Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, November 04, 1913, Image 2

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    1 1
Cfce CiSEamook Gerald
Cren.fcley editor
CucsdJV arid Frtd.iv
Issued Civlcc 4 Week
iN't:MAl.l:A VAM.IiV .NMIW.-. ;
From Reporter; '
r. K, l Hector returnvd Wvdnw ,
vlny from Portland, whoio h ha I'von ,
ncwral day transacting tuwIiK'n.i of an,
Kntcrod tcvond-cla matter Mav IT. U'lO. at1 the htVW at Tillamook, .important nature,
Oregon, under the net of Mntvh iSiv.
StM'.svKirrtON $1.50 A VRAK IN AlVNVK
Jtdocrtlslrtrt R.ite
I ctral AilvertirKMit
Vrl Insertion, por lino J
Kach MibMswent insertion, lino
Homestead Notice
Timber Claim
Notice, per hno
Cards of thank, iter line
Iax'sI. 'Hr line, flrt imertlon
f U lata ! with
Port of ftivwwm beon e.vwctireit i very easy to Me UmU tiuibor
forborne time that a stte;i,ut would ; paying tit leat its full proportion If
bo mibbobvd in regard t tho rwipts a farmer paid 76 taxw on a quarter
and itisburMtoenU of the Port. They
Honlv itam hat taken charge of thr 1
Brighton school wild everything in mov
ing along nicely in the neighborhood
The now city tmtttu ' complete!
thin sook ami t now ready fir imiuedi
ate 'tso. A ot iut wno ha hail to oc
cupy the oIK but it l qulto nnuutlr
that it will te (Hit into ueo vury ouu
provided the Ixiya who have )wnttf'
in ntaktne troulilo nit all politic ooea-
'ntonain W'nmeler tu um pieiii
timo tin not tuko a tumhW to them
1 eiri ami act n lcojoea th part i I
i Kentkiinen.
i (Engineer U'm. (5. Carrol of IVirUamt,
taat AweMetl iralrwt farm lml. !,lK,nl everl itayt in WheeUjr thia
liarh ubertMont insertion, line
KHaolutiona of omlolnnce and
IlfC notice, per line .0
lltttlno Professional oanKmu. LOO
Display Advertisement, pox Inch .36
ALL Displav Ada must bo in this of.
ftce o- Monday and Thursday Morn
imt to inure publication in folUiw
in Tuedy and Friday issues.
Reason arc imperative.
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
section ho would conMer the ctmnre
extortionate. In 1012 ono-hnlf soclton
of timber in Columbia County paid a
tav of $58. 9', ll" Ion r wojld a far
mer exist In Col-j-nt'ia County if ho
paid a proportiorate? How much
better is it for the public to have tho
timber in the hand of private ownors
who protect it from fire and pay these
taxes, rather than in the hands of the
G-ivernmenl or state ami untnved? In
Tillamook County the timber owners
pay ST per cent i-f all tho taxes. IX
our sincio-ta.xers think this is uot
have aU expoeted that tho r?maininc
fund" of the port would b returned to
them Tho re is anparentk w move
Iwinir made to cither inform the tax
payers or to return them their money.
The people interested are becoming
impatient about in matter. Things
have been drainrin; alonu fr too long
a time and it is time the oeople were
Tiven some Ml of ettleme".t.
When bid- wore opened for the con
struction of the north jelly at Tilla
mook, in the otlice of Major Jay J.
Morrow, corps of enfci-.eers. Un'tcd
States armv, at Portl.ind at 11 o'clock
Monday morninp. t,e temlors wore
made, all teinc by Portlami firms. The
lowest Wiu that of Gteuisch & Joplin,
who subtritted a bid for $J1?.(524 The
bids will be forwar led by Major Mor
row to Washing oor for approval. '
The GiebUeh t Joplin bid was $53,-
0S5.50 lower than th- next highest'
prooos.il, wh.ch was submitted by Ko- Mountain, J10.
bert Waketieid, ad amounted to $712,-' C W Talmai;e et al to Henry M, Till-
703.50, while the bid of the Cascade
Construction company, the third bid
der, was SHI'SIT huher than the low j blk 10, lot 7 blk 13 Fuller" addn H i
bid, or 5770,971. : City. (X.
