Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 05, 1913, Image 1

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izfLLPiF15iul-ATIONOF Any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Oiujoon, Dhchmukk r, lOl.'j.
NO. 01
It ts the aim of this hnnk to ivy
tliebtMi blinking ftrrviee pofsfbla
and we do tt.
It h also our aim u linvo the
very Ix&t equipment such 113
Modern 11 rc Proof Hun lung
Kooin, I'ire Proof Vmdt, Mur
glnr Pruof Safe. Modern Safe
Deposit Boxetf and vc have
First Showing of
Come in and Look Them
Prices Right
iM oKI'iiK
sruvisvi.w, :
Jlth l'ho.ifi
Tillamook Clay Works
We have now a limited supply of brwk and drain
tile ready for the market at the I'ollowuur prices:
Located ( miles south oi Tillamook on main
traveled road.
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Brick, Etc.
... t
.SVc'"'- Ttru.s.
Atloniry it Law 4iid Notary Public
insi uanci-:
Tillamook, Oregon
Sixty-third Congress Convenes
i c" I..
In Regular Sosslon Mon
day Noon, j
U'ttKlitnuton Tho flrol relulur
julcm t tun Hlxty third eongteM con-
vnm-d In Wnahliigum at uoonjMnndny,
t whtrli tlmit Dm I Ifo of tlif. special
teuton. th lone1! continue is extra
ordinary noaakm In tlw hlitorv of con
r. expired by constitute inl limi
tation. A tlm two hoime already
worn org;nUd ami the JurIhI' live ma
chinery lit running order, tlm rlnr
6.tloii will loan llltlii time hi getting
down to lmlnex J
Two Brunt project have held th
attention of concrete and thovcounlry
UtrauQhont tJm work of tb i4r. On
01 tbeto. tnriff rwvlHon, oryltulllziM
tOU Uw In Set'itiur. l
Nation's Cellmate of Necda l Lest.
'un&rvaii ta ak-d to npproprlat ,
tl.Jtia,iMt,?77 to opornto tho t-'ovorn
io.'nt of tb United Hiatal durlriK tha
flacat yaar 10 1. acHrdtn to hc r
UrnatiM prpar4t by fach dtpartnioiu '
and aunt to ihu houno by Si-crctitry
llnAiloo, of thi) iriMMiry. )
1'tl.l ru.llftlul.ut MtflltnllfnI n rt I"11.'
SCt.fl7 In .nci-an of the appropriations '
j for the laat ftacal ar. but ihulr totnl
1 1 - tmrt i i . .... . . . 1 ...
fall )3!.Kfi,0GC bdlow the cRllmatM
for that yr.
Tor rontluiiliiK rivfrn and harbors
work tho war dt-tmrtmrnt ay It
tiNlN Hl.lS3.mS, vhirh lucludi
ta?6.0W for Improving the watcrwnja
(iiui-ctlii.: 1&V Union and WiikhlnR
ton nt Stltl; I'olunibln Klvcr;Orq
y.oti. U.K0,M&: t'olubmlo HIvcrrTho.;
DnllBa mpldk to himd of CVdllo Kulls,
JtSl.OOO. j
Drtvlty of Menage Marked. j
I'rwldant Wllaon doimrliM from '
culom of tho aat In writing a rel.i-j
tlvuly brluf uuaango to coiiRrumi. )
In bin iiutK tho prealdoni rtdt-!
nrat'I, aa to Mevlro, that llintrtn mur-! .
go. and aald that tln country could
wait with patlance tint oollnpno of the
dictator, now near. j
Hit alio urgiw prompt action on tho)
oum'nry bill. Il dlciiHCH tho furj
th.T nmtl of crudll ttld to tho farmer,
! udvoralea kUpploinomlnK tho Hhurman
null trust law with legialntlon to clar
ify It. He favors direct prlmarioh fot
the nomination of candidates for proa
' Idont. A novortimmit railway foi
j Alimku nud it better employerti' llabll-
Ity law nre other subjects treated.
J Trusts Next Dig Question.
