fur-'
The Prohibition forces have won ' "They always say that Washington i tho further sa-n of $1.75. ;
feUr victon- ... Salem. In the con-1 is the poorest po.nl in the country from j ti ZZui
test :n that city last Monday wherein which to cause national sentiment. Let i judgment .mtaimxi tn saul ctiurt ami i
the citv amended i! charier, prohibit- j us thou do the judging from wnat ap-j cause in favor of defcnlant. C. K. '
inc the sale of liquor, the "dry" car- pears on the surface here, but from an , J'dley, nainst said defendants Jamas j
ned t e day by a majority of 952. j expression of fee.in as sMice.1 from , In "tTx)!' will" 'Xrest '
nearly twice the majority that was afar. Scores of privat- letters have ; thereon at tne rate of to per cent per'
rolled up aeainsi the saloons in the j been written to persona here by friends j annum from October 21t. VJlt, and j
N'lvemVr ekcti-n. Jjrfire rSallowae , in dUtftrit stat which show that Prs- , " lurtner sum OIJ.KW.OIJ attorneys
held that the November election was
void because it was not bekl on the
recular state election date, and now
we understand that be contends that
the election at Salem is void on the
same grounds. Jude Galloway is car
rying the matter far from tne
standpoint of a ".air splitting proposi
tion. The people of Salem have de
manded in no uncertain tones that they
have had enough of the saloons ; the
majorities have been Ure at both
elections and that ought to settle it,
and it probably will.
One of the interesting instances of
the Lite election was the pressure
which was brought to bear by seventy
farmers residing in the vicinity of
Salem who petitioned for tne removal
of the saloons, claiming the saloon to
be a serious menae to their young
The Supreme Court of the state
recently n a octal aown a Utcision in a
pavement case of Bandon wherein
"A judge of the appellate court of
Illinois, writing u a W'Ashirgton
friend, says: 'A prominent Republi
can politician saiJ ti.e other day that
he had been in Washington a great
deal of late, and that "Witon is the
best president this country ever had."
"From a letter written bv a circuit
judge in Wisconsin, n prominent lie
publican, the following is culled :
'Everywhere I hear commendation of
President Wilson. Judging by Wis
consin, he would carry every
fees, and tne further turn of io.50 cutita
and disbursement Incurred by said
C. R. Ilndley.
Dated November Sth. 1113.
II. Cienshtiw, Sherttf of
Tillamook County, Orugun.
1 f Another Cireillt illiiii n fnrmr
t fl
by virtue -f an Execution issued out of
the Circuit Cvurt of the State of (ire
ton, for the County of Mullncimah.
dated the 1st day of Novembor. 1013. i
, m the cause wherein F. it. Ileal was
jplaintlir an.1 the Pa'ide City Realty
. Cmpany was defendant, timn a jtalg
jinent theretofore rendered and docket
ed in sam cause and court ; said judg
ment being against the said defendant,
the Pacific City Itualty Company, ami In
favor of the said plantilf. F. It. Heals,
j arKi amounting to $lS00.fQ with inter
jest thereon at the rate of I) per cent
! per annum from t ho 23rd day of Oct-
1 . .1. imt t 9HI ir ..... .1 l:
Mint.. i.'io, mm coiis nnti uis-
in the Union if the campaign were now no.,v flibltKFORE. in uder to
on- satisfy ih- saal judgment ami the costs
ann expert-tea o inw writ. I will, on
the 6th day of December 1913, at 10
iec Miles and apodal
ls3chirak&324kii(s io IImis
v2qo vilS brlnji pay
rolls to - -
ma si uiai n rany:
on 'lia2t'in Kay
t Si '
Nehalem Hatbot Co.
Wfieeler, Oregon
I'oflUnd Olfitn J27 f!lliX ,J.
THUmoA Offit. Utt Is, H. Ujii
fVii f- r tx: tKnj tSt.u (.
vi vii-.l kiuii v a t rt-'fj'aaiinriiw. i lie ;
. . ' raised up by Provwjence to adjust con-
Democrat and citizen must realize that
to have been
Chief Justice McBride wrote the opin
ion aid tne two points in question are
as follows:
"That the fact the plaintiffs stoxl
by and allowed the improvement to
proceed without making any protest
did not stop them from asserting its
invaliJity by a suit to enjoin the col
lection of a tax.
"Where the several owners of dis
tinct parcels of property ha e a com-1 ce,s
mon oojection to the validity or an
assessment, tliej may properly unite'
in a suit to enjoin its collection."
