Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 07, 1913, Image 2

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    C. 6.
TtMicd Civicc a Week
C r o m b i c y ,
Cuc5t1.n' J nd Frld.iV
Entered a suvoml-ola -nutter May IT. li it tho pot o'Hce
Orvgtm. under tli act of March 3, IS?.'.
;t v KirrtoN Sl.so v v k in ivvnvu
at nilamook,
Advertising Kate
' pen! Adwtietnent
First Insc-Hon, jht lin ?
Each mbc nt Insertion, lino
Timber i
Notico. per line
Cards of thnnk. per line
Locals, "er lino, fint tmwlicn
1. 00
10 l V. J.... 1 It.. M..r.
I Kch iibquont lnartkn. lints
ti)utfuiw of ondotonco ami
! Crtx notleiw, por lln
Ruin,$ rroflMwlcimlj.im.
n:,.v A.lvrtiiini. tnr Inoh
t. nn Mondav and Thursday Morn-
ln? to inuro pMblioMlHHi In follow
ing Tuwdny ard Friday tue.
Reason are imperative.
ado, all of capital o,tiallty, w fur
nihod nt i cent n pint. At tlrxt tho
mile of soft drink was but onothird a
much a that of boor. IVvday non- alco
holic drink have a demand tnoru than ,
twice a lari:o nn thai of boor,
"Tho company'. rvconU how that
coincident with boor drinking' de
cline Ihorv wast a steady reduction in
tho number of iicoidmita, Groalor
mfi'ty I attributed to tho company'
policy of HirvcYing oft drink with
nicoty and caro.
"In tho United Stato. railroad ami
oiImt hi omithnwr of labor uro In-1
sUlini; iinn wo dalliance with tho Ix-or
mug. Those aro tho da of awlft mo
tor cars, ft paeiiger olovatut. f
triune often sr-coding more than n milo
a unmito. Prinking account' for a
largo ptuportion of autonuihllo acci
dent. Common prudenoo, dictato
that the locomotive engineer and li e
elevator oiH'rntor. men holding Hvo In
Kleve" towns in OrKn have been
wiAed to the dry column. A w ell or
eanixed Hrhtlntr force ha made thl
result .jible. Th fit for prohibi
tion in thee town?, however, ha U'en
but partly won. a it will take a con
tinuance of present organisations,
kept up nt full fishtioi: force, to see
that the prohibition laws are enforced.
It is to be hoped that the towns that
have voted dry do not quit whiK tSe
inh i onlv hnlf done. A seaon of
strict enforcement of the law will have i December
n .ininW intlueiK- fur CTHxl in coniKV-' Utcember
tion with the liquor question.
also floral commissioner to see to the cir h.mU. .hall have keen eye-, an.1
tl. f4rnl w rida- " '""I"""' '""-""k
enforcement of
live to migratory birds has had prepar
ed the following table, indicating the
htiri between which it is lawful to
shoot :
6 :6S
November "
Novemtnir 9 ...
November 16 .
Novomlxjr '2&
November 30..
U ....
.7: to
About SCO vot rs of the city of Till i-.
nook have registered at the Recorder's
oiSce, one hundred of these belmc
women. Tillamook now has approxim
ately TOO voters, thu it will bo sen.
that a small vote will be polled Ht the
next city election which will be held on
Dec 1st. The reevstration books were
supposed to be closed on Oct. 3lt,
however. Recorder Todd says the law
is not very clear on that point and it
may be possible that it will be lepal to
hold the registration books open until
some later date
At the next regular mectine of the J
council provision t'l be mode for
holding the city caucus.
IVeemlxr 11 7 :W
December SB .7:KI
January 7 7:68
January 11 .7 A
January IS 7:47
Sunset I
4: 17
t 2JS
4 :33
the dry
upon it.
"Aviator as iort.Mtieii loail the '
world in skill and darin?. To a man1
they leave strorn drink alone. Nar
cisse Uuimct, world champion golfer,
is a water drinker. Hoyn are l-elntf
taucht tn to'nnasiuma that beer ami
spirits never made chtimplons. All,
ports, biisetull, football, all of them. 1
are linked to tcetotaluni. j
"Alcvhol i a l-isink" rtktht. The ild
are against it. TemvorMl.ce is mt a .
moral issue akxie. !
