The Most Important Business of Yours Is whero yon Invest ynr mtiucy. The Western Uan t Savlnus Co. of Salt Uike I'lty.Utah.a trlnl ami proved cimvuiy, i. now ready for limines in TillanuHk ami Tillamook ('o. To loan I you money or bulhl yon a homo on small monthly payments, at a low rate of . interest. Write or see A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt. A. M S-MK. I'resideut. 0. I. SHHoftK. Vii'e I'rmulenl. CAN'XAllA KVKUSOV. Secv. X Tien Hoard of Apprnt'rs K. M. Halts, F. H. Mlnick. ' K. F. .ttchman, R. J. Ctuuaen. Hoard of Trustees. John Irt-laml Hen dertin. It. 1. Heals. U f. Smith V. li. .Metiee. 1JK If You Can Manufacture Any thing Come to sri?cKHM ion si. so a vxk in adwnch Htlvcrtteittg Hates 1 linen utxMmucnt insertion. Hue KH.Uutiruk of I nmkltwc ittul I v'rtHwmNlts Udjro mtt. rw line .OS, t"rrtin, por Xitw . Bunln..v i'rol5hHt.iierl5mo. .w ' -!iit lnrttM Km . pltlv ,vivrtsment, var Inch .US t d Notice JM Al.l. lt'U A.U nut In thl of- s laima - 10 TO f)H, on Monrfny nn,i Tnurlay Morn- "cr lin ... ,rt g to insure puMicntlon In follow - ELER r i- f trunks. rr lim . imt Tumwav an.t rrwny is.moa. I -v-r Hn. first trwervkm ."J Kenaona nre 'imncrnttvtf. TTFSPAY. NOVJ-MHKK IS. Ulll. 'dn Ciliamook Rerald C. . Cromb1cv editor lss:iid Cuicc .1 Week Cucsrlnv and Friday Knt. ro.' mtHvkinniW Msv 17. 1010. at t.u jvxt oitlco t Tillamook, Orappn. umtor the wet of Mnrch 3, WHE COMMUNICATION Alitor HeraM: I dropped in it the Coawxwcial Chih tne other evening. and found th room occupied by the Hieli School children, under th chaperonuR of a very tistiut ahle lady, who by to way i nfec a school dintftor. 1 would not have cone up there lit nil. hud I known the rooms were o occupied, for U reason that I was not invited, and nv with to be considered as one who has "butted ih." However having "butted in" and Urid ine two or three other wereoers of the club in the ame predicament, we made up a card came in a quiet corner, ami watched the proceeding?. The was the entertainment of the Korest lirovo U. S. Foot Ball Teair, by the T. II. S. There were present quite a number of the students, all eemtm: to havo the very beat kind of a time, one long to !e remembered as a mvdel social event ; some . ere parUMns o a lunch; some were pla in pool, svstv billiards, some of the morr ijmet ones, in the remlinc mom, encatted with a maeazine or periodical: the v ano a. so coin i;. ami some' ueredanemK. And that music ! .t was rar. rap. rap, jolly, and fu.l of fun, i and life ami mirth and iov The dan- ' . , . , J, " , , , cers were Uouhlni; and chattimr, h-. in? mejoiuesi time oi an. mvseif. (who were bova in ye olden 1 timet enjoyed it all immensly, especi-. ally the quick, stirrinp music; the J merry, merry dance; the ripplinpj laughter; the bricht jounp faces, with ' the plow of health in eye ami cheek. At 11 l M. when the children had I pone home, and the sound of the music ui j i- . had ceased, we discussed the scene . . . , , .1 tha; had just passed before us, and ,- .f. r ... , , . each apreed it was like a dream of the o!utn time, and each was tilled with a suirit of renewed youth, with a tnrill of ' i- of life and of livinp. I slept iiiviu suuuui ljiuu usual tijui iiifii. "the cares that infested the day, hav ing folded their tents like the Arab, and silently stolen away" and my dreams carried me back to the days of my boyhood, in the land of the mag nolia and tne mocking bird, when as youngsters on the village green in graceful dance we wound the many colored ribbon? round the slender May Pole 'it to the stirring .strains of I the Old Virginia Keel, we made the welkin ring, at the old barn dance. For a day or two I thought how much better the woi Id was growing; how much more liberal, how much more enlightened, people wore becoming ; how much more of charity existed ; how pleasant it W3s for brethren to dwell together inunitv; how we coull at last have a pleasant little pirty, where those who wished could dance, or those who preferred rould play cards, or bil liards, or pool, or if they so felt in -dined could enjuy a quiet "spoon" in a quiet corner, each enjoying himself or herself in the most pleasing jnanner. How