Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, December 02, 1913, Image 1

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M i
A l
Largest Circulation or any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkgon, Dkcumhkk 'J. 191. 'I.
NO. 90
11 i
i. if f
KiA mm I rv&
It in the film of thin bnnlr to give
tlic ben luuijijuy jrvjc: pQbHjbjki -
mtel vc do it,
It, is uIho our dim to bnvc the
very best equipment siieh n.s
MihUtii Kiie I'rouf ItiLiihin
Room, Hire Proof Vmth. Urn.
lni Proof Safe, Moilcrn Jaitfc
DepoMii 1 loses ami wo.JiAvc, ;
llicm. . .
First Showing.of
Come in and Look Them
Prices Right
,sw'"- itniJf.
Atlnnry l Ijw and NoUry Public
Tillamook, Oregon
KRES BROS., Props.
1 .. ". . i.. ..i u dud drain
'have now a limited suppiv ... v
! ready for the market a,t the lollou'intf P'(,
oeateil 0 "miles south of Tillamook on. main
traveled num.
7. " '
-. ... .i.,n ii'it;
.......... - .
iiewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
niU, VY Witv ww.
Eitira Citizens
Ticket Elected.
NoOppoiilion Wfu'.erer Wn Put Forth
Agiiost Caucus Nominee
Situation Unique.
Tlio city election no .Monday ptmd
olf without cdul event or excltmaut,
(here Imlng no nppialllon whatever U
thtt cnucu nomineei. The vote cast
wax n fairly uwnl one considering thu
fact that no fight wait being made.
Ttiero wnro Itt vntnt cut of which F.
It, Ileal, Uio cauirtu nominee fur rnay
ir, received I !tS. Nam were written
Itt on om) ImlioU uivl ono wnt thrown
Tho clrct)mUtncr nurroinilin tin-
Into oluelloii were rather unlquo In thai
TJ'" lllch Srhol ha nlwiya pluyci
a f'Mithatl nw on Thanlvin Day,
but" thla year tho proiKiaod itnwc vith
the town followit fallcil to mntvriallzc.
It ft tntf rtinj; to nolr that nlinost
Invariably the Scho-j Itoy have cotnc
off Vietora in the catnoa with the town.
bivIjih l'hankii;ivinK mark the nd of
thlyithall aenViii wu nhould bcin to
turn'o jr attention to baakulbnll. There
la KOoJ maturial In tho achool thia yuar
amlwof Ui'j lat year team arc xtill
with U4, o tho llleb Srhool ahould im
nbS to vork out an excellent xquad
foratkuthiill. Clata tuumit should be
orariixu) na aoon aa ixitble and in
tfitajfwity tb'j dilfurent rafididatva for
t)ict':am will hnve a chance to allow
their ability and a ifrnat dual of pnic
tlcofwill ba obtainel. There are enough
girl? In the achool to make nuvur.il
ztrlr tea;n and it l safe to say, c-n-
Portland Letter
Ortjron Exhibit Bttt at Chicago LanJ
ihow. "Orejon First and all
Orecoa" at 1915 Fair.
Portland, Ore. Dee. 2 (Special) A
telegram from Manager C. C. Chap
rt an, in charge of the Oregon cxhitnt
at Chicau, Klatut that hii) section of
the ahow in crowded at all times by
farmers and other eaer to necure
Itrst hand information rct'ardim; this
thrt "drya" an I the "wta" and nearly j ildnrinK the sh-iwini; the "Amarons"
all fetloiw :h' wors formerly In op- J and'SiiirraMttm" made last year that
j has It km to una another, wore lined up )a cwvl live K'ifl team ojuH be secured,
together wltli Imt oiia Miriut i;i vie w V inllit aoinjoat that a ikct ball
md that purK wu to eo that the clublbo organized, ajme vhat after the
..-!... . ..1...... I.I.. . .I - 'I 1. l..t. L.k-
pi. .11, oi iiifi jrernk lei.-iin iu:;
llkut tU plcctl
'I he cause of tb Kt'ttini; toKclhcr of
the different facliun, aa everyone
know, the liKht whim the citlrew
ar wni:iti ni .i the tyranny of the
Warren Corttruotlon Co., and those
who have upMirteil that orjjniilration
In the pant. However wc must aay
tlutt nl present no onn amonw' our cltl
iena, except the editor of the Head
lli;t.t, acems to be aupuortini: the War
ren Construction Ca. If they are they
are kceplittf It very uil imlicd.