"It is an economic issue."
Oregon Agricultural ColleKr. Cor
vallis. Ore.. Nov. -t. A preliminary
announcement of Farmers' Wvek and
the Winter ijhort Gourtc at the Orvtjon
AKricultural ColWe has just been
issuetl from the ollice of the Registrar.
It announce the dates of Farmers',
Week December S-13, I'JIX ami the
Winter Short Course, January &-3I,
19 1 J. nml indicate that the key note of (
Farmer' Week will be rural or:utiii.i
tion. In this connectliKi. a jril
feature of Fannir' Week, it prvmlnea
. t . :.. . .1: . .r
Recent election returns indicate that Th f0iiowjnir drv towiw remain dry : 1 , , .... ... ., .... . .
the Democratic administration has Wallowa and Florence. t. i i i- ... . i
, . . , . i,. .u rwu 5 .Political lonuniy on hK tour of lt ,
been sustained by he electorate of the fo, ttct to , r0lna,n ; whl!11 Wcnt abruat, ,
easu Prudent W, Hon and his eo- wel. The Dalles. Jo.o. Milwaukee. I, :he Oregon reprcen-ative, on the
worker, have been do,n5 abou the , Sutherlin. Hamlon. NVwp,,,,. FhI s nutU(na, rotJimli lt mWa,
right thine and the people appreciate cit. Vaco. Ma ne. Metoltut, Ea e 1 ... ,
., . , ... u,;.. . ', h ' reports on Amiirican cooperative nrKit-
it. They have not been olaymir politic : ! om. arui prccmct 76 in Portland. i , ., ' .... ,;,
mc ... .-- t ne niosi noiauie ur- victory wu.i iuv i
o.n .I.ltvMa rnnrlM tn tK nonle. and I t.-i . ..I. ...i . . ..- i .... n... . I
, ,: : , , . m. ' Thcri. rc muhucn or twenty nuin
hey have irone at the job in ' 27l for and a;ilin,t. t)rck.on t,ty of outltnuln u,r
that has left no doubt ,n the mind. f , oJ 974 dry and 759 wet. The other ,,,. w , of F,KJf.
the peopl, Mtoatthev e atMl al . '
vor.n ; to do This proeedun Indeed djd lhe welJl win ,,y 1V(sr H th wvn.nK. will
refreshing, after such a protrac ed n)ajority of ci(.hty anj ,osl of thulr f w uf lh
season of ch.canery as wa, pertrated lnajor.ties were beW forty, some bo- ! ej hlw ,,,. ,H ,nM
upon the people under the old taad nR ,ow M lwo hnd six unA seven. int wtr , mbutin fnn
at res'me' I The "sult Tucad-y'. prohibi-1 four , of moru Thuj ,jjlrvIni.
- !tion election- telU u that another ' ,,, WCU; . , R.ilm,t. Jul;.
near. sironK proniouion wove la sursini: uj-
If You Can Manufacttire Anything
Come to
To Do The Mantif a cturing
The dry forces won "marked
throughout the state latt
eleven cities bein added to
The following wet town went dry :
Salem, Orison City, Springfield, llill
boro. WooJburn. Dufur, Rainier, Stay
ton. Sherwood, Gresham. Harrisburg
and precinct. 57. 59, 0 and 61 in
The following dry towns remain dry :
Wallowa and Florence.
The following wet to ns remain
wet: The Dalles, Jo.oph. Milwaukee,
Sutherlin, Hamlon. Newport, Falls
City. Waco. Maine. Mcloltu. Fugle
Point arid precinct 76 in Portland.
THm n.rf nnlnhti irv virlnrv wan ihv I
.... ..j ..... iotxervers.
