Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 02, 1913, Image 2

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    Ok Csllainook fierald
C. 6. Crcmblcy, editor
Issued Civic o lUccIt Cuesd.iv and Frlilav
Intend woiU-oUa matter Mav 17. l-.l U fit a'M "l I'UUm.H,
OMRvn. undi-r th set f Mivtrh , IS7W.
srsscKtmos si. an a vra in .uwx.vi.h
VM to 40 A'Too of imunmsl r wM'v
Improved dairy land within i or :i itn
of TIltnmooK I'lty. ! hnvw a rlh-nt (r
n small I root n abo I'rio' nml term
must bo rttfhl. PIciko lot mo know
Hiiri' what yu haw t" hr.
IHdv'crlislua Rates
' real Advrtfean9
YxTfl Insertion, jKr Hn !
Each ubw'Mfnt irwrtion. Hr
Homes-trad N tkra
Timber Claims
Notices, wr lirw
Card!" of thank. prr line
Locals, -wr line. first irvrtion -
Where wh Baker
with hi flchtini;
T o wonderful por of the pr.
Ue HedHtit in particular, which Bro.
Baker so 'ften brags about, was well
demonstrated by the result of Mon
day s election. After months of abuse
throuirh the column of the HeadliRht.
K. R. Beak wa elected mayor of our
city without the least opposition. Re
sult spak for themselves.
Tl c temperance wave ha struck
France a. well as Germany -France,
the laml which we have been toki. the
life of harmless) wine. has kept free
f-xii drankonne attendant upon the
use of stronger liquor. The passage
im-nedistelv of an act of parliment to
l-Tiit the runbrr of bar, saloon and
ot'ier etahltshments for the sale of
Sftits in France t dema-dd in n pe
t t:o i signed by 22.000 French women
ami oresented to the chamber of depu
ties It appears that the number of
pirit-sellin otabli-hmer.ts in France
increased from W.OOO in 1&J to 479.
(M in 1911. Altbouih alcoholic liquors
arc heavily taxed, their consumption
is increaine
At tne election Monday the voters
selected for the ensuing year a mayor
and council wno promise to eive us an
excellent ad Timistration. IV y that,
mistake will not bi mid wo-iM be i
foolbh, hoA-e-er, we are sure that,
every official elected yesterday will!
take his oath of o nee with a deterinin-1
atitn to loo' to the city's best inter
ests. Many intricate problems will h tve t '
be solved during the cjminc ve4. a i :
in the solving of these prblew tne
people should be patient, ever realizi ,
that the in-cominr a'lministr-ition iJ
not responsible for the entaoijletnents
iuto which the city has been placed.
The council just takinp leave of office
has been up against a hard proposition,
being placed as it were between tw.
firei, in regard to the pavement contro
versy, and without a mayor during the
past six months. However, it did
pretty well unier the circumstances
and should receive all due credit.
Mayor-elect Beals and the incoming
council have the best Irishes of a very
large majority of our people.
Gen. Carranza, the leader of the rev
olutionists who control northern Mex
ico, may be better than Hue rta ; but
the barbarous treatment of federal
prisoners taken in battle do not indi
cate it. The rule seems to be to
slaughter all prisoners, with hardly the
formality of a court martial. It ap
pears to be a war of extermination on
both sides. All rules of nilized war
fare are thrown to the winds, and no
mercy is shown to tho3e on the opy
site side. It is a disheartening out
look for Mexico. Perhaps notning bet
ter could be expected, when we remem
ber that forty per cent of the Mexican
are of pure Indian blood, and forty-
three per cent of mixed blood, uut or
a total poulation of 15. 10?.5-t5, only,
3.015 T-iti fii bith rei l an'i write;
205,397 --n read only, while 11.692,763
can neither read nor write, or oyer
seventy-four per cent of the whole.
Even the foregoing facts would not be
so discouraging, if the more intelligent
minority were of high character ana
ideas. But they appear to be mostly
ambitious leaders, each desiring to be
at the top, and utterly unscrupulous as
to how they get here.
