Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 28, 1913, Image 1

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:GESTC,RCULA'r,ONOF ANY Paper in TillamookSCounty
Tillamook, Okkoon, Octojiuk 28, 1 01 ;j.
5 y
It is tile dim of this Imnk to jIvc
t Ik? host Imuuiiif-service possible
mid we do it.
It in also our aim to have the
very best equipment such a.s
Modern I?ire Proof MmiUiuj,'
NotMii, l-'ire Proof Vault, Htu.
fjlar I 'roof Safe. Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes and we have
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
a m i err i t? a typ r? m i 1 a m v
On rrlday, Mvwilmr. Oct ttl, nt'J:W)
o'clock, Mrs. J. C. I'mikWii dM m
tho rilUjrvwk HmilUrlum, after an III.
nof 12 wooV. Mm. Punglwrn was
upurawm on wio I tiftcliiy provlotn to
her ttaaitiHml It was taped and thought
for n timu thai oho would rog-ln her
Tim doco4wl was n member of Iho'
MulliirlUl Cnurch and ti lino ChrlUfan
wuiihii, She luavon n hub4ml and
thrtu children: Marvin, aged 'J, M.y,
SJ 7, no lrnt, iwl I; ami a mother
ml m.tny ithrnltivn. Mu Blanche
born In 18 mmr Muldm,
ti i , ...... '
in., ami in ivu itha wa in cried to J.
U. lanborn nl Maiden, In March,
10ii, tliy cam to Tlllam ink C only.
buying th Ctrvur pUc nnJ uxUln-f
Uidir rtiIne thtr.
Ob Monday morning Mr. I'angborn
ami ehll.lrn, accompanied by Mrs,
Jaonli Hr.ilwn and MU AddU Kouk-,
IsUr, and Arthur Cam pb 1 1, cousin of
tho )Matd, left with 'lie liniy fur
Makltn, IIL, where th fuiwrnl services
will b randuelod by lUv. Kuhlman,
who wai pastor in cfurgn of the Metn-
friUt Chimb hr lint yr.
lltiforti leaving on MonJny morning
ihnt ifa,or nsrvieo was held at tlio
Doty hom, which ww attended by
rvlMlivm at J friends of tho deceasod.
Ther it n feeling of (loop regret and
Mirrow i rlt by nil of un community
who kn tlm dcroMSad, ixtmusc of her
untiroelv lenth. Woman of hor stamp
nro mut eorUinly a Iim U any community.
.Mr- r-ntgborn 1 not decided m to
wbailwr h wilt A-ll hi pro;rty anil
rmiuiin in U tnul turn ami mkc
lib) futurf honnf hr" tint maay
friundi h-rw bott that do will hii;
wny clear to return.
President Townsend Delivers Interest
ing Address in Reply to Address of
i Welcome by Chas. Kunze. Meet-
I s
ings Interesting, Weather
the htfchcHt- jcrade pew
Th nnnunl convention of the Orcifon tnnd chL-Mii of
ifU tCr mill f'hf.l MnllKr'n Aviruillrin I Ribb:.
ufl the OrcKon Dairyman'. AMocintion I V11 " ti !e .Tn..,"TK.t, t,r,;e
4nrDcd In thin city or Monday even, denr or : tv7 V.
u at ino JJIlnmook U)inmrcfnl Club, ichoesc, ' and more btiUcr. which will
Phil flritt U) hold tta cnrivcntinn u in I
nocr. and much intcront wi Ukvn in
tSe flmt mvcllnc.
Chitrlfli Kunie In his addreim of wcl-
corno to tho Uutter and Chcuo Mnlur'a
Aasoclntion, aid :
chpcc makeri of "Tillamook County,"
when It comes to "quality tcoods" have
the butter makers of our state some
what beaten.
"It is a well known fact that a fpw
years nf?o the cheese factories of this
county Kot toother, made up their
minds that they must have 'mjali'y
foods'; they made up a fund, as we
understand, nraonj; themselves, for the
purpose of employing an inspector, a
man who would visit their cheese fac
tories at rojrulnr intervals and inspect
the cheese made at each factory; and
when the cheese did not score ns 'ex
tras' his stamp was not put on such
Roods Here they beuan their educa
tion:!! work, and when the checrfe
maker was lacking, he was Instructed
what method to use in making better
Roods; and today Tillamook County
has the reputation of msklnir v..rv fins
cheese, 'quality foods'; n.-.d they de
serve this reputation because they
havp worked for it.