Froc NIIvn unci NMclnl
I IUllUaiMkllt.S lO lllON)
wlio will hrliiK pay-
t 3a 4 ma si ii I a I ii ri ii f
city on ikluilciii Hay
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Wheeler. Oregon
I'oflUnJ Oltut, 327 l'dm rM
TiU.nwilt Office Lit V K, l!J
December 1st being the date set for I on us which may result in putting Ore
that event. Mayorality candidates are , con in the dry column in 1U14.
as scarce as hen teeth The office ofj Return, from lllinoi are also very
mayor is a thankles job, but regard-j encouraging. Nine Illinois towns
less of that it is the duty of some one' formerly wet went dry; and not one
of our strong business men to take j dry town went wet. Among thu town
hold of the work in hand. As a nileithat went drv were: Jackjwnville.
our mo3t capable business men keep PeKrsburg. Pinckneyville, Percy,
clear of citv offices and in conseauence UlUa, Virginia ami Boardaton, all
!. 1
the interests of their town ami their , targe piace.
own individual interest-. Hre oft timed j The women of both Oregon
,VnnarHipri. It in to be hoped that, nois are given the credit for
our people can get together ami put
some one in for mayor who will run
the city on a uusnefs basis and ever
keep in mind the beat interests of ti e
and 1 1 la -
many of
the dry victories. Good for the women !
The liquor business is on the run.
For year it has been paralyzing, ruin
ing and debasing much of the liest
blood of the land. A halt is being
called all along the line against the
liquor business. The German Emperor
who is anxious that his country shall
live up to iu best opportunities, and
that his army shall be second to none,
has come out fair and square againut
the liquor business. President Wilson
and Secretary of State Bryan ami other
A refugee from hor own country,
under three years' prison sentence for
violent militancy, Mrs. Panlthurst has
through the favor of President Wilson
been admitted to the land of the free
for a lecture tour, to raise funds for
"the cause" over there. Sho will try
to justify militancy in England, but is members of the pronMcnt'a cabinet are
under pledge not to stir it up here, also exerting a strong influence for
Mrs. Pankhurst is not "drawing" as the cause of temperance. Every county
anticipated. At Madison Square Gar- now has its score of big men who are
den. where 12,000 were expected, only fighting the liquor business. Tho iia
3,000 appeared. If the charges made loon is a strong competitor tj every
by Anthony Comstnck and the New 1 other line of business for tn himple rea
York Society for the Suppression of j son that money which should buy food,
Vice is correct, as it appears to be, clothing, hardware and every other
that she brought with her and has been kind of merchandise, doctor lulls ote.,
circulating at herneetings copies of a , is too often spent over tho bar. Men
tfg Dairy Cattle; Farm Huttor Making;
die Bfibeook Test DemonstrAt.-d ; Milk
Kucord and the Babcuck. Tvnt; Dairy
Herd Improvement; Daisy Ration,
Farm Cnuuse Making; and Cxemn S;
arator Dumoi.stra'.ioti. Horticullre. to
use a B.tcorwl example, wilt include the
following: Choosing an orchard; Es
tablishing the Orchard-; Maintaining
the Orchard; Pruning the Orchard;
Orchard Heating ami b'inuding; Wal
nut Growing; Growing lruna; Prune
Drving-; and Fruit Packing.
Vegetable growing. jultry, llvo
i stock, health, home- economics, Held
j crop, and busine methods on thu
. farsa. together with varioui other fun
damental topics in agriculture are
similarly treated.
cation of vrtncipal pluje of bolKmn
si Angclt-r. I'nlif IxHintuiii of work
I il lloimotwiile. Tlllarwuit Vounty. Ore-
NO PICK Tin-rear' dullnqount u("in
the following decriN-J tok, o fee
count of n.-nnio(il loilil on ttc 'Zlnl
of Augunt, 1913, tho several amount
setopMHiitu the name of tit rmpee
live shrteholticr, us follovn :
No. No.
