Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 07, 1913, Image 4

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    Wingcw Crestttrti el Uorneo.
In r.. i mm -winwd crratHrus are cm
-,n i.Mtl thorv ntw vvwihl least o
i i h.-M Flyliitf nh the n or Uer
iit'i -ire :wil in t tl vrtu-". nu
tt . i- ' i lim kiwwn
n ,i . ij-tstt. wh- n top Malays eU
TlWJ I . '.1 I en NlllVUftt
i inu w'tv!:,it their steady
Vli' ' .-..' Mt It Kf.lll fU-VUtltMl Well
i,' . t of n ft! -:itn Tl dylne
s.) r- .! riiii.K twilight cumus
are -. The glide down tarn
otic !-:"t: tm h tbe t-a-e of auothw.
up w hkh they rrwniil t the let el
ttioj -titled front. WW ott!lons
of sktn l-etwvti the fre awl III"'
HmtH act III parauut' fa-tihti line
MiM.ttn them In their trlMe. They are
of iui' Ms, but are ijulto hnrttilt".
TV flylnc llsard n I"' heat of
t!u dsj t tho .:uise clttlluc iimvn
win i il ta In nut. !i tli muk' manner
as t!t- tilrrp!. Rut he i tun- h ntall--i
ami It tvquiiw quhk eye t de
ttxt hl n The n.itlv kill hltu with
!. lull shirt frwtn tbelr bhwpipe..
N..rtl. r -rneo llt r.tXL
Spidff? That Hunt Flh.
, ,-. ir vert.un inrjr a spMar?
fc-t nvoi ttv n toe. called OaOu
hs Hut de In the wtf
:.1 eottreiv ttrtt nioltusks iu.
nstt r wv'f spWer, an aia
t. iul. . t ih trpll rk
Sii .' - . I M t
.' . . It U !. UTITW
- j ' m'- ami ew-
r," . :m t ttv
. , Uius; f4A
- i . ot
i,i - i .i' t;iot t 'nuitl:'.
. ;;!' f.in.'lv.
;; . irt'i1!" tSi !-!
M-t 1
nn i
tin '
W ll
1' 1
v i.
l' f
p' ,
- ' iilll'
.,:.. I '
the J.
- t'-.-.r
, t'.'-.Hi:!'
t v.:,tti
n . fTX
11 ".
l! -II
t !
t' V.
' i' . !
: a olnr l' r t tin-
, ih .ii.
' i h " :n.
i -tit o. : !. i...
: fr...u ; i u. ;
r rw.i.v l li'f - ir
r.tU .1- . ; .-. -irt-t
.: . in.i.. . - f rsv
t Uwsi -'.-'.itiiitl
we obf."' f (flat
.ii &
ii( l!t:l
k. : W4
r IlIcJ
ii. i-dtl
', .r
. i-.-i
1 - - Ex-
? Q;ii d
. n"
ul!'i I.
i l i PUB
r li.-lti" r
, -r cr " :i
irl r tatc
i'i.irten wbfc-h
h : . ' li.'.HTnu'UluoM
t i : uuuh aiMooe tbo
i o!d moDtb' of tb
If i tiiey rerenl a r-
. t' k of rn lllt. fonolns
-- ii indij-'tlvr wall. At th
th- nusi from thirty to
pn kitl interpiUar wiiltinx
w-iuni of th warm weatbur.
1 1 !
il I
tif' will rmuiatf tuvlr Xomuik.
Vhy Tt-y Quarrtled.
"1 l.-.i: tbnt yu itiarrpld wltli
Harr;.'1 w. Id m yoims u-omaii tn
anul' r la it wr
Y- - I '1;1.M rf.lfwl th -t!).T t'lrl
'Tic S a h-irr i! i' lu' IK' n-kwl mo
how i'l 1 .. ..ni' I tull liiin twoji-ty-iji..
ai.d In- wi.ii .i:t believe uiol"
'Tin!.-.-!!" said th first. "Well, you
s!ini!' ha- rnforrwl h!u to liob Vatus.
