Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 11, 1913, Image 1

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    1 . k
izRZJ5if,A"r,NOF any Paper in TillamookSCounty
Tll.LAMOOK, OiUlCOS, NoVKMIIKK 11 1 l) l ;
NO. 84
1 9tf3fSfl
Remember Friday is Double Stamp Day
Underselling Sale
All Ready-to-wear Reduced
Surprising Low Prices Prevail Throughout
The Ready-to-wear Department.
ii sine inosi aunicuvc ex
hibit we have attempted this
season, as it includes a large
range of new models just re
ceived this week. For quality,
style and workmanship you
find values that a re absolutely
TinnratchaTble" at a n y w h e re
near the prices we quote for
this sale, so don't overlook
this opportunity it you want
a handsome, reliable and stylish Winter Suit, Coat,
Dress, Waist or Skirt and would save in the buying.
The assortment includes all our new fall ready-to
wear, nothing reserved.
fi Tillamook High
G Cl I M.
utiiuu nines
Foreil Grove Defeats Tillamook; Cor
respondent Rapt Dancing; Other
Spicy High School Newt.
(My Wee Dolittic. Jr.)
The football tfrime between Forest
Grove and Tillamook HiKh School
proved ii defeat for the home bovs bv a
Oregon to Exhibit
Tho dinner m-rved at the Motel Til-'
i larnook, taut Sunday evening between
the hour of 6 and 8, wan quite well
patronized, though not ti well patron
izod a ft should have teen, consider
inn the splendid elfort that was put
forth by the management to give the
guest a splendid repast and first class
service. Steward C. It. Worrall, who
nau cr.arge oi me dining room, was
j very solicitious for the comfort and
plvasurc of the guests and nothing was
At Chicago
Livestock Show at Portland Dec. 8-13
Umatilla Irriga'ion Project to Pr -ceed;
Experiment work Begins
score of 12 to 7. The game wns fast, J Mi undone that would tc.id towards
clean and well played by both teams. J making the dinner a success in every
There is, however, one th)ng that we way. Jenkins Orchestra furnished
cannot overlook, him that is the action
of the Umpire In K'nalliing Tillamook
for something both teams were doing
and for
music for the occasion.
Tlie Hotel Tillamook affords as good
accommodations as any hotel in Oregon,
.. .1.1-1. fat .1 . ' . .
mcii neiwier 01 mem nad ' everv (li-nnrtrni-tit he n-.r tr irtlv .in lit
before been penalized, when another date in its arrangement. To say that
line plunge would have carried them the hotel is a credit to the city is put-
III, nut .....J !... 1 t ... ' .. .... .
...iv i'unj jru mui my nciwcon ( iuik u very nuaiy. in xact u m con
tyi - i"v,i"","v1 . siuurnoiy ancuu oi our lown ai tni.
rlt I HI It rtinV WC Htill lHV fHttMlxr lit fim.nrit l.rr... f.nt i ., n
"""J "ur- roresiurove has played to It in the course of two
four games this season while our
pl)rd lU Drat game Saturday. The
yhltors were heavier and more practic
ed, yet clearly by suitcrior ability and
years. It
has 75 rooms, 25 having bath. It is
steam heated throughout.
I'. J. Worrall, manager of the hotel,
is heavily interested as a stock holder
frmiuritnce illlninook High held down wind, is putting considerable time and
to n rore that no team may need feel ! attention into the new enterprise. The
ashamed of. j H,Ilei Tillamook is a big thing for Til-
Forest drove made two touch downs, j lamook and it is to be hoped that our
one each of first two quarters, but people will show tneir appreciation for
failed to kick goal. The third quarter! it by taking more than a passing inter
put the visiting team on the defensive ' est in it. The new hotel deserves the
and the last, in which King made a i support and sympathy of all.
Wo understand the Sunday evening
dinners will be a regular occuraoce.
j working in the meantime, so that
i when the news comes it will not find
us unprepared
touchdown, found them killing time
In every possible wny, taking any ex
cuse to gain a little wind nnd in short
on the verge of defeat: but time was
1 he Forest Grove fellows were able
lo use the forward jxiss to splendid ad
vantage, their interference was very
good and other phases of the game due
jlU much practice were apparent in
1 their wnrk.
' Th Tillmn,!, i,.t..u 1 beautiful in those parts especially
and with a vim thit rather surprised j vie;V, "ay Cit'' th? tide twe.nt do"n.
all who have not seen them plav beore. ' "na " ,l m UIon lnu ,MUU ""
The tackling w nrttv ..v.m.U- .lUlri. ! C0Urfk! lhe emoe was lM hvi'
' buted iinitwiL- thtfii ,,,,,1 ,.v..rv. (lf 'nove. and then again, might
them deserves the highest commenda
tion. Captain Stanley made good his
rortland. Ore.. Nov. 11 (Special)
C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Ore-
gon Development Leagui, who is to
head the Oregon delation at the
United States Land Show at Chicago,
November 20 to December S, has gone
cast to install the exhibit. Oregon
will occupy two booths in the Land
Show and will also have lecture room
privileges. From five to tight Oregon
representatives will be In attendance
at all times.
