C8EGCN NEWS NOTES NEWS FRCM OUR OF mm INTEREST NATIONAL CAPITAL BRIEF NEWS UF OREGON Events Occurring Throughout t'.s Stae C'u.-i.tg tho Past Weak. Official Washington Takes Keen Interest in Mexican Pres idential Election. .'.ilftr.l l pin to :.:r . : tea::; I to trtft I U. ( VI New .1 t on .oveniber tT. YorU their Water te Be Lowered. KMUnatn Falls According te let ter received " Preetdeot Mum 01 v e l-oor Klamath Marsh Land 0u- . association, from Reoceeeotative s :.r.t!tt. offic'.ala cf the reclamation -nice are drafting a torm of bond, upon the signing of which Instrument i! e grvontmev.t will cioae the gate at t e railroad track, chimin the water ot K It. math Unit out of Lower Rla tr. ke. wh'ch w.ll allow the recla-r-,'..j of much mar. h land around t ? ia . by towering tb water leva! 1 m bo. d ia to tnare th government ,.iut any damre actions that might aria, and to protect the gov eminent against any damage to the w.ter right ot tho Van Brimmer d.tch. -Wet" and "Orya" Wage Camodignt Salem. Tho mcti strenuow wt hi i dry campaign ever carried on la S em U aow teing wxged. Both atdee 1 1 wel orpa nlied. and until 10 day a , ) it was conceded even bjr the aa livi Interests tfc.tt the city would bo o d dry on November -I. bat wtthla th- last week ibe wtt have perfected j tir rgaRimtkm and aow declare th. wiU ia the election. It te fen--r. ly conceded thit the reauit of tho et- 'ion reata largely with the women, an.! both aides are centering their ca- p.iign on thean. The last time the i -.f was presented in Salem, wtth on the men voting. tb city remained i- jr a very amen majority. 1 Waahlttgton. - Official Waah.ujttou awaited with keen Interest tho out come of election In Movtco nndtir auoervtaioa of tho lluertiv provMuiwl governmoat. recognition of which ans already been denied by the American govrmment Thn European nations -tlreat Britain. Ueriaaay aad Pro two havr agreed to adopt no new policy low anl Mexico ttntll the gt "ament of tho United States can submit for their ooneiie ration a definite ptau for lb- future treatment of the revolution torn republic Thai a request of ta powers to await a proposal ragardla?: Heiicti frvra th! foverameat had bm made, and tiat the threo great Buropean an Uoae had ytehied to the reqwoat m aononoed by Secretary Bryan. Whed .the note to the powers It to be presented haa not been determined, b"? tht ttief orcvatla that reaaoaabU t!ae will be given for the announce ment from the Huerta govornment In 'rxlro ot the result of laat Sunday eieeticfl for a aew goTornmoac Preaidtnt Oppoaai Slnjtc-Djnk Plan. The proaident made it known la emphatic terma that he waa oppoeed 1 to the ceotral bank plan aa auKKoeted Tho ellrtrl of till wm Mitiulcrftll, J'tMili tlui "t'ortitln Krvah" nl tho IVhlo OlrU oro Kh'VisI tinfoly lit Ileum 00. t'd.n- ii.HMitlv Imh-biiio iio alntMKHl thrtt ,lv wWrtnlnihe;i((,r(t,MB; U mm,t, Mmtl y,mllt lit feminine Knrb thoy Kalllod ftt. riu'ntac, twwovor, w ilUcovciwl he ! foio It mlalim full) itiitlot nod , th Kreehitten lwK roftio In aitentliy ' i houoo. JSl ' i S'l'h" I"1"" cUwoly lionlogrtl for . itomo timo. Internet tun lilch wl ' tun momhora of tho Fitfully toM cor- tm mMncluo dtorloe. very likely the , pnnlwct of n ovor wtuUKltt liiwtH' tlon. To thoao wo will ny: "Uh ' want a tangled web wn weave, when rlrt e prHcltco to deceive. ' Woll thewchwaa atnw unwtHiiyl. for the cop w autntttoiHHl Awl tho ImUI . acared hero ef ihe Milk ltotth triitilo. t r.vtl ctwtt tv l out of debt nnd haa n Jv!am-c of ...i,C-0 Croi yield waa t.. and flrat ciaan und larpe a.vlw of ' cattle t tc Hcea were mmlo. I The firat ehlpmottl of forolRtt montji to the Cortland innrKet lm been ro