Some of the equijment will bo furn-1 Henry Tohl to John Anderson lots 1.
Furnished by I'acilc -VNtract Co.
H. C. Craik' to John imi Lillian
Groat lots 5 & t blk 11 Park addition to
Tillamook. $700.
S. G. Reed & wife to F. S. Stock
well lots 2. 3. 1 & 7 blk 3 N'eabkahnie
,s j rxwik oxer trie urowixl with
view to alartinir a survey of the tniwr
harbor in order to cot a hno on the
amount of work to bo dime to doepvn
tho channel between Wheeler ami Ne
haleiuCity. Alto for the purpoxo of
Improving the channel f iun the Itar U 1
Wheeler, there living eeral shoul
places that need attention. An appiv- .
prialion was nllo.vol .y C'onifrea Imi
venr to del ray the oxione if tho ur
vey, the same twin included in th
River arsi Narb r bill which travo the
Port of iN'ohuU.n Federal aid for our
jetty project. Thw fuml hi been :
uvuilablu for kMiiu time but the liK-al
ohKlrteors have not taken the necessary !
step to make the survey as yet. En
ifineor Carrol did wit make known anr
plan as to how the work would be
'dono, but it i quite prutmble that he,
j will sui:est that a suitable dredo be
secured to bonin active operation in
tho spring anl thus jxive the way for
i K'reator thinn oil this Iwy.
I he movement 'j secure a local
teleptione otlice in Wheeler rccclvoil a
temporary set back when it developed
ioto a complicated iurtion of prior.
riRhts, the residents of N'ohalcn City
claimlnt; that thev were entitled to the ,
central olltee arv.i otfureil to oxtend the i
line to Vi heeler aa n c unproinisc on an
To Do The Manufacturing
I !I(llUMill4'il1S to
riB3s to - -
ami Special
ide man lots blk If-ullor sail Hay City $10 i e.xchance Imsu. The mattar will l
id-, S Lone & wf to L r Urode kit 3 taken under adv
ished by the ijohernment, it is said, as
they have a piledriver. two locomotives
and a string of dump cars on the
The Teachers' Annual Institute for
Tillamook County will be held in the
Tillamook Hich School, Nov. 12, 13 and
14. 1913. The following instructors
will be present: J. A. Churc.iill. Supt.
Public Instruction; Dr. F. L. Griffin,
Extension Department Ore: in Agri
cultural College; M. S. Pitmin, Mon
mouth Normal; Ruby E. Shearer. Port
land, O"" ; XTr."' Jonc, Cedar Rap
ids, owa, Representative Palmer
Writing Sy3tem ; Prof. William C. Will,
Manuel Training and Emma Ueland,
Domestic Science and Domestic Art,
Loth of Tillamook High School.
All schools in the County must be
closed during the time of the Institute.
Teachers are required to attend at
least sixteen hours in order that dis-1
tricts where they are teaching may
receive the extra apportionment.
The Public and all friends of the
Schools are cordially invited to attend
any or all sessions.
Figures have been complied by P. S.
Brumby, a Portland timber man and
director of the Lumbermans National
Bank of Portland, showing the average
tax paid on timber lands in Clatnop, Col
umbia, Washington, and Tillamook coun
ties, covering the levies from 1905 to 19
12. Mr.BruTiby declares that the figures
refute the claim that has been made by
advocates of single tax that Oregon
timber lands are not paying their just
"In 1905 the average tax paid for
each suction of timber on a body em
bracing holdings in Clatsop, Columbia,
Washington and Tillamook counties,"
said Mr. Brumby, "was $110.15. The
tax has risen regularly every year and
the average paid per section for the
same body of lan i has been: In 190C,
$130.33; in 1907, $119,80; 1908, $240,80;
1909. $250.31 ; 191'), $300; 1911, $303 05;
1912, $-118.99.
