Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 28, 1913, Image 3

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    In.rV. tiMlowr,
U, C. hVnuuIU It In I'ortlam
hH m'l l'UlriM trip up
Lr Hr, wllHif lv you low
LiIIMimN hay and fd lt (on
j,itt md liliHJ trip tu
Lit UlI
r . m.
y, Ma or trmla for (row,
KupwnlmUr, MnhW,
sshlH of Handlake wm lit
, iiilca or pimhr for
ip4 oil It, V. lllalock on
ami win auppiy you.
nf Worthlnglm! t.lovrnlaJe
Ln Monday.
4i 5 M Johnson hu rcmovr-d
,U nr. iwi tiw i. u. w. r.
c!Untit)0 who ha lwsu vUll
, returned on Halurday lat.
,1 A Inrico bot that ran lw
,J to former. Knulrp at llrr
fry and Mr. Ilrancli are
ftttf lI on the Miami today.
,t kiwlric Hroa. atxl ZhpI
almt". Ift 6 hu. there,
l(tt Ihrm cheap. It. V. HlalocV
iCI4 u Improving nicely from
f painful ailment In hU fed.
L AlWritr of Hemlock wm In
jy of, Ultlltra tlio Oral of tho
i:l, wnn hlpr at hold. At)
If, N, llaya at llraVrr or cfvjulrr
til oriw.
Li GUI I'x'W a trip to Clorerdalu
l tntl brought bacV a toad of
Ikst and (Johlllt dancn will take
1 1 tr y (i(y 0ir llinl on
nemo. Oct. 31. l.veryUly
B.r.B srtd Jay (taker of llraver
jajlr.i; th convention her lhl
Uyl Soft will have a Witch
latiiiatey following Major
Iniott'i rntertalnment on the
t C W. Talmauo and W. 0.
tlxefc Cortland bulltra visitor
Mr wat ouUldn on hualnma
lis fl Sunday. returning Mon-
i kf-smtarir Ifor nrlrra utt fwJ
L, Urges! star In Tillamook
l llrmleron Irft thla morning
tjtMWId, whir hi time will t
IwJ m mirvvyor.
Ltetilrr for wood awlntf at fi.
-rkSomcp. ami thoy will receive
hi sttrntlon, otflre with Kcrson.
liaby boy waa Uirn tu Mr. and
U. K Wllka of Idavlllo on Mon-
tr. Wcinlt waa the otlcmllnk'
UtLri Alii of the Chrlitlnn
k will hhl.l a County fair nml
lit lh luirial rixims of (ho rhtirrh
Ilk mk Mu
Soal iruirU I ho birth of a n
l.nJ Mr. Allen l'ao on Salur
hr hlrth of a aun to Mr. awl
I Rimer IIomk on Hurxluy.
Ittlbakl McNalr ami wifo of Unn-
who hav been lltliK at tho
i of Ihrlr hrothrr. Alex McNalr In
Ifity, left on Monday for homo.
a Uwririnir in(r or decoration
l U lialnlliur Blul HBIMir llMllL'lllk'.
h' 8. Kuril and Hon. Hell phono
If. irulMri Km! Oirltmen nru
rI"i? "vr the arrlvttl of n
l their homo on SatunUy mt. lr.
Hwa the atieiwIniL' nhVflclan.
repair walchra, clock, Jowclry
inulcal Inatrumonta. Jacob ura
European watoh maker, next dwir
wn Theatre. All work uurantecti.
t lmartMl, all color, Hyacinth
La ftl . . . ..a, M,..t.L
All Pyrogruphic woods,
while they hurt, one-half
T regular price. Come
torly and make your
Burning Sots
and Supp4ie
C. I. Clough Co.
in., i . .