A. II. (Jaylor.l was tde-tel froaiurer
and lh? coJiiciltnen elected ornj Jo'ri
KcUUun. 1st wnrd; ' A. Kl iunh,
Hod ward; S. A. lirjadheaJ, Iri .var.l:
M. Murmur, tth wanl; G. K. Lamb,
f.Uyar,l,, ,,J.,gt:iuldui,w4i lagt.ad
water eii'iirnisiiitor fnira thaJru w.ira.
M.ivor-oleel lleith true Into o flee
nmrjy the Athletic Ao-utlon has
taken charso of baiocl ball and stwjil
all "the rusKtMlbility and expense,
while all member of the ili;h School
whether tey iMjIoiiK'ed to the Athletic
Association or not have been allowed
to play. Hence n much f.tiror and more
efficient tnythod of carrying on the
banket bull wurk would be obtained by
this susiKt'stcd club. This matter should
. be take -, up nl once if we intend to
secure liny outside names, for the
jschouW will won have their tchedulcs
made out. Tho cJiief dilliculty we have
! lo cotitund with is nettiliR a placo to
' p'lny but If we arc deJermined to have
live bi.ski ball acason, undoubtedly
til:u;a,i be overcome.
Tfttf tudtfiiU were not surpriaatL but
no doubt they werj mor or less dis-
Ui II, ja i n t
state The Oregon display is declared head of Uij Uble, an-J on down
by competent judges to te by far the
best at the show when quality, variety
The Falrview Grange, No. 273, cele
brated the 233rl anniversary of Thanks
KivinK in the GrnriK; Hall, Thursday,
Nov. 27th. Two lonfc tables were
bounteously spread and one hundred
and fourteen personj were served. As
the Grangers took their places at tho
tables they suns? America. On beinjf
siated they were led In prayer by the
Chaplain, Mr. Maynard.
As the meal progressed, a very in
teresting paper on How Tnanksgivinj
Originated, was read by Mr. Walter
Severance. Then bezinnin at the
one in torn rose and gave his name,
ajfe, where from, how lon in Tilla-
and oirectiveness of stanin are con- m', married or single, and how lonfc
lth a uuj.I council a id the hwl wUhoa turbed when it few rules regarded cm
of a htMt of fnt'iid wiu ivuh for him
KUi'caa in every vav and usptelnlly In
the tight tiBalml U Warren Cosictnie-
(Ion Coin pan v.
The city rouni-il met In regular ses
sion on Monday evening.
An onllnanc in renril to "'e apnli
cation of V. I). Small ami 0. C. Urie
fur electric l!'ht and owcr franchise
w auaiii Ittld on the table to bu taken
up at tho uo.U meetiiiK.
An ordinance in regard to the appll-
'cation of the Tillamook Kloctrie Light
mid 1'inil Co.. for n new light and
power franchlso was nltio laid on tho
i table to he tukon up tit tho next incot
Ing. ' A petition from each ward waa prv
nented to tho conncil asking that a
fruw'ilse be urantod Messrs Small
mid Uric.
Nutieo is hereby given that the
County School Stiperlntondoiit of Tilla
mook County, Oregon, will hold thu
regular I'Miiiiination of npptUiinU for
stntit I'ertli cntoa at the court room,
Tillamook City, as follow:
Commencing Wodnewlay, December
17, l'JIIt, at 0 o'clock a. in., and con
tinuing until Saturday. December 20,
l'.UJt at I o'clock p. in.
Wednesday l-'orenooii.
Writing. U. S; History. l,nyiolo'y.
Woliu'sday Afternoon,
rhyaical l.eoriiphy, Heiuling, Com
position, Metho.ls in Heading, Methods
in AritliiiV'tic,
Thursday Korenoun.
Arithinutic, ilUtory of IMucntion,
I'ay'clioli'K)'. Metliods ln Geography.