Furnished by Pacific Abstract Co.
H. S. Richardson to Lilly F. Richard
son Ni of NWJ and SW1 of NEI e: 10
T 3 S R 10 W, $1
Josepe Blazer & wf to A. L. Steiner,
et al. tract In sec 5 T 2 S R 9 W lying
S of Trask River.
W. S. Cone & wf to W. Perry, lots 3
and 10 blk 8 Sunnyslde Addn to Bay
City, $10.
Chas. W. Odell & wf to A. Ramsey
lots 1, 2, 4, blk 5 Park Addn to Tilla
mook, $1003.
P. A. Johnson and wife to Addison
H Harris and wf lots 1 & 2 blk 4 R. R.
Bays Addn to Tillamook, $1200.
Anton Plasker & wf. to James C.
Shaw & wf. Tract 100 ft by 600 ft In
C. H. Haynes D. L. C. T 1 S R 9 W
h joining Tillamook City on the East,
till). I
Agreement. .Cbu. W. Goerea to C.
heh tubmont Inewtton. Ilito
Reaohltions of ' ondoWrK-s ami
Lodt tw'tlc, Pr
nuns,fc rfiionlcnKni.
r ..tnv Alvert'semrni. pr iwn
Al l iiUui.i a h mut Ih In this
M.iUv hh! Thumlay Morn
ing to insure publication in follow
Imj Tuesday and Friday uut.
Reasons are imperative.
VI ni V A. Jono cover kit S blk 17
Tiaver1 Udn to Tillamjok City. $lf00.
Albert W. IMank .4 vvf to U. J.
Winter lot 7 blk 7 1'nrk Addn t Tllla
mnok. 52S&.
Oha. W. Men J & wf to WhwUr
Lu-nberCo. Track ( 3.0S aer by
metec .tmi boutvls sec. SS T 3 N Itanco
10W abo tide laud fronting ami abut
ting on tot 1 Sec 23 S N li 10 W. StOO.
Wm. Smith .t wf to J. B. Pickoeer
Co. inc. SBi of SKJ Sec lJ. K of N'Kt
Sec 30 3 S 9 W $10.
Howard W. Wahlen to ThM. B. Wat
kins lot S bU 3 Stillwell's Addn to
Tillamonk. $1000.
Anton 1'lasker : wf to Jnmm C.
Shaw Jt wf tract 100 fU by 500 f in C
H. Hnynes OLC. adjoining Tillamook
City on the east, $10.
James C. Shuw .t wf to Edward T.
Waftins ami wf. tract 50 ft by 100 ft
in above tract. $10.
Anton Plasker and wf Ui Edward T.
Watkin A wf tract 50 ft by 100 ft in
C. H. Haynes OLC. T 1 S li 9 W, $10.
Henry Tohl to Ilobert Carbon, lots 1
U anil 15 blk 33 Total's Utul Addn to
Xehalem City. $ii5.
T. B. IVlter Realty Co. to l.urn B.
lxve, lot 41 bU 60 Bayocean Park, $10.
U It. French .t wf to U. 0. &
Onieatta Longsworth 180 aeri in seci
H & 12T2S R 10W. $10.
Uavid D. Jones & wf to Alfred Gub
ser se.- I T 2 S R 9 W, $1200.
F. R. Beali i wf to Minnie A. vt T
B. Meade part of ec 11 and part of
jocllTl N R 10 W, lt acrei. $10
I Brighton Development Co. to John
M. McRie lots 21. 25 & 2b blk 7S
Brighton Beach. S16.000.
S G. Reel A wf to J. I. Fuller.
,3 blk It Veahkahnie Mountain. $10.
t'. J. Cha:Tee to II. H. Hay ward.
al. lots 1 & 2 blk 3 Sunnymead Addn to
; Tillamook, $1100.
Anton Plasker & wf 11 acre tract in
sec 33 Tl S R 10 W, $10.
Jason J. Powell & wf to Frank &
Susie BUser tract in Truman Harris
DLC. T 2 S P. 9 W. $325.