"Canadian timber is taxed $140 per
section. Compar.- t iia w't'i $118.90 per
section, and you will sei what an ex
cessive burlon our timber owners car
ry. The tax makes in impossible for a
poor man to hold timber, and it U
this condition that is forcing tho cen
tralization of ownership of timber
tracts into strong hands. In Tillamook
County, where the timber is remote
from settlements, the average is $115.-1
20 per claim of 100 ucres. The 1911 tax I
in Columbia county averaged $270 for
each quarter section. In Columbia Co
unty tho timber is closer to tho settle
ments und special taxes have been
levied for roud and school purposes,
"Comparing tho tax on timber lands
and 2 blk 27 Tohls 2ml addn $2ft0.
E A Finney & wf to Peter Cook
tract in Sees 32 and 33 4 S 9 W 510.
The Nehalem Co. to Vincent E. Gill
the E"ly 32$ ft lot 3 blk i Wheeler. $3M
F P Miller & wf to L L Vannortwick
et al lot 23 blk 57 Rockaw.iy' $10.
Nehalem Harbor Co to Etta H Arch
ibald the W'ly 20 ft lot 4 blk 4 Vheel -
er, $255. ;
Nehalem Co to Ett i B Archibald w'ly j
25 ft lot 5 blic 4 Wheeler, $300 J
John A Hrant to hrnest K Tripp lots
22. 23 & 21 blk 32 Beats addn to Lake
Lytic. $10.
S G Reed & wf to D A Thompion lot
2 blk HNeahkahnie Mi. $10.
T B Potter Realty C) to Arthur L
Blake lot 25 blk 59 Bayocean. $10.
T B Potter Realty Co to Joh.i II
James lot A blk 67 Bayocean, I'M.
W E Godsey and Anna to Walter
Kinnaman 19.86 A in 3 23 3 S 9 W
Brighton Development Co to Korest
Lape lots 1. 2 and 3 blk 30 Brighton
Beach, $375.
Marcus Bays &. wf to Alex and Dina
J Johnson tract in Sec 20 3 S 9 W $1.
Lambert A. Beard to William Beard,
lot 5 blk 35 Claic Ridg Reich. 2
Elmore Park Co. to Henry Kuchle.
lot 19 Blk. 0 Elmore Park.
I Christian Larsen & wf. to Mary
I Julia Bayakin, tract 220 ft. by 50 ft.
I by metes and bounds, in lot 4 sec. 23 T
i n NJ w in w -n .:..u t .
ing on said tract, $1.
F. J. Gattrell to Lena 12. Niner, lot
2 blk 3 Manhattan.
Samuel G. Reed & wf. to Ella A.
Whipple, lot 5 blk 13 Ncahkahnle
Mountain, $10.
W. B. W. VanGraven to John Y.
Richardson, lot 5 blk. 25 Tohl's Addn.
to Nehalem Citv, $10. ,
Geo. A. Strese to Harriett A. Piatt,
lot 20 Strese acres. $1
Clifton Charles Edwards & wf, to
Harriett A. Piatt, lot 25 Strese Acres,
Brighton Development Co. to John
Kamra, lots 2.5 and 20 blk 77 Brighton
ton Beach, $700.
First Bank and Trust Co. to Maude
M. Burns, lot 12 block 00 Rockaway
Beach, $50.
Emma Paetak to Mae T. DeLong,
SW of NE Sec 15 T 4 S R 40 W
$1200. "V
R. Keierson & wf to Thomas Wan
less, lot 20 blk 19 Rockaway Beach,
Thomas Wanlesa and wife to Goo. M.