Tliuihduj Aftoriioon,
C.riiniiimr, (Jeography, Aiuerinun U
eniuie. I'liVaiM. Methods in Languagv.
Tlieaia for I'riiniir.V Certil)oati..
Friday Foronoon.
Thoiry mid J'nmtico, Ortl.osraphv,
Kngllsh I.ituraturo, Choniintry.
Fiiilay Afternoonb' "
School Law, Geology, AlKolira," Civil
Government, ' ' ' ' t"
' 'Slt'turdny 'Forenoon.1' ' ' , ''
Gdair.x t'', Iliitnny. 1 '' " " ' ','
Siiturdiiy Afturnopti,
General History, iiooKKeeping,
Yo.ira Truly,
W. S. Hiiol,
, County S(ihoo Supt.,
Apiiilfiinls for ronuwul- nhouldomako
requisition for blank form in tinio to
him) Hiimo llllo.l iiml returned t"
ollleo by tho botfiimiuic of tho oxumL'
W. S. lluell.
loci Jit-, were ann unced on last el
ntatilav morning by I'rof. ll.ioh.inan
For inatance, no communication
siderwl. Mr. Cnaprnan and his assis
tants are kept busy all day and every
evening in answering the vast numbtr
of inquiries showered upon them by
people of every class. The demand
for pu'jlic talks anJ lectures on Oregon
Biid the Pacific. Northwest generally is
almost too great to be satisfied.
"Oregon First and All Oregon" is
suggested at the slogan of the Oregon
Exposition commission in charge of
arrangements for a display from this
tt.nti. t ihi. 5iin Priinriurn in 1915. In
addition to a building of Oregon wood. I Soverance'
fn.nl. 1,,1 with On.pnri furniture, with P0K:orn
a restaurant serving Oregon food and '
with sidewalks made of Oregon brick, '
it is now proposed that soil be taken ,
from Oregon to crmolctely re-surface
the Oregon building site on the Expo
sition grounds, and to plant therein
native Oregon tlowers, ahrubs and
small tn-cs. To secure the necessary
material for such planting, it is aug
gested that an exhibit garden be estab
lished In Portland and school children
ail over thu statohe-CnliiUd.ii)j.Ui
wori of collection The commissian
has been assured that spaco f.ir such a
garden would be provided, free, on, the
campus of I teed College. If but one
..:.i. i specimen be receiveJ :rjm eacn ii me
. i m
in the Urange, wtnc.i caused some
merriment. After dinner the floor
was cleared and recreative games were
played. The first waj 3 xlato race by
i the young laJiej, then by the young
b-ys and also by the small boys, fhen
' tame the tug of warthe heavy set
I married women called forth the mo3t
laughter, but the men did the real tug
ging and exoiie-1 no little interest.
The guessing contest came next. All
having to guess what a pumpkin shall
contained, and was guessed by Waller
Jr., the contents being-
Alter the games they talked over
the plans for Christinas and decided to
co-operate with the Fairview school.
jut nermiision. this thin is so
that iu uiruct was not felt in tlj full
cl dpi-e, fo- "familiarity breed
cntompt. u.ttii tna stiiJenW roaiuM
that this vsry privilege of using Uieir
eyo was taken fra.n tliutn, sin.' whon
the eyoa of l.vo people meet, even
though they I'u total strangers,
thure is a conversation tuking place as
surely in if they were talking, although
it is in more gener.il term.
Miss De Bar went to Portland Wed
nesday to spend Thanksgiving and as a
result all liugiisn classe were excused
for which from all appearances no one
was particularly wrought up.
More donate material arrived last
week and consequently the contestants
for the debating to.uns are busy, or
should bo If they nro not. studying and
taking notes for the remaining tryouts.
The llratdelMto will take placo early
in January so tho teams should soon be
at work for when we consider that two
weeks tor Christmas must be allowed,
there is no surplus of time. The dis
trict question is properly stated, Re
solved: "That the United States should
maintain i laro navy." It is not yot
definitely known with whom the first
debate will bo but it probaoly lies
between St Johns and Gresliam.
