Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 21, 1913, Image 4

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Souls Accepting ChAst at Christian Church
7f m
.mi m V f& i -,r
jaaaaSy&r m hIHbbbbbbbbbbb!
HiKVI EIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!
ry Night at 7:45 Except Saturday
Presbyterian Chur floia.
jM(tw;Mniii'.uutiatu'i 1 1 1 mi nd
Tr.e following resolution.
en Notut , ttt- ! 't day ot Decem-Were,-
ItiiM in- I'ntirl Roam of Lie
unamuiouidy adopted by the tench- U ouniy C.tirt Huh in Tillittnouk
c it, (v. n, - Uy KltctKtn will
ff oi tne in.iuuie win in. ima ciiy
:-ocmt:r 12. 13. II.
1 All whe wiah thr arw tunr. ami
repaired. pkMe pbMv to A. Linba. k'
piano atoc bt tttrwr L. I., W ,!,
.will be Here iwxt fur l.rt
t tims. Alt work nwutt! Mutual
He it resolved, that vre the.
tc.irher of Tillamook County, do.
hereby express our appreciation and '
gratitude toward our State Sujer-;
intendent, Mr. 1. A. Churchill, who
has- sc effectively improved our
t ate ricttool pyeteni. J
To our County Superintendent '
who hat! ro urticiently ronducted !
1!m- inettttttc held in 'Iilamookj
City. 1
To the Ittructorc who h Iped.
not only nidud us- and helped lit- l '
their valuable lecturer. t;.lk and
nuefftionc, hut who h.ie'.eea an
Bih;e School - 10 n. m.
Preaching 11 tn. ThnkiHriviiH
Evening pnim ervi 7 JS0 p. m.
te heW for the poriKwe of electinif1 Thetiw: Wn Appeal hi urn -.
!.- foilovtiHr onicer o said City, , InUIUt, or wtal it ro! ta btlto1 -
One Mwyor. . m.j-j. - ur.M..
7:15 p. m. Topic: "flelpt nod Hind-i
rnnce U ChrUtinn living." Koum U harvby vn thsl U
Tlje peogiie of Tiltninook nre ccrdUlly , JxkI hmu will be t tken auriiK chr
lnvitetl to wonitiip with u. j wwk. Ho. 'Hth to XHa incltiv.
Donnki lneKnzi. Mintotur. W. 8. Btwl, Cum io,;.t.
Ore i re..iurer. I
One I ouiicilin.tn from the Firrt
Ward of id City
Ore CoitMcilman from th$
Second Ward if .tul Citv
One Counciliiiiin from thu Thin!
Ward of -aid City.
One CcMiiii jliiiiii) from the
Fourth Ward of naid City. i
One Councilman from the Fifth
Wurd of --aid City.
One Water Commidtdoner from
the Third Ward of iaid City.
And that Thomni Coatee K. I)
Hoa'' nn.i J. S. Ijimar have been
inspiration tou in carrjuisj on our t,.y appointel ludu'ei, ami Klhtsrt
i'. t,nr. ji.ki v. ij. tJwiiriit :
Clerks ii mkI eleetion.
Said i;let:tioii UI he lield at i
oYlocs in the moriini; of mmkI day
and will roiitiune until 0:M o'clock
in tre afternoon of rfuid due.
Dated thi-! U:h duy of Kovemhsr
Unhid Brethren Clureii Molci.
Sunday SehuolIO n. in. The !
Jay school ivtm opiKirtunlty both to
People in ilie Mews
Arthur 11 Orter. too In Uw i
Fra ik B :.'y. In tinilor nrn.i at MU
neapoIU. ehirseU with liltnmy r
work and work, ntr out our 'ileHi
To the teacher- of DiMn-n No. f
(Tillamook) who have ho cheerfully
labored to entertain the in.-tructom
and viHittini; teachers ami to tho-
who have entertained us with
miiHic ;
To the School Board of Ti.l.iuiook 1013.
who have t'enerou 1 permuted u '
the ut'e of theireplendidly i-iiiped
nchool building.
He it further resolved t' ai -.'e ex i
tend a vote of thanki- tc the lJo j
mi'Jtic Science I)eparti;.-s,i lurthe'
luucheoii nerved.
Htu-Jy ami impart the tencbirifr of Cod's j .oafewed marryliic llli 8hnn liar
worn, ll is h pronuiuiu place to stivi uob.
an injur
Morning worship and aermon Uy I'aH
Thomna K. Wltaon. who Ix-'an an
clrrk ut 14 a wMk lit ibe mnloy of
Tillamook Clay Works
Wc have imw limiu-l sup v n( !uuk i'l tlrnia
tik rvativ for tli niatkii at t tic lull m.; tirifo:
BRICK, . - SI 0.00 Pf.R TH0USAN0
Koealctl ( milfH stmili ' Tillaiimoli " mi"
luivclcd road,
I'. W. Toim,
Cay If ei order ol Tillauiuok
Cits. Oregon.
lie it further resolved tlii- ve ad
vocite a minimum of an riyht
moDth- nchool in the rur.il di-tr-rt.
That we advocate a ler.ifthemntr
of the time of Inrtitute looktrir to
wards the time being eventually
iiheil uk a tencheiri uuiumcr - Imol.
That we advocate a ot in of
home report work whereby the
home may be more closely con
nected with the nchool.
He it further resolved that we ad
vocate holdiuu- local fairs prepara
tory to fhe county fair.
i Fi.okk.'cj: Lawman,
Committee J. W. Hcciianav,
( Chas, L. Uoi.w AV.