"Now, it js up to us as batter makers
to sec if we cannot do oi!allu ,
and RO them one better if possible; and
I trust thut at the session of this con
vention facts may bs brousbt out.
great benefit to
frti first to hold Its convention was I score ns 'extras offered on our mar- "lc." ..W,M of
it Uuttor nnd Chce.u Maker's Associa-1 lh".t .wo h.a(!,P.rc.vi,V!l to .?"r
..i ...t.i.i. t t t . i i .1 """""" t """niBiBiiuj.j.e mis i Lonslueraljle a
. of which T. S. Townsend is the i r.t I i.-.n...... .v, -...i ,ut. T vwraiuirauie o
ntdenL There wn a iimI ntU-raU Illation in imtr.. antir..nt nt m, .i.. I rendlnj; of the 1'res
than when first organized because:
First; consumers are continually de
manding higher tfrade Koods. Seco.id ;
Hurauie some of our competitors are
rnakinK quality oods. Jlonce, anv
butter or cheese uiuker, who expects
io siay in me game ami meet this com
iscussion 'followed tha
ident's address.
which, at fi was devoted to butter
making-and the lare amount of poor
quality placet! on the market. The
president went after the butter makers
to-do better. Both the president and
A. H Lea impressed upon the a3ocia-
Is a Kro.it pleasure U mo to have ! w"lc" IS Kcumg Ke.?r ami tion that it was a superior quality that
thJ opportunity nt this. time to extend kwner every day, must prepare n.m-' ... wan.d nrf fnr h . .
to you a hearti- welcome f roir' the ditf- nwko "quality t;oods." M.a want1 aind for wh,ch was
cront choc ami dairy orK.iniz.Utons " arn K,a,J to ay tt"t we now have i'ways a pood market, and their asso
urid tho iiifiiiDer f the Tillamook considerable quantity of quuiity jfc-i , ciatjon should Ret together to brimr
q.mmcrcial flub. Weconsidor it quite cominK on to our markets; but w-.- this about. Both of these gentlemen
n h.... .r i.. i.. .v.. th.. k. ...... ,.,.,1 i.n. ' have entire v loft much stuir nfTt'mi .. . .. " c"
be sold aj second un..
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
Aiiuritf y 4t Aivi NUry I'obllc
' ilSl'tllllHIHA I I I"
Sl'KVIvViN'O : lNSl'KAN'CH '
Tillainoob, Qrcgon,
On Your Own Account
to In. pli.coii JLr, auywny. Kvrryl-Kly ..... uffonl U
hlnK. .owvtf llltlo: " II..V0 .. Imnk mvounl of ym.r own un. o u
wllllifcof ImpiAi. bailor, mora liulopv-n-lm. . A f"- 11
tnoimy t.arn ,nort)) IU mi Krow llKKr. i rr -n -J
whom firo or U.Iovoh cm reel. It. Your bank-book is n nu-olpl
Pn. un ovlUonco of your wlso economy. ,
HMi iinn"
Tillamook Coyni Baiik
Do run; the post quarter l.V) pennita
for tlio appropritalon of water have
Ikh isriied by the f?tute Enuinuer, of
which number olyiii uro for tho con
struction of reservoirs. According to
tllct H'riuiU it i proKed to irrigate
.S.(?M ucrt's, dovolop Hl,71i5 liorse
Hiwcr, as well as for municipal anil
domestic purpotw.
The construction of tho works des
cribed In thojto permits would cost
nppnnimMtoly W.ItOO.tKW. of which
I amount is cstiniatinl the cost
' of constructini; roservolrn.
I The followinc ro pormits issued in
'Tillamook Coqnty during Urn pnxt
porrrsl J. Ayer of Heaver, has so
'curcilu permit to npproprintx water
( from an unnamoil spring In See. HO, Tp.
.IS., It W. for domestic purposes. Geo.
