Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 25, 1913, Image 4

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Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, BrickElc.
Tillamook Clay Works
V ii.tvc ti-'v : limitoi mi;m!v o! hv'wk .im.! .It iin
ti.c u-.i.'in Km the market at tlu- t.ll. mis; prices:
4- IN. D. IM i .OUSAND
L.vaUMl ( M-ut'i l :i"-k t)n main
ua.Ul r'ail.
Expert Hcose Moving And Resilling;
Heavy Machinery a Specialty
Prices Right
i Well Known and Reliable
, spit ; US-'- - 'NH?
rfeS$ PRESENTS ijfe
3 jW.VHv r"r ""-T" -''r:H t!"1 K" with ft'"'"4
r ' ' "Olympic" Wheat Hearts
-' Aitf CJfcVfi- .J'it the dandit, catchieat, ron-it VR
R ' JPVA'' maM. etully imported from J.'tS'
13! '
.t i t-i vMt- i'( cyi
" 7,rwu-sr-- a i Vr-l
Baking Powder
Saves Health
Saves Money
Makes Better Food
Mr Horn tVivtitiut. rinclt"l ol
tho tjitlticv hcIm'oI tlintrlcl. (ttcci
I lotto tlovtrlntii In Hi n putillo cIuki
TIhi jtiU si! Kim: In Hrn!ii Tur
ilny Oorormir Witt IuuihI iui offi
! oln I prwlamittlun tlwUrlUK tttMt il)
to tt 'nt'Pl iluy" lu thin tMattt.
1 W)T th (trt tttitii milieu miiso luiniM
I nohl for fnm 10 to $10 tlm Unlliml
' Status Anil)' Una lnviulml ttu U.ikri
. iiuiru t to Iiijx lioram.
i i'uiili McUtusitliu, tnuty (trt In
1 funtry. hit Venn dntHllml iv ltuirtot
i Inatructor of thu Drwtjton MHUtu. lth
ti4tlt)uartm HI lorllHil.
l'riH'4Htlniia to rntl tht olwilm'
v( Notrmbor 4. In which lUrrlahun;
, iirui 'dry." hat bmn lntltuttil tn
U H llolman, proprietor o( our tl
It.'trrlaburv'a two aaloona.
, Klamnth ImU otniti ho nn tli-
llitiiuvnt tn their con i met km chnr;
h.tp bwn tvit an sttktn ot tiuv
, l'amMU lv now h tnl h) May
ccw:ty court h t ntt
.u (at tMM In tntplo)lo( p"ii
niii i,cj vitch en vtoUtiouk (
. q-i.T !. '8poUr" Will tu
;; r b emptojrwl
i tain Robert Dollar, hwd of h.
; u.hip cimtony. told I'ortUUHl bu
mm thai raor concirtl actiin
i ih matter or deepening the Col urn
iu ri-vr cSanttttl aa Reeded-
t wi r. Ury of the trwutury haa
,' pu'ttvtl O0.OO with depository
b'ikf tn OrpRon to kitl In movtn th
crtt ami htm mnil a Uepoalt of MM).
noo to diwUorie of Waahlnutoo,
Senator Utne line Inlrodttced a bill
auihorhring the pprqrittoti of II.
;o.ot (or ih.- purpoe of purchnamji
( w
Y dpi
! ' ..
tt t ,.
the n"io'Jt wh
, -1 .ior ot M jtiCtiU
Quettlon of Ljrfiitr of (Hretlon
rd in tociil OpI'On (lctin
Curtlabil 't'homtb li lft-toi town
clt pr iottaiy ' " ted
"dry" at Iwai option liilo held In
cottjuftrtton with h apechtl tte ref
rttiuiii riwttoo on Tuidaj. Noew
tr 4. e..uirt have b.-mi tahoo tnte
court In U of the loeua.
ThM tou ar talent, Harriehori,
or conatrtictlnn a a iolng dredge fu Oreaon fity. Hprintlld. Orwabam
10 at the mouth t f the CotumbU rtv 4(tt M'iUboro All are In dlffwrent
? rMirittM
' Plan to Rovlso National llnnk
j lny Laws to Moot Now
j Cun onuy Sysiom.