Supt. Hud, in commt-ntii! on
the riuccesB of the inli(i.te, re
marked that there had nut in eti a
more HticceHnful meeting jf ti cher
in thin county. lie continued by
Haying the Instructor wtie all
beyond the average ; that the
teacherH were greatly interested
and attended regularly ; many
beititr in attendance eighteen li.iiirrt,
in place of uixteeu uh required He
said he appreciated the co-upper-ration
of the Academy, in tlut they
alHO (liHiniHtjed nchool, and the
teac)iern in charge attendeti the
State Superintendent Churchill
exprcmid hiiuaelf sih buinu- hiir
priaed to nee eo iiiodemly con
structed and eiiuipped building uh
Oregon Agricultural Colletjc
December 8 to 13, 1913
tor 11 a. in. Subjuct: GidB "Aflur-' ii0rra A Co., ( hloao
ward for ua.
Mvenintf service ami surmwi 780
We welcome all to time Hcrvices.
Their purKMi i miituiil hvlp in living
For ho who kcUs riuht and llvtw right
will alio die rint.
If. F. White. I'aator.
Chriitian Ciiurc'n Notes.
i Have you Lot n ntteniling thu Hericca
j at the Christian Cnurch coiidiicted by
This will Ik- a notable event in the'Jopo and ilnml-crt? If not, come next
ouucatioi.al history of OreL'on. I week. Much ood ln.rt been accomp
Farmers' Co-operation will he the 1 'ishwl and in all 17 (lersotiH have Hiuh
loading loiiic of a biimulatint; scries of t"cn their Btawi with tho church
lectures. The week will he crowded i Following are the HuhjecU for week of
with didCMSBioni, and demonstrations j Nov. 21.
in everythini; that rnakea for the wel-l Sunday: 10 A. M. Hlhlu ScIkkiI.
fare of the farmer and horno-makcr.
January 5 to 30, 1914
' airPL... II a L... II. I. -. .1 . f. . .
The ColleKe has npared no eirort to I ' " 1 ""' " . l
make thib the most comrilnte ahnrt "Monday: dod H Vallli) of a Man
j,. i.u v,iu, a ,t,t..l "Tuesday: "Except Vu be
I Aim 200. 11 A. M. preaching.
ject: "lam not Ashamed." .'I I',
SonK Service by fCvani;olist Humbert
i "In Chains Ueforu thu Kini." 0;I5
I Bnduavor, .7:15 I'reachfnif, HUhjuct,
very wioei
ranc;e of coumu will be offered In Gen-1
crated and uh a Little Child."
eral Agriculture, Horticulture,
rnal Huabandry, DairyinK, Poultry
Keeping, Mechanic Art, Domestic
Science anil Art, Commerce, ForeHtry,
arid Music. Numerous lectures and
AriJren' chorus will shitf.
weunesiay: . "hoiucllnK
Thursday: "Confessing OhriBt
Friday: "If the Prophet had
a Home.
discussions on FARMERS' CO-OPERATION,
at home and abroad, will he a
leading feature. Make this a pleasant
and profitable winter outing. No tu
ition. Accommodations reasonable.
Reduced rates on all railroads. For
further information address
H. M. TENNANT, Registrar,
coivaiiis, ureff jri,
j dun 1 huu do Some Great Thirifr. ' ' Solo,
"Poor Lil' Hrack Sheep."
we have, particularly in th; . oiintry Farmers' Uusiness Courses bv Cur'.
hcIiooIh. rcHiiondi'iiri' witfiuiit tuition."
, rcspondeuce withoii tuition."
Nazareno mectlims are held In thu
old Christian Church or. Tuesday and
Friday evenings and on Sunday at 8sp.
m. and h p. in. .Sunday School at 2
p, -.4.
prMhbuit of th ommny. itiicotuHlIni;
tho lat ICdward Morrix
Prwlsrlck A. Ilydo and Jooat .
8chuldir, convicted of arhool land
frauds InvoHIti? novernm.-iii laniU In
Oregon, California and othr Hotrn
suit s, Mru takmi in custody at Wash
ington, ami will tx'Klu tliolr terum,
After yenra of marital trouhliHi und
euparatlou from hor huslmnd. Mtm.
KnthurliH! I). Oshourne ri I null for
illvorcu'iiKidnHt Lloyd Osbourun, Htoi
boh of Hobfrt Umls HlovoiiHon.
Two hiindri'd anil sovunty ilollurH
for hoxliiK IfBMoim and a courno la
phyBlcid trabilni; Is tho IarKeit lnuh
of itxpuiiHo coiiUiIiiimI In tin. i-leclloa
account of .Mayor-elect .Mltchel,
Now York.
Suit for divorce has boon filed by
Mrs. Mr. H. W. Cue, wlfo of thu Port,
land physician, on thu urounds of
cruelty. The couple also have differ.
micuH over ownership of stock In a
sanitarium In Portland.
Dr. Henry H, Tanner, of Los An
KurbH, who fasted for 44 days, says ha
is wIIIIiib to propose marrlaKe to Mrs.
lOnimalinri Pankhurst. militant suffra
Kbit leader of England who Is now la
tho Uultud Status. Ho admires her
huniser strike imithods.
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Brick, Etc.
1500 Indians Hold Marshal At Bay
SanU Fe, N. M,Flfteon hundred
Navajo Indians ralllwd In dufuiisu of
dght renoKades and are reported In
armed encampment on fleaiitlful
Mottntalri, 3C miles southwest of the
Shlpriick Agency, dcfyhiK United
BlutuH Marshal Hudspeth to tnko pris
oner the rudujjfiJus who nru wanted
o.i, foJo.Ml nn mint b c!inrKl;iK horwi
stcnHnc, t..srMilt and hhjnmy,
Expert House Moving And Resillfaf
Heavy IVIacliinery a Specialty
Prices Right
Well -Known and Reliable
TheJHerald Plant ii Now Located in the
Kasor:.: Hlock. Give us a Call.