Colin of Tillamook, secured it permit
for tho irrigation of Ml acres of land,
including ilntmutlr- purposes, tho water
being diverted in Sec. 31, Tp. IS. 10W
from Fall Crook. 1). S. Davidson of
Heaver, secured n permit for domestic
purpoi.es, diverting tho water from
j Davidson upring h Sec. it!, Tp. 3S, K
V. .1. Schimbol of Portbnd, so
1 cured n permit for manufacturing,
i transportation nnd domestic purposes,
.diverting tho Wntor from Gunnery
j Crook in -See. Jl Tp., IN, U 10W. The
Whrolcr Lumber Company of Tilla
mook, socurod n pormit for miiniifact
liring and domestic purposes; the witter
being diverted from an unimnied creok
... ... .. ... ri if.il, ,(
i in Sec. io. I P. s k-iuw. n.
I Davidson and K. O. Itieharils of Boa
vor ucuril 'a pormit for tho develop
I incut of 31 horsepower, luelildliig do-
mestlc purposoi; the water being
diverted from Foland Oreok In See 3:1.,
,Tp. 3 s., k tnv,
mentioneu the new tanft law and Btat-
ed that both milk Rnd cream had been
otfer his services ' placed on the free list and that a Inrr
ivwi ( - .
iieilii.ru ti, ivifii-..fii, u.ith tia W,. li.U i Which has to
Uiwin no ocrn)iiin itt Hi k It n, n imru grant' gooos.
i'Tt'HL Hlotntfir uml whnr..t. fh., n.Mirili i "No mail Should
a.Tlllainook Uounty arc in the junior j " ouuer or cneese maKer. wmi aoes : amount of butter and cheese was bcinc
to Itthrniilom; these lines, wo will be tmlk aud cream, oven under tne most "'P ,nL the country, it was of sup-
ublu to insure you a good attendance at
this time.
So f.ir as iiuving to take the junior
clas of your orgnniiution, it is not
that wo are not i-iteri!std in your work
nnu woui.i uxe to novo taKeti an active
extreme aud most djpkult conditions; er,r nu'i' aid it was up to the bnt-
tweause thousands and thousands of ter and cheese makers to turn out as
dollars have been spent in educational aUperior an artice. Thcy did not
! times to accept and take in mill: or what effect the new taw would
cream, whicn he knows is not first ,' nave uPn aairying business, bev-
nnri before, but where conditions nat-' cli B"" : oing: to the scarcity j eral reasons vtam given for poor .qualt-,
lUllyMiavr ten -ritvorabbttohoM K1 VroJucljuiO-iha koun-compat.-l trlratteirTrihrrTnTjmi
your im-tingsin the wintor time, un-; tion. It is ncceptd. Hence the bitter . f . ' !nTni-T" t
t.l just Utoly It was very unfavorable "ker or cheese maRer must prepare tar surroL-tin. .nxenced mak-,
to the iwjpro'of Tillamook County. rnC" "'vl understaxni how to best era and wron starteri. F.W.Christ-.
Previous to the railroad being built to handle tbese.products. If you do not ensen then gave so .-.a useful ioforma
Tillamoou there were but two public . JVw t - your finished pro- tion as to the euccew wnh attended
crrlor. one was by mountain road on,,lucW . a very good way for you to . m,mlfn..tll r . in Tiiami,
winch you gunorally faced from five t ascertain whether the quality is right , manufacture of - Arose in Tillamook
llftuen feot of snow ami the other WUS' "f not, "is to w.ich your account sales; . County, one of whi-n was that the
by water, whore, with tho southerly and if your proiuct does not bring ilu-cheese makers had inj'.ructions not to
winds you stood .a good chance to be highest market Mice, you may be sure , receive mUk that wa3 unwholesome,
bar bound from one to two months at ! tnu.1. (1HH.' l. is lacking. 'n,....,.,,. ; :. i
. i wish II possible tp get this
.: ' . . .. ' il!li.l'lntiajl I.... .,.... ..,4 ....!. .1:11.. im. tha lUtTnr.int i.An.i.ult.rj ..tnlAa
ros', gentiomon, 1 merely mentions .(""..vj hu""u" vvrri..,i
this so that you will not criticise us too upon your mind, ainl if you' will pardon ; and lurning out a uniform grade of
utrongly for not having shown more ! "e 80 "0n ami allow me to reter chee9e. In regard to che-?se makers he
Interest in the state organisation or .K.nwiguunK uiWi d h exnerienceJ makers had
f . I, ..;...., .. i,m.. . season of inv own: siunu mat cxpt-riencea mJKers naa
for membership in your secretary'
botiksi for wu fully reatizo the import
ant part tho cheese and butter makers
fill in the dairy industry, from the time
tho dairyman turii-i tha fu-row to sow
his crops, which are to he converted
(.. III. ...1 ...... I I - ....
