Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 14, 1913, Image 1

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LargestJCirculation of Any Paper in TillamookICounty
I t
Tillamook, Okhoon, Novum hv.h M-, 101 ;i.
NO. 85
People in the News
Brief News of the Week
I .niiifirlil of'lrlal,
rta u.: I ill" iellt f
a, .1 ll.n relation !
-.. it. i ... i
n; j' niti inn i. mim
Evonta Occurring Throughout
the Staio During the Past
. ii
I' '
I ftltllotj r
. elop. tic doc Hftl
' I n ha enftt i)
- r iltftllt th"
tr whirl) III ef.
' '. Mn;IOt l
limit la lbt 4lik ;
. ,u4 (tow I
in cut olarikm
cr troi ItKU bil j
tullne it ltd (bnl J
.igr oxli an j
.SVt eri0M I
r-i mil) h oahl
-.ttir of iNtClAek' I
fix t.tt ( 0.
.toio ui. Ki'tvrn
! '. IJm trMl
; !lr t plot. Of
i if i hp ooa
"'Mr on tiMin
,- i u.r Land Vjluti.
c -t farmer m
4. .. bli) up
3 11.1 iun of nr
. t ! IHI til I'll
' t ! to litftlf.
' l.c rl'lH!
( sud uuinUer
Two t!n Kllldi Duet lndltd.
I'rinl(l. -JCTWenily tli rletlut
Of II flflo J MfMI i:MiVmi,
'h l$itia or J'lli Jiw dim ltoeni
r.j . pr foiittl) l tt rnMttrte dixit
' !) UMHinutn. nar th wittlll
i? I v Sana, fatnor of drown wlfa,
iii. on ! utaonil that the taut
':.ht due u nrr Jalovy (or
1 Sio booVe r lytnf H foot imrt
. tutrf boon tu thruutb lb barb.
to flni hurl l-on ihrotifib
,r rhrl RMfc ittll rlMp4 bU Hfl.i
4 bin UCd wlHtn (0Ud. tHdlrHlllIK
-'w;t ItMteflt 4(k to Ui otn a,'
Mm. AnnpH AliUm Aititmn, wi. Not- ntnoutmtn: t.ri70,000 and cur
mnn nttoni" of Hnn J'nuicliiro, on- r-cy In tlm turn of JJOJO wuro tnKyii
i'lrr-n to tin UiiIIimJ Klntii ilUlrlot at- 'Vni roljlr lilow opii ttn al of
Willi. HIihIiIh. IlKhtwt.lKht chum
'Ion of tlin world, (Infinite! l.-nri
Cro In ii 10 round IhiiiI, which went
th limit, ni Mmll.oti H'juiir.i Cnrdnn
lu Npw Vork.
l)r Out Id A. Artnr. Iillivd to b
lit" In 1 1 rotllMltilllK (l"l'-K'iti (o the ,
rotivnnllrm which nomliiatnd I'mul-'
'I "lit Mwolti, dlml nt f'nntoti
th Htnt Ilnnk of Wrtlthnm, nix uiifi-ii
from Aiiatlti. Ml n ii.
Tin. tmlntlnl hiimit of John llnx
Hammond ut Wnxlilnuton liim bi-i'i
IxiuKht liy tin) Htutilun xoviT'itnfiit iu
a liomo for lliu Ituxaliiti (itib:un)'.
I'rlt'o paid kiu JS00.OO0.
Martini law provnllod ut I'nklnK nnd
arriiU ni:d nummary ixccutlonn took
I'laci ii riult of drnHtlc- action y
John lln)-l. wnrilt.n at Kan Qtirtitln l'iynldnt Yuan Htil Knl, in hU utriif;-
l utt;nie lirnk
at tti OWitlrtf
V irj in 8IIIp.
li ' l. lirl
.... in tlm union
' 'il t frprpiil
! ( (wo tu.i! a
,. ml triKum
"ir run Plllll'll "'
i .'ion of I-al r
' r fr. in Mr. llV '
In. I it v.rtv.r !'''
111-. ! iKkl t . . '..V M. f
I V. I t .! 1 I i'oin.t ... t 1
lf ' If lir. iff.
Ifltp I . xarl ilntP
nvitQ por Mutton.
I'ostdletmi Hr erman of t'matllU
. it am la too wldjl ol lhtr bwoir
I is eM)n una rtoi I row thn
nu Imllmto thai maor ' rba'
from tl fnn wool br'! to bo
! . -.rer. and that a numbor ar alo
idin inr toifl)' or ndnur loinb.
t i-cr twmfo io u a RttsInK tindoor
sg (oral (toeiRr to pat mar
ti.iUon to lb urowtng of roaiton.
i!-'r rMiaari blni ih hlfli iirn of
in. . and ibo banc uhlch tnrtf
h mmCn In h Ml markot
Ceonty Doanl Plat Oroan Valua
tion t ihu,:.6;7 for tsu.
rtal?m. Tbt total ralun taxable
(..; rt miualUtal by th ront)
..i. r 1 of Minollaatloa la (rajoo. not
oit diim tbo itrojiorty of nubile r-
lc (oforuHon which will b aaaoaa
. I h, tb Uii tax ctsl.'.i ilacion (or
! IV!- Jftx ilT. !'-. T' i- n. m
. ii, of . ' ..i .in tnltu
I lit ,i roil, mri i M.M7.1.