1 Naturally the trust imeatlon looms
I up as the thing In the program to on
list special attention following tin
tnriff anil currency. The ndmlnlstrn
(Inn trust program In Its entirety,
however, Is not likely to bo presented
to coriRrnsa at the beginning of the
regular (tension. One ruasou is that
I'nwiUleiit Wilson seems to bellort
that tho way to make progress Is :.
do one bis thing nt a time. Auothei
Is that the president tins not fully
worked out his trust loglslnttott policy
At the outsit no will nsl; for an np
proprttttlou to nimble tho biironu ol
corporations to mafto the exhaustive
Investigation of facts bunrlng on
economy of production and with 10
cpwt to tho quiMitlou of competition
versus monopoly, which Itus been out
lined heretofore.
Storaae To Dc neflulatcd.
An elaborate null-high cost of living
bill, not only to resist cold storage ol
food, but to penallzo agreements foi
Binrugv. poolini!, division of territory
Intorlnrenco with competition or othei
restraint of trade In foodstuffs, wet
Introduced hy Itepreeontutive McKel
lar, of Tennessee.
The new bill, which will be urged
Immediately before tho house commit
tee ou commerce, would miiko the
maximum period of storage ou beet
or its products suven months, veal twe
months, pork four months, sheep oi
goats four months, lamb or kids three
Free millet Provided.
War department officials who have
been preparing, with Hepresenfatlve
Kahn. n bill to distribute 800,000 Krug.
JorgouHou rlflos now stored In govern
ment nfitoiiiils to civilian rifle clubs
In order to promote marksmanship
throughout tho country, have decided
to Include free amaiuultlou with tho
rifles, It haa hen decided tlmt school
cadet organisations also will bo sup j
piled with froo rifles and nmnumltlou.j
Uoprefionuulve Knhn, aa chalnuau
Old Mining Location Lively ta Oust ,
linker. Two farm In the Lof '
lnln country. wn trill north of
". brought from iMmiM
or n nu,, umu ,.
routiK woman who came from Ohio J
u ; a twins In Oregon, nru about ,
so lio loot to t!i!r own or i If an njipnel j
i tlmy tinvi- utkori on ti flndlns o( the '
Innd offtci nt Vnla U daddeil agalflRt
tlifim. Tho yonK " Ih Cnnrl umbriclng tho rtUtet of Sonora. CM
f'hiitnliorlitln, and tliu yoiiri woman. ' hiialimi, Coahnlla, Nuoto I.rt!o and
Mian Horn; CliftitiliorUln. Iiln nltor. Tamaullpaa. and Including lit terrl
Whoa tlm pJac had umd dxvotop- u,rr ,rSra ,h8 "Oer U ao MO
iil .nd wro Joai hnnln to iwy, a mllw aootliward, will he wholly under
eoruant, hnrunht hy W. J. HukIih, &
rMlrl itilnltr of I'ratriu City. wn
made on tlm ground that he had a
prior right to tho land hy vlrtun of a
tnlulK claim lharo which he hud ta-
h)a tO yr ago and hitor abandon-
Tht two hoinnatoada have been
fenced and cli ha n hotte on lu
Tha yolinK tnaii lfO fc'jllt a barn on
hia tract of 100 acre a wull an a
(trunary. Hfty aero of tho tract Iws
bon put uador cutUvation, whlla tho
young woman ban IS aaree of bur 13&-
ar tract plowed.
Roflue River Run Small.
Woddorbun). Tit ftablng reason
ou ItoRUn rltor olouad by law on So-
Viiralinr SO. I1I1L fnw tilth barn hnan
caught Uila month. The fall run of
fli.li did not uomo up to ajcpecIatloB
.. . - .
nor to icai oi loraier jara wnun uic
1 lata It. I). Hume oporatod tho cannery
Dr&oktnga Is Oulldlno Up.
Oold Uea.-h. The now town of
Brootelti-a, In rojihera Curry County.
It? lrtii:j;a tifl rgply, Ayjce
w koe2 store thin 8M jerfco:is llv
'nft l:b!n Cot town limits, ivhlcb
iakc It now tha Inrgent town ii
urry oounty.
Oakland Skmks Plentiful.
Oakland. Skunka e.ro ao pluntlful
In this violnlty that catching them has
become a lucrative occupation. A lo
tl uarher has $136 worth of -klns of
tnlmala caught durnj recess.? from
tonfcorinl duties.
Iowa Fucltlvc Caught.
rue :uea. bnerin ennaman ar
rested C- K. Unrvey at Big Eddy. Tae
prlaonrr la wanted at Council Illuffs,
Iowa, for absconding wtth JSOO be
longing to u railroftd re- ?any.
of tbe National Oefento League
which suggested tho distributing of
the riflaa. will introduce the bill in
tho house.
