fdc.il Ijappcntnas. 2 Hy ymrUrnriii)w. On (hit first (lire ...( f i,t .,, K,v)t f( Kif O'ttl ilUoiHint from my r..ular prlr... Ib-diM's )fi.rfiiw MlMip, Tillamook. iCI.lt mirn.mr.-r. A man liy the mont'iif McCoy, wl... (Ion of t'luvenlalo, was In " '"ton WdrkinotU,,, Whi-eler mill, ,,ii A'llr Herald, WllsiMI 4)( 8aliil.kti wna ,,(, 1.1 t Wednesday. ,tK n iu iiy Mod m f 1 1.... iit t I tui.i7 m ... l 'mvyt illwlnf typhoid malaria at th.i liny Clly lwHi)l i.n rf.lt.y. ln, )rt,,n III about two wwb.. TIm. iIammnI'i. wjfo wm.IUi Mill at tlm tlmo of hi liWth. The .Maty , ,,,(w ( I rwtt, Clo tlit lair liomn town tif HI. Ibrr.asoil. rtIHr tf, CoY It V , IKIW . i rriM4 Hi" nirui vi n jl.M' am Mrs, Mll. , . . ......... . .... i . ... 1 , ' li II v iinnu III! 111. (ITU ,.! B- I mlltd, ('all al pf. ii ti ..i .. i i . . ii i. i , . . . , i n iv Mint ill" 'ixHK'0 j9 ,, a.-i-idmilly bil U linifiiv- as Call l iihi1. (,J . rt llttlifa'P, SlxiVttlni pro- Uf T iUuhA probity, Adilrr CJof'li. Mo 3i, Tillamook. -I-I I I . tii jf cord. Other wmm "Itf . ... i ji . . ....... i- IW l-i uwii iwr kiiu . $ JuIhi I'orry. I ri '.HbIh Hinrr, opptMlts KdV M T 1 UU L Wf I It' III gnU pin, Wcliice-Uy, lw. trt.Jctn-o on l"lrl treot. Klrwl. Jf.rin inlerlur ilrcorntiom L 1 ii 1 4 uiie ti paj-cr imiijjmi,-. n ti piii Hon. IMi plwnn HACK TO THE LAND; MANY MEMIiCRS 0"F ORGANIZED UIJOU JOIN HIE MOVEMENT aiDNIJYJIJ. IIHNUICKfON I'ttHltlrltt Surveyor JOHN I.liLANtJ HW4IJHRSON Sio''i-Trriui. Allornry I.j v nd Notary I'ublle IKCnll(ATI!l l-AW : AIJSTKACTS : KI-AI, USTATB SUKVKVINC, : JNSI'KANCl? IJ-illl I'Ik.iio Tillamook, Oregon ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. $I;&T Kit Mj II Alt ji waiik KITCHEN RANGES and HE4TING STOVES Sec Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere ai..f which tun lcwr?n Tllla- IM Moll lfl r lar U lat Ik "...k. '.'II h I lliti iiimi ilk I n .. iki mure motor nrvleo nti- (f.r0 0h. I'tiimlErntt.-n i 'Iilimnixik rvutity, (mmii hii umixprctMl iuftr, to jmttlo lt frlllt Ihinl, u now nn nxurvd fel. Tlw ailvhm r funnl (,f ninny incinU-rt t.r or(jr.Up.J nUirio hnvo Uc ti tlrwl of th roi.timiol .tniKKln liolwcun Capital ami Lalnir, wiwlu.llnk' l' Join hio incfraiiiiK rank of the "llaclc to III Uiwl movrinnnl" ultly arrlvtMl at llnlxoiivilln U.I week to py out Km IbihI ai.il It roooiueci. Mr. Jan. K. Hatch, wf ami ehIM m tin; flrat of (hi rontlnKcnl to buy a ami look ,uit,r icellun on th) Miami and ho U authority for Iho utatnmcnt that many mure from California will aurui follnw, or jUt aa un a ho rfia fhu la ilucemanU to tcttlc In Tillamook couif ly. Mr, Hatch wag for many yean tlm editor of tlm JviclalUl party's offi cial uren'i for Northern California "The IVople" ami It through tho rtturlo of Frank Kckroih of lloli.on Vlltn, that he lHtC4lim aware, of the. re ircii of Tillamook county. Frank Ivokfoth U a SocfatUt pnthualaiit e:hI it ) tKitMl thai that nek of tho ool on the Miami wilt aoon !io,ik tho 8oeiHl atiwiinlwhl of Tillamook Cuuniv. , l(u.iilM"k ha loal tho Ollum- M' which t lucatnl ovnr tlo I artxir hup, anil will oerVo lot ... coot. ftoinor Klmoro I" bar Ixxitvl at i, n na ixon Hiroti wo . rft Ttllamotik. Ttioro ar , ( fiircwi now mrcM ai ir.o ,hrailor dock awaltlni: ahlp 1'rciby tcrian Church Notri. Ktm; (wopic oi our city , . . ...! ... . .1. i A I nanKifiriiiL' iraihr nt iiih f Mit llia lirew. The even ....... i u. i. II pHTV hiiiiii KHIIIV-i III II- re al-i jrVei. TllOSO preaellt . " . . . t M t I.. tt lllr- lllflrt I in inn iinrri ibii n niiiFsuiii. . . ... I ... .v t... .... -I I (. Jlr. HoaU wa callnl at once i iUr iI.m litoirit ttirfiitiir aod ... . ... I ... . KM 11 I 1 li I -I l &t'.".ay evonlntf of lait wenh v.l .1 Arllanlla :lVil a !llllllcr- '.I . al Iho lummvrcinl Lluh sr. was auriMifMi iiv n ihikm . : , . ... ! r preeiil Cftiporl thai nn i t... ........ i i ii. -i '. I iinm wn etijoyol. Surtilay acrvlre Itllilc ki-houl at JO a. m. Tho op!filnK cKirflica next Sunday will uoniUl of an order of aorvico Htnlly picparcl, entitled "America" a Living Flair. 11 tenrhera and ncholara l on hand (iromptly. I'r.HiiiliiK' nor vice at 11 a. rn. Thome of tho .crnnrn: "ItJCJHT THOIKJIITS" l.venliv: aorvtco at 7 UK) p. m. Sont; acrv cv. SjKvlal mtulc by tho choir. Theme of the aildrc : "How to Fol- low t'hrWL" 'lhla adilrcu will take the thought of laal Sunday evening, and ondcauir to ahow how n man who comra to an Invlcllilo Icailor, may alao in ml tho ditrtcully of following tho aiiiij Invlilldo loader. Thuito aormona arw plannwl to Umpire your Iwal and doepvul llwMlrttlt. The LmliiMi CiiHM will inc.il in the ritilld lloimo Tui'rwlnv nftornoon at 2:00 i p. in. ) I'rnyor and conferunco muetint; nl .7:tf p. m. Wwlniwlay. Donnkl MncKcnrlc, MlnUtor. First Showing of ' XMAS GOODS Come in and Look Them Over Prices Right TILLAMOOK DRUG STORE Hand Made Logger From French and Domestic Kip The Curren Greon CALL ON A. A. PENNINGTON exclusive agent WANTED AT ONCE 20 tn 10 Acre f imnrovod or partly Improved dairy lain! within 2 or 'I miles of TltluiiHKik City. 1 have n rlhmt for a arntill tract ai atxn'e. Price ami term mut ho riifht. !'li'e let mo know at onco what you hae to olfer. Itni.UK w. WATSON. friends in hln home city. Miii Case i la well nnd favorably known in Ti(I J mook atMl hut tho ln t wuiies of her Tho newly miirr itl couple left Fri day morning for HllUIoro which Ih to be their future home. The Herald nod many friends tcml coii(,'riitulntionn. RAILROAD COMMISSION TO DE CIDE ON DEPOT SITE AT WHEELER ox- Pt, Wemll li e special lU Flta Klaw any atyle. Al nriceii. Il II fl-l ii-,. nlllllriLf wimm! --ni - - i ...ti.... "K ' in m llm oyo nnl unocmiiK w II, oyo la bruited U con- near 01lll 1 1, repair wntchoa, clmika, jewolry muiical inatrumonta. Jacob (rif Kuro.ean wnlob miikur. noxt il(r ELECTION NOTICE. wriilofBtumi thnt tho Cryntnl m I ... . I -.. ...Ml .L...1I.I .it at.tltlM . .i . i m 'IH... '"i'iiiiik mivii"! pnliitiiii; Mini pnper hiii;iiiK I Herald olllco will receive prompt NlM It'll If llHMHIIV CilVUNi Tbnt .... Mi.iiilnv tin- let liuv ill I)ei'eni. reaonabUi . r . the t'outt K'onili til llie C (iiuttv Couit Mhiihc, in TillntiuKik l ' 1 1 v, Uiein, it City Klcctinii will he liebl !! the puiione of electing' the (nlliiwiiiK olllcem fiihl City, in wit . One Nttyor. One I renKiiici. ( in t- . en lie 1 1 in i. from the l-'iret Wind d hiiI.I t'lly One (. iiimi lliiiiin from the Srcoiul Wiinl ol mini C'liv ( ine t'lium iIiiiuii from the Thinl Word of H.iiil City.md ( )ne I olim 1 1 in .i ti c lioin llii' Fourth Waul of mild City. One CiMiiiiiliiiiin f nun the Filth Wiinl ol eiilil City. i tin-VVnler CoMiiiiiHmnm'i' lion: the Thinl U mil ol eniil I it Ami tlml riimiian C'o.iti'H, 1' llo.iKiiinl J. S. Lliiiiin hiive liecn tllih iiiuinliileil Jllduei., mill hlbeit tii (iiim ii.nl w. (i. nwiiftit nn decoriitluK Cleiku ol nulil elei tion. StiHl elci tlnii viu no iieiii "' o'clock in tin iiiiiinini: f '' ..I will i-ontlline nulil II: Ul o'clock (n tin; iillernoon of Hiiiil tiny. OOD TO BURN CLEAN IIP SAIX NOTHING RESERVtD II i)...., ...i.:,. ..,.wiu ' ("- " " F ui.:t.. i i ..i u.ac VIIWJ llltlb rcKiihu' price. Conic any mid make your - W f urning bets and Supplies C. I.CIough Co. t Dlitcil IP II'. Huh IPth tiny of Novcinlier l. W.Ttilin, City K'ecortler ol TillnuiooU City. Olefin. The Most Important Business of Yours Is where you Invest your money. Tho WcHturn ltim ShvIuks Co. of Suit Uko City.Utali.u tried nnd proved compiiuy, I nw rcmly for lmlncn in Tillamook ami Tillamook Co. It. loan you money or build you u homo on small monthly paynicntH. at a low rato of Intercut. Wrlto or bcu A. C. EVERSON,Lon Agt. A. M'NAilt, Frealdont. 