He -ijil w(ar yoo told lilui tht very
n:i uh thine four years a ko." Detroit
Kri' I'M..
Where He Got It.
Teacher Now. Willie, where did you
KPt that '-hewlriK zuin? 1 want the
truth. V.'lHIi You don't wunt the
trufji. tea -her, u ml I'd rather not tell a
He. Tea'-her How dure you Hay 1 don't
want the truth! Tell me nt once where
yoir sot that ehewhis tfuiu. Willie
Uudr your desl:. Rxcbauue.
Illustrative Dancef.
"DancM utied to originate from tribal
"Well, doe'ui't It fieem possible that
Homn of Ulcus popular dunce tend to
illutrati' the inoveiuentH of perxoiw
dodlna n Uoek of motorcare?" WahIj
lnstu Stur
How to Treat a Wire Cut.
Nqtci' let a wire cut on your Htook
K0 ijiiiitn li'U-d. Clean out the wound
M-JtU (oip aud vater, wabh with perox
ide Jf ' d.oyeii and apply a ood heal
ing olniuient. Itural Fanner.
Just a Suggestion.
now (1 retro!
jump out
you to it?
hit ml liac
iiu'h fill ii re Is hlf own. He iiiukeK
It hilitoll
throlli I
it-elf every day uh be goon aloup
II fu
Hiv-Wli'it! Another
Thn '. vjti to make me
of ii j kUIii! She Why don't
Then I run have a belt "d
madl of H.-niU.
nMni Ulnsujir.i. a priint Imal
um man of Orrajii Ctty. wv litis-
I . t - j TmII sail wma
IffNFH IOT n M v-v i ...
not ami Ulkd
The nonattv after a bitter WgUt 0a
trmtNl tha non-.im.tioa of Kmnk ilc
Manamy ef i'ortlantt to Iw chlat In-
t.jictor of locomotlvo uollrw ftir th
lut.rstat rommrr couunlKm.
tiovornor Wont ha honortwl a rv'iul
lthn for tlio rot urn to Kanknkei'. IIU
of Samuel I'orlln, ni'CUM'd of orrat
(it je a confidence Kanto-
A vlnoKsir plant with an annual ca
paclty of 10.000 miltotiK. bKnn opom
tlon at the Kusotte Krult OroworV a
soclntlon runnr. turnins to a nrotlt
cu'l appl that hwrototom hax tmt
cntlrolx wnstinl.
Hfty Kosebcrc mvrvbatitt UaVo
fornuMl a company, known ns tb
Hoeburs S'amp coinjwny. Iiieurjiortiu
mt. the pnrp twin,: to conduct rad
ios tamp buKtnraa to mt the MHfr-
i ptlUon of forlgn trad in atanip.
Senator Chamberlain will aadMvsr
to inane th war department to with
draw tha plan of having San4 tatacd
ceiled to Oretton. Th avnator heM
conference wltj Major Mctnstoe. who
ts now In Washington.
Senator Lane baa bww dvted by
the coonmlatierr ot the goerai la ad
office that a survey haa hn eompU't
mt and aeceptttl of tare townsMp n
Like county, alilrh will permit th?
o; 5aK of t '. lamia for entry about
th- !at reel. In Nvwafcer,
Wit apprentl not the tihtra!