' v riii ll ni tn With the Httittlntet ru
tlmi 1 urtn7 (till to le teporiHtt li Ih
riati titla N.f'k Hder lonit il"ly. A
.11 111 r- UMi the National ImnHtM
to mwt th nev formnry ytta
1 . mi i. it iprtie In lnElalalUo f
r, ir it win ii.i iml" liupottaul
i ..M. .iriRlnallr imiwr4iUt
1 n f the mitreftv) lull, tat eel
-.1 the nU awaatott of eon
1. 1 a a8Wul rtbilcHt nf
. uwa haa been protolee! by
. i. no with thl nrotMMM( tx
voii .nareaa will take up the fnr
r 1 1 ma iu-tion of rural credit. On
i( Ui itmuii),i ' ! h otwbabt tlt
I be meted In th tew M lf-
bid interloctitiK directorate in naltoo
a banka Ah effort h Oeco ntade
to put thla orahiMiiott to tb pdtttit
i-urtrmy bill, but the adKln)trwtitta
raaiutamed that II buaii ao Into
lh new bauktmi la
Th Hnat fctafclof ad rurreoey
admintatratkm tttiportera hae do
ciiu-t to cmaidi-r a itetne for toar
atttroinc national hook daooalia. wi
the undenundmi that thai mtoau
vtonld be taken op nt Maaion
Aduete of h bank law revlokai
plan are aeafttnit to flare thai oro
leota attaod of tkf profNared anti trwat
leoitalatioa to the aamiotatrntio r
CemtMlMlea ldt Mole trrf4ion
the ttaltad t . -, ultKton tor
Notlt-0 I. Hrtrl.v t.
........ ...iy.1, ;
ii'rliii'li In it.. .. It
t .mill v It...... 1 1 "
i lly, 1 iieuiin. 1, ,...i.i. .
I.M liKlt ... '
" ! IUI Ill', I 1
lie li.Mii.1 I.. !.,.. . . ""Itt
lIUIU.4l (U I. t.4ilt
(.1 tl.. "I'wn
."iii.'nm ,.,i. .1
11 ri.i
Cntliil) Ciiiul
litliiirt!r! n( 11,,.
liMtil ,, ,r , ,
fui lite pnHiiK , ,r jl)f
. I'otiiil)', i)riKi-ii
IMWIIIl'a HBr,l lp,)
v,miii ani,w i i n
IHM Ol f IHI..V;
i(tveN of I'll',!.,.
Rll, ("f lilt r,i
11I1 IK. ,i, (,,,, , ,
(tlltrtllPHl. Id.
IMMllll lltl ill
littilxra, n,, .
n I. "fltii ,,
'"t II 1-1 tH, j
Peirinei . t. 1
! unit in,
Ket' i .11 ,,, 1 1
MtOtw . Hi . .
'IMlikii ,
I a
'V I.I
'"rr y
CtOfk on, IK, , ,
! Wlhl il.tii r.
Troe tr . tr,
CttVrt ti. it
mtre)i. . ..11,
. tait'ti) n,
j AaoaH ,
iUtt '
i"ort!U'.i ' ....,
I vbe now la oocrittex owlet what
!'lan are b!'? : ia.?c for tht lntal
rt'.-iii of rt ethfhlt of Pri;f.i' r
I nir at iitnni ftr th' t arfu of
j ii.r.ur? anil oth. r who will pun
I through th.t rlty durlao the Panama
faclflc (atr at Han KTanclaco In 1U
I .'omblnl action eupporting th
j campalKO to iWjwn the channel .11
1 fht mouth -f thv folumbla river ban
! lM- n undertaken by the Porta of t o
! ! r.ihiii cotnaiitie. Porta of Portland
ah! Aatoria nod tfc Portland ham
". r ut C ommerce.
The Indtiatrtat Welfare Commiasion
t'i.ri nf itniiitnK the hoar (or women
Morkeri I appotod by many httatneax
in-(i of .(rretgon, and if la declared tlMl
, h- women pmployea wtil be iltacham
ii in many eaae. If the taw la pernt
u" Pirti:on. atate Inaurtknc com
: Kioner. vbo baa retnrned from a
! tn:, to the MI441 West, when be
m ul an laveetiRstlon of tnauranre
' ;i.Mitlona, declared that he favored
1 thi intabllabment of life Insurance un
' dr the auperviaiofl of the atate. 1
j With hi throat out and an artery
i in bla left wrtet severed aa a result
of attempted !f l"tructlon. hlcv
rlcacd. hi head thrown back, hi tip
-nuttt-rinx a pmver. Oawald 1. Han
tel. slayer ol fauk J Taylor, of A
j torln, waa hanged at the atate pvnl
' toiitlary.