Names Crt. Sli rvn
paper etiiieu oy ner oaugnier in i-un-don,
containing matter that is obscene
and indecent, then Mrs, Pankhurst is
an "undesirable alien," and the sooner
she leaves our shoreB the better for
the suffrage cause,
Several of our boys have been arrest
ed by Game Warded Leach for violating
the law in regard to shooting ducks
after hours. The boys were entirely
ignorant of the law and had no inten
tion whatever of violating it. The
shooting was done only u few minutes j rt.proaenteiJ by half a million dollars
are now realizing this fact,
ThuWcuLAct which prohibiu the
shipment of liquor into dry territory
within the state, has been a strong
factor in influencing many voters to
vote dry, for it is now pogsiblo to keep
liquor shipped for commercial purposes
out of dry territory.
In summing up the situation wo pub
lish below an editorial taken from the
Orenon Journal of the fith.. which wo
I think hits the nail pretty Miuarely on
the head :
"Bavaria, the hornu of beor, drank
less of that beverHge during thu last
tvolve months than during the former
year. Olspatchea say tho decrease i
ufter the time proscribed in the law.
It is quite likely that thu authorities
will deal lightly with the boys, they
should not he unjustly prosecuted. By
letting the boys oir, nn uxamplo will
have been made that will liuve its ef
fect all ovor tho county, and no Injus
tice will have been done.
The following will bo of interest:
fStute Game Wurdon Flnley, who Is
not much, perhaps, b.it enough, to in
dicatc a general tendency. Tho de
cline in beer drinking by Bavarians is
attributed to Emperor William's tem
perance crusade,
"In Berlin, the General Electric
company flvo years ago established a
cutituun for its thousands of employes
Hear was provided, of couno. In ad
dition, tea, cofi'ee, seltzer and luinon-
(Publisher.) OXUH
Department of The Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland,
Oregon, November 3, ID13.
Notice is hereby given that Irene
Willis, of Blaine, Oreion, who, on
January 2.'), 1112. made Homestead E.i
try No, 0.'IS, for SW, .Section 10.
Township H South, Range 8 Welt. Will
lunette Meridian, has (lied notice of
intention to make Final Commutation
Proof, to establish chum to the land
above described, before the County
Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook City, Oregon, on ih Kith
day of December, lttl.'l.
Claimant names as witnesses: Mat
thew Thompson, I.ee P. Gray, Honry
Davis, Josephine King, all of Blaine.
Oregon. II. F. HIGBY,
(PUBLISHER.) osaiu
Department of the Interior.
IJ. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland,
Oregon, November i), PJl.'i.
Notice is hereby given that Josephine
King, of Blaine, Oregon, who, on Jan
uary 2.'J, PJ12. made Homestead Entry,
No. 033-19, for SE, Section 10, Town
ship 3 South, Range H West, Willam
etto Meridian, has llled nottuo 0f inten
tion to make Final Commutation Proof,
to establish claim to tho laud above
descrined, beforo County Clerk of
Tillamook, County, Oregon, at Tillu
rnook Clt;', Oregon, on thu Kith day of
December, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesoos: Leo
P. Gray, Ireno Wlllla, Albert J. Mo
Cough, Mrs. Minnlo Wilmot, all of
Blaine, Oregon. II. F, IIIGBV,
I. fin
la w
nod an
L. A. Oinahl U
Gaston A. Ganahl 1 1
Joi!phinit F. Gnnahl M
Josephine F. Ganahl fH
Josephine F. Ganahl fill
And In accordance with
order of tho !A)up of Director.
mndo on the 22nl day of Au
gust. 1913, so many stuns of each
pared of such ntock st may be
necrsnary will ! sold at (mlilic nurtinri
at the ollice of lh (,'ouipany, at No. KV)
East First Strett. Iih Angele. Cali
fornia, on Satunlay, tho lath ijay
of October, 1913. at the hour of
10 o'clock. A. M. or nald dy,
to pay said dt-linqocnl askctmmcnt
thereon, togvthor with cotii of
advertising ami -xii-os.- of the sale.
II. W. Uham.
Olllre No. K!0 Eut First St., l An
geles. California.
Notice la hereby given that thu alu
of the above delinquent stock bus Ixieu
postiiom-d until Monday, tho 17th duy
of November, 1913. at thu same hour
and place.
By order of tho Hoard of Directors.
Dated Oct. 18, 1913.
II. W. I sham.
Ollico -No, h30 East First St., Los An
geles, California.