Attorneys for the Warren Construc
tion Company have contended that be
cause we had inspectors on the j U wno
were supposed to look after matters,
that we, instead of the Warren Com
pany were to blame if ojr pavemei.t
wa3 not laid according to specifications.
The Warren Construction people also '
contend that our people had not the
right to band together in the injunction
proceedings. Tne above opinions of I
the Supreme Court would injicate that!
these two points had already been set- '
tied in favor of our citizens.
ditions in this country.'
"Here h an interesting extract from
a letter recivel in Washington from a
lawyer in California: 'As you are a
ware, I always have been a Republi
can, until the last campaign, when I
was compelled to take sides against
Mr. Taft and in favor of the Progres
sive movement. I had great admir
ation for Mr. Wilson and an earnest
hope, and I may say belief, in his suc-
n the event of his election. I
think I may safely say that nobody
outside of Mr. W'lson's official family
rejoices mote over the very remarkable
success that he is making of his ad
ministration than 1 do.
"A circuit judge in a middle western
o clock a. in.. t the front door of lb
County Courthnusu in tillumook City
Oregon, sell, at public auction to tho
highext bidder for cash in ham!, th
real property of the said defendant
situated in Tillamook County, Oregon
ami lescrltn.il as follows.
Uta I. 6. 6. 7, l, 19, 20, ami 21, nf
Block 3; ami Lots n hi! U of HUk 7,
all in the town of Pacifle City, Oregon
LlateO .November 7th, 1913.
H. Crenshaw, Shenir of
Tillamook County, Orugon
fPUHI.LSHr.lU 03.119
Department of the Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland
Oregon. Nuvomlw-r 3. 1913.
Notice is hereby given that Josephine
King, of Blaine, Oregon, who. on Jan
uary 23, 1912. made Homestead Entry,
40. lAhviit, ior ar.j, aeclion w, Town
ship 3. South, Range 8 West, Willam
ette Meridian, ban Hied notice of inten
tion to rmiico Final Commutation Proof.
to establish claim to tho land above
state who is an old line Republican. 1 germed, before County Cletk of
Cowl wishes also to the president
Please tell him for me that many
watchful Republicans are corning to
regard him as a man of sound heart,
good judgment and courage- -and they
are tal.tin about it.'
"Hero is another from the middle
west:- 'All good peopls and patriotic
citizens are admiring the president and
the manner in which he handles public
questions. As far as I can learn his
praises are not only being sung by all
well-meaning Democrats, but also by
well-meaning people belonging to other
'Another man declares that In his
Testifying as to President Wilson's
standing with the countrv at lanx.
Sumner Curtis, Washington correspond- Hectlon very one seems exceptionally
ent of the Chicago Record-Herald, writ- we" satisfied with the administration
ing under date of November 21, aays; an L epees tho opinion that Mr.
"President Woodrow Wilson is near- Wil80n is now even more popular than
ing the end of a most extraordinary of Roosevelt ever was.
extraordinary sessions of congress, in "A notable thing in connection with
which all that he planned ahd expected the upholding of the prcaident'H hands
has not been accomplished, and is ap- by the people generally is that it Is not
proaching the opening of a regular hysterical. There does not seem to bo
session, the results of which are prob- any hero worship about it, but just
lematic, with the general good will calm, practical confidence that things
that ushered in his administration "re in safe hands and belief that the '
augmented by a general confidence passing of tariff revision legislation
that is decidedly significant. without any upheuval In sight such as
"It seems to be the good fortune of partlsana predicted is an indication of
President Wilson to have Inaugurated, continued fair conditions,
after a long stretch of history, another "It may be Interesting to mention
era of good feeling. There is no doubt, that the friends of tho president who
In fact, as to Its inauguration, and the have come into possession of written
only real question is as to its duration, communications which seem to regis-
"The aigns are fair. Hero in the ter the pulBO of the country havn been
high places, It is true one may hear pleased to lay the evidence of the pub
mutterings about probabilities of a He sentiment directly before him. It
party smashup over the currency issue naturally pleases tho president and
and one may listen to doubts regarding moreover givoi him greater courage to
the administration's Mexican policy, meet the problems and complications
with Homo tpeculation as to whether that lie directly ahead."
December. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: Leo
' uray, Irene Willis, Albert J. Mc
Gough, Mrs. Minnie Wilmnt. nil of
lsiaine. Uregon. II. F. HICBY,
(Publisher.) 03348
Department of ffie Interior.
U. H. LAND OFFICE at Portland.
uregon, noverniicr A, IUI3.
Notice Is hereby given that Iron.:
miiiib, oi limine, uregon, wtio; on
January z.J. 1-J12. made Homestead En
try No. 033 in, for SWJ, Section 10.