Brignton Development Co. to Joseph
Kesee. lots JO, 21. 22, 23, 21 & 25 blk
GO Brighton Beach. $1SS0.
Brighton Development Co. Ui John
A. Burlison lots 21 & 21 blk. 31 Brigh
ton Beach, $650.
H. H. Hay ward & wf to Chas. J.
Chutfee part of sec 13 T 2 S R 9 W.
John E. Latimer & wf. to Thos. J.
Harris Jr. two tracts by metes and
bounds in blk. Thayer's Addn to Tilla
mook, Oregon, $1.00
W. R. Walling and wf to Julia R.
Millard, lots 1 to 10 blk G Tillamook
Beach, $10.
The Sunset Land & Inv. Co. to Emma
J. Richards, lot 5 blk 11 Sunset Beach.
Fred B. Madi3on & wf to C. E. Husk
S'.Vl ec24 160 acre, $10.
J. W. Laurens to Htrokichi Schimizve
lots 49 & 50 Blk 11 Rockaway Beach,
Iouis M. Kramer to Chas Ray, tract
in Sec. 27 T 4 S R 10 W, 3190.
State of Oregon to Chan. Ray, track
' of 3 acrt.s o( tul(J jan(j, in BCC
, c t in iy iin
5 T 5
E. C. Wilson to Allan L. Page, lots
5 & C blk. 6 Stillwell's Addn. V) T illn
mook SI 150.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. to J. P.
Rasrnussen lots 11 & 12 Llk 57 Hay-
0C);a(1 iXTki $1150.
F. R. Beals & wf to JelTerson Fleck
& wf to F. R. Reals lamia in Sees 14
23 T 1 N tt 10 W, $10.
E. A. BeaU and wf to Nancy A.
' Middaugn, lot 13 blk 25 Nehalem Bay
1 Park & lot 2 blk 22 Nehalem Bay Park.
j Brighton Developmen t Co. to Albert
' E. Ilolcomb, lots 22 & 2-1 blk 82 Bright
on Beach. 1500.
i The Nehalem Co to M. Nemm, lot 10
I blk 7d Howe's Addn to Wheeler, $150.
I W. S. Gru;ory to H Woodhouse lota
1 11 W 12 blk 27 Necarney City, $-475.
M. B. & F. F. Sniuer to ElsU A.
Outfield lot 7 blk 12 Miller's Addn. to
Tillamook. 1200.
15, 25 tad 40 Wtt, 35c
0 "Wat - ... 45c
100 Tslt - ... 60c
150 Vitt .... $1.20
250 .... 2X0
Proatrd Lamp Re liitru.
Wr rtcllrcr mmm to unj iiurt of
the city TrUplienr un. we do
wiring- at tbc lowt price con.
Uteut with Kood workmanship,
TllUHMk BlNtrlo win
tlf k ft FWI 00. Jr"."
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is whm yiii hm-st your tmniov
The W intern lil .v Saving Co. f
Salt Lake Cltv , t'lab.n tried ami pmvtd
nmit). i t'w ready for Ihmh in
Tillamook ami t'llliiiuiHtk Co. To loan
' yiu money or 1-uiWl yon a Ikhiio on small
monthly imjment . nt low rate of
i Interest. Vi rite or o
A. C. EVERSON,Lo.An Agt.
A. M'NAIR. Prwidoiit.
D. 1 Sit HOD E, Vicn Primidont.
Board of Apprniiorn.
K. M. Bali. F. II. Minlck.
R. F. 7riichman. K. J. Clnussiuu
Bouni of Tru.iteea.
l.elaml Hon-
C, Smith
II. U Bealii.
W. G. McGi-o.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
bv virtue of an en'Cuwon and order of
tittle, duly muwl out of the Circuit,
Court of the Slate of Oregon, for T1IU- '
mook County, on the 2Sth day of Nov !
ember 1913, on a decree of furrkurf '.