The exhibit will consist of agricult
ural products of every sort, contribut
ed by commercial clubs in all parts of
the Htate and is one of the mo-it com
plete ever assembled in Oregrn. All
of the exhibits were shipped from
Portland Inst Saturday in a special
baggoge ear via the North Bank,
Great Northern and Burlington roads.
On December 8-13 the Pacific Inter
national i Livestock Exposi'ion will be
held at the Portland Union Stockyards
and, although the opening t'nte is still
distant more than a full w nth, breed
ers from all parts of the U- ited States
and Canada are already sending In
their fancy stock. Fifteen thousand
dollars in cash premiums will be paid
out nt the close of the show, the
largest sum ever offered at an exclu
sively livestock show on the Pacific
Coast. Itecent winnings of Pacific
Coast cattle at the National Dairy
i Show at Chicago have induced breeders
Our English teacher and Johnnie re-'of the Midrle West to make important
cently took a canoe expedition down gentries in competition with Oregon
upon the bay. While they were gazing ' breeders. James J. Hill who was
intently at the scenery which Is very -sponsor fffr the original show, has been
the invited to be a guest of the exposition
for at least one day.
ii iiiWii it rn in
It is the
the best
aim of this bank to jivc
Imnltinj,' service possible
jiutl we do it.
It is also our aim to
very best equipment
Modern I'ire Proof
Room, 1 ire
L'lar Proof
Proof Vault,
Safe. Modern
Poxes nnd we
have the
such as
Safe have
wn toiirltir:
Mm. (Jtfornu Worthing"" w"'' " T"'
ri'xik visitor Mondny. ,
N. N. Klrbv nml wlf worn Tilln-
k vUitorn it few tlnj'B tlila week-
tour Wulili iniulu chucau for
My durlinr IiIh iibsonco.
Inc Wiinl. of Neskowin, roturred
laat Monday from IiIh trlp,oiiHt,
fifro hi. vhiUml frlumlH mid IiIh old
in lllinoli).
W. H. llimlmNii unit with mi mxldunt
M Miiiiilnv. llrmikliiit ono of tho mlii-
I' Loiioh of tliu rlKht Ur. Oconto
reHd tho wound uml Mr. Hontnmn
ri'ectH to bo uhlu to look nftur tho
'Itliii; iii;ain in u vliort tlino.
Ii..r,l,.e. Mrs. Ilelnnchliiw: Ih an old
ri'sldunt of Tillamook county, formerly
rehiding id Woods.
"M jointSnH'utlng: of thuUCIovordalu
and llonver lodges or OddfollowH nml
KuburrnH was held In tho Clovonlalo
o,go roouiH last Saturday fveniiur.
Ovur 100 iiuniihora Wero ptehont mid
listened t'i " udtlrcss by Jwltfo Gnl
I, way, of Salon), I)i'uty Grand Mi.a
ter. Holreslitm-ntB wuru provided nnd
(,o ri-. ull wns pleiisiuit and prolltu
hlu inu.'tmk'of Oddfollowa nnd Itolwc
DWier .iiuini.... I - ;- - , ,,,,,, lt)r
lV 1111' LI1IU
to 'I'lllamook
thori but inlwud worn 't,, ri.(,rU plana nml apoclllcutions t
..mined over until tod Mr. H Mnu w n i 'vt thel
According to n law passed by the last
legislature, says the McMinnvillo
Nuwa-Ki-porter, the proceedings for
road improvement will be considerably
rluingi'd. Heretofore the county court
has set r.t'srt tho monov to bo used by
the various ruad districts of the county
and given each district a snare, The
new proposition will prove beneficial
if coiitruclini can bo found to bid for
tho work.
The now law requires that the county
court make specifications for improve
ments on roads, call for bids for doing
tho work, and then award the con
tracts. This pracically tukea nil the
work of improving tho roads out of the
hands of the mad supervisor. This
niL'iisiire was house bill number 111-,
and is found on page 1!51 of thu HU3
session Iiiwh.
Section 1 of tho law says that nt the
first regular session of tho county
court of each and every yeay it ahull
delerniinu tho sum ol money to bo ex
pended by ' district within thu
county, and If the amount bo $1,000 or
over, whether apportioned out of tho
general road fund or voted by any road
district for permanent impiovement
during that year, the county court ahull
instruct tho county surveyor or road
muster to prepare plana ns to lino,
grade, drainage, nnd inntorinla.niul llle
then, with an estiinato, of probablt
cont with tho county clerk.
After tho plans and apoc.ificatona nro
filed thu county clerk then advertises
for tumlcd bids by publishing in news,
paper. Tho biduor ia required to de
posit u certified check for 5 per cent of
tho bid.
Tho title of tho measure glvea tho
substance of tho wholo law, and Is as
"Requiring tho county court of each
county in thu state of Oregon to npiwr
tim. tho nmount of money to bo ex
pended In ouch road district within the
Hiiid county for tho Improvement of
county roads within tho diatrlct; to
10 DO
title and his reputation both with many
clever tuck lea and the even brainy way
in which he managed the game. The
onu touch down and many long gains
were due to King; everyone did his
own part well.