prple were really iretting to that proper point where to the pure, all things are pure, and onlv the wicked and evil minded see evil iu the simple amuaments of others. (It was the Pharisee who thanked God he was not as other men, and the other men were just as thankful.) Noy all the beauty, all the joy, all the poetry of life is knocked out of me again, and I am back in the same old rut. I have just read an article in the Herald of the 11th instant, by one "Wee Doo Little Jr." Isn't he a "pippin." speaks of his fellow stu dents as "sinail" as "sneaks" says of that jolly lance that the motion and and contact, biings the sensual upper most. For shame! young man. Eor shame! If you do not care to dance, let it alone. If it makes your sensual passions predominate refrain from it by all means, also eat more greens, and less highly seasoned food, and above all things, train your mind to be master of matter. Ii your mind has no more control over your anatomy, than your communication discloses, you are certainly attending the wrong school. Get right J Get right first with yourself, nour, and with your fellow tudents later, but Get right 1 Old Timer. km I mm, Ifco r,u,. pain I ituii) lr 2 li if 4 . 1 '. i 1 'Ut tluit!lli.. wi'brtcial ueli BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON tirade toucher of tfc Kujcene pub lie pchwls have formed a local branch of the Nntiomil Grade Teacher' aeo clatton. A new cytnnnslum will bo built at the Oregon normal school at Mon mouth. Oruund hus boat) broken on the project, which will cot JSOOO. And which will he ftnlthed In Go iUr. James J. Hill ftatwtf that the Hill railroad lnterets are bulldlm; and pr parinx for operating faat tt'iuunt to I ply between the Columbia river and I San Kmuctsco. Monument has beeu added to the list of "dry town of the fctate. Elec tion returns show that prohibition j won by six votes. Italtots of the wo ! men Influenced result. Representative Hawley of OreKon has Introduced bills prohlb :Ihk lieu land selection In Oregon, except when the t4o lands surrendered to the Roverument are also In OreRon. The ruling of the welfare commlsidou that Motnen employed In I factories shall not earn less thnn JS 64 . . . a weoK or work more tnau w ,.ffw.,ue Monday . . ... .. , . Bjr fr"k,,!h antlca of nntur, lhvFC has been produced In the orchard of N Ha a cQmbln . P'!' l,he f'avor8 nnJ CO,0n! .( T ,tW varieties belnK separate and distinct In one apple A bottle dropped overboard off toe Siberian coast by the hydrosruphlc i expedition of the Pacific ocean, thret. I I'mnr. 'ii-n ti , .n..rt n In ll... fan, I j ..... r r u , . . ...... ...v a...v ...... ilidrlnn rtt 1 li r 1 1 r-r it m f u"i u IfM-ml nl ... . . aquhui bay. , , . ..... Jacksou county court s offer of pay i , .. , ,, ,. . . . . for a section of the Dollarhlde toll ' , . . . , .. iuuu, i.aa ueii uucviiit-'U u) vtie unurr of the road. The nectlon Is needed In connection with the construction of Senator Claude McCulIoch of Baker has been retained by the corporation department to prosecute actions now pending In Muitnomah county for vlo- latious of the blue sky law, as well as those In contemplation. The railroad commission has been advised that the Southern Pacific has I granted a reduction in the freight rate on car lots of canned goods from Cres well to Portland from 25 cents per 100 pounds to 17 cents. State Game Wardfj William F. Pin- ley Is sf-ndlrnj broadcast nn appc-nl asking hunting o!a to to donate organizations of the to the charitable In- stltuMons of their vicinities, game for Thankrglvlns. The Ore ;on Butter and Checsi nakers' acsocintlon will hold Its ad jcurned setislon at I.a Grande on De cember o, in connectlorj with the form ers' congress and tri-stnte dairy m e; tng, to be held thero at tint Urn.;. Senator Chamberlain of OreRen has Introduced a hill making Milton Wheeler, of Portland, n colonel on the retln-d list of the United Stales army, volunteer rank being held by hlrn dur ing the civil war. Governor West commuted to life Imprisonment the keutcncii of I.ern Woon, who had been sentenced to be banged November H, for the killing of Tnl Hoy In Portland. March 7, 1908. The Chinese said he eventually would be able to prove that he did not kill the man. The Oregon public ownership league organized temporarily at Portland by the election of John U. Schuyleman as president and J. I). Stilwell as tem porary secretary. One of the princi pal objects of the league Is to urge a law establishing a system of voting by mall. The secretary of agriculture has ad- vlbcd Senator Chamberlain that he will furnish telegraphic crop news to Oregon farmers, beginning the service j Minnesota, has this 29th day of Oct Immediately. The secretary will tele- lober, PJ13, filed in this office its appll graph bis reports to the weather bu- cation to select under the provisions of reau at Portland and that office will the "t of Congress approved July 1, print and distribute information to all ' J858 (M Stat. fi97, C20). NI5J NWJ the dally and weekly papers In Ore- Sec 22. T. 1 N K. 7 West, and NWJ son. NBJ Sec. 10, T. 3 S, H. 7 West, and Despite the warnings Issued by the i SEi SRI Sec, 2. Twp. 4 S., II. 7 West, state fish and game commission, laws which were meant to prevent one , Any, un(1 1n,11 Pprsony claiming ad hunter from killing another, and the lftXZ sugcestlon by Statu Warden William ncter of the land, or for nny other reu L. Fluley that all huuterH wear red y'"1. to the disposal to applicant, should caps and coats, the hunting season 'ne'r aflldavlls of protest In this which 'ended NovonU, 1 marled U bir. Wial" lhU l,e dcaih cf two Iiiint?r! .J (he Injt';- ' ' U, y. HIpby of eiulu other HKGIBT'MU. Pul.iiaii inriljuinwik Herald, locutcd at 'lillamook, Oregon, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP To Whom It May Concern ? Notice Is hereby j;ivt- that the partnership heretofore existing betut-ctt the under siKned. under the firm (mine of lake-tH-ean Lumber Co. and ilo'ii businesa at l.aku l.ytle. Ureon, has been dis solved by mutual consent. Salit busi ness will bo continued under the oM firm name bv the tii'dorttiirttrtl H. L Haily. who will collect all acruunt i due to said firm ami will pay nil of the utilisations thereof.. Dated Nov. 7th. 1113. John M. Hrnlv. H. I.. Hailey.' CITATION. In the County Court of the State of OreKon. For the County of Tlnino'k, In the matter of the Htntc of Win. Curtis, Oeceaseti. To Julia A. Curtis, David Curtis, Jennie Mctihee. Annie-' Hillings, Charles Vurtts ami N"'e Murpiy ORKFriNGS IN THK NWIl-l OF TH K STATK OF OK KUON. You aie hereby ritcd and n-quiriHi to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the I ouety of Til lamook, at the Court r'in thereof, at Tillamook Citv tn the County of Tillti- imxiK on .Monday the ISth da of V i,..r i.ii-j , m,',,,,.,, ... n... J of that day, then ami thereto i show cause if any there be. why an order shouM not he made nuthoruinir and licensmi; the administrator of tAiil , lo sell alt the follow,nK-deifmbcd nai property, to wit I east quarter and the Southeast quarter ' of thu bou tb went nuarter of section thirty, T 3 S K i) W W. Mer.(less I three tracts sold) eontainmp 7'i j acres. j Witness, the Hon. (Homer Mason j Judpe of the County Court of t' e Stale ;of Orepon. for the County of Tilb ; tnook with the seal of sail Court Htlixed. this feth day of November A. D. l'JKl. Alien: J. C. Holdcn. Clerk. By Kathleen Mills, Duputv Clerk. I NOTICb'OF SMKKIf-'PS SALU. NOTICFIS 1IKKKHV GIVKN, thai by virtue of decree of foreclosure made ' nml entered in thf Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, on the Gth day of October. 101.'!, and an ! execution and ordet of ante duly issued out of said Court on the Kith day of October, 1P13, in the cause wherein Tillamook County Hank, a cnroralion, was plaintiff, and Kile Patterson and Fred Whtelor are defendant, said ex ecution being to me duly directed un der the seal of said Court, 1 have lev lid U)on the following described ri al property, situate in 'lillamook Countv. H'regon. JJ)Km"?TU? .f. "w" s,l.h- """I iu.ii iff, ami me D'njiii mill oi Me houthealt quarter of Section 2:1. lint ( the S'jutrlW'St quartur of the South west quarter of .Section 21. in Town ship 1 South of Range 9 West of Willa mette Meridian, containing lf.2,.V teres, and I will on Monday, the 