fir. but protiing their iuaocn
to the Ust. Mike Stvo and Kraua
Sejaacur. slaywrst of flpjrse DetLu'-in-Ia
of Vletlfom, went to their tfetb
caimb a the scaffold at the ttate
pn:t: i:y
R, . Mitlve Mawloy ha been ad
v'.ea : :i'cfcttect of the treaur de-r-.r:n
- t th.r plant for the new fed
en.! : ! at MedCord hat about
refc. ! o!n;: r.crn. aad that ihi
; ,nia . ;'.!ttor. bt rady to iubtait
for t
el'. r !.::' xid H. F. Ferry, a
drxir! er .it t!r aoveroment print
ns a -. ? :ib. The mas bad ba
.:;;; -- -i r...?in tbo prepiifamt .4
v. i:V - -i !.e .if2ice wlthoat f!rt
: nun a..- '! ."ft to Puhtlc Prtnter
j Tin- 1'irviius Maautectoriaz com
patsy ' ' or.liind. which kaa ti C
:rac. . r tb- i"t-ror fumisblBg of
th i -u; riMSie COOR bil4iA at
Sian i... tn notified by Labor
."oma .i-nrr Hoif that It maawt not
tra -it: ..cyca mor than olsfct
' ii'juw i
Sap r t !nt of PbWIc laatToe
. tic; r.ft rr'ici turn acnooaecd taat tfe
hirte inaual r3otioo of the
Or-Roi State Teachers' assoclutkn.
Haa-ern d. Uiswv. to be held In La
Grcr.cie. ivtnfc;r U, Zi and 28. will
I v most ttnt'ortaat in the hlaiory
cf ":.' iifiaia-
S- mttor Lane U preparing a bill
. ,n-. i:o? tl- ;ri:t ot 250,000 acre of
, pubiic laau to tba aute ot Oregon,
j the aame to be told at no lea than (4
i an acre, and the proceed applied to
i construction or public road. He wtii
) probably frame the bill giving Ci lifor
j oia and Washington similar grants.
1 Senator Chamberlain haa introduced
a bill granting Oregon 4330 acre of
' awaznp land in townaulpn 37, S
': aontb. range 10 east. Willamette me
' ridlan, heretofore considered Indian
; lands. He haa also Introduced a bill
j authorising a pret'.tninary examination
i and survey of the mouth of th- L'nip
I qua river.
! A hay shortage threatens Wallowa
j county before sprifiK. Diversified
! farming has led to the production of
I silently less bay In tbo soutnorn part
of the county than In the old days,
j before the railroad came. Now stock
i feeding is developing on n consider
' able scale, and all the hay available
, will bo needed for this purpose.
U. U. Haines, a rancher of Kckley,
Curry county, was shot fatally by his
brother In - law, Hut;h Hampton.
Haines, who Is unmarried and about
40 years old, has shown sli?nH of In-
sanity. He attacked a Bister at one
. time, beating her severely, and this Is
j presumed to have cuuxed the shoot
I Ins.
An industry that promises much fu
ture development recently has been
launched In the unfrequented sections
of central and southern Oregon by tho
Oregon Rorax company, a subsidiary
of the American Soda Products com
pany of Portland and San Francisco.
I The propect Is an extensive and an
Important ono. It provides Immediate
development of the soda deposits In
Alkali lake, Lake county. It Is said
that these deposits now uro In the
form of curbonnU- of sodaa product
, that enjoys a ready market.
DurlnK the week beginning Novem
' her 10 competition for the trophy to
j he presented by the hankers of Ore
I jjon to tho best company In murks
uiuiuhlp of the Oregon Natlonul
i guard, will be held on general order
i Junt Issued by Adjutant General ('In
zer. It must he competed for annual
ly. It will ho awarded to the com
pany getting the highest nercentnfce
on a basis of 33 1-3 of tho enrolled
strength of the company at tho date of
last niUHtur. ,
U !s the nun of tills hunk to
t he best Imnktiu: sum vice possible
(iiul wo (U it.