V, KatiUi nnd Ii .iowm.
. . II 1)1 . .i!il t' r ! Ill I In- Uy
t- nllil hi- in i i.' tl i lnl.rr 1
w.-u.J .!uut ,.... a i.R 1
i-r.u. tMltiat ll.fi. H I'liH-t thf
..,.(. rii.riali'!i and nH'-r rx'i'i-.a of
II. f liial i.iiloli nf tin- ti'Klnl.iluri'
J initiliwotlary, will nwlisn hU ponltloti
to Mr tbu lioln) Imatma nt Kan
KmncUco with hi brother
Tb fottun" of n.ooo.000 li.fi by
(tin bate CharlM (J (iatoa. ko to tin
widow Had tb youui: mnn llvml h
wo'4 bavn rarlvMl th bulk of tin
xxloln if iafi.noo.000
U-;,. ii Kbx tutat waa woundod In
an alurt-atloe which ..rrurrtnl In thn
MlM-en at Havana. Ho waa afatihnd
t.lc. bolttif wound nil behind thn nr
nod In tbo nock Ho ai alao IwhIoii
with ranoa
Poller DotMartrrunt Stirred by Charge
r.l PKnlnr.t thi' Chin"'? piirllniin-nt.
KIhvoii womiin uamod to act on thn
Brand Jury at Han Ma too. Cal., di-clim-thy
will urovn thity enn koi'p the'r
inqiith ahut. Tbny nay thy will cot
dlvulK" fi--rtii of ih Jury room
Decided 'ffort am bulni; made to
Induci. tin- llritlah Kovururaent to
rom to n HKri'nmnnt with thn' MUf
fraiclntii. whfirnby a moHfiuro for th
rnfrntichUntnimt of womiit! cnti b
mad i a' part of thr official programme
of tin' llbiral party.
Thn tntiRO dance will bv Introduct'd
til ttiv Itiaani neylum nt .Sricraiii-iito.
Thr now form of danco will bo tried
1 on land. Or - -Charaoc of KamMlnj; ; on tho intltttK to mio If tin dlvornlon
on tbo pari of oortatn metnboia of tin-' 'UI Imvo more lfvt on tho Inmnti-n
tolleo drrlinnni baa lod to prhnr
Uin wctt awenpini: Invoatlxntlon by
Uto mimicliMil elrll mtrrlcn tommu
(ban tho other forma of dancliie.
lon ovnr matin In I'ortland. Involvrd
t In ihMHw cUarnoa art) bleb offlcura and
r.boui ?o Mtrtilran
Jrt.lc Vllnon'e Wadding Cake Baked. ;
,Vw Vork.MIw JiMalc VIIon' J
' wadding rak lis btn bakinl lir.-. i
! Th" fir I laywr of the cake la four
Incbva tl'lrk and 23 Iflcht ucroaa.
Never Ha: Been Determined What
Section Offer In Agricultural Way.
Klamath Fiilla.--Thi' tirt lop8
Imvo bi-i-ii tnkttn to Kt tin oxporliui-nt-nl
fnnu for IClanmtn county. The
county court Ikib boon naked to mnkti
n api-clnl levy to employ nu export
und to maintain thn farm. Tin; mem-
tiatf-kl e f Irin r(lllrf Vini1 n all ( m 1 1 1 itrt at
Wb ratly lor th l;nlf thn. cak , r r " ".
. . . ... xslintunioSH to further the movemont.
will wmgii 1,1 paunun. nun in uu
two and omclialf fuul trill.
Uank Itabbcr Fltc With 110,000 Loot
i HnaiUe. A apoclnl from Haziilton,
i 11. C. aya flv inaakod mmi robbed
I Uio aafw nf itu t'liion hnnk of Nua
I Haielton. (our mlliw mst of llntol
1 ton, uMalninit tlO.OOO. sbot the cnah-
lor. ii ml onpod after n running fli;lil
with rlllxnfir
j PrlmeMlnlster Asquith Declares
Political Intervention in
Mexico Not Intended.
Iondon. Prime Mlnlatcr Asquith
dlacubiiiMl the Mxlcun (jucstlon in hl
annual apc-ech nl tho lord tnayor'a
"Our Intorii-ln In Mexico," eald the
prime milliliter, "call for vlgllnnt care.