The line up was as follows :
Forest Grove
Miller, Capt.
It G
It T
It K
L F,
Stanley, Capt
H. Harris
De Lillies
It Harris
Into on
1 l..i.ii-lm
t, .-., --
Tbov returnwi
.Ur, ami Nr. H. Rolnschluw, of.wiilltt bueJAn.
.i'i...-L.,iu in drive down, niter
,,f "W wiro' whoreHbouta.
to uruiuwn
Hock wua tho guest
prepared lor tho Improvement thereof:
to advertise for sealed bids for the
Improvement to tho lowest responsible
Summary : Substitutes for Tillamook ;
J. Ebinger for Ehbeaon. Ebheson for
Crimmons. Substitutes for Forest
Grove : Walker for Todd. Touchdowns ;
lligby, Miller, King. Field goal ; King.
Dr. Kerrou, Referee; Donaldson; Urn-
piru; ninrshiill.'Heiul Linesman.
Following the gnmo a bnmiuet was
given in tho Commercial Club room.?,
after which several short talks were
given and n fooling of general good
will aroused.
Tillamook goes to Forest Grove for a
game next Saturday and thu thing may
appear sadly different to thu outsiders
after tho returns of this coming af
fair. Let us all hope so mh! work In
that direction.
The Webster Club met on Tuesday
last and tho question, Resolved- "That
tho United States should build and
maintain u largo Navy" was discussed.
Tho decision was rendered in favor of
the negative, upheld by Schunelle,
Coates apd C. Jopo. Tho nlVirmutivo
was defended bv Halo, Mlsa Drew nnd
Miss Goyne. We are still waiting to
learn with whom wo are to debate and
Tillamook, Ote.
be tipped
over if any attempt were made to get
'out. Knowing this they waited for
the tide to return, it did not come (as
tides have a way of doing) until
aucr uarK. as ii result Jonnn.e is
singing a new song "Stuck on Moon
light Bay", with Jliss De Bar as accompanist.
There is a new question arising
among the students now, a question of
vital importance to the school and one
that must be carefully dealt with or it
will bring disaster in its train. This
new danger that has come on, that is
upheld by many of the students, is an
attempt to make dancing a prime fact
or in the school's social activities.
We will not discuss dancing in any
sen.se except that in which it effects
school life, altho', if not always in its
primary, invariably in its final effects,
dancing is surely injurious in its mor
al, its mental and its physical results;
this is true of mature men and women
and how much greater must be the
evil when an influence of this nature
helps to mold and shape the characters j
in our school.
There is that in the motion and con- j
tact consequent to dancing, motion i
that brings the sensual rathor than the
spiritual uppermost; contact that out
side of a dancing hall would be consid
ered indecent, which should have no
part in a clean effective education such
(Continued on page -I)
In connection with the Livestock
Exposition. William Tollman, vi Baker,
Oregun, president of the Oregon Cattle
A Horse Breeders Association, announ
ces a meeting of tfiat organization in
the assembly room of the Portland
long. Public Library on Thursday evening,
uecemoer it, ai s o cioct.
After long, weary months of uncer
tainty and delay, Secretary of ihe
Interior Lane hns finally and formally
approved the first unit of the Umatilla
irrigation I'roject, set aside JJ500.CO0
from the reclamation fund to defray
the cost and directed the Reclamation
1 Service to begin construction work as
soon as possible. It is expected that
work will be commenced not later than
' December 20 and that the first unit
will be completed and 10,000 acres
brought under irrigation within a year
from that time. After a personal
investigation last Summer, Secretary
Lane is confident that the entire pro
ject will be a success, but thinks it
good business policy to complete the
first unit before undertaking further
An effort is being put forth by the
Oregon Agricultural College to assist
a number of Oregon counties to qualify
under the measure passed by the last
Legislature providing that for every
dollar appropriated by any county,
within n certain maximum limit, the
state will provide a li e sum to carry
forward experiment station and
demonstration farm work. J. L. Smith,
a graduate of the Kansas Agricultural
College and who has had several years
experience in dairy farming, has been
selected to head this class of work in
Coos County and he will take up his
duties there about November 15. Mar
ion and Wallowa counties have employ
ed men in agricultural educational
work the past year, supported by local
On Your Own Account
havo you any money in the bank? A part of your arnings ought
to boi'placed there, anyway. Everybody can afford to savo some
thlng.Jhowever little. Havo a bank account of your own and you
will fccl happier, better, more Independent. Make yourlittle
monoy earn more, and so grow bigger, Better than hoarding it
whereWiro or thieves can reach it. Your bank-book Is a receipt
and an'evidenco of your wise economy. '
ur. i r-,,,T--r w. i , . ,,nV, v , "I X(V!
.. . ' w.- -.A . , f .H'.,''." :. l
' ' . .-.'-'. " ' "'v. ,: ,- ".i.-.. . XM
FW, WaWi., worn In Cloverd.lo yes-
oi jars. .
v i
ft' i'