It is also our aim to have the
very best equipment sueh as
Modern Kite Proof Hnnking
Room. iMre Proof Vault, Hue
.ular Proof Safe. Modern Safe
Deposit IJo.ves and we have
Mm, Use This for Eczema
Tr. r:...mlierif Heaitb.
w I.M'i ii iini ,j riUiioo bo
(weett nia .iiru!h at t'.ie bisx-.l." Tbe
sain ffiwa, bs rjd i!r".g t nisia,
Taa (t-P'.a ku1 be w,ibe-l et. s,n,i u
atv im- l 4 airo tvea fownt worth
tosa lo rr--i aaan't r-f
tala eoutitrr r.re bow saree-t on tbtak ani
r preMcrfttimr a wa of wtntrrreii.
tttyinol a.i'l Uir tnsrtwlUnU fr atna
and ail othir nam oi . Thl eoa
gwUMtaosra IXLO. lreerkpUeit
l.M IK'
Vltt. IM.K.fc
i'Siert- iva u jmull vte in TiHt. "
H'ftl t' nt: . tlw iwu ttxtfeel im--Ct.t.
i';iUnn-ik act! tlll4H f"'f.
sill nt'. -at ifti; vutet i'.itmu tn y '
1W.: v.Htw Tills mt -,nrtv . t i
S nt i'tiivrtv Bui'tlmt; t jair
Fn .a Yr K ; XJj, ti" i
t te I Mivratty Sifw l'it",tii?n
Ai.!rHr..m t Yi-, 2Ii; AV
County AtioriKV Acs Vv, -Wj
Xii. its
SterlixMtiun Act Ye. 4(1; N .
Workmen" Conpttfoi Acv
Yea, 4 ; Xo, fltV , ,
ifaom Day LalittMi.
We will t-emu ervi- ? on Hwt
rlrtj. a jui.kti .vl:n.. trcw iU
to - o'el.H s, lor lMtc . ul ito attc-
U l., .t .'Xa. i HI ,HU' Ul II JfTdttf
aervK1 vrul U1 t:ivft as wr ntoru
eaH'tis'r Wtr. l . t f trvc
lir uyti it-e ratt5. .ic tiinc nt
men' awl try tins :mn-lu-oi. Vow'
will be ptease'i.
west QHSwZsjlivas.
S. ''!1 - .1, .. . t tlA" 1 '
dep:r;ner.t .ii fid M If Iw hoi i
tr If it att-rj , ts to hoi i t:;- cub- eo ..I
surveyed land paaaed to the ttato at
the f.ma the surveys wrr approve,
and &u;b lards rre not ralld s ti.i-i.
for in4mnity selections when th-.y
are within a federal forest reserve.
Governor Wat has glvfti out a stativ
nrer'. presentles the le of bis otfl.
in the matter.
The question haa corr.p up before
the department In Washington, where
Miss F rn Hobbs, the governor's pri
vate secretary, la endeavoring to get
a number of state land matters settl'-d
for the ti.:ieflt of tho tauto. About
15.000 acres are Involved in the con
troversy, but iba governor state that
less than 1000 acres are surveyed. o
If the department makes the ntllir:
contemplated It will not serlonnly tif
foci this statu, but will lar,",ly affect
other states.
Farmer and Family Buffer Druiies.
Milton. J. Thomas, n rancher liv
ing near Walla Walla, while driving
his wife and five chlldrra In their auto
on the macadamized rond between
Weston and Athena met with nn acci
dent. A tire hi da- up and the car loft
the road and turned over two or three
times, plnnlni; the occupants beneath.
All were painfully hrulhed.
Raw Wheat Eaten, Kills.
Knterprlso.- Mrs. W. F. Craig died
at the family home Junt south of En
terprise, atter u brief Illness. Acute
peritonitis was given as tho cause of
death. Thin was Induced, the physi
cians said, by eating raw wheat which
did not digest and led to Inflsminstl
of the peritoneum.
Tillamook, Ote. .
il"i".-'v ii"i"i-T'i. . .'.,..: k-i
l jicij-o. wtl kaftwa a pe-
fjal.-ii wfit"; "I ti -vratae4 tfti th
4kr - fBr.t . ,. Il f l l IV ft i-Wr
fr ;.' H i ta' o tl IUt ;
Lv i..n..at yi i'l it.
