ome Boil dms in 3 1 II lamook City Outside Capital Keeps Wheels Moving EQUITABLE SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND, OREGON, CREATES PAY ROLL BY INVESTMENTS PLACED IN THIS CITY THROUGH THEIR L0CALtc AGENT. What The Equitable is Doing in Tillamook City: Wo m.tkr ottlv monlhlv 1 ilt;tlltm'lil Loans oti cnssipirlcd CilV KVsitlciK v I'ruiicr tu oi lor Initl.liui; putpoMs IV YOl" WANT TO HfVOU Hl'ILI) m A Word About Our Company: TIk i:jriTABLi: SAVIM'.S ,V LOAN ASSOCIATION. ot LM-O IM:: Stark St. IV' :i ' 1. Ori;oji. was orcanizni in lS'JO just '-'A years n,i ami if now tin Lit -trost institution ot its kind west ol tlic Mississippi. This orqtinizntion lia nmrlc over G.UOO home loans touilini; over $f,(M)0,00() ()(). nd of this iimount over S-.."1 hi. 000. 00 is yet in force, secured hv liome iiirtvntiiii; in vnlue over $(,S00. OUOimi. We now have assets ntnouutinir t) over H.O'KI.OOO.OO and have pnid to our shareholders more than $2, 300. 000. 00 in earnings. This enormous growth is the result of eminently capable tunnnijeuieut. ami of according honnr ahle treatment to every person doinir business with us; thus malcinj; friends nnd them. We are furuishintr funds for develoiment HOMIi IH'ILDING front Smi.uoo.OO to $150,000.00 per month. At the head of this Orent Ortrimhcniiou are prominent business men and financiers of Oretron. Chns. E. Ladd. President. Theo H. Wilcox. Vice President. Lidw. Cookinvhnm, Vice President, I Mcl'erchcr. Scoy; M. M johiiMn. Assitant Secretary. C W. Hayhurst. Assistant Secretary. C. M Cook. Inspector. Kf.r. a ,iuk iii.Mii, ami ticMie the aii oi noitoweci ntottev, we asl, lt ,Q Mivestixatcour MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PLAN UK A LOAN, in whkhtnll 0f the monthly payments lor any jriveu term are each exactly of the .same amount throughout the entire term of the loan; citch payment applies on pi tuujuij rtlMj interest an I when (h- InsL payment is made the mm tjij-e unrried by tm will I releascl. The KQl'I TAHLli has mmie a lart-e number ot loans in Tiilitniil; iitr for building purpoes. This has gone lor labor, material, etc.. eouini ti'l uni( building; the funds loaned in Tillmnbok City get wide and varied uu u'.uiuii figure it out all along the line. Simejnlv 12th. we made 21 loan Wlul'NT UV, TO $r,S.700.00 the IvyriTAHLK IS WI-LL PLIiASl-U Wl'iUi TIILIR f II.. LAMOQK LOANS. We have helped and aided other to own thru own llmitr, can we not do the same lor you? As an example of our nvernge term loan o KIVI; Y (i A Riv Wherein I.nin of 31.000 and interest isca-dy repaid in sixty equal montltlv tuxtjilhncni 't 52L-1 each, at the end oi the loan period, ymi have paid bark $1271. 10 in t iiiitula'tnl interest lur t he accommodation; winch is $2;Vf.D Icsn.thau a Hinught b jm r ctm loan would amount I Are you a tramp? Do you own the house you live in, or are you at the mercy of your landlord? Let us tell you our home building plan. The two questions above max seem .njpertinent. perliaps thev are. and will be so const rued bs some, vet tlu-.r is m.ui, lood lor thohl m th.,sC two i,un IhinK over them, t.tlk the matter over with your wile or husband and then figure out the amount von are now p..iug out I-OK Hl'.W and t.i.i -he mtv n V ,tLZ vo., omk! make in a home usu.g th.- -urn- rettt to p iv lor it. We have some Inv choice, close in lots. e.,sv paum uts Thev will never be pmehiisrd J. I Z agftn m this hlh.mook . :ir .Miportnm:.. is iw.w. 1 I. ink the matrcr over, then let this olii.i U- f M-r vut to ..u )1Y ' ROLLIE W WA C'if sih INVESTMENTS, LOANS, Todd Hotel, ? INSURANCE, RENTALS, Both Phones. TRAINMEN GET MORE PAY DAIRY NOTES. 