No more direct nation has been taken
In regard to tho levy of a stu.le it body
tax mid the organization of a student
body Club. This mattor should not be
allowed to rest hero for It will be a
great benefit to tiie school nnd for this
reason it should be worked up and put
into elFoet as soon as possible. With
debate nnd basket ball coining on, a
Studont Body Treasury well supplied
with money, is in fair way to be-of
use. Other ochools do this, wo should
do it, wo do need it -now, therefore
boost tho enterprise ulong.
,i i i 2500 schools of tiie htate a can . derable
Owl i ...... ...
tract of land will be re-iuired to care
fur them until they are shipped soum
for ermanent planting.
Within the past few days canred and
dried fruiu valued at $15,030 have been
,:,.pi!d from the Eugene F uit Grow
ers cannery. The bhipmenls included
four carloads of npples returning an
average of fcsOO per ear to the growers.
The carloads sent to the East have
been sold at more than $2.00 per box.
of which 50 cents Is deducted for
freight. Two carloads of prunes were
also shipped, each car bringing about
$2,500 to the producers.
Tile Oregon Farmer, a publication of
the State Immigration Commission is
lust off the oress. and copies will be
. ..... ,
A span of inaros, harness and wagon
for sale or would trade on town prop
erty. See M. H. Callahan, Tillamook,
Feed Store.
Tillamook, Ote.
Kimnlu-il free of charge to anyone inter- Danstan ami
osted. It is a careful resume of the j Mrs- Herring
agricultural situation in Oregon and
contains a vast amount of f aluablo in
formation for every farmer in the
The -members of the Processor's Class
of the .Methodist Church gave a party
at the homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest
t Jlerjliig, ease of town, Friday evening,
Njv. 2.U.K 1 1 spito of 'the" starin thJy
hal a iro-xl rrowd. there b.'iag twenty
o.i : pre-ii it. Mr. heriiiir net tiwm nt
the churcn and brought them to hia
home in a big covered wngDn. During
the evening some of the Granger? cams
in, thus making twentvscven in all.
Many games were playsd, among
them were Hunt the King, Consequen
' ces and Telegram, after which re
freshments, consisting of home mads
candy, peanuts, apples and cookies
were serve.1. It was a lata hour when
the merry crowd went home, after
having spent a very jolly evening.
Those present were Messrs V. Bane,
A. Kodgors, D. Newman. E. Munsoi,
S. Anderson. W. Severance. J. H. Dun
stan, Herring and Rev. Weber.
Misses Elsie Lamb, Stella Goyne, Mil
dred Hadley, Lillian. Ruth and Mildred
. Severance, Daisy Goodspeed. Mildred
Ford, Crystal Dunstan, Georgia, Ara
bella, Lucy and Ruth Sowers, Myrtle
Wallm and Mesdumes b. Annerson, M.
E. Herring. .Mr. and
unite in saying "Come
All who wish their pianos tuned 'and
repaired, please phone to A. Linebaek's
piano btoro as ids tuner, L. L. Woods,
will bo hero for a
time. All work guaranteed,
New Spanish Kitchen for sale,
quire of Mrs. Q..A. Corufortb.
A large quantity of eascara bark has
been stored at tne D. J. Fryo ware
house waiting shipment. Sixteen tons
will be sent by rail to Baltimore and
twelve tons will be sent by water
! around the Horn to Hamburg, Ger-
' many.
' Some 53,1.X) pounds nf cassara bark
j has been bought of the ranchers in tho
1 ulpinitu nf !ll.iini ilnriivr the nast few
short 1 ,m,nths, which ftas cost 6c per pound.
Mutual ' including the cost of handling, etc.,
which means.-a total uicomo to the
county of S3.4S0. This ij not. a great
amount when taken in comparison
with some of our otnor products, but
it helps just the same.
On Your Own Account
Havo you, any money in tho bank? A part of your earnings oupnt (
to bo placed there, auywuy. Kveryoony can. ,11110 y. ?vV au.)lu- t ,
thing, however little. Have a. bank account ol your ojvn und, you (
will fool, hupplor;. b6ttcr, moro 'independent, Make your littjo t ,
andmtrrtrow bigger. Better;!tpnn. hoarding, It .
j whoroor Ujtevcaft'cK.jit. Your bank-boof; is a receipt (
J ftml an evidence 0? your w.jse economy. v....
Titfamook County Wasil: