Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 18, 1913, Image 1

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izl? E.S.I.LSEy L AT" 1 N OF ANv Paper in TillamookSCounty
Tillamook, Okkgok, Novkmmkk 19, 1 01 .'.
It is the aim of this bank to give
the best banking service pOMille
ami we do it.
It is also oar aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Kite Proof Banking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Bur
glar Proof Safe. Modern Safe
Pcposit Boxes and wc have
Family Remedies
Capt. Stillwell
Celebrates Birthday
89 years old Uit Sunday. The Occa
lion Strvtt as a Reunion of
Old Piontm.
w. I). Stillwell, familiarly known as
t. MIIKell, on SumIhy Ihki cclc
hrnled hi hyth birthday, amid relatives
and friends. Mr. Stillwell, who In
veteran of two litdlati warn, mid who
fit now vico-presldent of tho Oregon
rwmer ,nociiion, is a well prcsorw
! man for liU age, nttd look and acta
much younger than he l. However.
i. i it i . ...
no i rum hi i id) 10 waiK wun a cane
on account of an Indian arrow head
which lies embedded close Ut the hln
Imiiu'. Capt. MHI-voIl In m veteran of
tho Caytuq War of 47-'4H and tho Vak
Itna War ot 'WV-'M. Mr. Stillwell wa
Hherllf of Tillamook County durlru: tho
year of '72-'73. durlinr which time the
entire tax collected wa not more than
2) each year.
One of thegueit at the celebration
was a brother. T. J. Stll we of Bun-
Ion. Or. The vinilmg brother is ac
companied by hi wife. Hu fit nlo n
cll pretcrvrd man for his
wile. T. J. Mlllwijll mi a rciildenl of
niUmook County from 'G5 to 6S und
luring thai time win iherilf of the
county, Ihu annual tax for tho coun
ty at that itme amounted to $4Vj(W.
This l Mr. Stillwcll's first visit to
Tillamook County In 12 years.
One of the feature of the eclebrn-
lion wa u uplertdid dinner provided by
the ladies. Thoe present claim thnt
tho ladies inure than ouuloutt them
selves The following guests wre prevent:
Captain W. I). .Stillwell, Eli OM,
W It llnv... Mr nil,! Mm Thm.i
I Stillwell. .Mr. and Mrs. G. W ..Grayson,
Mr. and Mm. Dave Martlny, Mrs.
Rfioda Johnson, Mr. and Mm Arthur
StillwelUnd son Billy. .Mr. and Mm.
Rupert Stillwell and daughter .Marcia,
Mr ami Mrs. Goo. Dean, Mr. and Mm.
I. I . Stillwell and son Uc, M. V.
Stillwell, Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Davidson
and daughter ilia and Ella and Maxtor
I.iit week wan Institute week and
ai a result now very scarce about
the school. The tudenU bate had a
five day rrt from Intellectual duties
am) consequently the thinking machin
ery hn become a little ruy. Hut we
trust that the teachers fresh from oily
Intf tut can straighten things out
and atari the wheels to rolling aijain.
Hie rotitball Team, accompanied by
Out Weekly
Portland Letter
Oregon Hen Prodncei 303 Eggi
One Year- Today is Apple Day.
Pigs Profitable.
In the Fruit Grower awl Farmer of
! Nov. 1. there is an interesting article
on the above subject. Each locality
, has iu best varieties. Prof. W. N.
Hull says, "Other things being ?qual
the man of average intelligence on tho
I I M! t.l ....
Krounu laminar wun local conditions la
in letter shane to nass final iudiment
Portland, Ore. Nov. 18 (Special) -A ! as to varieties than any one else, re-
short tfffU ntUl thn Ornrrrm A rrr.tn Umvb I 1 .... -J I i
ft IttflfO CT JWf! II f lltftf Kit on.1 Prftf ..n . . , . . I? v' fcA,lu,tc'
f fkmin .knK r 1 L. -1. i
M.,.r ttti fr V..r., t'-l.l-.. . . . . . " ' "'""r.. " UK BODVe HrilClO
" ",v" 'u. , cross-nrea ncn nau turned out 291 eL'crs it mmhi wn
niry were Kiven a royal reception by ' In her flr.t tu,.lw. ..r
trie t.roviies, One feature of the
cvptlon was an address by the Tilla-"
mook Manager. Conrh Moore bad a con-,
a I
eirfjs it miKht he well to write lomethintr
uneiui f on the moat Drofitahle annlpi in tmur
fC neSH. RtntLtl that no nthar ttrir machine U Til,L- r.. .. r sj l.
' .ti ' """HWft VfVUIHJr, i MIQ k SOITte
rAu ever oexore reached that rate of apples grow to perfection in some
Meed. Now. the coUpm nnnntinrfMi nXunnm f a.i.. u..a r . u .
venlently b.il cold and Captain Stanley the oriKlnal best-hen-ln-the-world will recommend the people of llllaroook to
wa, mysteriously ab,ent at the time have to take a back seat, as another R0 into the apple business to any Kreat
nrnce.ManMKor hbbeson was Kiven the biddv at tin. .Binn in.titmtnn K.. .. .u , ' .
,, . - - - --v- tAicni. .nirai ui uic larmtni want u
honor of ruspondlni; with words. cteded In lavinir 303 ec ir. exactlv nlnnt .mn uj i....
' "r, J I WJV Wlk-IIUlU, UUk I V J VJtk
On buturciny our boy mot the Forest one yean This new hen. Jilce the for- UnA i nil ritf rviMAm t
- I ' j - rvsstj a v'rt4tU t W OU"
" ieni r looiuan same wnicn nier recoru-oreaKer, is across Uitwccn ; vise even that, for your land will
resulted in a defeat for Tillamook by a j the Barred Rocks and White IL'horns. ; better in something pI
rroiessor Orytlen, in charge of the If you have proper soil and location,
poultry departmental the college, says the following varieties will do well:
that no special attempt, outside of the Summer Yellow Transparent,
breeding, was made to secure high Duchess of Oldenburgh and Early Har
records. The methods followed in feed-1 vest.
ing and general care were such as i Fall Gravenstein. Bismark. Winter
might be profitably followed by any Banana and King,
farmer or owner of poultry. The 303 Winter- Baldwin, Grimw Golden
eggs produced by the record-breaking Yellow Belleflower, W. W. Pearmatn
hen weighed -12 pounds, or nnout eight and The Missing Link. The list
limes me weight ot the hen herself, some that do well here. There
and were remarkably uniform in size,
shape and color. Many reques's have
been received at the college to place
the hen on exhibition, but on account
arore of 10 to 3 The three point te
cured by Tillamook was made when
King kicked n field goal early i.i the
game Forest Grove's score was the
result of two touchdown! and a safety.
Tho most sensational feature of the
game was an eighty yard run for h
ouchdown by Ireland, Forest Grove
right half.
The line up win as follows:
Forest Grove
Miller, CisiU
R 11 it
I. il H
y H
I. T
U F.
Stanley, Capt
II. Harris
I)e I.illies
R Harris
Saturday night after the g.ims a ban-
nuet wa given by the Domestic Science
"Girls of the FiresrGiovVjiTIh""Scho9l;
' "llio banquet consisted of four nicely
I prepared courses, but someone stole
other varieties that do well, but if you
plant the above list ard care for the
trees, you can have apples all the year.
But you cannot have good apples unless
or her great value as a breeder it has ) you care for your trees no more than
been decided that the risks are greater i you can have good cows and not feed
than the value of the advertising. t them.
.Videsprcad observance of apple day. Thcrc are two '"'"K8 I00 mus d
Nov. is. is excected to give the Oregon ' three thinfis necessary to produce fine
amile one of the trreatest bits of ad- aPPles:
The bays report a i far nway Alaska having fallen in line,
N. A. S. Ahcrnnda,
Shanghai, China.
Oct, 8, 1UI3.
Dear Mother:
Tillamook Clay Works
W'v have now a limited supply of brick and drain
till? ready for the market at the following prices:
Located 0 miles south of Tillamook on main
traveled road.
iSVo' "''.
Attorney t Law nd NoUry Public
Tillamook, Oregon
I am "IT the Cincinnati at Inst and
hope I never see her again.
There are twenty-six of us hero on
tho Collier and we sure are having; a
fine time plenty to cat and nothing to
do. Wo can sleep nil the tlmu if we
want to imd go ashore when wc feel
like it and come back when we get
reaily. We will probably be here ten
days yet and tuny be longer but are
pretty sure of about n month on this
ship before we get to Manilla ns she
will stop nl Hongkong n few days.
The Albany leaves for home tomor
row anil fs tnking nil the short timers
on the station. Sho is (lying her home
ward bound pennant. It is four hun
dred and fifty feet long nnd is made of
silk. H Is the largest pennant that
ever left tho station.
We wilt get some more men on here
as soon as the Sartitogii gel3 back from
Chefoo. I Imvo been here three days
nov and spent onu night aboard und
eat one meal on ship so far und will go
iifhoro itgiilii after dinner. Il sure is
easy on hero. Tho ship hits n Fillipino
crow but they don'l stay in Iho Hiuno
part of tho ship with us nnd wu got
better grub than they do.
1 expect to Imvu it pretty easy on the
tug bout I am going to, but of course
can't toll yet whut sho will be like.
They nay oil we'll Imvo to do is to seo
that thu Goo Goos do their work right
and Htuntl miglnu room wutches.
I um glud to go to tho lslunds it is
Lulwiiys summer down there nnd 1 like
tho pe.iplo beyer, it is n.moro civilized
country tlmn this. Although it gets
pretty warm Borne times n person gets
used to tho heut down there and don't
notice It very much. It is us hculthy
there us any where now dnys, they sel
dom ever have fovor thoro uny more
since tho Amorican got hold of tho
place and cleaned it np.
Well it Is dinner time now ho 1 will
hnvo tp quit anil oat. I am going
nshoro uf tor dinner. Write soon.
' v Joe.
For suit) : five cows, ono being fresh,
also two bulls. Cuson & Downs, Blaine,
' the third course
good tlmo and feel that they were
treated the best (isille in every way.
The Webster Club bad its weekly
meeting on last Tuesday. The question.
Resolved, "That the United States
should maintain a large navy," was
debuted. The Negative received the
Loud sox duy was duly but untimely
celebrated Inst Tuesday. Tho girls al
so celebrated the duy by school girl
braids of hair and queer kinds of ribbon.
We admire the enterprise of those who
prouscd this affair and hoH similar
un lertakings may be undertook, but
not by tho undertaker us this affair
should have been. The idea in itself
is alright, however it would be very
much better if the regular date for
lxud Sox Day had been oscd instead
of u dnte thut signifies nothing of this
vcrtising it has ever received. Apples
and apple dishes will be served in ho
tels and restaurants all over the United
States. Scores of menus ana promises
of co-operation have been "received at
the t'ortland Uimmerciul Llub, even
.-, Prune.
At rye cannot do
or weeds 'gapping
rcotsl'Ne'ther can
1. Cultivate. 2.
and thin'the apples,
its best with grass
the Hfe from its
it when loaded with usc!es iirrbs.
It is better to raise one box of apples
worth S1.00 than two worth 50 cts. I
and newspapers all over the country ; l,Ke 10 "" something to market that
are boosting the matter along. . commends my place if I raised it. Take
. something good and they will want
Eight pigs, six months, 1632 pounds, niore- Th3 is a safe ri,,e t foow 5n
$123.00. This is a condensed story of nnythinfr vou have to sen
what has been accomplished by a farm-1 Jt always pays t0 rase th(J to
er at IndependencB, Oregon, who re- j faj( fs a wasU of time a WMte of
cently hauled his pork to market and 1 1 a waste of s.lnshinP anrf
From Courier:
Reports have it thut Miss Katie Buu
er, of Neskowin, was wedded yesterday
nt Tillnmook to Tillman Trent, of Nes
kowin. Curl Hatfield, of Ewen, Michigan,
brother-in-luw of tho Willett Bros.,
formerly of this place, was in Clover
dule Wednesday to look ut the mill
property hero with, u view of taking it
over und operating the sumo. Before
leaving for I'ortlnnd ho was unublc to
any yhnt ho would do in regurd to it.
J. J. McGinnls of llcbo bus bought
residence of Elmer Webb, nt Clover-
dale und will move here some tlmo
next summer. Mr.- McGinms bus also
iiurchused .from Mr. Uny six acres of
the meadow hind opposite this resid
ence. United States Customs Officers Mc
Gritth and Trowbridge, of I'ortlnnd,
were hero this week checking up the
powor bouts on the Nestuecn river nnd
advising tho tlshermen regarding the
use of lights while curing for their
11 oU ut night.
News reached hero this morning of
tho sorlous accident which befell Andy
Ilenter yesterduy. In some manner
Mr. Heater fell against onu of tho iron
tanks ut tho cannery cutting n lurge
gush in his hem). Tho loss of blood
whs so great thnt it was fonted he
would bleed to deuth before it was
stopped. Dr. George was summonod
and drove to the cannery lust night
where he attended thu injured man.
disposed of it. liach hog wns 6 months
old nnd averaged 201 pounds, making
! an average value of $15.38 a head, or
$2.56 per month per hog. ''Never let
your pigs make hogs of themselves," is
the advice of a prominent farm expert
in urging farmers to hurry the growth
of their pigs und getting them to mar
ket when from 6 to nine months old.
Of great interest to every section of
tho great Columbia basin is the nn
nouncement, made by James J. Hill
himself within the pust week, thut a
new line of steamers will be put in
operation between the mouth of the
river nnd California points within the
next fifteen months. Two fine combi
nation freight nnd passenger steamers
ure now being" built at Philadelphia,
and it is said they will be the fastest
vessels ever sailed under tho American
tlag. Each will have capacity for 800
passengers and 1,500 tons of freight,
and they are expected to bent the pre
sent best railroad time between Fort
land und San Francisco by about four
of rain. Let us not be wasteful inr Til
lamook. Yours for the success
of Tillamook County,
R. Y. Blalock,
Beaver, Oregon.
There will be a basket social at the
Hebo school, Friday evening, Nov. 21st.
Baskets will be auctioned off and there
will be a program. Everybody is in
v Tillamook, Ore.
For rent,
house. Call
phone 111 J.
11 three room furnished
nt Herald office or Be.ll
Trojan Blasting Powder leave no Imd I
effect after uc ng. None better. Uet
literature und urico from the Tilla
On Your Own Account
have you any money in the bank? A part of your arnings ought
tp bopluced there, anyway. Everybody can afford to suvo some
thing, however little. Have a bank account of your own andlyou
will feel happier, better, more Independent. Make yourlittle
money earn more, and so grow bigger. Better than hoarding it
where,' Tiro or thlovea can reach it. Your bank-book is a receipt
arid an'evldence of your wise economy.
Tillamook County Bank
olh Phonat
mook Feed Co. See Shrode.