"o nave reea n wnni ii.i ( ... a
llt-iver and family of Hank, left Ihl
morning on an nxtimdrd vl.lt with Mr,
Hoover' iopln at Kokotno, ImlUna.
rr unit.: Ilouan atwl two lot In
thrlvlnir rlly of Olovcnlato, cholre real,
duneo proiatrly, ltaonahl, Call on or
nl'lrea. K, k Vhh, (;it.vrilaii,
i.. i... i...i i..i h i i
i-Hit h'h mi morning lor a
three weol' vlmt at illllilM.ro. Mon
mnuUi, Alhany and JelTrron. HU
nlerit Mlt Ivn Karl arrompanled him
I'on'l forKel that Major Heiwlitrholl
will ho here mi I'rlday .111. tin cnm
Ui.K-r the aupri of ihn yal Hon.
If you are Intereated In thete yoiiiiK
men itatronlie the eiilrlalnmnt.
Ir. HnaU rcporta th hlrth of a on
t Mr and Mra, Krank Tonoon Monday
evanlni,'. Thl make the fifth boy
Ixirn In thl locality durlriK the pat
Dr.Wendt Kyt. HpcelaW
lit. Fit iflaaaea any
tyln. ;Al rratonahlc
Mr. Clyde Cravcr nrcnrnpanled by
Mr, W, V Htauley loft for her home
at (Sleodato. Arlxma, on Motlay. Mr.
Ktanley will Iki abaent from three to
l month.
K. N. Watry an.1 II. K. Itallvy nr.,.
nrlctor of the Crratal laundry will
till rail fur work a tlatial. Thilr of
fire, will t at the City Tramfer Oltlre.
The TillamiHik ".Oprf atlvc Kth
Comtny hlpp another lad of ftah
In refrigerator car to the eat on Mon
day, They e -e t to ship another car
load of fWh on ThuriMlay.
Mr. John l'Uel of (laribaldl. who
hat lcon con(lil at the Tillamook
Kanatarlum for a horl lime with ty
phoid ff vrr, tile") on Monday evening.
The funeral I 1,1 Iw hcxl tixlay.
Take ytrtjr himlwr order to (J. K.
Ilurk, the cnrlencrJ lumbermnn, atxl
have them properly rtllri, Mr. HucV
I agent for the Yellow Fir mill, office
lth lern.
Attention (5. A. II.: Theie will U
a meelln; of the Pt .S'ov, Ut. There
U pecll buinc to le traiuacted.
All pteae ctime out. Meellru; Will le
calle.1 al 1 l. M. C. l Iteynoldt.
A. I.llielmrk the piano man, ha
ret tel the More Juct Va"alel by A. J.
SttllMcll. alxl ha Intlallet) therein a
fine tot of piano.
Attorney T, II. Ooyrte, acecmpanle.d
by Mr. Goyrw atxl little aon, left on
Hatunla) Jor outaldo (Hilnta lli-alde
tramartlni bulne Mr. (Joyne and
family will -llt at the home of their
laughter Mr. Hulherford al Mc.Mlnn-
Hlalne Chattrrlon will run hi auto
titw from Tillamook to Hav Ctly for
the OIxmI and Goblin dance in be held
at the Hay City 0ra House on Friday
evening, Oct. 31.
Ceo. KdwanU, brother of Mr. M.
B. Holden wa 0eratel on by Dr.
Itoal on Tliurwlay of It week. Too
... a rl..i
patient I 'ellln)j alaliK very niceiy
Dr. HoaJ aUo iH-rforrmil wine minor
operation on JelT MrCinnla and Jorcph
Wll-on of Helm lat week.
On Friday cvcnlm: of lat weuk cv-
eral yolWK friend Ratheretl nl the
home of MUa Myrtle Wnlllne and u.
Ite.l her In ci-lcbrntlnK her cluhleeiith
birthday Came wurr enjoyttl and
refrehmenl were nerved. Thoo pre-
cut rejwrl n inot enjoyable time.
