Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 21, 1913, Image 1

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izig.C3E:ST0ClRCU'-A-rioN of Any Paper in Tillamook County
II. x'.
Tillamook, Orkoon, Novkmiikk 21, 191,'i.
NO. 87
It U the aim of this bunk to jjlv
tliebwtt lmnliugfi;rnc possible
awl we do It.
It is it too our aim to have the
very bust equipment Mitch as
Motlcrn l'ite Proof Mmiliiug
Ivoom, I'tre I'roof Vault, Htir.
Hlnr Proof Sitfe, MotlernSife
iH'ponit IJoxen mitl we have
ik sai.u nv
t tirmr Storfl in Ma.vm la JUtlg. Tillamook; Ore.
iwri.ii: awm
J?r NSC?-
A nobby
Tailor-Made Suit
is always admired!
WV.hnve m Hue line of choicc.'fiib
ricit fiuui which to fcoli-ct mul will
guarantee yon it goodJH.nt vory
Wti ioAl.nJIi CrnU' FurnliMng
Ciuiili und Hcllnitc Guaranteed
Unlit C.t.. &C.lvo ua it t riii I.
Allorncy at Uw td Notary Public
a. writ act
Tillamook, Oregon
Ktyuttl HALh TO
Rebels Mako Demand on Pres
ident Wilson's Agent Bcforo
Continuing Conferences.
NoRlTt, Konora, im -I'nuicluc
iacudrv, litiiir of I'orlKii Iloln
Uflftn In tli OrrnniA rntrinol anknl
WlllUm ILHnnl IUIp, Pronlilimt Wl.
m' ot. to tTfHint lit crudfftitlnU
Mam oonUnuttu: furllinr with tlm
umarratHio whteU Uvt hum uutlur
viijr Unf lafonimllr tor Mm ml ily.
Tl4l wu lntnirid ly many n a
rlnuat lrmtnd lor rmfnlUoti of Ui
CntltuUiulli iluUoti by lhU
yloauiic ThiniKwi bMwoco l!n Car
MMioU nud lt WbiiiRtoii Rov.
WiHi ou4 In ordor to main) ih con
tMWWMW farmnl, tui that ttiny mtctbt
It OMtCtaiM irutniU'. 11 m1 tlitu
Ivftf0r Hale hr.! U-n rprolvl un
Ofri;llly 4 litoi tb- -4bC.et wt-m-br
hd tu4 r..l tm InJIviduci
ia in ": of ii.)i.r"-(.jtj."
The naoutiiKximriit r.f th riHitl.
Uarwlwt dmn4 ditnu.ti tln itu
titio witli Ibt r-in nr of it bomb.
.So rntoo lh Atncnc-nn Uo esttd
n r wt lor rtciii!tkn of ihi- i ik'
ttt l Ut .! that trml. i
ton to l-ipcrt ar wyoiUna from the
.'ulltwj :Utc t.crn r;ratl-d.
urptita, Mor-vrr Win In
ii Cvdner fur L .etjrtr.
ni-iu. ir. N M. OUvr Wl'.w;
i'f .'-..i.ft. 1. 1.. waa r.elcitMl wor.J.
n ! . .: Nut'ot-al Grout. Tl'
1 -I'.'.ij uptMMlllon of Ujo t,
. ."rf. Imi:. m to Mr. Wlteoit -t-ni-f
ib election bolt,
. : .c i!y tmr-.Uiioua.
. .:r if. .rRftita were Htieceaaf'.
Ik vtfVfir in thttr ft Ul ngalnat Char'.
M linnlner. rontrr of tht Mnaaacl
.'.to iSrnttr. oanillduttt for N'atlor
. it ur (J orR- W K. Outint,
va I tilt. N. J . hluli priiwt of Domett i
. on Hi-- tliroi- rurnerail nontoat ft
Hint Mltton, thiv prOMont lecturer.
V Hull, of Michigan, being tho tblr
W II. Vary, innxtor of tho Now
York Crnnco, dofentetl (ho Incmnboiu.
1). II llaly. of North Woodstock.
Conn., for National owrseor.
