Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 11, 1913, Image 4

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    Home Building in Tillamook City
Outside Capital Keeps
Wheels Moving
A Word About Our Company:
litLnl. Oregon, was onjanizcti in ISOU just '2'A years nijo ami is now the l.w
not institution ot its kitui wot ot tne Mississippi; This organization has made
o er V 000 home loans totaling' over $0,000,000.00, and of this amount over
S'J. 500.000.00 is yet in force, secured by home ajr;rov;atini; in value over $0,f00,.
OoO.OO. We now have assets amountini to over '5,000,000.00 ami have pnitl
to our shareholders more than $2,500,000.00 in earnings. This enormous
nroNvth is the result of eminently capable management, and of accord inj; honor
able treatment to every person doitu: business with us: thus making friends and
keeping them. We are furnishint: funds for development HOMIi Bl'ILDLN'O from
$so.000.00 to $15 l,ooi).00 Kr monch. At the head of this Ciireat Orifnuixation
are prominent business men and financiers of Oregon.
Chas. i. Ladd, President. Theo H. Wilcox. Vice President.
Kdw. Cookinham, Vice President, F. Mclvcrcher, Secy,
M. M Johnson, Assistant Secretin y.
C. W. Hayhurst, Assistant Secretary.
C M. Cook. Inspector.
What The Eauitabie is Dom in Tillamook City:
We maU only muthl I tullim-iit. Loans mi lutuplcicd Cttv Nestduuc Proper
t,o r tor bud.lo.y pa. poses. IV Ot AM UUU'YOK 1UILD A 1 1 Ili UK
Ri:PAV A MOK rOAi'.L and desire the aid l b nvN ctl money, nnc al .n to
Mivesonate our MONTHLY INST L L M KN f PLAN Ol- A LOAN, in luh,,!U
the monthly payments' for anv uiveu term are encli exactly ol the same .uiu-unt
'throughout the" enure term ol the loan, each payment applies on uuiujm ,nj
interest and wtici the last p tvment U mud the iuo tae carried b us wU I
relented. The KljtM TAIU.IS has made a lare mouber of Uun in Tilluiuimt. v u
W httildinx uurpoM,' t'fn hnn xotte for labor, mnteriul. etc, count ul wiu
building; the fund loaned in Tdlmnbok City kI wide nud varied ot. ni.it .m -liiiurc
it out -all aloa the line. Since lulv I'Jth. wc imulc Ioih M't f
LNGTOS3S.TO0 00 the K'jUirMtWS IS WHLL PLl; ASl;l) WITH T lit !'.' FIL
LW100K LOANS. We have helped anil aided other to own thru ll.nr.o
can Nve not do the same for you?
As an example ol out iveras;e term loan ol 11 VK US' Whetcin a irtlij' .'
$1,000 and interest iscnil repaul in sixty eipi.il monthly installments .a ;,:i
each, at theend oftheloau period, you have paid b.uk $I'JM U' in at vim l.itt t
interest for the accommodation; waich is $'J."i tin lc than straight pvr itw
loan would amount u
Are you atrarap? Doyouj)wn the house you live in, or are you al the mercy of your landlord? Let us tell you our home building plan.
The t nv o questions above may seem impertinent, perhaps they are, .nu! will be so const i tied b some, vet there is much food lor thought m those two ju-tK't
Think oyer them, talk the matter over with your Nvife or husband and then figure out the amount you aiv now pavtiti; out 11 K UI;N I and iust the sie tnvistTKtl
vou could make in a home ttsin.LT the same rent to pay lor it. We have some leu choice, close in lots, e is, pa meats Thcv will never be piuchase l so i u..t
mi.-uu in this Tn i "m.k town. Vi ur opportunity is now. Think the matter over, then let this oth. e tie oi - ivice to ou I'O PY
7mz Ksaxsrz&ij! rsa
j finally came wt on the North Fork. TILLAMOOK HIGH SCHOOL NOTES.
The tn: coat hours without eating.
All the tettlers wort out as soon as
word wai received of his being lout.