duly made ami entered in nuid Court, j
on the 2Sth day of November 1913, in a i
suit then pemling, wherein Chorlutw
M. Coyle. Executrix of the bml Will
ami Testament of R. A. Stewart, do
ceased wu.i plahttttf. and Chin. P. Nel
son, Nannie M. Nelson, William Kiel
cher, Harnett R. Fletcher, W. tt j
Dwlght and B. E. Emerlck Tnnte.
were dofeialants, ami wherein the i
plaintitf reiJVered a judgeme it Hgainut t
the defendant Chiu P. Nclit.in. Nan
nie M. NeUon. William Fletcher ami'
Harriett R. Fletcher for the sum of
$121. W, ami Interest thcreun at th
ratu of even in-t cent, per annum, fro i. i
November 25tu. 1913. ami for $TA.i
attorneys fee, and for $11.10 cot
ami dinturamentu, and to me directed, j
commanding me as nhorilT of tiald Co- !
unty to sell the real properly herein
after described to satisfy the cunts ami '
expenses of the sale, ami the snld I
judgment. i
NOW THEREFORE. I will on Sat
urriay the 3rd day of January 1911. at j
the front door of the Court House in'
sdtd County and State, at 10 o'clock In I
the forenoon of iatd day, sell the fol
lowing described real prooerty, al pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, to satisfy the said costs
and judgement.
Tne fi:ist one hl( of the South-ei.il
one fourth of Section 22, ami the Norn
uiio half of the North-cult one fourth
ol Section 27, in Township 5 South of
Range 10 West of the Willamette Mer
idian. Datcil at Tillamook, Oregon, Nov
ember 29th, 1913.
Sherilf of Tillamook
Counly, Oregon.
1105 Portland 170 List No. 03915
Unite i States Lund Otllce.
Portland. Oregon, Oct. 29, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that iht
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whose post olfice address is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 29th day of Oct
ober, 1913, filed in this otllce its appli
cation to select under the provisions of
the net of Congress approved July 1,
169b (30 Stat. 597, 620). NEi NWJ
Sec. 22, T. 1 N R. 7 West, and NWJ
NEi Sec. 10, T. 3 S , R. 7 West, and
SEi SEi Sec. 2. Twp. J S., R. 7 West,
W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desiring
to object because of the mineral char-
, acter of the land, or for any other rea-
ton, to the disposal to applicant, should
file their affidavits of protest in this
office, on or before the 29th day of De
cember, 1913.
H. F. Higby,
Publish In Tillamook Herald, located
at Tillamook, Oregon.
j by virtue of decree of foreclosure made
and entered in the Circuit Court of the
' State of Oregon, for Tillamook County,
on the 6th day of October, 1913, and an
execution and order of sale duly Issued
out of said Court on the Kith day of
October, 11)13, in the cause wherein
Tillamook County Bank, n corporation,
was plaintiff, und Kile Patterson and
Fred Wheeler are defendant, said ex
ecution being to me duly directed un
der the seal of said Court, I have lev
led upon the following described real
property, situate in'lillamook County,
The Southeast quarter of the South
I west quarter, and the South half of the
' Southeast quarter of Section 23, and
the Southwest quarter of the South
west quarter of Section 24, In Town
'ship 1 South of Range 9 West of Wllla
tmette Meridian, containing 162.65
acres, and I will on Monday, the 24th
; day of November, 1913, at the hour of
1 10 o'clock A. M, at the Court House
door in Tillamook City. Tillamook
County, Oregon, duly sell, at public
I auction, to the hlgheit bidder for cash
In hand, all of the above described real
property for the purpose of satisfying
fcald execution and order of sale, the
amount awarded to plaintiff therein br
the said judgment and decree being
$074.00, with Interest at Um U of 8
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
To Do
Nehalem Hatbot Co.
txir cent r annum, the iuiii of lluO.r)
as attorney' fees, ami the eot ahd
dlflburncmeiiU amounting to $11. 75,
bearing Interest al the rain of rt twr
cent tier annum. All interest running
from October fiih. 1913.
Dated this October II. 1913.
H. Crenshaw,
Sheriff of Tillamook Counlv, Oregon.
in the County Oiurt of tho State of
Oregon. For the County of Tilamo-k.