Notice of Hnul Settlement.
M.lt... lb 1......I... ..I ,t....
t'Hiw in ;ivi:i; loai. WMI 1111-
ilortlgned has (lied with thu Clerk of
tho County Court of tho Statu of Ore
gon for Tillamook County, his final ac
count as Administrator of tho Estatu
or Ray WilHon, deceased, and by order
of Maid Court Huturday, tlmHth day of
November, 1913, at the hour of ono
o'clock P. M., Is fixed as tho time mid
the County Court room of Haiti Court
us tho placo for tho hearing of said
final account.
Leo V. Wilhon,
Notice of Sherlll's Sule ol Ue
I by virtoo of an Execution and Order of
'.Sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of
no hiuio oi oiegon, for Tillamook
f .oiinty, duled the lHlh day of October
J913, in tho cause wheruin D. F. 'frowl
In-idgu was plaintiff aim Luwieuco K,
Sunders and Gertrudu A. Sanders, Thu
Flnt National Hank, a -of ; alluo,
nod (. I. I. worn Icfp'vlanU, iift
a jmlrilTitnt owl dccri irmlrfr.) r-
dokntnl lit mid court ami mUno ujjalimt
dfifitAnU. Ufr kv K t(wlfr
am t;rtruh- A tat". t. 4 i-i f4vir
of taiil ptntnlllf. it.Miolinl)- Ui UK, in
llh Intorc-ot thrrri frn Uwi Jlh
day of April. Vi. at lh rutc of 7 ir
rnnt. wr annum, thu furtlwTr oin of
JU M rti . Uw further mm of )i).i)
atlornny" (ov . IJSUi.Ui ont atvt
diburtn-nt, by Hi ntU- ..f Uh rto!
jniM-rly lirloninK' t ..if.ttBnu,
ljwirnr E Samlur jtI t.crlmdv A
SnlcM Itrrolimf trr lo4criK-..
NV. TIIFREFnltK. in onlrr to
atlify tho unlil Jud;oiiiol no. I ilrerco,
aol WI.IXl coU atvl I'lnlMiririimnU iliio
tho turfcKlmit rorovaml by th dnfml.
ant, Tlin Firt NatKoml Bank, aj-alo.l
uiil di-feiidanU. La--rvi-' (v Saiaiorit
ami CiTtriKlc A. Hawlr, In rau.p
ami the amount irui on tlw judgmnut
inftitloocd and art .-it in u, i.r,.,. u
to.Mr ut tho aid k)rrinlrn. Tfw Firl
Nitional Bank, w agatfwl nald .lr
frtxUnla, Lawrn-Ko K. .Sainlcru ai.
trtrudit A. SarKlem, amounting tn
thn um of I2d0.nu, toifrthnr with in.
t-rt thrrcon at tho rate of jmr root.
H.r milium from thu 'ilth day of June
Hi 10. the further nuiu of V 00 attor'
"' tt aiul fl2.ri rout am) dii-
buriemrnt, ri;n,vt,n-. in riiKl court on
thellUiday of Novninlx-r. 1910, uih
lo the cimta and expcime of ibia
writ, I will, )ui tho 2!n. day of Novem
Imt. 1913, at the hour of l0oV,ick a.m.,
at the front door of tho County Court
hoilHo in Tillamool. ",iy, Oregon, .ell.
at public nudum, to the highoit bidder,
for cumi In hand, thi. real property b.i.
longing to nui.l dur.-ndiinL. I.awrciico
l;. handoM and Gertrudu A. San.,r
siluaU-d In Tillamook County, Oregon,
dencrlbtid as follows: '
Tho iiorthuiml quarler of section
four, in township four loiitli of rang.!
nine w. st of the Willamette Mrrldluri.
con tu mg L'W.97 acre,, more or l,.