cclved A carload of Auetrnilnti heef haa beou brouaht Into thut nuirkut by the Union Moot ootnptitiy of I'ortlttnd (iranta I'aae, by vote of the neotde. authorised ttvue of J?0,0ou railroad bonda for hutlUlatt firat to mile unit of the ttranta Paaa Cfoecant City line to the Voaiit. j nt: -M bteel Lined h tha kutofl of wur . If county a-alorof tt)t(; ,u ttnt, , tlnM f h-eiefr.n .hU-! meaaua rarry into effect the new reno-ncl dlrifo : "I'he , law. every el.ht and mcaaum deed Turt, r)os,n... 0. iu cvamrrruii imrxunti mil nnin iu i uadento a teat. The votlag ttower In the Umatilla drainage dlatrict will be leieed itt the amount of laud owned, oao vote belli allowed to each dollar or major frae- tempora; t' yrea! Thm Mt nieht'a nrpceedinL'. Jtut a , claaa roah. a friendly nO.Uatdile over a j I uolen pennant Una been of rent value : lo the school eml to the Pronhmcn i tM.M . Hmm ikikV m titrlvlnir ccimiiO 'IrZluct, were d-aeoa 'J "Z? w . . . . i inner aohool life, that lake -f Butter and Cheseoraaken aaU the Ore gon PelrymoM'e aaaociatioaa mffl lu Jotot aanual eoifcntioa. The t'mpitua port organttatton reourted Screti ry Lane to arrmage to hove a ir!Uni.'8s,y eartoy made of the Tctpoua Tar and river with a Hew to etitaiti ? apuropriaUoo for in vi.:g ftaitioa cosdttione, fannera Urtas Kcar Aahland ar r-ilt Ins mny aolUng goat meat at ! the dullooae out of atud) that I wekla tha acHool In a mora frtci -llv nit-l i compact body. a to the Firnhim-ti. i thcr are a claa now, the have re 8 xpwnelbilltlee and hav UKrn the rirt i Me o. that lirat atep ia tlvay the jhardeat to take. It more Kreahtnen rlaeaee had been given trta like tht ' w wooki have a different eclwnl today. 1 Hitherto alnce the Intatta Interval ome foonrf in the now fortrlUn Utor cal-i i m SHOT SHELLS Cuf tou your lend Get yttr bird with the cntr of thr load IN tit lnltlt(t id ),.iU)(.l.. lit yiv.Uit (, ' hm h (ilm'-Mt ! lllVlM l , i ' ... I - . .. I I ... H .1 . " ''I m ill" t"iMl wmm , tni all ,,,,e J.J- to (K-IHI l4 )h III lh lll-t, ll h lt.MU.I,ii. ut. i I IIU.HlLul ll l. . You fi ii hi HmiitiMi UMC A mbu S , tVij 1), I ,o,r. ,'( et iKr kth t.it mt.'; titan any odior tlll Viuii lit il.o . i - i . 111)- fill .l.wi ilia Ue. w,mI alxiltl hr " '( e l Mlt o - -,f . I t V.. lu i t - ... , M . J I---M' w -I w.. .. ,. 1). ,j It...-..-. t -K Ak.uJ N4h.tU .1 ' i -.w-j i ii t- wivfiiMiii., Y- J-l4 - li ). O, . , H !. -Ut4 im mM. wLw Wl, IU Krmth.lun ,tmt Inion Mtlll ffriii Ctt, ,., v,i.ni i in v.tteiiai v to H e.nta a powid. The tnoat ,TJ wrmi " TO7","'" by mm A. aaderllp of the .National , ttvtn t ,lt, l" lh fhol CUr bask of New York, and aa I " niph h Mom wltoc-,Kx!. N, ior tafanamlle bv manv ' received from ; ""T -Jl d- Eight-Hour Law to 3e Tea ted. " ilcm. The atate board of control ht:- rtjc?i! Labor C'ommiaaloner o. r Hoff to bring suit agaicat the be r 1 o tst the (jeeetion of whether tf - :&;-fatar lew appt'e tithe em lJo ; at atate tntitationa If the cou. - atould hoK that it doee apply to : ' fat:tutions. It la stated that r.o o-- of te tait:tutioaa would have ist appsopmtioa to carry it th- ; tx next year without a deli ct The governor has said that It rr ; v aecear.ry evea to caJI a ape c, a4on of the Hg'slature to pro- " , r th cmoreacy. ; - ;p(nlor3 ra oaM of ocraonal G 1L HAS GOOD ROAD JPLAN Fa - Supsrviaer cf Eshocis to Lrt the' Fupits Bji;ti M 3hway. - 3i Roatf l filing, a eonree ct tti. for t.'c ruri! iciuxils of weitera ounty. is to be Introduced atta in a w days by II! CoUle Van Bite- ecr.ooi supervisor in Ihe Slua lav strict. lDftr;cticr. hevc beea n. .: !. This te lh? firct exprimeat o: isd ever ttMdin Oregon. Xc vial rcad-bu!ldisg is tho laboratory