State Treasurer to Be Sued
Httlciii, Or. As tho nuiUl of a reso
lution mlniiloit at a mitltn; of tilt
state hind board, nt n rocont ineotlug, , "Prilled in the Tillamook contract and
District Attorney ItlnRO will bo in- i tl' o Tillamook were clearly
strufted by a majority of tho mem Untitled to have received such a pave
hers of the board to brliiR n manda- lult 1,1 lleu irvot tho Warren
urns suit n:alnst State Troaauror Kay ; Construction Co. attempted to palm otr
to fompol him to turn over tho state tHein ".mixture of beach sand and
mliicatloiial fund. uKKKnttng about other i.iKrediints that in no way met
lii.600.000, to O O. llruwn. clerk of tli tl10 requirements of the contract and,
l(OHnl according to the best authorities, will
Mexico City It wiih learned that
the American chnrgo had ooon Presi
dent lluertn and bail 1hh?ii told that
ho would not ridden anil would listen
only to such proposala us were coin
pntlblo with his own dlKtvlty and that
of his country-
What doubt remained regarding
Ooiitirnl Hiit-ta'H intontloim with to
sped to couuilliuico with tho Amort
cnii deiniuiilH fer his own elimination
was removed from tho minds of most
MnxIciiiiB and forolRii rosldonts by hla
peremptory dlsmlwwil of Manuel Onr
za Aldape, tho minister of thu Inter
lor. who was looked upon a tho head
of thu Huorta cabinet.
Aldape bi thAt group of tho cablaot
which held tho convlctlou that It
would bo best to accede to that por
tion at loaat of WashluKtou's demands
which laoant tho total abaudoumont
ol power by tho provisional prosldeut.
Mid he U said to hnVo been the only
one with sufflolout courago to dlscuaa
the Uttrnatloaal ultuatiou frankly
wUh hie chief. ,
Rl Yum, Ta. Vor tbo sixth taa
im tho last throe yra Cludad Juarex
elkauged government when ?000 joV
ta, tod by aeneial Panobo VUU. at
Uolved wid captured tie town. Taken
dmpletely by eurprlse, the federal
Kiirrlson of approximately 400 uion
put up a weak rlstancA
Judge Campbell Renders Verdict Giving
Citizens Sweeping Victory Over War
ren Construction Co. Citizens
Allegations Sustained in
Every Particular.
TV.'nrKmnoiitnin the csc of the
Clthorw of Tilliiin'Hik vuru the
Vrrii CoiwtrUPtlon Oinpany took
iUe In Uw City of I'ortlaml on the
18Ut lht nml tnimilmt'ly 'hereafter!
Jutitto Cfltnplll rundoml Ills oV
clfion in ulfiKt Unit the Wnrren Om
it true lion Co. hml vfoluteil iU contract
with tbc.rity, utwtitutinj; nn inferior
pnvuinent for the one contrnctoii for
iiik! wn lt,irefure not tntitloi to re
cover from.the property owner. Ahw
that the Mnyor nml City Council were
wllliout KUthorlty to enter Into con
tract with the Wnrren Construction
I ni cbo Rft-w out of ii contract en-
tor,'! ,nto -tw"' the City of Tilln.
mook n" lhu Warr-,n Construction
1 ... . . t r
mile uf bittllithic pavement. It was
ullogod by the property owner effect
ed by th(. improvementi that there hHd
'boon lldKruf.t violatiuna of contract on
; tlie pur' of the Warren Construction
ConiKinv. To Mitwtiintiute this nlleKH
lion nuiiieroiiK experts of hl'ti standing,
lifter mitkinK enroful in)ctin of the
pavement and in some instances chein-
ici.!tt, .wore that the pavement WKslnhyij ln3t lhu may()rs signature
noi iiii.i in coi.iormtiy wun me upeciu-
cation, the most essential departures
beinu; Mt. a failure to properly pre-
i pare aiKi compress the subfouiKlation;
'Hod, n failure to properly l.tv the bitu
j mino'.H ban- an I 3rd, it deliberate sub-
Htltuti in of nn inferior wearing surface
for the bitulithic wearinn surfucc ciIIlsI
for in the cuitrnct. The piamtilfii con
fronted ttie Wnrren Construction Co.
with voluminous literature issued by
Wnrren llros., patentees of Hitulithic
Pavement, pointing out the superiority
of bitulithic pavement over that of any
other pavement and particularly aj re
Kiirds the wearing Riirface with rock
imjreiileiit Kivinit it inherent stability,
a ipiality that they proceed to say is
lacking in other types of paVement,
This wearing surface was accurately
disintegrate ana give way unuer imuic.