From Reporter: Ca"1- c- KmA. of Sun Diego,
F. A. Rowe went to Portland Sunday dl.. "me in from Portland Saturday
ri turning Tuesday. While in tho city I remaining until Sunday . Mc brought
h.. vi;ti Mainr Morrow's office and 1 "P tramp Steamer Kalamath, a big
was au'heniieally irformed that work
(i ontinunl From Page 1)
would begin on the Nehalem jetty pro
ject in the course of two or three
The new bungalows recently built 1y I
the Wheeler Lumber Co. are bcKinnin(
to add to the appearance of Wheeler
and will certainly be appreciated by!
those who have teen forced to live J
in cents during the past year. j
Th- petition which was circulated ;
this week for securing funds to build
a sidewalk from .Main street to the
school house was soon filled with liberal
contributions, shewing that all are
interested in the welfare of the kidies. ,
Mr. and Mr3. E. C. Madden were the '
recipient! of a bouncing baby boy last
Friday morning at their home, weigh
ing i pounds.. FIlis is exceedingly
happy and wear? a smile that won't
come otr. Ur. Randle reports mother
and child doing very nicely.
God's Valley was in a whirl of ex
citement Friday and Saturday by the
absence of Hugh Kittenhouse who.
went hur.ting Thursday evening with
Chas. RobiUch. The latter on return
ing home reported that Hugh intended
to goon over the hills an he was anx-!
ious to kill a deer and would return in i
a couple of hours but getting turned
around, Hugh traveled until night, (
when he discovered he was lost. He
lumber carrier from San Diugo to Port
land to take on a cargo of lumber and
intended to leave the Columbis Tues-
i day morning on his return. Mr. Rorvick
interested in Wheeler property ami
was much pleased with the progress
that Wheeler has made during the past
two years.
Little Percy Tohl, the three year old
son of Mr. and Mrs, II. W. Tohl, of
Nehalem City, died last Friday night
from the effects of eating tht; heads of
matches on Thursday,
tie se mud to have suffered no
ill effects from having eaten them un
til Friday morning, when Dr. Handle
was call'! in to give relief, but the
little fellow was then already in a
partly unconscious state from which
he never recovered.
The boy's death carne so sudden and
unexpected that it was a most severe
shock to relatives and especially to the
grief stricken parents, who could not
realize that their child had really been
taken away from them.
The little bov was a special favorite
with all the guests at the hotel as well
as ltcal residents, and it is certain that
they will miss his presence.
Funeral services were held in the
M. K. church Sunday afternoon. Rev.
J. M. Brown conducting the last sad
rites in the presence of a largo assem
blage of friends and relatives. Inter
ment took place in the local cemetery.
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingle? : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
us th- tax payers of thi district rightly
expect their children and their neigh
iKirs' children t receive from the
f plendld eirortii they have put forth to
make our school a ower in the com
munity for better citizenship. Hy
some strange fascination the dancers
are led to excess in this no-culled plea
sure, and in the reaction that is sure to
follow the school receives their second
or third best work.
If these individuals chooce linn to
waste their time and elfort it is their
own or the parents business, but when
these same individuals atluinpt to
bring this thing into school life it ef
fects all the students who aru opposed
to dancing, it effects all the people who
besire to receive the best results from
our educational facilities, it brings in
to danger the good name that our
school has hitherto enjoyed and every
one who has the welfare of higher and
butter education at heart should rise
now bufure the thing become
deep rooted and help to defeat the at
tempt. "Pis indeed strange that any member
j of the Faculty should endorse or encour-1
age any thing of this nature yet such !
is the case. Teachers are not hired to ;
lead those under their care into wrong'
or even questionable amusemiint but!
rather to direct the developing minds
of their charges in those directions
that vill undoubtedly ennoble and
elevate the students. Social activity
under the direction of tho teachers is
most certainly necessary but let It be
of an unquestionable nature as it lias
been heretofore
The issue was brought to u direct
head when the Forest Grove boys worn
entertained at the Commercial Club
rcoim last Futurday night. Only a
few of the students had any Idea of
turning tho entertainment into a dunce,
lot them view their actions its others
nee them. Itisaaid that some of the
visitors let jt bo known that they want
ed to dance, if this ho the case (altho
it seems strange that tho guesta.