nio iiiiik, uiHi men ueiivureu io. i.-iu
r certain creamery wanted us to ! come here from the East, but strange
i handW their butter. When the tlrst
shipment was received, 'we found that
' tne butter scored very low and would
I only pass for n good seconj grade
and' so reported to the proprie-
to hay. some of these had not made '
good. The system which he had inaug
urated, that of giving younT men two
or three years apprenticeship in the
rnr hum fit thf anmi. tirn? ;iaL..il . I.mn ...... ... a .1. : . . . : ,
mil iiiiik. mui iniii it.iivi.ri.il lu t 111 i " v.... , .n,.ii .nbkuiivs. wu.iviuu iiiusi. ULia-
choose or buttor factory and the re- j !' 'f "c cou "nt change his method ;'faiitbry, so much so' that some of these
turns there mm ,comiensate him for i somewhat so as to Iropruvc the quality. ' -arrvlmr off
nil liis labor. Not only have you got ii his goods ; and staled that he might "R J-hedfe.m" ere ca"JC Off
to hatiafy tho di.irymim but you iUso ' niuku us another slhpment, which we the bvst prizes Ih the Cheese contests,
have to satisfy tho consumer as to hi-iW0UW insport. The second shipment 1 President Townsend appointed the
lino taste. ' wn received by us. The quality, how-, followin(r committees :
Wo fully understand that the dairy- JS'j! Resolutions t L. B. ZienVer; F. W.
men take n certain part of the rospon-, m"u aLCoruinL.i , oui uiu noi aaK n , . .
sihility in pnxluciiig good clean and i 10 se"" another shipment, for we Uinstensen, Quy rord, A. H. Le!.
wholesome milk, realising the fact that thought that ho certainly would not be Auditing: Hugh Barbsr. A. A. Un
the cheese uud butter makers and the , satwued with the price we were paying: ierhiU, J. Ci Robinson.
All (lOiicral Fund Warrants endorsed
prior to Sept. 23, I0l3, and nil Road
Fund Warrants ondorHed poior to Sept.
15, "lOKt'wtll be paid upon presentation..
Interest coftses Oct. 28, VSX .
II. L, Reals,
' ' ' , Comity Treasurer,
" ii 'ga.
On account of Circuit Couri "being In
session at 'tho Court 'house on Siturdny
nftornoon, It will 'bp necessary for tho
Stoclthoklurs of tho' Fnirf Association, to
link) their A'neoItU mooting In tho Tilla-
.'ftioolt 'Coinmoi'dliil Club rooirts.
Jonas OlfOii,' brought to'tho Herald
ollli-o on Friday Inst several lino hng-
ilish walnuts which he mil hercu irom
trees at his farm oirtho Wilson Rlvor.-
I They itro just-ns gaidUm waliiuW grown
loUowiKHJ and .dl'inonWrnte' "thut
! another vnluiibltfpMuct'catrbtf Krowni
lure. '' . .
dairymen ought to work together in
working oui the best results, and
whereas tho opportunity is available
at this time, to-solvo these great prob
lems, I extend to you it hearty welcome
from tho dairvmen, cheesemakers nnd
citizens of Tillamook."
President Townsend,, in- reply pre
faced his reply with a fow remarks
regarding Tillajiiook. . Ho said:
"There ip no town or city in Oregon
that gives niu moro pleasure in having
the Butter and Cheese Makers Asso
ciation meet, than Jiero a, Tijlamook;
because it was at this, placo twenty
ono years ago, that 1 built my first
butter nbd cheeso'factory In 'the state.
of Oregon',;! anil I mlglilyalso state that
it was tliuilrst commercial factory to
bo Uiilt in Tillamook County.'