Sections of one of the trestles on the
PiiojuY Railway & Navigation com
pany's lino went out Tuesdav on ac
count of tho heavy rains of tho past
several days, and tratlic between Port
land and Tillamook was delayed sever
al hours. The damaged trestle is on
tlio llillsboro side of Timber, onu of
tho main stations on tho line. Passen
gers have been transferred at the
trestle, tho Portland bound traiir back
ing to Tillamook mid tho Tillamook
bound train backing to llillsboro. The
road bed being only a couple of years
old is still easily affected by the winter
stroma in the coast range.
SaltLnke City, Utuh, Nov. 20.
Dryden Baker, of Tillamook, is mourn-1
ing tho loss of his bride, money and
clothes. Ho enmo hero Sunday to
marry Daisy West, it widow whom he
met through a matrimonial bureau.
Tho ceremony was performed Wednes
day in tho County Clerk's otllee, and
thoy started for tho Perry Holol, whero
linker hud been stopping. Tho bride
objected to going there, and said she
did not want to meet someone who
. was there. The couple went to an
; other hotel, but whei linker awoko this
I morning his wife and $25 out of his
trousers pockets were gone. Ho hur
: vied to the Perry Hotel, and was told
tho won un hud presented an order for
his money and had seemed fOl more.
He rushed to tho police und asked their
The Wnrren Con.trueUon Co.oirroI to
' nivf n irmintcnaiKe bond ewerlwr a
i wrul of ton year but tntg was not
! loikttl upon with any favor a twenty
yenrn i the life of bitulithic pavement.
Witn-(ts for the Wstren Conatmct
ion Co., amicr thescAthin eroi exara
innlioti of coanl lor the citiicn,
were many tirno daring the trial for"
txl to admit that the contract with the
city had not l!n compiiod with.
Jodce Campbell was aelectod by the
Supreme Court to try the cno. He is
un eminent judj;e and his decision in
favor of thu citizens dispels any doubt
nn to the soundness and justice of
their contentions
juj,re Camnlell touchod unon the
I eRaty f the proceedorc of the City
Council leading to the contract for the
work, and rendered a decision to the
etfect that the procecdure was not
correct, because the mayor did not. at
the proper lime, sign the ordinance
parsed by the council, orovidinj; for a
special election at which an amend
ment to the charter was to be submitt
ed to the people, providing for the im
provements in question. Judfre Camp-
ghuuld have been obtained before final
action was taken by the council. The
fjurc of the mayor to siirn Uie onlin-
; nncc nt the pr0per lime made the
amendment invalid, and nil the pro
ceedings under it wid.
While the matter of irregularity was
I of imiHjrtance in itself, it was of min
or coiniJeration compared with the
sweeping decision rendered by Judge
Campbell relative to the pavement it
seli as explained above.
I he attorneys for the citizens are E.
H. Tongue ami Geo. Bagley of Hills
boro, Ex-Senator Fulton of Portland,
Geo. H. Bingham of Salem and C. W.
Tnlmatfo of Tillamook. The attorneys
for the Warren Construction Co. are
.Montague. Malarkey, Huntington and
several others of Portland.
The trial was the most important one
ever held in tbis county, involving ap
proximately $150,000 and consuming
three weeks in the taking of testimony.
Those among our citizens who attend
ed the pleadings before Judge Camp
bell in Portland last Tuesday were F.
K. and A. G. Heals, W. G. Dwight and
Attorney C. W. Talmage.
The Parish House, whirh is being
built Uy the Indies of the Preshy
terimi Church, in nearly completed
mul id ii tiouree of irrent plennure to
tliotte who are -faithfully carrying
on thin work. Aside from its use
fulness to the various orirnnizntioiiH
of the church, it will be available to
others for suitable eiitertaiuments.'