1). I SIIKODK, Vlco 1'rcHidont. CAN' A DA HVKKSON, Hocy.&TroaH. Iloanl of AppralBorH. K. M. HiiIuh. '. II. Mlnlck, It. F. Zachman, B. J. CIuubhoii. Hoard of TrUHtoon. John l.olan.1 Hon- Halum, Oro., Nov. '. The rnilrond commUalon will bo nl SVheeler on Dor eint'cr .1 to hold a formal henrinK on the iiueation of a deK)t fdtu in that town. The Pacific Railway & Nnvltra tluu Company linn atated that it I prepared to njicnil J7.0H) for a depot at that point, but a controversy is on us to the proer alto. The company tlcalreti to locate the building at the property of the Whetd er Lumber Company, having purchased rlirhl of wny niwl Kroundit, it nppcars, 1 with an undcnttnncllni; thiil the atnllon t would bo placed nl that point of the cltlzonn have other views. Thcae contllctlnir vlewa will be heard by the cotnmlaiilon, and the proposed sltoa will Ik) looked over. The hour 11 x it J for the hearing is 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ASOf III K CUI IV MlIH (ItSG SMS) UMPi 15, 25 4nd 40 Wti, 35c tC Ttt .... 45c 100 Watt - - 60c 159 Tut .... 5J.20 250 VTm .... 2.00 Pr.ntnl t.ami .V l!tra Wc lrlirrr Im. t.. nv j.rt ir tlir r'tT Trtri.liimc U-, V iln winiiU lit Hie inHni iirico nin- i.triii .ith iukiiinlnt Tlllaaook Eloctrlc w;" uzhz & ruoi CO. r"1" Skin On Fire? Jut Ihr mild, almpl waati. the w.ll known D.D.I). Prescription for Ecxcmsv and the Itch ! rona. A trial will nrove It. Somu V have lolil other remedies for akin trouble but none that we coulil Kuaran- tee as we can the ! II D. remedy. If the first retrular also 11.00 nottlr does not do exactly as we say, It will not cost you a cent LAMAR'S UUUn STORK TILLAMOOK. ORE. IJERN.S-COOPER. INDIGESTION OVERCOME Overcome by Simple Remedy. Hurried nnd cnrcleiB habit r of oat Inc Irregular meals nnd foods that do not harmonize, tond to wcikon Parker's Sheet Metal Shop ZZZSS&jSLiVo Sheet 7.!etal Work excliuively, ind it isjmy aim to" "' "Tvdo the bet work and give the belt lervice possible In thi line. C3 rf!TI havrfhad experience in thu line whicbtmeant money to HZZ you, because mya.work u ngnl, my material u trie belt andsasTI "'"yvlrue to gauge, my service u prompt, and I guarantee ulufaction.-J pa JAKThti U the time of year to think o your heating problem ESJJUfor your borne. A HOT AIR FURNACE a what you need. Come and tee me and talk it over. O. G. PARKER Phone BtotaU V.- i On Tuuadiiy W. J. HernJ. well and favorable known In thin city and vicin ity was married to Mlsc Caroline Coop-! tho dlKCStlro orRans nnd result In ' .1 1 fT..-.. I nf nnmnnV- iMlll.ln er of rurtlaml ill rorlliinil liieure Kouiiiu ttrtrt the following to nay in re Vjiinl to the wuililh'. "A tlotiblc festivity took placo yester day at the Wonian'N Exchange, in the opening of their Christiiuis mile, which boKim in tho morning and continued thrjoi:hiiiit the tiny, and a weddlni; break fust, which lent an atnuwipliore of rual unity to the occasion the briile, Ml Cnrnline Cotiper, one of the nsslstinits at tho lvxchane for Home time anil was, tlearly loved by all tho members and patrons. Thu fo-iunate man Is W. J. Hems, of Tillamook, Or., and