shojld try to direct on entertainment
and they Hhould happen to rrmko It
known to those of the High School,
who alono wished to dance and not to
those opposed to dancing) if, howover,
this is true that they asked for u
danco mid thoio whom thoy asked were
afraid to htai.d up for right why did
they nc tcrtd the visitors In a- of
Itie tuderil(for Owe nrit uch who hud
tho rikI enc ami moral ciurwgr i
ay "No". It is nmy to tw whrrr
ami in whom the fnull llo. F-i'Ucr-more,
tho Forest 'Irovn boys, n a
laxly, did not tak irt, in fnct a very
few of them duncud ami tho romwliunj.;
visitors wru forced iitther to it idly
by or leave. This wiui an impropriety,
to give them an ciitrrtiiniimNl which,
could not entertain nil or even the ma
jority of them. Again nil the studenU
of the High School helped to stand lh
expense nd work of the affair uiul it
was very "small" for a tew to bohnvu
in a manner thst made it neccnary
for so many to give, tip their evening's
pleasure. Those who have sneaked
around and succeeded In guttl. g thono
op)osed to dancing to help pity for a
hall which they (the dancers) monopo.
lued, who havu broke the long estab
lished precedent of this school and who
would make it appear that nil arc '
equally to hlarne should look well to
their conscience, and should, when they 1
agitin desire a dance, rent the hall
with their own money, orgunixn thu
affair on their own account, do the
work (which this time others helped
to do) for themselves, and not try to i
drag thu namo of ihosu justly opioed 1
to their action Into tho criticism lhat'
by righlH is due these underhanded
MCr, Portland 170 List No. (Ml.'.
United Stales Lund Olllcu.
Portland, Oregon, Oct. 2'J, lUIII.
Notice is hereby given that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whoso post olllcu address Is St. Paul,
Minnesota, haa this 29th day of Oct
ober, l!)in, Died in this olllco Its appli
cutlon to select under the provisions of
the act of Congress approved July 1,
1 808 (!!0 Stat. fW7, 020) . NF4 NW1
Sec. 'i, T. I N Jl. 7 West, and NWl
NKt Sec. 10, T. !l S . R. 7 West, and
SKI SIU Sec. 2, Twp, I S R. 7 Wesl,
W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho lands described, or desiring
to object bucmiso of thu mineral '.'liar,
nctur of tho land, or for any other rea
son, to thu dlspoBul Ut applicant, should
file their alliduvilB of protest In this
olllcu, on or boforo tho 2'Jth day of De
cember, 1'Jlil,
H. P. Illgby.
Publish In Tillamook Herald, located
nt lillarnooK, Oregon,
World's Gallery Rccord-2484cx2500
Mada with Rem inuton-UMC .22 MtUtUtc I
"OU mc. slu.ntim. 22 rnlilirn rihV. Yotl Wrttlt '
ctirncy, sutc fire?, )cnrtr.Uion just n much n if oa t
wcic shoolmp; n bijj j,Minc rillo.
U .inn to b- ihr 'k"i'nlon I'MC -liwlo w ll
cirr. final ihn Mlitff Iratrii laslctlaU, as llm
cntiiidrs. 'I hey Mr light
Mcrnineloii.UMC 21't totl yim rm mom ihsn oitlmsiy 'ViHj'i
til. I uk lt Mriniiifcion.UMC oik I rr ihut .rvrjy U,t ol T3
uy hrais ll,r Itrd lull I(rnilliloii insfk,
71 l .... tH . it I . ,. I II. I I .uak
...ifii, uip,., (i i,ns ion .ims
I'uwil.,, f I.II.IK ,f -,.( ,11 1 I (A W" H4"1
I'llid IWiMixli.ii.UMC it Jr In )! ciiitununl'r
RcriitiiUtoii Aruu-I Ui'mn Mclullio Clurtntlrfc Q). t
W llro.lwy I N W
' itf i m. n a ncmiu
Heavy Machinery a Specialty
Prices Right
P j
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