Tins building contains three
rooms, a main auditorium, thirty
by forty-cix feet, n work room mid n
kitchen, nil splendidly lighted and
conveniently arranged,
The first meeting' to be held in
the new home of the Guild will be
Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 'JS, nt
which time it is planned to have n
miscellaneous shower to help the
gene ia I equipment of the building-.
Kitchen utensils, table service, sewing-
room articles, any und every
thing needed for furnishings will
be urcntly appreciated.
All members and frienda of the
church, na well as etranirere, tire
cordially invited to come mid enjoy
the hospitality uf the Guild, as well
as to lend n hand in the promotion
of this laudable enterprise. Re
freshment)) will be served.
The Indies of the church ure cer
tainly to be congratulated on the
success of tho undertaking-, which
will provide a place as much needed
for etitertninmentB of a church na
well aa other organizations of the
Events Occurring Throughout
tiic State During ttia Past
Serlp Land Surveys Accepted
Albany. That the land office In
WnsblnBton has accepted the survey
of townahlp 12. south of rango 4 east
of tfec W. M.. which Is known as the
Northern Pacific scrip land, oa whteh
a colony of "0 people settled two year
&BO. following a decision In regard to
lands In California, was the word
broJt hero by Edward O. Weber,
one of the homeatenders.
The eettlometit Is located 10 mlfc-s
frora tho tovn of Whltcomb and about
6S railee cunt of Albany.
Mr. Weber said that the legality of
the filings will be determined In a
i.bort time, probably before Thanks
giving. Will Furr.loh Logs For Fair Buildhig
Grants Pass. Josephine county
court has taken steps to comply with
the roqaest mode by Coinmirstoiter
Booth of Eugene, of the state commds
tlou for the exhibit and building of
the Panama-Pacific Exposition, lor
sasTersi pioe togs to be nsed bs nol
umns In the ttate bnildlng. The court
ha grunted $100 to be used In sec-ur-'n,;
aad brlogine to the Southern Pa
cific tracks, two pine logs to be tho
entrance columns In the Orejoa
:.cr- The less are to be iO fwt
ar.d meascro five feet through
nt the tmaJI end.
- Fsrrnr Clsys VHc, Then Self
Bandy. To the iitllef thnt his wito
ASB "crexy" is laid ti-i- cause of a
inz&iy aintd seven miles from here
rhen Frncis McCabe. agod Zi, shot
Aod killed his wife, Amanda Kuan Mc
Cabe, 5fd 21, went to the home cf
!' raenie, a quurter of a tnila dis--.nt.
told of the crime he had comratt
d. kisseil his 6-yenr-old fon. fed
from his fathor's bouse and returned
to his own, where ho fired four shots
i.:to his breast and head, dying In
Govcrncr Veet Hopes to Get County
And Railroad Officials Together
Salem. Further steps to straighsen
out the difficulties that have hindeaed
the completion of the Columbia river
wagon road from Portland to The
Dalles, will bo taken by Goveraor
West, when he expects to arrange a
meeting between the county court at
Hood River and the representatives
of the O.-W. K. & N. railroad company.
The question of right of way has
blocked the building of the road,
which, when completed will bo ono of
the scenic highways of the state. In
one place it Is necessary to parallel
tho railroad on the company's right
of way, and so far the company has
withheld Its consent for the hlghway
to occupy any of Its ground, giving as
a reason Unit it would Interfere with
double tracking its line.
Klamath Expected to Vote Bonds
Klaniath. There will be some op
position to the $300,000 bond Issue td
be voted on next month for county
ronde, but there Is now every indica
tion that the bonds will bo voted by
a largo majority.
It tbe bonds aro voted the lakeshoro
boulevard along the east aide of Lake
Ewauna will become a reality. Thla
will opea a direct route to a large
farming area, and will also make on
of tbe moat pleasant driveway la tho
Klamath country.
Tho Herald Office is now located In
the new Masonic bldg. Give us a call.
Tillamook, Ore.