the woddlni; was nn event of the morniiik'. boim: dolomnizttl at tho Oer miinCathnlic Cnurch. Rev. T. Hurch oldt, olllcintinir. The bridal table was liimi'd with a mound of brido roses and oramje Monnoms, it nil a triple deck weddinK' cake. The consignors of the Hvelutnue clubbed tOKetherand prosont od tho brido with this elaborate cake, and various other assistants of the ex chanco k'ave her handsome kM"- The happy couple loft for their now home la Tillamook, Ore." The Herald hopes for tho happy couple a loiiK and prosperous wedded life. REITER-CASE. HABrt A weddinK of Interest to two cities occured In Tlllninoolc ThnnksKiviii; nlk'ht when Mr. Clurenco G. Rulter of Hlllsborti claimed for his brido Miss Ollio A. Case of 1 illainook. Promptly at six Miss Murlo lloldon officiating at the piano played tho wed dime march, tho bridal party ontorinB tho spacious nnd boautlfully decorated parlorsiof tho Caso homo whore tho curemony was porformotl by R. E. Jopo pstor of tho Christian Church. Tho rliiK service was UHod. Tho brido was dressed in n most Mmrmlnir costume of white ch.muuso nd carried boquot of white roses and lilies or tho vaiiey. nniiw nu., I I UIC by her sister Miss Holon Cnso. Mr. I W, A, nILLIAIVIa, different forma of stomach trouble. If you tiro ono of tho unfortunates Who hnvo drifted Into this condition, cat elraplo foods only, slowly, regu larly nnd t.iko Vlnol, our delicious cod liver nnd Iron tonic. Mrs. II. J. Smith, ThomasvlHo, Gtu, Bays: "I sutTorod from n stomach trouble, wnB tlrotl, worn out and ner vous. A friend advised mo to taka Vlnol. My stomnch troublo soon dls nppoarod and now I cat heartily nnd hnvo a perfect digestion and I wish every tired, woak woman could haTO Vlnol, for I never spent nny money In my ltfo thnt did mo so much pood." Tho recovery of Mrs. Smith was duo to tho combined action of tho medicinal elements of tho cods' livers aldod by tho blood making: and otrongth croatlng properties of tonlo Iron, which nro contained In Vlnol. Wo will return tho purchaso monoy Tory tlnio Vlnol fall to benefit P. S. Our Saxo Salvo stops Itch ing and begins healing at onco. CHAS. 1. CLOUGH CO. Tillamook, Ore. ess DON'T SPOIL A GOOD HORSE bv koepinir him In shabby old Harness. We are selling Harness nnulo of tho best stock ut prices that ought to tempt you. A WELL MADE HARNESS will not villi' improve the appearance of your horse, but contribute to your safety as wull. Many u runaway could ho avoided it tne old Harness nun uocu Hulter is deputy County Hiirveyor of Oreann Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel (With Koi.lik WiTHOS' Both Phones: Bell 53 J; Mutual P. O. Box 147 Abstracts on Short Notice by the Pacific Abstract Co. L V. EBERHARDT, Manager Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County, Oregon TILLAMOOK, OREGON I NEW STOCK CHRISTMAS JEWELRY JUST RECEIVED AT A. H. HARRIS JEWELRY STORE. Solid Gold and Cold Filled Goods of The Very Latest Watches of all standard makes, Diamouds, Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Pendants, Brooches, Scarf Pins with Diamond Sets. Our Silver Ware and Hand Painted China will soon be here. DO N ' T F0 RG ET T H E PLACE A. H. HARRIS, Jeweler , Optician IN TILLAMOOK DRUG CO. STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Cement : Coal : Lime : .Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LAMB - SCHR ADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West The Herald Plant is Now Located in the New Masonic Block. Give us a Call. demon, I.. C. Smith 1) 14. UHI W. 0. McGeo. w..ai,i(nn Countv. nuil has a host of imam""