'This wfts the beKiim.rng of creamery
work In Tillamook County; and tho
farmers not, being acquainted with tlio
method pursued by creameries, to huvo
their milk nnd cream taken off their
farm to bo worked up? many of them
looked upon tho now ' industry with
some suspicion. But when tho build
ing and machinery were gently Xor op
eration, tho business started with a
rush. Aly business relations with the
farmers of Tillamook County, were so
agreeablp and pleasant that It is al
ways 'a, pleasure to come back to Tilla
mook." Mr. tow.ns6nd then dollvered his an;
nual address to tho association, his,
subject being "Quality Goods," which
was as follows: ' ,tJ ,
"To members of the (ljuftec..and,
Cheeso Makers Association,.! want , to
say that tho object of our WsociatioiV
ia purely for eitiieutioiml putiwdud, that
vuii imiv meet tneetlier and. confer with-
one another .hs.JUj' hpjtor- neMlls In
nevertheless, in u few days we receiveil
a wire front the party asking if we
could usO some more goods'.'- We re
plied that we could .lit the price wo had
been allowing him, also advised him,
that wo coulu take one hundre'd cubes.
and that he could have three weeks for
By Laws:-A.' II. Ixc, L. P. Holger
son. A. Unde'rhill.
Tuesday mornings subjects 'were
"Quality" by L. P. Holgerson of Junc
tion City, and "Factory Inspection-'
tilling tho order. He accepted our I by Deputy Dairy anu Food Inspector,
offer. Now, I know for a -fact that 1 L. B. Ziemer, both of which were fol
this creamery is very hard 'put to it.: lowed with discussions,
to meet tho keen competition which ; . .. . , . . , ,. :
they have to meet in buying butterfat. ( A ,not,on wa maJe nnd '""' that ,
One of two things is absolutely sure: h telegram bo seht-to tho National 1
First, either the creamery man is. los-1 Convention assuring that the Oregon '
ing a lot of money; second, or the- Association was heartily in accord vith '
farmers, whom he is buying from, are,; , .,.,..
not getting the real value of their ! the N"t"nal Association.
"Now, boys, my object in referring'
to this business transaction is merely I
io snow you mo greui i in uioo oi . iDiral voters residine within tho
your being prepared and knowing how A" .ffa' , f,, B , ! ?.
to malce 'quality' goods; for no cream-! corporate limits of Tillamook City are
ery man can exist very long operating j required- to'bo registered at tho City
as tho one I hive rofurred to: ami I border's otlico in order to vote at tho
tnniK 1 ougnt to iurtner suite uiai uie ,
luiltiir in thn lust sliinment. which this coming
cTi'iunurv made to us. would hardlv I ditibn
tiass for a irood third grade.
"I seriously doubt whether there is
to exceed -10 per cent of our present,
butter makers in this state, who are
making butter thut J will grade as
"I also seriously doubt whether these
butter makers, whoso butter does not
grade as extras, are actually doing
their "very best," and making uso
of ull the knowledge thoy have
in making up their product; and the
time has come that when a man
starts in tho race, ho must give tho
very best that is in him. You cannot
ufford to be Black or indifferont in your
methods. Ofcoursu it is hard work
and long hours, but If you cannot stand
these conditions, the time wil come
that you will have to step down und
out of the way for some other fellow,
who -has the knowledge and is willing
to do hia best.
"H in wlfh much nloasuro that we!
can note the great change in the quality ,
or the cheese now being uianuiaciuruu
in THlamopK uounty ; anu we musi, con
City. Election -This is-in ad-
to tho registration with tha
County Clerk for County" '& St.lfo olec-'
General Laws of Oregon 1913 Sec
tion 21 Chapter 323. '
P. W. TODD. 'City Recorder.
Tillamook, Ote.
lianuilllg our miiK uim 1-reuin ituuwu, m imwiwv vuj , -
' , " .. ...!.... .!.... I....-.- o. tun lr U nnr nnlnlnn that tha l
anu manuiaevuriiiK mm mw vuvvw woo iv - w wr. ......
. I-