10D.O0O Men to Share $6,000,000 In- crease in Wages. From W estern Farmer: New York. Tbo long-lived contro- j So t only the dairy cow, but the man ersy between railroads ol thv eustjwho feds her mmt ulso be broil ri'ht. una ineir conaucior aau irninmen . A) dlliry ulongi 8houtil be ov-r the latter'B demand lor more an, well scaklud at luaat once pa hM ended. The employes are granted an In crease of wages averaging T per com, and touting 6.000.000. about half of what they aaked. I I Out! hundred thousand men will share In the increase. Thus endh by arbitration undar th .S'ewlaadt a.T.endment to the Krdruan act a controversy that threteRN at one time to tie up by strike the trans portation facilities of all states east of the M;sMSbipit river and north cf the Ohio. washed u day. ! Stir cream frequently while ripening; ' ' for ch urning to secure uniform ripen-! injf. ; ir you cannot have a separator use earthen crocku rather than tin vensels. They do not rust when set in water ami keep milk cool much longer. Manure from a single animal is worth about 20 per year. It is certainly worth the trouble to prevent its waate in the barn yard or under the eaves. . HubbinK the butter ladle over the i ' top of package buttt-r makes it look SEE NED HIGLEY Expert House Moving And Resitting Jieavy Machinery a Specialty Prices Right Well Known and Reliable greasy. A ftne. ire is good or a very Hale Crosses Into Mexico. thjn W00Ijt. (Unite used to cut oir the Nogales, Souora. Bayord Hale top bufore C0Vurin(; thu packnie. crossed the international line Into , l)u not a)Iow doi?g ,.at8 or ,oafers , Mexico at 0 o'clock Tuesday and lm- aroumj at rnilklnu time. If by acci modiawly went Into conference wUh;,lunl a pail of rnilk becomes dirty do General Carrauza. lnot try to remedy by straining but re-, it was uimcaieu tnat me ineer:aH jBCt a tht. mik awi rinsu tnt. pil)) When starting to feed ensilage take Thanksgiving A7"itlx tlae Folia LOW ROUND TRIP FARES in Ihr was merely preliminary' to con ferences to bo beRmt between tb man supposed to be tbo person?.; rivrefn titlve of President W'tison jnd the leader of the constitutionalists. a layer from th whole surface at each feeding and there will be no loss from spoiling silage. You nay begin feed ing from the silo three weeks after filling. ' When cream comes to the top it brings all the impurities that were in the milk up with it. You cannot keep impurities out of the butter when they ' Washington Workmen's Act Appealed Olytnpla. Wash Chief Justke Crow of the Washington supreme court sign ed a writ of error In the Mountain Timber company case, appealed from Ket that far.&If youjwant clean but Cowlitz county, taking the Washing-1 ter you must keep the milk pure, ton workmen's compensation law to) Have the herd examined at least the hupreme court of the United , twice a year bv u skilled veterinarian States. The state courts have twice ; and promptly:, remove;from the herd upheld the law. , any animal suspected of being in bad Market Basket Day In Klamath. Klamath Falls. Plans have been pr; ;tically completed for holding a weekly market day In this city. Tin chamber of commerce nnd the Klun ath Wotor Users' association have In dorsed the movement. It is planned to r;'t the producers and the consum ers in direct contact. Youthful Burglars Have Winter Shoci Albany. A double robbery Involv ing the theft of 1300 worth of doctor's lmplonients, six pairs of shoes and 910 in cash from a store Is bellftvcd to have been committed hero by two 17 year-old Independence boys. health and reject her milk. Do not add an animal to your herd until cer tain it is free from disease, especially tuberculosis, lIf you ould make a profit with' dairy butter ripen cream properly nnd ' churn at right temperature. Wash granulated butter until milk is rurnov-! ed, Work just enough salt with j'ldg- ment and pack neatly. If kept ut a temperature of 10 degrees bacteria In , be full and carried in a spring wagon, milk will not increase, but at CI the I UtunMla for farm use should