Township 3 South, Range 8 West, Will-
arnette Meridian, has filed notice of
iriienuon to make I-inal Commutation
Proof, U establish claim to the land
above described, lmfon. iim rv ill rt t j
Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, at
III la moo k Citv. Ornvnn ,r in., iriii.
day of December, 1913.
Claimant names as wit noun. M..t.
tX,t3 Thompson, Leo P. Gray, Henry
Davis, Josephine King, all of Blaine.
Oregon. II. F. HIGBY,
Harris' Bargain Store
Opiwslto Ed's Garage
Is giving a ticket away
with every purchase on
Drawing for the
Beautiful $10.00 Doll
To be drawn for Christ
mas Eve. Come and
trade here and save
your tickets.
Womjn Cltctcd In ' -fnpU.
Olympla. H'.nb. Practically com
plete returns show I he re-election nl
Mayor Oeorge A Mottman. The may j
or cnrrled practically the entire citi
zens' tl ket bio office with hltll, In
'lidini, Mrs. Julia K. H'aldrlp. u
prwiie court nttmoi;rnpbr. as city
treasurer She ulll be Olympiad first
woman city official. i
l. e. Hewitt. H.T.B0TTS.
Olutetrteal ..SpecUIUl
I Both Phono
Riw. nmlOiUcit: Whitehou.o Residence.
Illinois Suffr.ioe Act Upheld,
Chjter, III The Randolph county
court, ruling nsalum certain liquor
dealers' attack on the Illl.iois wummi's
stmraKtt act llure, declared the law
complete, Intelligible mill valid.
Pendleton Reject Commission Form
i-cniiieion, ur Alter otto of the
most spirited uluctlons In the history
nf I'ntidletoe, the commission form of
UovernmeM was defeated by nearly
ZUO votea.
Hop Men Plan League.
Rick reull. Polk bounty hopmen
have planned to form an organization
tn eliminate all middleman's profit
and lo prcrnnt short selling. After
the meclltiK of hoi;ruwern In Kalein
a number of growers In Polk county
dlitrlcts started a mnviimiinl for the
Independent growers' leiiKUit.
aii wno wish their pianos tuned and
repaired, please phono to A. Litiobaek
piano storo as his tuner, L. L. Woods,
will be hero for a short
lime. All work guaranteed. Mutual
The Most Important
Business of Yours
.. 1
n wiivic .villi IIIVCHl.VOlir money.
rrsi ..nr .. ....
mo western ian & Havings Co. of
Halt Lake City.Utah.a tried and nroved
company, is now ready for business In
Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan
you money or build you a homu on small
monthly payments, at a low rate of
merest. Write or ace
A. C. EVERSON, Loan Atf.
a. in in a i it, President.
D. L. SHItODK, Vice President.
Hoard of Apprnlsora,
K. M. Bales, p. , Mlnick,
It. P. Zuchinun, K. J. Clausson.
Hoard of Trustees.
John Leland Hen
donon, li, L, Ilea la,
L. C. Smith VV. G. McGce.
Olfirn III .Sluigron lildtf
All Work (tiurntitrrd.
Hai Located in tlic Commercial Bldg.,
Succeeding Dr. V. J. Sharp.
All Woti. Gtiir4nirrd, H,,tU I'hoiwi.
nm,-. ii ' In 12 4. m.
I 10 1 1 JO p. til.
Orn Hvr nlnei (mm 7 until 6 o'clock
niiu-c iio:; i.MH. I tllnmool
Tillftmoolc Orr
AttanKy-at-Law tai
Land Office Buslntu.
Opposite Courtliouie
Dr. Jack Olson
rksidknt dkntlst
Olllcu Hours Irniti U . In. to t, p.
Oddfellows Building
Until Phones,
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(lloth Phones)
Tillamook i , nnsnn
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
Geo. P. Winslow
TIIIntniK.k li.- k
Tllfamook. Ottp
It. N. IIRNKI I Mifi.
UenUil In Iliiltillnjf PnrmcrlyOccni
llv far PaUUf
I'un.r.l Oir.clor .nd Ucrmrd fjnb
Lailv Assistant When Reiutlei
I'nintcr find I'mier Hansen
CuntrnctH Tnlccii
IvstimatcH I'm tushed.
All Work Ouaninlct'il.
Tillamook County Bank Uldfj.
Pioneer Transfer Co
G. L. DICK U SON, I'ni
Both Phonn
The Same Price to UvcryoU
Dhuthchuk Advokat
Commercial Huilding