Kaiser, lot 20 blk. 19 Rockaway Beach,
firm 1 '
2UIUBI fii I 21 I II r I II
A huh' iii liar
t h i
advisement, however, and
it is to be hoped that some satisfactory
arrangement may be made to got
b ttor telephone connection than we !
have had uu to the present time. j
The encine an I boiler house at the'
Wheeler mill Is about finished and tho ' 8
.... l. :J..n: . i , , . i
j ui insiniung me eninei ami eieo. )
j trical applianret is going ahead nl ely. j
.Mast-r Mechanic Dont. in charge of J
the mill construction crow, is making j
splendid progress of lute in brlnimiir I
! his end of tho work along to the linal
(tages of completion.
Nehalem Breezes.
Ullfers returned from
Nehalem Hatbot Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
PoMlind Offlcri 327 l;4ilin id
Tillamook OI!i, Uu I1 K. Uoil
L. A.
' October. l'i3. In tho rami whoroin
l , 1 TlllniiHKik (Viunty ItanW , a rurpurnlion,
... .. - . . . i , . , r . . . i i. it 1 1 . i .
business tr.p t.. Portland hMturday. ib KriM Wheolor nro ilefemlanu. .aid
orution being Pi mo duly
dur the al of naid Court
made arrangements for disi-sinL of
sails and tackle, also other slor.-s tak
en from the Glenesslin at a good figure
in that --itv anil it is hi t ;tonlion to
ship it out at once.
Operations are being resumed at the
N'ecarncy City oil well this week with
a view to continue efforts in an en
deavor to determine without any quits
lion of doubt whethur there Is oil to be
found in this valley. The eight inch
casing is beln? take'i o'lt of the well
and used in the new hole that will be
started as soon as the standard drilling
outfit eomos from Portland. The one
now in use will be returned since it in
too small to do natixfuclory work.
D. S. BoyaWln'a atore at upper town
is gradually nearing completion. The
carpenters are now devoting their llrno
to putting the finishing touches to the
building and within the course of n few
more weeks at moat all the work will
have been done. Albert Hall Iiiih
about finished painting (he outside of
tne atore and ,is now bumly engaged
staining the interior. When completed
In every detail the store will he the
equal of any in this end of the county
in size as well as in the amount of
goods carried in stock.
The Watur Commission lias piven
.Mr. lloag nosjtlve instructions to shut
on water from all consumers who have
not paid their water rent bv tho 10th
of each month.
By order of Water Commission.
Masonic Brethren,
A full attendance is requested
and all visiting brotherH arecor
diaHy invited.
K. T. Uoai.s, W. M.
C. IJ. Tkomhluy, Seeretarv.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Tillamuik County, in the
matter of the eatato of William Walton,
Whereas tho undersigned has been
duly appointed by tho above named
Court, iidminiHtrator of said estate,
now therefore, all persons having
claims against the estatu aforesaid will
present tho same to mn with the pro.
pur vouchers within six months from
thu date of this notice at the ollico of
James Walton, Jr., 1001-2 Spalding
Building. Portland, Oregon, or at my
olllce, Commercial Building, Tillamook
City, Oreggn.
i ,,at'd ,ul Tillamook, Oregon, this 7th
day of October, 1913.
Thos. Coates. Administrator.
by virtuu of dceruo of foreclosure made
and entered in tho Circuit Court of tho
directed tin
I have lev.
led upon the followinir doscriboil real
proK-rty, situate in litlamook Ctiunty,
The SoUthi'RKt quarter of the South
west quartet, und the South half of the
Southeast quarter of Section 23, und
tho Southwent qunrter of thu South
west quarter of Section 21, In Town
ship 1 South of Range 9 West of Willa
mctle Meridian, containing 102. (A
acres, and I will on Monday, thn 2tth
day of November, 1913. al tho hour of
10 o'clock A. M. at ttio Court limine
door in Tillamook City, Tillamook
i',i.i ri......... n . . .in
""iui., uii'K""! -luiy "en, in )IIIC
iiurtlon, to the highest bidder for cash '
In hmiil, all of the above described real
property for the purpose of satisfying
aid execution and order of sale, the
amount awarded to plaintiir therein br
the mild judgment and decree being
1671.00, with interest at tho rate of ri
nor cent per annum, tho sum of $100.00
as attorney's fees, and the costs and
disbursements amounting to $41 75,
bearing interest at the rate of 0 per
cent per annum. All interest running
from October Oth, 1913.