Mexico la UII In the throeji of n civil
w-nr, but thurij nevr wna and never
ban boon any iiueatlon of political In
torvunilon by Great Britain In tho do-in-tlc
concerns ol Mexico, or In tha
Cuntral or South American states. ;
"There hnve been rurnom thnt aft j
the United State had adopted a line .
of tholr own lu refiard to Mexico we
took n line calculated deliberately to
thwart Ami'rica. There Is not n vest- j
tKe of foundation for such a rumor. :
"W hnve recosnlmd I'rosldent '
I Huertn, because, having neither the j
j will nor the power to Intervene, we
. were bound to deal with the de facto
government, and. because of informs
tlon then In our poeslon. there r.p ,
pearod to be no element except that ,
o! Huerta nnd hit supporters which
i.ffered any proepeel of the restora- '
I tlon of the stability nnd order.
9u!;er Ak October Pay.
Alba- N Y -Wllllnm Sulicr as-
iirU hi ' aim overnor of Now .York.
In a r (n the mate trenciirnr and
it,. . .-ti'iircdler be ilemauiled hl
fi r tin- iiml Iml of October,
Farming In the Klumath country lb
yet In the experimental stnto. A farm
conducted under an expert should
prove of material nastntnnce to the
early development of the farm Inuds
of tho vnsl nren cmbracod In Klamnth
county. Ilnpld si rid en in farming
hnve been made In recent ytwtrs. .
Unitarians Vlll Meet.
Hood HtxorThe North Pacific
coi.i. ro.ee oi I'nitnrlan cburchos will
; be hold nt limxl Itlve.r November 11,
12 and IS. '1 1 1 - - Unitarian churches
of Uren.in. Wnahinaton, Idaho" and
'i -ii .ni will be represented In the
' confer! nee
Held That Republican Committee Can
not Change Reprexentitlon.
Washington. That power to change :
tho basis of representation In tbo lo-J
publican natlonn! conventfoh docs'no! f
lie with the Republican notional con-
mlttee, although the commutes hs
authority to call an Intermediate cc
vcntlon to act on the question, was
deter inltiatl by the law committee ci
the national committee, nftor an all
day dtfcnsaion of various queetlo"
-efrrel to It prupnrntory to the meet- I
'. !g of the national committee here '
:ioxt month to consider reorganization '
of the party. Tho law committee de
cldetl thnt If the national complttee (
ahould decide to cull n convention, 1
the basis of representation would have
o be just what it had been In the past
It wns also agreed that the com
tr ttee hai no power to alter the moth
Chlcagj -7t.e -bores of Iake Su
perior, Hi-, i : .J Erie were strewn
with the v.1- of a three-day gain
and snow ttciin, which cost the lives
of probably tbret'are persons, turn
ed bottom ap In raldtake a 300-foot
steel vessel arub Ua crew, wrecked
or r.rounded jnrnera other craft
and caused a property Jos which will
run Into the mlli.oDr.
On bind the rtor, bit hardest at
Cleveland, wheie five persons wero
killed nnd 10 others . jst and wbero
l;,OOO.(K)0 darnsao ws caused. The
death toll, with nanny ports unreport
od, I told thus:
Twenty-five or 40 men probably
drowned In the overturning of a
freighter found floatlnj la Lake Hur
on. Hve bodies washed aster) at St.
Joseph, on the Canadian a de sf Lake
Huron (four had bolts rr.uri.Ov "Wex
ford" nnd one wore a belt marked
Three bodies wanhed r..bcre on tho
weat shore of Lake Hurt a
Two bodies washed fshe.e opposite
the twoitton of the o.ertnrued boat.
Six members of a ; 1 L drowned
In Lako Erie, near i: lo, X. Y.
Soven bodieB wi shed aebore at Ket
tle Point. Lske Hu.-oa. ai 1 seven oth
er bodies rolling o- tK- dicks of a
yrsir. wrecked thero.
oU cursing de -is .0 future
conventions aad tJitt It w-uld be In
expedient to niaki ;xh a change ex
cept in accordance x.iti ste legis
lative nctloi'JT"
Tr.sw Etraf :''n Ci-ned.
Concord, N. H. f mcr Kolker of
Nrw Hampshire alg- i'. t. eitradltion
paptri returning Hi..'., ii. hnw to
New Ycrk nt the rec ui Gsvernor
Glynn. Thaw's exfs.i tion resulted
from a charge of oc .-,'iracy in con
nection with his escai c from the Mat-teav.-an
asylum. This decision, It Is
said, does not mean that Thaw will
be returned immediately to Mattea
nnn. Mr. Clara Walvoel a fo mer resi
dent of Tillamook died at ' n.irre in
Haii'l.'n on Nov. 9th. She 1-ved here
for 1 years, Koinjj to Band about 10
vears a so.
r ; .
Special Music
At All Services