Won! hn been recelveil here to the
elfect that Dr. B. W. Mill. former
resident of thl placo who w well nml
moat f-iTornbly known here , had died
t hi home In lloo.l Itlvrr on .Sntunliiy
lat, lie wii burled benlUc m umi
wife at Itlvernhlo cemutery. Forthiml,
on Monday,
We underhand that Mr. Swoenev of
the hwreney Countructlon Compnuy I
t nreaent looking over the ground in
the virlnlty of the lt for the new
Jolty nt the mouth or mo nay. n
not be jjiven out ollkliilly to who
ha aeeured th contrncl for tho con
truollon of tho Jetty until Nov. 3rd.
Ovociwi'iily of the Iniy nml Klrl of
tho Methodic Church, under thu lemler
hlp of Mr. G. F. Huck, unsltttcil by
the pantor Hvv. Weber, orKHiiired
Junior Mantle Inst Sunday. Much en
thualnam irt-vnikl and the outlook for
a very lnrK nocli'ty U cncoiirKlnK.
The leuKUi! met every Sunday Hfu?r
noon nt 2 &0 o'clock.
C. K. Donaldnon LroURht to the Her
. . m .. .i.. . lu.iii, mitbiti. irrnwn
alu omcu t,.v. ... , r.-
uiwn hi pluco. Th melon Iihh h fi.irly
K(K.d ftavor, but beciu of the nhort
nchi of thu neaMon hn nut ripened
thoroughly. Mr, IXumWion la nbout
to niMko aomo cxtenalv experiments to
ue If It U MlbU toaecuro i wntor
melon that will rlei here.
The Water Commflon hna given
i Mr Ilouir poiltlvo Inatrucnona w ou.
off water from all comumm who havo
not paid their waw rem .t
of each month.
Uy order or water w U"
. ..tl..i, ar hold In tho
Natarenu ioci - -- ,
old Chrl.tlan Church or. luead.y and
. . I ..,A n SlllllluV at 8 n.
Fr day eveninn "- t
m. and 8 P- m. Wunday Schoof at 2
Tb! Oond lUmU lull u of people
whom (rod kvo thu dcalro of tholr
hearla, hut lir')iitit luanrinM Ut their
mil. From childhood I ha I a deilrn
to cro a liar ami ride on tho ocean ;
that iiotlro ha more than been rwt.
fleil and It hroUKht Iimmicm U my Ixxly
or aixiul twelve pound, Ho I can truly
recommend It a ImiI(ii iiultn a lleah rn-
dilccr, hut Oh I tho xrrijntlnK pain
ny which the procc I wrought.
On Oct. tho Uth tho Htoamer llrek-
water left Cortland with every berth
atwl available Kit crowded. I wn
place.) In a amall tower oant room at
the extreme rear. There wore ix lit-
He het, thrwi In a tier mlno happencl
to Iw a middle one, near the wee win
dow, If It had not been I doubt If 1
would now b wrltlnir of the trip. .Six
women and three amall children wore
lo occupy thoo ImI ; none of my rum
panlon had ever been on the briny
deep before. If wo had wo atirely
would havo tried to aecure an upper
room near the center of the boat; all
were In a merry mood aylnic that they
wanted to e every object of Intcrcnt
and make It tho trip of their life (which
they did). I promlwd to jwlnt out the
caK-a a wo pacd them (but It waa a
brokon vow.) That nljfht thoae wcct
little children I it ft tholr cvcnlntt prayer
and I repented the cm that waa In
one of my old aehool reader:
"Wo wcro crowiled In the cabin,
Not a toul would daro Uy lecp;
It wi mldulttht on the water
Ami a atorm wa on the deep.
"Wc are lottl" the captain ahoutel
A i he ta(ji;rr,l down the ttalr,
When a llttlu maiden tald,
"ln't (Iwl Umjii the ocean
J Hit the nrne a on tho land?"
And wc klMd tho littler maiden
And ike. In hotter cheer;
Ami wo anchored In the harbor
When the un wa hlnlni clear."