Prohibits Watering of R. R, Stock
Indicating the probable angle of ii
terstatu commerce legislation dun1
the coming sesilon. Itepres nt.it.
Sims ot Temiosseo Introduced r
to prohibit tho watering of r.i.
Tho measure would mako It e
ful for any common cnrr.rr t u
any stooks, bonds or other
of Indebtedness except for
cesshry purpose such ns e-.-ImprowMiicnt,
uuless :
IntorBtato oommercv .
Ship Ashore; Five of Crew Rescued,
Aberdeen, Wnsli. Pounding to
pieces just outside the drays Harbor
Jetty, n four masted schooner went
nshore, nud ive members of her crew
were rescued after passing many
gur clinging to tho rising, to which
they wore driven by tho terrific sen
which sent the vessel on tho bench
and placed nil In great peril.
Oregon Woman Elected Mayor.
Troutdalo. Or, Oregon and tho weol
won another woman mayor when Mrs.
Clara l.atourelle I.arssiin was elected
head of tho Troutdalo city govern
Tillamook, Ore.
by Renpral Vilh Sav Th-ii Tfirpo
.."nera vma oays that Three
Annies Are Working To-
gethpr to That End.
Joariz. Mxlco.Northem Mexico,
the authority of tha rood force with'
in two welt. Th forces which are
f'&Ung Iluoru will thon Join at Cuad
lJnr. wltli ii vlijw of inorchlnK on
; so Xlostco City. This l the rehl plan
3t canpahjn. Gonoral KrandBco Villa.
tha rebel leader, ascertal.
"We will mou right on to Mexico
City," ald Villa- "Tliat la our dwstl
nation. Our forces are working to
gether. Tho troops now In Sonora
will move southward, attacking Guay
utaa on tho wny. Thosi- In the east
now contured around Victoria, will
move siMilbwaat. wbllo I will go right
down through the heart of the coun
try. Seven jjrneral at the Mexican reg
ular army are re.idy to ajircadir and
the backlione of the Uuorta dictator
ship in the north has been broken. A
peace cornmlaalon came from Ch;hua
hna bearing proclamation alsued by
General Salvador Uercado, Huortn's
military governor and commander of
the federal forces In all the north.
The proclamation said that the Iluer
ta government was bankrupt and was
unable to pay ita soldiers.
Tho simultaneous evacuation ot
la bclievud by the rebels to be tho
result of a corcrted decision to aban
don tho whole of northern Mexico.
Safe Cracked and Abcut $12,0C0 Car
ried Away By Robbers.
Roseburg. Or. Entering tho vault
of the Myrtle Point Brink through a
small opening on tho second floor of
the structure, yesgs dynamited the
iron safe and escnimd with currency
r.nd gold aggregating $12,000.
The robbery wus discovered In the
morning when the officials opened the
b: fit for the day's business. Ira Cor
r.eliua, a stage driver, says he thinks
the bank was robbed shortly after 2
o'clock in the morning, as he heard
nn explosion at that hour.
Entrance to tho depository was
gained thrc jgh the office of attorneys,
who occu y quarters directly above
the bank.
Indiannpolis. The Teamsters' Un
ion wted unanimously to go ou strike.
The union, which includes tho com
mercial chauffeurs, has between 1500
nud 2000 members.
An order, was Issued Saturday pre
venting the congregating of crowds
and tho police were told not "to hesi
tate to iise other means" if persuasion
failed to disperse tho gatherings.
In addition to tho extra policemen,
2S0 business men were sworn in as a
reserve force. These men were pro
vided with uniforms and guns and are
quartered In Tomllnson Hall, whore
they will bo hold until tho strike is
settled. The men are commanded by
officers of the Indiana National Guard.
For four mouths Indianapolis has
been agitated with labor troubles
which havo resulted in tho resignation
of Mayor Shank, Superintendent of
Police Hylanil and W. K. Davis, presi
dent of tho Hoard of Public Safety,
nud n general sbakeup in tho city ad
ministration. During tho last streotcar strlko
there was so much rioting that the'
entire state mllltln was called out.
Oregon State Tax Higher.