Datcil October illth, 1913
o, , ,''1:UI''AW,
Huorlir of I lllamook County Oregon,
by virtue of a Judifm.mt
made mid ontoro.l on tho 31st day of
October, 1913, In . cortain ciiiiho poml
Injf In tho Circuit Court of tho btute of
Rudolph iichium, u tho pluliitlir and
James Vernon Sr. and J,, l0 )0 V r'
ued under tho Jiiilgniuiit mid oVrmi
o e.ald or, tho ff(, ,,iy ,)f Nov,,,,,,,;'
Jl.l, thu undersigned sherlir of Tllla
Z. ii, VV,,ty' " Thurm ay,
County, Oregon, nt thu hour of tun A.
soil 1M ,". 11 i'i'1,"' WW0' f,,r M' '
i i i highest bidder for cash In
l"i.d tho following (loHi'rlhi'l rual priip'
ty.ltuated In Tlllainool Kty,
Ht'Klniiliig at n point 35 feut South of
th Soulhwat r-r tiflitart
tho to wo of .i . - nJi
roriMiratci nti" f f'iUsM
Ofcgon, atwl r-' t irSa
fwt . Ihottco Km( ! UA
mirth 3A feil. o rl
the nlaco of m-j rlt i U
half of 70 fl .' I tc fllMSl
of IU0CW4 thror a I 'ut r
l.v ihi ( n I . I j. tr
Uto rorrgoift !d bitfl
liy 1110 atoffiaiai Mt drww.
tlfy ajodKit' I i4enJ
10 ilir rl,i 1: 1 1 o-jrt ltd
In favor of rol i i t 'f llbM
man, ngalnit ai l defeivw"-
Vnr.uwi tr ..iwl la'otlir$
.(...,,,. ... - .- 1
the mm of PX1 36 .th trftUq
f rum Jntitiarv- Tih 1313. ti
th-r uni of irt c 1 urnofT !.
fir, and the tjtfiet tun ll
cot aitd dubuf'incf'U IWw
aid plaintiff, a 1.
Jlldgnmnt nbUH.c 1 in M t&
eauiu 111 lavor ' urit!-"
11.11.... I .t..frivll.'j
Vnfiulo itr afMl J'K IK)
tho allin of W W. '
thrio at the ra'o of I'M'"
- 1 i-i '(. 1-
tho firthor .tun -f
rem, and tho rurtia r um of v&
and dUburoeilln U il'jrrw t
C. E, lludluy
. . 1 . ...1 . rik IQI1
11 1 ........ shrJl
11. I IIKKU.-I
TtllaniiOli louutf.W
NOIICIJ lSI!l:Klil"a
NOTICE is iiiviiMivqivef
by vlrtuo of an Fx r .itioii wf :
tho Circuit Curt if llffttMi
1 oaieii urn ii oiiy n,.'
In ilu. ...iiu.. liln-ri 11 r. !( " ,
I ilalnllff nod tho l,rt',"c1.',1j,
Mlllllitliy Wll HUH" III I ,
muni thorutoforo remhTCl w
cd in Mild cau and roUft . ,
lllOlll OOlllk- IIKHIM 'l ",. .,
I thu Pai'lllc C ity R.itU ij;H"f
I favor of tho said pin J:'lil
ami iimouiHiug 10 ,
tint limn-on at iu ""J" , iVJ
iur 1111111011 fnilrl tl.l uilf'l "l J
uiior, 191.1, ti ui f --
inirnuiiionia, ,
,i,.,n iihi 1..11 1.' 1.1 ill I-:, ill"
satisfy thu said J.hIkMV'1' ""
u..,l u ..f I I.IK HUM "
Mill, UA'WIIJVW ' .1
thu llth day of Ih.cmbor, 1
. 1 .1... fnillldlW
C,,HK : ' . . 11
lyouniy ujuriuoiiiv
...... u-.ii ,.i oiihlic HUCtioa
' :. r: ; : .. m h
lllglicrtl lllililor ior ' 1.
real propuriy of l M J oi
situated ill Tlllamuoa v...-.-
nml described mm fullowu.
. - .. - ill ''fl. HIM
Lots 4,6, H,7, . U
Block ajiuid LotsHiiml w
till lit Uiiiwtt iif I'tirine Cliy.
Dated Novoiiiber lu"r.tf
ll. ureimii" - fll
Tillamool' County. v