Dated this October If, 1913.
II. Crenshaw,
Sheriff of Tillamook Countv. Oregon.
Dr. L. K.
Olwtetrlel 3tcrolut
lluth Phono.
Ros. ami Ollico: Whi (chouse Residence.
Hewitt H.T.BOTTS.
K. A. D. PI'.KKI.Vh.
Office III .SttllKcnil lllilo.
All Work C.tiaraiHrr.l.
Has Located in the Commercial Bid.,
Succecdini Dr. P. J. Sharp.
All Work, GuAMiilrrd, ltlli Phone.
Office Mount V" '2, "
I to li JO p. in,
Ofn Hvr nine from 7 until 8 o'clock
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for TlllamooW County, in thn
matter of thu estate of William J.
West, Deceased.
Whereas thu undersigned has been
duly appointed by thu above named
Court, iidminiHtrator of naid estate.
..Ill, ( l,.,-i,fr,a,. ..II I . '
uu viiiuiKii, uu persons Having
claims against . the estate aforesaid .
will present thu samo to mo with pro.
per vouchers within six months from I
the date of this noticu at thu ntflco of
JumcH Walton, Jr.. 1001.2 Spalding I
Building, Portland, Oregon, or i my!T.
olllce, Commercial Building. Tillamook , Tillamook
City, Oregon,
Dated at Tillamook. On
,.r n,.ni... nii'i "
Dr. Jack Olson
Olllce Hours trom 9 a. m. to ft p. in.
Oddfeil owi Buildinjc
Both Phone
E. HEEDY, D. V. M.
(Both I'hones)
' i Oregon
Olliec 20:; UU1, Tillnnol
Attorney. at Uw ui
Land Office BushM
Oppoiitr ConrtboBM
Geo. P. Window
TlllnmiKA Block
day of October, lill.'l.
Thos. Coates,
f.. it... 1 f A M . .
in inu youniy uouri or tho Stuto of
Oregon, for 'lillamook County, In thu
mnLujr oi mu usiaio oi Edward 1 1 f I'll
Deceased, h '
Whi.rfiiiu flu. ii.iit.ivul.. I i.. i
v,v., un,iUlniKui:u nas neon
imy iijiNi.i3ii ny nil) MIIOVO liaillol
Court, iidininistrator of said Kstiito
rwiu liui.ifii.i. ..li . i '
" ' V mu ii.rons nav g
claims against tho osliitu iiforeHiild
will presunt tho samn to mu with thu
proper vouchers within six inuiitlm
from thu ( utu of this notice ;,t thn
ollico of JumcH Walton, Jr., JCKil-U
bpuldlng Building, Portland, Oreiron
or lit my olllce, Commercial Bullddig'
i iiiuuioun uy, v;ri'gon.
Statu of Oregon, for Tillamook Countv.
I S 'Zfr "'11;'0'1 WJ3. unci an Dated at Tlllar look, Onrou. this 7ih
execution n .1 unlui of salo duly isucd day of October, 191). h ' "B 7t"
(ill L ill h.llfl I fill ft mi ill.. Kill. .1 a tit. .
out of aald Court on tho lllth day of
Thin. Coates, Administrator.
Attorney at Law
Dllice In Commercial Building
Painter and Paper Hnn
Contracts Tu ken
Ivstitnates Puniisliol.
All Wttrk GiiiintiiUcil,
Pioneer Transfer
G. L. DICK & SON, Prof
Uolh Plionn
The Samo Price to Hveron
Attonii!).n. aw
I illciiiiook County Hunk Hldq.
Okhtsohhk Advokat
Commercial Building
R. N. HRNKI.I Miff.
Four Doom West of llkf-j
Fun. ml Director and IJceiuwi w-
Lailv AsslHtant Whuii tf