In '.m t. w c jri n r cf wf.it P r n.
Srtl: C ! r wi- ftl
t t.-l "! I a I! tw-! nil r ur.
ani i .1 I "t aatiiiiii ua
l )o ri ir at tt o la wwefc.
C)t 1
Pto'i li- u i a
ptiisM tc . - )- f-r Uummtv
i bunt , t..d ;ut stoc.
! UbuwmOn
"t bad t tl idMntder H '
I pvltlns, '! ii - b emxl 1
I MX errr f ' ! " I i-.l hAV.
nrt b I Men rl.. , . i ,.,-4 '
km t all rf-l m. I Ur, wil tj I
r IM n T!u iA
"i t ' tJ
At Oil
Sn ft . , i ! j i . ,
fw.'olii - '
I ti II i
j Uic ljrt 1 4 ..w
oo h .,! ur
I i-lf it -1
r. wi , . i r
I Xat
W n quirk, afn xcinoAy for poultry-
fiu,i,ctiiitrnuJ Lomblc-fuoL
ifl I-'ir r.oun r I Ci.Kr
Sli.a., I ... ...I i.. i:,r (vfitrt
ami turrai r -.., r i , i r i.l J
.i, c. .11 ii ii r ' ,,;, f ,
5 l-HIlk "t I 'I I Ur 'tiirr ' ' ' .ii-l.l.
Al .IIDcil.r.. 2. ti 11.00
IW1 3Ion' Hook on liw.. Caltl. 1
lloiii and Poultry; tent (.
r I i.i.
IrliLxL-V -t'-T7(r-f-ir
Jnilur Win. Gullmviiy lu-lil nn nil
jiMiriicil lent) of the circuit court mi
P'rliluy, wlirn lite (ollovvintc fitHi-s
were iIihiohci1 ul:
A. H. Silling vh. t'hiirlti ChiiKrc.
I'luiiltiif liavinu' liKt-tl (III riled liy
I lie court to ileiiHit il.Ul to the
' order of the (Irfciiiliuit, it ltd Imvinij
fnilcil to do iio, t tie court unified u
Iiiiiikh lliiu'liey mid Wesley IviihIi,
iKliiiiiiirttriilnr of the i:stnlc of Myru i
I I utrliey, dccriiMril, vm. Illriuu W,
Smith. Ciihc dlniiiiHHcd on joint
petitloiiH of ilaiiililfn and dt-li:ni.
ilirum W. Huiilh v. JiuiirH
llimhcy mill Wt-nli-y K'iihIi, mliuiri-
iHlrutor. Noil Hiiit.
Rudolph .iiclmiiiii vh. Jiiiiich
Vernon mid wife mid ('. Iv, Ilndlry,
JudKiiiciil In favor of plaintiff,
AM jurore were excunt-d Willi the
t-xcrption of I), lfit.pittrick, M. '
Iliinenkriitl, M. V (irulicr, Fritnk
'Tone, I'. J llrtivvn, J, W. Muddiix,
t t i y- v . . . '
uiiiiH, uoeiea anil n, a. miiiiiioiih,
A incetliiK of the Tllliiinorik
Courtly i'ulr AHHociutltiii wiih held
Saturday tit the Tillamook Cummer,
ciul Clul), tor the purpoHi: of con.
hlderinp; the iidvlnithllil y of (IIh-oIv.
in the AHHueiiillun, Trt lie nhle to
handle whut money the Slnte up.
propriulrt fir n tonnty fair, iho
Atisoi'intio'i should hitvu hiou or-
ro 1 1j. - -i: i a mw
mi ; Sj
gts j " 'VfcT v'iW
SI! "v : t uYft
nil mx.-'".