Salem. Or. Because of tho Inability
ot tho state tax commission heretofore
to untlclpato state expenditures nud
make approximately uniform levies,
tho levy this year, according to fig
ures given out by tho commission will
be tho largest in the history of tho
state. The total assessed vnluatlou
of the stato Ib $954,282.37-1. an luweose
of $49,270,605 over last year, nud. de
spite this Increase, thero will be n
f...... nr ... l.,i,a. K tillla na nualliflt n
lovy'of 1.45 mills last year. 1
Pres.ldc.nt Acked to Make Federal
Suffrage Administration Measure.
Washington. A week's campalija
by the National American Worn, i
Suffrage Association to procure t"3
adoption of a constitutional ami-r l
raent to enfracchise women w. i
laaurbad here at a big mass meetir-7.
It was tho formal opening of the ,"i
annual convention of the associate j.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, presld it
of th! National Woman Suffrage Lz
soclatlon. created a sensation at a
oeaaioa of the convention when sho
declared President Wilaon had fallsa
6hort of the greatest opportunity h
ever had or ever would have In falling
to say a word In behalf of woman suf
frage when he rend his annual mes
sage to congress.
Salem Again Is Dry By Dig Vote.
t Salem, Or. For the aecoad time In
one month the anti-saloon eiemc.it has
made a clean sweep in this city, tho
amendment to the city charter to pre
vent the licensing of saloons having
won at the election by a majority of
930. The majority for local option at
tho November election was 4S7.
Robber KIII3 Passenger Agent.
Lot Angelea. Horace E. Mc-jt-?r j,
traveling pafenger agent fcr C 9
Southern Pacn'ic, waa shot and k!b i
by a holdup man In a Pullman car f
the wco;' und S-.'-iaet express a t t
miles out of I.cs Angelea.
Brier hews Gt the Week
SaskaJchewar'3 grtifn hardest tills
year la valued at $1 IC.OCO.OOO.
The tenth annual convention of the
National Rivers and Harbors congress
began iU session ia Washington V7 cd-
Parcel post was fairly swamped
with turkeys last week. Hundreds of
the birds were shipped by friends. .V
20 pound bird was sent 150 miles for
, 24 cents.
j The power schooner Mary Sachs,
one of Explorer Vilhjalmur Stefans
l son's vessels, was crushed In tho Arc
' tic ice off the North coast of Alaska.
I A permit to carry passengers and
' freight has been granted the Saa
1 Francisco and Oakland Aerial Ferry
Possible adoption ot the initiative
and referendum was killed because ot
Interest of voters, says n report from
Itegina, Sask. Fewer than 10 per cent
of the voters went to the polls.
Women who have been promised
Jobs as clerks or judges at elections
in Chicago must declaro their alle
giance to some political party before
they can qualify, according to an
nouncement of the chief clerk of elec
tion boards.
A league for the purpose of urging
the adoption ot Confucianism as tho
state religion of China was organized
at a meeting held at Pekin.
In a futile attempt to save the life
of a steerage passenger who was
washed overboard, two officers and
one seaman of the Pacific Coast
steamship President, were drowned
130 miles north of Cape Blanco.
People in the News
The emperor of Uermany has for
bidden nnny and navy officers of Ger
many to dnnco the tango.
Edward A. Fiske, an nutomobile
salesman of San Francisco, has sued
the Southern Pacific road for $125,000
for false arrest as a suspect In a train
robbery case.
Mrs. L. Br.tcke.tt Bishop, wife of a
wealthy Chicago business man, plans
to adopt 15 children,, each represent
ing a distinct race. She hopes to ob
tain babies 1 year old.
Mrs. Eminnllue Pankhurst, militant
suffragist leader ot London, England,
has left tho United States for her
homo, taking with her $20,000 collect
ed here for use In carrying on the suf
frage campaign lu England.
Anthony Camlnetti, commissioner
gonoral of Immigration of tho United
States, will be a cnndldato for gover
nor of California, or United States
senator, It Is reported from Sacra
meuto, Tho sultan of Turkey brought suit
to recover $10,000 from the estate of
a wealthy Armenian rug dealer who
died in New York. Tho suit went
against him lu tho supremo court, and
the appellnto division affirmed the
An altitude of 9S00 feet was attain
ed by Aviator Glenn Martin, who car
ried a passenger from I.oh Angeles,
Cal., to Santa Ana, In 27 minutes. This
Is the American hehut record with a