wh'cb will accompany this The chilcren of each district iid and maintain during the Aicg rainy season a atrip of read a ear tte school building, ool whote road ataada the win is found iu the beat condition the winner of a unique con- 1 which school children on the eagerly are awaiting to par- orsed irformaily by many members cf the senate committee. He reiter ated through Secretary Tumulty that the Q bus Owen Mil. with Its system of 12 regional reserve banks related only th roust the functions of one fed- rl-reftcrve board sitting at Waehlng ;ox waa "adwirab'.y suited' to the needs of ;he country. , The president made It clear to ihe soaate leaders, that he did not belle re tho senate committee should try to disturb the foundation of the Mil that passed the house' to tb ext-wi that it would havo to be recoodoJod to pro vide for a aingie bank. ' Seamen Get Relief. The La Toilette sabatftatc for lb "seamen's servitude" hill, so amended ae not to affect the treaty relations of tho L'alted States) until the president A Grande' r.tw torn t city gore? has ad aa opportunity to readjust tit f.BiU rt crrr"- i.-.to ef tft aw n . h -i- .Hki iana:0v4lo llg " " T 1 1 '?v- -r, i9 wiv Mil . . . w - tr, : ef-4-t tkAt a- ur",r ml hpe raaoed away. - 's. tu!KU- to hold office bite tlh c'iV The declakn. Cement : Coal Shingles Root Paint Lime : Bricl Plaster Drain Tile : But let the spirit remain. We are , i capable of rteing to this emericrn-y 1 1 .." ?ra !r J. A Vt n ftrnkht acttra " w :s. - .... Pae of the or just peel. n n.,t an idle dream thin vision of a live school , s ... 1 .1 . .l . . i ' ;tr -i -iirf ('.-wn hv Ihn aui.rwn. ' '.V " wr piMW, " o v-Mert Ir i J wr-k snalmMt nrkiru.n m tl " heeo" 4ir t'l.'a' n:;d "rfhana rtscvci 'n thun : per coot of amount csfceu. 1 r employer' liahftlly act. I.AMH-SCIIRADHR COM PAN1 Dock .mil Wdrchouir: IVomI St. bclwre.n 2d and ,'ld Avt. W: , no more. It can and moot be a Hee txw. "He chi of orisitKwrs wrote Sena lor Chamberlain saiag il.W.fV ntfttUi bo -a&'ttd flr year for the O The contract lor a football game haa been secured from Forte t Orove for November etahth. There wot a meotim; if th U'eteiar twhe hat imfiroMea ttadet a : Club taat Tuesday. Th boiinos of -.-io? corstraot. ami, adeoealias i renin waa dienuaeeS of' ol aif ...e pumps oa the dredfe ntitwok. 'other trMauiog fined for Imt. aegt U ha been deftaireiy deHdmt that jTuoadar at which there will he a real debete. TheWebetnr Club m worth of mention stivl attrntion not ontr for them, passed the senate. The. La KoIIette iubalitutu dlffared in many respects from tho original bill which passed both bouses of ca- .-ra. but wbcib did aot meet I L'lC Tp I. l-itfTi ; t tt i '.hocgUt crasry uutr tl.a U.ir HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. wcr-: will apro CO't.t tr will I tf7t i S;j..!.: with the approval of President Taft Its Chief provlsicns woold require im proved workUg qronrtera ,nd working fJJ" 'eo l)oo Little. Jr.) ur.Ji'OE.. on sh;p?. Increase the n-- j a an introduction to these High rju rment for surety appliancee and School Notes. ' the writer of them cfl.ciencj ss.iors, releaso sailor ! wj,hcs to make it known, tftat he will Iwmh rr. . . nf t lt. til Hnviinl r..f lb I ltm ' It- . . . ... - t " ' . .iiunure siriciiy to iruin, mat no will that compel them to remain with ahips I K,v,. unbioJ uecounLi of clans pro .wheu In foreiBn porta and direct the j cawlinio, that his intuntiona nrc oo-l aorogctton ot any treatios trial pro-.ami thnt lie will omlenvor tJClpu'" . f'oji.iy Judpe H'.lmus W. Thorn ri sen. I. ine county c most active good roai athuelast, was so plensod with thir r man's plan to teach the Innda-, Keputiicons, Democrats and i'ro ment. of road building In the rural fcivw-'vin of tbo house will Join In pre- he immediately offrrwi s i,t;r:g Miits Jimsit- Wilson, daughter r cups aa pnif for this of the president, with a weddluis clft. l- j Spelter f'lark will uam a committee ; , to carry out the plan. One Dead, One Hun in Vreek. ; Senator Chamberlain has boon den IJak'-r -;r.f- man wan k'lled out- ' I una ted by the floor leader, Hanntor riKbt, ai.oth.