bo mado increase is by millions. I of metal and have all Joints smoothly Never add any substance to prevent soldered and never allow thurn to be. milk Eouring, Cleanliness and cold are comu rough inside. thu only preventives needed. Milk PANCER Uf IN WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE it Poitont Bone orOeep Glands noMii-t or f aim No Pay Until Cured. Ho X JUy or other awlndlft. An liliiml rlnt malu'itho euro ABSOLUTE OWRWHE Any tumor, IUHP Horn on th lip,,faco or My lung it Cum It Htvif Pilnj until Uxt auge. tJOPAGC BOOK put Itn; liioionuU of thwiuoii curul t l,f,m HKITK TO HI1MK ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST r.TC,E.R' .WrcfUM lliouitnrli Dying, Cibh Too Uto. Wo liuvu curtd 10,ouo In 20 yfii Address DR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY & CO. A 438 V4LEHCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL KINDLY MAIL Ibis to some one with CANCER jt-k FOR DELICATE CHILDREN A Mother's Letter to Mothcm. Mm. U, W. Cooper of llloomlleld, N. J,, miyB. "My v., Devon yearo old, hud a bad cold and tan v. mile and riulte run down In hoalih, Hho liad lieen In HiIh condition for nUmt nix weeka when I hegan giving her Vlnol. It waa u wotiilerfiil lieln to thu child, breaking up bur cold quickly and building up her Htnmgtb behldo. I bavo also found Vlnol a moHt xr. lont tonic for keeping up tho clilb dron' Htrcnglh Iurlng u Hiogo of whooping cough." Vlnol Ik a wonderful combination of two world-famed tonlca ilu, medl dual body building olmuoritx of cod liver oil and iron for tho blood, there foro It Ih a perfectly wifo midlelno for children, becaimo It Ih not n palunt iiodlclno, everything In It le printed on ivery puckagu, no inotlmrH may know whut thoy aro iilvlng their llttlo oneH, Thereforo wo ank oycry motber of a weak, nlckly or ailing child In thin vicinity to try Vlnol on our Kimrantoo. P. H. Our Haxo Halvo In tnily won! derful for Eczema, Wo guarantee lu CHAS. I. CI.OUdH CO. Tillamook, Ore. I t "outra I I " Tlic JfxpoMltlon Line 191.1 M l'''lw,a. ,, ,, ()I tli. ,, , Mn l)lvKtw ,,,, .uuthj Iflf'llKll (! !. ....I. . " 1 1 1 1 ( I I ' I " " "lM,M'" t A Iv., . K,. N.. I' iu SAI.Ii DATI-H November 26th and 27tli, I'lNAJ. ' .T I' It V I lll'rhl.'lnnM.i. .r, ' , ' n i ,rn 1 1 , n i i HiM't rio. Til Scvlrr, OtmorviitlonLCrH, Dlnlnu;:! uwf- t all, on iicim'hI ,., f(ir hpci IIIc fuicM, JIhiIiCmj I.. rtf tho cattle In KroomiiiK, beddliu; and' cam Of Htllhlca. Anlm.ilu u.,ir...i.... I Head current dairy literature mill f mm hiiv dlufiiimi nr II. z... ihould be delivered in K'ood condition, keen pouted on new ideas. Olmnrun been t .,........t ,, V0 When canu are hauled far they Bhouid 1 and enforce utmost cleanlim about must bu kept iBoluted from all SZr 'own In tU herd. Keep dairy caitlu In a room or ntuhle by ilinnmolvi-h. Mm. , bent of veutllatlo,,; dn.lnaifu Hhould bo,1, ll.iildlnKH nboiiM 've tluht wiiIIb ;nd be py co. (itructed. Do not iiho musty or drluil ' llltur for beildlm. I Lano Will Have Expert. ICilRene.-AH it rehiilt of ,, m,wt. ' "f l"lKiitlon of prominent Kraut;,, f Uni county with thu '.nmlnonorH' "rt. Ui court Iiuh "ld.Ml to npiiroprlalo 2000 for the l'iir)(M ot uiuployli.K an aKrlculturitl ! for Un county, tho Him., 0 Klvu u Hlmlbir miin, accordliiK to thu law uuHuud by tho hut lunlKlttturu, Fjlre dot OliPI'ort. Haliii.--N. r. Mini flt'M i i i t..tu iihh t uturntd l (iViiiit county, wIhtk lm vll" . MdluxiU In lint Inlnri'Ht Uf lb Mr Miirl. uihm liiiii'liern "ul1 fVl ..... i. .1.1 i... ii., ..ii. .-i inii'rnt 18 hiii inning i it iiii'iii ,ni falrM nnd that a new roronl wi Hinbllnliitil next yimr,nrn Or. Htrlk W . r,.lt.. iV iJlrtOUi P'l unMiiiiioni,' im'ii j nor proMimctorH of Iho (,rin. . . . .mum irici, nuv i ncoY'ri -i" - "J. .I... u..wiiii rl III lIIKIIIIWI IfSlOllt viiluoM reports to nni lotwn and 700 (t tori.