My rwm nrnto were too exhuhcrant
to rleep much or let any one In the
room aleep. A hort lime after day
llirhl Iho word came wo wore at Alor
la. all ilrr mod ami wont out. thu prom
inent talk was: "Don't think about
HottliiK' lck." There wa a charmed
fascination beyond description in r'd
InK thoae hui;e wave and I irrow par
ticularly MKtical and Teiinvtun's ocm
revolveil through my mind.
"h'unael and cvenlnK star,
One clear call for me."
I reflected on the bar that each must
crt and how k'IhiI I wu that I had
chosrn the Creat Captain to be my
Cllol. The boat Ktvc a sudden lunee
when I found somcttilm; leaving my
stomach ami wm koIiik over the rail
In K'. a short pause and the snmo pro
cess continued for four time and I de
cided I h:ul better Kl to bed. With
Krent elTorl 1 manured to Kd Inttde of
the door fell faint on the floor falliuK
face foremost. Just to think of how 1
had studied physical culture and the
time cnt bi priictlcc of how to fall
gracefully and then to k sprawlInK!
probably hulf nn hour Inter I was
aroused by one of tho sick women (for
they had all tfone to U-d) anyitiK "poor
thlii;." but they were nil too nick to
help, oou the (Kirter came, helped me
to led with all my wrapj on even my
rubber. 1 ly there on rny hack for
about thirteen hours inly when I
rnisod my head up to put my mouth
over one of thou- deteHtable little
buckets fastened near my nose. My
pain was eertulnly In tho superlative
decree and I wondered how many
hour that mortal flesh could endure
such pain as I sulTered when crot-alnK
the Coo Hay bar. I did not feel a bit
like the dyiiiK sailor who anld "Oh!
bury me not In tho deep deep sea." for
I cared but llttlo whnt became ot the
"old tenement house of clay" when I
liejjun to spit blood. The Navigation
Co. wnh not impoverished much by mo or
any one in my 100m for I nevor tasted
n bit of food or a drop of water while
on thu hunt. The Hirter insisted I cnt
n few crackers but I Just could not
mid so hid them under my pillow. My
room mates represented Michiuan,
Wisconsin, Nebraska, Idaho and Ohio.
So often havo 1 emphasized tho verse
where James says. "Count it nil joy
when yo fall Into diverse, temptation"
so I did count It joy for I could not fcol
It joy. Tho captain told mo ut Mnrsh
field that tho voynRO waa unusually
roUKh. 1 am well pleased with my
pastoralo hero nt Coqulllo. Am now
nt Gravelford, holpliiR Hrother and
Sister Wnymlro in a rovlvnl service.
Kov. Dora Vounjr,
Coquille, Ore.
A larue two story store building on
i ..,-.... rjwinn- ilintu ntllro room
lUIYlu bi.. .... ......
over P. W. Henl's real eatnto ofHco ; u
cheap ware house and storage room
opposite the Case Garage. See
Crof, Warren Qlaio haa studied un
der some of the beat musicians In
America and ha had a teaching ex
perience of over twelve years. His
studio t at Llnebaek'a music itore.
Uaaona glvun al your own home with
out extra charge. Term on application.
Tillamook, Ore., Oct. 27, 191.1.
Flltor Herald:
ThU nd Is to Inform or.e and all of
my friend that I am going to Califor
nia and will remain there until spring.
I will he hack about May 1st. I export
to leave Nov. 8lh. If anyone U fljtur
Ing on having tliulr house moved thoy
hail bolter soo mo at once. I am now
moving my 4'Jth house alnco March
16th. 1 thank one and all for tho work
I have received, Howaro of those
wood butcher house mover which will
spring up a nn as 1 am g)fis, In
case any blir, Job como up and you
want me to move them you can get
my addrea by asking my friend W. (J.
Dwlght. My house moving outfit will
bo stored on my lot on 4th street West.
Vou can depend on mo being here to
do your work next yoar.
Yours Truly,
Geo, l Hamlin, house mover.