In the matter of tho Estate of Win,
Curtis, Deceased.
To Julia A. Curtis. David Curtis.
Jennie MrGhec, Annie! Billings.
Charles Curtis and Nellie Murphy
Vou arc hereby cited and required to
appear in thu County Court of the
Statu of Oregon, for the l ounty of Til
lamook, at the Court roiin thereof, at
Tillamook City to the County of Tilla
mook on Monday the 16th day of De
cember 1913, at 10 o'clock, In the fore
noon of that day, then 11 nd there to
show cause if any there be, why an
order should not be made authorizing
and licensing tho administrator of suiil
estate to sell all thu following described
real property, to wit:
Tho Southwest quarter of the south
east quarter and the Southeast quarter
of the Southwest quarter of section
thirty, T 3 S R 9W Wll. Mur.O
three tracts sold) containing 72.26
Witness, the linn. llomer Mason
Judge of the County Court of the Statu
of Oregon, for the County of Tlllu
mook with the seal of mud Court
affixed, this 8th day of November A.
D. 1913.
Attest: J. C. Holdci., Clerk.
By Kathleen Mills, Deputy Clerk.
1467 Portland 171 No. 03955.
United States Land Ofllre.
Portland. Oregon, November 4, I9i.1.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whose post ofllce address Is St. Paul
Minnesota, has this 4th day of Novum
ber 1913, filed in this office Its nppllca
tlon to select under tho provisions of
the act of Congress approved July 1
1B9H (30 Stat. 697, 620) the NEi NEJ
8ee 10, Twp. 3 South K, 7 West W
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desiring
to object because of the mineral char
acter of the land, or for any other rea.
aon, to the disposal to applicant, should
file their affidavits of nmii i
- I - -' - - - III HUB
office, on or before the 3rd day of Jan
....... 1(11 J
n. r. Higby,
t Tillamook, Oregon.
The Manufacturing
Frt'4 il's aiiid Mpeeliil
liicliirciiH'iifls to I hose
wOio will bring pay
rolls to - -
t fii v ma 11 11 f n -1 11 r i 11
vliy 011 iWliulnii Hay
Dr. L. E. Hewitt H.T.BOTTS.
Obstetrical .HiwelatUl
IBolh Plvtillr.
Rx. ami Oldeo : WhiterKHtse itraldrrtee.
I-VR. A. D. riMKIN.H.
Olfien lii Sturgeon llldtf.
Alt Wofi GnsrsUtrrd.
rii.i.. MOOK.
His Located in the Commercial Bldf.,
Succeeding Dr. I'. J. Sharp.
All Worl Giiifinl.fd, IVtth Phoim.
OlflrrM.nir.1 1 " '"
I to 4ii0 p. in.
Orn livrnlnj Irom 7 imlll 5 o'cloA
Dr. Jack Olson
Ofllce Hours Irom 'J a. rn. to 6 p. m.
Oddfellows Building
Both Phones.
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Both Phones)
Tillamook , , Oregon
Attorney at Law
Office m Commercial Building
THIamook County Baink Bldg.
El. J. Clausscn
Dkhtschhk Advokat
CommcrctuI Iluilding
PoftUml Olf.u. 327 i".lin Wdj
Tllljmook Olhi Cm I1. K. lUth
. MP rTr ShT OP A KM
'i-;ii ..1.
Land Ullice txtamm
09Bil CovrtUtM
attorney at uw
Tillamook HUxrk
Room 3Xi
k. N. III'.NKI H. Mli.
mm-a 1 eu in iiuiiiiink' riiniivMj
Iv Car r.OUI.
. M..W.M. MII.V.U,
. ... ... IfMlUM
i.auy vssistaiu nor
1 auiLcr aim 1
w 1 II.. ...lit I1M
ContniL'tH Taken
IiHtimatcH Fiirniahed.
All Work (Jimnuitcctl,
r lunccr i ioi,,m
C. L, DICK tt SON, Pr
Both Phonrs
few afWvaaw -