j (xntte the fact that SernUrv
I l..tn on July 19 virtually directed the
j Oi-mral Laod Office and hi own of
.' r:r. 10 laatte pe.tenta in IS or more
; Sil.'ix caaea, that order baa tfot been
1 carri. i; out. The department baa been
iioi!lf!K om of thcae wntrtaa for can-
, i llation.
h.ery city and country achool In
1 or.-Kon and Waahington that want! a
I i ; Ik chd have one with the compll
1 innnii of the Portland Union Stock
! Yiird The only condition attuchliiR
to 1 lu- Klft plgi will h a nfiiirfment
that fuch achool arf-eptii.K oni- kci-i
an arcurar record of the kind. n,u.tntl
' and thii cont of tht- food that la
y.vfii It. Thla will l) for Ih.- pnrpo.
i.f d"ti rm!fi'ii thii cont of fc.-diiiK anil
preparing a pix for market.
While Oot.-nmii-nt MiiKliimirn dutall
cd from tint reclamation aurvice mid
army oiiglni-r corpa, In co oiioratlon
u.th Sttttti iJuulti'-or I.riwln, of Orugon,
an- making un investigation of thu
proposed glfyiiitlts water powur pro
ject ut (VlSlo ThIIh, on thii Colnmhla
river, Senator Lnno will dnvotu hltt
tiinir to working out ji plan whernhy
thin project, whun outlined, can ho
built Jointly hy thn .atutch of Oregon
and Wanhln'ion, In conjunction with
the federal Kovcrnmont.
a etch oi. i ttKi au
.tl opt-.u.) rlird-tin wa tltecal be
muim It ihtl not takf place ott the dale
of a Keutrat atnte or a city election,
but at a pectal election called merely
to -. on i)tieetlott aubmitird under
toe r'.ct, tt'iuni
. .1
irrnl. tho mtin point ot tar j pirt itu ti t sw conmi',
prat a rcfB, f, cta Js'tW
wilt rutilinu In !- f
Qolu Mail Clerk Cenfeaact
t)oi', lil.uu With bi pucketa
ck'-t with truer addrrl to lorn)
;.tilni-i him and in which them we
moti'-y in 'I niimcrooa chck. tieorie
'A', tkid, for many yr t mated em
,doc of ihe Ikilae poatofflce, waa or
-cated here by Pofotttce tnapector
Semi on the charge ot robbing the
United Slate ma) la. When " wee ted"
be mde a full confeealon.
Waahington Mediant goarg If ttmo
Ol) triple. Waah Ooveroor Ltater
ha appointed an eot Ireiy new atate
board of mwlical ewnttnara, contlnt
Ina of ih foH'ilns i hyalclan: Hob--t
l'- Hmlih. ri.-rttile; Koyal a.
1 Jot". Viccmn A J N-'Uen,' Seattle;
I. J. Ti.ui. Toppentth. tr. N Suttner,
W"'ln WalH Jam' Mtu-kachtitn.
r Ii niiMni.-.l MpukAii,
Itay'oti. ! Im
J I, W.ilV.-r
H'lll. Spoklllie
Ctrctiif l.,m
! !"! 1 .,
t iuriit .ut .,
aintttt a
Iulfa C '.
true.er'e -
A litllM' '
rtrr mntt -
Itewltli 4 if , .
.v (,!. r
1 dIV . ,1 feMM.I
ma the complaint that hae " , I t. In if t.f i
ntaoe tor yr agawmt tjc rerUma
1 ion whub. Hir(i, tjtoe arrtft
t i..w i,,u,u tht there vhoold l ,
a s:t-r divuion ,( aothorlty ttutg
pr.tailMt in the rvre aa ft rat ef
cuniaed and created what la noo
ktmwu aa the Kflamatlot t'omnita ;
soo. cooatatlng of rive Own Thill W
ctimmlwiM. whc orxaoiMttoii h
be perfected only
of r. II Newell, director.
' ' i..r,
r 1
. t
iMtlgee . .
l ouote rr. 1 1
AVtli IImo it
irWHrr l .
Kinfftsj C .....
A rfteii , '
1 Kiot)
t ainnty
rocwatlr. f '
iroelor, P. (to ;.'f '
Bn!m. t)r After m.ikina practical
ly complete preparation to leave for
Florence to personally Investigate the
t. W. W. deportation, Governor U'eat
gi Into communication with Captain
lArry K. M. icalf, O N fl , of Cottage
Grove, and detailed htm to make the
mveetlKailou. Captain Metralf w be
uLcmnimnU'd hy another officer of the
national guard of hi own aeinrilou
"If Captain M report any
thlnu wrong at llorenre.- aaid the
governor, "martial law will he dm tar
ed until thr official there can give at.