-r was Dllghtly injured and . Kom of Indiana, lo act In that oanac two valuable n-ce horst-h werf hurt in ity during his absence from the city, a wrerk hix miles north of J'raine I President Wilson has commuted thf City on the Bumpier Valley railroad, j sentence of Krw.Vrlck A. Hyde from Robert S. Ku-hrdton of IlaCVr was 1 two years, and that of Joost Schnolder killed i-'. J inn ied from an over- i... t if- h4,.b iiv w-iii uiMiviivtir uy vrv hlblt the enforcement of the provln- j method at hi comrnainl lo lv lo the lon .-.sa.nst foreign shlpn coming Into tmhlic n fir I rMiir.i.i.. .inU f life, to work for the internal of the school in Kdncral and one Woe Do Lit tle, Jr., in particular. On tho ninht of October twenty ninth between tint hour of eight and much later, there o-'curoil a battle roynl at tbo echo! house ami oUawhere. The American ports. National Capital Brevities. Whether tbore shall he one federal reserve bank with branchos through o'l' the Cnltiil States or several bauks an provided for In the administration I'M l,r-.m fn In lie tho rIili-f Ukiih nt Ihe flnal enrrenrv reform flirht In . -"nK partio, Wore ill,! Frhmtt, fenate cominttiiw. bcbocj'- thtit two h.i -li Koci roa'ii- cor.t-i turuinr William Jurcd. car r.iiic.'i fell Hall of John on htm, and Day was In- Has Vision of Railroad, Klamath Palls. Tbore Ib every In dication that the railroad from this city to Merrill and from there to Fern ly, Nov., will he hulk next summer. I from li months, to HGO dayx' Irnpris onraeuu lie uiu not remit linos of $10,000 and 11000 respectively asses od against Hyde anil Sohnelder. The two men were convicted of land frauds In Oregon and California. Rear Admiral Charles 1C. Clark, re tired, commander of the battleship Oregon when nh made her famous trip around Cape Horn nt the opening of the Spanish war, today accepted tin There is also evidence that the road to the north will he built to connect 1 invitation of Secretary Daniels to be with the i-Iill line coming south and ' on the bridge of his old ship to lead that both Harrnnan and Hill Interests will uhe the same lino for tho heavy exposition travel. Recall Nominees in Fight to Stay. Hood River. All tho candidates nominated by tho recall petitioners have HignlfieJ their intentions of final., fylnr; nnd making the race against t,hs mcialrrs of the prcHeut county court at the November election. Equalization Board Meets. Sr.lem. Tho stale board of equali sation began holding hearings Friday, when representatives of the large rail road coiii(.u;iIea uppeared before ths boatd th" iiiieniiitional fleet through the Panama canal early lu HUG. Including the practical completion of the Panama canul among the marks of "beneficent providence," which the nation, he says, has engaged In the past year.. President Wilson Issued his first Thanksgiving proclamation, nam ing Thursday, November 27, Thanks giving day. The big express companies have ad vised the InterHtitto commerce com mission that they have decided to abandon their opposition to the coin mission's recent order radically reduc ing express rates. It aliio was an nounced that the comcjlualon's block system of rates would bo established Immediately. iirdent support irs of the