Circuit Court will convene In ad
journed session on Friday tho 31st. to
consider the case of Smith vs. Huchcy
which ense wat carried t the Supreme
Court and returned to the Circuit
Court, because of an error made by tho
Judge in his irstruclton to the jor.
On account of Judire Holmes having
been an attorney In the case upon its
first trial, ft will be necessary for an
other judec to take the testimony In
the case. It Is thought that posslblv
Judtfo Galloway or Jude Kclley will
have charge of the case.
Jamci Huichey and Wesley Rush, ad
ministrator of the estntc of Myra
llughey deceased, vs. Iliram W.
Smith, Is a suit filed in the circuit
court in which plaintiffs pray the
court of eiuity will nssurnc juris
diction of the suit and upon the
final hearing thereof will enforce a
forfclturo and cancellation of the leao
and oust tho defendant therefrom and
restore the same to plaintiffs, und re
move the cloud upon the title of plain
tiff property by reason of said lease.
and Krant plaintiff, such further, other
and dliTcrent relief as a court of equity
seems meet and proper in the premises.
Notice Is hereby civen that 1 have
leased tho Mark Harrison place
on the Trask Klver and forbid any and
all from hunting on the place without
a written permit.
Under Auspices Loyal Sobs
R. H. Hcndershot
ThelDrummerJHoy of the
October 31st
Christian Church
Tiro army officers speak
concerning hinw
WaihlnRton, D. C, 1863.-11 al
lords me the greatest pleasure to tes
tily to the great gallantry and loyalty
of young HencJershot. He served un
der me faithfully lor some time, and
at the battle of Fredericksburg dis
played moil distinguished courage.
Major General.
"Headquarters Armies ol the U. S.,
City Point, Va., January 14, IS65.
I would most respectfully recommend
this boy lor a cadetshlp at Vest Point
lor the coming year.
U. S. GRANT, Lt.-General.
This Is a Rare Treat for
Tillamook. Don't Miss It
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is where you Invest your money.
The Western Loan & Savings Co. of
Salt Lake Clty.Utah.a tried Hnd proved
company, is now ready for business in
Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan
you money or build yon a homo on small
monthly payments, at a low rate of
ntercst. Write or see
A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt.
A. M'NAIK, President,
D. L. SHRODB, Vice President.
Board of Appralsors.
E, M. Balta, P. H. Minlck,
R.tF. Zachman, E. J. Clausaen.
Board of Trustees.
John Leland Hen- .
derson, B. L. Heals,
L. C. Smith W. 0. McGee.
ftcaetatt tha am
Kioim psin lutlsnllr.
The Crrsl Pile Htm
lr. I'utar-lniutwl
wiili rtcial uorsas
Your Prescriptions
Purest Drugs
Careful Attention and
Best Material
-You Get All of That Here
Prices as low is possible. Give us ti trial.
Tillamook Drug Store:
e. r koch, ph. c KOCH Ac HILL. BESmW
See Ua for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
Hand Made Logger
From French
and Domestic Kip
Curren Green
A. A. PENNINGTON exclusive agent
Parker's Sheet Metal Shop
I do Sheet Metal Wotk exclusively, and it is my aim to
do the best work and give the best service possible in this line.
I have had exprr'ence In this line which means money to
you, because my work is right, my material is the best and
true to gauge, my service is prompt, and I guarantee satisfaction.
Thb is the time of year to think of your heating problem
for your borne. A HOT AIR FURNACE 2s what you
need. Come and see me and talk it over.
Phone Mtftoal
Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel
(With KiiLLIK Watho.x)
Both Phoaei: Bell 53 J; Mutual
P. O. Bcot H7
Abstracts on Short Notice by the
Pacific Abstract Co.
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
Whethtr you are going in February or in November, the time to
prepare for your visit to the
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Find out about this unique offer. Send tha coupon today
E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook, Orgoa .
You may send me FREE particulars about the San Francisco Exposi
tion Tours.
Read it in The Herald
The Most Widely Read Paper in the County
Issued Tuesdays and Fridays
p. in,