Murance of seeing that the iawa am
1 nforcwi."
Captain Mutcalf will Investigate the
Florence troutilua ami make hla re
port from thuru to the gnvoruor. Me
. W A, nui. ooairoilor, and m,ry
I l Q'tawooU, ttrigaUoo aaaager AthinoK
The cmliMo oet aco a wvi i ' 4 I
la cottfaMreuoe with Aeeietry t e l."('Jf ,
iww at toe wewjuy mavusga M t .
uotw ot policy are ettlL all ohui 1 u r.t
for oottatroction work or approved
and all contract let
Meaages VHl i iHort
reWof WHaofi baa aamHtce4 ha
would read In person hla flral aoooal
m !,, to ctmgreee
Th pr.n.ijo.t thus far has read
thrfl hriff adreaes--on the tariff, the
currency ad the Mcvtran affaire--(ut
ti waa not dflauty known
h.-tl,cf hi first eettiMttolcatloo to
t' r regular aeeotoo ol coagreaa wmtld
t. in accordance with the cent a ry old
preimtent which he revived but
Mtir.-h Mr Wilson Indicated that no
ucb long and volumiaoo meeaagea
as have herWiofor been sent by prml'
dent to congress wilt he prepared hy
fMe of Clutter Uoton Pouoht
The department of Justice ).,i niad
In the supreme court Its brief tn be
half of Secretary of the Maty tmnlols
in Ihe case of A. Ooldbertt of Vancou
vex. IS. V., who la aeeklng in . ..mpei
tne navy department to iiiit.-r to htm 1
tne united males emu, r itn.ioii put
Up for rate lu the luicmt tilddher In
Isl'i The lower emir's here decided
aniilnst tioldherg. although he hovved
he hml rtepoiHcd a certified check for
I 2. o inh the department which the
ecreury wottlil not accept
The navy department Un-huml the
Irottr . .
mlicTthni. 'ii. t
tl'tfc tall, r
eecolf) i"i
M-fty in ll' !
A Km Ibe ' il
antteiUt. httr ?,
Clerk, ginf a ,.
School ErWltu-t
IJoiPtl iftis Hi,
tier. lUtaV
, la.'
a it
,1 1
. ..fNolll
el, i -111
ilecldi'H whm action shnll ho tnkeu
Tho Kovuruor anya he la dtorinliiiHl
that iikiIi nilo mid iluporlniloriM lu thla
Ntnte mIimII end.
riornncu, Or. CitlzniiH of l-'loronto
nHcorteil nine lndiisirliil Workers of
tint World, who hud eainhllinod llitilr
hi'uiliiinrtiir linn;, to 11 hout on which
Ifelirf.Meiit.'itli'e Ifuwlitv linu illp,.,in.l
hlH Hiicretarv to makn nrrnnm........!. U,Hy IOOK w"m 10 l"" """ H"
for holding nn cxuinlnutlon ut Halmn
on Saturday, Novomher '.'J, for llio
purpoBi) of uHcertnltiliiK the mitulnl
and phyhlcul (uallflcallonH of youiiK
men who may duHlro to ho appointed
to thu United .Stateo naval and mili
tary acadiimleH, .Mr. Iluwluy will
rnako liin noiiilnatloiiH aftur coiiHldcr
Ink tho rcportH Hiilunlttcd hy a com
petent phyHlclan and .an limtructor
who will thoroiiKhly und canirully nx
nmlno tho candidates, Tho candldalcH
miiHt Im aclual n-Hldmitn of tho Vlrnt
CoiiKrcNMlnnul OlHlrict and tho coin
pctltlvo examlnullon Ih open to all
hucIi ullKlhln candldalcH hiitwcon the
SKftH of 17 and 2'- yearn of ago for
Wt Point and hittwcmi the ukoh of
T6 and 20 yearn when doHlrlng ap
polntmont to tho naval ucailotuy,
socrntarv hml .ll.ir,i 1.. -....1
Ill r,..ul ,l,...u I .u.. - ""
,,. ,,,,,. .t.,tv iiiikii ,utr Hijvi.riifir 1 ..,, u-.i
. . mm Miiiinrawn in v.,m...i
from sale to lend ll to the Oregon
UlHte naval mllltla. Cohlherc con
tondeil the aecmtiiry had no auihorliy
to tako surh action.