grcun (and (yellow), assisted by this Fnculty and the Janitor, vs. ilnt Juniors and a few Seniors Fvidently'the Freshman wore lo-tfc-Ing for the attack, for they invited tli entire fnculty(o.ily four carue) and iho braves appeared well daubed in black ?i highly painted. It was reported that during the excitement some eye brow blacking, with which they wore so well supplied became incited during the heat of some daring action uhfl came In contact with certain of nrir yes In such a manlier ah to' in,.ku it i appear as though tome of thsm had de veloped blackened optics, however, after careful invoHtigation wo found the rumor to ho untruu. The girN ton, wore adorned (and probably ailurod,) as the occasion demandm), . All of tlnun seemed bright and (ivctty, Home were bo fuir and pink by a rare free gift of nature, but mow t of tiietn by the morn costly commercial applications. In more general terms a greenish atmos phere hovered about thorn, a vunlant'. brightness enveloped them in a splen dor that was well heltting, j When the Juniors were Hltrlitod liv the F,ronhrrion. the latter look refuge in tlio school house where they undur went a clone and exciting siege. They showed rare bravery at times; sumo poked their heads oul of the windows nnd shunted ; two of thorn even ven tured ko far as t,ho basement unattend ed by the faculty ; and one member of tho Children's Class caught a mouse and paraded his bravery bnforu the Junior Girls until one of ihcm, more daring than tho ret, extracted tint animal from his grip ("of course it wns dead) and then? Thai Fresh was l-ruvo no more. The Juniors rejiulsed at so direct an attack now laid a plan of taking a Cer tale Froslilo cantlvc, but the Janitor cither tempted liy Freemen gnl or llreelod by uoinc other equally attract- "."live uiij'iincu ino plot to the its asme, which (' I iv-rc "! anything in n na-n ought to do witmieri . fog it, but also for the work it i doing.. 'Pot work is outlined Uy the Faculty i Ue bntu ami PurtiRMrnlary tiw ate. m toAt It will count one half erttdit toward grwiuniMwt. The Prtahmen bought a nie ne nnd yellow pennnnt. lint the ponuant was stolen and they bcm auita wrought up over 1L O unhappy Freeh men! They th-iughl the Juniors did It (tie Juniors sy thny never dhl) an tww of them dbguUeil their imby fneue, pttrswl thum-aolves an Juniors ami pro cured the lliird year pennant. O angry Juniors J How wrought up they grew I It . L l . uunre mo exciiomtint twrore tnen-tloncd. TILLAMOOK BOY WRITES FROM ORIENT. No. 901, Report f the t'ooditloti nt THE TILLAMOOK COMITY HANrv. AT TJt.LAM XK In tho tiuut ttt Otg. i tak's of uarmo On -: nil. lirm:iu Iioaiw and Otaeoant Oi-enirsfw. eeettnal ami smeoeunel -Bonda and Warranu . . ' Ht-eks and other aecuritlee Hanking house ..... Furniture an J Pit luroo - , Other Ren I gaiai owned - . . Due from tang (not rwMrrvg bnate Diie from approved reuervg bttBjh (Thoe u and other raah Kqpu . . Cah un Hend - . Other r atrean ..... ToUl i.iAint.tm (ContinuiMl from First Page)'; Capital Hunk ukl I . . SurpltM Fun I Umilvhlail profit. Ie oga-rnMt sol UI. I PoiUl S.ivlm iii deaMiU r UohmIu lue rllate Traatarer lmllvltlutil I) oaiu auhjmu (ooMtg teunrcriinVite of UpjH . CerUflatl cneei . . . 'ritne Ceruflcau of Osoosi; . . . . Savings DepiaiU IK.'I.TI '. i.ti J. TW ; ,m t.4 a) i ;y U : i y i ill ll : ii -1) 11 ! I' ri W, - O I b VM 1) I i hi; is t. ' OJ i ,l"ll vr; :: u ..: ;..-ir Wu wash clothu diirercnt hero thnuJ what onu washes them on tho outside. Wo lako n brtish noil plenty of iom ami scrub tho dirt oul arsl rinao Uium and haue up to dry. 