21th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court House door in Tillamook City, Tillamook County, Oregon, duly sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the above described real property for the purpose of satisfying haid execution and order of sale, the amount awarded to plaintiff therein hi the said judgment and decree being !. w, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the sum of $100.00 an attorney's feea, and the cost, and (lishurserrenlH amounting to ill IU. Hearing interest, at tne rate or ii i.r cent per annum. All interest running irorn ucioncr oin, rjj;i. Dated this October 11, 1913. II. Crenshaw, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. NOTICE FOK -PUBLICATION. MOT, Portland 170 List No. fKMI.'i United States Land OIlce. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 29, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Knilway Cornnanv. whoBo post office address In St. Paul. To Do Nehalem Harbor Co. Wheeler, NOTICH R)K I'UhUCATlON. 1-107 Portland 171 No. mi. United States 'Land Ollke. Portland. Oregon. November i, 1&I.1, Notice is hereby given Hint the Northern Pa.-ilir Hallway Company, I "" I'' 0,,i'-' llrca I St. I'aul, Minnesota, has this 4th tlty of Novem ber 1913. filed in lhU nlllre Its nppltca-1 lion to select under the provision nf the act of Congress approved July I, lf98 (30 Stat. 5'J7, 020) the NK NFJ i Sec. 10, Twp. 3 South K. 7 Weal, W. ' M. Any and all persons claiming ml versely the lands, or desiring to object because of the mineral char a-tcrnf the land, or for any other re son, to the disposal to applicant, should file their allidavits of protest thin office, on or before the 3rd day of Jan uary, 1911. II. F. Mighy. 'FOlSfKH. PublUh in Tillamook Herald, located fI II..... I. f BIDS WAN . ED FOR SCHOOL HOUSE. .School District No. 3.i, Tillamook County, Oregon, requests bld.i for the building of a school house, also for felling trees on acre of school ground. Hoard reserves the right In reject any unii nil Dins, r'or full pnrtii-iilars ad ilrens .Mm. Jennie A. Keener, Clerk, Wilson Klver, Oregon. DON'T SPOIL A conn nniut bv kceplnsr him In shabby old Jlurne.s. Wo are selling Harness made of the licit stock at prices that ought to tempt you, A WELL MADE HARNESS ill not only Improve the appearance of your horse, but contribute to your safety a well. Many runawuy pould h;i ii voided If the old HarnesM had beeu discarded in time. W. 'X WILLIAMS, Tilliinook - - Oregon The Manufacturing Froo ftlJN mill NiClnl lnidai4koiiakiitM in tliONt W! l leeier Oregon PoitUnJ Offico TUUmook OHiu, j ). Jm OSrF.Ol'ATHIC I'll Y.Hlt IAN AND HUlt'KON Obstetrical Hppciulut iHoth Phones j Hon. ami OllW : Whilrbnu- Hrotdcnre. I TII.I.AMOOK OltK, rR. a. D. pi;kkin:. kK1ttK.fT HKfiTlar Olfico'ln Httirpron llldi. All Work Riuunirrd. I'lI.t.AMuiiK O It HO ON DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Hai Located in the Commercial BIJf., Succcedinr Dr. P. J. Sharp. All Work GiuMnUfd, 1),, PIkhki. mil,, li . lo 12 i. m. 1 to ti30 p. in. Orii Kvenine. (), 7 onill 8o'clo.k. Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST Ollicu Hour Irom U a. m. to 5 p. m. Oddfellows Building Until Phones, J. E. REEDY, D. V. M. VETERINARIAN) (Hoth I'honei) Tillamook i . Orerinn JW., GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Liw Office In Commercial Building JOHN LELAN0 HENDERSON Attorney-at-taw Abatracter Tillamook County Bank Bfdg. EI. J. OUAU88EN Lawyer Dkijtsciikm Advokat Comiucrcial Building 327 Tailing tld Cut V K. UU H. T. BOTTS, LAWYER mum mtc ci:tai. a ncruirr wwi-.i i.ui u ui riiMianvii Ollice '0:MMM. iillamooi Hfock 'r:n i. . n.. T. H. G0YNE Attafiwy-at-Law d4 Land Office Businm OppMHt tcsrlbottM Geo. P. Winslow ATrORNEV-AT I AW TlllnmiKik lllxk RiMJiti Wi l illamook, img" Tll.l.AnoOK UNDI2M fAKlNQCa It, N. lll'.NKI I Mi. Four Doom West t,f Hakory. Funeral Dirxlor and Llcn cl l.adv Aaalstant When I riucilei E. N. CRUS0N. Painter and Pant Monger Con tracts Tnlcui LvHtimatcH iMiinislicil. s All Work Guaranteed, i Tilliininok. Of- Pioneer Transfer Co. O, L. DICK it SON. Prof Both Phono Th Sam Pf Ice to Pverye Tillamook i Baker's VOli, SA.LI5 AT All GROCERS