tin t f ! tjgj
(1(1 KMtmLr&Bm
R. F. ACHiV1iNi I
I-.. : .'.fc'. '
if ' 1 . , PI" ' " '
, , -.v-. ;: ' Pi. . : -
Expert Hcjse Mov?: . i-d F -
Heavy Macy ic - .. i
WMgwMvanMIHttMaiwaWMii ii r-ft -
Well Knowii audi Re ;
Cement : Coai
Root Paint
Docks anil Warehouse Front
tf.uu.ed ii m( I tine. Inn nH it luid
lint liuie mil , Hint ditlc it could n.i
"it lenlly, theiefoir, iliult-r the
t ill illilMlniK e, it wiih tlluiltflil hi-Ht
to diKfulvi ii 1 iilluw t. l oiinly
Full liuiitil lo 1 1 1 it it it u;t luttiir fiiirH
Ihln wnn uriM-d p.. The following
ii-soluti ih wrtr iidopti.'d-
"WhrtniM, we tin n Fair AmmocIii
Hon, huvr driiiountralrd Unit it
C ounty 1'nir cun In- uicri-HHf nl!y
curiiril on, nUo i'onltlrrlnif our
riuccrKH nt jlir .Hliilr Kali with hiii Ii
llinitrd oppoMunillt-M, we tt-ioiu
iiirtwl a liruer iiiitiiinl county fair ;
a lirlter iinnuiil coiinly exhibit to K.
"rut lo the Sliitr l-'alr. We furlhrr
recommend Un.i a pi-rimiuciil
coiiuty rxhlhlt he rMhihliKhed In
lillumook City and lli.il iirrpiirn
IIoiih he made for an rxliihlt at the
I it fit litis l-:xhihitiou In 1(11.1 j ami
(unhi r thut a coiinly expni lit- ur
Miirrd who w( J work under the
dlrecifon of the tSlnte AKrlctilturnl
l ullt-Ki-mid I'niled Htnlt-s Dt-pari-uifiit
of AtcrltMtlttur. Wr hrllevr
Hint II thi-Hi' rrcouimendiiliouM he
rnrrirt out, a will ri-milt In u..
HuiUcd nood lo Tllluuiook ( ouiuy."
We Don't Wunt Your Job
unlet Il tall for
Munty thai wHUS we uitmHa
Tbtttleif, it'iiiiini.. il, itl,,!!,,,
c( 7tH.fW (u(ntd luMtitx lii
luiti lot llil
Ctuiiiifl uitift,
taiitty ul lUilgni,
pllMti lo titfy itipiltfmrnt,
ipullty stfuidlKg "UK ixif Kl
crl uik.
Oul iilhntt tuU jruM naikin.
- "
: Lime : . ck
: Plaster
: Drain Trie
.St. between 2l and 'M Ave. Wot
j A Simple Remedy Which Favort
You act as thoiifih you Just t
doriMl how you are golm; to
tlirougli this trylnK season ami
your vurk.
von tuny bo ororworxou or
Imd a bad t old which has left Jj
without strengtli, aiiihltloti or roudj
Inttireat In llfu; In fact you aro w
I-et tin tell you that Vlnol, our d'
Oils ciul llwnr mt Iron tonic. ! iu,t
Ilia remedy you need to rebuild ''
Ing tlmiins anil roplaco Wl)n,,'
with strtingth.
A prominent Doslott Uwyor r
"My inollier, who Is 7 yen" ftf
owes her ool lieulth lo Vlnol
Inco takltii: It sho can walk tRtm
and do iimro than nhe Ims for yJ
1 consider It a wonderful fl
making and alrength crentlnK tonic
Wo hato mich fatth In Vlnol tn
If It dons not quickly IrnlM y" v
raslore your strength anil "inko yo
feel woll again, wo will rolurn yor
tnonoy. Try Vlnol on our Ktiriinl
I. H. If yon hara Kcromft try
Baxo Balro. Wo guarantee It.
! (JIIAH. I. CLOUtJH ('0.
Tillamook, Ore.
.- ii .1 n"'u