National Capital llravltle
Dudhiy I'l.dd Alulone, third nnetntniit
Hearutnry of mIiiIk, may he iwlectml hy
I'r.mldent Wilson an collector of the
I'orl of Nnw Vork to mifcend John J'
Cold HtoniKo Im nmpoimlhlii for.hlnh
prltien of iikhh, niiyn tho dupurriniiiit
of aurlculiure. The Hiipply (,f eaitit I
j mild to lutvii Increased Nlimillly In n,
pimi 1 1 ymirs.
About 1 00 dliie,ati!H, rnpreseiitlliK
every Htutu In ihe (7iiliin and every
Hhad.i of opinion wcrn priimmt nt the
fifth Nutlonal Coimerviitlon Coiigrcas,
which 0pc111.1l hem 'I'lioitiluy inoriilm;
with un uddritiiM hy Hncrnlary of Agrl.
ciilturit IIoiimIoii,
Colonel Alnxuiidnr O. Ilroillo, hoHom
frl.iiid of Th.todnio Moonovclt, wuh
Pined on tin, ri.iln.d list of the army
on iiccoiiut of am.. Colonel llrodlu
linlpcd Colonul IIoohiivi im a Houutt
Ulil.tr, and m.rvcd as major and Don.
I'tnaiit colon ,. () .f niy 1002, Im vea.i
miido t'ovcruur of Arizona,
HIiiHlay Hlvnr und hnaileil them north
along the bench, with ImitrucllniiH 1 1
"keep Koi'iK-" Tlntru wan no dlHorder
lu town after tint boat had departed
Wheat Club, 80o; hlueHtmn, 00c;
red ItilHulan, 78c,
Huy Timothy, IC; alfalfa, 13,
lluttur Creumory, 3tc.
Kkkh Cuinllud, 4r,c.
Whcmt DIucHtum, !)0c; cluh, 80c;
red KuHulan, 7Hc,
Hay Timothy, I7 per ton; alfulfa,
13 per ton.
Kkkh C4c,
Luttor Creamery, 34c.
t . ,
1 1
to &
1: '-crl
t., am i'A
11 MtrWi
c i to 0.
v hlk
FumMhiai l,v I',. 1 !''!
WAItCAN 1 i ' I
Itrluhlon Uetci !
Mcfiowun, lot l "
llrit;litoii Item h, I -
Hrlh'litiifi Devch i"i.
Stewart Intit l St . ' 1
Hmiflh, WW.
Kliiioto I'nrk i'i. ' 1
Im 6 I.Ik t Him- i'
Manhattan Itn.illv 1
liiniU lot 1 & 1 '
r. II. Potter krii''
Srliwitriltiuann lot " V
ocean I'nrk. SlU.
Lh.vl f!. Smith l.i I lift IhimUfl
lot a hlk t Ilrt Add.. ' i.ifVl.;
ii.-., in. i
llluht et nl. IntM lit .t hIK W '"
lalie Park, t'-'lf,.
IV..I.. 11, .t,- 1 1 i .. to l!"lr1
I tl III ll'lt un alllli " A
Younif Inl l'J hlk 2fi T i' Hock. '
i.... i, , 1, 1 .uf to Am""
1 I ll 1 In lt miu ..- Till
IJiihIi. loir 7. H. U mill 1 11 ' I
A, I, III tn M.,l.,.l,,l,l t'ltv. S00.
Mav KnrlL'ht to H. J ami "' 1
li 1 I, lb 11 I ..I.. I.ulln. 150.
i"s 1 si m t iiiiiiw tr '
a l l. .. a. I II I'lilUU. W '
I.J iV. ADIIIILL 1(1 lit I 1
1,11 I U,...l I .tim Ikii I lut Slim. SI,
uin .iiiii.i i.iiitti ...r ..." ' ' .,1 .
st ii ,,. 1 1... j l.'.iiini'tlr P
n ll. tviiiu HI v.iii.n ' -.iu
lots !l & . hlk 11 I'nrk Atl.In t '1
iiiiM.k City, $10. , .
. . , I, I l,...ilJ UN I '
AKreumciii r, u. i".. - .ijj
wuui Jotiun i.uiiriiiii...
tract In MCI! IU T I M u i ' ii. 11
T. II. hitter Kuitlty f". tl) JU".,.J
Hhoel.y. lot lit title 12 HiiyocM" ' 1
10. ... , ILfl
Ham I.nkti Cranlicrry .v ..7, in
I'liiloHl acrcH In rnw Wi T .1 h
$uoao, . 1