'I hey are turning "tho s"hlp Into chicken ranch, they gat a lot of llvo chickens and ducks for Ihu ofliceis. It sounded rather oul of plneu to iMjnke up by a rooster on a tnnn, of war. 'Hie grasshoppers lly on tbo ship all the tlmo from the shore rind are rill oy0r the ship oven in lliu lire rooms. Well I will have to knock olT now ' Imvo sovonll other hitters to write Ui-day. J oe, COUNCIL CONSIDERS FRANCHISES. (Continued from First Page.) Total STATU OF ORIIOON COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK, M I, Irwin Harrison. Cuhler of the ni.e ii nl biV. h that the above stnUment Is trito to the be it of my kn vi ' Ii lrviii ! Sulncrllied and sworn in beforo ins thU C .rreet All 'l tUi ilay of Nov.. 1813. w C. A. .Mr Oil UK. . t( Notary Publi -. ' 5i ti'Vllil it 1'iV, .1.1 tal to come In and help you. . Mr. Spalding, managur of the Tiiiii rnook I JIeclric Light and Power "Co,, addresied the coundll arid slulud Unit It was purely an economic ipieiition Steam vu. Water, He slated that ho had given tho matter thorough Investl gallon and had rotno to tho conclusion that by tho use of rofusu from the mill as fuel, that iituum would bu as rliuap as water; that ho had looked into the water proposition and had found that on account of tho low water In tlm summer that it would lie very costly to keep the supply up to wliero wo could gut proper servlco at all times anil Unit in consequence it would not bo pon ihlu to ot uny cheaper rates. He further stated thut If tht peoplo hud uny (;rlev uncus thoy could call on tlio Public Bur vlco OomiriliH.on of thostat-i for relief, Cou.ieil nun iJiiIuh said ho iVa In sympiny with both tho old mid now council shook! go slow a in I see that no fnjuttlec was done. l the satno time wo should not stand in the way of progress. Councilman Harrison stated that h was Inclined U wwlcuruu rnpitiil or nnj. thing that mount for the future d-vel-npmunt of tlm county, hut that it was his opinion that tho council sdmil k,( slow and not givo nwny something that would he very valuable to the p.i,il In Iho near future. He counselled a thorough Invimtlgatlon of the mailer, Coiincllrnan )ick seiirnud to ho very much In favor of alleging to tint old company, and not granting a franchise to another company unlit tlio town has grown, Attorney Oersonl, who hai htutn ad vising iho county In regard to tho mat. tor, spoko very much In favor of the prono.ilton ami said thai by all means wo should not put a Chinese wall around our town ami exclude outside capital. Tho new company desires a .10 year franchise from the city. It cIiihuiI tho leal today for a power slto six miles Hp tho Trusk river, Tlm present company iluslros a i!fi year franchliin and will ngroo to ro-l turn the city I per cent of the gross I -..ri.uiKri or m.-. company. Tho priinont c'.uipari'H T, tu.li.su will oxplro In 0 r. ANCE IN WOMAN'S n'-! w-e-T THIS sne ALWAYS POISONS w" M THE AXMPIT AMO KILLS aw'6" I WILL GIVE $11 IF I Fill TO CUBFinf CANCER Kl ITMIIIfFOIlEIIPolioniBoflicfOI NoKNIfE r PAIN lo Pay Until Cri Mo X llay or otlirrl anlnillo. Aii UUml lanl inakMtba cm itotuu wmiui; Any TUWW, tugf orl tore on Ilia llp,.lae or body long I ('anarr NNsvtrPalsi until Iwt eta8. :oM MM SMI hr! UetinaoUfa of , tSutAfwIj rural .1 Lrtiu. I wain TO aOMB BO , ... .a( ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S W la CANCCH. W. rl I." (UN IS UH. We navii ruir.i y.i Adinit OR. k MRS. OH. CHAMLCY! A 438 VUEWIa ST., "rlnM IINIm Y UAII. lUs la teaM 0M wm m Hoth frmiclilsus were luM oVff further consideration, ii i aii. i.. ii, . ..miter will M 1 Kooks. Just then tho lights went out. 'companion und tlmt ho thought thuli,ow fruiichl ysar.1, flnywir, It is HooklnK for a! up lo ihu pooplo at tho noxt el7 ho to bugln ut onco. ' tlon.